
Autism Research Review International Call for Post-Mortem Brains

Autism Research Review logoEditorial- Autism and the brain: the vital contribution of postmortem research

Below is an editorial from Autism Research Institute from Dr. Stephen Edelson, Dr. Marvin Natowicz and Dr. Margaret Baumann. They are asking you to consider donating your loved one's brain to their research, and they provide donor options. I suggest the organizations they recommend pay for a lifetime of quality housing and care in exchange for this commitment. They might also follow wandering/drownings for a rich source - as there would have been more than 2 dozen at their doorstep this Summer alone.

You might recall that Dr. Baumann's brain research lab at Harvard University was destroyed several years ago, when the freezers failed, and no back up systems took over. This was a great loss, to have a baseline of brains from the early days of the epidemic when babies received hundreds of mcg of mercury.


Editorial- Autism and the brain: the vital contribution of postmortem research

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects approximately 1% of the global population. It presents in diverse ways, but the core features typically include challenges with social interaction and communication, as well as repetitive behaviors and focused interests. Despite these shared characteristics, individuals with autism can vary significantly in how the condition initially manifests and progresses. Unfortunately, the causes of autism are usually not determined, and the biological mechanisms underlying the condition remain poorly understood. This gap in knowledge can result in suboptimal care for affected individuals and, consequently, has ramifications for family members. To address this, it is crucial to gain a deeper understanding of the brain processes involved in autism. One important way to achieve this is through postmortem brain research that is made possible through the donation of brain tissue for scientific study.

Why is studying human brain tissue important in autism research?

There are many ways to study autism, including epidemiological studies, clinical analyses, genetic research, and neuroimaging of living individuals. These methods have provided valuable insights, such as the recognition that autism is a highly heritable and heterogeneous condition, both in terms of its causes and its clinical presentations. Studies have also identified genetic variations associated with autism, particularly those affecting aspects of brain development and function. Given these advances, one might wonder why it is still essential to study brain tissue directly.

Continue reading "Autism Research Review International Call for Post-Mortem Brains" »

Safeminds Shares Study on ASD Risk Factors

Risk-Management-ProgramFrom Safeminds: Study Reveals Gender, Socioeconomic Status, Longer Breastfeeding, Prenatal Smoking, Infections, and Family History of Autoimmune Diseases Influence Risks

Groundbreaking research from Sweden has prospectively investigated early environmental and psychosocial factors related to ADHD, ASD, and their co-occurrence, revealing significant insights into the risks and potential preventive measures. The study shows that being male is an important predictor for all three outcomes, with a slightly lower male-to-female ratio than traditionally reported, possibly due to underreporting of symptoms by females. Lower household income and younger maternal age were independently associated with increased risks of ADHD, ASD, and their co-occurrence, underscoring the role of socioeconomic factors. Longer breastfeeding was linked to a lower risk of ADHD, suggesting protective benefits from maternal-infant bonding and essential nutrients. The study found associations between prenatal smoking and serious life events with higher ADHD risk, while infections and autoimmune diseases during pregnancy were tied to greater ASD risk. Notably, the study highlights that ADHD and ASD co-occurrence may share some genetic or environmental risk factors, particularly a family history of autoimmune diseases. These findings suggest that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of these disorders and call for preventive measures focusing on socioeconomic and prenatal health to mitigate risks.

Original Study


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Tired of Waiting

MitochondriaThis article from SafeMinds reminded me of my 9th grade biology class.  "The Mitochondria - the powerhouse of the cell." It also reminded me that I was on the mitochondrial trail TWENTY ONE YEARS AGO for my 3 daughters. We saw Dr. Marvin Natowicz (he was wonderful) at The Cleveland Clinic in 2003. I'm looking at my pediatric log as I type.  All three of my daughters tested with abnormalities that couldn't be defined or correlated to any syndrome at the time. Anyone remember the Autism Treatment Network of major teaching hospitals that were going to investigate gut, sleep and mito issues in autism, to come up with treatments?  It fell flatter than cat under a Mack truck. The website still exists - gathering cobwebs since 2005. And get a load of who sponsored it - CAN - ha!  Gobbled up and spit (or pooped) out by Autism Speaks. We can NOT even use the CURE word any longer.  What the hell happened  in 20 years?   And here were all are.... still Cantired of waiting for treatment.

March 18, 2024

Identifying Vulnerable Children Early to Safeguard Mitochondrial Function Could Reduce the Risk of Regression

A team of researchers, including Dr. Richard Frye, has investigated mitochondrial physiology in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and neurodevelopmental regression (NDR), comparing them to those with ASD but without NDR (ASD-NoNDR) and typically developing (TD) siblings. By utilizing peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), mitochondrial respiration was measured under physiological stress conditions by exposing participants to 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-napthoquinone (DMNQ), which can have the same effects on the body as suffering from an illness or seizure. Results indicate that ASD-NDR children exhibit higher respiratory rates and increased sensitivity to stress compared to TD and ASD-NoNDR children, consistent with a cellular model of NDR. Notably, parents of ASD-NDR children show similar mitochondrial patterns to their offspring, suggesting a potential heritable or environmental influence. The authors believe their findings underscore the importance of early identification of ASD-NDR children and targeted interventions to protect mitochondrial function, potentially mitigating the risk of NDR. Moreover, their study highlights the need for clinical screening of ASD-NDR patients for mitochondrial dysfunction.

Original Study


Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

25 Mainstream Papers that Show Measles Vaccines Cannot Eradicate Measles

Measles 2024
By John Stone

To keep us all on our toes between pandemic Covid and pandemic Disease X it looks like the global agencies have brought back the hardy perennial of measles to scare and divide us. In this regard it is essential to acknowledge that measles vaccines cannot eradicate measles to which end I submit 25 mainstream studies, all by vaccine proponents, many of them prominent which demonstrate this. Readers please feel free to add to the list.

Bolotin et al. What is the evidence to support a correlate of protection for measles? A systematic review. J Infect Dis 2020;221:1576–83

Cherry, J. D., & Zahn, M. (2018). Clinical Characteristics of Measles in Previously Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Patients in California. Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 67(9), 1315–1319.

Fiebelkorn, A. P., Coleman, L. A., Belongia, E. A., Freeman, S. K., York, D., Bi, D., ... Beeler, J. (2016). Measles Virus Neutralizing Antibody Response, Cell-Mediated Immunity, and Immunoglobulin G Antibody Avidity Before and After Receipt of a Third Dose of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine in Young Adults. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 213(7), 1115–1123.

Glass, K., & Grenfell, B. T. (2004). Waning immunity and subclinical measles infections in England. Vaccine, 22(29-30), 4110–4116. ​

Gibney, K. B., Attwood, L. O., Nicholson, S., Tran, T., Druce, J., Healy, J., ... Cross, G. B. (2019). Emergence of attenuated measles illness among IgG positive/IgM negative measles cases, Victoria​, Australia 2008-2017. Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Continue reading "25 Mainstream Papers that Show Measles Vaccines Cannot Eradicate Measles" »

Aluminum In Humans

A2825B99-8FEB-4982-A2EB-46862E8E1874A few weeks ago, I asked a fellow X'er if he was familiar with UK Professor Christopher Exley's research into aluminium (UK spelling) toxicity. This week, James Lyons-Weiler, PhD also focused on AL, and published all of his own work on aluminum (USA spelling) on his Substack called Popular Rationalism. Metal toxicity has been a hallmark topic of Age of Autism since our inception. Below is a link to Popular Rationalism's aluminum review and a summation of some of our posts about and from Professor Exley.


Subscribe to Professor Exley's Aluminium Research Group Site

Simon & Schuster Presents "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom" by Professor Christopher Exley

Exley Research: aluminium content of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis is significantly elevated

Imagine-you-are-an-aluminum-atom-9781510762534_lgImagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum

Join "Mr. Aluminum," a scientist who has made the study of aluminum his life's work, on a journey of discovery, reflection, and the science of aluminum.

Professor Christopher Exley is a firm believer that science is only useful when it is properly communicated. Scientific papers are difficult vehicles for the wider communication of science and thus he has always endeavored to tell the story of his scientific research as widely as possible through myriad blogs, presentations, and interviews. Through a series of easy-reading entries written for non-scientists, Exley will educate readers about his lifelong scientific passion: aluminum. In scientific circles, aluminum—in relation to human health specifically—has gone the way of the dinosaurs (though, unlike dinosaurs, there has not yet been a popular revival!). Yet aluminum is also the greatest untold story of science.

Continue reading "Aluminum In Humans" »

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? British Government & World Economic Forum plan to replace clinical trials with AI projections

C5A0FDAF-52DC-4D0A-A089-3922112970D7Using AI for Clinical Trials

By John Stone
Five years ago the British Government announced a collaboration with the then little talked about World Economic Forum to research innovative methods of regulation. It is not exactly clear what administrative or financial role the WEF play in this project but in practice the UK Department of Business awards bursaries to research various futuristic concepts. Projects were announced in 2021 and 2022 among the craziest being:

Project led by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Project name: Using High-fidelity Synthetic Data as synthetic control arms and to boost sample sizes in clinical trials
Project grant: £750,387

Project overview

Clinical trials are a critical part of how new medicines are tested before use in the NHS to improve patient care and wellbeing. In standard clinical trials, patients are either given a treatment or not by random selection. This can be challenging in some health conditions, as random assignment to a control group could deny patients access to treatments that could extend their life or improve symptoms. Many clinical trials also find it difficult to recruit enough patients, particularly those investigating rare diseases.

Recent improvements in computing power have allowed researchers to create artificial patients, with similar health information to real patients in clinical trials. This artificial data could help to ‘boost’ smaller clinical trials, lessening the number of patients needed to be successful. Artificially generated information could also be used to better reflect groups in society that are less well represented in clinical trials, including different age groups and ethnicities.

This project will focus on the use of computer-generated data to help boost small clinical trials, and to see if this can improve the value of these trials. Following this, we will create an entirely artificial control group for a clinical trial. In the future, these approaches could be combined with, or even replace, real patient information. Success in this project could help to change the way clinical trials are performed in common and rare diseases, lowering their cost and improving how new treatments are tested before they are applied in the NHS.

Against a background where the WEF, WHO and the British government propose to have a new “vaccine” ready within 100 days of their expected new pandemic this is presumably how they would model the safety and effectiveness of a product with few or no trial participants. Weep.


Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

Autism Tsunami: The Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States

TsunamiWe are pleased to share the work of Mark Blaxill, Toby Rogers and Cynthia Nevison.

Autism Tsunami: The Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States

Thank you to James Lyons Weiler publisher of Popular Rationalism on Substack:

Independent Autism Study Survives Peer Review, Published


The peer-reviewed, open-access journal Science, Public Health Policy & the Law is pleased to announce that their objective peer review process has vetted another study.

Should you care to contribute to that effort, please consider subscribing to the journal and helping others find the subscription page.

Autism Tsunami: The Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States

Full Text 

Blaxill, M, T. Rogers, and C. Nevison. 2023. Autism Tsunami: The Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 4:227-256. PEER-REVIEWED.

Reviewing Editor: James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, Editor-in-Chief


As the rates of diagnosed autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reach unprecedented levels, numerous analyses have attempted to model, quantify, and forecast the societal cost of ASD at the country level. These forecast models focus on costs by category and over the lifespan, but place far less emphasis on the effect of rising ASD rates on societal costs over time. Most models make the unsupported assumption that rates have remained constant. As a result, these models obscure understanding and suppress awareness of the most urgent societal issues that surround rising ASD prevalence. Furthermore, they overstate the current costs incurred for the population of adults with ASD, while simultaneously and dramatically underestimating the magnitude of future costs as the ASD population increases. The cost of ASD in the U.S. is estimated here using a forecast model that for the first time accounts for the true historical increase in ASD. Model inputs include ASD prevalence, census population projections, six cost categories, ten age brackets, inflation projections, and three future prevalence scenarios. Current ASD costs are somewhat lower and projected future costs are much higher than other societal cost of autism models. In this model, total base-case costs of $223 (175–271) billion/year are estimated in 2020; $589 billion/year in 2030, $1.36 trillion/year in 2040, and $5.54 (4.29–6.78) trillion/year by 2060, with substantial potential savings through ASD prevention via identifying and better regulating environmental factors that increase autism risk. This tsunami of rapidly increasing costs raises pressing policy questions. Rising prevalence, the shift from child to adult-dominated costs, the transfer of costs from parents onto government, and the soaring total costs demand an urgent focus on prevention strategies.


Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

We Need Some Answers

Vaccine piperNote: Yesterday, ACIP recommended that infants as young as 6 months old, toddlers and children receive the Covid vaccine this Fall. And parents will comply, thinking they are doing right by their children. As did so many of us. ‘Unconscionable’: FDA Approves New COVID Vaccines — Even for Infants as Young as 6 Months — Based on Minimal Data or Testing


By  Richard Moskowitz, MD

Those of you who know me or are familiar with my work know that I’ve been questioning the scientific basis of vaccinations for over forty years,1 and that my concerns about them go beyond the side effects of this or that vaccine to the nature of the vaccination process per se.   In short, I am that rare case of an honest-to-God “anti-vaxxer,” unlike the vast majority of those unjustly ridiculed and dismissed with that label, the parents of vaccine-injured children, whose only mistake was to have done exactly what they were told, and suffered the devastating consequences of it ever since: “ex-vaxxers” would be a more appropriate term for them. 

