"He's Really All About The Science"

Patrick Soon-Shiong
By Kim Rossi

I listen to Mark Halperin's Morning Meeting each day on the 2WayApp on both X and YouTube.  The program includes Sean Spicer (with the Republican point of view) and Dan Turrentine (with the Democrat point of view.) Viewers and guests participate via Zoom and the show is FANtastic. It presents an old school look at politics that's insightful, engaging and actually brings people together. 

On Monday, the special guest was LA Times newspaper owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, who frankly, surprised the heck out of listeners, especially when he spoke highly of his meeting with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently. His words? "I was so impressed." And, "He's all about the science." He even said he knows more than most medical doctors about his topics. So, we invite you to listen for yourself on the video below. Start at 34:00 and listen through about 38:00. He discussed the insanity of UK banning carcinogenic dyes and yet the USA allows kids to eat them (morning, noon and night.) Also, the polio vaccine, mercury, and the Trump Covid vaccine. The LA Times has been brutal over the years to the vaccine injury community. Brutal. And yet, here we are. Let's see where we end up.

Morning Meeting With Mark Halperin.

Monday, January 13, 2025

TODAY'S TOPICS: Discussion with special guest Patrick Soon-Shiong, owner and executive chairman of the Los Angeles Times, including:

  • Los Angeles and the fires
  • The Trump health agenda
  • The future of news

The Morning Meeting with Mark Halperin, Sean Spicer & Dan Turrentine. Every weekday morning our hosts discuss today’s political news and take live Q&A from our Zoom participants. FOLLOW US:   / 2waytvapp     / 2waytvapp     / 2waytvapp   https://www.2WAY.tv



Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

James Lyons-Weiler PhD Responds to Dr. Peter Hotez on Popular Rationalism Substack

Science post imageNote: Below, we have excerpted an important Substack article from James Lyons-Weiler, PhD's Popular Rationalism about Dr. Peter Hotez. Dr. Hotez is well known to us.  He has an adult daughter with autism named Rachel. And he is a vaccine researcher. I can't say we'd share a cocktail if we bumped into each other at a party. Not even a Suffering Bastard. We invite you to pop over to and subscribe to Dr. Lyons'Weiler's Substack. His depth of science knowledge as it pertains to the pressing issues of the day is critically important and needs a wide distribution.  You can learn more at IPAK Knowledge. Thank you.


Lyons-Weiler Responds to Hotez

By James Lyons-Weiler, PhD

The vaccine activists who conducted and promoted science-like activities to hide vaccine risk are acting as though we don't know about the fraud.

Hotez believes that telling the world that there will be four years of “anti-vaccine activism” is an effective Public Health message. In reality, Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s appointment will mean an end to narrative enforced “science-like activities” and a return to bona fide science. We’re planning four years or more of objective science conducted on vaccines. And we are planning prosecutions for fraud, misuse of federal research funding, all of it. As long as he continues to attempt to gaslight with these tropes, we will not be able to take him, or people who act like him, seriously.


Mischaracterizing Vaccine Risk Awareness

In It Won’t End with COVID: Countering the Next Phase of American Antivaccine Activism 2025–29, published this week in PLOS One, Peter Hotez begins by framing all vaccine skepticism as an ideological phenomenon, driven by political partisanship and disinformation campaigns. This reductive view is not only misleading but also entirely counterproductive. It ignores the legitimate, evidence-based concerns raised by a massive number of individuals and groups, many of whom describe themselves as vaccine risk-aware. By dismissing these concerns as “antivaccine activism” or “hesitancy,” Hotez fails to address the complexity and diversity of the movement. There is a spectrum of positions in the community he casts as “antivaccine”, but he seeks to alienate and minimize those who have sought dialogue and reform rather than confrontation. He seems to be succeeding at increasing the risk of alienating himself from the future of science.

The Problem with Oversimplification

Hotez’s use of terms like vaccine hesitancy and antivaccine is both scientifically imprecise and rhetorically polarizing. These terms suggest that individuals questioning vaccine policies are either indecisive or fundamentally opposed to vaccination, ignoring the nuanced positions many hold. For instance, vaccine hesitancy implies that individuals are simply delaying vaccination due to uncertainty, whereas antivaccine paints them as ideological opponents to all immunizations. Neither term captures the concerns of those actively examining vaccine safety, efficacy, and ethical issues.

The failure to differentiate between legitimate critique and ideological opposition has significant consequences. It is an attempt to delegitimize the voices of scientists, medical professionals, and informed citizens who challenge the status quo based on data and firsthand experiences. It also discourages public health personnel from engaging with these voices constructively, perpetuating a cycle of mistrust.

The Diversity of Vaccine Risk Awareness

The vaccine risk awareness movement is far from a monolithic group of ideological nutjobs. It encompasses a broad spectrum of individuals and motivations, united by a shared concern for safety, transparency, and ethical medical practices. Among them are:

  • Parents who, after observing adverse events in their children post-vaccination, seek greater accountability and assurance of safety in the vaccination process. Some of these parents then reject vaccines outright, other do not. But all are demanding answers to why adverse events occur and how they can be prevented because, as they have said, they would not anyone to have experience what they had to endure. The deserve to be treated with utmost respect.
  • Researchers, Scientists and Doctors who have found and have highlighted methodological flaws in vaccine safety studies, such as the lack of true placebos, short follow-up periods, and conflicts of interest. Their critiques are rooted in scientific rigor and a commitment to improving public health outcomes. Many merely want to promote objectivity in science, and they have found that the vaccine risk aware public agrees, entirely, that fraud, not science, lies at the base of the issues of what is known about vaccines.
  • Advocates for Medical Ethics and Human Rights who oppose coercive mandates that undermine the principle of informed consent. These individuals emphasize the importance of personal autonomy and the right to make medical decisions free from undue pressure or societal shaming.
  • Concerned Citizens who question the integrity of public health institutions after observing inconsistencies, omissions, or manipulations in the communication of vaccine safety and efficacy.

This diversity of perspectives underscores the need for a more inclusive and nuanced approach to addressing vaccine-related concerns. Labeling all critiques as "antivaccine" not only oversimplifies the issue but also alienates people who might otherwise support vaccination if their questions and concerns were addressed transparently.

Hotez’s Missed Opportunity for Constructive Engagement

By failing to recognize the legitimacy of vaccine risk awareness, Hotez has missed an important opportunity to engage constructively with the future leaders of science in America. Instead of fostering dialogue, his approach perpetuates an "us versus them" mentality, further polarizing public health discourse. The polarizing tools - such as characterizing vaccine risk awareness as something that only exists on the “far right” - has nearly torn our society in two. Constructive engagement will require acknowledging the validity and value of certain critiques and working collaboratively to address them. For example:

  • Addressing parental concerns about adverse events by improving post-market surveillance systems and ensuring that these systems capture a broader spectrum of potential risks (e.g., making reporting vaccine injuries mandatory with penalties to doctors who fail to report; studies using whole-outcome awareness).
  • Responding to scientific critiques by conducting independent, transparent studies with robust methodologies that include true placebo groups and long-term follow-up.
  • Upholding the principle of informed consent by ending coercive mandates and providing clear, unbiased information about vaccine risks and benefits.
  • Being forthright on the realities of quantifiable risk; end biased messaging and stop burying vaccine injury risk under the unquantified euphemism of “rare”. READ MORE HERE.

Sen. Chris Murphy Says RFK, Jr. "Wants to Kill Our Kids"

CT MaoNote: I live in Connecticut. We lost our school's religious vaccine exemption a few years ago, and have only a medical exemption that's nearly impossible to to get. That said, we have decent budgets for people with autism AND IQ (testable) under 70. For those with IQ that tests over 70? Or those who do not need IQ testing? We are as much as wasteland as any state in the Union. And lack of adult services, employment and housing is a huge problem. We have a crisis.

Our Senator Chris Murphy said something unconscionable during an interview. He said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to kill children - referring to Kennedy's discussion of vaccines. Nothing could be further from the truth. But Yale has a strong influence here in Connecticut, as does the pharmaceutical industry. I think Murphy cares about the Nutmeg state's kids. But he is powerfully influenced by industry too.  Massachusetts (our neighbor) Senator Elizabeth Warren has been positively RABID about Kennedy, proclaiming that he wants polio to return at every opportunity. Again. Untrue. Funny, these politicians ONLY focus on Kennedy's vaccination stance, never his myriad other changes in terms of food, water, health. Just the vaccines.


By Anne Dachel

Sen. Chris Murphy Needs to Start Caring about the Children of Connecticut

During an interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky on the Ingraham Angle on January 6th, Laura Ingraham included a 20 second clip of Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy that blatantly lied about the aims of HHS nominee, Robert Kennedy, Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMNy09fRrvw

Murphy put on a histrionic display of fear over what Kennedy wants to do.  It was right out of the Sen. Elizabeth Warren playbook where she announced RFK is “welcoming a return to polio.”


Sen. Murphy said,

Why are we giving RFK, Jr. a pass?

Okay, he wants to ban pharmaceutical advertising. That’s nice.

He also wants to kill our kids by withdrawing vaccines from our schools and taking fluoride out of our drinking water.

Of course any normal person listening to Kennedy’s plans to eliminate the “corporate capture” of our regulatory agencies knows Warren and Murphy are just making up their own narrative.

Why not demand independent double blind studies for vaccines, like any other pharmaceutical product?

Continue reading "Sen. Chris Murphy Says RFK, Jr. "Wants to Kill Our Kids"" »


Strong-womenBy Cathy Jameson

I took 18 years off from work to raise my children.  I wouldn’t say that it was a break in the sense that I was taking time off from a job to get away from it or to relax for a bit.  I was fulfilling a different vocation during that time.  I had always thought about going back to a paying job when the kids were a bit older, but I felt a much stronger calling to stay home long past when other women might return to work.  While home with my kids, I was advocating, homeschooling, and keeping up with my typical children’s activities.  For my son with special needs, I was learning about long-lasting side effects, managing medications, coordinating therapies, and adjusting life when life needed to be adjusted.

A few years ago, I got a text about a job opening at a school.  I laughed.  Go back to teaching?  It was a dream of mine to do that, but now?  Ha!  Like I could go back to work, I thought.  My husband still traveled quite a bit for his job, Ronan’s needs were still pretty great, and my other kids’ afterschool and sports schedules kept me pretty busy.  I longed to use my brain in a different capacity again, but the very thought of being back in the classroom seemed overwhelming.  My friend texted more info and asked me to think it over.  Could I begin to juggle work and the intense demands life placed on me?  It was a part-time assistant position, and because the boss knew of my family’s unique needs, I would be offered some flexibility if hired.  They said that family – and especially Ronan, would come first, but I’d need to be available 20 hours a week.  From one hour to the next, nothing about our life at the time was consistent, but my husband and I went to task with this unexpected offer. 

We talked it over.

We played every scenario in our heads.

We wrote down all the what ifs.

We went back and forth with the pros and the cons.

It would be a huge adjustment for all of us if I started to work outside our home.  Ironically, though, only a few days prior had I shared with my husband that finances were getting tight.  When big problems feel like they are getting bigger, I also shared my worries with God. Lord, I shared, I need You to step in because I don’t know how we’re going to manage things right now.  While dropping the kids off at school later, I looked up toward the heavens and said, “God, I don’t know if our budget will cover everything.  It looks like we are going to be short this month.  I have moved money from one account to the next, cut costs wherever I could.  We need this much monthly to make ends meet.  Please help.”

When I got more information about the job offer, my pay, with benefits, would be the exact amount I’d asked God to help us with.  Down to the penny, it was the exact amount!!  I had told my husband that if every door opened – without us forcing any to open, I would consider that as a good sign for me and for us as a family.  I felt that proverbial door swing wide open when I signed my contract. 

That was six years ago.  I’m working more full-time now thanks to great support from the kids, my husband, and by being blessed with consistently kind and compassionate caregivers who work with Ronan.  Because of all of that, I also had the chance to take a class again.  I knew that would be challenging – not just the class itself but being back in studying mode.  That part of my brain craved the chance to learn in that setting again, but it has been a very, very long time since I sat in a college-level class.  Last semester, I proved to myself that I could handle the coursework, my job, and my role as wife and mother.  That had me looking at other educational opportunities – ones that won’t just benefit me but can benefit those I serve.  In looking for scholarships for my next endeavor, which will be a M.Ed. in Special Education, I stumbled across a word I had never seen – returnship.

It sounded silly.

It sounded made up.

It sounded awkward, too.

It may not be a word in my dictionary, but it’s a concept that also sounded empowering to those who are about to re-enter the workforce like I did after a very long stretch of time. 

Cj returnship

When the kids were much younger and I dreamed of going back to work, I kicked around the idea of going into the medical field.  I wondered way back then about returning to school also – either in medicine or to be a therapist (as an OT or PT).  I had also considered one day looking at advocating professionally.  I’ve advocated for my son for two decades, but none of that work ever resulted in a paycheck.  Even though I had no training in it prior to his birth, I work my hardest to get things for Ronan.  If ever I chose to switch careers from education to being a paid advocate I would look at this returnship idea and for opportunities to be mentored.  Who better to ask for help?  It’s those who are steps ahead of me that have helped me the most. 

How about you?  When your child got sick or was diagnosed, did you have to leave your paying job?  Were you able to go back to work?  Did you stay in your original field or did another opportunity pop up?  I’m doing okay where I am, and I’m excited to pursue the next steps in the field that I’ve been most comfortable and happy.  Others have shared that my knowledge has helped them and their children.  I joke that I’d do it for free, but I am so grateful to have the time, the opportunity, and the support – from family and from those consistently kind and compassionate caregivers, to continue to do what I get to do when I’m at work.

Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.

Do You Think Pfacebook Means To Allow Free Speech?

Bitten 1000Congratulations and thank you to CHD! See their article from The Defender below. Mark Zuckerberg seems to have found Jesus regarding free speech, ending Meta's third party fact checking. While we don't like to punish progress, we worry that the intended move to "Community Notes" means pharma, pfood and any lobbying nation or group will hire those pformer pfactcheckers to make the notes say exactly what they are paid to say.


