Teresa Conrick

The Microbiome and The Age of COVID-19

Microbiome CovidBy Teresa Conrick

Thank you for this vintage photo.

We are in, “The Age of Covid-19” right now.  All of us.  We keep hearing about “the new normal” and how we will manage in this “new world.”  For many of us who have had ill children and young adults with immune issues, some of this is a world that we have already inhabited.  It has always included washing your hands excessively, keeping your distance from sick people, avoiding crowds, not touching  doorknobs, etc. I have been a follower of microbiome research and autism, as it has been pivotal for my daughter having better days of health and life.  The devastation that we are seeing with a novel virus hitting the populations around the globe has some overlap.  

                                                        Gastrointestinal Distress

A recent study came out of China, Evidence for Gastrointestinal Infection of SARS-CoV-2

We are not hearing about this enough, so I need to share this information, that more than half of Covid-19 patients have gastrointestinal issues as they are becoming infected with the virus.  Some important facts on that topic:

  • After viral entry, virus-specific RNA and proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm to assemble new virions,7 which can be released to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Therefore, fecal-oral transmission could be an additional route for viral spread.
  • In more than 20% of patients with SARS-CoV-2, we observed that the test result for viral RNA remained positive in feces, even after test results for viral RNA in the respiratory tract converted to negative, indicating that the viral gastrointestinal infection and potential fecal-oral transmission can last even after viral clearance in the respiratory tract. 
  • Our results highlight the clinical significance of testing viral RNA in feces by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) because infectious virions released from the gastrointestinal tract can be monitored by the test. 

It appears that the gut can create havoc and severity of viral symptoms:

Influenza and other respiratory viral infections predispose patients to secondary bacterial super-infections, which are frequently associated with a more severe clinical course. ...This raises the possibility that disruptions in the normal microbial communities by an acute viral infection might contribute to the development of post-viral bacterial pneumonia….Interactions between respiratory tract infections and the gut microbiome are bidirectional. While respiratory viral infections can change the gut microbiome, the gut microbiome also shapes the adaptive immune responses against respiratory pathogens.

Here is an interesting article with an interview, How Bacteria Could Affect Outcomes Of COVID-19 Patients  “As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, scientists are racing to unravel every aspect of how this novel virus behaves. The elderly, those with pre-existing conditions and members of disadvantaged communities with less access to health care have the worst outcomes. But what scientists don't understand is why some people who fall outside those groups are also being hospitalized — in some cases dying — while others are not….Among those trying to figure that out is Dr. Ronald Collman, a microbiologist and professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, who thinks that our microbiome — the bacteria and fungi that live in our bodies and on our skin — may be playing a role.

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Autism 27 Years Later Part 2

Meg sick age 5By Teresa Conrick

Part 1 is here

What Can Be Done For Those With Autism and Antibiotic Resistance?

Here are some treatment ideas but more are needed for so many ill children and adults.  These are based on research so I need to do the usual disclaimer:

This website and author does not provide medical advice. The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or 30F1D8D3-10BF-49DF-AE56-F5045AFE504Dtreatment. 

What I also want to say as this is usually cutting edge information that I report so you may need to go to your doctors/practitioners and give them this information.  As always, this may be years before it becomes common knowledge in any medical school or practice.

From the researchers:The gut is the epicentre of antibiotic resistance  

“Techniques are available to prevent, detect, and treat the carriage of resistant organisms in the gut. However, evidence on these techniques is scant,...”

1) Oral digestive decontamination for preventing nosocomial infections and antibiotic resistance...SDD relies on non-absorbable antibiotics (aminoglycosides, polymyxin E, and amphotericin B) applied to the oro-pharyngeal cavity and administered into the stomach, usually in combination with an intravenous antibiotic (third-generation cephalosporin) for three days. The use of SDD was highly controversial at first, chiefly because early studies found no significant decrease in mortality [53] and many physicians were deeply concerned about the risk of selecting organisms resistant to the drugs used for SDD [54-56],. Recent studies, however, documented a significant decrease in mortality [55,57,58] and a paradoxical decrease in resistance to the antibiotics used locally or systemically [55,58]. 

2) Probiotics have been suggested to maintain or restore gut homeostasis. Probiotics are defined by the World Health Organisation as ‘live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’. Lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria are the most common micro-organism types used as probiotics, although certain yeasts and bacilli may also be helpful. Saccharomyces boulardii is a tropical yeast which has been shown to maintain and restore the natural flora in the large and small intestine [59] and is classified as a probiotic. Non-pathogenic E. coli strains such as Nissle 1917 (EcN) are also classified as probiotics and have been studied in animals, normal volunteers, and elderly patients [60-64].

3) Antibiotics with local effects for managing outbreaks.  Targeting resistant bacteria with non-absorbable antibiotics is an extremely appealing strategy that has been investigated in patients carrying multi-resistant strains, as well as during outbreaks. ..Oro-pharyngeal chlorhexidine baths combined with oral paromomycin (plus an oral antibiotic in patients with urinary tract colonisation/infection) was effective in 76% of patients carrying ESBL-producing E. coli or K. pneumoniae[70]. 

4) Faecal microbiome transplantation.  Faecal microbiome transplantation consists in administering faecal flora from a normal individual into the gut of a patient with the goal of achieving colonisation with a well-balanced community of organisms. Faecal microbiome transplantation has produced excellent results in patients with C. difficile relapses [75-77]. In two recent systematic reviews, faecal microbiome transplantation via the oral route or colonoscopy was effective in 83% and 92% of cases of C. difficile disease, respectively [75,76].

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Autism, Twenty-Seven Years Later and What Have We Learned? Part 1

Meg sick age 5By Teresa Conrick

My daughter, Megan, turned twenty-seven on March 2nd.  I remember it like yesterday.  My water bag broke gently on the 1st and I was put on IV antibiotics in the hospital.  Labor was induced and Megan was born at 5:20 am.  Her apgar scores were perfect and I was a happy and grateful mother.  As the months went by, she seemed to react to her vaccines, crying, up all night with each one.  After her MMR vaccine, she developed a full body rash, fever, and stopped talking. Endless ear infections began with one right after the other--or -- were they just the same one never to be cured?  Antibiotics were prescribed with the hope she would have relief from the pain.  Counting blocks ended and she just stared at them,  tapping on them in a repetitive way.  This continued, crying, gut pain, infections, rashes, food allergies, and self-injurious behaviors.  An autism diagnosis ( pervasive developmental disorder) came right before her third birthday.  Since then, seizures developed, autoimmunity was diagnosed, as well as Nonfamilial Hypogammaglobulinemia, a problem with the immune system that prevents it from making enough antibodies called immunoglobulins. Antibodies are proteins that help your body recognize and fight off foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In addition, Megan has PANS which makes these infections so much worse. It has been a mission of 

mine and so many other parents to try and figure out what happened for some important reasons --- 

1 - How can I help my child? 

2-  How can I help other parents with their very ill children?

3-  How can this infection-type of autism be prevented in other children?

I say this because a recent study brought all of this surfacing again as it is very pertinent for Meg and so many others affected with autism, especially those severely affected. Meg is one of them and her medical issues have been denied for too long from the medical community.  Our children, no matter their ages, are very ill and the clues continue to show how their bodies are suffering and what science can do to help. Note too, that the authors call autism, a disease:

Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Gut Microbiota of Children With Autistic Spectrum Disorder as Possible Predictors of the Disease 

The gut microbiota (GM), which contains thousands of bacterial species, is a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) called resistome. Early life exposure to antibiotics alters significantly the composition and function of the gut microbiota of children, which may trigger symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). …..Our results show an increase in ARGs in the resistome of the GM of children with ASD.

What this means is that those who have an autism diagnosis seem to have MORE gut bacteria genes that are resistant  to antibiotics than children without an autism diagnosis.  If antibiotics are unable to fight infections, a person can develop chronic infections and can be at risk of acute, life-threatening diseases. Antibiotics are being chosen as THE culprit but let's take a closer look.  There are other connections that need to be explored.

Mercury Connections To Antibiotic Resistance

There is much research showing that these antibiotic resistant microbes can have other sources, like MERCURY:

Co-selection of mercury and multiple antibiotic resistances in bacteria exposed to mercury in the Fundulus heteroclitus gut microbiome  The emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria is currently one of the most serious challenges to human health. To combat this problem, it is critical to understand the processes and pathways that result in the creation of antibiotic resistance gene pools in the environment. In this study, we examined the effects of mercury (Hg) exposure on the co-selection of Hg and antibiotic-resistant bacteria that colonize the gastrointestinal tract of the mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), a small, estuarine fish....our results highlight the possibility for the creation of antibiotic resistance gene pools as a result of exposure to Hg in contaminated environments.

The linkage between antibiotic resistance and metal exposure   has been known for many decades, when it was first discovered that penicillinase was linked with mercury exposure (Fraser 1971; Richmond et al. 1964). Two mechanisms are involved in the possible linkages.Cross-resistance involves a single gene that confers resistance to both the antibiotic and metal, e.g., an efflux pump. Co-resistance is when separate traits are closely linked, e.g., on a transferable genetic element or operon, and are transferred together (e.g., Richmond et al. 1964). In both cases, metal exposure is sufficient to select and maintain AR genotype (Baker-Austin et al. 2006).

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Yet Another "RARE" Autoimmune Disease Caused By Vaccines

Vaccines colorfulBy Teresa Conrick

This case study, just recently out, shows a bad result and we cannot deny its existence: 

✹    Man Develops Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia After Getting Flu Vaccine, Case Study Reports  DECEMBER 3, 2019

The case highlights the importance of educating patients to report any unusual symptoms after vaccination.

The study, “Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in a Renal Transplant Patient Following Seasonal Influenza Vaccination,” was published in the journal Case Reports in Hematology.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, or AIHA, occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own red blood cells, causing a reduction in the number of these cells and leading to hemolytic anemia.

Symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, and jaundice. Cold agglutinin disease (CAD) is one of the most common forms of AIHA, marked by the formation of autoantibodies against red blood cells formed upon exposure to cold temperatures.

AIHA can have an unknown origin or result from an underlying disease or medication. Vaccines have been associated with triggering this condition.

This report described the case of a man, age 58, who received a seasonal flu vaccine (quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine IIV4) as part of routine care.

That may have been considered a “rare” occurrence but researching Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia brought the following case studies up, also as a result of vaccination.  It’s important people are aware of this as it is a serious consequence, not always medically investigated, and can be fatal. 

Case in point: 



MILLMAN, Special Master On January 28, 1999, petitioner filed a petition on behalf of her daughter, Lauren Brown (hereinafter, “Lauren”),for compensation under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 19861 (hereinafter the "Vaccine Act" or the "Act"). ...Petitioner alleges that Lauren’s vaccinations were a substantial factor in Lauren’s contraction of hemolytic anemia, causing her death. Respondent denies causation. The court held a hearing in this case on May 10, 2000. Testifying for petitioner was Dr. Ralph Shapiro. Testifying for respondent was Dr. Gregory H. Reaman. Both are specialists in pediatrics, oncology, and hematology….

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The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future

Teresa kids

Teresa wrote this post in 2011. Since then, Megan, like many of our children, has aged out of school into adulthood.  Autism takes no holidays. Many of us will awaken tomorrow not to gifts and a hot cup of coffee, but to seizures, a bedroom ripped apart, maybe an empty bedroom for a son or daughter who has moved into residential care.  Some of us will watch our kids open Videocassettes and DVDs we've scavenged from Goodwill and yard sales to please our children who still love Thomas and Elmo. We'll smile. But we'll be sad too. Another year gone by. Our past, present and future bring worry. To think otherwise is a lie.  We wish each of our readers a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and the joy of the season in whatever form it takes for you.  Love, Kim

By Teresa Conrick

Those are my two daughters in 1995.  They were watching a favorite Christmas video, The Snowman,  based on the UK story by Raymond Briggs. Unlike our giddy, holiday Frosty, the Snowman, the UK version is a beautiful, haunting story of love and loss.  The many times I watched it with Meg -- winter, summer, fall,spring -- it didn't matter the season.  Nights she woke up crying from gastrointestinal pain or intense, physical distress, she wanted to watch, The Snowman, but she could never, ever watch when he melted.  She would leave the room.

Megan, now eighteen, has both an autism diagnosis and an autoimmune diagnosis.  Rare?  Unrelated? I think not.  I believe as we end 2011 and enter into 2012, the upcoming year will bring us more facts and research into the connection between autism and autoimmunity.   With that, let's say goodbye to the autism ghosts of Christmas past which gave little hope for meaningful research on preventing new cases of autism (regression) or research on medical treatments for those currently affected (progression)  Junky genetic studies,  Drosophilia eye-gazing, unknown autism prevalence, and bullshit research has to END.  We know that bacteriaviruses  and metals  can cause autoimmune effects and the research needs to be centered around that.

Going back in time each holiday season, the ghosts of past Christmases can haunt those living with autism and autoimmunity.  In 1995, my daughter's autism diagnosis was never related to her ongoing illnesses with Streptoccocus and other bacterial infections as well as numerous viral infections.  Labs now have shown IgG quantitative titers for each -- Measles-Mumps-Rubella --  to be elevated.  That was the vaccine that dramatically affected my daughter with many days of rash, fever, GI issues, loss of language and then odd visual issues.  Brief definition of IgG:

Antibody testing
Measles and mumps (rubella)  antibodies are virus-specific proteins produced by the immune system  in response to an infection by the measles or mumps ( & rubella) virus, or in response to vaccination. There are two types of antibodies produced, IgM and IgG. The first type to appear in the blood after exposure or vaccination is IgM antibodies. Levels of IgM antibodies increase for several days to a maximum concentration and then begin to taper off over the next few weeks. IgG antibodies take a bit longer to appear, but once they do, they stay in the bloodstream for life, providing protection against re-infection.

There are very sick children and young adults with an autism diagnosis, and there seems to be mounting evidence  that the MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) vaccine has quite possibly left its mark in them.  So back to high titers and autism.  If a toddler is vaccinated at 15 months, what is happening to produce very high titers 18 years later?  Why are the Drosophilia scientists not dropping the fruit flies and looking at viral titers -- or Strep in those affected by autism?