My way of supporting their cause and seeking redress for all they’ve suffered revolves around the contentious issue of scientific truth, based on my 53 years of experience as a family doctor, and amply supported by articles in the medical literature,2 albeit largely unread and ignored.  I am far from claiming that what I’ve come to believe is the complete and final truth about them; but I do think that such views deserve serious consideration, rather than the censorship and ridicule that they commonly receive.  So I will begin by summarizing my findings here.

The idea of vaccinating sounds attractive, as a way of preventing large populations from coming down with and suffering from acute infectious diseases, especially the most serious ones like smallpox, diphtheria, and polio, which have killed or maimed large numbers of people who came down with them.  But we now have so many vaccines and use them routinely for so many diseases, that we no longer give much thought to the natural process of coming down with and recovering from them, seemingly unaware of its decisive importance for our general health.  Almost all of them represent acute illnesses of short duration, involving fever and a host of immune mechanisms acting in concert, until the offending foreign organism is inactivated and expelled from the body, an all-important result that cannot be achieved by any one of them operating independently.  

The natural immunity thus achieved is first of all specific, in the familiar sense of protecting the patient against future outbreaks of the same disease, just as vaccines claim to do.  Less obvious but even more valuable is its nonspecific effect of priming the immune system to respond acutely, vigorously, and in concerted fashion to whatever other infections we are exposed to in the future.  That might not seem so important, were it not for research that most people don’t know about, showing that those who come down with and recover from measles, mumps, chickenpox, influenza, and other common acute diseases of childhood are much less likely to develop chronic, autoimmune diseases and cancer later in life than those who do not, in proportion to the number of such ailments successfully recovered from.3   

If true, that statistic means that vaccinating is not the way to develop a healthy immune system, and that we’re much better off learning how to be sick than vaccinating everybody against everything simply because we have the technology to make it happen. 

In contrast, whatever good vaccines achieve depends solely on producing specific antibodies in significant quantities over long periods of time, bypassing and indeed dysregulating all the other mechanisms it was meant to collaborate with,4 and thus falling far short of duplicating the natural immunity that good health requires.  When a vaccine is injected intramuscularly, there is a brief inflammatory reaction at the injection site, but no overt illness, and thus no reliable mechanism or pathway for getting rid of it.  

After 14 days or so, yes, there probably will be measurable titers of specific antibodies in the blood; and, yes, the recipients of many though not all vaccines will be somewhat less likely to come down with the corresponding disease, at least in the near future, than they were before.  But without the acute illness, there is no activation of the cellular system, no mobilization of phagocytes, cytokines, or serum complement, no priming of the immune mechanism as a whole, no improvement in the general health, no encrypted memory of the infection, and again, no means of expelling the invading viruses, bacteria, or bioengineered fragments derived from them.

Indeed, where the vaccine goes, how it persuades the antibody-producing cells to continue doing their work over extended periods of time, as it was designed to do, and what price we have to pay for these antibodies and the partial, temporary semblance of immunity that they provide, are questions that it seems we're not supposed to ask, can expect haughty contempt or righteous indignation when we do, and haven't been convincingly or usefully answered in any way that helps the public understand.

What continues to haunt me about the vaccination process is the obvious fact that, unlike the diseases it is supposed to prevent, vaccination is and must be a chronic phenomenon, that its intended result of achieving continuous antibody synthesis for months and years afterward would seem to require either the vaccine substance itself or at least the information that it conveys to remain active inside the body for at least that long.  It’s worth asking how such long-term carrier states might be achieved, and what effect they might have on the health of vaccine recipients; but for now I’ll just say that it’s dangerously misleading, if not the exact opposite of the truth, to claim that vaccines render us immune to acute diseases, if in fact they drive the invading organisms or toxic derivatives of them deep into our vital organs and cause us to harbor them chronically if not permanently instead. 

In the early years of my practice, I shied away from vaccinating routinely, based on a gut feeling that I couldn’t explain; and the analysis I’ve just offered took shape during a sabbatical year of revisiting the basic immunology that was glossed over in med school.  But it didn’t really hit home or make sense for me until I began seeing a lot of chronically ill children in my practice.5  With so many vaccines being given, several of them simultaneously at the same visit, years went by without implicating a specific vaccine or component before it dawned on me that the vaccination process itself might be the culprit.  

What first made me think of it was seeing so many kids given vaccines on the approved schedule who were reacting nonspecifically, by developing a more intense or prolonged version of whatever chronic diseases they were already bothered by.  Even then, I didn’t see any uniform pattern, because the children reacted in a manner that was uniquely characteristic of them, just as you’d expect.  Eventually I discovered that any vaccine would do, and that several different ones would have the same effect for that child, while their diseases ran the whole gamut of pediatric practice, affected kids who weren’t vaccinated, and could be brought on by environmental toxins and pollutants as well.    

Equally confusing was the tendency of chronic diseases to wax and wane idiosyncratically, rather than on any preformed or regular schedule; and although treatment with pharmaceuticals often relieved their symptoms, the children remained perceptibly ill.  But if the children recovered to the point of feeling well and essentially symptom-free for at least several months, which usually required gentler forms of treatment, their old disease would recur promptly and dramatically after their next vaccination, whatever it was, such that the causal link became obvious to everyone.  

That was the turning point, the breakthrough I was looking for.  Over the years, using ultradilute homeopathic medicines, I had the good fortune to witness dozens  and ultimately hundreds of such cases, consistently enough to be the rule, not the exception, all exhibiting the same pattern, yet in a manner uniquely their own, no matter which vaccine was given, which disease they manifested, or how severely they suffered from it.  Like this 18-year-old girl, plagued with bedwetting and obsessive-compulsive behavior in elementary school, who overcame both complaints and remained essentially symptom-free for more than 10 years.  Even so, her old illness came back full force within a week after receiving the MMR booster her college required for admission.  Fortunately, she recovered, using the same medicine as before, and remained well thereafter, but newly resolved to avoid further shots.

In short, my years of clinical experience leave little doubt in my mind that all vaccines, whatever the benefits ascribed to them, are regularly and significantly implicated in initiating, exacerbating, and reactivating the innumerable chronic diseases of our time. If that’s true, then subjecting whole populations to repeated doses of more and more of them must be adding continuously and exponentially to the crushing burden of chronic diseases that we already bear, as the dominant public health threat of recent decades, and not as rare coincidences, aberrations, or side effects, but as a built-in feature of their design.

Gripped by the urgency of that realization, and unnerved by our obstinate unwillingness to take it seriously, I began combing through the scientific literature, and soon uncovered a substantial body of reputable, published research along the same lines,6 albeit ignored by most practicing physicians, because it directly contradicts what we are authoritatively taught, fondly believe, and seldom bother to question.  One study found that the risk of serious reactions to childhood vaccines was directly proportional to the number of vaccines given simultaneously at the same visit,7 and another showed a risk similarly proportional to the total number given over a period of years.8   In both cases, the main causal factor was the total vaccine load, a quantity that again points to the vaccination process itself, rather than any particular vaccine. 

On the other hand, with the specific effects of each individual vaccine still largely hidden from view, and the generic effects of the vaccination process rarely taken into account, it is easy to understand why doctors see no reason to resist the industry’s agenda of vaccinating everyone and piling on as many new vaccines as they see fit.  Yet investigating their safety would require nothing more elaborate than comparing the all-cause morbidity and mortality, the overall rate of death and chronic disease, in carefully-matched cohorts of vaccinated and unvaccinated people of all ages.  

It boggles the mind that our nation, which yields to none in its professed commitment to science, has never seen fit to undertake such a simple and obvious study, even though if not precisely because it could resolve the issue once and for all.  At the very least, if they prove to be as safe as we’ve been led to believe, it would effectively silence nay-sayers like me.   The trick will be to find someone reputable to run the study who is totally independent of the CDC and the drug industry who pays their bills.

The COVID phenomenon and its aftermath have both dramatized and heightened that threat as never before, by devising a whole new version of it and imposing it on the present as well as future generations.  Declaring a global emergency and locking down large populations in response to it have resulted in vaccinating most of the world in the midst of the disease, for the first ever, rather than just trying to prevent it in the future. 

Even when it turned out that the new vaccines didn’t prevent transmission, but only lessened the severity of the disease for a few months, the lockdown, by prolonging the outbreak, allowed the highly mutable virus to generate a sequence of variants, for the ingenious mRNA technology to devise a customized  new vaccine for each one.  Now that the virus has become endemic, yet more boosters will be required more or less on schedule and quite possibly mandated for the future, despite lacking even the modest benefit of traditional vaccines, not to mention posing brand-new threats, like the mRNA sequence becoming permanently incorporated in the host’s DNA,9 and some of the spike protein produced by it continuing to circulate in the blood and damaging various organs for as long as the mRNA sequence continues doing its job.10  

These extraordinary new impositions exemplify what Naomi Klein has called “disaster capitalism,” namely, “orchestrated raids on the public sphere in the wake of catastrophic events [repurposed] as exciting market opportunities.”11                    

For all of these reasons, it is more urgent than ever for the scientific community to investigate the all-cause morbidity and mortality of vaccinated and unvaccinated subpopulations in a manner and venue that is transparent and certifiably independent of the pharmaceutical industry, so that the general public will accept their results, whatever they may be.  

Until then, I propose that vaccines simply be made optional, that is, available on request, without mandating them or penalizing those who don’t want them, so that, once these studies are completed, we can finally have the public discussion and debate that we should have been having all along, à propos of Schopenhauer’s word to the wise,

The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen, but to think what no one has yet thought, about that which everyone sees.12                                            


1. “The Case against Immunizations,” Journal of the American   Institute of Homeopathy 76:7, March, 1983.

2. Moskowitz, Vaccines: a Reappraisal, Skyhorse, New York, 2017, Chapters 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, passim.

3. Cf., for example, Albonico, H., et al., “Febrile Infectious Childhood Diseases in the History of Cancer Patients and Matched Controls,” Medical Hypotheses 51:315, 1998.

4. Cf. for example, Profs. Lucija Tomljenovic and Chris Shaw, "Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants: Are They Safe?" Current Medicinal Chemistry 18:2630, 2011.

5. Moskowitz, 2017, op. cit., Chapter 4, pp. 57-69.

6. Ibid., vide supra, note 2.

7. Miller, N., and Goldman, G., "Relative Trends in Hospitalizations and Mortality among Infants by the Number of Vaccine Doses and Age, Based on the VAERS Reporting System, 1990-2010," Human Experimental Toxicology 31:1012, 2012.

8. Glanz, J., et al., "A Population-Based Cohort Study of Under-Vaccination in 8 Managed-Care Organizations across the United States," JAMA Pediatrics 167:284, 2013.

9. Aidén, M., et al., "Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line," Current Issues in Molecular Biology 44:115, February 25, 2022. 

10.  Cf. Dr. Byram Bridle, Interview with Alex Pierson, "See More Rocks," You Tube,  May 30, 2021.

11.  Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine, Henry Holt, 2007, p. 6.  

12.  Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena, 1851, 76.

8B2845B0-4115-41FE-9F71-71012383949FJoin us in congratulating Dr. Brian Hooker and Robert Kennedy, Jr. and the Children's Health Defense imprint on the huge news that Vax Unvax Let The Science Speak was #11 on the New York Times non-fiction best sellers list this week.  This is important because it tells those who feel they shouldn't question science, "Hey, it's OK to read, and learn and make your own decisions."  It's currently 124 on ALL of Amazon books.  Buy a copy HERE

Neil Z. Miller: An Association Between Childhood Vaccines and Mortality

Science post imageAn Association Between Childhood Vaccines and Mortality

by Neil Z. Miller

In 2011, Dr. Gary Goldman and I published a study demonstrating that among the most highly developed nations, those that require the most vaccines for their infants tend to have the worst infant mortality rates. Ten years later, Dr. Elizabeth Bailey, a professor at Brigham Young University, and several students associated with her Bioinformatics Capstone course read our study and found it "troublesome that this manuscript is in the top 5% of all research outputs." They conducted their own study to refute our paper, and posted it on the medXriv preprint server.



A few months later, I was contacted by the editor of a major medical journal inviting me to review a manuscript that "makes statements in contradiction to work you have previously published." Apparently, our critics at BYU submitted their paper to this journal to have it peer-reviewed and published.

The Bailey paper contained many flaws, which were thoroughly discussed in my review. Ultimately, their manuscript was withdrawn from the journal and not published. However, the preprint containing false claims made against our paper was never removed from public accessibility. This incentivized Gary and I to defend our paper within the medical literature and further investigate potential associations between vaccines required during infancy and infant mortality rates.

Using updated 2019 data, we corroborated the significant positive correlation demonstrated in our 2011 paper. This new study was published in February of this year.