From Children's Health Defense

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

Facebook Dumps ‘Fact-checkers’ One Day After CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Censorship Case Against Meta

Less than 24 hours after Children’s Health Defense (CHD) petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its censorship case against Facebook’s parent company, Meta, Mark Zuckerberg announced the company is ending its third-party “fact-checking” program.

“It’s time to get back to our roots around free expression on Facebook and Instagram,” Zuckerberg told viewers in a press release video. Meta also owns Instagram.

CHD sued Meta in November 2020 over the social media giant’s censorship practices. The company de-platformed CHD from Facebook and Instagram in August 2022 and has not reinstated the accounts.

Commenting on today’s news, CHD CEO Mary Holland told The Defender, “It’s clear that Mark Zuckerberg is worried about new anti-censorship policies of the incoming administration — as he should be. The record in CHD v. Meta clearly shows Facebook’s close collaboration with the White House to censor vaccine-related speech, even pre-COVID.”

Holland added:

“CHD has taken its case to the Supreme Court, and Facebook doubtless realizes there are Justices there that are very dubious about Facebook’s role in censoring speech at the behest of the government in the new public square.

Continue reading "Do You Think Pfacebook Means To Allow Free Speech?" »

The Media and the Really Big Lie about Autism

Big lieBy Anne Dachel

Over the past 20 years I’ve written many times about the REALLY BIG LIE ABOUT AUTISM, namely that there aren’t more children with autism today. We’re better at recognizing it; doctors are better at diagnosing it.

If we’re told that over and over, everyone will believe it, and it’s working.

Without exception, whenever there’s a new, higher autism rate in the U.S, someone from the Centers for Disease Control will be there to reassure us that the new numbers don’t represent a true increase.

The mainstream media universally promotes this absurd claim. This has led to seeing autism as just part of neurodiversity, something to be accepted and celebrated every April during Autism Awareness Month.

Instilling this in the minds of the American public is critical for those who deny that the dramatic increase in the childhood vaccine schedule is directly linked to the explosion in the autism rate. IF there has always been autism like this, unrecognized, then giving kids more vaccines has nothing to do with it.

We allow the same people who approve the vaccine schedule and who have endless money ties to the vaccine industry to scratch their collective heads when it comes to what causes autism.

Mainstream news outlets and corporate controlled TV networks can be expected to deny that vaccines do bad things to kids like cause autism, ADHD and a host of autoimmune disorders. After all, pharmaceutical ads pretty much fund news coverage.

Continue reading "The Media and the Really Big Lie about Autism" »

Vaccine Science = Fraud: How to Fix the Vaccine Mess

Fraud puzzl;eBy Dr. William H. Gaunt, NMD

We will have a rare opportunity to get to the truth about vaccines when RFK Jr becomes the director of HHS (Health and Human Services). Senate hearings to consider Kennedy’s nomination to that position will begin soon. There will be strong opposition. If Kennedy is not confirmed, the rest of this article is null and void and big pharma will be able to continue business as usual.

Rigged Vaccine Science:

“The sad truth is that clinical trials of vaccines have always been and continue to be designed to hide the side effects. They are rigged.” Paul Thomas, MD on page 87 of his new book Vax Facts. More on this book below.

Rock Solid Honest Science Is the Way Forward.

The scientific community will respond to real science. It will take incontrovertible and irrefutable evidence to convince scientists. Once the majority of scientists are convinced that vaccine science is fraudulent, they will support honest testing of vaccines. The truth will then emerge.  

Why Has Vaccine Science Become Dishonest?

Huge amounts of money almost inevitably lead to corruption. The book Science for Sale by David L. Lewis, PhD describes how this happens in many areas. The purpose of fraudulent vaccine science has been to deceive the public into believing that vaccines are safe and effective and that deaths and serious injuries caused by vaccines are rare. That has been an effective marketing message which many people still believe. Honest science will show that “safe and effective” is a blatant lie.  

How to Cheat with Vaccine Science:

The book Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth describes in detail how vaccine scientific fraud is done. The best way to understand this is to read that book. If you click this link: “How to Cheat and Lie with Vaccine Science”, it will bring up my review of the Turtles book at ageofautism.com.

Regulatory Capture Must Be Destroyed.

The FDA, CDC and other regulatory agencies have been captured by big pharma.  These agencies once functioned to protect the public. They now function to protect and promote pharma companies. Kennedy must completely clean house in these agencies. Competent people who are not compromised by conflicts of interest will need to be installed to return these agencies to their original function: protecting the public from predatory big pharma companies.

Here Is a Big First Step:

Continue reading "Vaccine Science = Fraud: How to Fix the Vaccine Mess" »

The Privacy Invasion & Currency Called Autism Behavior


Read that cartoon carefully. It's true. And if we think about it, discriminatory and depressing. Did you know that behavior is currency in the disability world? The constant tracking & labeling of behavior is demoralizing for the individual and for the parent who has to read the data reports.  I'm sure my girls hear the click click of data takers in their sleep. Me? I let the BCBAs do their book learnin' thing, then I mostly ignore them. They mean well. But I've never seen a behavior "extinguished" that I can directly correlate with a bip, aka behavior plan.

I have 82 years of 24/7 experience between my 3 daughters (ages 30, 28, 24) versus a well meaning 27 year old with a BCBA degree that focused on birth to 3 and school age kids from a middle of the pack college program, likely completed online. Game. Set. Match. Parent.

Two years ago, a newly minted BCBA chirped at a meeting, "This is the LONGEST behavior plan I've ever written!" The plan was 10 pages of BCBA vocabulary and toddler age activities and solutions. I turned to her and said, "I'm sure your college professor would give you an A. But the staff who has to follow this probably reads at no more than an 8th grade level and doesn't have the wherewithal  to decode what you are saying, let alone implement it.  The plan is functionally useless." I don't parse words any longer.

I play the game. I listen. I nod. I file away the litany of behaviors knowing that they add up to services my daughters (and I) need. I'm happy to have the support. Still, I hope that one day, that the system will focus more on what they CAN do well and beautifully, what makes them terrific women, and not just the part of their autism that looks like "bad behavior."


Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

Like A Fish Needs Aluminium

Fish needs a bicycleAny readers old enough to know the saying, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle?" Dr. Chris Exley in the UK has a fascinating article on his Substack about fish, aluminium and behavior changes. I've excerpted and linked below. DO follow his work as we have for many years.


Fish Behaving Badly Is aluminium antisocial too?

Recently I came across a new paper describing aluminium as a 'behavioural disruptor' in fish. As many of you will already know I began my aluminium odyssey studying aluminium toxicity in fish and owe much of my understanding of human exposure to aluminium to this early work.

In my book I wrote the following about how juvenile salmon responded to an acute exposure to aluminium.

Some assaults on the senses imprint for life. One that remains with me is a smell that heralded salmon parr dead and dying from intoxication by aluminium. A parr is a juvenile salmon before it begins its journey from freshwater to the sea. I first encountered this fetid, though curiously sweet, aroma during undergraduate research into how aluminium interfered with the homing instinct of salmon. Well, death by aluminium proved to be the ultimate interference. Dead fish don’t migrate and don’t come home. Actually, as a brief aside, chronic intoxication by aluminium does interfere with homing instincts in salmon and this may be one very good explanation of the reduced numbers of returning salmon in rivers and streams impacted by acid rain. I wrote about this in my first scientific publication, a chapter in a book on how acid rain was affecting salmon farming.

This early research into aluminium toxicity in fish troubles me more now, nearly forty years later, than at the time. Observations of their death signatures, then recorded as disassociated data, feel strangely prescient when recalled today. Specifically so in the light of what we now know about aluminium’s role in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disease. Aluminium, at a concentration allowed in potable water under European Union law, kills a salmon parr within forty-eight hours of first exposure. Only after eighteen hours do the fish show any obvious signs of distress. Their movements, within the confines of an experimental tank, begin to appear spasmodic, even frantic, as if searching for sanctuary from the poison. We learned only much later that fish actively avoid aluminium at concentrations less than one twentieth of the aforementioned acutely toxic amount. Quiet consolidation follows the escape response. Fish move towards the bottom and sides of the tank attempting to find solace away from wide-open spaces. They maintain this orientation, head pointed towards a corner of the tank, for as long as they have control over their actions. Before dying, their bodies stricken with involuntary muscle movements, they gasp at the surface of the tank, preferring air to their habitual water. The smell? Well this is evident within hours of death and may emanate from the copious quantities of mucus produced during the final thralls of life. Whatever its precise origin it is a harbinger of death and one which now haunts my every day.

Acute toxicity inevitably leading to death clearly invokes behavioural changes though whether these bear the signature of aluminium or simply dying is difficult to discern.

Perhaps more fascinating and even more relevant to the human condition are behavioural changes in fish brought about by distinctly chronic exposure.

Back in the ‘olden times’ before the invention of digital photography never mind video we studied fish behaviour using a simple camera and film that had to be sent away to be developed.  READ MORE AND SEE THE GRAPHICS HERE.

To the End of the Earth

CJ trip seaBy Cathy Jameson

I made a list for the kids about a week before we left.  A week would be plenty of time to cleanbedrooms and bathrooms, get laundry done, and pack for our trip.  We’d be heading to the end of the earth, I told them.  Our weather at home was mild at the time, but I asked them to make sure to bring winter gear.  If it wasn’t terribly cold, it would definitely be windy where we were going.

One by one, the kids looked at the list.  Easily I could’ve taken a photo and texted it to them.  I like to be able to cross things off, though, as I get ready.  Years ago, I’d be the one packing their bags.  Only CJ Southwest Bagsonce or twice have I regretted not packing for them.  Once at our destination, I’d discover that one or two of them had forgotten an important item I asked them to bring – like a bathing suit for the beach, or a nice pair of shoes for Mass.  Giving them more responsibilities and chores as they aged gave them the opportunity to learn how to be organized at home and while away from home.  This time, I didn’t doubt their capabilities as we prepped for our latest trip.  I was impressed with Ronan’s brother when he said he even saved a little room in his suitcase – for the gifts he was going to give (and for ones he might receive) and for whatever he hoped to find at the thrift stores the kids planned to visit.

When we were all packed and ready to go, we headed out to the west coast.  For big trips with all of us, I try to give us plenty of time to plan and get to the airport and to our final destination.  One mistake I made this year was waiting a week too long to buy our tickets. I’ve been able to get us some incredible deals for cross-country trips but not for this one.  CJ soccer ball trip
Besides paying a little more than usual for our flight, we paid much more than usual for the rental car.  The increased rental cost was partly because I forgot to reserve a car back in October when I finally bought the tickets. 

The other reason it was more costly was because we have to get the largest car any rental company has because all 7 of us (and our luggage) were traveling.  With how close to our departure date it was getting, vehicles were not just spendy – they were scarce.  My husband could find a minivan for us, so he opted for a Ford Transit that seated 12. 

I sometimes call us Team Jameson, and riding out of the city with all of our gear would’ve had us looking like an organized sports team. 

The day we left had us arriving at the airport very early.  Like for other trips we’ve taken, getting Ronan checked in as a passenger with special needs was easy.  He got an escort in the wheelchair that we request for him, which helps us bypass long lines at the gate and through security.  We got separated at security, though, because they would only allow 2 other passengers to accompany him.  That was a little nerve wracking, but we chalked that up to part of the adventure and found each other later at the gate. 

No matter what kind of trip we take, either a road trip or catching a flight, I create a separate list for Ronan’s things and bring separate bags for his items.  I wouldn’t realize it until minutes before we boarded, but I accidently booked separate seating on the flight for Ronan. 

Actually, it was separate seating for all of us!

Continue reading "To the End of the Earth" »

Senator Susan Collins and Autism Cares Act

Don't careOur Anne Dachel tells the truth about the lack of care in the Autism Cares Act. You can subscribe to her Substack here.

Senator Susan Collins (ME) is 'proud' of reauthorizing the Autism CARES Act--WHY? After two decades, why bother?

Senator Susan Collins

Autism, the developmental disorder that officially affects one in every 36 U.S. children, one in every 22 boys and is expected to continue to get even worse, has no known cause, prevention or cure.

Relatively unknown until the end of the 20th century, autism has become a household word. We have a whole month every April where we joyfully light up famous monuments around the world in blue lights in celebration of autism. By now, we all pretty much assume autism will remain a perpetual puzzle.

The autism puzzle

Health officials at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta dutifully give us updates on the autism rate every couple of years, usually coinciding with the festivities of Autism Acceptance Month in April.

NO ONE at the CDC has ever admitted a true increase in the autism rate. It is always due to greater awareness, better diagnosing by doctors.

NO ONE at the CDC can speculate on when exactly doctors will finally figure out the true autism numbers. (HINT: Since the rate in California is one in 22 and in Florida, it’s almost one in 20, it’s easy to see where this is going.)

NO ONE at the CDC is ever worried about autism. Since I’ve been following everything they put out for the past 20 years, I can say conclusively that no one there has used the word “crisis” when talking about autism. “Serious public health concern” is the strongest language I’ve ever seen when it comes to autism.

NO ONE at the CDC has ever been able to show us a comparable rate of autism among adults, but they’re satisfied that they’re out there.


Just now President Biden signed the reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act.

Continue reading "Senator Susan Collins and Autism Cares Act" »

Dan Olmsted: Six Bad Ideas that Triggered The Autism Epidemic

6Note: Our dear Dan Olmsted wrote this post in 2015. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has mentioned Dan's work many times during his interviews, particularly his "The Age of Autism" UPI series from which this site was born. In 2025, we'll feature his work regularly as new families enter the age of autism themselves. Perhaps by 2028 their numbers will diminish as America returns to health.

By Dan Olmsted - 2015

We probably all know the saying that Ideas Matter. Lately I’ve been mulling a handful of ideas – very bad ideas, I’d say – that have come together to trigger, expand, and perpetuate the autism epidemic and a host of allied disorders that constitute The Age of Autism.

Today I’m going to lay them out in brief, and in coming days I’ll say more about each one, and end with the counter-ideas that could really bring us a happy new year.

Please add your own!