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Thank You To A Caring Mom On FB : PANS Is NOT Pediatric

Pandas T shirtBy Teresa Conrick

For those who have been following my daughter’s journey from vaccination to increased bacterial and viral illnesses, then AUTISM to Seizures, then a PANS diagnosis (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) to her recent diagnosis of Nonfamilial Hypogammaglobulinemia, please check out this story I need to share.  Its origin is a FB post I came upon from a group that I visit.  The author gave me permission to post as she truly wants other parents to know about her family’s plight, so no other family will live this horrific experience. There are almost 15,000 members of this group and we are all parents of PANS/PANDAS kids.  The reality is that PANS is NOT a rare diagnosis and it is NOT JUST PEDIATRIC.  It also seems that the cute PANDAS label has not helped in the urgency of this disorder -- as the researchers and doctors at a recent conference were stressing this change to PANS/PANDAS --  “Now referred to as autoimmune encephalitis” 

The diagnosis can start at a young age but there seem to be more and more parents with older children as well.  Add in that many children with an autism diagnosis may have had PANS,  that was not diagnosed early or they developed it as time went by, as most have immune issues that can worsen.   The reality too is that there is no one treatment, medication, or cure that universally helps each patient in the same way. Things can change though and as more parents became vocal, the research grows and shows that this is a heart - breaking disorder. It can be acute, chronic, and life-threatening.  More treatments can be found and made for this population that continues to multiply.

This brings me to where many are now, a child, teen or young adult, who is very ill, with a body that is not working properly as immunological, neurological, and behavioral symptoms take over.  We are talking vocal tics, body tics, motor and sensory abnormalities, enuresis  obsessive-compulsive behaviors, anxiety, depression, irritability, aggression, emotional lability, auditory or visual hallucinations, as well as violent imagery, and suicidal or homicidal ideation, regression of skills, severe restriction of eating, and severe oppositional behaviors. Using the word PEDIATRIC is not helpful.

Here then is the post from a mother who took the time to read and answer 107 comments and with genuine care about other families.  This is what I am so grateful for -- the parents who want to help other families:


I would like to share a horror story of our 18 year old Pandas son when he went away to college. I hope this will help another parent from going through what we did. .. my son had a melt down at school and was spinning around , had tics and starting hallucinating. He never had done this behavior before. This came two months after receiving the required meningitis vaccine. He was never diagnosed with anything except PDD when he was a toddler through 10th grade. He never should have gone into the ER that day at school ... he thought they were going to help him and instead they took our rights away as parents because he was 18 and locked him in a mental institution for 3 months and held him down and injected him with all different antipsychotic meds .......... ( might I add they didn’t work ) ... he was so sick , pale , thin and broken , eyes were yellow ... we had to fight to get a power of attorney for health care for him to get him out. He got out with severe PTSD . We were able to get him in with a wellness Dr in our area who diagnosed him with Pandas , a severe food allergy to peanuts and gluten. He also had Mono/ Epstein Barr . With the grace of god he is now being treated appropriately. The conventional doctors out there are not open to the Pandas diagnosis and are not willing to find the root cause of illness. They want to bandage them with psych meds... some side effects of those can exacerbate a pandas symptoms so beware . Why I posted this is because make sure when your pans / panda kid turns 18 you have them sign a medical power of attorney just to protect yourselves . I hope this helps others because our journey the last 2 years has been a nightmare. My son had to drop out of school for now but is being treated with antibiotics, diet control , prednisone and supplements. I am very grateful we found the right drs to diagnose and treat the right illness. Love and prayers are sent to all parents who are going through this with their own kids. ♥️ Please get your medical power of attorneys signed ASAP. My faith keeps me strong and my Pandas kid has taught me resilience on this journey together.

Thank you, “Caring Mom” for reminding all the families that our kids may never be entirely out of the woods as far as their immune systems go and being able to help in their treatment into adulthood may be very necessary.  Let’s look at some other factors in that posting:

  • Her son had a PDD diagnosis in his younger years but eventually went off to college, which was great but what happened also showed that his immune system continues to be fragile.

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When Autism Gene Research Hurts

Brain colorsBy Teresa Conrick

I wrote about SPARK a few years back , and this is the description from their site -- the “Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge,’ and the mission is simple: we want to speed up research and advance our understanding of autism to help improve lives.”   How and why is gene-hunting research STILL a “thing” in autism? We went from Dr. Leo Kanner, in 1943,  bashing parents as “frosty,”---- to cold, unfeeling, “Refrigerator Mothers,” in 1967, with the fraud, Bettleheim,----- and then autism made its debut in the DSM of 1980, a horrible move as it is NOT psychiatric,---- and then the popularity of gene-hunting for autism in the 1990’s …..and it has been stuck there for too long!  It is so frustrating to read obsolete research from scientists that is just plain irrelevant and then confusing parents, thinking that it is new, or helpful.  It is neither. But they may not know any better so let’s help them out. I think it is important to look at patterns, as that can help us find solutions.

There is rapid, and I mean lighting speed research coming out, that is showing that the hot spot of autism is not in a gene hunt, and thus not GENETIC.  What study after study IS showing is that we are living in a world now that is producing very impaired microbiomes and seeing increases in these regressive disorders like Autism, Parkinson’s, ALS, Altzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Cancer, and ever- increasing numbers of autoimmune diseases.  There are different avenues to succumb to these diseases, but the common denominator is that the gut microbiome is impacting the brain, the immune system and genes.  The issue with genes seems to be that these gut microbes are actually causing GENE EXPRESSION to happen.  This is a good example:

Alterations in gut microbiome composition have an emerging role in health and disease including brain function and behavior. Short chain fatty acids (SCFA) like propionic (PPA), and butyric acid (BA), which are present in diet and are fermentation products of many gastrointestinal bacteria, are showing increasing importance in host health, but also may be environmental contributors in neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorders (ASD)....PPA and BA induced broad alterations in gene expression including neurotransmitter systems, neuronal cell adhesion molecules, inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid metabolism and mitochondrial function, all of which have been implicated in ASD. In conclusion, our data are consistent with a molecular mechanism through which gut related environmental signals such as increased levels of SCFA's can epigenetically modulate cell function further supporting their role as environmental contributors to ASD.

And this:

….mice colonized with human ASD microbiota also showed altered gene expression in their brains and differences in the types of metabolites present (metabolites are the molecules produced as byproducts of digestion and microbial metabolism). Two metabolites in particular were found in lower amounts in these mice: 5-aminovaleric acid (5AV) and taurine.

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Transplanting Human Autism Microbiome In Mice Causes Autism

Microbiome7By Teresa Conrick

In late Spring, this study came out, Human Gut Microbiota from Autism Spectrum Disorder Promote Behavioral Symptoms in Mice The importance of the results should jolt even the most skeptic:

“We transplanted gut microbiota from human donors with ASD or TD controls into germ-free mice and reveal that colonization with ASD microbiota is sufficient to induce hallmark autistic behaviors.”

Some were not happy with that conclusion.  It may be that as we find more concrete evidence that it is the microbiome and NOT genes as the epicenter of autism, ---money, causation, and reputations--- may be challenged.  Because my daughter has been so affected, my perseveration of the microbiome for these many years has indeed, been the right path.  Searching for answers to improve the health and well-being of increasing numbers of children on the spectrum, is a huge motivator for many of us.  Let’s take a look at what this all means.

The Study

The impressive list of researchers is outstanding  .  Many have researched autism and all of them seem to be well acquainted with the microbiome.  Their expertise in Biology, Biological Engineering, Microbiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Neurology, Biomedical Science, Genome Sciences, Neurobehavioral Genetics, and Microbiome Innovation shows the encompassing knowledge that powered this research.  What is more astounding is that this study can now be added into the increasing list diagnoses. If you transplant gut microbiota from human donors with or TD controls into germ-free mice that colonization with microbiota is sufficient to induce.  That list thus far:

  • Schizophrenia  - “The most intriguing evidence came when the researchers gave germ-free mice fecal transplants from the schizophrenic patients. They found that “the mice behaved in a way that is reminiscent of the behavior of people with schizophrenia,”  
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and anxiety - “mice colonized with bacteria from IBS patients with anxiety symptoms showed similar symptoms in both behavioral tests. Those mice colonized with gut bacteria from IBS patients also displayed signs of immune activation associated with low-grade inflammation compared to mice colonized with bacteria from healthy individuals…”
  • Parkinson’s Disease - “microbiota transplant from PD patients to αSyn-overexpressing mice and observed an enhancement of physical impairments compared to microbiota transplants from healthy human donors. The findings reveal that gut bacteria regulate movement disorders in mice and suggest that alterations in the human microbiome represent a risk factor for PD4. “ 
  • Multiple Sclerosis - “microbiota transplants from MS patients into germ-free mice resulted in more severe symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and reduced proportions of IL-10+ Tregs compared with mice “humanized” with microbiota from healthy controls.” 
  • Depression - “Fecal microbiota transplantation of GF mice with ‘depression microbiota’ derived from MDD patients resulted in depression-like behaviors compared with colonization with ‘healthy microbiota’ derived from healthy control individuals.”  

The Controversy

All of those studies you see above, have families and researchers hopeful and motivated to continue more studies, with the ultimate goal of treatments, medications and cures, to help so many ill people.  Yet, AUTISM, the youngest hit group affected by microbiome dysfunction, with all of its subsequent medical and behavioral issues, constantly has to deal with controversy.  Now, it’s about this study above, and Spectrum, a site funded by the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) , where it appears that the focus is solely on genetics , had this to say: Study of microbiome’s importance in autism triggers swift backlash:

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Harris Poll Reports 45% of American Adults Have Vaccine Doubts

Think for yourselfBy Teresa Conrick

What does it mean if 45% of adults question vaccines?  It may mean that they are leery of a product that is put into their bodies and their children’s bodies, which has no liability.  The no-fault vaccine court is horrible. Who wants to play Russian roulette with their health?  Protection from the flu, for example, for a few months--as they are advertised, but realistically with low effectiveness, often less than 50% on a good year -- vs-- actual neurological and neuropsychiatric issues after receiving the influenza vaccine, such as anorexia, tics, OCD, and anxiety.  That’s pretty scary.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

CHICAGO—June 24, 2019—A recent online survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Osteopathic Association, revealed that more than two in five American adults (45%) say something has caused them to doubt vaccine safety…..Although 55% of Americans don’t doubt vaccine safety, 45% noted at least one source that caused doubts about the safety of vaccination. The top three doubt-causing sources were online articles (16%), past secrets/wrongdoing by the pharmaceutical industry (16%) and information from medical experts (12%).1

“From an evolutionary perspective, humans are primed to pay attention to threats or negative information,” she says. “So it makes sense that people hold onto fears that vaccines are harmful, especially when they believe their children are in danger.”

She believes it is possible that, since vaccines have been so effective in eradicating disease, people may have more fear of possible vaccine side effects than the actual diseases vaccines prevent…...herd immunity is essential to maintain because some people cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions, including allergies, illness or a weakened immune system. Keeping the rest of the population vaccinated protects those who are vulnerable…..

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Best of: Brain on Fire the Microbiome Autism and Autoimmune Encephalopathy Part 2

MicrobiomeNote: Kim is taking a summer break and we're running our favorite "Best of" posts.

Please consider a donation to our "Stop the Summer of Censorship" campaignSummer money. Many mainstream platforms have censored articles that discuss health and vaccination choice, refusal, even safety. We've seen articles replaced by "404 Error" messages. Age of Autism is more important and valuable than ever. And we need your support to keep the rebel alliance, as our dear friend Dan called us, going strong. You can send a check to Autism Age, PO Box 110546 Trumbull CT 06611. And don't forget matching gifts! Especially if you work for a pharma company. Ha Ha! THANK YOU.

Donate through Network For Good Here

By Teresa Conrick

In Part 1 , we took a look at autoimmune encephalopathy and the emerging research in autism.  Much of it had a focus on autoantibodies.  Now, I’d like to investigate the microbiome and its connection to both autism and autoimmune encephalopathy.  Again, follow the studies as they are showing patterns that are important for autism:

This paper discusses Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis yet its value in autism research cannot be denied.

The gut–brain connection: triggering of brain autoimmune disease by commensal gut bacteria, 2016

However, the discovery that intestinal microbiota are able to trigger autoimmune disease in organs far away from the gut, in the CNS, was less anticipated. How could gut microbes ignite an autoimmune attack against the CNS, an organ not only far from the gut, but also enveloped by seemingly tight tissue barriers? First, it should be remembered that tissue-specific autoimmune diseases are driven by autoimmune T cells with receptors specific for tissue-specific autoantigens. Second, such self-specific T cells are normal components of all immune systems, healthy as well as diseased. They sit in the immune system in a resting mode, innocuous. Only upon particular stimuli that trigger their activation, do the self-specific T cells unleash their autoaggressive pathogenic potential…….

….antibiotic treatment not only altered the gut microbiota, but also mitigated clinical CNS inflammation. They attributed the effect to a decrease of Th17 cells in the gut, possibly effected by invariant T cell populations  [31]. Subsequently, Kasper and colleagues discovered in a similar model that the expansion of a particular bacterial species, Bacteroides fragilis, reduced autoimmunity. The microbes seem to release a capsular polysaccharide A for recruiting and activating intestinal regulatory T cells in the colon [32]. Lactic acid bacteria were also reported to protect against EAE responses, though by activating another regulatory T cell population, IL-10–producing Tr1 cells [33].

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Best of: More Autism Parents "Waiting for a Miracle"

DenialNote: Kim is taking a summer break and we're running our favorite "Best of" posts.

Please consider a donation to our "Stop the Summer of Censorship" campaignSummer money. Many mainstream platforms have censored articles that discuss health and vaccination choice, refusal, even safety. We've seen articles replaced by "404 Error" messages. Age of Autism is more important and valuable than ever. And we need your support to keep the rebel alliance, as our dear friend Dan called us, going strong. You can send a check to Autism Age, PO Box 110546 Trumbull CT 06611. And don't forget matching gifts! Especially if you work for a pharma company. Ha Ha! THANK YOU.

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By Teresa Conrick - August, 2017

As the Autism Epidemic keeps on rolling, we hear from too many deniers how GREAT it is, and that having a diagnosis of ASD is just a different way of life.  I disagree.  I have a young, adult daughter who has been ill since her regression into Autism.  Lab reports show an immune system that is extremely dysfunctional, with GAD antibodies, positive antinuclear antibodies, and an IgG, the immunoglobulins that fight infections, at 402, when the normal range is 694-1618.  Far too many children and young adults are in physical and emotional pain.  Megan is one of them and they deserve proper medical investigations and treatments.  Many cannot speak or if they do, they have language but are not conversational.  They don´t know danger.  They have a gut microbiome and immune system that have been shown over and over, to be the epicenter of OCD, tics/stimming, perseveration, sensory issues, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, aggression, and self-injurious behavior. They have a leaky gut AND a blood brain barrier that is compromised.  This sentence may sum that up best:

...non-self antigens crossing a damaged intestinal barrier elicit a local and/or systemic inflammatory reaction that, associated with a breach of the BBB [blood brain barrier], may lead to ASD in genetically predisposed subjects....In conclusion, our results seem to point to a dysfunctional gut–brain axis associated with neuroinflammation in ASD. 