Neonatal vaccines

Many nations require hepatitis B and/or BCG (bacille Calmette-Guerin) vaccines (for tuberculosis) to be given to newborns as soon as possible following birth. In most nations, more than half of all infant deaths occur during the neonatal period (the first 28 days of life). Therefore, after our second paper was published, we decided to broaden our analyses to explore potential relationships between the number of neonatal vaccine doses required by nations and their neonatal mortality rates, infant mortality rates, and under age five mortality rates.

Continue reading "Neil Z. Miller: An Association Between Childhood Vaccines and Mortality" »

Father's Day Gift Idea: The Real RFK Jr Trials of a Truth Warrior

Real RFK Jr Book CoverHere's a great Father's Day gift idea. The Real RFK Jr Trials of a Truth Warrior from Skyhorse Publishing is available NOW for pre-order. It's already #1 on the Amazon best sellers list.

By Dick Russell

An epic biography filled with drama, conflict, and surmounted challenges.

The Real RFK Jr. is an intimate biographical portrait examining the controversial activist's journey from anguish and addiction to becoming the country's leading environmental champion fighting government corruption, corporate greed, and a captured media. Written by his longtime colleague Dick Russell, the biography also exposes the misconceptions and explains the rationale behind Kennedy's campaign to protect public health.

Provided exclusive source material, including access to Kennedy’s unpublished writings and personal journals, the author conducted dozens of interviews with him as well as numerous friends and associates. Russell delves into everything from Kennedy’s sometimes death-defying river rafting adventures to his pioneering legal cases against polluters such as Smithfield Foods and Monsanto, while founding the world’s largest water protection group. The Real RFK Jr. also examines Kennedy’s pursuit of the truth about the assassinations of his father and uncle, the wrongful murder conviction of his cousin, and the false narratives around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prevent Another Pandemic

Prevent 2
Sharing is caring.

Have a heart. Do your part.

Kalaka with a friend (a classic.)

Only YOU can prevent pandemics.

Friends don’t let friends drive masked.

Printable version here.

Print, share, win friends and influence people. Courtesy of Millions Against Medical Mandates


UnderestimatedUnderestimated: An Autism Miracle
BY JB Handley and Jamison Handley

In Underestimated: An Autism Miracle, Generation Rescue’s cofounder J.B. Handley and his teenage son Jamison tell the remarkable story of Jamison’s journey to find a method of communication that allowed him to show the world that he was a brilliant, wise, generous, and complex individual who had been misunderstood and underestimated by everyone in his life.

Environmental Causes of AutismThe Environmental And Genetic Causes of Autism

By James Lyons-Weiler, PhD

The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism delves deep into the full body of past and current research to reveal how genetic predispositions and environmental factors can combine to produce the conditions autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

While most autism researchers focus on either environmental or genetic causes of autism, Lyons-Weiler’s opus demonstrates that to fully understand the condition and to finally put its rate on the decrease, it is essential to pay attention to the science showing how the two classes of factors interact.



How Do Vaccines Cause Autism .org: The Science Behind the Phenomenon

Science post imageBy Ginger Taylor

The question of whether or not vaccines cause autism was answered by 2008, when the research caught up with real world events, and Hannah Poling was awarded compensation for her vaccine induced autism in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. By then, the question was no longer "Do vaccines cause autism," but "How do vaccines cause autism?"

And now there is a site with the research that demonstrates HOW vaccines can cause autism.

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 23-01-06 How Do Vaccines Cause Autism – The Body of Research Supporting Vaccine Autism Causation


The research includes more than 200 citations, is posted by the date it was published, is organized into the categories in which each paper should reside, includes a menu by vaccine and major category, and links to the journal article itself (sometimes the full paper, if it is available to the public).

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 10-33-41 January 1943 – How Do Vaccines Cause AutismThe research linking vaccines to autism goes back to 1943, to the first paper on autism published at Johns Hopkins in 1943.

Want to read research that supports vaccine - autism causation before anyone heard the name "Andrew Wakefield"?

You have quite a few options, and there will be more to come. 

Did you know that autism was linked to autoimmunity by 1971 and documented in a paper called, Autism and autoimmune disease: A family study? Does your doctor who shouts "WAKEFIELD!" while disallowing your child to be properly medically evaluated for inflammation know that?  Do you need him to see it, and 27 more papers on autism and Autoimmunity? Or Inflammation in autism? Or more than forty papers that demonstrate the process by which vaccines cause Inflammation and the role that inflammation plays in autism?

Mitochondrial dysfunction?

Oxidative stress?


Perhaps your mother in law is furious with you that you won't give your daughter the HPV vaccine after watching your son regress into autism. Now you can give her the science on the disaster that is injected Aluminum for her to read for herself and discuss with you in a scholarly manner instead of a fear based frenzy.

Continue reading "How Do Vaccines Cause Autism .org: The Science Behind the Phenomenon" »

What Is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program?


Product liabilityDr. Tom Frieden urged Americans to get their bivalent Covid vaccine and booster yesterday on Twitter. I kindly let him and his followers know about Wayne Rohde's 15 week class starting this week through IPAK-EDU on the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.  This is the program that absolves corporations whose products harm Americans during a Pandemic. You can take the course both live and in a recorded version.

 IPAK-EDU on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program used for emergency authorized biologics.

In this course, students will learn the structure, function and defects of the programs in the US created by Congress to award compensation to adults and children potentially and actually harmed or killed by vaccines. We will review a variety of important topics, review case histories. This course is for parents and lawyers new to US vaccine injury compensation programs.

Read the course description and register here.

Taught by Wayne Rohde, author of Vaccine Court, this class is available through The Online private University, IPAK-EDU.  Many of us KNOW what these programs are - but we don't know the details of their inception and execution.  The knowledge can boost your conversations with, trolls, BOTS, family and friends - just THINK of the Thanksgiving table arguments you can start! You might just get the whole pumpkin pie to yourself. XOX


Read More and Register HERE.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program & Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program

15-week, 1 hour course, both live and on demand

  • reading list will be provided 2 weeks prior to each week’s topic of discussion.
  • Q&A will be reserved for the last 15 minutes of each class
  • Weekly topics can be changed, added or removed by class suggestion.

Email: [email protected]

Course Objectives

Continue reading "What Is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program?" »

Revised Version: The British Government, the World Health Organization and the Global Coup of 2020

Boris J Stay HomeEarly "Monday" publication for UK.  As ever, thank you to John Stone.

By John Stone

In March 2020 the British Government decided to impose lockdown on the determination of the WHO against the advice of its own medical experts including Sir Chris Whitty - the experts then followed the policy, subordinating their judgment to the outside agency. These events anticipated the WHO’s recent and continuing attempts to formalise global supremacy in health, and demonstrates the arbitrariness and chaos which will inevitably follow 

I am trying to understand the events of March 2020 in the light of an answer to a recent Freedom of Information Request. Why and how was it that four days before lockdown was imposed on March 23 the four Chief Medical Officers of the United Kingdom posted a notice on-line announcing that COVID-19 had been downgraded from the status of High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID).

This peculiar event has not gone entirely un-noticed but has never really been explained. Before this point the disease named in the document  as COVID-19 (rather than  identified as virus SARS-CoV-2) - was a “high consequence infectious disease”, while almost at the very instant our lives, and everyone’s,  were to be irrevocably pitched into turmoil with the denial of civil liberties and most basic human rights, untold economic destruction and chaos, it was no longer so designated.

If the disease was no longer “high consequence” there could be absolutely no reason for this high level and prolonged disruption, and yet it was at this precise moment that the inevitability of lockdown started to be promoted, only to be confirmed four days later. But according to the CMOs’ reckoning at no point in the past two and a quarter years, whatever actions they took to restrict our lives or coerce us to accept injections of novel products, has the disease been “high consequence”. 

This anomaly cannot I believe be stressed enough: my FOI request produced no new documents but the Department of Health and Social Care drew my attention to a Parliamentary answer by Jo Churchill on November 6,  2020 to Conservative MP John Redwood (submitted fully 5 and a half weeks before on September 28):

The four nations public health high consequence infectious disease (HCID) group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID, based on the information that was available during the very early stages of the outbreak.

Once more was known about COVID-19, United Kingdom public health bodies reviewed the available information against the HCID criteria and noted certain changes. These changes included the increase in information available about mortality rates, which are low overall amongst the general population; greater clinical awareness; and the availability of a specific and sensitive laboratory test for the virus.

COVID-19 has not been considered a HCID in the UK since 19 March 2020, but this reclassification has not affected the Government’s response to COVID-19, which remains a comprehensive national effort.

So, the junior minister, Jo Churchill, confirmed that decision was made with due consideration and not because of some expedience: this remained the case on November 6, 2020, and remains the case today because whatever the CMOs have said subsequently to the public, notably government Chief Medical Officer Sir Chris Whitty they have not updated this statement.

With this in mind let us go back and look at what was said in the statement of March 19, 2020 :it may be one of those occasions when British government documents are more revealing than most.

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

The ACDP were quite clear and in their letter of 13 March emphasised in capital letters that it was not high consequence.

John Stone addition

They have recorded their expert view for all time this is an infection without implications for health and government policy (it doesn’t have “high consequence”). So, I think it is the next bit we need to look at to explain what happened:

Continue reading "Revised Version: The British Government, the World Health Organization and the Global Coup of 2020" »

Autism One Returns August 18 - 21

AO Back to the basics
Autism One was a more than a conference in its hey day, it was yearly retreat where autism parents could meet, greet, learn, eat, drink (mmm hmmm) and be merry in good company.  Most of us knew each other from Yahoo groups. The conference returns next week.  As you may recall, Ed Arranga passed away earlier this year, a huge loss for the community. We met Robert Kennedy, Jr. for the first time at Autism One, astounded that he understood our topics and was willing to stick his neck out for our kids. We watched film debuts. We met celebrities. We dodged neurodiverse spies and spiteful journalists. Ah... good times.  We old timers can forget that parents are STILL getting the gut punch diagnosis, at an ever quickening pace. Let's share what we know with them in the hopes they will strive to do more than the basics.

Learn more about the conference HERE.

AutismOne is a nonprofit organization dedicated to all that is autism.

AutismOne is here to support a parent when you are searching questions about autism, medicine, nutrition, schooling, social skills, recreation, and more. AutismOne has access to a variety of resources to connect you with, whether they are doctors, specialists, or parents, who have successfully experienced improvements. Or AutismOne can simply listen. We are all in this together. AutismOne knows you love your loved one whether young or old.


Children's Health Defense: 1 in 30 U.S. Kids Diagnosed With Autism in 2020 — What’s Behind the Surge?

8252466D-6638-47E5-AF98-EB1F28B4267CNote: Thank you to Children's Health Defense for including Age of Autism's Managing Editor Kim Rossi for a behind the front lines look at what the increase means and "going there." However, Kim Rossi, managing editor of Age of Autism, found Siegel’s reasons unconvincing and inadequate. She sure did.

1 in 30 U.S. Kids Diagnosed With Autism in 2020 — What’s Behind the Surge?

Roughly 1 in 30 children and adolescents ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in 2020, according to a JAMA Pediatrics research letter, which also referenced a new study showing a 53% increase in ASD in young Americans since 2017.

By  Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

Roughly 1 in 30 — 3.49% — of children and adolescents ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020, according to a JAMA Pediatrics research letter published this month by a team of researchers in China.

The letter also referenced a new study showing a 53% increase in ASD in American young people since 2017.

The researchers used data, gathered in 2019 and 2020, from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), which collects health-related information via household interviews conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.

During the NHIS interviews, a parent or guardian reported on ASD diagnoses made by a physician or other healthcare professional.

Of the 12,554 individuals ages 3 to 17 surveyed in 2019 and 2020, 410 were reported to have a diagnosis of ASD.

The research team, including corresponding author Dr. Wenhan Yang, M.D., Ph.D., from the School of Public Health, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University in China, compared the 2019 and 2020 NHIS results to NHIS results from the years 2014 to 2018.

“We found the prevalence of ASD increased from 2014 to 2016, decreased from 2016 to 2017, and then increased again from 2017 to 2020,” Yang and colleagues wrote.  Read the full article at Children's Health Defense.

Autism Up More Than 50%

PoppycockThe study’s authors suggest that the United States typically has higher autism rates than the rest of the world. The team believes this is due to better screening and diagnosis.

From Safeminds:

July 11, 2022
New Study Reports that ASD Rates Jumped More Than 50% from 2017 to 2020

A recent research letter published in JAMA Pediatrics shows that the overall autism spectrum disorder (ASD) rate for American children ages 3 to 17 in 2019 and 2020 has risen to 3.14%. When separating data by year, the results show the autism prevalence rate was 2.79% in 2019. Then the rate explodes in 2020 when it jumps to 3.49% or 1 in 30 children. According to the study, nearly 5% of young American boys have autism, compared to just under 2% of girls. This research comes from a team of scientists from Guangdong Pharmaceutical University in China who used statistics from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), which collects information through household interviews. NHIS data includes parental reports of an ASD diagnosis given directly to census bureau employees administering the survey. Shockingly, autism rates jumped by more than 50% from 2017 to 2020, according to NHIS statistics. The study’s authors suggest that the United States typically has higher autism rates than the rest of the world. The team believes this is due to better screening and diagnosis. This new 1 in 30 statistic reflects a far higher rate than the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM), which announced last December that 1 in 44 American children hold an autism diagnosis. Since ADDM rates are based on eight-year-old children and typically take four years to process and publish, this current study is more timely and possibly more accurate. Additionally, the NHIS data used a larger age cohort than the ADDM network, and this research team took only two years to process and publish their findings.  Read more here at Safeminds.