Bad Idea Number One. Vaccines are the Eric Clapton of Medicine; they are God. Vaccines are the number one medical accomplishment of all time, and every day in every way they make our world safer and safer. Bow down!

Bad Idea Number Two. The evidence for Number One is clear. “Study after study” has shown that vaccines work wonderfully and that the so-called “risks” are effectively zero – a one-in-a-million chance of anything serious happening. (“One in a million” is pharma speak for zip, zilch, nada, roll up your sleeve.)

Bad Idea Number Three. Disagreeing with Numbers One and Two is Unacceptable Speech. Claims that vaccines are more dangerous than advertised are bogus and should be suppressed. You need to be a conspiracy theorist, a purveyor of junk science, a pathetically gullible parent looking for someone to blame for your damaged kid, or out-and-out anti-vaccine to harbor such ideas.  

Bad Idea Number Four. Conflicts Don’t Count. Drugmakers, doctors, legislators, bureaucrats, TV programs buoyed by pharma money are immune to the usual concerns that conflicts of interest -- profits, incentives, campaign contributions, ad dollars, liability worries -- require extra vigilance by the press and public. The drug companies may be caught red-handed in corrupt dealing, Congress bought off, the media lazy and desperate for drug dollars, but when it comes to vaccines (see Number One), they have only our health at heart!

Bad Idea Number Five. Because the first four are true, we must trust The Experts who are working hard every day to help us stay happy and healthy. They are god’s messengers on earth.

Bad Idea Number Six: Because all the foregoing is undisputed fact, no one should be exempt from any of the vaccines currently recommended, and there is no limit except for medical ingenuity on the number of vaccines we can and should receive. Experts say we can take 10,000 vaccines at once with no ill effects.  There are hundreds of new vaccines in the pipeline, which is unalloyed good news. Vaccines should continue to be given for any reason “the experts” propose.

You and your children and their children are so very, very fortunate to live in a time when more and more safe and effective vaccines are available. And you haven’t seen anything yet!

OK, that’s my list. To me all those ideas fit together and explain how we got from a few targeted shots against the ancestral scourges of mankind (to use Harris Coulter’s marvelous phrase) to a runaway public health nightmare of chronic and developmental illnesses that most people don’t notice are caused by vaccines that most people don’t need.

There are other ways to put the ideas together – as we did in our book The Age of Autism, for example, showing that a long history of medical use and abuse of mercury fed into vaccine dangers that went unrecognized even as they increased exponentially, with regulators in too deep to ever face the truth. That the autism epidemic started with the first uses of ethyl mercury and then rose along with that exposure. That the truth has been covered up by the CDC and a whistleblower’s testimony has been suppressed by the medical and media vaccine establishment.

We could start with the corruption of science, move on to bogus studies, suppression of dissent, and so on.

They all lead to the same place – a very bad one triggered by a small number of very bad ideas that interlock like the links in a fence and keep out the truth. Ideas matter, and we need to make clear how bad these are, then propose new and better ones. As Thomas Kuhn said in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, big bad ideas – he called them paradigms – don’t just vanish on their own, they need to be displaced by new and better ones.


Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.

Attorney Aaron Siri Talks RFK Jr Vax Safety and More with Tucker Carlson

Risk-Management-ProgramPlease click over to Anne Dachel's Substack to subscribe.

Tucker Carlson with Aaron Siri; the truly dark and grotesque side of vaccines What the public needs to know

Tucker Carlson: “I’m about as uncomfortable as I’ve ever been in an interview right now.”

On December 27th, Tucker Carlson aired an interview with attorney Aaron Siri. Siri had recently been demonized by the New York Times as Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s attorney and someone who wanted to end the polio vaccine.

In the December 13th story, the Times, in their never-ending mission to go after anyone who questions vaccine safety, ran a story with the headline, Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine

NBC News immediately expressed equal outrage over ending the polio vaccine.

NBC featured Senator Elizabeth Warren attacking Kennedy for wanting to bring back polio along with criticism from Senator Mitch McConnell.

Aaron Siri | The Federalist Society

The lawyer in question, Aaron Siri, got a chance to defend himself in the hour and 45 minute interview with Carlson.

All I can say is that what was discussed during the interview can genuinely be called eye-opening for first time listeners and toward the end, it was truly “grotesque,” to quote Carlson.

First of all, what the Times and the other mainstream outlets that followed their lead published was A LIE.

Siri did not call for ending polio vaccine access, and his work had nothing to do with Robert Kennedy.

Continue reading "Attorney Aaron Siri Talks RFK Jr Vax Safety and More with Tucker Carlson" »

Best of Cathy Jameson: Mission Possible

Hope and futureWe're happy to report that Cathy is away this year as well.

By Cathy Jameson - January 2024

I booked our airline tickets months ago.  With how crazy the world has been, I made sure to buy insurance.  We’ve had to cancel trips before due to illness.  It’s something we hate to have to do, but the insurance has helped us be able to rebook a trip when one of us is sick.  A week or so before our trip, I thought I may have to use it.  I couldn’t stop coughing.  I had no fever, no drippy nose, and no other symptoms for weeks.  Whatever I’d caught before Thanksgiving, though, caused a bunch of congestion to linger in my lungs. 

No way did I want to be that person on a plane cough, cough, coughing across the country. 

If it didn’t clear up, I was considering canceling our Christmas plans.   

Cj ronan airplane

Thankfully, I didn’t have to do that. 

On our way home from our trip west, I sat back and smiled.  The coughing had finally subsided, and we had a wonderful seven days away with family at Christmas.  Like before, Ronan traveled like a champ.  He even went – and stayed – at Mass with us!  We’d packed in a few busy days while we were away, and we made sure to enjoy some quiet stay-home days also.  The times the kids wanted to do more, Ronan and I stayed behind and rested.  Knowing Ronan’s needs can be great, our hostess gave us whatever time and space we needed.  It was a joy to be able to get away from it all, and we didn’t want our visit there or our vacation to end.  It was time, though. 

So last Friday, we packed, prepped, and pushed on. 

It can be quite a production when all 7 of us are traveling, but there’s also quite a bit of excitement, too. 

Even so, I was looking forward to sitting and relaxing on the return trip. 

Settled in one of the last rows of a very full flight, I had almost five hours to just sit.  To relax.  To enjoy whatever movie I wanted.  But first, I wanted to rest.  We’d be landing at midnight and getting back home close to 2am.  Knowing Ronan, he’d be up way too early, much earlier than the rest of us.  I needed a nap just thinking about how much of a jolt our first morning home could be.

Continue reading "Best of Cathy Jameson: Mission Possible" »

Assault and Battery

I bought 2 cheap ChristmBattery pakageas lights necklaces for Bella at TJ Maxx. Stupid me. I needed SIX button batteries. The batteries cost $6 EACH at CVS (but flu shots are free!) $36 was not happening. I turned to Amazon and bought a pack of six for under $10.They arrived three weeks ago. I tucked them away.  It took me five days to find them, finally, on Christmas Eve, in the St. Nick of time. (Upside, my closet has never been tidier after the searches.) The battery case required a tiny screwdriver and was covered in warnings. Achtung, Baby! I needed scissors, an Exact-O knife, a scalpel and a partridge in a pear tree to extract each battery from the packaging.  I fumbled the batteries into the case, the necklace lit up. Seizure mode, slower seizure mode and just plain on.  

As I went to throw out the package, I was astounded by the warnings printed. The batteries are as small as M&Ms, and clearly horribly toxic if ingested.  

If only every danger to children had the same level of concern.

Then we'd all light up.

Twas the Month before Hearings

Baby-santaTwas the night before Christmas
In Senate and House
Many creatures were stirring
"Don't approve that crazed louse!"

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that the lobbyists soon would be there

Mama looking tired
No cookies she'll bake
Just pray "please no seizures"
That her child would not wake

Papa checks the finances
Hoping today
Insurance would finally approve ABA

More money than ever did flow to flow to DC
The media called him such names, "Travesty!"
"He's vile! He's evil! He wants kids to die!"
"His facts about pharma are all a huge lie!"

But he knew in his heart that the parents were right
He had no intention of stopping his fight
To protect every child from what's called "Greater good"
Except when it harms, as it NEVER should

So we ask you to join us as we all pray
Remember our kids and APPROVE RFK!


Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah too!



IMG_6026A cheery holiday message on this December 23rd.

Remember, tobacco companies fought yellow tooth and nicotine stained nail to protect their lies. You think this isn't happening at this very moment in time?  There are Republicans and a sleigh full of Democrats who are bowing to their industry/lobbyist captors and planning to vote against the Make American Healthy movement. You can smell the desperation to protect like a whiff of smoke that lingers in the house long after the smoker has died.

Americans deserve better health. Over the weekend, a local parent asked for recommendations for a psychiatrist to help manage her special needs 5 year old's medications. Her FIVE year old. What have we become? Are we at the tipping point where we start to make changes, re-orient our thinking and even leave sacred cows behind in an effort to save our future? I ho ho hope so.

Destroyed documents: uncovering the science that Imperial Tobacco Canada sought to conceal - PMC

In 1992, British American Tobacco had its Canadian affiliate, Imperial Tobacco Canada, destroy internal research documents that could expose the company to liability or embarrassment. Sixty of these destroyed documents were subsequently uncovered in British American Tobacco’s files.

Imperial Tobacco destroyed documents that included evidence from scientific reviews prepared by British American Tobacco’s researchers, as well as 47 original research studies, 35 of which examined the biological activity and carcinogenicity of tobacco smoke. The documents also describe British American Tobacco research on cigarette modifications and toxic emissions, including the ways in which consumers adapted their smoking behaviour in response to these modifications. The documents also depict a comprehensive research program on the pharmacology of nicotine and the central role of nicotine in smoking behaviour. British American Tobacco scientists noted that “… the present scale of the tobacco industry is largely dependent on the intensity and nature of the pharmacological action of nicotine,” and that “... should nicotine become less attractive to smokers, the future of the tobacco industry would become less secure.”


Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

22 and a Day

Join us in wishing Ronan Jameson a very happy 22nd birthday! 22 cake

By Cathy Jameson

I was hoping to go into work early on Thursday last week.  I wanted to finish a project and take care of something that had popped up the day before. With how busy my day gets, going in early would be a gift.  Having my older kids home from college last week was an even bigger gift.  I've been able to stay at work longer and go in earlier with them home on their Christmas break.  Our caregiver gave up a few of her hours so that they can clock in more, which has been a very generous gift to them.  It's been so nice to have the house full of helpful siblings again!

I'm sure the kids thought they'd get to sleep in a bit now that their classes were over, but Ronan decided to get up at 3am three days in a row.  I got tons done before I left the house for work, but those early wake ups made for extra-long days for him and for me.  By Thursday, Ronan settled down and woke up at his more normal 9:30am time. I wouldn't know until Friday that as his energy level decreased, his temperature would rise.  I had a tiny feeling that something was off for him on Thursday when I left for the day but wouldn't be able to confirm my suspicions until Friday when he spiked a fever.  The kids know how to handle lots of things, including when Ronan is sick. But I don't like to leave that in their hands.  They always assure me that they - and Ronan will be okay.  With their confidence in mind, I tiptoed out Thursday morning.  

I didn't get too far.  My front windshield needed to be cleared before I could drive away.  

The weather was like a yo-yo all of last week, and dipped back to winter temps.  While I heated up the car, I worked on defrosting the windshield.  The longer I waited for it to clear I realized that it wasn't really that frosty.  What needed to be cleared was on the inside.  It finally started to clear.  Readjusting the dials once more, I headed down the street.  It's usually all clear by the time I get to the first stop sign.  But that day, one large section on the passenger side stayed foggy longer no matter what I did.  I could see well through my side but couldn't see well from the other side of the windshield.  That had me slowing down and ultimately stopping.  Come on, I thought.  I finally have a few extra minutes to take care of something important, and I'm unexpectedly stopped in my tracks. 

I pulled over and waited on the side of the road.  No one was behind me, so I didn't feel the need to rush. 

One minute.

Two minutes.

Still, no one behind me. 

Almost cleared.

And, go. 

I rolled back on the road and approached the next stop sign.  Even though the windshield was completely cleared, I sat at the intersection longer than I needed to.  It's not because the road I was turning onto is on a curve, and I needed to make sure that no one was coming around the bend.  No one was coming.  I stopped longer because leaving the house that morning had me thinking back to when things weren't so complicated.  I wasn't expecting to have a rush of memories, but the last few minutes had me thinking back to the early 2000s.  I was prepared for Ronan when he arrived 22 years and a day ago.  I was ready to be his mommy and to provide everything his tiny body needed.  I was willing to go through the aches and pains of childbirth and also parenting.  I was overjoyed to watch our little family grow!  

Those were such blissful moments, and absolutely nothing back then prepared me for what lay ahead of us.  

That foggy window that morning kept me from seeing what was clearly in front of me.  Not being able to see kept me from going where I needed to go.  It sounds silly, but I compared it to how our expectations for Ronan’s life abruptly changed.  I didn't expect to need constant caregivers or to rearrange everyone’s schedules to accommodate him, like I do almost weekly.  I didn't expect to have to learn all that I have learned and had to handle, like being on hold for over five hours with the disability office last week to ask them one simple question.  I didn't expect to lose trust in people I used to revere, like some of Ronan's early medical providers who contributed to Ronan's ill health that led us down a darkened path.  

I know that expectations can change during many seasons of life, but all these years later, I'm sometimes still not prepared for what else is to come.  Take this year’s events.  Ronan's bounced back from a few terrible months of medical problems.  Even though I can see that things are much better for him now, the next round of unknowns keeps me feeling a tad uneasy.  

Once I got to work, I tackled the project and took care of other important tasks.  The kids kept Ronan Cj ronan duskhappy and safe like they said they would when I was out of the house longer than usual.  Ronan didn't seem phased when I came home later.  While he may not be able to say, 'Mom!! I just love that the kids are home,' he shows us with his amazing smile that he was chuffed to bits.  

The smile, the squeals, the peals of laughter, and the shenanigans (happily, there are a few of those) helped push my doubts and my frustrations away.  