What´s an antigen -- a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.

What's a non-self antigen?  - A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be introduced into the body to trigger an immune response.

These molecules are called antigens, and they are present on all viruses and bacteria. By injecting these antigens into the body, the immune system can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders, produce antibodies, and remember them for the future.

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Best of: SPARK Autism Research - You're Going The WRONG Way!!

WrongwayNote: Kim is taking a summer break and we're running our favorite "Best of" posts.

Please consider a donation to our "Stop the Summer of Censorship" campaignSummer money. Many mainstream platforms have censored articles that discuss health and vaccination choice, refusal, even safety. We've seen articles replaced by "404 Error" messages. Age of Autism is more important and valuable than ever. And we need your support to keep the rebel alliance, as our dear friend Dan called us, going strong. You can send a check to Autism Age, PO Box 110546 Trumbull CT 06611. And don't forget matching gifts! Especially if you work for a pharma company. Ha Ha! THANK YOU.

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By Teresa Conrick

Here in Chicago, they have been reporting on the SPARK Autism, national database.  This from our local ABC, channel 7 Chicago:


 Some highlights- 

∗  Autism is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the United States. It now affects one in every 68 children and on in every 42 boys.

 That's one reason why there is an intense push to try to find treatment and a possible cure. There is a major research study taking place at Rush Medical Center in Chicago.

 a ground-breaking research study, which is now gathering genetic information on autistic individuals. They're creating a national database.

 Every day we struggle with it and every day we hope that, in the back of your mind, that studies like this are going to help us," said Tony Belmonte, Jack's father.

 Nation-wide they are hoping to register 50,000 individuals on all levels of the autism spectrum. There is a concentrated effort now to get more minorities to sign up for this research.

Continue reading "Best of: SPARK Autism Research - You're Going The WRONG Way!!" »

Best of: Dear David of 1932: What Factors Led to Your Autism?

1938Note: Kim is on a bit of a summer break and we're running some of our contributors favorite posts from the past.  Please remember our Summer of Freedom AoA fundraiser! Donate here.


By Teresa Conrick - October, 2017

This story is dedicated to David, his family and especially his sister, Carol.  It is also dedicated to Dan Olmsted, who always wrote that AUTISM had its roots in the 1930´s.  He believed, as a journalist, that the epidemic rise of autism was devastating and --- "the story of a lifetime ." What was once a rare disorder, began increasing into exponential growth in the 1990´s and continues into current day.  This should be the the most feared AND most studied medical event in history as normally developing children stop a typical trajectory and instead,  their medical, educational and social-emotional needs change in a drastic and often life-threatening manner.  The spectrum of autism is a gauge, a barometer of health, a yardstick of being socially at ease, to attend, focus, and to learn. The further an individual is along on that spectrum, the more immune abnormalities, microbiome challenges, and health issues we see. The behaviors of ¨autism¨ also seem more pronounced and severe. The spectrum is a gauge of the immune system, from high to low functioning. My interest in this relates to my own daughter, Megan, diagnosed with both severe autism and an autoimmune disorder.  In addition, she has prevalent PANS symptoms, like many others .  My investigations of the research on autism show that it is a disorder that can be mild to devastating as it relates to the immune system and microbiome.  Obviously the brain is affected by both, which is important and hopeful as far as prevention and treatments.

SINCE 1938

Here is David´s story as I was privileged to hear it from his sister, Carol.  She shared family stories, memories, and David´s David infant 1baby book as written by their mother. The devastation this family had encountered unfolded in front of me.  Carol, born in October of 1935, still has many questions about her life with David.

In 1932, as America struggled through The Great Depression while listening to the famous songs of Cole Porter, David was born.  He was born at Evanston Hospital,  a suburb of Chicago, on January 12th, 1932.  Four months later in May, his 5 year-old sister, Ruth Mary, died of spinal meningitis. According to the CDC in this publication on Mortality Statistics of 1932, only 17 females between age 5 and 9 died in the entire United States of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.  What were the odds for this to happen?  Such a TRAGEDY -- and then for David to eventually succumb to what the doctors called, Childhood Schizophrenia by age 5, again, what were the odds for this family? Heartbreaking.

The story could end there with of course, the family hardships of losing not only one child but TWO.  Then the day to day struggles for years of raising a child who required much more supervision, special schools, the financial responsibility --- and for Carol, the confusion of a brother who ignored her --¨I did not exist to David.¨ David was not particularly loving and treated the family politely but not with much affection. The word AUTISM was never mentioned to Carol as they were growing up.  It wasn´t until her friend, Rosie, mentioned that her brother, Dan Olmsted, had co-written a book about autism in 2010. It was then that Carol began to hear about the history of this once rare disorder. Rosie described the symptoms and the timing of the first cases, all born in the 1930´s. Carol was struck with the thought that David may have indeed had behaviors that pointed to autism. Dr. Leo Kanner had written about the first patients, children who presented with the unique symptoms. There were not any adults -- only children --“Since 1938, there have come to our attention a number of children whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far that each case merits—and, I hope will eventually receive—a detailed consideration of its fascinating peculiarities....".

Continue reading "Best of: Dear David of 1932: What Factors Led to Your Autism?" »

IVIG, Autism and Immune Dysfunction

Meg ivigBy Teresa Conrick

My daughter, Megan, age 26, had her first IVIG infusion two weeks ago.  It has been a long road, YEARS getting here.  Mostly it has been, “This is autism”, or “We don’t treat autism and immune problems.”  It was EIGHT years ago that I first began to write about autism and PANDAS/PANS because Megan was so affected by behaviors that screamed from her gut and immune system.  Her doctor, her brilliant and wonderful MAPS doctor,  knew Meg’s immune system did not function properly from day 1 that we met.  She has helped Meg immensely and has been key in our path to treating Meg’s PANS and immune abnormalities. Also,  increasing numbers of parents know, as they also have children on the autism spectrum, who have behaviors and symptoms they suffer with every day.  We parents, have witnessed our children exhibit neuropsychiatric behaviors and immune/autoimmune medical symptoms and are frantic to help them.  Too many doctors and hospitals though,  have dismissed us.  Those who do take anyone with the “A” diagnosis, often are so inundated by distraught parents with their children, children who present with many symptoms that can appear complex, that the doctors  end up turning down any new patients, as they have no time to see them all.  More autism plus more immune issues minus enough doctors equals ===== a catastrophe. 

For years, we have been making connections from our children to GI disease  ;  allergies ;  infections ; mast cell dysfunction ; mitochondrial dysfunction; increased cytokines ; skewed B cells and T cells ; autoimmune encephalitis ; environmental assaults - like mercury;  and immune, vaccination, and infection reactions (Great research article here , yet it’s another paper that has been retracted, as anytime vaccines are brought up - the paper is branded as “not acceptable;”  ------ and  this last one is a favorite research topic of mine,  and a most important one as we discuss the immune system, is the increasing microbiome abnormalities in autism .  Facts are facts and the truth is --- many on the autism spectrum have immune systems that are malfunctioning.  Meg’s started when she was young but some parents report that their child’s behaviors went from ok to alarming well into puberty and beyond.  The hint of PANS or PANDAS went full throttle as OCD, perseveration, eating issues, anxiety, agitation, school refusal, and many more,  took over.  If you hear a doctor tell you, “Well, that is simply autism,” turn your back on them and leave.  You are correct. Autoimmune Encephalopathy  may be a more medically appropriate diagnosis for what is happening on the autism spectrum. Immune testing, GI testing, allergy testing and more needs to happen. Something IS wrong and your child deserves better medical care.  Shame on any doctor who will not help that child.  Be leery too, if you are only told to take them to a psychiatrist for an SSRI, for example, as that can worsen these effects, unless the doctor is aware of the research on PANS and autism.

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Measles, Vaccination and Failure

Hedda Get Better - a doll from the early 1960s owned by Kim Rossi's sister.

By Teresa Conrick

Measles.  If you were born before 1957, you do not need to get a measles vaccination. That would be an MMR vaccine, as measles vaccine is not available as a single, live, virus vaccine but instead is a triple, live, virus vaccine with both Mumps and Rubella attached with it. This is according to the CDC and the NYT as they report in this blog

“If you were born before 1957, you probably don't need the vaccine. Why 1957? The measles vaccine was first produced in 1963, so people who were children before the late '50s or early '60s were almost certainly exposed to measles and have lifelong immunity.”

“Lifelong immunity”…….we do not hear that term anymore as vaccination has replaced it.  Instead, children today are needing 1,2 and possibly a 3rd dose of MMR  according to this article about Mumps, another childhood illness that seems to be making a comeback.  The reason -- “Either today’s mumps strains have evolved to elude the immune response triggered by the vaccine, or protection from the vaccine simply wanes over time.”  Either way, it looks like the MMR vaccine is not a perfect fix yet discussing that has set off a chain reaction in our communities.   We seem to be witnessing a new type of civil war -- the “pro-vaxx” vs the “anti-vaxx.”  Instead of a Mason-Dixon line, this line defines those who want medical choice (Vaccine Exemptions) vs those who don’t.  Let’s look at some facts.


In the olden days, measles was a part of childhood.  Children in the Victorian days died at an increased rate and up into the 1940’s, but as antibiotics became the go to medications for bacterial infections, deaths diminished.   The knowledge that measles can lead to bacterial infections, like pneumonia , has been significant in our understanding of these viral illnesses. Bacteria became the killers, just like in influenza.  Measles can be fatal but that is more often in developing countries .

Measles graphic

Credit for this photo - my thanks to https://qz.com/651644/a-19th-century-disease-is-on-a-dramatic-rise-in-the-uk-what-do-we-know-about-it-so-far/

Both scarlet fever and measles, well-known Victorian diseases,  could kill as each had no nemesis to target it before the birth of antibiotics. Don’t get me wrong, as measles did have some complications later too -- “From 1985 through 1992 , diarrhea was reported in 8% of measles cases, making this the most commonly reported complication of measles. Otitis media (ear infection) was reported in 7% of cases and occurs almost exclusively in children. Pneumonia (in 6% of reported cases) may be viral or superimposed bacterial, and is the most common cause of measles-related death.”

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Happy New Year to Sanofi Merck from the FDA

ApprovedNOTE: Seems the swamp is full to flooding in Pharmaland. Vaxelis, a 6 in 1 vaccine, is now approved.

By Teresa Conrick

It was a Friday, four days before Christmas, when the FDA sent out an approval letter   to Sanofi about their VAXELIS, a SIX-in-ONE vaccine.  It is the brainchild of a joint-partnership between Sanofi and Merck. The letter was totally ignored until the day after Christmas when Sanofi sent out a press release .That is probably the most obscure day to post a news item with the hope it will be buried, just like the wrapping paper and yucky fruit cakes in the piles of garbage across the USA. VAXELIS is the first vaccine with multiple (6!) vaccinations wrapped up in one product. The targeted USA commercial supply will be for infants, from 6 weeks up to their 5th birthday.  

This news is slowly being pushed, first by the lap dogs like Forbes .  You would think they were talking about popsicles for a sunny, summer day instead of a heavy duty,  injectable recipe of viral, bacterial, and chemical pharmaceuticals.  Adverse reactions were only really recorded for five to maybe thirty days  and there is a tortuous court process if any serious reactions do occur and forget about this even being listed in the famous “TABLE as it is so new.

Here are some highlights you may not get from any of the press releases coming out.  You can peruse the www and find additional info:

                                                                   General Facts

The European Medicines Agency - 17 December 2015, EMA/CHMP/72003/2016 --  Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) -- Assessment report  -- Vaxelis, which was originally approved in the EU --

  • Vaxelis or PR5I is a hexavalent paediatric combination vaccine for primary and booster immunization of infants and toddlers above the age of 6 weeks.
  •  Vaxelis is referred to as PR5I throughout the report.
  •  It is designed to provide active immunization against diseases caused by Corynebacterium diphtheria, Clostridium tetani, Bordetella pertussis, poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and hepatitis B virus.
  • PR5I is a combination vaccine containing components of vaccines currently licensed in the US, the EU, and other countries. It contains the same DTaP as PENTACEL (US) and PEDIACEL (EU) and therefore 5 acellular pertussis components (PT, FHA, pertactin, fimbriae types 2 and 3) in combination with IPV (from Vero cells), polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP, a Hib antigen) conjugated to outer membrane protein complex of Neisseria meningitidis to form PRP-OMPC, and recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).
  • Excipients (Aluminium phosphate and aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulfate used as adjuvants
  • Merck Aluminum Adjuvant (AAHS) is a proprietary aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate formulation that is both physically and functionally distinct from traditional aluminum phosphate and aluminum hydroxide adjuvants.
  • VAXELIS is to be administered as a 3-dose series at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. The first dose may be given as early as 6 weeks of age. Three doses of VAXELIS constitute a primary immunization course against diphtheria, tetanus, H. influenzae type b invasive disease and poliomyelitis
  • A 3-dose series of VAXELIS does not constitute a primary immunization series against pertussis; an additional dose of pertussis-containing vaccine is needed to complete the primary series.
  •  raw materials including of animal- human origin…..a substance of human hair origin…. poultry feathers…. a soy source for routine manufacture….below, you will also see bovine serum albumin listed.  This can include both milk or beef extracts, so more allergen concerns, as well as asthma
  • BSA is used as a component of many vaccines [16,17], such as MMR, MMRV, Varicella, and Zoster
  • Cow’s milk allergy is one of the most common food allergies,,,,, majority of patients with persistent milk allergy are also allergic to bovine serum albumin [21].....These patients have a greatly increased risk of developing rhinoconjunctivitis or asthma due to animal epithelia.

                                                                  Safety Concerns

Chicken and soy are allergens for many children.  Receiving them at 6 weeks of age in an injected vaccination may be Russian Roulette.  Could they induce lifetime allergies and/or cause life threatening reactions?  There is no data regarding this medical phenomenon on the package insert but it should be known:

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An Open Letter to Peter Hotez, Autism Dad and Vaccine Developer

Meg gradBy Teresa Conrick

Dear Dr. Hotez,

Your daughter, Rachel, is beautiful.  I can completely understand why you adore her and write about her.  I also have a daughter with an autism diagnosis that I adore.  Megan was born in 1993, similar to Rachel, but her trajectory into autism seems much different.  In 1995, Megan was diagnosed with autism but her immune system was a big part of it.  Unfortunately, we had no idea at that time as her behaviors and the label “autism,” prevented further medical investigations.  To this day, it is excruciatingly difficult to find doctors who will investigate kids and adults for immune issues if they are on the lower end of the spectrum, and the word, “AUTISM”, is seen on the paperwork.