British Drug Regulator (MHRA) Develops, Manufactures and Sells Its Own Biological Products Including Vaccines

397AE091-7113-430E-9219-22EEFBA237D7By John Stone

(UPDATE) It is disturbing to have confirmed by Megan Redshaw’s article in The Defender  yesterday  (June 27) that it will be the Gates/WHO/MHRA polio vaccine which is being rolled out in the UK which according to Dr Mark Bailey is not “proved” or in layman’s language “experimental”. Obviously, the Salk oral polio vaccine has not been in use for many years and his comparison is misleading and inappropriate , and we do not know why this product is preferred to the standard inactivated product (IPV).

This is a follow on to a UK Column Report last week with excellent analysis by retired nurse Debi Evans and News anchor Brian Gerrish which focused on the board meeting of the MHRA of Tuesday June 21. There were many disturbing features in the report which runs from 1.06.50 on the link, but one really surprising fact which emerged - and I have been following the MHRA closely since at least 2004 - is that they combine purported role as a regulator of the biologics industry with developing its own biological products and trading with the industry: this happens through its subsidiary since 2013 the National Institute of Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) though it’s  not immediately clear how long NIBSC has traded its own biological products.

Of particular relevance is that coincidentally with this meeting a new polio scare was being launched in the UK - no one as of this present time has been diagnosed with polio but polio has been detected in a North East London sewer. It is therefore fascinating to follow the conversation (which I have transcribed as best I can) between to the interim director of NIBSC, Mark Bailey, and Stephen Lightfoot, Chairman of MHRA (at 1.22.18):


Significant investment by NIBSC and also its partners the Gates foundation and of course its part of   the WHO lab in (indecipherable) and of course basically premiere eradication. There are three strains of polio and the team at NIBSC developed three different vaccines. It happens that strain two is the one that has been deployed most in clinical trials in Africa and it's listed product by the WHO which mean it can be used in emergency situations even though it is not proved. We are now moving to clinical trials with the other two strains as well, so it's very exciting: it's a huge huge combination: its effect is that this vaccine cannot revert. So the Salk vaccine which was used with most of us as kids there was always a low chance of it reverting back to wild type which means things like polio begins to appear in the population. This is a great leap forward here because it can't revert so basically its much safer.


Again I think this is a great example of how the MHRA is different from other regulators around the world because we have NIBSC or National Institute for Biological Standards and Control where do some basic looking at fundamental research and this is a good example of the work that we are doing in that area and the public health benefit it can have internationally and not just in the UK  so I think actually as regulator we've got some really important you know constituent parts that actually make us a very strong and capable organisation.

The reality of this is if the MHRA ever was functionally a “regulator” it has abandoned this role to facilitate business, it even trades with industry in Coronavirus spike-protein. This was emphasised in an earlier UK Column report when MHRA CEO June Raine excruciatingly discussed transforming the MHRA in 2020 from being “a regulator to an enabler” (at 47.30). And of course it is a whole different level of concern if the MHRA not only received research funding from the Gates Foundation as has previously been identified but is actually in business with them (and the WHO). Of course, the pretext was that there was an emergency and this was in the most formal bureaucratic terms an outright lie.

Continue reading "British Drug Regulator (MHRA) Develops, Manufactures and Sells Its Own Biological Products Including Vaccines" »

53 Years of Knowledge: Vaccination and Chronic Disease

Truthfyl gentle fearlessImagine if doctors around the world acknowledged and fought to end vaccine injury. Wouldn't that be something? Instead, they actively work to deny and gaslight patients and their families.  Start paying attention to obituaries and articles about young people, including children, dying of natural causes and "peacefully." Dr. Moskowitz is truthful, gentle (I've had the privilege of meeting him) and fearless.


You can find a .pdf of this post here. Download Dr Richard Moskowitz Vaccination and Chronic Disease  Dr. Moskowitz meticulously formatted and cited his article, however, the blog platform is not always kind to formatting. I encourage you to read the .pdf.  Thank you.

By Richard Moskowitz, M. D.

In my 53 years as a family doctor, I cared for a large number of children who were adversely affected by many different vaccinations, with diagnoses as varied as an average pediatric practice.  Yet they all reacted in closely similar fashion, hinting at something important in the nature of chronic disease, the great riddle that has confounded physicians since the earliest times.  My plan is to begin with a summary of my own clinical experience, together with pertinent findings in the scientific literature, and then explore the questions it raises about chronicity itself, a dysfunction that somehow manages to insinuate itself into our everyday physiology, achieves in effect a new "normal" of healthy and diseased modes co-existing side-by-side in place of the old, and resists cure by perpetuating itself over the lifetime.  With all that in mind, I'll finish with the COVID to bring everything up date, followed by a brief epilogue on the special vantage point of clinical practice.


Chronic disease is everywhere.

Always a troubling enigma to physicians, chronic diseases have become so prevalent in in recent decades that they now command a preponderance of the time, space, and energy of most practicing physicians in the United States and the developed world.  As far back as 2008, the CDC surveyed the incidence of six prominent types in the United States -- diabetes, cardiovascular disease, COPD, asthma, cancer, and arthritis -- and found that

60% of all adults had been diagnosed with 1 or more of them, as had

78% of those 55 and older, and

85.6% of those 65 and older,

and that

40% of all adults had been diagnosed with 2 or more, as had

47% of those 55 and older, and

56% of those 65 and older.1

Since then, the fractions of our population affected by the most common ones have been estimated as follows, taking them one by one:

asthma, COPD, and chronic lung disease - 15% of all adults2,3                
arthritis - 23% of all adults4
hypertension - 33% of all adults, 76% of ages 75-845          
obesity - 42% of all adults6                 
diabetes - 10% of all adults7                 
chronic kidney disease - 15% of all adults8                              
dementia - 14% by age 719                                  
some form of cancer - 50% of males and 33% of females at some point in their lifetime10  

Although these figures have been steadily increasing throughout the industrialized world, the United States leads all other countries by a considerable margin, with by far the lowest life expectancy, despite spending the most per capita on health care.11

Continue reading "53 Years of Knowledge: Vaccination and Chronic Disease" »

Gut Science Was Slower Than A Colon After Surgery

Microbiome7Dr. Andy Wakefield thrust the gut connection into the spotlight more than 20 years ago. "Science" is slower than a colon after surgery. And often treats the originators like.....  From Safeminds:

June 13, 2022

Gut Bacteria Alterations Are Dependent on Offspring’s Sex

To prevent newborn sepsis caused by maternal Group B Streptococcus exposure, antibiotic use was promoted during labor and delivery starting in the 1990s. Since then, the use of prophylactic antibiotics given to laboring mothers has increased to more than 30% of all deliveries in the United States. However, this practice was implemented before our present-day and still emerging understanding of the microbiota’s important role in many aspects of health. Recently, researchers at the MIND Institute published a study investigating the effect of antibiotics administered to pregnant mice on offspring gut microbiome composition and metabolic capabilities. The researchers also investigated how these microbiota changes can influence the offspring’s immune responses. The study’s design involved administering a broad-spectrum antibiotic orally to pregnant mice during late gestation through birth. Post-birth, bacterial DNA was taken from offspring fecal samples and was then sequenced and analyzed. The offspring’s serum and brain tissue cytokine levels were also analyzed. The results showed that the antibiotic cocktail given to the pregnant mice produced significant diversity and taxonomic changes in their offspring’s microbiome. Also altered in the offspring were genomic and metabolic pathways. Interestingly, an increased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B) ratio was found in female offspring but not males. An increased F/B ratio is associated with dysbiosis and metabolic disorders. The MIND Institute researchers concluded that maternal antibiotic exposure could produce long-lasting effects on the offspring’s gut microbiome and neuroimmune responses. They believe their findings demonstrate how important the role of the early microbiome is in the development of gastrointestinal and immune systems. 

Original Study

The British Government, the World Health Organization and the Global Coup of 2020

UK lockdownBy John Stone

In March 2020 the British Government decided to impose lockdown on the determination of the WHO against the advice of its own medical experts including Sir Chris Whitty - the experts then followed the policy, subordinating their judgment to the outside agency. These events anticipated the WHO’s recent and continuing attempts to formalise global supremacy in health, and demonstrates the arbitrariness and chaos which will inevitably follow 

I am trying to understand the events of March 2020 in the light of an answer to a recent Freedom of Information Request. Why and how was it that four days before lockdown was imposed on March 23 the four Chief Medical Officers of the United Kingdom posted a notice on-line announcing that COVID-19 had been downgraded from the status of High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID).

This peculiar event has not gone entirely un-noticed but has never really been explained. Before this point the disease named in the document  as COVID-19 (rather than  identified as virus SARS-CoV-2) - was a “high consequence infectious disease”, while almost at the very instant our lives, and everyone’s,  were to be irrevocably pitched into turmoil with the denial of civil liberties and most basic human rights, untold economic destruction and chaos, it was no longer so designated.

If the disease was no longer “high consequence” there could be absolutely no reason for this high level and prolonged disruption, and yet it was at this precise moment that the inevitability of lockdown started to be promoted, only to be confirmed four days later. But according to the CMOs’ reckoning at no point in the past two and a quarter years, whatever actions they took to restrict our lives or coerce us to accept injections of novel products, has the disease been “high consequence”. 

This anomaly cannot I believe be stressed enough: my FOI request produced no new documents but the Department of Health and Social Care drew my attention to a Parliamentary answer by Jo Churchill on November 6,  2020 to Conservative MP John Redwood (submitted fully 5 and a half weeks before on September 28):

The four nations public health high consequence infectious disease (HCID) group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID, based on the information that was available during the very early stages of the outbreak.

Once more was known about COVID-19, United Kingdom public health bodies reviewed the available information against the HCID criteria and noted certain changes. These changes included the increase in information available about mortality rates, which are low overall amongst the general population; greater clinical awareness; and the availability of a specific and sensitive laboratory test for the virus.

COVID-19 has not been considered a HCID in the UK since 19 March 2020, but this reclassification has not affected the Government’s response to COVID-19, which remains a comprehensive national effort.

So, the junior minister, Jo Churchill, confirmed that decision was made with due consideration and not because of some expedience: this remained the case on November 6, 2020, and remains the case today because whatever the CMOs have said subsequently to the public, notably government Chief Medical Officer Sir Chris Whitty they have not updated this statement.

With this in mind let us go back and look at what was said in the statement of March 19, 2020 :it may be one of those occasions when British government documents are more revealing than most.

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

Continue reading "The British Government, the World Health Organization and the Global Coup of 2020" »

Laugh or Cry: Researchers Catch Up With Autism Parents 25 Years Later

You don't sayDecades ago, a mentor taught me a saying, "Don't punish progress." It's pretty hard not to scream and shake my fists, "You SHOULD have listened to Andrew Wakefield instead of running him out of town on a rail."  Don't punish progress.  If young autism parents are still paying any attention to biomedical symptoms, causes and treatments, let's hope they read Safeminds' post from Monday.

May 15, 2022

A Bidirectional Relationship Exists Between Internalizing Behaviors and Gastrointestinal Issues

Researchers at the University of Missouri have recently published a study that suggests a connection between gastrointestinal problems, anxiety and social withdrawal for some children with autism. While conducting their study, the authors analyzed parent reports of gastrointestinal issues and internalizing behaviors of 621 minors with autism. The research team used path models in a structural equation modeling framework to further investigate their data. After examining the parental reports, the researchers believed the best-fitting model for this brain/gut phenomenon was a bidirectional model where internalizing behaviors (e.g., withdrawn and anxious behaviors) were associated with gastrointestinal issues (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain). Sadly, this cycle then repeats, causing an endless loop of suffering for children experiencing both GI problems and internalizing behaviors. Co-author Brad Fergson expounds on his team’s work, stating, “Stress signals from the brain can alter the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine in the gut, which control gastrointestinal motility, or the movement of stool through the intestines.” He adds, “Stress also impacts the balance of bacteria living in the gut, called the microbiota, which can alter gastrointestinal functioning. The gut then sends signals back to the brain, and that can, in turn, lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and social withdrawal. The cycle then repeats, so novel treatments addressing signals from both the brain and the gut may provide the most benefit for some kids with gastrointestinal disorders and autism.” Ferguson is currently involved in a clinical trial to assess how stress-reducing medication affects gastrointestinal problems. 

Original Article

Original Study Abstract

Why were Ingredients Associated with Clots Permitted in Covid Injections?: the British Regulator Stonewalls

June RaineWhy were ingredients known to be associated with clots permitted in Covid injections?: the British regulator stonewalls

By John Stone

This is a matter I first wrote about a year ago: as reports began to accumulate of clotting in recipients of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid injection a well-known biochemist pointed out to me that adenovirus component present in this product (as well as the Johnson & Johnson and Sputnik) had been a known risk for thrombocytopenia for two decades before these products were assembled at breakneck speed in February 2020. This presented a simpler issue than the mRNA products of Pfizer and Moderna where many of  the potential risks - though not all - were relatively speculative, since our governments had apparently authorised these products either knowing exactly what was likely to occur, or with alarming incompetence having failed to spot it. Back in April last year was the first time I asked had the MHRA (the British regulator) done due diligence.