Like the fever that spiked and went away, those frustrations I feel are temporary.  I make sure of that.  Because to hold onto those and the suffering that comes with them will fog up my thoughts.  I don't entirely know what Ronan's future holds - for him or for us, but I do know that he's clearly made an impact.  On me, on my little family, and in our community here and beyond.  He's worth the little bit of worry and all of the extra help he needs.  I'm grateful for him nowand for every blissful moment we will hopefully witness in his future.  

Happy birthday, Ronan.  You are one of the greatest blessings in my life!

Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.

Raspberries, Pesticides and Polio

AofA Red Logo Ayumi YamadaDan Olmsted wrote this piece in July of 2017. Polio is back in the news as vaccine apologists and polioticians cry wolf about Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s appointment to HHS.  (Waving at Senator Warren.)  Raspberries for them as well, the wet, Bronx cheer version. We miss Dan every day. It's quite lovely to have him featured and as relevant as ever.  It’s not that raspberries cause paralysis or that these two facts prove causation. But it makes me want to keep looking. That small round buckyball sphere is just perfect for conveying more than its share of toxic agricultural chemical per mouthful.  If you were to pick an advance warning system that our food might be awash in manmade impurities creating a terrifying new disease, a humble little raspberry might be an ideal contrivance. It has more surface area than Norway has shoreline and it is damnably hard to keep sterile. 

By Dan Olmsted:

NOTE: Many years ago, I planted raspberries next to our house. The birds ate every single berry, so we abandoned the effort. Now I have a wild patch that is bursting forth with juicy red berries and zero effort on my part. That's life! As I was picking a few for breakfast, I remembered this Weekly Wrap from our own Dan Olmsted. Dan and Mark Blaxill's book is coming out later this summer. I hope you'll reserve a copy today as a thank you to Dan for his brilliant work on behalf of our kids and the truth.  DENIAL: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future.

By Dan Olmsted Rasperberries on fingers

The alarm bells are ringing louder over the increasing number of cases of sudden paralysis among children in the United States. But the predictable focus on germs by “disease hunters” is obscuring what surely must be a strong environmental component.

Last Sunday’s Los Angeles Times’ piece put the issue on the mainstream media map,and another cluster of nine in Washington State this week – focusing on a six-year-old boy from Whatcom County – made the national news. (That child died.)

Here at AOA, which focuses on autism and other environmental, man-made threats to children’s health, we first called out this issue as urgent in early 2014 because it lined up eerily with work Mark Blaxill and I had done about the original paralysis-inducing epidemics of poliomyelitis. In 2011, we first proposed a new theory for those outbreaks – suggesting the poliovirus combined with novel manmade toxins, most notably the pesticide lead arsenate, to kick off the Age of Polio. The ideas is simple: Toxin plus microbe = polio outbreaks. Without the toxin, polio is a minor, often unnoticed infection. With it, the virus can gain access to the nervous system and cause polio's dreaded effects.

So when this new outbreak of polio-like paralysis among children arose in California, we looked into it. We interviewed the mother of a child, Sofia Jarvis, who developed a paralyzed arm, and we came up with a possible pesticide connection. Here’s a screen grab from a story Mark and I wrote in April 2014.

DO screen grab polio rasperries


Now it pays to be humble in the face of a new illness. There was a lot going on in this cluster of early cases, which spread from California and Colorado to Illinois and across the country before seeming to fade out last year (it’s back now on a scary cycle that also recalls the periodicity of polio). Some of those patients two years ago tested positive for EV-68, a virus in the same enterovirus family as polio, but others didn’t, and a conclusive link between the infection and the neurological damage couldn't be made in any case.

Sofia had been hospitalized and gotten an IV antibiotic in the same arm that became paralyzed, which is similar to the “provocation polio” caused by needle sticks that allowed the virus to travel, through a process called “reversal axonal transport,” to the anterior horn cells at the top of the spinal column that control movement. (It was upon hearing about this phenomenon while we worked on our 2010 book “The Age of Autism” that Mark and I looked deeper at polio. It seemed to mimic a process we were investigating involving the combination of syphilis and mercury treatment triggering the worst form of that disease, general paralysis of the insane. Note paralysis.)

We were the first to report last month that the CDC was informing state health departments of a new wave of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) cases starting this summer, and we again put forward our idea that the environment, probably in the form of pesticides but whatever the case something besides a microbe, was involved. (Some of our readers will suspect vaccines, which is also certainly plausible.) AFM is basically medical code for WTF?, since it does not describe an infection but a condition. It's like calling poliomyelitis infantile paralysis, the term it went by before anyone figure out what was going on.

It's the same old story: The mainstream – in medicine, in big media, in the government – seems resistant to the point of oblivion to the idea that the environment, especially manmade chemicals and medical interventions, especially ones they create and promote, could have anything to do with human health. It is after all the Centers for Disease Control that takes the lead and tracks the numbers in these things, and we know from close experience – autism – that they can’t (or won’t) get their mind around the idea of environmentally induced epidemics, especially not when they get money from epidemic-deniers and make their living studying the creepy-crawly end of the disease-causing spectrum. The idea that some dumb manmade chemical like a pesticide (or thimerosal) could tip the body's exquisite but delicate balance  into a new epidemic of illness just does not compute. They seem to forget that something is new here; new means novel, and novel implies either some mutating or new virus, or a toxin that wasn't there before in the way it is now.

So when EV-68 starts to look dubious as “the cause,” they widen their aperture just enough to fit in every other germ known to mankind (but not manmade chemicals like lead arsenate or DDT or the new generation that appears to be killing bees wholesale, and maybe bats, and maybe now children). That reliable CDC downspout The Huffington Post (which after years of being friendly to the vaccine-autism concept got bought up and out by AOL and now Verizon and promptly shut up) reported this week under the headline “A Mysterious Neurological Condition Is Paralyzing Children”:

“One alarming complication is that AFM appears to be triggered by common viruses.” Oh, so now it’s viruses, plural.  “Experts aren’t sure what causes AFM, as scientists haven’t been able to consistently isolate a germ in a patient’s spinal fluid that could explain what triggered the condition.”

A germ – it must be a germ. That is the box outside of which we will not get as long as those inside the germ paradigm are running the show. And since they can’t find a germ it must be any number of germs, none of which, as far as I know, has been implicated in any way but hey, let’s toss ‘em out there: “They have found that it appears to be triggered by a variety of diseases, including viral infections like West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, the virus that causes polio and those that can cause the common cold, pneumonia, bladder infection or gastroenteritis.” 

Well there’s a greasy nothingburger of causation gibberish if I’ve ever tasted one. First of all why weren't these things triggering mayhem five years ago? We have a truly scary and rising epidemic of childhood paralysis under way and the CDC has no idea what’s happening.  Hey, it could be EV-68, or any other viral infection like West Nile, or Japanese encephalitis, or polio, or the common cold, or a bladder infection, or a stomach bug. Anything the CDC is in charge of figuring it out, and nothing it’s not.

The HuffPo story is written by someone passingly familiar with medical issues, someone obviously not suited to push this story forward rather than stenographically repeat the CDC, containing half-somnambulant statements like this:

“It’s important to note that despite the spike in case reports, the condition is still exceedingly rare; less than one in one million people in America will experience it.” And how in the heck do they know that less than one million people are going to experience this thing? The rate right now might be one in one million, but it is increasing, you dodoheads! That’s what dangerous diseases can do! And it is paralyzing kids. Quit worrying about the flu and start worrying about some new polio-like thing that is leaving children paralyzed for life from the nose down, and killing others outright.

There's always a chipper quality to these things. The LA Times made it into a mother's quest for answers, which is wonderful but needs a lot of help and not just cheerleading; HuffPo offered this: "Complicating matters is that doctors aren’t sure how to treat a child once acute flaccid myelitis is present." How do you sit at your laptop and write soulless dreck like that? The reality that a paralytic and sometimes fatal disease cannot be treated at all  is not a complication, people! It's a nightmare.

I’m sticking with the pesticide idea, in part because it certainly hasn’t been looked at but most of all because of of our work on polio and our reporting on raspberries. Raspberries? In the recent Washington State outbreak, two children were from Whatcom County. Look it up – the place is an agricultural heartland stretching clear accord the northern tier of that state. According to Bellingham.org:

“With 140 miles of marine shoreline and 100,000 acres of highly productive farmland, Bellingham and Whatcom County, Washington are a fresh food haven stretching deliciously between the Salish Sea and snow-capped Mount Baker, near the U.S. – Canada border.

“Farm production in Whatcom County ranks in the top three percent of all counties in the United States. Whatcom County is also the nation’s largest producer of red raspberries, growing 60 percent of the U.S. crop, first in the nation for milk production per cow, and first out of 39 Washington state counties in overall dairy production.”

Being the “nation’s largest producer of red raspberries” gives me a hill because it reminds me of the story we ran more than two years ago now – see the raspberry photo above. Little Sofia ate raspberries the morning she started getting sick. Her mother told the doctors about it. But since Sofia didn’t have botulism, they discounted any connection. End of story, until this new one: The outbreak is at least partly in raspberry country, and the child who died lived a dozen miles or so from Lynden, Washington, home of the Northwest Raspberry Festival every July.

 It’s not that raspberries cause paralysis or that these two facts prove causation. But it makes me want to keep looking. That small round buckyball sphere is just perfect for conveying more than its share of toxic agricultural chemical per mouthful.  If you were to pick an advance warning system that our food might be awash in manmade impurities creating a terrifying new disease, a humble little raspberry might be an ideal contrivance. It has more surface area than Norway has shoreline and it is damnably hard to keep sterile. We wrote in 2014:

“Pesticide residue seems to us like a prime suspect. ‘Fruit is notoriously difficult to grow organically and without pesticides,' Jeff Moyer, farm director at the Rodale Institute, an organic research institution, is quoted as saying on the institute’s Web site. According to the institute, ‘Because most fruits have soft skins, the pesticides that are used to kill those bugs (and the molds and fungi that also love fruit) get into the flesh and into your mouth, and no amount of peeling or washing can remove them.’”

And you can’t peel a raspberry.

Dan Olmsted was the founder of Age of Autism. He was a Yale Journalism School trained investigative reporter whose career spanned decades including launching USA Today and writing 113 columns called The Age of Autism for UPI about negligent autism rates in the Amish.


Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.

Latin American Doctors Say "Si" to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Appointment to HHS

Vote yesThank you to Anne Dachel for sharing this letter from Medicos Pela Vida - Doctors For Life for Kennedy's appointment to head up Health and Human Services. Doctors in Brazil and Latin America that is. Meanwhile, American physicians and politicians are spreading as much disinformation as they can about just two topics from the vast realm of health and human services; polio and measles. Senator Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts is rabidly telling Americans, "You'll lose your smile and you'll say hello to polio" on X. The playbook is worn thin, and yet, the scare tactics have worked in the past.


Letter to the Senate: Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Mr. Kennedy’s nomination represents an unparalleled chance to restore the health of the American nation and renews confidence in its healthcare institutions.

To the United States Senators of the 119th Congress:

We, the undersigned physicians, citizens of Brazil and Latin American countries, write to urge you to seize this historic opportunity to address the United States’ chronic disease crisis by confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The stakes could not be higher. The chronic disease epidemic now threatens our nation’s future—undermining human capital, compromising national security, and straining our economy to the breaking point. In the early 1980s, fewer than 13% of U.S. children suffered from a chronic condition. Today, that figure has soared to nearly 60%, and an alarming 77% of young adults are ineligible for military service due to health issues. Chronic disease and mental health now account for 90% of the nation’s $4.3 trillion in annual healthcare expenditures. These trends are not just unsustainable—they are existential.

This letter reflects the collective voice of physicians and medical professionals committed to reversing these devastating trends. We believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. possesses the vision, integrity, and leadership essential for this critical moment in public health. His unwavering commitment to scientific transparency and his determination to address the root causes of illness make him uniquely qualified to lead HHS.

Mr. Kennedy’s nomination represents an unparalleled chance to restore the health of the American nation and renews confidence in its healthcare institutions. He has pledged to return federal health agencies to their tradition of evidence-based science, ensuring accountability and transparency at every level. His commonsense policy priorities—including removing harmful substances from our food, water, and medicines—are grounded in the urgent need to combat the chronic disease epidemic and to Make America Healthy Again.

Continue reading "Latin American Doctors Say "Si" to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Appointment to HHS" »

You Can Call Me Mom But I Don't Always Recommend It

Mia Heart FrontBy Kim Rossi

Have you run into this over your career as a parent of a child with special needs? You're attending a team meeting. It could be an IEP meeting for your 1st grader or an IP meeting for your 30 year old, as was my case yesterday. Everyone begins their portion of the meeting. "Hi, I'm Janey McBehaviorPlan and I am the BCBA."  "Hi, I'm Mr. Smithers, I teach regular ed basket weaving." And on each person goes. Then? They get to you and say:

"And this is MOM."

No. I am KIM, an expert in a 1000 topics, including my three daughters. PLEASE stop calling us, "Mom" or "Dad" during these meetings. It inadvertently diminishes us. Unintended, I'm sure, still. I have a name.

Here's an OLD comedy routine "You can call me Ray," that became a catch phrase back when TVs weighed 100 pounds and telephones were attached to the wall.  Enjoy.

Singing the Praises of our Unsung Heroes: Weston A. Price Foundation

Weston A PriceImagine our delight learning that our own Anne Dachel was included as one of eight unsung heroes of vaccine risk awareness, along with Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield, in this article from Kendall Nelson in the Weston A. Price quarterly journal. Anne wrote a selfless thank you on her Substack that you can read here.

Of course, we could name many more men and women who have been sounding the alarm for decades, often at great personal expense, including every contributor to Age of Autism. But nothing in this world that is important comes without risk, heartache and difficulty. None of which compares to what our dear children who have been vaccine injured face every single day.


Voices Of Truth: Eight Unsung Heroes Of Vaccine Risk Awareness

December 13, 2024 By Kendall Nelson

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2024

In a world where fact and fiction often blur, discerning reality has become increasingly challenging. Artificial intelligence and corrupt media outlets contribute to a landscape where truth is obscured and misinformation reigns. AI-generated deepfake videos and sophisticated AI-driven text generation can create highly convincing but false narratives, making it nearly impossible to tell what is real.