Meg broke out in a full body rash after her MMR vaccine.  She also was given a DPT vaccine at the same time.  She lost her words. She could not eat food without suffering constipation and diarrhea. She had crazy nosebleeds. She had undigested food in her stool and we found out that she was intolerant to gluten and casein.  She had severe and long-lasting infections in her gut, like Giardia and Blastocystis Hominis, as well as Candida infections  which continue to try and make my daughter, their home .  She had chronic ear infections. She began to have behaviors, like biting herself and others. She had tics, then OCD emerged. Seizures developed in her early teens.  Aggression and psychotic-like behavior dramatically entered in her late teens. Labs were finally done that showed high antinuclear antibodies, high GAD antibodies, and high STREP antibodies. Her MMR titers continued to be 4-5 times higher than “normal” levels. Her T cells and B cells were skewed.  PANDAS and PANS   appeared on our radar. Her IgG levels were consistently and drastically low.  Researchers are actually making connections with PANDAS/PANS   and the microbiome, and also showing that the severity of autism reflects how dysfunctional the gut bacteria is .  These children and adults can be helped by immune treatments.

This case sounds very much like Megan, though her viral trigger was the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccination.Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) misdiagnosed as autism spectrum disorder! This must be purchased but a brief summary is that this was a child who was 14 months old, and had a viral infection, also ear infections and other symptoms.  About three weeks later, he developed behavioral issues and then tics with other symptoms resembling asd.  Within less than two years, he was to be diagnosed with severe autism.  I can’t say more other than he was treated with IVIG at age six, and later, subsequent treatments with his symptoms then resolving. 

The autism journey for us and thousands like us, became a life of survival.

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Is the UK PDA With ASD Really PANS?

PdaBy Teresa Conrick

I recently came upon an article from the UK that had me wondering. I have always thought of PDA to mean “public display of affection,” a cutesy term for kissing or showing affection in public, but this article is showing a way different meaning -- I can’t do this anymore’ says mum of autistic boy as she films violent outburst

Kate, from Suffolk, has had to spend nearly £10,000 getting a private consultation after a long wait to get a diagnosis for son Jamie. Jamie was just three years old when he started becoming violent. Now seven, he is prone to kicking, punching and spitting at his mother during his frequent ‘meltdowns’.

He had been diagnosed with pathological demand avoidance (PDA), a rare form of autism that can lead to excessive mood swings, anxiety and, in his case, violent behaviour. The behaviour is not the fault of the children with PDA, as it is the condition that prompts them to behave this way.  In some cases, they do not know what they are doing.

That sounded a bit like PANDAS and PANS, something we are familiar with here in the states.  I looked some more and found these:

Health Secretary to probe council ‘gagging order’ on father of autistic teenager   The Health Secretary has vowed to investigate the care of a severely autistic teenager whose father was gagged by council after speaking out…...The 50-year-old former college lecturer launched a social media campaign after growing frustrated at his daughter's plight. His complaints attracted the attention of Walsall Council, who tried to silence him by slapping a gagging order.

However, the determined dad is now free to speak out after winning an extraordinary High Court battle….Bethany has been locked in a secure unit in Northampton for nearly two years, where her father has been forced to kneel down and talk to her through a metal hatch.

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Thank You To Microbiome Researchers

Note: Thank you to Teresa for keeping readers up to date on important research into the microbiome - your gut health.

By Teresa Conrick

Thank you to fellow Microbiome hunters in researching and getting published, Do gut microbiota mediate adverse vaccine reaction  Keith Bell (Microbiome Vaccine Safety Project, thegutclub.org USA) has been involved in this research for years and is looking for answers.  When vaccination is mentioned, there can be a knee-jerk reaction to deny any negatives but as we see the numbers increasing in immune, neurological, and neuropsychiatric diseases and disorders, the connections must be pursued.  My appreciation for all of their efforts.  From their study:

Gut microbiota are known to affect vaccine response as several studies have now demonstrated [1-6]. Imbalanced flora is associated with systemic inflammation and blunted immune response to vaccination [7-8]. Poor sanitation is associated with vaccine failure in the developing world due to imbalanced flora, also associated with rampant child growth stunting which includes cognitive deficits [9]. Probiotic vaccine adjuvants are in development. Moreover, evidence of the reciprocal relationship between microbiota and host immune system is perhaps the most exciting area of scientific research today. Indeed, this area of science is said to hold potential to change the face of modern medicine.

There are currently no published studies about how microbiota may also be associated with adverse reactions to vaccination. Our central hypothesis is that gut microbiota have a significant effect on host response to vaccination where a reduced or absent population of commensal flora coupled with an overgrowth of pathogenic strains may become a microbial predisposition to adverse vaccine reaction…

Dear Autism and PANDAS/PANS Researchers - THANK YOU For Listening, Now What?

Meg sick age 5By Teresa Conrick

It has been almost five years since I wrote the article, Dear Autism and PANDAS/PANS Researchers - Listen To The Parents. It is probably the most read article that I have ever written for Age of Autism, as it continues to get hits daily.  I say this as it is an indication of how the issue of Autism and PANDAS/PANS continues to grow. 

The reason I wrote about this subject back then was that my daughter, Megan, diagnosed as autistic since 1996, after having non-stop bacterial and viral illnesses, had been having symptoms, both chronic and acute, that seemed to originate from her dysfunctional immune system. PANDAS/PANS began to come into view more and more as I researched and wrote about it, and more and more parents contacted me.  Megan was definitely not the only one who had an autism diagnosis and had perpetual infections that caused the symptoms described as PANDAS and eventually PANS.

Since 2014, I do think our concerns have been received by these brilliant researchers.  They have seen our heartache and also the science showing how the autism spectrum for many children began as illness, like earaches, gastrointestinal disorders, sore throats, fevers, rashes, viruses, etc. It is time, in fact way past it, to move ASD from a strictly developmental disorder with roots to some type of phantom, heritable gene(s) as the reason https://www.sfari.org/ , into its appropriate medical domain, with roots into treatable, neuroimmune and neuropsychiatric symptoms. The reasons that must happen are because 1) we have increasing numbers of children suffering and 2) millions of dollars are being wasted on genetic hunting which has zero connections to helping our kids.  Enough time has been sacrificed which equates into children being sacrificed.

So let’s look at some of the important connections that we have learned, since I wrote about this in the winter of 2014:

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Depression and Autism: More Evidence Points to Physiological Not Psychological

Cause-of-depression-gutBy Teresa Conrick

Many people think depression is feeling bad about a situation. It can be that, but many times, it is a biological happening.  A recent study hitting the news noted this about autism:

Nearly 1 in 5 autistic young adults have history of depression: study

The study seemed to have many participants but seemed to have a bit of a slant in they asked specifically -- “ particularly in the context of bullying.

And young adults with autism who were relatively high-functioning -- meaning they did not have intellectual disabilities -- were actually at higher risk of depression than people with more severe forms of autism, British researchers found…...People with autism without intellectual disabilities "may be particularly prone to depression because of greater awareness of their difficulties," the researchers theorized……

….Not all of the increase in risk for depression was caused by genetics, Rai's group added, because people with autism still had double the odds for depression compared to a full sibling who did not have the disorder. That suggests that something other than DNA -- perhaps the stress of living with autism -- may play a role in depression risk…

"Individuals receiving a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder later in life often report long-standing stress in relation to social isolation, bullying, exclusion, and the knowledge they are different ….Peng also believes more research is needed to tease out the experiences and stigmas that may contribute to depression in young people with autism.

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Brain on Fire the Microbiome Autism and Autoimmune Encephalopathy Part 2

MicrobiomeIn Part 1 , we took a look at autoimmune encephalopathy and the emerging research in autism.  Much of it had a focus on autoantibodies.  Now, I’d like to investigate the microbiome and its connection to both autism and autoimmune encephalopathy.  Again, follow the studies as they are showing patterns that are important for autism:

This paper discusses Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis yet its value in autism research cannot be denied.

The gut–brain connection: triggering of brain autoimmune disease by commensal gut bacteria, 2016

However, the discovery that intestinal microbiota are able to trigger autoimmune disease in organs far away from the gut, in the CNS, was less anticipated. How could gut microbes ignite an autoimmune attack against the CNS, an organ not only far from the gut, but also enveloped by seemingly tight tissue barriers? First, it should be remembered that tissue-specific autoimmune diseases are driven by autoimmune T cells with receptors specific for tissue-specific autoantigens. Second, such self-specific T cells are normal components of all immune systems, healthy as well as diseased. They sit in the immune system in a resting mode, innocuous. Only upon particular stimuli that trigger their activation, do the self-specific T cells unleash their autoaggressive pathogenic potential…….

….antibiotic treatment not only altered the gut microbiota, but also mitigated clinical CNS inflammation. They attributed the effect to a decrease of Th17 cells in the gut, possibly effected by invariant T cell populations  [31]. Subsequently, Kasper and colleagues discovered in a similar model that the expansion of a particular bacterial species, Bacteroides fragilis, reduced autoimmunity. The microbes seem to release a capsular polysaccharide A for recruiting and activating intestinal regulatory T cells in the colon [32]. Lactic acid bacteria were also reported to protect against EAE responses, though by activating another regulatory T cell population, IL-10–producing Tr1 cells [33].

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Brain on Fire in Autism

Brain on fireBy Teresa Conrick

Thank you to Netflix for seeing the importance of the film, Brain on Fire  , and making it available for us.  I wrote about this groundbreaking book six years ago:

BRAIN ON FIRE - From Autoimmunity To Madness

By Teresa Conrick

I just finished Susannah Cahalan's superb book,  BRAIN ON FIRE - MY MONTH OF MADNESS,  chronicling her bizarre and frightening trip into, and then out of the disease, Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis.  I have been writing about Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis  for the past two years, as it seemed to me, to have connections to my daughter's Autism diagnosis.  Megan had, these past years, exhibited odd seizures, strange movements with vocal tics and aggression.  Testing did not show antibodies to NMDA receptors but did show antibodies to GAD65, though the two appear connected. …….

I  think that PANDAS, another immune system illness, is also part of this increasing landscape.  I am hopeful that we have some more supporters in the paradigm shift, that these illnesses that present as neuropsychiatric, really have their roots in the immune system.

Like a montage of pages falling from a calendar, researchers have listened and the reality of autism for many, with roots in the immune system, is finally under a bright spotlight.  Follow this research as each study contributes to our understanding:

Autoimmune encephalopathies in children, 2014   .....over the last few years it has also become apparent that a much wider range of previously unexplained problems in children may have an autoimmune basis and might be treatable….Recognized triggers include infection or immunization. Some conditions are now more clearly proved to be autoimmune, due mainly to advances in antibody assay methodology…...Cases of suspected encephalitis lethargica are now recognized to be forms of antiNMDA antibody, and more recently antidopamine 2 receptor antibodymediated encephalitis.3 Some acute or subacute epileptic syndromes are strongly suspected to have an autoimmune basis.4 That narcolepsy might be immune mediated is supported by the association with HLA DQ B1*0602 and more recently with a specific influenza immunisation.5 A wide variety of other syndromes such as Rasmussen encephalitis, acute epileptic encephalopathy with multiple acronyms (FIRES, DESC etc.), Tourette syndrome, PANDAS, KleinLevin syndrome, or childhood disintegrative disorder, some of which have long been suspected to have a possible immune mediated pathology, are being reviewed. There are even hints that features suggesting autistic regression may occasionally be immune mediated.....The importance of promptly recognizing autoimmune causes is not just that of diagnostic accuracy, and avoiding unnecessary investigations or treatment, but that many respond to a variety of immunosuppressive regimens such as steroids, drugs like azathioprine, intravenous immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, and some monoclonal antibodies. Not all children respond and those that do may not recover fully, while others may remit spontaneously, but there is also emerging data that early treatment may lead to a better outcome. Actively considering these treatable conditions is now essential in children with many different presentations.

Inflammation and Neuro-Immune Dysregulations in Autism Spectrum Disorders, June 2018

Strong inflammation states are associated with ASD. This inflammatory condition is often linked to immune system dysfunction. Several cell types are enrolled to trigger and sustain these processes. Neuro-inflammation and neuro-immune abnormalities have now been established in ASD as key factors in its development and maintenance…...The immunodeficiency and the autoimmunity in ASD patients have been proposed as the rationale for the use of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) infusion as a therapeutic tool for ASD…..Corticosteroid therapy has also been proposed in ASD management. A single case reported improvement in speech and behavior after oral prednisolone therapy in an autistic child with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome.

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Abnormal Brain Folds In Autism: Another Clue From The Gut?

Brain_folds_closeupBy Teresa Conrick

The pieces of the autism puzzle have been in front of us for years:

-brain inflammation/larger brains in some, not all

-loss of language/abnormal use of language

-social thinking challenges

-sensory issues


-food allergies

-immune dysfunction/autoimmunity


-gastrointestinal disorders/disease - reflux, colitis, inflammation

- constipation and/or diarrhea

-perseveration/obsessions and compulsions


Two new studies recently came out but are kind of a repeat of some past research but can be added in as clues. To aid in understanding, Gyrification means “the process of forming the characteristic folds of the cerebral cortex in the brain”. :

  • A Longitudinal Study of Local Gyrification Index in Young Boys With Autism Spectrum Disorder  :Local gyrification index (LGI), a metric quantifying cortical folding, was evaluated in 105 boys with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 49 typically developing (TD) boys at 3 and 5 years-of-age...At 3 years-of-age, this subgroup exhibited increased LGI ...relative to TD boys ...In summary, this study identified alterations in the pattern and development of LGI during early childhood in ASD. Distinct patterns of alterations in subgroups of boys with ASD suggests that multiple neurophenotypes exist and boys with ASD and disproportionate megalencephaly should be evaluated separately.
  • Local Cortical Gyrification is Increased in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, but Decreases Rapidly in Adolescents  : Extensive MRI evidence indicates early brain overgrowth in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Local gyrification may reflect the distribution and timing of aberrant cortical expansion in ASDs. ...Altered gyrification may reflect unique information about the trajectory of cortical development in ASDs.

So, aberrant cortical expansion basically means that there is an overgrowth of FOLDING in the brain. Scientific American   put it this way: “Young people with autism show a lot of folding in patches of the left temporal and parietal lobes—regions responsible for processing sound and spatial information respectively, the study found. They also show excessive folding in temporal and frontal regions on the right side of the brain, including areas that govern decision-making and motor skills...They have less folding in one spot on the occipital cortex, the brain’s visual hub.”