Ultimately, in November 2021 I wrote to the CEO of the MHRA, June Raine, asking her point blank:

‘Can you explain why the MHRA permitted the use of adenovirus in Covid vaccines bearing in mind that it was known to be associated with clots?’

I did not hear back for a long while, and then on  22 February 2022 I received the following acknowledgement from someone signing himself “Peter”:

Our Reference: CSC 89455

Dear Mr John Stone,

Thank you for your email.

We have reviewed your enquiry and this has been passed on to our Licensing colleagues for further input.

It was an interesting day for this to occur because it was the day the Metropolitan Police announced that they would not be pursuing further criminal investigations into the Covid affair. I thanked “Peter” and waited a month and in place of an answer re-submitted my enquiry as a Freedom of Information request (which received an automatic acknowledgement). Then when the statutory 20 days for answering such a request had elapsed, earlier this week, I enquired again and received neither answer or acknowledgement. We have perhaps to conclude that we have reached the end of the line and the MHRA  cannot explain in any shape of form why they allowed so many people to be hurt, injured or even killed. 

The MHRA’s first assessed the connection between between the AZ product and thrombocytopenia as likely on 7 April 2021 but what they failed to acknowledge was that they were only geared to receiving a small fraction of reports as stated in a notice of 2018:

It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported.

They knew therefore the risk to patients on which they continued to roll out the product was likely in the region of ten times worse than stated in their published reports, while fatalities were also reported at a much higher rate than for Pfizer and again might be ten times worse according to their own rule of thumb.

The issue of how far the British regulator which is an agency of UK Department of Health and Social Care and  is 100% funded by the industry, works for the public rather than the industry is more than ever moot, and this instance is complicated by the fact that the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care - at the time the controversial World Economic Forum advocate Matt Hancock  - was also a sponsor of the development of the product.

As long ago as 2005 the  House of Commons Health Committee remarked:

The Department of Health has for too long optimistically assumed that the interests of health and of the industry are as one. This may reflect the fact that the Department sponsors the industry as well as looking after health. The result is that the industry has been left to its own devices for too long.... The industry is by no means solely to blame for the difficulties we describe. The regulators and prescribers are also open to criticism. The regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), has failed to adequately scrutinise licensing data and its post-marketing surveillance is inadequate. The MHRA Chairman stated that trust was integral to effective regulation, but trust, while convenient, may mean that the regulatory process is not strict enough.  

And in 2020 I wrote in BMJ on-line:

Two years ago officers of the MHRA were defensive of their inability to detect the narcolepsy risk with the Pandemrix vaccine in the swine flu scare of 2009 nine years before…, despite heavy criticism..In 2020 they face a much more daunting task of assessing for licensure and monitoring a plethora COVID-19 vaccines, each of apparently novel design. I hope they are now able to give the public assurances that important lessons have been learned, and not just that they always get it right…

Yet nothing which has gone before seems to compare with the present recklessness over human life, and it is urgent government and regulator are held to account. There are many complex questions that the Covid episode has thrown up, but this one is as simple as it gets. Asked the most basic question they cannot, will not answer and manifestly there is something to hide.

Vax Hard With A Vengeance

C4B6EC4E-2C73-4DC7-9A6F-2F6A9DF07E60Actor Bruce Willis' daughter announced his retirement due to what reports indicate was a culmination of cognitive decline and now, aphasia. Like many, my first thought was "Oh no, I love Bruce Willis, how awful, I need to know more."

APHASIA: A language disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate.
It can occur suddenly after a stroke or head injury, or develop slowly from a growing brain tumor or disease. Aphasia affects a person's ability to express and understand written and spoken language. Once the underlying cause is treated, the main treatment for aphasia is speech therapy.

I remember the young, fast talking Bruce Willis of Moonlighting, decades ago. I hated to read of his plight. We of all people know about lack of ability to communicate. We know about regression into non-speaking. It's a horror.  I also went into territory most Americans don't even consider. Does the Covid vaccine have aphasia listed as an adverse effect?  I did a quick Brave search (No more Duck Duck Go or Google) the first hit was a case of a man who developed aphasia after his 2nd dose of an mRNA vaccine.

Then I went to and found 2,646 reports of Covid vaccine adverse events that include Aphasia.

We MUST be able to ask questions.  Consumers have a right to know that this side effect exists for this diagnosis they have never heard of.  We used to call that "informed" consent" before the Covid vaccine became a badge of honor or the lack of it became a of a mark of shame and societal exclusion.  Our President said he was losing patience with the unvaccinated. He said the unvaccinated faced a winter of “severe illness and death.” Harsh words. Dark admonitions. President Zelinsky hasn't been so blunt and cruel to his Ukrainian population.  But bombs don't carry the same global health weight as vaccination uptake.  Maybe Bruce Willis' terrible situation can help educate people not only on the definition of Aphasia, but one way it can be thrust upon you, beyond an unforeseen stroke or head injury out of the blue. No matter how Willis lost his way into dementia and lack of communication.

Correlation does not mean causation, as we have had jammed down our throats for decades.  Still, take note of the wording below regarding adverse effects, "though rare" and yet, "increasingly reported." 2, 646 increasingly reported to date. How can something be "rare" and "increasingly reported?"

Aphasia seven days after second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine


Objectives: Though rare, neurological side effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations are increasingly reported. Even if the first dosage goes uncomplicated, the second dose may be complicated by severe adverse reactions as in the following case.

Case report: A 52yo male developed sudden-onset reading difficulty and aphasia 7d after the second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. He had a previous history of myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and nephrolithiasis. Blood pressure was slightly elevated on admission. Blood tests revealed mildly elevated D-dimer, pre-diabetes and hyperuricemia. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intracerebral bleeding (ICB) in the left temporal lobe. Aphasia resolved almost completely within a few days. Blood pressure values were normal throughout hospitalisation. Whether there was a causal relation between the ICB and the vaccination remains speculative but cannot be definitively excluded.

Conclusions: A second dose of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may be followed by ICB. Though the pathophysiology of ICB remains unexplained a causal relation between ICB and the vaccination cannot be excluded. Risk factors for ICB should be carefully monitored in patients undergoing SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.

Journal of Pediatrics Cardiac MRI Findings In Adolescents with Post-Covid mRNA Vaccine Myopericarditis

Broken heartMonday morning science, in the hope of preventing a family from Monday morning quarterbacking a decision.

Although symptoms were transient and most patients appeared to respond to treatment (soley with NSAIDS), we demonstrated persistence of abnormal findings on CMR at follow up in most patients, albeit with improvement in extent of LGE.

The presence of LGE is an indicator of cardiac injury and fibrosis and has been strongly associated with worse prognosis in patients with classical acute myocarditis.


Persistent Cardiac MRI Findings in a Cohort of Adolescents with post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine myopericarditis

Jenna Schauer, MD
Sujatha Buddhe, MD, MS
Avanti Gulhane, MD, DNB, FSCMR
Sathish Mallenahalli Chikkabyrappa, MD
Yuk Law, MD
Michael A. Portman, MD
Show all authors

Published:March 25, 2022DOI:

Read the PDF here.


The Electric Kool Aid Autism Test

Electric kool aidThe world was simply and sheerly divided into 'the aware', those who had the experience of being vessels of the divine, and a great mass of 'the unaware', 'the unmusical', 'the unattuned.”

― Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

When I was in high school, one book always caught my eye on the rotating rack of paperbacks. It was a well worn copy of Tom Wolf's The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test.  The cover and the flow of that title intrigued me, until I finally picked it up as a senior and read it. For those of us who have been BioMedHeads to help our kids with autism, there are few treatments that seem "far out"or "freaky" to us. Helminth therapy? Sure. Lupron? Worth a try. (Today Lupron is lauded for kids who may be trans, back 20 years ago the autism community was pilloried for ever considering lowering testosterone levels.)

Psilocybin has been in the news for its use in treating mental illness and below, SafeMinds talks about its potential for helping with autism. Psilocybin is found in fungi - yes, "Magic Mushrooms."  Shrooming might help our kids.  We've been on this fantastic voyage for a long time, wouldn't it be something if one thing made you larger and the other made you small, and the one's that mother gives you might help autism, depression and all?

Extensive Psilocybin Trial Shows Great Promise for Treating Serious Depression
Although Small Number Serious Adverse Events Were Reported

SafeMinds Shares has reported previously on psilocybin, a hallucinogenic/psychedelic substance that works by activating serotonin receptors in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that affects mood, cognition, and perception. Early trials have shown that the psychedelic holds promise as an autism treatment since it supports the microbiome and normalizes serotonin levels.  Read more at SafeMinds.

ID 2020 Re-Visited: how Covid enabled the ID 2020 Alliance (Microsoft, Global Vaccine Alliance and Rockefeller Foundation) to take over our lives through the United Nations

Id2020by John Stone
I am returning to my article published exactly two years ago on Nov 1, 2019 in which I described some of the malevolent forces at play in global politics and predicted that the arrival of the new decade would be calamitous: I looked at the Global Health Security Agenda launched by Obama and then homed in on vaccine ID looking at the so-called ID 2020 Alliance (which brought together the vaccine industry cartel GAVI, with Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation (supposing these were ever entirely separate entities), and the European Commission roadmap - then just published - which  aimed amid zero publicity to have vaccine ID passports in place for the Union by 2022 (although there is no description of any mechanism that would enable this project). 
Of course, there was never any democratic stimulus for these initiatives: they started with corporate interests lobbying and infiltrating global and governmental institutions. According to a 2020 Wiki addition:
In May 2016, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the inaugural ID2020 summit brought together over 400 people to discuss how to provide digital identity to all, a defined Sustainable Development Goal including to 1.5bn people living without any form of recognized identification…Experts in blockchain and other cryptographic technology joined with representatives of technical standards bodies to identify how technology and other private sector expertise could achieve the goal…

There is admittedly at this stage no mention here of vaccine status as an integral part of this new ID and GAVI is not named as an original participant although it is named in the article as a participant in an ID 2020 project taking place in Bangladesh in 2019. Naturally UN Sustainable Development Goal is affiliated to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Again according to Wiki:

“ID2020 is a public-private consortium in service of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of providing legal identity for all people, including the world's most vulnerable populations.

ID2020 has published a ten-point mission statement, which includes: "We believe that individuals must have control over their own digital identities, including how personal data is collected, used, and shared.”

Continue reading "ID 2020 Re-Visited: how Covid enabled the ID 2020 Alliance (Microsoft, Global Vaccine Alliance and Rockefeller Foundation) to take over our lives through the United Nations" »

Prime Minister Johnson lets the cat out of the bag: the vaccine does not stop you catching Covid or spreading it

Bill of goodsLast Friday while speaking on Sky News and urging members of the public to get their third Covid vaccination the British Prime Minister let go a remarkable admission:

“…the double vaccination provides a lot of protection against serious illness and death but it doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you against passing it on.”

This does not explain why the government are taking a wrecking ball to the care-home sector by insisting all its employees are vaccinated, and are placing a National Health Service - already on it knees - under similar threat. Our original Covid lockdown in March 2020 was touted by the government as “Six weeks to save the NHS”  our hospital staff and care home staff hailed as heroes - they were indeed, and many  or most will have by now immunity by exposure to the disease: none of which goes to explain why they are being hung out to dry or trampled under foot by an opportunist political class. Equally, the rationale behind vaccine passports is negated.

On Johnson’s admission there is no scientific basis on which these actions are protecting the public: so who or what are they for? In the words of the excellent former BBC historian/journalist, Neil Oliver, “We are not stupid”.




James Lyons-Weiler PhD Why Is Off-Label Off Limits for COVID-19

6B99BB63-4F7F-45E6-8EA7-C5867244C8CDNote: Can you think of any other serious diagnosis where ZERO mainstream treatments are approved? Where any effective treatment is jettisoned? Where doctors face a witch hunt and patients face ridicule and scorn for wanting to get better? Naaah, neither can we.

Who Are the World's Leading Authorities in COVID-19 Treatment? Public Health's "Medicine" is to go home and wait until you get sick (No Treatment Protocol). That is utterly unethical.

James Lyons-Weiler, PhD - 9/27/2021

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mantra was “flatten the curve”. I had already done simulations showing that given the epidemiological parameters of COVID-19, its R0 in particular, that a multimodal approach would be necessary to bring the number of new cases down to a non-scary level. “A low buzz”, I called it, and one of the things I modeled was treatment.

I did this when we were told that the mortality rate among people with co-morbid conditions, like diabetes, was around 20%. It was also before the number of cases were polluted with data including false positives, and “presumed COVID” cases, in which doctors overrule negative tests, or give a diagnosis of COVID-19 without any confirming test. This was before CDC made the fatal error of conflating “PCR positive” with “COVID-19” and the likewise unscientific “Died with = Died From”. Given our intended success in moving a grand jury investigation forward in Oregon on CDC's failure to follow protocols for changing diagnostic and reporting criteria, there will almost certainly be a reckoning on that point.