The vaccine movement, in particular, has a propensity for co-option by bad actors with substantial platforms, which can make it difficult for even the most diligent insiders to determine who is friend or foe. We find ourselves in an era of limited hangouts, designed to provoke infight­ing, while the true power brokers accumulate more wealth and control. These distractions serve to divert our attention away from some of today’s most critical issues—including vaccine-related harms, expanding social control mechanisms and the cleverly disguised war of central bankers on the people.1

Continue reading "Singing the Praises of our Unsung Heroes: Weston A. Price Foundation" »

One Pink Teddy Bear Turns 30

IMG_5843By Kim Rossi

Cathy has today off.

Happy 30th birthday to my oldest daughter. I saved the pink bear she received when she was born. I didn't save her from profound autism, though.  Like so many of us, I had no idea what was ahead. That there was a fork in the road, and I had a choice. And so our story is the Age of Autism story. And this is why we are still publishing.

We've had a lovely weekend celebrating with helpers, her sisters and amazing people, some of whom havPink bear with calendare become even better than family.

We have a safe, content life, and yes, it's out of the

Which technically makes it "extraordinary." 

Happy Holidays!


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Shattered Femur, Shattered Families, SHITTY STAFF

WeepHow much are families of and people with profound autism expected to ENDURE when idiots, untrained, vicious, uncaring, monstrous, callous, disgusting staff can not provide even a basic level of humanity? ANIMALS get better care than autistic people, who are treated like unworthy vermin in so many settings.  It's the filthy, dirty secret of schools, day programs, group homes across the nation. It's not POOR PAY - it's the very cloth of the barbarians hired and the negligent supervisors above them. Every one of whom should be FIRED with cause.

Nonverbal child left lying on school floor for 2 hours after shattering his femur, family says

MISSOURI CITY, Texas (KTRK) – A nonverbal child with autism in Texas was left lying on the floor for hours, crying in pain after a slip and fall at school.
The 11-year-old boy named Kyle was eventually taken to a hospital where he underwent surgery for a shattered femur. Now, his parents are demanding answers from the school district.


Anger at RFK, Jr. is FEAR

Anger is fearWashington State Senator Patty Murray from Washington State wrote this on X yesterday.

To confirm a notorious anti-vaxxer like RFK Jr. as Secretary of @HHSGov could seriously cost our country in lives, in health, and in our economy. Let's use our common sense—we cannot let a fringe conspiracy theorist make major public health decisions.

Let's count the public relations, consultant disparage & destroy driven language. Name calling is always in season when it comes to these folks.

1) Notorious
2) Anti-vaxxer
3) Fringe
4) Conspiracy-theorist

I responded as AofA twice:

Senator, our body is our intimate environment. We take care of oceans, rivers, the planet. Looking at the necessity of toxins of all sorts for profit is the ultimate in self-care, protecting our children. Education will soar again. Workplaces will thrive. Military will recruit again. We'll need LESS reliance on health insurance. Trust the process.

You are using the language of fear. Name calling using McKinsey planted epithets. You have been taught by industry to turn away from this topic as if it offends your very soul. What if you are wrong, and you stand in the way of restoring health to our chronically sick children?

Ms. Murray ( I write that with confidence because she has "She/Her" in her X bio) doesn't pay any attention to the food industry that Robert Kennedy, Jr. has already influenced. Nor does she rail against his recommendations on water fluoridation, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup or any other element of our national state of dis-ease.  ONLY THE VACCINES.

She goes further. 

Read more about my recent discussion with doctors and scientists at @UW
about how critical vaccine confidence (our emphasis) is for our families and just how important @NIH research is for our entire country.
Sneetch unvaxed
By confidence, she likely means COMPLIANCE. 

Vaccine apologists are so angry that Americans have LOST confidence in the vaccine program. Some of us decades ago. Others because of the Merck HPV Gardasil push. Some including healthcare professionals because of the flu shot. And an avalanche because of the heavy handed Covid vaccine mandates that rang out from Pennsylvania Avenue to Main Street to our very homes, as families split apart like the Sneetches over stars on their bellies.


Medical pharma killing machineNew from Children's Health Defense publishing. Perfect timing. Order a hardcover or Kindle copy of The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine here.

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Medical and pharmaceutical history is replete with examples of dangerous interventions that have poisoned, injured, or killed. However, events since 2020 have attracted attention as never before to medicine’s potential to be both lethal and malevolent. In The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine, Children’s Health Defense situates current perils in their broader context with the aim of helping readers understand how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Yellowstone's Beth Dutton Must Have Saved A Tube of a Cancelled Lipstick

Beth jamieBy Kim Rossi

In November of 2013, I wrote an article for Huffington Post expressing my disgust with a lipstick name at Sephora. The name was "Celebutard." I wrote:

Sephora cosmetics has a funky line of lipsticks under the Kat Von D. name called Painted ink. That's cool. One of the names of a creamy buff color is "Celebutard." Definitely not cool, funny or acceptable.

They pulled it from the shelves fairly quickly. I added:

People with disabilities are the last to benefit from what some might call "political correctness," and what I would call basic human decency. "Retard" is still bandied about - even by people I like a lot, like Howard Stern and his crew, who still have wack packers with the R word in their name.

I revolted against the use of "...tard." Even Howard Stern, whom I mentioned, struck the R word from his program many years ago.

But last night, the suffix was back on Yellowstone. For those of you who watch Yellowstone, you know main character Beth Dutton is a fierce family woman who uses tough tactics and drinks vodka like a fish. Her hatred for her brother Jamie, whom she knows was involved in her father's vicious murder (Kevin Costner) is legendary. She called him, and we got to see his name in her iPhone contacts.


And some viewers ate it up with a spoon. Yellowstone Fans Are LOVING Beth’s Nickname For Jamie In Her Cellphone Contacts

How is it that the "tard" words are still here, some 11 years after the Sephora dust up?

I hope families will join me as we request showrunner Taylor Sheridan and ALL writers take the"tard" words straight to the train station where they belong. Dead and buried in ignominy.

Kim Rossi is Managing Editor for Age of Autism and would take on Beth Dutton any day of the week when it comes to protecting her own family and others. And she'd be sober.





I don't wear Sephora makeup. As Mom to three kids with autism, I call a clean face with maybe a swipe of mascara "camera ready." And as Mom of special needs kids - and friend to many people whose children have Down Syndrome, I wouldn't put this lipstick on a pig.

Tell Kat Von D her lipstick gets an "F."

If It's Sunday, It's Meet The Press-ident Elect

Below, Anne Dachel covers President-elect Trump's IMG_5723appearance on Meet the Press. It's good to see he is not afraid to venture into less than friendly territory, because as of January 20, 2025, he will be the President of all Americans. Like it or hate it. Pharma is TV broadcasting's cash cow, its old faithful, its "Sugar Daddy, Sugar Daddy please don't leave me" industry. So whom are they going to protect at every turn? In a year when we've learned the depth of lying to the American public is deeper than anyone might have dreamed, it comes as no surprise that profits will always trump people. A certain CEO might have just paid the ultimate price for that.

Points to ponder: In 2023, the media segment of NBCUniversal Media, LLC – a division of Comcast Corporation – generated approximately 8.6 billion U.S. dollars in domestic advertising revenue. Compared to the 10.36-billion-dollar ad revenue recorded a year earlier, there was an annual decrease of 17 percent. Source: Statista.com

We project that the healthcare and pharma sector will devote more of its media ad spending budgets to digital channels through 2026. But even as traditional media ad spending declines, marketers in this sector still rely on channels like linear TV, radio, and print more than any industry we cover, outside of those rolled up into the “other” category. Source: eMarketer

By Anne Dachel

NBC’S MEET THE PREES: Trump says RFK Jr. will investigate discredited link between vaccines and autism

NBC’s Meet the Press featured Donald Trump on December 8th, and moderator Kristen Welker proved once again that the mainstream media in America will defend vaccines at all costs while denying autism is any kind of problem.

In the three minute segment where Trump was asked about Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s role as head of HHS, Welker tried hard to dismiss any link between autism and vaccines, and at the same time, she presented Kennedy as a threat to the vaccine program.

In their headline, NBC made it clear: THERE IS NO LINK. It’s been DISCREDITED.

As I listened to the interview, it was easy to recognize that regardless of what Trump said, Welker’s job was to show total indifference to the increase in autism and to promote vaccines as safe and life-saving. According to her, all the science is settled.


Welker: Let me ask you about RFK, Jr. He has obviously talked about his skepticism of vaccines. He’s expressed opposition to childhood vaccines.

Do you want to see childhood vaccines eliminated?

Trump: If they’re dangerous for the children. Look—

Welker: So possibly?

Welker refused to acknowledge that autism is a problem at all. Here I wish Trump had gotten the statistics right. Autism doesn’t affect “close to one of out of 100.” It’s three percent of U.S. children, according to outdated numbers from the CDC, and it’s sure to continue to increase.

And I wish Trump had said, look at the numbers in California. It’s one in every 22 children, one in 14 boys. How can you call this just better identification? When are the increases going to stop?

Trump: When you look at some of the problems. When you look at what’s going on with disease and sickness in our country, something’s wrong.

Welker: Are you talking about autism?

Trump: If you take a look at autism. Go back 25 years, autism was almost non-existent. It was one out of 100,000. Now it’s close to one out of 100.

What’s happening? If they can find it—

I did something the other night that was a little unusual. At Mar-a-Lago, I called the drug companies, the top drug companies, and I called RFK, Jr. and Dr. Oz, and some of his people, and I said, let’s all get together and let’s figure out where we’re going because we’re going to do a lot of things. . . .

Trump: . . .And we talked about vaccines in terms of what happens. We talked about pesticides. We talked about everything, and I think a lot of good things are going to come from [Kennedy].

He’s not going to upset any system. He’s not looking to reinvent the wheel totally, but when you look at the numbers, we don’t really have a very healthy country.

Imagine if Trump had turned the tables on her here and asked, do you know who funded the studies or if there were ties to the vaccine makers? How much is NBC News influenced by pharmaceutical revenue?

Welker: Sir, going back 25 years, studies show that there is no link between vaccines and autism, yet it sounds like you are open to the possibility of him looking—

Trump: I’m open to anything. I think somebody has to find out. If you go back, 25 years ago, you have very little autism, now you have it—

Welker: Well, they say they’re better at identifying it.

Trump: One in 100,000, and now it’s one in 100. That’s a pretty bad number. Something is going on.

I don’t know if it’s vaccines. Maybe it’s chlorine in the water, right? People are looking at a lot of different things. I want them to look at everything.

And here, I find it interesting that Welker had the stats on vaccine preventable deaths around the world, but she didn’t correct Trump on the autism rate, which is officially one in 36 in the U.S.

Welker: So childhood vaccines have prevented about four million deaths around the world every year.

Trump: I think that’s great. I’m all for it. Hey, look, I’m not against vaccines.

The polio is the greatest thing. If somebody told me to get rid of the polio vaccine, they’re going to have to work real hard to convince me.

I think certain vaccines are incredible, but maybe some aren’t, and if they aren’t, we have to find out.

But when you talk about autism, because it was brought up, and you look at the amount we have today vs 20 or 25 years ago, it’s pretty scary.

Welker: Well again, scientists say that’s because they’ve gotten better at identifying it, and there’s no link in studies.

Trump: The drug companies are going to be working with RFK, Jr.

He’s been an interesting guy to me. I’ve watched him for 25 years, and he’s been an interesting guy.

In this discussion Trump comes across as totally reasonable. He assured Welker that Kennedy isn’t out to destroy the vaccine program. He wants to see the science on vaccines. He wants to stop the autism epidemic, and he wants to address the chronic illness crisis that is linked to our food.

It seems Kristen Welker’s sole purpose in asking Trump about Kennedy was to present RFK as a threat to the vaccine program while denying autism is a problem.

Clearly, Welker and NBC don’t think anything is wrong when it comes to autism. It’s more evidence of how totally disconnected the mainstream media is when comes to what’s really happening in America.

Your thought?


Medical pharma killing machineNew from Children's Health Defense publishing. Perfect timing. Order a hardcover or Kindle copy of The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine here.

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Medical and pharmaceutical history is replete with examples of dangerous interventions that have poisoned, injured, or killed. However, events since 2020 have attracted attention as never before to medicine’s potential to be both lethal and malevolent. In The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine, Children’s Health Defense situates current perils in their broader context with the aim of helping readers understand how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Decking the Halls

CJ wreath

By Cathy Jameson

My kids decorated the house for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving.  When I was a little girl, we waited to decorate.  After Thanksgiving, the next season, a holy one, began with lighting the first candle of the Advent Wreath.  It wouldn’t be until after lighting the third candle that we would think to put up the Christmas decorations.  Our focus was on the waiting – of Christ’s birth and of life He would bring to the world.  When they were little, my kids’ excitement about Jesus’ birthday was as palpable, but they had me cave and break my own family’s tradition to start a new one.  They were desperate to decorate and for the right reasons.  They of course were thinking of Christmas gifts, but they also knew the reverence of two seasons we would be celebrating – the Advent season and the Christmas season.  Seeing how excited they were for both, we started putting up decorations the day after Thanksgiving.  So that the Christmas season is fully remembered, I was – and still am, adamant that our decorations stay up until Epiphany, a Catholic feast day that I look forward to.  

When all five kids were home for Thanksgiving this year, our decorating tradition continued.  My husband and I hardly had to do any of the work.  Once the kids saw that the boxes were out of the closet, the house was decked!  The tree was up, the stockings were hung with care, the mangers were placed in their usual spots with the Baby Jesus figurines tucked safely away until Christmas day, and the Advent Wreath was found.  Finding the Advent Wreath has become a special tradition as well.  For years, that box was put away first and at the bottom of one of our large decorating boxes.  Finding it – and hoping that all four candles were with it, became an annual hide and seek game.  Last year, we found the wreath but not the candles, so I improvised.  It was not my proudest moment.