As I said, this is not new information as other studies have reported the same  --  a sampling:

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Research Backs Parental Concerns: Kids With Food Allergies 2x More Likely To Have (GET?) Autism

Cupcake copBy Teresa Conrick

The media continues to report on the research that increasingly shows that there are big time IMMUNE abnormalities in AUTISM. Parents, we have been correct in our concerns about seeing our children with food allergies, skin reactions and chronic respiratory allergies. These were often the first signs that something was not right in our children as they regressed into autism.  If you pay attention, you will also see comments from some news outlets that appear to downplay any connections, like this one --- “But having the immune abnormalities doesn’t mean a child will develop the disorder.” That phrase comes up four times in this one-page article from Science News. For many, keeping autism in the jaws of PSYCHIATRY with its origin in GENES seems to make people feel safer.  If it were true that ANY baby or child could regress -- well, that thought is just too frightening but for many families, that is exactly what occurred. Something happened to the immune system and autism followed. Here’s the article and some key points:

Kids with food allergies are twice as likely to have autism 


  • American kids with food allergies are more than twice as likely to have autism spectrum disorder as kids without, a study of national health data finds.
  • Researchers looked only for an association between allergies and autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, among a total of 199,520 children ages 3 to 17 surveyed from 1997 to 2016.
  • The team found that, out of 1,868 children with autism, 216 had a food allergy — or about 11 percent. By comparison, only about 4 percent of children without autism had a food allergy.
  • Kids with autism were also more likely to have respiratory or skin allergies like eczema than kids without autism.
  • The number of children with autism has more than doubled since 2000, to a prevalence of 16.8 per 1,000 kids. Meanwhile, the number of kids with food allergies rose from 3.4 percent in 1997–1999 to 5.1 percent in 2009–2011.
  • It is unknown whether developing food allergies may contribute to the development of autism,
  • Mice that developed a food allergy displayed behaviors characteristic of autism, such as repetitive behaviors and less frequent social interaction, a 2014 study published in Behavioral Brain Research found.
  • The new finding supports the idea “that different manifestations of immune abnormalities occur in individuals with ASD,”


Here is the actual study: June 2018 - Association of Food Allergy and Other Allergic Conditions With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children 

I looked in Google News to see if other news sources were reporting this study but really none from the major media networks.  That’s odd or maybe telling, as they pick and choose what they want the public to know. Here’s a few examples of some other reports:

Genetic Literacy Project - Is there a link between food allergies and autism

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Gene Editing For Autism: A New Form of Lobotomy?

This article from Newsweek appeared in my inbox and I read it with great surprise -- and alarm:


Scientists have figured how to use a form of the powerful gene-editing tool CRISPR to erase genetic traits normally associated with autism. It is technology that could one day revolutionize the therapies that treat autism and improve the lives of thousands of people who suffer from the developmental disorder, the researchers say.

CRISPR has been a game changer in the biomedical research world because of the ease and precision with which it can be used to alter the genetic code. A team of scientists in Texas used it to edit out genes associated with autism traits in mice and observed clear results: The animals stopped digging obsessively, their erratic jumping around the cages slowed to a halt and they became more calm, according to the study published in the monthly journal Nature Biomedical Engineering.

This technology might be years away from being tested on humans, but the results are promising, lead author of the study neuroscientist Hye Young Lee told Newsweek.

Lee, an autism researcher at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, used a very thin needle to inject CRISPR-Cas9 into the brain tissue of mice, targeting the striatum, a region in the brain known to mediate habit formation.

CRISPR-Cas9 is made of just a few ingredients. The RNA, a nucleic acid present in all living cells, is like a messenger, a guide that allows a specific site on the genome to be targeted. It is used along with a bacterial enzyme, called Cas9, which acts like  molecular scissors, cutting the DNA at an exact point…… Skull TC

Thin NEEDLE INJECTED into the BRAIN -- SCISSORS --- CUTTING?  That does have hints of this:

The lobotomy procedure was first done by the Portuguese neurologist, Egas Moniz, who believed that patients with obsessive behavior were suffering from fixed circuits in the brain. His original technique was then adapted by others, with similar procedures. Surgeons would drill a pair of holes into the skull, either at the side or top, and push a sharp instrument - a leucotome - into the brain and then the surgeon would sweep this from side to side, to cut the connections between the frontal lobes and the rest of the brain. By the 1940's it was being seen as a miracle cure, used to treat a range of illnesses, from schizophrenia to depression and compulsive disorders. Starting in the mid-1950s, it rapidly fell out of favor, partly because of poor results and partly because of the introduction of the first wave of effective psychiatric drugs, which were safer and more effective.

"I got increasingly conservative about it because I don't think any of us were ever really happy about putting in a brain needle and stirring the works," he says. "Not a nice thought."

                             - Psychiatrist Dr John Pippard after turning against lobotomies


Is this really supposed to help autism?  I read studies and much research,  plus also write about Megan and her many health issues  .  Of course there is the behavioral aspects of autism as it is a gut-brain disease we are talking about.  It includes the immune system  , that hugely important bacterial and viral stew that is turning out to be the driver   in many of these autoimmune diseases that affect the brain  . Autism is NOT a genetic condition, though it if often spun like it is so elaborate and expensive research can keep the cash cow happy.  It is a GUT-IMMUNE-BRAIN disease .

Further research brought these issues to light:

■ CRISPR could use gold nanoparticles to edit your Brain - In this study, the researchers used CRISPR-Gold to edit the brains of mice with fragile X syndrome, a genetic condition that is correlated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder that can be diagnosed in genetic testing, clinicians diagnose ASD based behavioral criteria like repetitive behaviors. That means that it’s hard to discuss the idea of a “cure” for autism, but it may be possible, using CRISPR-Gold, to treat the fragile X syndrome that causes ASD-correlated behaviors in some individuals.

The virus DNA in the brain can have side effects, because it doesn’t go away once the CRISPR operation is done. Using the gold nanoparticles removes the issue of foreign DNA that’s producing damaging proteins, one of the central issues of CRISPR. Still, leaving bits of gold in the brain isn’t good either,...

I want to emphasize that this is not the solution,” says Lee. She says it might be possible, using this technology, to allow autistic people to treat unwanted symptoms such as repetitive behaviors just like they might with medicine—with the difference that CRISPR changes would likely be permanent .

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Universal Flu Shot

Flu panicBy Teresa Conrick

Is this the answer to the issue of flu?  Leave us a comment and share your thoughts.

From Scientific American:

Key facts -

-  If all goes according to plan, the annual flu shot protects about 60 percent of vaccinated people.

-   Last month Bill Gates announced his foundation will be earmarking up to $12 million to advance such work

-   Sen. Edward Markey (D–Mass.) introduced a bill in February that would provide $1 billion in government funding for a universal flu vaccine.

-   The White House also gave a nod to the universal flu vaccine; its Office of Science and Technology Policy tweeted in March it is “closer than ever.”

-   “It’s a scientific challenge because there are still so many things we don’t know,” says Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID. And even if such a vaccine were developed, a perfect inoculation that protects against all flu types, is “unattainable,” he says.

-    The more we learn the less we understand,” says Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy.

-   Moreover, beyond clinical trials and regulatory hurdles there are also a vast array of technical roadblocks ahead, which include making these shots profitable for developers yet affordable for consumers and deciding who should receive these inoculations—and when.

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Minocycline and Autism: This Antibiotic Is Not Just For Acne Anymore

MinoclyclineBy Teresa Conrick

Every week, more and more information is coming out that autism is not, just some spectrum of developmental disability.  Here we see in Newsweek a recent announcement: 


The beginning of it goes into a strange array of gene talk but then the focus of the article is this---

Some signals associated with a cell type called microglia were far higher in the samples from people with autism than from samples of people with other conditions. This signal may be higher because the microglia are more active. If that’s true, an antibiotic that reduces their activity could be one way to treat the condition—which is what UCLA Health psychiatrist and one of the authors of the study, Dr. Michael Gandal, is testing right now....

He and his colleagues are working to recruit about 30 adults for a brain-imaging study to look at their microglia and take an antibiotic called minocycline for 12 weeks.

“Throughout the 12 weeks, we measure a set of cognitive tasks, and we repeat the brain imaging," he said. "The idea is to look at how levels of inflammation in the brain relate to cognitive and behavioral function in individuals with autism.”

Here is that Clinical Trial -

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly disabling, persistent neurodevelopmental disorders. There are no available treatments for core symptoms of ASD or biologically-based clinical biomarkers. Emerging evidence indicates that levels of brain inflammation are increased in ASD. In particular, recent work implicates hyperactivity of microglial cells, the resident immune cells of the brain. However, the functional consequences of microglial activation remain unknown. This study will measure microglial activation in ASD using positron emission tomography (PET) brain imaging. Adult males with ASD (n=15) and healthy controls (n=15) will be recruited for this study and undergo comprehensive clinical and behavioral baseline assessment. All subjects will then undergo baseline PET imaging using a radiotracer that labels activated microglia. Subjects with ASD will then undergo 12-week open label treatment with minocycline, an FDA-approved antibiotic thought to block microglial activation. PET imaging will be repeated at 12 weeks to confirm target engagement. A subset of control subjects will also undergo repeat PET imaging to determine test-retest reliability. During minocycline treatment, ASD subjects will be evaluated every 2 weeks for safety, clinical impression, behavioral functioning, and measures of cognition. Results will provide important information regarding the relationship between levels of brain inflammation, cognitive and behavioral function in ASD.

I am hoping that more candidates can join as it looks like almost a year since it's been updated.  Let's take a look at Minocycline and see if we can't get more people excited and involved in this type of research.

It's been about six years since I really started putting a focus on autism and bacterial infections. Because I have a daughter who has a diagnosis of autism and also an autoimmune diagnosis, the immune system has become a key player in my research to help her.  The MICROBIOME research has exploded and its connection to the MICROGLIA of the brain may be a big part in autism spectrum disorders.

There are far too many children and young adults who suffer.  The list of painful and debilitating symptoms grows as parents watch in agony.  Patterns tend to emerge:


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Oral Microbiota and Autism

Saliva kidsBy Teresa Conrick

I am a big believer that an altered gut microbiota is associated with autism spectrum disorders and so do many others.  Recently, a group of scientists reported that it may be possible to diagnose autism, not on behaviors, eye contact, or repetitive movements, but instead on SALIVA!

The growing evidence of gut bacterial, viral and fungal abnormalities as a key to autism,  is not a crazy concept.  To think that a MEDICAL test rather than simply an OBSERVATIONAL one, could show a BIOLOGICAL mechanism, would be helpful in diagnosing and treating autism. 

Here is that study: Alterations of oral microbiota distinguish children with autism spectrum disorders from healthy controls  

 ....we demonstrated that the salivary and dental microbiota of ASD patients were highly distinct from those of healthy individuals. Lower bacterial diversity was observed in ASD children compared to controls, especially in dental samples.....pathogens such as Haemophilus in saliva and Streptococcus in plaques showed significantly higher abundance in ASD patients, whereas commensals such as Prevotella, Selenomonas, Actinomyces, Porphyromonas, and Fusobacterium were reduced....The distinguishable bacteria were also correlated with clinical indices, reflecting disease severity and the oral health status

Available twin studies showed that environmental factors are more important than genetic predisposition6. Among such factors, microbial dysbiosis is of increasing interest, with accumulating reports in animal models and human epidemiologic studies linking disruptive alterations in the gut microbiota to ASD symptomology7,8,9,10,11,12. 

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Pharmagunndon in America

Gun pillNote: Teresa Wrote this post in 2012, after the shooting by Adam Lanza in Newtown, CT. Seems this post should just be "on deck" at any given moment in the USA.

By Teresa Conrick

Here at Age of Autism, we have been sharing with our readers the realities of the increasing numbers of children being diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. With that comes many topics, including vaccine injury and regression, school issues, adult housing and also various treatments.   I have a daughter diagnosed with severe Autism and recently, an autoimmune disorder.  Megan regressed in health and skills after vaccinations. With the continuing surreal killings in public settings over the years - schools, college campuses, malls and even a movie theater, the media has had a history of attempting to link some of these cases to Autism or Aspergers. You can read our recent statement Age of Autism Responds to Newtown Tragedy  as this point is important: " Age of Autism mourns the deaths of all innocent victims of this awful crime and offers its deepest condolences to their families. Additionally, we are deeply disturbed by the association of the perpetrator of this awful crime by various media outlets to a vulnerable community - the autism community - with rumors that he was on the autism spectrum. Regardless of whether or not the shooter truly is on the autism spectrum, we wish to make it clear that autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are in no way associated with criminal violence."

It is important then to look at reality and root causes because without them, it can be hard to find a solution. I would like to share some important data about these tragedies since we are all in the midst of a recent, gut-wrenching inciden,t but to do so, we have to go back in time, to look at patterns, something we think is important here on AoA.

On May 20th,1988, Laurie Dann walked into an elementary school in Winnetka, Illinois and shot five students, killing one. She was to kill herself later that day. I remember vividy hearing about that as I was working at a psychiatric hospital about 15 miles away. It was a shocking reality to know that a school could become a sitting duck to a violent mind. Here was a recent article about that horrific day, the young boy killed, and the fact that school shootings keep increasing:

"Since then, there has been a school or campus shooting somewhere in the United States almost every year. In many years, there have been three or four campus or school shootings."

On Friday, December 14th, 2012, Adam Lanza, an unknown name to the world on December 13th, allegedly forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown Connecticut. There he allegedly shot and killed 26 victims, 20 young children and 6 female adults. He is also believed to have killed his mother before this attack and then killed himself after the attack. If you google his name today, you will see 517 million hits. A monster? What do these two cases have in common? Weapons? Murder? Yes, both were tragic crimes but also with another commonality -- the perpetrator had been treated by a psychiatrist. Another clue, is the lesser discussed use of medications that may have a bigger piece, in not only these two cases but in other savage and senseless deaths of innocent people:


School Shooters Under The Influence Of Psychiatric Drugs

"Despite 22 international drug regulatory warnings on psychiatric drugs citing effects of mania, hostility, violence and even homicidal ideation, and dozens of high profile school shootings/killings tied to psychiatric drug use, there has yet to be a federal investigation on the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence."

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Are You Antivaccine For Examining The Flu Shot?

CautionBy Teresa Conrick

A friend recently had the flu for six days.  She returned to her job, still feeling horrible, her voice raspy and weak.  It turned out that she had acquired Strep Throat.  That's not the first time this year, or other years that I have heard that sequence, FLU then BACTERIAL infection....but, this year seems particularly worrisome. Getting the flu, a virus, often means that your body will be a magnet to bacterial infections.  In fact, many of the severe aspects of the flu, including death, often are caused by bacteria .   I have a daughter with both autism and the autoimmune disorder called PANDAS/PANS , so I do a lot of reading on both the science and the trends in diseases, as they both seem to play into our present-day situation. Bacterial and viral exposures can trigger a host of symptoms  in Meg and the increasing numbers (1:200) of children and young adults also diagnosed.  It is a challenge and often heartbreaking.  For many, vaccination can also cause these symptoms.