By now, 9/27/2021, everyone has heard of Ivermectin, in large part due to Joe Rogan’s use of the FDA-approved drug, and of Hydroxychloroquine, in large part due to its support by Donald Trumps support of the FDA-approved drug and its subsequent politicization. The fact is, these treatments were found to be effective, as have others, by the first step in science - observation. In the US, off-label use is permitted for a potentially fatal condition when no standard of care exists. So people like Dr. Peter McCollough, and Dr. Pierre Kory, and Dr. Paul Marik, used observation to conclude that perhaps certain approaches to treatment might save lives, they acted. There was no standard of care; they recognized that there was no approved drug for treatment of COVID-19, so they appropriately reported their own, and others’ finding.   Read the extensive article here.

A Pilot Study on Covid and Autism: Prevalence, Clinical Presentation and Vaccine Side Effects

ScienceA Pilot Study on Covid and Autism: Prevalence, Clinical Presentation and Vaccine Side Effects


Background: Several neurobiological mechanisms have been proposed to support the hypothesis of a higher COVID-19 risk in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, no real-world data are available on this population. Methods: We compared the period prevalence (March-May 2020) and symptom presentation of COVID-19 infections between a sample of individuals with severe ASD (n = 36) and the staff personnel (n = 35) of two specialized centers. Anti-SARS-Cov-2 antibody positivity was used as a proxy of infection. Additionally, we evaluated vaccine side effects in the same groups. Results: No significant difference was found between the prevalence of COVID-19 positivity between autistic participants and staff personnel. Levels of antibodies against the spike protein and the receptor binding domain were not significantly different between autistic and staff participants. The level of antibodies against the N-terminal domain were higher in autistic individuals. There was a significant difference between the prevalence of symptomatic COVID-19 in autistic participants (9.1%) compared to staff personnel (92.3%). The most frequent side effect among autistic participants was light fever.

Conclusions: The present study provides preliminary data on COVID-19 transmission and presentation in ASD. Our data do not support the hypothesis of a higher susceptibility and severity of COVID-19 in people with ASD.

Safeminds: Infant Gut Microbiome and Fear Response

Brain gut cartoon

Note: Could the gut be the culprit behind the struggles of the young generation, riddled with anxiety, worry, and self-doubt? We know the role it plays in autistic behavior. And a certain doctor tried to ask hard questions a couple of decades ago, as you  may recall.....


Infant Gut Microbiome May Contribute to Fear Response Trajectory
Study Examines Microbiome Content for 1-Month and 1-Year Old Infants

The microbiome is the collection of trillions of microorganisms that colonize the digestive tract. Each person has a completely unique microbiome, made up of a network of microbiota originally determined by their DNA.

The microbiome is the collection of trillions of microorganisms that colonize the digestive tract. Each person has a completely unique microbiome, made up of a network of microbiota originally determined by their DNA. The microbiome develops rapidly during the first year of life. Previous research has linked human behaviors, including fear and anxiety, to the composition of the microbiome. It was due to these reasons that a research team from Michigan State University set out to study the emergence of fear responses in infants around 12-months old and examine if fear behavior is influenced by the development and composition of the microbiome. The Michigan State researchers theorized that there are critical windows in the development of the brain and nervous system in which variations in microbiome composition could impact infants’ fear behaviors and perhaps influence the physical structure of brain areas involved in generating fear. By recruiting a group of 34 infants, the study’s authors assessed microbiome contents and the volume of key brain regions at ages 1-month and 12-months. At the second assessment point, they also examined social and non-social types of fear behaviors in the infants. The study’s results indicated that the composition of the microbiome at 1-year “is significantly associated with increased fear behavior” and that differences in microbial colonization causes differences in fear. The researchers based these findings on a task designed to measure non-social fear. They also discovered that certain qualities of the 1-month microbiome were additionally associated with increased non-social fear at 1-year. Additionally, this study demonstrated a “suggestive” relation between contents of the infant microbiome and volumes of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. Despite finding associations between microbiome and variations between individual fear responses among the infants, the study’s authors say it is too early to label any specific microbiome contents as good or bad. This is mostly due to differences among individuals and also because some microbes may have positive and negative impacts in different contexts.

US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity” J. Bart Classen, MD*

New paper

FDA are expected to vote today to fully license the Pfizer vaccine while hiding the hideous fallout


Three COVID-19 vaccines in the US have been released for sale by the FDA under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) based on a clinical trial design employing a surrogate primary endpoint for health, severe infections with COVID-19. This clinical trial design has been proven dangerously misleading. Many fields of medicine, oncology for example, have abandoned the use of disease specific endpoints for the primary endpoint of pivotal clinical trials (cancer deaths for example) and have adopted “all cause mortality or morbidity” as the proper scientific endpoint of a clinical trial. Pivotal clinical trial data from the 3 marketed COVID-19 vaccines was reanalyzed using “all cause severe morbidity", a scientific measure of health, as the primary endpoint. “All cause severe morbidity” in the treatment group and control group was calculated by adding all severe events reported in the clinical trials. Severe events included both severe infections with COVID-19 and all other severe adverse events in the treatment arm and control arm respectively. This analysis gives reduction in severe COVID-19 infections the same weight as adverse events of equivalent severity. Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statically significant increase in “all cause severe morbidity" in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001). The Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group (p=0.000014), when only including “unsolicited” adverse events. The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001). These findings contrast the manufacturers’ inappropriate surrogate endpoints: Janssen claims that their vaccine prevents 6 cases of severe COVD-19 requiring medical attention out of 19,630 immunized; Pfizer claims their vaccine prevents 8 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 21,720 immunized; Moderna claims its vaccine prevents 30 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 15,210 immunized. Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe.

Nothing to see here! 60% of deaths are Covid vaccines on 30 year-old database

Nothing to see here42% of reports and 60% of fatal reports to VAERS (started in 1990) are for Covid products since December: fatal vaccine reports to Yellow Cards are more than 20,000% up on the year

By John Stone

This is a brief investigation into the public data as it stands in mid August 2021. I would add that the point is not that this is the highest quality data but that it is the only data there is - we are being deliberately deprived of real data through negligence at best, as the FDA confessed to the New York Times early on. They had not got the machinery running - or more likely  they had it running and were just were not telling us about it. And so we get back  to VAERS which was diagnosed in 2010 as being so deficient it was picking up less than 1% of events (at which point US government agencies evidently realised that they were on to a good thing and decided not to streamline it). So here are two relative measurements.

42% of all reports to VAERS from 1990 to August 13, 2021 are for Covid vaccines (595,662/1,409,664)

60% of all reports to VAERS “where patient died” from 1990 to August 13, 2021 are for Covid vaccines (13,068/21,936)

I am not saying that we should just multiply these figures simplistically by 100 but they are indicative that there is something drastically amiss.

Meanwhile, we have a different collection of data from the United Kingdom to August 11. Here we should bear in mind that the population of the UK is one fifth of the US and the licensing body, the MHRA, generally reckons that reports represent about 10% of cases.

To date there have been 347,032 Yellow Cards, 1,151,768 Adverse Events, 1,596 Fatal 

This breaks down as follows:

Pfizer 36.6m doses 104,446 (1 Yellow Card in 350) 293,779 Adverse Events (2.8 per card) 501 Fatalites (1 in 73,054)

Astra Zeneca 48.6m doses 228,239 Yellow Cards  (1 in 213) 813,622 Adverse Events (3.6 per card) 1,053 Fatalities (1 in 46,154)

Moderna 2m doses 13,325 Yellow Cards (1 in 150) 41,274 Adverse Events (3 per card) 14 Fatalities (1 in 142,857)

Brand unspecified 1,022  Yellow Cards 3,093 Adverse Events 28 Fatalities

The fact that three brands have such distinct adverse event profiles argues strongly against this being background noise, however there are overwhelming reasons why most reports would never get made: people will not report because they don’t know to, because they don’t know how to, because the ethos is overwhelmingly hostile and they think it is the wrong thing to do or they are scared, or because they are too sick or even dead. By comparison the average number of vaccine reports for the previous ten years was 3,039 with 8 fatalities: 200 times the fatalities and we are not a year in: off the scale and the world is run by madmen.

Subscribe to Professor Exley's Aluminium Research Group Site

AluminumOver the last few years, and certainly since the COVID lockdown in 2020, we've discussed how we will communicate if and when we are "shut down" whether by social media or web platforms, or even our employers. When AofA was launched 14 years ago, one of our main focuses was on mercury. Since that time, aluminum has become a topic of grave concern, due in large part to the work of Professor Christopher Exley, whose tenure at Keele University in the UK will be coming to a close at the end of August.

Professor Exley is creating a website where you can continue to follow and support his important work. We invite you to click in and SUBSCRIBE to updates.

Welcome to the Aluminium Research Group

Are you interested in keeping in touch with our research? If so, please feel free to subscribe to our mailing list here, thank you: Subscribe

The Birchall Centre

Welcome to the website of the Aluminium Research Group. The group was previously based in The Birchall Centre, Keele University from 1992 to 2021. We are currently looking for a new home. In the meantime we have set up this website to keep as many as possible informed about our research and research activities.

Our Research

The Unit started off with three general themes, of which our group focus is Aluminium and Silicon in Biology. The group is led by Professor Christopher Exley, FRSB and the current research themes within the group are varied, including metals and amyloids; biosilicification in plant species; human exposure to Aluminium, whether intentional (e.g. in antiperspirants or adjuvants) or unintentional; and hydroxyaluminosilicates.


Autism Tsunami: the Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States

Breaking newsCongratulations to authors Mark Blaxill (Age of Autism Editor-At-Large), Toby Rogers and Cynthia Nevison.

Blaxill, M., Rogers, T. & Nevison, C. Autism Tsunami: the Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States. J Autism Dev Disord (2021).


The cost of ASD in the U.S. is estimated using a forecast model that for the first time accounts for the true historical increase in ASD. Model inputs include ASD prevalence, census population projections, six cost categories, ten age brackets, inflation projections, and three future prevalence scenarios. Future ASD costs increase dramatically: total base-case costs of $223 (175–271) billion/year are estimated in 2020; $589 billion/year in 2030, $1.36 trillion/year in 2040, and $5.54 (4.29–6.78) trillion/year by 2060, with substantial potential savings through ASD prevention. Rising prevalence, the shift from child to adult-dominated costs, the transfer of costs from parents onto government, and the soaring total costs raise pressing policy questions and demand an urgent focus on prevention strategies. Read here:

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related developmental disabilities.

Continue reading "Autism Tsunami: the Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States" »

Safeminds Reports Contradicting Study on Maternal Smoking and Autism

Doctors smokeThank you to Safeminds for updating the community with new science. Science is rarely settled.

New Study Contradicts Last Month’s Study Showing an Association

Citing that research on in utero exposure to maternal environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or active maternal smoking and the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been inconsistent, researchers from the California Department of Public Health set out to examine in utero cotinine concentrations as a tobacco exposure measurement. The results of their new study was recently published in Autism Research, the official journal of the International Society of Autism Research (INSAR). In order to conduct this research, the study’s authors measured cotinine levels in blood samples of women in their second trimesters.  A total of 498 ASD cases and 499 controls born in California during 2011-2012 were accessed for this investigation. The research team also obtained self-reported maternal cigarette smoking habits during and immediately prior to pregnancy as well as other pertinent information from birth records.  After running the data on the mother’s cotinine concentrations, the researchers found no association between in utero exposure to tobacco smoke from maternal ETS exposure or from active smoking and ASD. This finding contradicts a study from a few weeks ago which reported that heavy smoking during pregnancy was linked to autism in offspring. Last month’s study came to their conclusion by connecting California birth records to cases of autism maintained by the California Department of Developmental Services. However, this new study is the first to measure cotinine in mother’s blood during pregnancy and then study the chemical’s association with the development of autism in offspring. The March of Dimes, an organization dedicated to fighting for the health of all pregnant mothers and babies, produces a list of dozens of health risks for infants born to mothers who smoke. Interestingly, autism is not included on their list which reinforces the conclusion of this new study and also adds more evidence that maternal smoking during pregnancy is not fueling the autism epidemic.

Study Abstract

The Aluminium Content of Infant Vaccines Is Akin To A Lottery

The Lottery cover
Shirley Jackson's story exposed the willingness of townfolk to harm others to protect themselves as if a ritual.

Below is a link to Professor Chris Exley et al research. Exley is a Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry in the Aluminium and Silicon Research Group at The Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, at the UKs'sKeele University and a preeminent expert in aluminum toxicity.

While the world revolves around COVID as if it is the sun, moon and stars, there is a universe of danger that honorable scientists are still studying. Thank God. Professor Exley, of course, has been censored and punished for his work. 

Vaccine manufacturers are not held to any gold standard. You can have more faith in the number of crisps in a bag than the toxic metals in vaccines mandated for children.