Cj advent wreath

I’ve had to improvise before and all the way back in 2009. 

Again, not one of my proudest moments. 

Neither was this one in 2020.

Cj advent candles

Sadly, I was not more organized in 2021 either.

Continue reading " Decking the Halls" »

Newsweek (Opinion): Don't Blame RFK, Jr. for "crumbling" trust in public health/vaccines

2024 CDC vax schedule

Newsweek (Opinion): Don't Blame RFK, Jr. for "crumbling" trust in public health/vaccines

Mainstream medicine has become too politicized

By Anne Dachel - subscribe to  Anne's Substack here.

On December 3rd Newsweek put out an opinion piece that was remarkable. (Newsweek also added this disclaimer at the end: “The views expressed in this article are the writer's own,” in case anyone would think that the editorial board supported this kind of thinking.)

The piece was Medical Establishment, Not RFK, Is To Blame for Declining Public Trust | Opinion, by Hadley Heath Manning.


The greatest threat to vaccine trust in America isn't Robert F. Kennedy J.—it's the medical establishment itself.

Trust in public health is crumbling. While Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of health and human services is seen as the face of the anti-vaccine movement, the real problem is the medical establishment's own willingness to embrace partisan politics over evidence-based science.

While Ms. Manning didn’t say she supported any of Kennedy’s claims, she did say that the medical establishment has brought this on themselves. Mainstream medicine has become too politicized and has lost public trust, according to Manning.

Continue reading "Newsweek (Opinion): Don't Blame RFK, Jr. for "crumbling" trust in public health/vaccines" »

Local Library Features Vaccine Book in Children's Section

Library book why we need vaccines
Once upon a time, deep in your upper thigh....   And they all lived flappily ever after.

By Kim Rossi

All hail the giant phallic savior!

Why We Need Vaccines. How Humans Beat Infectious Diseases.
Really? Humans have beaten infectious disease? This book was prominently displayed in the Children's section of a public library.  Not just any local library. MINE.  Really it belongs in science FICTION. Someone needs to go on the NAUGHTY LIST. I could barely find a book about Christmas. But every day is Christmas Day in the Church of the Immaculate Vaccination. The KRAMPUS version.

From Amazon:

★ “Rae provides all the information readers want to know [and] skillfully broaches the topic of anti-vaccination…An engaging and informative nonfiction text with all the facts about vaccinations. A must-have for middle school libraries.” ― School Library Journal (SLJ), starred review

Vaccination is one of humanity's most effective and greatest discoveries.

Infections like the plague, smallpox and other deadly diseases have affected and killed people for thousands of years, but the invention of vaccines forever changed our relationship with these diseases. More recently the urgency of developing an effective vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic brought vaccination to the public's attention. Simmering tensions around vaccine hesitancy, misinformation and mistrust of science came to the forefront.

Although an earlier form of protection against infectious diseases has been practiced for a long time, vaccines have only been around for 200 years. Why We Need Vaccines explores the history of vaccine discovery, the science of how vaccines work and the public-health achievements that vaccines have made possible. It also discusses vaccine mandates and inequality in access to vaccines on local and global scales. It challenges young readers to take responsibility for themselves, their families and their communities so we can all be part of the solution to take down infectious diseases.

Check out the table of contents. Let's add a few chapters, shall we? 

Library book table of contents

This is not a children's book, despite it saying its for kids 9 - 12. Just in time to make them crave an HPV shot. It's propaganda for Mommy when she brings Johnny and Janey in for story time. Little does she know about the Big Bad Wolf.

Library Book intro

This Giving Tuesday at Age of Autism

Giving Tuesday heartToday is "Giving Tuesday." It's not quite as delicious as Taco Tuesday, except to us! I'm happy to tell you that we have MADE our $10,000 goal thanks to a very generous donation. And now, I'd like to see how far beyond $10K we can go! Your donation is tax deductible. Thank you.

Autism Age EIN 47-1831987
PO Box 110546
Trumbull, CT 06611
[email protected]

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Will EmeraMed Smell as Sweet?

Dr. boyd haleyBy Kim Rossi

As per usual, the headline is a bit of a play on words. There was an old perfume called Emeraude, back when fragrance smelled like flowers and spices not cotton candy and Matcha tea. In 2009, Dr. Boyd Haley quietly introduced us to OSR#1 - an antioxidant that he, Chairman of the University of Kentucky Chemistry department, created and offered to us in the autism community. Of course, once something WORKED to clear heavy metals from the body, it had to be instantly reviled and removed by the pharma apologists who PUT the heavy metals into our children. Dr.Haley has a NEW COMPANY based in Ireland, named EmeraMed - like the Emerald Island, I assume. Not the Emerald City, run by the mighty Oz. And I am hoping hard that I will be able to use the product once again for my daughters.

Discover the Future of Health

EmeraMed Ltd is a biotechnology firm developing the lipophilic, blood-brain-barrier passing, antioxidant Emeramide.

Emeramide also chelates free iron as well as many heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, which would otherwise create free radicals. Emeramide thereby helps restore normal function to the mitochondria and improve overall health.

Many of us met Dr. Haley, with his gentle Southern drawl, at autism conferences like Autism One. He was a featured speaker at the 2008 Green Our Vaccines rally in Washington, DC where he said, "To the media you are a huge part of the problem." His product OSR#1 was the first and only product to make a profound difference for my daughters. In fact, one day, then 11 year old Gianna came downstairs with her SHOES TIED for the very first time, a skill I attribute to the pathways opened by OSR.

My older daughters were in the mercury generation - hundreds of micrograms injected into them as Cupcake cop infants in the 1990s. How hard did the government Public Health and media go after Dr. Haley? Like a freight train. They went after me as well.  Below is an article written by a former food critic turned
"science" reporter named Trine Tsouderos.  I used to call her "The Angry Cupcake." She did me dirty in a FRONT PAGE article in Chicago.  Here's some of the verbiage. Note, my married name was Stagliano. But I chelated that successfully too. (Wink wink.)

Note that Tsouderos called OSR "an industrial chemical."  Had she ever looked into FLUORIDE and its genesis as a miracle in our water systems? Think of Robert Kennedy, Jr. and look at the push back, because of the source.

Industrial chemical OSR#1 used as autism treatment
By Trine Tsouderos

An industrial chemical developed to help separate heavy metals from polluted soil and mining drainage is being sold as a dietary supplement by a luminary in the world of alternative autism treatments.

The supplement, called OSR#1, is described on the company website as an antioxidant not meant to treat any disease. But the site lists pharmacies and doctors who sell it to parents of children with autism, and the compound has been promoted to parents on popular autism websites.

“I sprinkle the powder into Bella’s morning juice and onto Mia and Gianna’s gluten free waffle breakfast sandwich,” wrote Kim Stagliano, managing editor of the Age of Autism blog and mother of three girls on the autism spectrum, in an enthusiastic post last spring. “We’ve seen some nice ‘Wows!’ from OSR.”

Continue reading "Will EmeraMed Smell as Sweet?" »

We're Thankful Too

Memories are like saltRabbit! Rabbit! (It's December 1st!)

By Cathy Jameson

Every few weeks I remember that I have another email address.  When I remember that, I’ll remember that I have not checked it in quite some time.  I prepare myself for an onslaught of spam messages when I finally use the right password to log in.  I use that email for store or restaurant rewards and for memberships I needed at one time but don’t use too much any longer.  One message I know I will have every single time I check that email address is from a photo service.  I’ll have at least 5 – 10 messages actually.  Free prints!  Free shipping!  Do you want to see your memories from 10 years ago? 

Some days I do; but other days I ignore those emails and those memories. 

When the kids were younger, I printed pictures.  We’d frame some, send some to extended family, and keep some to give to the kids when they were older.  Most images were taken from a digital camera, which I can look at any time I want to, but there’s something about holding a printed photo.  While cleaning out Ronan’s room over our Thanksgiving break, I found a few photos on his bookshelf.  Most were of the siblings, but one was of me and my husband.  It’s one of my favorite photos of us, taken at our favorite Mexican restaurant the day before my husband’s birthday and right before he left on a long trip.  The photos we’ve printed are the really good photos of really good memories.  This photo service, though, has some that are not great memories.  Instead of wanting to go in and delete them, I ignore them.  I do that because I know that if I start looking at one set of photos from all those years ago, I’ll want to look at all of them.  I have to be in the right mindset to do that, and this week, with as many things as we had going on, I didn’t need the distraction nor the emotional rabbit hole I knew I would end up falling into had I looked.

This week, several family members made the long trip to come see us.  Our house was full, loud, and fun!  The kids watched movies, they played the piano and their guitars, and sang together.  We talked, feasted, danced, and we laughed.  Ronan tolerated most of it, and I loved pretty much every second of it. 

When memories were shared this week, it was the very good memories. 

When family members were brought up, they were the family members we miss the most. 

When the cameras came out, we captured the very best side of us – the side that smiles the biggest with expressions that exude the most amount of joy. 

Other holidays and family gatherings have not had us smiling.  But this one was really one of the best ones.  It was so good that I almost forgot about the other side of life – the one that comes with struggles and with frowns.  We’ve inadvertently captured those on film and unknowingly scroll through them long after a frustrating event is over.  We didn’t have to deal with that this week, thankfully.  Even if we did, I think I could’ve put some of the sadder emotions on hold. 

With as many family members as we had with us for the last ten days, someone was always ready to help – either me or Ronan.  I wanted to be hostess with the mostest and got to do that.  I love when I can provide everything for our guests.  It can be a lot of work to provide for everyone, but it’s hard for me to accept help sometimes, even from the nicest people.  To be gracious is a gift.  And to have as many hands as we had wanting to help me was a blessing.  I’ll hope for more of those blessings next month when another holiday comes around.  It’s my absolute favorite one of the entire year.

Even though Ronan doesn’t show us that he understands what these holidays mean, like past holidays, he was aware that something big is going on.  He showed a little bit of interest, especially when new and amazing foods show up on the table but would soon go back to his normal activity.  That meant he was back in his room, listening to his music, watching his movies, and tolerating the loud, the happy, and the fun from a distance.  The longer he tolerated that and us, the longer we could enjoy ourselves.  Our guests understood and gave Ronan the space and time he needed.  He was thankful for that.  We were thankful, too.  We’ll hope for that again when we celebrate the most special day of the year. 

Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.


Down the Covid 19 Rabbit HoleNew from the Children's Health Defense imprint of Skyhorse Publishing: Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic

A detailed examination of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a strange way, we can thank the overreach of the Covid 19 pandemic for opening the hearts (so many damaged by  myocarditis) and minds of the American public who really hadn't given much thought to the autism epidemic. That's about as grim as thanking cancer for long sought weight loss, but here we are. Your purchase from our link supports Age of Autism. Available in hardcover and on the free Kindle app.Donate - Thank You

Happy Thanksgiving from Age of Autism!

Thankful meme
We're thankful for many things. Our readers, so many of whom are like family. We've weathered countless storms together. We're grateful that we see a light at the end of the tunnel, and this time, maybe it's NOT a train barreling toward us. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed.

Enjoy the day, however you spend it. IMG_5536

Our year end annual fundraiser is nearing its close.  We've done really well so far, and that means you're stuck with us for at least another year! LOL!  If you can see to make a donation, tax deductible, we'd sure appreciate your support.  Thank you.  Kim Rossi, Managing Editor, Chief, Cook and Bottle-washer.

Checks: Autism Age
PO Box 110546
Trumbull CT 06611

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Age of Autism: We DEMAND Respect & Acknowledgment

IMG_5498Good God. Yesterday, the Volusia (Florida) County Sheriff's office reported that a search for an autistic boy had ended in the same tragedy we hear of over and over and over and over and WHEN will this be over? He wandered and drowned. 

Rest in peace Charlie Newton.

I expressed condolences and shared that according to the National Autism Association, the nation's LEADER in autism wandering issues and safety, 56 children have died this years. FIFTY SIX. That's more than 5 a month. Dead. Family traumatized forever. Guilty weight heavier than Jacob Marley's chains. A young woman whose profile says she is a "Pixie" and includes a rainbow flag answered me thus:

Volusia County Comment

This is the brainwashed bullshit we face thanks to neurodiversity, a social movement created and executed to protect the pharmaceutical industry and to create a new insurance payment code so that every Brittany, Dakota and Jaynelle could become an BCBA and make $125 an hour writing plans that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Angry? You betcha. We have spent DECADES trying to protect our kids and theirs by telling the world of their plight. All of us.  We're like lighthouse beacons shining out into the dark sea, only to find out sailors think we are dangerous lasers meant to harm.


Keep telling the world your story. Share everyone's story. And shut down those who haven't the sense of a pixie, fairy or gnome.

Communication Downloads For Thanksgiving from Communication is Key!

Working IMG_5477 to help those with complex communication needs.

Communication is Key AAC is a Michigan non-profit organization that believes that
every individual has the right to be able to communicate

Hi, friends. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy to share these FREE downloads from Communication is Key. They are AWESOME! I'm convinced that sometimes the simplest solution is the most familiar, easiest to access and best solution. My oldest, who will turn 30 in December, used the Picture Exchange System for many years. Then came the iPad and we all thought, "Oh! This is the answer to our prayers!" We bought ProLoQuo and other pricey AAC apps. And they work. Sort of. If you can get your kiddo off YouTube. Then along came Soma with a new way of learning motor planning and touching a letterboard to spell words. That was repackaged, upsold and turned into Spelling to Communicate, which is working beautifully for many who have been able to train to become or find a provider and spend the many hours and thousands of dollars required to manage the motor planning, vision and communication deficits. (See JB Handley's book below!)

Any communication is better than none.

I've sent this website to my daughters' day program managers, asking them to buy a LOT of ink and get busy printing and laminating. I'm doing the same. I know Bella especially will love have an easy to use sheet to tell me what she wants.  Mia will probably use it.  Gianna has much more speech than her sisters, but I'll encourage her to model use for her sisters. Cheap help!