So, my interest in the flu is due to her PANDAS/PANS exposure to it and the bacterial infections that then attach themselves. Here is some information on the flu and the vaccinations that CDC recommends. The live nasal vaccine has been again, dismissed by CDC, as not being effective and so it is NOT recommended.  Anne Schuchat, MD, acting director of the CDC, had this to say recently about this flu season and the increasing numbers who are getting flu:

Schuchat said that while 76% of viruses being reported in the most recent data are influenza A (H3N2), there is no evidence that the virus has drifted, but that "viruses prepared for use in egg-based manufacturing make it less similar to H3N2 viruses."

The CDC estimates releasing interim vaccine effectiveness numbers in the next couple of weeks. When asked about a recent study from Canada estimating vaccine effectiveness at 17%, Schuchat said she was not surprised by this, and that she expected their result may be in the "same range," but it will depend on the mix of strains in the U.S.

Not good but what's even more odd is that the strain...H3N2.. is in many of the vaccines this year. There is a study saying the egg-based vaccines are the reason it is not effective  but let's see what else the research shows. Here's a look at the flu vaccine choices this year :

TABLE 1Influenza vaccines — United States, 2017–18 influenza season*

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Stopping Tics with Fecal Transplant

Brain gutBy Teresa Conrick

This recent article appeared in my inbox - Boy, 9, with Tourette's syndrome sees his involuntary tics halted after undergoing a POO TRANSPLANT

A schoolboy with Tourette's syndrome no longer endured involuntary tics after he underwent a poo transplant.

The nine-year-old, from China, suffered bouts of headshaking, shrugging and the urge to shout out words for nearly three years.

But the unnamed patient's tics were 'completely ameliorated' after undergoing the transplant, designed to rebalance his gut bacteria.

The bizarre report, published in an obscure medical journal, adds to the mounting evidence that poo transplants can treat other conditions....eight weeks after the transplant, which originated in China nearly 1,700 years ago, the boys tic severity score dropped from 31 to five.

His parents revealed the severity of his tic symptoms had 'clearly ameliorated', the doctors, led by Dr Huijun Zhao, wrote in the journal.

'They reported that involuntary phonation (making sounds) had disappeared, and involuntary shrugging now occurred only occasionally.'

Some studies have shown benefits from taking probiotics in treating Tourette's syndrome, among other neurological conditions.

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The Advisory Committee On Childhood Vaccines Votes NO To Tics As Vaccine Injury

Advisory-commission-childhood-vaccinesBy Teresa Conrick

Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines Votes No to Tics as Vaccine Injury

Tics used to be associated with a sole diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome.  Today, they are more frequently seen in Autism Spectrum Disorder, PANDAS, and PANS . Motor, vocal, and whole body - I see videos and discussions about them on the FB groups I frequent, as Meg has both an autism and PANS diagnosis.  I recently read on the World Mercury Project website, this article from Brian Hooker,  Ph.D., P.E. Please read it as he does an excellent job showing some important connections:

Between November 2013 and September 2014, I was in direct contact with the CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson. I recently wrote about my interactions with Dr. Thompson in an editorial piece that appeared in the winter 2017 edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (22:119). One of the key issues that I discussed with Dr. Thompson was the relationship between thimerosal and tics, based on CDC’s own publications....

....A significant association between Hg exposure from thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and a diagnosis of tic disorder (TD) has now been found in six epidemiological studies (Verstraeten et al. 2003Andrews et al. 2004Thompson et al. 2007Young et al, 2008Barile et al. 2012Geier et al. 2015).  The Thompson study states that, “The replication of the findings regarding tics suggests the potential need for further studies.” 

Very recently, there was a glimmer of hope that at least one Federal Agency was going to take the relationship between thimerosal exposure and tics seriously. In December 2017, the Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines(ACCV), the body that determines which vaccine injuries warrant compensation from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), considered adding tics as an injury to the “vaccine injury table” for which compensation should be received. This was on the basis of a separate citizen’s petition to allow tics to be added to the “table” and thus qualify for compensation....This was most likely “a plan” to avoid a flood of tic claims in the NVICP. Surely, the ACCV understood that tics are a common feature in autism(occurring 4 times more frequently in autistic children than in neurotypical).

Different year - same bullshit it seems.  Solid research yet nothing helpful seems to come from it.

I remember this study that Dr. Hooker shared, Mercury intoxication presenting with ticsas I had found it years ago in researching about Meg's symptoms:

Abstract: A 5 year old Chinese boy presented with recurrent oral ulceration followed by motor and vocal tics. The Chinese herbal spray he used for his mouth ulcers was found to have a high mercury content. His blood mercury concentration was raised. Isolated tics as the sole presentation of mercury intoxication has not previously been reported. 

I personally find this fascinating as Meg has presented with tics on/off since age 3.  Since tics are 4 times more prevalent in autism spectrum disorders than in non-affected children and young adults, it is intriguing to look at patterns to figure out what is happening.  The brain , of course, is a well-known recipient to toxic exposures but science is also reporting on the huge impact of the gut microbiome on the brain.  Because Meg had numerous vaccines with Thimerosal, the mercury preservative, and has both autism and the autoimmune disorder, PANDAS/PANS, could there be connections in any of this? 

Autism can present with tics, as this heartbreaking Youtube video shows but tics are also a telling symptom in PANDAS/PANS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU3rmsLV_6w.  Very similar and increasing in numbers.

Let me present research that I have been reading that threads some of this together:

Likely Connection Between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and the Gut Microbiome  

It is also becoming evident that the intestinal microflora regulates brain function and behavior, and may thus influence the pathophysiology of various neuropsychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression, and autism.3,4 

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Happy New Year! Hopeful Autism Research and Treatments For 2018

Hope dandelionBy Teresa Conrick

2017 had good and bad attached to it.  For many of us, the death of our dear colleague and friend, Dan Olmsted, has saddened many a day since.....  Dan did much innovative research and writing for years to expose the issues that bring us all here daily. Age of Autism has become a refuge for years now, to so many looking for truth and answers. As we enter 2018, I would like to keep with that tradition by sharing my list of what I think is important and innovative in the science area of autism.  It's imperative that families know that there is good research happening but unfortunately, there's a hell of a lot of bad research about autism, and often we hear about that too much.... especially the mulri-million dollars wasted on genes (have you seen the constant SPARK, pop-up infomercials on Facebook,  a nowhere odyssey of genetic, musical chairs?)  We need real research to help so many who suffer with the many symptoms of autism - painful GI disease; seizures;  inability to speak or communicate in a meaningful manner or, at all; extreme sensory disturbance; executive functioning disability; debilitating obsessions, compulsions and tics; acute anxiety; heartbreaking self-injurious behaviors; and the daily struggles with social cues. Much of this originates in the gut.

                                                                                                      Studies on Causation

♦  Atopic diseases and inflammation of the brain in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders 

♦  Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case–Control Study 

♦  Characterization of the Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Phenotype  

♦  The role of oxidative stress, inflammation and acetaminophen exposure from birth to early childhood in the induction of autism  

♦  Systematic Assessment of Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mercury Reveals Conflicts of Interest and the Need for Transparency in Autism Research

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Sleeping Sickness Drug is Waking Up Autism Research

Brain colorsBy Teresa Conrick

For any who don´t know, I have a 24 year-old daughter who regressed into autism before her 3rd birthday.  Meg has the type of autism that does not make for an easy life.  She lost speech in 1995 and she is nonverbal still, and waves of difficult and painful medical symptoms then were to follow: cognitive decline, increasing GI issues, chronic bacterial infections and viral illnesses, seizures, and then a horrific autoimmune disorder called PANS [Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome] .

For years now, I have been following the research on the Microbiome as there are solid studies showing how dysfunctional it is in those with an autism diagnosis.  Studies like these represent hope for many families with very ill children and young adults:

Reduction of Ritualistic Behavior in a Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder treated with Antibiotics: A Case Report 

Microbiota Transfer Therapy alters gut ecosystem and improves gastrointestinal and autism symptoms: an open-label study  

Combined oral fecal capsules plus fecal enema as treatment of late onset autism spectrum disorder in children: report of a small case series. 

Unexpected improvement in core autism spectrum disorder symptoms after long-term treatment with probiotics 

Age and severity may play a part in outcomes with our children as far as treatments.  I have now been following the research of Dr. Naviaux, still with the microbiome in mind, but also with a better understanding of its significance.  It seems that his research explains much of what I see in Meg, especially with the issues of the gut and brain.  You can watch this great video of a lecture by Dr. Naviaux, at a very recent TACA conference.  Thanks to them both!     

And in that lecture, Dr. Naviaux recommends that viewers read his study called, Metabolic features of the cell danger response  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567724913002390.  Here are some excerpts:

The cell danger response (CDR) is an evolutionarily conserved cellular metabolic response that is activated when a cell encounters a chemical, physical, or microbial threat that could injure or kill the cell. Common microbial threats are viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Physical threats include heat, salt, or pH shock, or UV or ionizing radiation. Chemical forms of danger include heavy and trace metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and nickel, certain electrophilic aromatic chemicals like the plasticizer bisphenol A, the chemical flame retardants like the brominated diphenyl ethers (BDEs), and certain halogenated pesticides like chlorpyrifos and DDT. 

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Autism Speaks Science Survey:"Oppose Research on Curing or Preventing Autism"

2017 meg mary teresaBy Teresa Conrick

It was disturbing to read an article by Disability Scoop  that described the results of an Autism Speaks survey about future autism research and focus.  These specific statements were alarming:

♦   Many survey respondents specifically indicated that they oppose research on curing or preventing autism.

♦    the group moved to overhaul its mission statement opting to remove words like “struggle,” “hardship” and “crisis” as well as any reference to curing autism. 

♦    The findings will help shape how Autism Speaks determines what types of studies to fund and the impact could be significant.

♦     Compared to a similar survey in 2012, Autism Speaks found that respondents this year are more interested in the experiences of those entering adulthood and less concerned about immune dysfunction and environmental factors.


I decided to go right to the Autism Speaks page and see for myself:

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Dear David of 1932: What Factors Led to Your Autism?

1938By Teresa Conrick

This story is dedicated to David, his family and especially his sister, Carol.  It is also dedicated to Dan Olmsted, who always wrote that AUTISM had its roots in the 1930´s.  He believed, as a journalist, that the epidemic rise of autism was devastating and --- "the story of a lifetime ." What was once a rare disorder, began increasing into exponential growth in the 1990´s and continues into current day.  This should be the the most feared AND most studied medical event in history as normally developing children stop a typical trajectory and instead,  their medical, educational and social-emotional needs change in a drastic and often life-threatening manner.  The spectrum of autism is a gauge, a barometer of health, a yardstick of being socially at ease, to attend, focus, and to learn. The further an individual is along on that spectrum, the more immune abnormalities, microbiome challenges, and health issues we see. The behaviors of ¨autism¨ also seem more pronounced and severe. The spectrum is a gauge of the immune system, from high to low functioning. My interest in this relates to my own daughter, Megan, diagnosed with both severe autism and an autoimmune disorder.  In addition, she has prevalent PANS symptoms, like many others .  My investigations of the research on autism show that it is a disorder that can be mild to devastating as it relates to the immune system and microbiome.  Obviously the brain is affected by both, which is important and hopeful as far as prevention and treatments.

SINCE 1938

Here is David´s story as I was privileged to hear it from his sister, Carol.  She shared family stories, memories, and David´s David infant 1baby book as written by their mother. The devastation this family had encountered unfolded in front of me.  Carol, born in October of 1935, still has many questions about her life with David.

In 1932, as America struggled through The Great Depression while listening to the famous songs of Cole Porter, David was born.  He was born at Evanston Hospital,  a suburb of Chicago, on January 12th, 1932.  Four months later in May, his 5 year-old sister, Ruth Mary, died of spinal meningitis. According to the CDC in this publication on Mortality Statistics of 1932, only 17 females between age 5 and 9 died in the entire United States of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.  What were the odds for this to happen?  Such a TRAGEDY -- and then for David to eventually succumb to what the doctors called, Childhood Schizophrenia by age 5, again, what were the odds for this family? Heartbreaking.

The story could end there with of course, the family hardships of losing not only one child but TWO.  Then the day to day struggles for years of raising a child who required much more supervision, special schools, the financial responsibility --- and for Carol, the confusion of a brother who ignored her --¨I did not exist to David.¨ David was not particularly loving and treated the family politely but not with much affection. The word AUTISM was never mentioned to Carol as they were growing up.  It wasn´t until her friend, Rosie, mentioned that her brother, Dan Olmsted, had co-written a book about autism in 2010. It was then that Carol began to hear about the history of this once rare disorder. Rosie described the symptoms and the timing of the first cases, all born in the 1930´s. Carol was struck with the thought that David may have indeed had behaviors that pointed to autism. Dr. Leo Kanner had written about the first patients, children who presented with the unique symptoms. There were not any adults -- only children --“Since 1938, there have come to our attention a number of children whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far that each case merits—and, I hope will eventually receive—a detailed consideration of its fascinating peculiarities....".

The Symptoms of David - Autism?

Here then are the clues to put these family memories and facts into a narrative.  We know that those who have a diagnosis of Autism show outward behaviors, or as Kanner put it --fascinating peculiarities-- but also science is now showing us HOW these symptoms may be manifesting.  Let´s look at what those clues are for David:

■  Like many of the Kanner 11, David had issues with eating.  More and more research points this out as well with upwards of 70% of those diagnosed with autism having significant GI issues. David did not nurse well and his mother writes he was a bit colicky with vomiting.  When on solid foods, he spit up often. David had poor eye contact and very slow in talking. He did not start speaking until he was about 4.  His mother thought maybe the summer of his sisterś death that he had Sleeping Sickness/Encephalits Lethargica because he slept so much.  After age 2, he was often high strung and fearful.  He had a very limited diet and would not taste things.  Later, David was interested in science and mechanical things.  He liked light plugs and cords.  He rarely spoke to Carol and had problems playing with children. 

■ David had severe OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).  It manifested in washing his hands over and over for hours.  Today, science is showing that many of those diagnosed autistic are also harboring infections, classified as PANDAS or PANS, this research  is showing that these infections are NEUROPSYCHIATRIC, that they affect the central nervous system and cause many of these repetitive and obsessive behaviors, as well as anxiety, depression, and an increasing list of social-emotional behaviors.

