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NY Rep. Carolyn Maloney Questions Vaccine Reactions in Military

Military_vaccinesBy David Kirby

I know that Congress has abysmally low favorable ratings right now, with that well worn-adjective “do nothing” firmly appended to its image and reputation – once again. But some Representatives of the People are paying attention, taking action, asking questions.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) is one such member (and yes, they sit on both sides of the aisle, to be sure). Not too long ago, I posted an article on the Huffington Post (HERE) about the US Military apparently indicating that up to 1-2% of US service-members were suffering from severe reactions to the rather long list of vaccinations they must receive in order to be sent overseas.

This afternoon, Rep. Maloney sent the following letter (HERE) to the Department of Defense, asking for clarification on the matter.

“The Department of Defense's Vaccine Healthcare Center (VHC) 2007 presentation on vaccine safety raises serious questions concerning the potential for vaccine-related health risks and disabilities among servicemembers and their beneficiaries,” Maloney wrote.

It is hard to argue with that.

But it is also hard to believe that we could be causing serious injury to 1 in 50 service members, and I doubt that the numbers are that high. But if the rates of injury are anywhere near that, this still raises questions about the wisdom and safety of imposing a one-size-fits all vaccine schedule on a population with relatively common genetic variances that might confer suscepabtility to serious, even permanent vaccine injury.

Naturally, this matter is of considerable importance to the vaccine-autism debate.
I think most Americans would appreciate Carolyn Maloney’s pro-active stance on this inquiry (no one asked her to do this) and hope for a timely and satisfactory reply from the Pentagon.

As Maloney herself said: “Given the scope and size of the United States military's immunization programs, the data in this presentation is most compelling not only in its implications for military servicemembers and their families but for the American public at large.”

David Kirby is a journalist, author of Evidence of Harm and a contributor to Age of Autism.



My sister worked for a wellness clinic that received a visit from Department of Navy doctors. The doctors told the staff at the clinic that Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the vaccines given to soldiers. A full 30% of all soldiers(Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force) from Gulf War One had the syndrome.
The clinic specialized in vaccine related injury.


The Department of Defense attends the CDC ACIP meetings and reports on any vaccine issues when the agency reports. ACIP discusses and recommends vaccine guidelines.
I have personally witnessed, numerous times, pharmaceuticals presenting their own safety data to ACIP.
To me a company headquartered in France has no business field testing a vaccine and advising dosage for our troops. This is a direct assault to America's sovereignty.
As was the case when Anthrax was presented.
I was dumbfounded the press table did not question this, especially since the last Anthrax vaccine was a miserable failure.
Attend ACIP, every vaccinating parent should.
You will see Paul Offit is one of many.

Lorelei Cadotte

I had the flu shot 11/14/97 and went into labor the 15th of November. Had a c-section already preplanned because my son was breech, but I believe the flu shot caused the early labor and birth. My son is PDD-NOS and I think this is related to his condition. He wasn't diagnosed until he was 10 because the reservation we lived on didn't have the resources. It wasn't until we moved to a different school district on another reservation in South Dakota did we get the diagnosis. Reservations are third world in the US when it comes to newer health technology or unless you have a ton of money.


Becky, last I checked, Japanese Encephalitis vaccine had THIRTY FIVE mcg of Thimerosal! 35!!!! It's data sheet says, "do not take if allergic to Thimerosal."

Kim - plus the flu shot every year while in the AF. In 1999 I got anthrax plus flu in a single trip to the clinic.

My 2-year old son is not vax. Not with my diagnosis of ms (autoimmune). Not after what happened to me.

In 2001, there was a shortage of flu shots. So us low-risk military folks had to wait for new shipments. I got my flu shot in March. Yep. I asked the guy if it was a punitive measure.

Isn't everybody allergic to thimerosal? Considering is the second dealiest substance on earth?


Becky, last I checked, Japanese Encephalitis vaccine had THIRTY FIVE mcg of Thimerosal! 35!!!! It's data sheet says, "do not take if allergic to Thimerosal."

I've wondered if the mental health issues our military men and women now face are related to their vaccinations. I don't think our WWII vets were "stronger" or more stoic - I think they wer LESS VACCINE INJURED and therefore had less mental illness.


One in 50 seems low to me.

I was in the AF from '90 - 2001. I have been shot up with everything known to man and a few things that are not known. Unlike "normal" adults who stop vax'ing once out of school, etc., the military shoots you up every year at your physical. Also because I was aircrew I was often re-vax'd before deployments (which were frequent).

I watched my friends suffer horrible back spasms after the anthrax shot. The docs said it couldn't possibly be related. But we all got vax'd at the same time and it was five of my friends and it happened AT THE EXACT SAME TIME after the shots. Me, I was the only girl. My back spasms didn't start until after the fourth shot. Nope, instead my left leg began dragging and was weak. I ran a 5k the week after the shot and stumbled several times. Multiple sclerosis for me.

Besides anthrax I was also gifted with the JE (Japanese encephalitis) shot YEARLY while stationed in Okinawa. That's 7 shots that are not even evaluated by the FDA because the shots are not used in the good 'ol US of A.

Adverse events are under reported.......we were told to shut up.


"Naturally, this matter is of considerable importance to the vaccine-autism debate."

Exactly! And thank you, (as per usual) Mr. Kirby, for reminding everyone that what happens in the military is very important to those of us in the private sector - we should all keep a very close eye on these events as they unfold.

For Ang: LOL



Do you know if the pharmaceutical management, or marketing, or technical people interact with both the military and the CDC? And then is it possible that the reckless and aggressive approach to the national vaccine program, with its failure to ensure safety for our children first, is connected to the US Military’s concern over national security?


The link to the letter didn't work for me. Anyone else having this problem? I would love to read it.


It was very troubling to me to hear a pharmaceutical rep for a company head quartered in France, advise ACIP/CDC officials and the Dept of Defense, on how many doses are needed of the new Anthrax vaccine - after only doing primate studies.
Our children and our armed forces deserve to be more than guinea pigs.
Vaccine A failed horribly but it all gets swept under the carpet.
There is a national security breech when a 3rd party doesn't evaluate safety of military vaccines.

Holly Austin

Thank you David for keeping us informed. Thank you Rep. Maloney as well. I anxiously await the response.

Angela Warner


This is amazing... I mean I am seriously speechless, other than to say...

THANK YOU DAVID KIRBY! (aka Mr. Wonderful, in a few circles)


And it is HIGH TIME for our government to be held accountable for the continued in-action and "do nothing" attitude!

I guess I'll be writing a bit about this for Autism Salutes... As Theodore Parker said, "...Things cannot be mismanaged long."

Thank you again, David, for your tireless passion and effort to make the truth known!

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