UnderestimatedUnderestimated An Autism Miracle
By JB and Jamie Handley

In Underestimated: An Autism Miracle, Generation Rescue’s cofounder J.B. Handley and his teenage son Jamison tell the remarkable story of Jamison’s journey to find a method of communication that allowed him to show the world that he was a brilliant, wise, generous, and complex individual who had been misunderstood and underestimated by everyone in his life.

Jamison’s emergence at the age of seventeen from his self-described “prison of silence” took place over a profoundly emotional and dramatic twelve-month period that is retold from his father’s perspective. The book reads like a spy thriller while allowing the reader to share in the complex emotions of both exhilaration and anguish that accompany Jamison’s journey for him. and his family.

The Age of Polio by Dan Olmsted on Age of Autism

Dan Obit HeadshotIn 2016, our founding editor Dan Olmsted wrote this 13 part expose of the origins of polio in New York City. Dan was an acclaimed journalist, Yale trained. He was a founding writer at USA Today, and his series "The Age of Autism" for UPI offered the groundbreaking question, "Why don't Amish children have autism?"  We invite you to read his investigative journey into our medical past. As he hypothesized, it might provide insight into our current plight. You are more than welcome to share the URL to this on any platform, please acknowledge Dan Olmsted and Age of Autism. I can send you the code to drop into your platform, if you would like. Email me at [email protected]. Thank you.  Kim

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A note for those of you expecting the latest installment in the polio series – I’m taking a break to complete another project but will return with a vengeance in a while. I’ve pretty much completed the arc of the 1916 New York City and North Atlantic epidemic, proposing that sugar tainted with arsenic pesticide triggered the outbreak in those with an active poliovirus infection. Next we’ll look at other outbreaks to test and refine our hypothesis, and ultimately examine why polio is the autism of childhood illnesses, and autism is the polio of childhood disorders – both triggered by an environmental factor that orthodox medicine is either slow to recognize or suppresses altogether. I guess you could call it an after-action report; it's all about "hindsight "that should have been just as clear at the time if the experts weren't blinded by their own theories at the cost of ignoring the people right in front of them. Dan Olmsted

Polio color Egypt
Limestone stele of priest with withered leg. Fourteenth Century BC by anonymous stonecutter.


By Dan Olmsted


"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." -- Albert Einstein



On May 1, 1916, thirteen-month-old Lettie Caruso* moved with her family to a tenement at 1295 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn. A fifty-six-year-old woman named Mrs. G.H. Franklin lived and worked on the first floor, where she ran a small ice cream parlor that “the children naturally frequented,” according to a subsequent report by the New York Health Department. Lettie and her family lived in the apartment adjacent to the ice cream shop. On May 9, Lettie became ill. “A private physician was called the first day and came several days,” the Department reported. “She was examined with the stethoscope and at the first visit the doctor thought it was only a cold. As she grew worse a physician from New York was called in consultation. Mrs. Caruso thought the diagnosis was pulmonary bronchitis. So far as she knew the child was not paralyzed, but she cannot remember any special examination for that. There has been no Infantile Paralysis in this house, nor in the adjoining properties.”

That was about to change.

Looking back with perfect hindsight, Brooklyn in May 1916 was ground zero for an explosion that no one saw or heard for a month and more -- and, to this day, no one has satisfactorily explained. Before it ended late that summer, 25,000 people in the Northeast developed paralytic poliomyelitis, most of them young children, and an extraordinary 5,000 died -- nearly half of them in the City of New York, a toll approaching the September 11 tragedy. It was by far the largest and most lethal polio epidemic to date, and it remains one of the biggest ever (see chart).

As spring turned to summer, polio gripped every parent with fear, not just in the Northeast but nationwide. It was a fear that never entirely lifted until the outbreaks ended in the U.S. and most other countries after the Salk vaccine was introduced a half-century later, an occasion so momentous that church bells rang out across the country. But 100 years ago, and especially Brooklyn, there was barely suppressed panic that the authorities and the media did their best to tamp down.

"While there is no need of undue alarm," the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported in a careful front-page (but one column) article on June 17 announcing the epidemic, "the officials of the board of health are somewhat worried and are taking measures to stamp out the disease."

Since 1894 there had been smallish though increasingly ominous clusters of cases around the country. The first, in Vermont, affected 132 and killed 18; strangely, domestic animals were also affected even though polio is a disease of humans. The worst so far had been in 1907, which began in Brooklyn, too, before spreading to Greater New York but not much further, killing 125 in the city. Around the world, particularly in Scandinavia, larger clusters had started appearing, seemingly at random, since 1905.

But 1916 marked the moment the Age of Polio arrived in America.

Continue reading "The Age of Polio by Dan Olmsted on Age of Autism" »

Wear That Tin Foil Hat, Just Don't Eat It!

As Americans prepare for Thanksgiving on Thursday, the Reynolds wrap aluminum foil will be rolling Foil hat out in miles of tears to wrap the turkey and cover side dishes and leftovers.  Dr. Chris Exley, aluminium (UK spelling, we're multi-culti) expert has a terrific Substack post for you to read. Subscribe to his work here.

I am not advocating that you make your life impossible by not using aluminium foil, for example in the kitchen. Aluminium foil is exactly what it says on the tin. There is no so-called protective layer. You must not use foil in any way whereby contact with the product results in the corrosion of the foil surface. This corrosion, which may simply appear as a discolouration following cooking for example, tells you immediately that some degree of product contamination has taken place. Cooking with aluminium foil has become a way of life almost globally. There have been many scientific papers examining this issue and in the main they conclude that cooking anything in aluminium foil should be avoided. For a recent example of such that coincidentally also identifies the global nature of this problem you can read this recent paper on roasting catfish in aluminium foil.

I know that many people wish to lower their everyday exposure to aluminium while not everyone is sold on the philosophy of silicon-rich natural waters. The latter is your best defence if you can make this part of your everyday life. However, the former is achievable if you think twice about consuming too much of (a product) and too many products packaged (and hence stored) in tin foil. Wear the hat instead!

Continue reading "Wear That Tin Foil Hat, Just Don't Eat It!" »

The Caring Caregiver

Caregivers women
Men too

By Cathy Jameson

Since starting a grad course on special education a few months ago, I cannot tell you how many times I read something from class that directly related to an event in my personal life or my professional life.  The course has been a challenge, but it’s been a blessing.  It’s been perfectly timed more times than not, too!  I love that and will be forever grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained and regained these last few months. 

Today’s coincidence happened after a difficult week of managing some issues both at home and at work.  I had control of some of them, but then I didn’t have control of others and had to let them go.  Juggling so many aspects of life – both mine, my son’s, and others at work takes time.  It takes a toll on me, too,and on those around me.  After getting through one of the frustrating issues that I could get through, I saw that a friend shared a link to a documentary about parents of children with special needs.  Wow, another coincidence.  

I had just opened the next chapter for class, which was all about parents and families of children with special needs.  The opening section included general information and statistics.  The next two sections mirrored what I know and experience as mom of a child with special needs.  Some of the parenting information is what parents across the world deal with. The further I read confirmed what many of us know to be true – levels of success and stress fluctuate for all parents, but those parents with children with special needs tend to handle quite a bit more.  

CJ parental stress
(Exceptional Learners:  Introduction to Special Education, 15th edition)


Continue reading "The Caring Caregiver" »

Hop To It! Down the Covid 19 Rabbit Hole Now Available in Hardcover and on Kindle

Down the Covid 19 Rabbit HoleNew from the Children's Health Defense imprint of Skyhorse Publishing: Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic

In a strange way, we can thank the overreach of the Covid 19 pandemic for opening the hearts (so many damaged by  myocarditis) and minds of the American public who really hadn't given much thought to the autism epidemic. That's about as grim as thanking cancer for long sought weight loss, but here we are. Your purchase from our link supports Age of Autism. Available in hardcover and on the free Kindle app.


A detailed examination of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic
Reading rabbits

Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole discusses the widespread misuse of science during the pandemic, the likely origin of COVID-19, the pathophysiology of the disease itself, and the harms associated with the various vaccines that have been produced, particularly those based on the novel mRNA platforms. This book also looks at the widespread failure of the health professions to adequately understand and treat the disease and the consequences of the vaccines, the apparently agenda-driven responses of various governments, and the inability of the legal system to understand the implications for natural and civil rights. As well, Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole considers how most of the mainstream media largely became a propaganda tool for reigning governments.

The official response to the pandemic has fractured society in ways that most people could not have imagined prior to 2020. Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole details these consequences, offers solutions to repair the damages to society, and considers ways to heal those damaged by the experimental vaccines.

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Can You Spare a Dime? Or Two?

Autism Reality EINAge of Autism enters adulthood. We celebrated 18 years' publishing last week. We knew our work would remain important, no matter the election results. But the outcome brings a tiny glimmer of hope that maybe the topics we've been discussing from our hearts and souls will finally reach hearing, compassionate ears. We're hardly naive. We'd truly appreciate your support. This is our only tax deductible, annual fund-raising campaign.  Thank you to Rick and Laura Hayes our generous matching gift benefactors.

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 We also accept non-cash donations.
PO 110546
Trumbull CT 06611
EIN 47-1831987

Thank you. Kim Rossi

Managing Editor

Mainstream Media Attack on RFK Jr Fully Expected

Take a walk down memory lane with Anne Dachel while the media has a meltdown over the HIDEOUS concept of improving health. Our annual matching gift program is underway. If you can donate, thank you!

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Mainstream News, WE’RE NOT LISTENING! You have lied and covered up the truth about vaccines and autism for decades!

By Anne Dachel

As expected, the major cable outlets lost no time in bashing President Trump’s pick to head HHS, Robert Kennedy, Jr.

As someone who’s monitored news coverage of the autism epidemic for the past 20 years, I knew exactly what would happen.

First, concerned news anchors would announce how dangerous it is for the health of Americans, especially children, to have Kennedy in a position of power over U.S. health care. They would label him as “anti-vaccine” and a “conspiracy theorist.” We’d be told that all the science is in, and there is no link between vaccines and things like autism.

Second, they would interview an equally concerned medical “expert” from some prestigious university or hospital who’d recount all the lives saved from communicable diseases because of vaccines. They’d also warn that children will be dying if parents don’t vaccinate.

Here are current examples:

CBS News: What to know about RFK Jr.'s stances on key health issues and what he could do at HHS

Dr. Celine Gounder, medical contributor: Vaccines, to be very clear, do not, NOT, cause autism. . . . It’s also a red herring for people whose kids have autism, who they themselves have autism. You’re distracting from the kind of research and treatments that might actually help those kids.

ABC News: Doctors worried RFK Jr. will tout vaccine-skeptic views after he is picked for HHS secretary

Anchor: Kennedy has endorsed a host of debunked conspiracy theories, including falsely claiming childhood vaccines cause autism.  . . .

Dr. Todd Ellerin, South Shore Hospital: We know that vaccines have been such an important development, crucial, really life-saving. . . .

PBS News: A look at RFK Jr.’s record as Trump selects him to lead nation’s health agency

Anchor: He's also an anti-vaccine activist and has pushed several conspiracies about the COVID-19 virus, . . .

Continue reading "Mainstream Media Attack on RFK Jr Fully Expected" »

An Elaborate Fraud 2011 by Dan Olmsted: Autistic Children, Brian Deer and the British Medical Journal

An Elaborate Fraud, Part 1: In Which a Murdoch Reporter Deceives the Mother of a Severely Autistic Child

  Blanket Lancet
One of the Lancet 12 children on a doctor visit not long after the BMJ articles were published in January.

By Dan Olmsted

On January 5, 2011, the British Medical Journal accused Dr. Andrew Wakefield of committing “an elaborate fraud” in the controversial 1998 Lancet report about 12 children who developed bowel disease and regressed after receiving the MMR shot. The cover article by journalist Brian Deer focused on “the bogus data behind claims that launched a worldwide scare over the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine.”

Deer identified and interviewed parents of some of the children in the anonymous Lancet case series, describing what he said were significant disparities. “I traveled to the family home, 80 miles northeast of London, to hear about child 2 from his mother,” Deer wrote of one interview. The child had severe autism and gut problems that she blamed on the MMR.

What Deer did not say in the BMJ article is that he had lied to the mother about his identity, claiming to be someone named “Brian Lawrence” (his middle name). Deer had written a number of critical articles about parents’ claims of vaccine injury, and if he gave his real name, he doubtless feared, Child 2’s mother would not agree to talk to him. Once she checked his blog, she would be more likely to kick him out of the family home than sit still for what turned into a six-hour inquisition.

He even created a fake e-mail address for his fake identity, and he used it to communicate with her: [email protected].

Why did the highly respected British Medical Journal sanction such deceit involving the mother of a child who, whatever the cause, was severely disabled? When the interview took place in November 2003, more than seven years before the BMJ article, Deer was not working for the journal. He was on assignment for The Sunday Times of London.

The Sunday Times is owned by Rupert Murdoch, part of the News International division that has come under a Watergate-size cloud in England for its newsgathering tactics – fraudulently obtaining confidential information, bribing police, hacking 9,000 phone numbers, gaining access to bank accounts, and using large financial settlements to keep some victims quiet.

The BMJ article, titled “How the Case Against the MMR Vaccine Was Fixed,” has its roots in the Sunday Times. It is remarkably similar to one Deer wrote for the Sunday Times two years earlier, in February 2009. That article was titled MMR Doctor Andrew Wakefield Fixed Data on Autism and it cited much the same data and mentioned many of the same people featured in the BMJ article.

The BMJ imprimatur gave Deer – as well as the British Medical Association, which publishes the journal -- a “peer-reviewed” platform from which the story was broadcast far and wide, as conclusive proof of fraud. The BMJ dressed up its presentation with footnotes, charts, editorials, commentary and what it called “editorial checking.”

But clearly, the crux of the article came from reporting Deer did while affiliated with the Sunday Times. Along with evidence presented at a General Medical Council hearing, Deer wrote in the Sunday Times, he relied on “unprecedented access to medical records, a mass of confidential documents and cooperation from parents during an investigation by this newspaper.” His work, he said, exposed the “selective reporting and changes to findings that allowed a link between MMR and autism to be asserted.”