■ David had tics and perseverated on topics. His tics were described by Carol:  Repetitive movements (walked in and out of a room), strange arm movements and sometimes stuttered his words. Sounds much like PANDAS or PANS as Megan has had identical body tics and repetitive movements. Studies and a repentant researcher show that Thimerosal in vaccines can cause tics, and are ¨four times more prevalent in autism.¨ Check out David´s vaccination record as written by his mother in his baby book.  Diphtheria shots at 9 and 12 months with a REACTION recorded by his mother.  Those vaccines would have been preserved with Thimerosal: ¨ Vaccination January 13th at 1 year - reaction, fever 102 degrees & upset stomach - took 2 months to heal with bandage on Upset stomach is another huge symptom in AUTISM . In later years, Carol described David having seasonal allergies and a mild asthma. He also had circulatory issues which resulted in horrific looking black, lower legs.  For that reason, ¨he would be hospitalized about once a year and put on a drip to clear up any infection.¨  That does not sound like a typical illness.

David photo 2
■  What about David´s parents?  Carol described them as warm and loving, and of course wanting the best for both of their children. They did though, share some common similarities with many other parents to children diagnosed with AUTISM -- IMMUNE issues: SEASONAL ALLERGíES -- ASTHMA -- MIGRAINES -- FOOD ALLERGIES.  Their mother suffered migraines often and their father had severe asthma.  Their parents also wanted David to be educated and cared about his ability to learn and his interest in learning. David eventually became fascinated with science and politics He attended some of the local public schools for awhile in junior high.

Continue reading "Dear David of 1932: What Factors Led to Your Autism?" »

Invitation to Join Study on Microbiome and Autism from Stanford School of Medicine and Second Genome

Stanford medicineBy Teresa Conrick

Autism Parents and Friends of AoA,

We were asked to see if any parents out there might like to join a study on the MICROBIOME and AUTISM :

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine and the South San Francisco pharmaceutical company Second Second genomeGenome Inc. have jointly received a $2.1 million grant to recruit subjects for a study exploring potential links between bacteria in the gut — known as the microbiome — and autism, the company announced Tuesday.

Researchers have long suspected, based on anecdotal evidence, that there may be a link between the microbiome and the severity of an autism diagnosis. There is limited data demonstrating the link in humans, but some studies indicate it may exist in lab mice.

Many children with autism have food allergies or gut conditions such as inflammatory bowel diseases, leading researchers to hypothesize that activity in the gut has a relationship to autism, said Dennis Wall, an associate professor of pediatrics at Stanford who is co-leading the study. With the new grant from the National Institutes of Health, the researchers will attempt to test that theory, so doctors can better diagnose and design therapies for people on the autism spectrum.

 Here are the details - (uploading a video is optional)

We are looking for 100 families with two or more children, where:

  1. One child has a medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and is between 2-7 years old,
  2. And another child without an autism diagnosis, who is no more than two years apart in age of the first child.

The study procedures include responding to an online behavioral and dietary survey, uploading a 3-minute home video, and collecting stool and saliva samples at home for each child. Everything is completed either online or in the home. 

Would you be willing to send out this study information to your email listserv and/or post on your social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc)? We only need 40 more families to participate and we are so excited to start analyzing the data! 

Please see our most recent press release on SF Chronicle here, a KQED press release, our recruitment flyer attached, and our study website to sign up now! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


The M3 Team

From Teresa:

I just want to add that Stanford is also making progress on PANDAS and PANS, in fact they do research on that as well  and actually have a team of experts and immune therapies .  But when you look at the AUTISM clinic there , it is dismal and archaic and has very little to do with the immune system, although we know that for many autism patients with moderate to severe symptoms, the immune system is key, as we see in this study, Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS), developmental regression and autism.

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Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) or Autism?

Meg sick age 5By Teresa Conrick

If there is one topic that has been increasing in the autism world, it is the issue of the immune system.  To explore that further, the explosion of the microbiome research has been just phenomenal.  The connection from gut to brain and more specifically, from microbiome to microglia, supports the research I keep pointing out.  It is not genes that are causing the increasing cases of autism but what appears to be a drastic change in the bacteria of the gut, the infections of the immune system. There are factors that are causing this to happen.  I wrote about my daughter Megan and this connection nine years ago -- :

This brings me to the faded piece of paper I had found recently in a pile of lab reports done on Megan starting in 2000.  It was a late night time-line of her health history that I had copied down from her medical chart then as we had just exited the pediatrician that was her main doctor since birth..... our kids are medically sick, not mentally ill, and that should be the focus of research regarding causation and treatments of autism.  
Here then is a look backwards, a painful window of time when my daughter's health was telling us that something very bad was happening. These are the notes written by the doctor and staff for the office visits we had.
3/2/93 -   Birth - Hep B at hospital 
3/26/93  -   VACCINES
5/21/93  -   VACCINES
7/10/93  -   VACCINES
9/10/93  -   VACCINES
10/22/93 -  VACCINES
12/7/93 -    Diaper rash (YEAST) for 6 weeks - ear infection - antibiotics
12/28/93 -  Ear infection - antibiotics
1/17/94  -   Ear infection -antibiotics
3/21/94  -   Virus - antibiotics (  This was a routine practice then - antibiotics as miracle treatment for ALL illnesses)
5/11/94  -   Virus - antibiotics 
6/3/94    -   Loose stool - rash - ear infection- antibiotics
6/18/94  -   VACCINES (Including MMR)
6/28/94  -   Fever-  rash on body - ear infection - antibiotics
7/11/94  -   Ear infection - antibiotics
8/22/94  -   On vacation in WI and became sick.  Not happy - crying - lethargic - Dr. there unsure of the cause.
9/9/94   -    Rash - loose stools - VACCINES  
10/17/94  - Vomiting  -  diarrhea
11/1/94   -  103 fever -  virus
5/23/95  -   Irritable - nosebleeds
10/9/95  -   Not talking - PDD dx - to specialist
11/27/95  - Temp. - not eating/sleeping - ear infection - antibiotics  
12/19/95  -  103 fever - crying for 2 days - ear infection - antibiotics
12/21/95  - Waking at night - crying - acute bowel - Donnagel
12/28/95  -  Re-check - right ot media - antibiotics
1/25/96   -   Ear infection - antibiotics  
2/8/96   - Re-check - unhappy- crying - nosebleeds - antibiotics - nosespray
2/29/96  -    Check up - nosebleeds x5 - iron for anemia 
3/26/96  -    104 Fever - Zithromax
4/8/96    -    Re-check - pulling on ears but no ot media
4/23/96  -    Waking at night - no ot media - "sleep problems"  
6/10/96  -    2x nosebleeds - 102 temp - nose spray  - antibiotics
6/26/96  -    Fever - antibiotics
9/3/96  -   Poor appetite - antibiotics
10/23/96  -  Pharyngitis - severe - temp - antibiotics
1/4/97 -  Congestion - cough - antibiotics
3/4/97 -  Pulling on ears - Claritin    
3/10/97   -  VACCINE
5/9/97 -  Rash on face  - allergy?
5/13/97   -  Swollen finger -  antibiotics  
7/29/97   -  Not eating well - nothing found
8/7/97   - Rash on back - irritable  
9/8/97   - Fever 3-4 days - rash on face - virus
3/19/98    - Diarrhea/vomiting  x 10 days - fever on/off - antibiotics

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Hormones From the Microbiome: Implications in Autism

MicrobiomeBy Teresa Conrick

The issue of HORMONES comes up often in Autism.  For my daughter with an Autism diagnosis, it came up with catamenial seizures and aggression.  This developed in tandem to an estrogen level 3x higher than the norm. Now, seven years later, I want to connect that horrific time in our lives with more current research on the MICROBIOME.  Why? There is research showing important connections. It´s very possible that this is an area of AUTISM research that has not been explored enough.  Here is the typical Autism research:

Estrogen, Mistakenly Believed A Female-Only Hormone, May Be Key To Why Autism Rates Are Higher In Boys 

Foetal testosterone and autistic traits in 18 to 24-month-old children 

Testosterone levels linked to higher autistic traits

Testosterone and explosive aggression in autism spectrum disorders.

Role of Endocrine Factors in Autistic Spectrum Disorders  

Oxytocin: The "Love Hormone" Might Also Help in Autism  

That´s all very interesting but......WHY is it happening? Not enough researchers are asking that question.


Let's look at connecting the dots to some other research that gives compelling data and shows connections to Autism.

Let's start with that last one, about Oxytocin -- "the Love Hormone":

Believe it or not, the whole issue of this nasal hormone infusion came up over 10 years ago, yet it is re-circulated in the news almost yearly as if it is -- brand new!  That merry-go-round type of research needs to end.

Oxytocin increases retention of social cognition in autism.  2007 

These results are consistent with studies linking oxytocin to social recognition in rodents as well as studies linking oxytocin to prosocial behavior in humans and suggest that oxytocin might facilitate social information processing in those with autism. These findings also provide preliminary support for the use of oxytocin in the treatment of autism.

BUT, last year, this study made the rounds and I believe it to be an IMPORTANT piece as to WHY Oxytocin has ANYTHING to do with AUTISM:

A single species of gut bacteria can reverse autism-related social behavior in mice  2016  

Other research groups are trying to use drugs or electrical brain stimulation as a way to reverse some of the behavioral symptoms associated with neurodevelopmental disorders -- but here we have, perhaps, a new approach," says senior author Mauro Costa-Mattioli, a neuroscientist at Baylor College of Medicine. "Whether it would be effective in humans, we don't know yet, but it is an extremely exciting way of affecting the brain from the gut."...The researchers believe that their work, which uses a human bacteria species [Lactobacillus (L.) reuteri ] to promote oxytocin levels and improve social behavioral deficits in deficient mice, could be explored as a probiotic intervention for the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders in humans.

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Autism In Dogs?

Dog antisocialBy Teresa Conrick

Autism in dogs? Anti-vaccine movement may impact pets by 
Ms. Mari A. Schaefer, Staff Writer, Updated: AUGUST 2, 2017 — 12:50 PM EDT 

Veterinarians in Brooklyn, N.Y., are reporting a growing resistance to vaccinating pets, which may be rooted in the anti-vaccine movement that claims the life-saving inoculations may cause autism in children.


The Brooklyn Paper reported that pet owners in some of the boroughs feel injecting chemicals into their precious pet is going to cause problems, with some suggesting that the shots could give their pups autism.

“We’ve never diagnosed autism in a dog. I don’t think you could,” Dr. Stephanie Liff of Clinton Hill’s Pure Paws Veterinary Care told the paper.

Even if dogs were susceptible to the condition, owners probably wouldn’t notice given their general behavior, Liff added...............

Say WHAT???  Read the entire article here.

 Here is the article that Ms. Mari A. Schaefer is ¨barking" about, The Vaccine Reaction An enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy by Kate Raines Published April 8,2017  

Just as the incidence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has risen alarmingly in children over the last half century, there is evidence that similar behavioral disorders have been observed in pets, most widely reported among pet dogs. It is too early for mainstream veterinary authorities to confidently confirm that dogs can develop autism, but there are numerous reports of behavior patterns in pets that mirror autism behavior in children. Studies are underway to evaluate the possibility that animals can become autistic.1

Autistic Behaviors Recognized in Dogs

Though the appearance of autism-like behaviors has been observed in dogs since the mid 1960s, the first researcher to specifically relate some of those behaviors to autism was Nicholas Dodman, DVM, who initially set out in 2011 to look for a genetic cause of obsessive tail chasing in bull terriers. This behavioral characteristic has been observed in as many as 85 per cent of a bull terrier litter and often results in self-maiming.

Presenting the evidence from his study at the 2015 American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Dr. Dodman reported an autism-like condition, noting that “the vast majority of affected dogs were males, and many had other strange behaviors or physical conditions that accompanied the tail chasing, such as explosive aggression, partial seizures, phobias, skin conditions, gastrointestinal issues, object fixation and a tendency to shy away from people and other dogs.” 2 He and his associates were further able to establish that two biomarkers common to children with autism were also present in the affected dogs.3 ............

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More Autism Parents "Waiting for a Miracle"

DenialBy Teresa Conrick

As the Autism Epidemic keeps on rolling, we hear from too many deniers how GREAT it is, and that having a diagnosis of ASD is just a different way of life.  I disagree.  I have a young, adult daughter who has been ill since her regression into Autism.  Lab reports show an immune system that is extremely dysfunctional, with GAD antibodies, positive antinuclear antibodies, and an IgG, the immunoglobulins that fight infections, at 402, when the normal range is 694-1618.  Far too many children and young adults are in physical and emotional pain.  Megan is one of them and they deserve proper medical investigations and treatments.  Many cannot speak or if they do, they have language but are not conversational.  They don´t know danger.  They have a gut microbiome and immune system that have been shown over and over, to be the epicenter of OCD, tics/stimming, perseveration, sensory issues, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, aggression, and self-injurious behavior. They have a leaky gut AND a blood brain barrier that is compromised.  This sentence may sum that up best:

...non-self antigens crossing a damaged intestinal barrier elicit a local and/or systemic inflammatory reaction that, associated with a breach of the BBB [blood brain barrier], may lead to ASD in genetically predisposed subjects....In conclusion, our results seem to point to a dysfunctional gut–brain axis associated with neuroinflammation in ASD. 

What´s an antigen -- a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.

What's a non-self antigen?  - A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be introduced into the body to trigger an immune response.

These molecules are called antigens, and they are present on all viruses and bacteria. By injecting these antigens into the body, the immune system can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders, produce antibodies, and remember them for the future. 

I am sure there are other examples of ¨foreign substances that induce an immune response¨, and keep in mind that many parents report that Autism resulted either after an acute vaccine response or a regression in health and skills for weeks and months after the vaccination.  

The families suffer as well.  This article speaks to that (excerpts):

Seahawks legend Curt Warner shares family’s struggles raising twins with autism 

Seahawks legendary running back Curt Warner says he disappeared from the spotlight for two decades because his family was in crisis.

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Autism GI Pain: New Research Shows Significance

Stomach_acheBy Teresa Conrick

A newer study caught my eye very recently, Distinct Microbiome-Neuroimmune Signatures Correlate With Functional Abdominal Pain in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder .  It´s a very interesting and important paper as the authors describe - The ability to pinpoint key differences in the mucosal microbiome of these children was in part owing to improvements in technology. Improved sequencing technology and deeper sequencing, particularly in a low-biomass sample such as tissue, enabled the data to be better classified.  That is NEW.