The measurement and full statistical analysis including Bayesian methods of the aluminium content of infant vaccines



Aluminium salts are the most common adjuvants in infant vaccines. The aluminium content of a vaccine is provided by the manufacturer and is indicated on the patient information leaflet. There is no independent verification, for example by the European Medicines Agency, of the aluminium content of infant vaccines.


We have measured the aluminium content of thirteen infant vaccines using microwave-assisted acid and peroxide digestion followed by transversely heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Our data are compared with manufacturer’s data using full statistical analyses including Bayesian methods.


We found that only three vaccines contained the amount of aluminium indicated by the manufacturer. Six vaccines contained a statistically significant (P < 0.05) greater quantity while four vaccines contained a statistically significant (P < 0.05) lower quantity. The range of content for any single vaccine varied considerably, for example, from 0.172 to 0.602 mg/vaccine for Havrix.


The data have raised specific questions about the significance of the aluminium content of vaccines and identified areas of extremely limited information. Since aluminium is a known toxin in humans and specifically a neurotoxin, its content in vaccines should be accurate and independently monitored to ensure both efficacy and safety.

Deregulating GM: Obscene Farce of the Modern British State

image from upload.wikimedia.orgBy John Stone
This is a succinct response to the British government consultation on the future of GMO technology taking place amid zero publicity and about to close (last day for submissions Wednesday). Note also the valuable introduction at Alliance for Natural Health.
Response to consultation ‘The regulation of genetic technologies’

This document is couched in up-side down language which some might term Orwellian:

1) It is actually about the deregulation of genetic technologies

2) It represents this as a “green” policy when it is patently an opportunistic attack by an industrial lobby on our natural environment, and upon bio-diversity. It could not be more anti-green in any way that could normally or traditionally be understood

3) Previous moves of this kind globally have left small and medium landholders at the mercy of grasping, unscrupulous manufacturers

4) If part of the argument is that the putative advances could also be achieved without GM technology, why do we need GM at all? This is not a credible explanation for changing the law

5) If GM is deregulated the only people the manufacturers will be answerable to is their shareholders, so how is the public interest represented?

6) I tried taking the survey but found it full of leading questions

It is shocking that this matter is not being raised in an openly democratic manner. While the British public have always rejected GM produce to the extent that it is presently unsaleable in our country, deregulating it was never conspicuously brought up as a reason for leaving the European Union at the time of Referendum in 2016 or at the December 2019 General Election: the only time I recall this project being mentioned was the Prime Minister’s speech on entering Downing Street in July 2019. This is a radical departure for the UK but the public are being cynically kept out of the picture - although there is the present consultation you will not read or hear about it in the mainstream media. One can deduce that the reason for this is that if it was adequately reported it would be overwhelmingly unpopular.

The slogan ‘Building back greener’ used in the document derives from the World Economic Forum who are also putting it out that in ten years-time no one but a tiny global elite will own anything but “will be happy”. If the government is dancing to the tune of the Great Reset perhaps it should tell the public who elected it where it is heading because no one could have imagined little more than a year ago what they were voting for. So much for Margaret Thatcher's “property-owning democracy” recently reiterated by the Prime Minister while apparently hooked into an alternative, techno-feudalist, ideology. What now are we to believe either about the environment, safe food, property or democracy?

John Stone, UK Editor, Age of Autism

Science Has Never Been Settled

Question authorityI saw this video on Facebook yesterday, and could not help but draw a bead from ancient Rome and modern Western medicine. Medicine has always fought new science when it challenged their dearly held beliefs.  Few groups know this better than the biomedical and vaccine injury autism community.  Vesalius had to combat some 1300 years of Galen of Pergamon's work, which was considered the gold standard of scientific belief. But the video is just 5 minutes long.


From TedEd: Learn about the Greek physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon, whose experiments and discoveries changed medicine. -- In the 16th century, an anatomist named Andreas Vesalius made a shocking discovery: the most famous human anatomy texts in the world were wrong. While Vesalius knew he was right, announcing the errors would mean challenging Galen of Pergamon. Who was this towering figure? And why was he still revered and feared 1,300 years later? Ramon Glazov profiles the most renowned physician in medical history. Lesson by Ramon Glazov, directed by Anton Bogaty.

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler: Public Health Has a Plan B

Plan BJames Lyons-Weiler, PhD


AS ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS complex dynamic systems, and is admittedly puzzled by the death of bioethics in the United States over the last decade, and as one with first-hand direct experience witnessing the pressures placed on biomedical researchers that place bottom-line concerns over health outcomes, in honor of those individuals in medicine and public health who have stayed the course and not sold out, I am pleased to propose a new approach to Public Health in one of my two latest peer-reviewed publications. It is a blueprint for reason-based, reality-based public health and a return to the public good model of medical practice.

Due to suppression, please share this across diverse social media platforms and by email. Take it to those who say they represent you. We must succeed.

Lyons-Weiler, J. 2020. Plan B Public Health Infrastructure and Operations
Oversight Reform for America. Intl J Vacc Theor, Pract, Research 1(2):283-294.

Click here to read Lyons-Weiler, J. 2020. Plan B Public Health Infrastructure and Operations Oversight Reform for America. Intl J Vacc Theor, Pract, Research 1(2):283-294.

UK Faces Food Shortages As A Result Of Conflicted Government Science

 image from www.gavi.orgBy John Stone

European countries have been shutting down their borders with the United Kingdom following advice that it harbours a 70% more contagious version of the Covid virus, which has already led to the new Tier 4 lockdown arrangements in Southern England and the effective cancellation of Christmas. Whether the mutation is actually more contagious is a matter for dispute between two Oxford professors. The case that the “strain” is more contagious has been hypothesised by the Nervtag advisory committee led by Prof Peter Horby. According to the Daily Mail Prof Horby, who is Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, said the figure of 70 per cent was based on 'converging data'.

“He said: 'This is including, but not limited to, the rate of change in the frequency of detection of the variant (the growth rate) and the correlation between R values and the frequency of detection of the new variant.'”

This, however, is disputed by Prof Carl Heneghan of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. He told the Mail:

'I've been doing this job for 25 years and I can tell you can't establish a quantifiable number in such a short time frame.' 

He added 'every expert is saying it's too early to draw such an inference'.

Professor Heneghan said there was no doubt this time of the year, the 'height of the viral season', was a difficult time for the NHS. But he said failure to put out the basis of the figures was undermining public trust.

But while the mutation is already circulating in other European countries it has led to them shutting down food supplies to the UK coincidentally or not on the very verge of Brexit. Prof Horby had previously been embroiled in controversy earlier this year over the Hydroxychloroquine trial in which inappropriately high quantities of HCQ  were given to Covid patients already in a serious condition (the trial was funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). Also on the Nervtag Committee is Prof Ferguson of Imperial College whose controversial modelling led to the UK’s first lockdown in the spring. Ferguson was forced to resign from the more prominent SAGE committee after breaking lockdown rules pursuing a romantic liaison, but not apparently from Nervtag. Ferguson’s Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium at Imperial College is also funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the global vaccine alliance, GAVI. Ferguson's group was said to have received $185 million from the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation between 2006 and 2018.

Converging data or converging interest?

iPAK Presents Vax Unvaxxed Study with Zero ADHD

Science post imageLyons-Weiler, J.; Thomas, P. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202017, 8674. 

Open Access (No Firewall)

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We are now moving on to Phase 2 of our study, in which they will focus on the comparison of health outcomes associated with live vs. non-live vaccines, aluminum-containing vaccines vs. non-aluminum containing vaccines, as well as studying the impact of individual vaccines on specific health outcome risks.  Become an IPAK Science Hero and make the world a safer place for our children through objective science.

In this study of over 3300 patients, we found ZERO ADHD in the unvaccinated group (N=561). We found that using billed office visits was a more powerful test than the weaker odds ratio of incidence. Even after blocking for healthcare exposure/age, family history of autoimmunity, and gender, the associations of many bad health outcomes were robust. Anemia was especially prominent in the vaccinated. Here is our announcement.

The IPAK team and Dr. Paul Thomas have published the first results from the Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study in the study "Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination".

Continue reading "iPAK Presents Vax Unvaxxed Study with Zero ADHD" »

Adjuvants: The BBC's Fairy Dust Future

image from external-content.duckduckgo.comby John Stone

Two days ago I received at breakfast a magazine article from an outfit called BBC Future entitled Immune Respose: The Strange Ingredients Found in Vaccines by Zaria Gorvett (pictured left).That the BBC should supply such a bland and poorly informed article for the popular market is no surprise, but nevertheless my annoyance did rise at her account of the DPT affair, and I wrote to her:

Dear Ms Gorvett,

Re: Your article “Immune Response” this morning

Despite the opprobrium heaped on John Wilson the government discreetly paid out on 600 DPT cases within three years of the vaccine damage payment act of 1979. In a letter last year to BMJ (which I append)  I also pointed out the paper by Mogensen which found that mortality in DPT vaccinated infants in Guinea-Bissau (1981) was 5 times vaccinated. This is not a small matter.

I also point out that size comparison makes no sense when talking (about)  an active ingredient of a product and I forward the link to the recent article by Prof Exley “An aluminium adjuvant in a vaccine is an acute exposure to aluminium”.

It is not correct to say that there is no evidence when there is evidence and I think you ought to reconsider.

Yours sincerely,

 John Stone, UK Editor, Age of Autism

The Benefits of DPT

(BMJ Rapid Response)

Mara Kardas-Nelson [1] should also note that as result of DPT controversy and the UK Vaccine Damage Payment Act of 1979 there were 600 payments in the period 1978-81 (1978/9: 36, 1979/80: 317, 1980/1: 256) [2,3]. The rhetoric behind the legislation was that injuries were rare but this was not borne out by the record [2,3]. The act enabled the government to retrieve the reputation of the programme amid adverse publicity by acknowledging the principle of harm but no one knew how many awards there had actually been - and initially there were a lot. This would also not take account of any deaths.

According to Mogensen et al, the introduction of DPT to Guinea-Bissau in 1981 was associated with a 5 fold increase in the rate of death [4]:

"Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR = 10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR = 2.12 (1.07–4.19))."

[1] Kardas- Nelson, 'Despite high rates of vaccination, pertussis cases are on the rise. Is a new vaccination strategy needed?', BMJ 2019; 366 doi: (Published 09 July 2019)

[2] Gareth Millward, 'A Disability Act? The Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 and the British Government’s Response to the Pertussis Vaccine Scare', Social History of Medicine, Volume 30, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 429–447,

[3] 'Annex A - Vaccine Damage Payments claims received and award statistics',

[4] Mogensen et al, 'The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment', Ebiomedicine March 2017,

I forgot to mention that the old DPT contained 50 micrograms of life-enhancing ethyl mercury but not receiving  an answer I decided to forward it to her editor Amanda Ruggeri (below), who describes herself on her website as  “Journalist, Photographer, Traveler,  Historian,  Adventurer”, and obviously a very exciting person. She also has not replied. image from

What I did not know at the time that I wrote to Zaria was that before writing her amusing vaccine fairy story she had interviewed Prof Exley at length on the phone. Yesterday, he wrote to her furiously:

Dear Zaria,

This not about whether one 'likes' something or not. It is about your integrity as a journalist.

You contacted me by email to ask my advice. I was happy to help and even gave you my home telephone number since you wished to talk to me personally and not simply correspond by email.

We talked for about forty minutes. I shared with you a great deal of scientific, published, information on our expertise in aluminium adjuvants used in vaccines. I made sure that you had access to all the primary published research that we talked about. I also gave you some background on adjuvants generally. You gave the impression of both being very interested in the information I gave you and also of being grateful for my time and expertise. Afterall we are, arguably, the world's leading group researching the efficacy and safety of aluminium adjuvants used in vaccines.

When we finished our conversation, you promised to send me a link to your article. You did not do this and reading your article, I can understand why.

Not only did you not mention my contribution to your article once but when opportunities arose you chose to write what can only be described as blatant lies.

For example, even though you knew that what you had written was untrue you still wrote;

There is as little as 0.2mg of aluminium in a typical vaccine dose, which is equivalent to less than the weight of a single poppy seed. There is no evidence that any of the adjuvants currently in use lead to side-effects.

Apart from being factually incorrect the comparison with a poppy seed is absurd at best.

What happened to your editor's mantra concerning BBC Future;

We believe in truth, facts, and science. We take the time to think. And we don't accept — we ask why.

I told you everything you needed to know about how much aluminium is used in vaccines. I even shared with you some of our new research in this field about to be published in the BMJ. I pointed out to you that there are serious adverse events caused by aluminium adjuvants and I also informed you as to where you could find this information, no lesser document than the patient information leaflet provided with every vaccine.

Your writing about DPT is completely false and while we did not discuss this you could have checked this information with me at any time. You clearly chose not to check your information.

I told you the story of Glenny and the 'discovery' of aluminium adjuvants.

I also made sure that you understood which aluminium salts were used as aluminium adjuvants. Instead you wrote lies again about this;

To this day, the aluminium in vaccines is always in the form of salts. These include aluminium hydroxide (commonly used as an antacid to relieve indigestion and heartburn), aluminium phosphate (often used in dental cement) and potassium aluminium sulphate, which is sometimes found in baking powder.

