Manifest Injustice – the End Result of Scientific Fraud
By Louis Conte and Wayne Rohde
“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
William W. Thompson, CDC Scientist
The revelations of CDC scientist William Thompson are stunning. Thompson has admitted that he and the other co-authors of a 2004 study removed data that showed a 340% increase in African-American children who received the MMR vaccine. This conduct violated the study’s original design and was clearly done to bury the link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
If the staff at the CDC’s Division of Vaccine Safety altered data in this study to conceal connections between autism and vaccine injury, one must question the integrity of all the research that the CDC has produced and sponsored. A pattern of altering data in vaccine safety studies to maintain the government’s policy that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is now becoming obvious to anyone who objectively looks past the press releases describing government sponsored research. Many have pointed to a similar pattern of data manipulation in the Verstraaten study. Papers submitted by Price et al feature flawed designs that renders them virtually useless.
The research of Poul Thorsen’s Denmark team also featured questionable use of data. Poul Thorsen (see below) continues to be a wanted man - a fugitive from justice – indicted in 2011 for stealing over 1 million dollars from the CDC[1].
OIG Fugitive: Poul Thorsen
I work as an administrator in a criminal justice agency and I’ve managed federal grants. I find it remarkable that Thorsen could have spent federal money the way he did – purchasing a home, a motor cycle and expensive cars. The federal employees I’ve worked with have always been responsible professionals, active partners who stayed involved in the way the grant money was utilized. I couldn’t image deceiving federal grant administrators the way Thorsen did. No one at the CDC noticed what was going on?
What went on with the CDC’s supervision of Thorsen doesn’t add up. Could he really have committed so much grant fraud without someone inside CDC noticing?
Where did Poul Thorsen come from? Who brought him into the CDC?
From: Yeargin-Alisopp, Marshalyn -
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 2:36 PM
To: Cordero, Jose
Cc: Schende~, Diana; Murphy, Catherine; Boyle, Coleen; Decoufle, Pierre; Thorsen, Poul; Yeargin-Allsopp, Marshalyn; Sinks, Tom
Subject: Proposal for study of MMR vaccine and autism in Denmark
Jose, As we discussed on Friday, we have become aware through Poul Thorsen of an exciting opportunity to study the role of MMR vaccine and autism using several registries/existing studies and the repository of biologic specimens and laboratory capabilities in Denmark. Attached below is a proposal for such a study. Poul will be leaving on Thursday to travel to Denmark where he will be meeting with the PIs for the proposed study on June 6th. We would like to be able to have Poul say whether it is likely that CDC(NIP) can fund the study, if NIP is interested. The proposed budget is included; there may be additional sources of funding (in addition to NIP) but we are not certain at this time. Unfortunately, the DD Branch does not have much (if any) $$ to fund the study, but we do have the expertise that we have developed due to the autism surveillance in Atlanta and the MMR/autism case-control study. I will be out of the office tomorrow, but you may contact Diana or Poul if you have questions. Thank you so much for considering this proposal.
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