Deer did not identify Child 2 or his mother in either the Sunday Times or the BMJ – he didn’t need to. He had posted their names on his blog (subsequently removed); what’s more, the names were known because the mother had spoken out on the researchers’ behalf and was a claimant in a failed legal case over the vaccine. (Deer has said any allegation he “placed confidential information on my website” is false.)

False pretenses and confidentiality aside, the BMJ’s ethics code bars the use of anyone’s medical information without written permission -- even when the subject is anonymous.

“Any article that contains personal medical information about an identifiable living individual requires the patient’s explicit consent before we can publish it,” according to the policy (italics in original).  “We will need the patient to sign our consent form which requires the patient to have read the article.”

If she had done so, the journal would have gotten an earful about  “Brian Lawrence,” Brian Deer and her subsequent dealings with the Sunday Times. That is the subject of our next article.


Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism, and co-author, with Mark Blaxill, of The Age of Autism – Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic, to be published in paperback in September by Thomas Dunne Books. 

An Elaborate Fraud, Part 2: In Which a Murdoch Newspaper’s Deceptive Tactics Infect the British Medical Journal

  Blanket Lancet
One of the Lancet 12 children on a doctor visit not long after the BMJ articles were published in January.

By Dan Olmsted

As she sat down to write the Sunday Times of London on Saturday, November 29, 2003, Rosemary Kessick was beside herself. The day before, a reporter for the paper named Brian Lawrence had come to her home to interview her – and kept at it, relentlessly, for six straight hours. It was more like an inquisition than an interview. Everything she said about the regression of her severely autistic son – what happened, when it happened, why she thought it was connected to the measles-mumps-rubella shot he had received -- was questioned as though she were a defendant in a courtroom.

Her son’s autism had manifested 13 years earlier, in 1990, and it still “traumatized and blighted” the family, but Brian Lawrence expected her to remember it like it were yesterday and describe it all with clarity; any uncertainty or hesitation seemed to immediately become a discrepancy. She had no confidence in what the reporter was going to write. She thought he might suggest she was, at best, an unreliable witness to her own child’s mental and physical disintegration, or, at worst, that she wasn’t telling the truth.

As she began typing, she did not know it was “Brian Lawrence” who was not telling the truth – a fact that became clear a few days later, when she found a picture online of Brian Deer, a journalist notoriously hostile to people who claimed that vaccines had injured their children. That was the man who sat in her living room, sneering and displaying “no human qualities of compassion.”

On this day, the day after the inquisition, all she knew is that she didn’t like the way she had been treated, not at all, and that is what she began typing to Brian Deer’s boss, John Witherow (who remains editor of the Sunday Times to this day).

 It is worth reading the letter, and the subsequent correspondence, in order and in toto (with only a few irrelevant details omitted), because the road it leads to is ultimately not the Sunday Times, but the British Medical Journal. The BMJ quoted from that interview this January – seven years after “Brian Lawrence” arrived at her door, 20 years after the devastating events it described – as proof of what the BMJ called “an elaborate fraud” by Dr. Andrew Wakefield to link developmental regression, bowel disease, and the MMR. Rose Kessick’s son was one of the 12 children in the controversial Lancet study that first raised the possibility of a connection between shot and symptoms that warranted further study, and part of MMR litigation that had been dismissed.

This past week - on Sunday, July 17, 2011 – the trail wound back to the Sunday Times. Editor Witherow wrote a column – subtitled “As the storm over phone hacking rages on, the editor of The Sunday Times says deception can sometimes be the only path to the truth” -- in which he defended the paper’s h tactics and singled out important investigations by the newspaper including “Brian Deer’s outstanding work on exposing the doctor behind the false MMR scare.” He rejected any criticism of the newspaper’s past conduct, citing the public interest.

“In other words,” he said, citing another high-profile Sunday Times investigation, “the ends justified the means.”

The Sunday Times has denied charges made this month by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown that the paper had “blagged” him, with Sunday Times personnel posing as Brown to gain access to his bank account. The real Gordon Brown referred the matter to police.

From here on, my short comments are in italic, between the correspondence, and at the end.


November 29, 2003:

Dear Mr. Witherow [Editor, The Sunday Times of London],

I was visited yesterday, Friday 28th November 2003 by Brian Lawrence who had introduced himself by telephone the previous Friday as the Sunday Times health correspondent. He had asked for the appointment which he told me was part of an exercise instigated by yourself in order to decide whether the Sunday Times should support the reinstatement of legal aid in the MMR cases.

I [was] both surprised and shocked by the tone and emphasis of the questioning which stopped little short of interrogation from the outset. This questioning began with a launch into the exact nature of what happened on the day my younger son had received his MMR vaccine down to questions about where I worked, what the surgery [medical office] was like, what time of day it would have been. …

It was curious that having asked if I didn’t mind the interview being recorded, Mr. Lawrence kept turning the same tape over every time it ran out.

It must not be forgotten that whatever anyone's personal opinions on the causation, we are a family traumatised and blighted by seeing our normal, healthy, beautiful baby son transformed into a desperately disabled child and have been struggling to cope with everything that this entails for the best part of fourteen years. 

Mr. Lawrence displayed no human qualities of compassion and even began the session by firmly and categorically stating his sympathy, approval and admiration for those paediatricians and other health care workers who remain not only detached from the plight of their young patients and families but who display a distinct cold lack of compassion. This attitude was backed up by the anecdote of his sitting in a room with parents grieving the death of their child following medical negligence when he described graphically how he was ignoring their tears to watch the television over the parents' shoulders in order to follow the ongoing storyline of a soap.

What I expect of the Sunday Times is the highest quality journalism and whilst I am well used to hostile questioning, sending a journalist of this calibre to abuse my hospitality in my own home was both unnecessary and inappropriate. The man arrived at 10.30am and left circa 4.30pm.

Despite our own personal outrage at the totally insensitive questioning, demeanour and attitude of this journalist my deepest concerns surround the extent to which the Sunday Times apparently intends to rely on this individual's judgment to formulate an opinion on the legal cases.

During the meeting Mr. Lawrence repeatedly displayed arrogance in his own perceived ability and knowledge which when probed, consistently revealed a dangerous bigotry and clear ignorance of the many legal and scientific facts salient to the MMR cases. He seemed to take delight in refuting many of the facts I was putting to him and I became so frustrated at one point that I telephoned my solicitor to check on the exact wording of one of the defence barristers at a court hearing. My solicitor took my call despite being in a meeting himself and responded to my request immediately. Mr. Lawrence also appeared irritated that the solicitor would not answer his requests to set up a meeting with him and did not accept his response that he was under instruction from the QC not to talk to the press pending the judicial review on the revoke of legal aid for the children in the MMR damage cases.

A recurring theme of the meeting was Mr. Lawrence's besmirching of the integrity and competence of everyone concerned with the MMR cases spanning Richard Barr and his team, our barristers, Dr. Wakefield, me, my family and the expert witnesses. … This all went way beyond what could be considered a reasonable assessment of humanity in general and was exceptionally insulting.

A further theme was the suggestion that we the families are naïve to the fact that everyone in life has their own agenda and we were merely being used by all concerned to further their own aims and objectives. 

Following yesterday’s complete waste of my time I can only assume that Mr. Lawrence’s agenda was totally at odds from that which he used to gain access. His methods seemed more akin to the gutter press than what may be reasonably expected of responsible journalism. In addition, his whole appearance was shoddy and shifty with a clear lack of respect for me, my family or my house. …

I remain deeply shocked that such a journalist who, in my opinion is neither well informed nor particularly intelligent, should be let loose as a representative of a newspaper with the reputation of the Sunday Times.

Whilst writing this I have just received an email from him which I will forward together with this, I have no intention of responding to Mr. Lawrence’s comments.  I will also put both in the post to you and await your response.

Yours sincerely,

Rosemary C. T. Kessick


Kessick remembers being surprised at the change from the day before that Deer’s e-mail represented, and noting that it arrived in the middle of typing her letter to the editor about his conduct. She did not read it until after she sent her letter to the Sunday Times.

-----Original Message-----
From: brian lawrence [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 29 November 2003 11:09 …

Dear Rosemary,

I hope you don't feel that I was too rude yesterday.  I was mainly thinking aloud - trying to get an answer to a question that has been put to me - which is why not try to get the hearing when all the research is in and published.  It may be that there are procedural reasons why that can't happen, and I'm only trying to suggest that maybe those aren't just things you leave to lawyers, because they might want the thing over and done with to get on with something else.  In my experience, it's those people who are actually affected by the issue who are best placed to decide.  I wasn't saying I didn't support your case or didn't think you were doing the right thing. Autism and MMR is a big issue and any trial is surely going to make a huge difference one way or another.

Anyhow, if you have any questions, let me know.  I'll come back when those with more influence over these things than I have let me know how the paper proposes to fall on this.

Best wishes,


Continue reading "An Elaborate Fraud 2011 by Dan Olmsted: Autistic Children, Brian Deer and the British Medical Journal " »

Rep Thomas Massie Food Freedom Initiatives in Congress

FOOD-AS-MEDICINEThank you to Laura Hayes for sharing this video. We need food, not Frankenpfood. By the way, our annual Laura and Rick Hayes matching gift campaign could use a boost! Hope you will consider a tax deductible donation. Thanks. KIM

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Representative Thomas Massie presented the keynote on "Food Freedom Initiatives in Congress" on October 26 at our annual Wise Traditions conference held in Orlando, Florida. He also received the President's Award from Sally Fallon Morell.

Kennedy’s Nomination to Lead HHS Answers His Prayers – and Mine

CJ Bobby and TrumpBelow is a heartfelt article by Lou Conte, from The Kennedy Beacon. We're allowed to feel hope and dare I say it, joy. You can subscribe to the Kennedy Beacon Substack here. I think it's going to be a great source of info in the coming four years.

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By Louis Conte, Health Freedom Editor, The Kennedy Beacon

Late yesterday, as I was finishing a hike in the Catskills, I received word that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had been nominated to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Kennedy’s prayers were answered. So were mine.

In a video Kennedy posted on YouTube two weeks ago, the newly nominated candidate for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) tells a Tucker Carlson Live audience, “For 19 years, since 2005, I have spent 30 minutes praying every day . . . I ask God … to put me in a position where I could end the chronic disease epidemic and bring health back to our children.”

God listened.

Kennedy has been censored by the Biden administration for speaking the truth. He has been excluded and vilified by the DNC-aligned legacy media as being “anti-vaccine” and “anti-science.” Despite everything that the DNC, the legacy media, and Big Pharma has thrown at him, Kennedy now stands tall as the man with a historic opportunity to reform HHS.

The Department of Health and Human Services is the massive federal agency that has failed in its mission to protect the health of Americans due to corruption, corporate capture, and an arrogant lack of transparency on everything ranging from vaccine safety data to research that serves the interests of industries it is supposed to regulate. 

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The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine

Medical pharma killing machineNew from Children's Health Defense publishing. Perfect timing. Order a hardcover or Kindle copy of The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine here.

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Medical and pharmaceutical history is replete with examples of dangerous interventions that have poisoned, injured, or killed. However, events since 2020 have attracted attention as never before to medicine’s potential to be both lethal and malevolent. In The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine, Children’s Health Defense situates current perils in their broader context with the aim of helping readers understand how to protect themselves and their loved ones.
In the Greek Trojan War saga, the god Apollo ensured that Cassandra’s prophecies would never be believed, with disastrous consequences. As recounted in the book, modern medicine, too, has produced its fair share of “medical Cassandras”—doctors and writers who have tried to warn the public about medicine’s life-threatening underbelly, generally to little avail. A chapter dedicated to nine of these medical skeptics, beginning with Ivan Illich and his coining of the term “iatrogenesis” to describe adverse outcomes caused by doctors, weaves a powerful portrait of harms regularly denied and ignored, with those making the claims typically marginalized and “canceled.”

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Pinch Me

CJ Bobby and TrumpBy Cathy Jameson

The world is a buzz right now with the news of the new administration’s cabinet members.  Big changes are coming at the Secretary level and the Director level.  The biggest news for our community seems to be of Robert F. Kennedy’s nomination as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.  A shakedown is coming, and so many people shared how excited they were when they heard that news late last week.

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Kennedy is someone who listened.  He researched what parents were telling him.  Not only that, but he hit the road with us – and not just once.  He’s been with us at several events for several years now. 

CJ Bobby at Green Vaccines

Green Our Vaccines Rally, Washington, D. C. - 2008                          

Cj bobby kimAutism One Conference, Chicago - , and that’s our Kim Rossi in the picture with RFK, Jr.!

CJ bobby trace amounts

Trace Amounts, Washington, D. C. - 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxLjtLPNxP4 


CJ bobby V is for vaccines

V is for Vaccine, California - 2019

Long before this nomination, RFK, Jr. has been a voice for us and for our children. He’s promised to make necessary changes in the District and across the country.  His hope and efforts mirror what President-elect Trump has asked him to do:

“He wants the corruption and the conflicts out of the regulatory agencies. He wants to return the agencies to the gold standard, empirically-based, evidence-based, science and medicine that they were once famous for. And he wants to end the chronic disease epidemic with measurable impacts on a diminishment of chronic disease within two years.”

Many would love to see that happen, too, including my family. 

The first memory I have of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. working alongside parents in the autism community goes back to the Green Our Vaccines Rally in 2008.  Before that event, he’d written a lengthy article that was published in print in Rolling Stone Magazine and in Salon Magazine online in 2005.  At the end of the article, he shares:

I devoted time to study this issue because I believe that this is a moral crisis that must

be addressed. If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly

allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American

children, their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of

American medicine.

Salon took down the entire article six years later, reposted parts of it in 2022, but you can still find it on the web. The pro-vaccine crowd were quite vocal in their opinion of Kennedy back then and what he stood for.  He’s ready to take them on again as well as the new naysayers who would rather he be silent.  I don’t think being silent is possible for RFK, Jr.

I pray that Robert F. Kennedy continues to be a voice for our children for as long as he has his.  Having someone in the position he’ll soon be in has been a long time coming. 

Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.