You decided instead to write complete scientific nonsense in your descriptions of aluminium salts used in vaccines, why is beyond me when you had access to the correct information. What were you trying to do, make the aluminium salts sound benign by comparing them wrongly to household products?

I told you that the main reason why aluminium adjuvants are effective is because they are toxic at the vaccine injection site. I spoke to you at length about this and I pointed you towards the relevant peer reviewed published scientific literature. Your reference to uric acid at this point did not come from me and has no relevance.

This article is very shoddy journalism. It seems to have been primarily informed by a Chinese scientist working on vaccines in China. As the world's leading researcher on aluminium, I have no knowledge of this scientist only that they have no expertise in aluminium adjuvants. Why you chose to only follow their advice is insulting.

If you and your editors do truly 'believe in truth, facts, and science', then I would expect a right of reply to this inaccurate and scientifically inept article. To not do so would suggest that the written lies therein have an alternative agenda.

Yours sincerely

image from






Professor Christopher Exley PhD FRSB

So far, at the time of writing, Prof Exley assures me he has heard neither from Zaria Gorvett or her editor Amanda Ruggeri (which is I suppose what you would expect from the modern BBC). Perhaps as their next assignment these two geniuses can set themselves to working out why Autism Spectrum Disorders have reached 7% in Belfast schools (I have had an identical figure just quoted me by personal communication for the first year in-take of a Welsh comprehensive school). All brought to you by the BBC’s responsible journalism.

Post Script

Prof Exley has now received a succession of letters from the BBC which does not make their position any more satisfactory:

Dear Professor Exley,

Thank you very much for speaking with me the other day. I am sorry that you do not like the article. I have cc'd my editors.

Best regards,



Dear Prof. Exley,

Thank you for raising your concerns with BBC Future. We’re sorry that you feel your time in the interview was wasted; we seek information from a wide range of sources, and there is no guarantee when we do interviews that any given interviewee will be quoted or mentioned in a piece.

We’ve gone through the claims you make below and remain confident in the accuracy of our reporting. Thank you again for your time.


Amanda Ruggeri


Dear Professor Exley,

I’m the Editorial Director for the BBC’s international news and features output.    Amanda has passed your complaint onto me.

Let me echo Amanda’s apology for the fact that you feel your time was wasted.    We speak to a lot of people in the course of our research and are grateful to anyone who gives up their time. 

The article was amended on Thursday to clarify two points:

The weight of evidence is that adjuvants do not lead to serious side-effects.

And we added detail about the link between the pertussis vaccine and encephalopathy and corrected the statement that the vaccine had been administered for decades without incident.

Best wishes,


Mary Wilkinson, Head of Editorial Content,  BBC Global News  Ltd

Of course, no one actually says sorry for their actions, and all three are guilty of deliberately misleading the public by failing to report that they had consulted him and received  information of substance (existing in the form of peer reviewed studies in respected journals)  which stood in contradiction to the claims of the published article. If they were professionally fearful of the consequences of publishing this information then it might have been better not to publish at all. Plainly none of them have the expertise to discard Prof Exley's evidence and there is no explanation of why they chose to do this except expedience.

Simon & Schuster Presents "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom" by Professor Christopher Exley

Imagine-you-are-an-aluminum-atom-9781510762534_lgWe are so pleased to see that publishing giant Simon & Schuster has announced Christopher Exley's book "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom!"  Please click here and pre-order a copy from your favorite bookseller.  If you use Amazon, consider marking Age of Autism as your SMILE charity. Thank you.

From S&S:

Join "Mr. Aluminum," a scientist who has made the study of aluminum his life's work, on a journey of discovery, reflection, and the science of aluminum.

Professor Christopher Exley is a firm believer that science is only useful when it is properly communicated. Scientific papers are difficult vehicles for the wider communication of science and thus he has always endeavored to tell the story of his scientific research as widely as possible through myriad blogs, presentations, and interviews. Through a series of easy-reading entries written for non-scientists, Exley will educate readers about his lifelong scientific passion: aluminum. In scientific circles, aluminum—in relation to human health specifically—has gone the way of the dinosaurs (though, unlike dinosaurs, there has not yet been a popular revival!). Yet aluminum is also the greatest untold story of science.

But why do we all need to know a little bit more about aluminum? Do we need a self-help guide for living in what Exley has coined "The Aluminum Age"? What is it about aluminum that makes it different? What about iron, copper, or any of the so-called "heavy metals," like mercury, cadmium, or lead? Why must we pay particular attention to aluminum? Because its bio-geochemistry, its natural history, raises two red flags immediately and simultaneously.

These two danger signals are easily missed by all of us and easily dismissed by those whose interests are conflicted by aluminum’s omnipresence in human life and consequently, are purposely blind to its danger signals. First, aluminum, in all of its myriad forms, is super abundant; it is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) of the Earth’s crust. Second, aluminum is super reactive; it is both chemically and biologically reactive. However, these two red flags identify a paradox, as the abundant and biologically reactive aluminum has no biological function either in any organism today nor in any extinct biota from the evolutionary past. This means in practical terms that when we encounter aluminum in our everyday lives, our bodies only see aluminum as an impostor, something foreign, and something for which we have not been prepared through biochemical evolution. This in turn means that all of our encounters with aluminium are adventitious, random, and chaotic. And potentially dangerous.

Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With "Mr. Aluminum" examines the science of aluminum and human health and makes them understandable to all. Within the science you will find personal recollections of events, as well as opinions and reflections upon how the politics of aluminum have influenced and interfered with doing and reporting the science. It is at once both a personal recollection of Exley's life in aluminum research and a guide on the dangers of the constant exposure to aluminum we as humans face during this "Aluminum Age." It will inform, it will provide the means to question the science, and it will, if the reader is prepared to participate, answer those frequently asked questions on aluminum and human health.

Fake Placebo Meningitis Vaccine May Have Killed Healthy 28 Year Old Brazilian Covid Vaccine Volunteer

That's the headline Reuters should have written, instead of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial Brazil volunteer dies, trial to continue.

Candy syringe pensIf you ask anyone with middle school grasp of science what is a "placebo," they will likely say, "a sugar pill."  A placebo has always meant an inert, benign substitute for the drug being tested.  How many Earthlings understand that with this Covid vaccine, the placebo is another vaccine? And in this case, it may well have killed a healthy, altruistic 28 year young man. Our sincere condolences to his grieving family. He volunteered to help others.   And what of every parent whose child needs a meningitis vaccine for school? Are they to feel comforted?

noun: placebo; plural noun: placebos

a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.
"his Aunt Beatrice had been kept alive on sympathy and placebos for thirty years"
a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.
a measure designed merely to calm or please someone.
"pacified by the placebos of the previous year, they claimed a moral victory"


SAO PAULO/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Brazilian health authority Anvisa said on Wednesday that a volunteer in a clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University had died but added that the trial would continue.Oxford confirmed the plan to keep testing, saying in a statement that after careful assessment “there have been no concerns about safety of the clinical trial.”

AstraZeneca declined to comment immediately.

A source familiar with the matter told Reuters the trial would have been suspended if the volunteer who died had received the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting the person was part of the control group that was given a meningitis jab.  Read more here.

Aluminum and Neurofibrillary Tangle Co-Localization in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Neurological Disorders

AluminumAuthors: Mold, Matthew Johna; * | O’Farrell, Adamb | Morris, Benjaminb | Exley, Christophera; *

Aluminum and Neurofibrillary Tangle Co-Localization in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Neurological Disorders



Protein misfolding disorders are frequently implicated in neurodegenerative conditions. Familial Alzheimer’s disease (fAD) is an early-onset and aggressive form of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), driven through autosomal dominant mutations in genes encoding the amyloid precursor protein and presenilins 1 and 2. The incidence of epilepsy is higher in AD patients with shared neuropathological hallmarks in both disease states, including the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. Similarly, in Parkinson’s disease, dementia onset is known to follow neurofibrillary tangle deposition.


Human exposure to aluminum has been linked to the etiology of neurodegenerative conditions and recent studies have demonstrated a high level of co-localization between amyloid-β and aluminum in fAD. In contrast, in a donor exposed to high levels of aluminum later developing late-onset epilepsy, aluminum and neurofibrillary tangles were found to deposit independently. Herein, we sought to identify aluminum and neurofibrillary tangles in fAD, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy donors.


Aluminum-specific fluorescence microscopy was used to identify aluminum in neurofibrillary tangles in human brain tissue.


Continue reading "Aluminum and Neurofibrillary Tangle Co-Localization in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Neurological Disorders " »

“The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History”

EMF warningNote: Many of our readers have taken steps to thwart wireless in their homes. However, with COVID school and work restrictions, most all of us are being forced to use wireless devices several hours every single day. It's a Zoom/Google Classroom world. There's no avoiding EMF. Dr. Kostoff,  a valued AofA reader and commenter, has written an detailed monograph that we share today. I looked up the term "monograph, and learned that it means "a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it." Mono - one. Graph - writing.


Ronald N. Kostoff, Ph.D.Research Affiliate, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology

KEYWORDS Unethical Research; Electromagnetic Fields; Wireless Radiation; Radio frequency Radiation; RF; Non-Ionizing Radiation; Mobile Networking Technology; 5G; Adverse Health Effects


This monograph describes the largest unethical medical experiment in human history: the implementation and operation of non-ionizing non-visible EMF radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) infrastructure for communications, surveillance, weaponry, and other applications. It is unethical because it violates the key ethical medical experiment requirement for “informed consent” by the overwhelming majority of the participants.

The monograph provides background on unethical medical research/experimentation, and frames the implementation of wireless radiation within that context. The monograph then identifies a wide spectrum of adverse effects of wireless radiation as reported in the premier biomedical literature for over seven decades. Even though many of these reported adverse effects are extremely severe, the true extent of their severity has been grossly underestimated. Most of the reported laboratory experiments that produced these effects are not reflective of the real-life environment in which wireless radiation operates.

Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal, and most do not account for synergistic effects of other toxic stimuli acting in concert with the wireless radiation. These two additions greatly exacerbate the severity of the adverse effects from wireless radiation, and their neglect in current (and past) experimentation results in substantial under-estimation of the breadth and severity of adverse effects to be expected in a real-life situation. This lack of credible safety testing, combined with depriving the public of the opportunity to provide informed consent, contextualizes the wireless radiation infrastructure operation as an unethical medical experiment.  Continue reading here.

Aluminum is a Secret Sauce!

Burger foilSuch a clever headline  and a WHOPPER of an obfuscation from National Pharma Radio, aka NPR. In the article they jauntily refer to a substance called "alum...."  The author might want to check in on the work of Chris Exley in the UK. His latest? The role of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines raises issues that deserve independent, rigorous and honest science

From NPR:

The Special Sauce That Makes Some Vaccines Work

There are many approaches to making a vaccine against COVID-19. Some use genetic material from the coronavirus, some use synthetic proteins that mimic viral proteins and some use disabled versions of the virus itself.

But before any of these approaches can generate the antibodies to the coronavirus that scientists say are essential to protecting people from getting sick, the immune system has to be primed to make those antibodies.

That's the job of something called an adjuvant.

"The definition of [an] adjuvant is something you add to enhance, in the case of immunity, the immune response," says Gregory Glenn, president of research and development at Novavax, one of the companies that has received money from Operation Warp Speed.

Vaccines essentially trick the body into making an immune response to a specific virus or bacterium, so if something dangerous comes along, the immune system will be prepared.

But before it can prompt a response to a specific virus, the immune system has to be made ready.

"When you inject a vaccine, the first immune cell that's of importance is a dendritic cell," Glenn says.

Dendritic cells are part of what's called the innate immune response. These cells will respond to anything foreign that enters the body, the coronavirus included.

Continue reading "Aluminum is a Secret Sauce!" »

Interview with Prof Chris Exley on People Behind the Science

Podcast_channel_artworkFrom Professor Chris Exley:

In April 2020, I agreed to a telephone interview with Marie McNeely, the co-founder of an organisation called People Behind the Science ( The interview took place in early May 2020 to the apparent satisfaction of all concerned. In late June 2020, I received an email from Michael Green, also a co-founder of People Behind the Science, telling me, without explanation, that my interview would not be broadcast on their podcast. Subsequent emails from myself asking for an explanation and asking for the return of a copy of the interview were completely ignored by Green. Only when my US legal representatives issued a demand letter for a copy of the tape of the interview was a reply from Green forthcoming. He agreed to send an mp3 copy of the interview to prevent legal action being taken against him. However, what he actually sent was not what I asked for. He sent a highly edited copy of the interview in which there are many gaps and all words spoken by Marie McNeely had been removed. This is the low-resolution interview tape that I received from Green. Perhaps, as you listen you can play, fill in the gaps? Make your own judgement as to whether anything I say on this version of the interview would warrant censorship. Rather it appears to me from everything that has gone on that I am the subject of censorship here and that someone has threatened Green and McNeely with some form of repercussion should they broadcast my interview on their podcast. Whatever the reason, People Behind the Science and specifically McNeely and Green, should be ashamed of their actions. They do not deserve the support of anyone listening to or contributing to their podcast in the future.