Why that´s important is huge as we are able to see that there are specific TYPES of bacteria causing havoc and PAIN for too many children.  If we know the enemy, the hope is to stop that pain and improve functioning for that person.  Here is their summary (FGID stands for functional gastrointestinal disorders):

In summary, GI phenotypes in ASD are highly variable, and heterogeneity of the autism population can mask significant signals related to GI symptomology. Here, we present distinct microbiome and cytokine measures in the rectal mucosa of children with ASD and confirmed FGIDs compared with neurotypical children both with and without FGIDs. From rectal biopsy specimens obtained during endoscopy, deep molecular analysis of the mucosal microbiome in ASD-FGID showed distinct microbial communities at the predicted species level. Correlations of Clostridiales, including multiple Clostridium species previously associated with ASD, with tryptophan, serotonin, and inflammatory cytokine levels yielded a unique multi-omic profile specific to ASD-FGID and ASD-FGID with abdominal pain. Cytokines indicative of inflammation correlated strongly with several bacteria associated with ASD-FGID, as was the case with tryptophan levels, and these potential associations will be confirmed in future work. These data suggest the presence of a specific microbiome profile in ASD with the identification of organisms previously strongly associated within similar cohorts, albeit in stool-based studies. We advance this concept by showing that these ASD-related organisms interact with the intestinal mucosa and are associated with altered neuroimmune signaling. Although these initial findings are correlative, these data form the framework for future studies targeting tryptophan–serotonin metabolism and inflammatory pathways in FGID in ASD.

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Ten Minutes to Wapner - The OCD of Autism

OCD_childBy Teresa Conrick

If you never saw the film, Rainman (1988) , you don´t know that classic line -- Ten minutes to Wapner -- which of course meant, Judge Wapner from, The People´s Court.  That quote became a tragic joke, a good laugh at those sick or disabled, right up there with, I´ve fallen and I can´t get up.  It was a line made famous by Dustin Hoffman in his superior role as an autistic adult, Raymond Babbitt, with his obsessional routine of watching, The People´s Court

I will smile here at my own obsessional quote, one that I mention frequently as I believe it to be one of the most important sentences about Autism:

SINCE 1938, there have come to our attention a number of children whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far, that each case merits-and, I hope, will eventually receive-a detailed consideration of its fascinating peculiarities.

Written by Dr. Leo Kanner in 1943, it too could be looked at as a tragic joke, as the ¨detailed considerations¨ since 1938, have been missed by researchers and doctors for decades, in so many ways. The lack of alarm that a condition, disabling and ¨peculiar¨, was brand new and rare. For over 50 years, the rates continued to be low until the vaccine schedule increased dramatically. Pesticides, like vaccines, have increased and much research shows both of these as damaging to the HUMAN MICROBIOME.

One of the most ¨ peculiar¨ pieces to Autism has been described here in the DSM as diagnostic criteria:

Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the following, currently or by history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive; see text):

  1.    Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypies, lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases).

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Autism: The Tragedy of Increasing Health Complications & Earlier Death

Early graveBy Teresa Conrick

Individuals with Autism at Substantially Heightened Risk for Injury Death.
 That was all over the news just this past March.

Deaths in individuals with autism increased 700 percent in the past 16 years and were three times as likely as in the general population to be caused by injuries,......The average age at death for individuals with autism was 36 years younger than for the general population, 36 years of age compared with 72. Of the deaths in individuals with autism, 28 percent were attributed to injury, most often by suffocation, followed by asphyxiation, and drowning. Together, these three causes accounted for nearly 80 percent of the total injury mortality in children with autism. More than 40 percent occurred in homes or residential institutions.

...Our analysis reveals that children with autism are 160 times as likely to die from drowning as the general pediatric population.

Those are external tragedies - accidents - horrific and on the increase.  Let' s also take a look at any changes over the years with the medical issues that shorten the lives of individuals diagnosed with Autism:  

A recent meta-analysis of 23 studies found a pooled prevalence of epilepsy of 21.5% (2150 ⁄ 10 000) among participants with autism and intellectual disability compared with 8% (800 ⁄ 10 000) among participants with autism but without intellectual disability.6  Being female also increased the risk of having epilepsy.

The expected number of deaths is two to three times higher in populations with autism spectrum disorder than in the general population

Risk factors identified for increased risk of mortality in the participant studies were moderate to profound intellectual disability, having epilepsy, and female sex.

However, as for other chronic diseases, and for the population generally, the absolute risk of death for people with autism will increase as they age into middle adulthood and beyond.

Epilepsy accounted for only 7% to 30% of the deaths; a wide range of other conditions were also found to cause death, including circulatory, malignancy, and respiratory conditions, and external causes including drowning, motor vehicle accidents, and suffocation played a role.

The challenge for clinicians, parents ⁄ carers, and individuals with ASD is how to sensibly use this evidence that people with ASD are at an increased risk of having epilepsy or dying relative to comparison individuals without ASD. We would argue that this information alerts us to the need for health promotion and regular health surveillance of individuals with ASD,especially as children and adolescents with ASD transition into adulthood.

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Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis and Vaccination - More Evidence

Antinmdar-encephalitis-eav-6-638By Teresa Conrick

I have been reporting on the devastating disorder, Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, over the years as I have a daughter who has both an AUTISM diagnosis and an AUTOIMMUNE diagnosis:

Late Onset Autism and Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis Part 1, 2011 

Late Onset Autism and Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Part 2, 2011

Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis Added to DSM A Medical Causation of Autism, 2012  

BRAIN ON FIRE - From Autoimmunity To Madness, 2012 

Revisiting Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis and Autism, 2015 

The science keeps evolving and it's good to keep up with it as some is connected to our loved ones :

Clinical features in those under 18 years of age were found to differ. In 48% of cases children had a prodrome of fever, headache, upper respiratory tract symptoms or diarrhoea and vomiting. Almost all patients presented to the physician with mood or behavioural changes such as temper tantrums [22], hyperactivity or irritability as opposed to frank psychosis making the diagnosis of an underlying pathological cause less obvious [1]. In addition it is thought that movement disorders and seizures; usually partial motor or complex seizures; occur earlier in the disease process, however, it may be that this is just the first recognisable symptom [1,6].

Autonomic instability (tachycardia, hyperthermia and hypertension) occurred in 86% of those under 18 years of age and although many were affected it appeared to be less severe than in adults. 

This report is yet another significant finding:

Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis and Vaccination, 2017  

Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (Anti-NMDA) receptor encephalitis is an acute autoimmune neurological disorder. The cause of this disease is often unknown, and previous studies revealed that it might be caused by a virus, vaccine or tumor. It occurs more often in females than in males. Several cases were reported to be related to vaccination such as the H1N1 vaccine and tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis and polio vaccines. In this study, we reported an anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis case that may be caused by Japanese encephalitis vaccination....Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (Anti-NMDA) receptor encephalitis is an acute disorder that presents a multistage illness progressing from initial psychiatric symptoms to memory disturbances, seizures, dyskinesia and catatonia. In the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or serum of patients one can find antibodies produced by the body’s own immune system attacking N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Although this disorder may be induced by a virus, vaccination or tumor, the cause is often unknown. The treatments include first-line immunotherapies: steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or plasmapheresis (or plasma exchange); and second-line immunotherapy such as rituximab or cyclophosphamide. It occurs more often in females than in males. A proportion of female patients have also been detected with ovarian tumors.

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VAERS, MMR and Megan

File a reportBy Teresa Conrick

Many people do not know that if you have a bad reaction to a vaccine -- an ADVERSE reaction -- there is a place to contact: VAERS

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national vaccine safety surveillance program co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS is a post-marketing safety surveillance program, collecting information about adverse events (possible side effects) that occur after the administration of vaccines licensed for use in the United States.

But because many parents are not told about this, they don't report the reaction as they are often told, many times by their doctor, that it is a NORMAL reaction to the vaccine. PLEASE, please know that more often than not, it is NOT NORMAL.  My daughter reacted to her infant vaccines, up crying all night, onslaught of ear infections, nosebleeds, fevers, abrupt shyness and appearing deaf at times...but it was the MMR vaccine given at 18 months that caused a cascade of medical issues and behavioral symptoms that caused REGRESSION of health, speech and an AUTISM diagnosis by age 2 and 1/2.   SEIZURES and an AUTOIMMUNE diagnosis would then insidiously develop in her teens.  I would not wish this horrible experience on my worst enemy.  Pain, suffering, and loss of speech STILL at age 23.  I wrote this three years ago to capture both the science and the devastation so many  of our children have encountered: MMR photo TC

Vaccines. The idea of them seems so good.  Inject a recipe of chemicals into human beings and animals, and they are then protected from microbial-causing diseases. The reality though for many families is something went wrong, either immediately after vaccination - seizures, death, or from that point forward, profound changes in health and development - REGRESSION.

My daughter, Megan, had subtle, regressive episodes after each vaccination but devastatingly so after her MMR vaccine. Immediately, Megan began with a fever for days, then a full body rash starting on the 10th day, diarrhea, constipation, then undigested food in her stool, then Giardia and Blastocystis Hominis infections, gluten and casein intolerance developed, nonstop ear infections (otitis media), concurrent Candida infections, Clostridium infections, Streptococcus infections, seizures when puberty hit and most recently, an autoimmune diagnosis. An autism diagnosis was placed on her before age three, based on the behaviors -- that in hindsight -- most likely manifested from all of these infections and a dysfunctional immune system. This has been the pattern and research is pointing to the microbiome as quite possibly, the epicenter of autism....

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Are 90 Year Old Vaccine Ingredient Safety Studies Valid Today?

1938By Teresa Conrick

If you look on the CDC website you see things like this:

"Aluminum gels or aluminum salts are vaccine ingredients that have been used in vaccines since the 1930s.  Small amounts of aluminum are added to help the body build stronger immunity against the germ in the vaccine. Aluminum is one of the most common metals found in nature and is present in air, food, and water.....Aluminum salts, such as aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum potassium sulfate have been used safely in vaccines for more than 70 years. Aluminum salts were initially used in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s with diphtheria and tetanus vaccines after it was found that this addition strengthened the body’s immune response to these vaccines."  

And this on Thimerosal:

Thimerosal has been used safely in vaccines for a long time (since the 1930s).  Scientists have been studying the use of thimerosal in vaccines for many years. They haven’t found any evidence that thimerosal causes harm."

Both of these statements from CDC appear to be half-truths and essentially, LIES. Keep reading......


Add to the above “since the 1930’s” quotes, this original and famous quote from Dr. Leo Kanner in his FIRST, EVER description of those first eleven children who exhibited the "peculiar" behaviors to be called AUTISM.  Guess when this occurred? ---

"Since 1938, there have come to our attention a number of children whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far, that each case merits-and, I hope, will eventually receive-a detailed consideration of its fascinating peculiarities."


Coincidence?  I think not and there's plenty of research to back that up.  SO, how could CDC miss these studies, showing unequivocally the toxicity of both Thimerosal and Aluminum? :

Potential Immunotoxic Effect of Thimerosal: Compound Alters Dendritic Cell Response in Vitro   2006  

The continuing use of thimerosal in some vaccines and other products warrants further investigation of possible immunotoxic effects of this compound and its constituent ethylmercury.

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March For Science: Will You Include Autism?

March for scienceBy Teresa Conrick

Today, Saturday, April 22nd, is March for Science Day.  In Washington DC and in 517 locations around the world, supporters will be marching to, ---

"unapologetically advocate for science and all members of the scientific community.....The March for Science champions and defends science and scientific integrity, but it is a small step in the process toward encouraging the application of science in policy.  We understand that the most effective way to protect science is to encourage the public to value and invest in it." 

I would probably be marching if I did not have a daughter with severe Autism because I instead need to go car to car to ask for donations for real research and SCIENCE funding for AUTISM on that same day.  The MICROBIOME is becoming the most important area of research for Autism and so many other diseases. I would probably march with thousands of Chicagoans as I too, believe what they are marching for:

Science is meaningful to all of us whether we are scientists ourselves, enthusiasts of science, or simply Chicagoans that value a method to uncover truth. We were motivated to become a guardian of science despite our differences.

And this too, I truly believe:

"We affirm that the scientific process provides meaningful answers to our society’s most pressing questions"  

"We spotlight the accomplishments of science and offer a platform to the voices, often hushed, discredited, ignored or forgotten, that have critiqued and called for systemic change toward inclusivity and representation within the field."  

"The practice of science has been flawed with bias, prejudice, and self-interest despite its ideals of objectivity, neutrality, and collective benefit."

"When unchecked, these biases influence funding decisions, who or what is studied, and who benefits from the results of research."

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April Addition: Microbiome Awareness Month

MicrobiomeBy Teresa Conrick

As we get ready to enter April, with it's surreal blue glow on Autism acceptance, we need to not forget the thousands of children and young adults who are on the side of the Autism Spectrum that seems to be forgotten by too many.  They are the majority, who have significant language impairments or NO language; immune and autoimmune diseases; a multitude of health issues (ear infections, chronic viral illnesses, diarrhea, constipation, reflux and more); physical pain; debilitating OCD and/or tics; life-threatening seizures;  horrific allergies;  and self-injurious behavior from GI disease, too often disregarded as "AUTISM BEHAVIORS." I continue to follow the research on the MICROBIOME.  It is the most important discovery not only for Autism but many similar diseases.  Here is a recent study that caught my eye as some of the parallels to the Autism Microbiome is evident. More and more research is showing us that the bacterial and viral issues of the gut play a big part in disease.  CHEMICALS can negativley impact the MICROBIOME, as I keep reporting. Follow the study below:    CHEMICAL EXPOSURE >> MICROBIOME INJURY >> BRAIN INJURY >> DISEASE SYMPTOMS

Altered gut microbiome in a mouse model of Gulf War Illness causes neuroinflammation and intestinal injury via leaky gut and TLR4 activation

Many of the symptoms of Gulf War Illness (GWI) that include neurological abnormalities, neuroinflammation, chronic fatigue and gastrointestinal disturbances have been traced to Gulf War chemical exposure. Though the association and subsequent evidences are strong, the mechanisms that connect exposure to intestinal and neurological abnormalities remain unclear. Using an established rodent model of Gulf War Illness, we show that chemical exposure caused significant dysbiosis in the gut that included increased abundance of phylum Firmicutes and Tenericutes, and decreased abundance of Bacteroidetes. Several gram negative bacterial genera were enriched in the GWI-model that included Allobaculum sp. Altered microbiome caused significant decrease in tight junction protein Occludin with a concomitant increase in Claudin-2, a signature of a leaky gut. Resultant leaching of gut caused portal endotoxemia that led to upregulation of toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) activation in the small intestine and the brain. TLR4 knock out mice and mice that had gut decontamination showed significant decrease in tyrosine nitration and inflammatory mediators IL1β and MCP-1 in both the small intestine and frontal cortex. These events signified that gut dysbiosis with simultaneous leaky gut and systemic endotoxemia-induced TLR4 activation contributes to GW chemical-induced neuroinflammation and gastrointestinal disturbances.

These comments from the full study seem important: 

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