Ginger Taylor

Autism, Learn To Live With It.

White-flagNOTE: Seems like since Mrs. Wright's death last year, Autism Speaks has changed its mission from "It's time to listen," to "It's time to give up." What a sin. Let's live with autism. Cancer. Alzheimers. Diabetes. MD. Raise money and live with it. Disgusting in the extreme.

By Ginger Taylor, MS

Just saw a new Autism Speaks commercial. The message...

"Learn to live with it."

I kid you not. 

(Let's just skip past the horrid imagery of a child with autism on a boat in the water with no supervision for the sake of time and trauma.)

For the few people who don't see a problem with this or understand why so many of us are so angry, please contrast compare two possible positions here.  The first has been espoused by our community for more than a decade, the second is espoused by Autism Speaks.

1. Autism is preventable and medically treatable.

2. Autism, learn to live with it.

The first is accurate and appropriate, as there are medical treatments for people diagnosed with autism that will alleviate the symptoms of autism (some of which are life threatening...  re: children in a boat in the water with no supervision). This will make their lives better without them having to spend hours and weeks and years combating a terribly debilitating condition. If there is medical treatment available for a debilitating condition, is ethical to tell people that there is medical treatment available for their debilitating condition.

Continue reading "Autism, Learn To Live With It." »

Medical Board Water Boards Vax Injured Child

WaterboardNOTE:  You might think that headline is all wet. But think about it as you read this intense post by Ginger Taylor. She decided to take her pediatrician to the medical board for failure to evaluate him for vaccine injury. She lost. Chandler lost. We lost.  Again and again we're subjected to a Niagara Falls of denial, lies, cover up, push back and refusals by the medical community tasked with OUR VERY CHILDREN'S FATES.  We're drowning in vaccine injury. Water boarded.  There is NO Geneva Convention for us. For our kids. Take the poison. Drink from the "be a good Mommy
 bottle" without any idea what's inside or what will happen. Shut up. Roll up your kids' sleeves. Choke.


I Brought My Doctor Before the State Medical Board For Failure to Investigate a Vaccine Injury
Ginger Taylor, MS

Two weeks ago, in my letter to the Johns Hopkins Journal, Narratives in Bioethics, I made public the fact that I had taken Chandler's pediatrician before the state medical board for failing to evaluate him for a vaccine injury. It was a journey that started two years ago, and I am just now wrapping up.

Here is both the short version of the story, and the very long version for the true die hards.

This is the question I before the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine:

What is the duty of a physician to his patient when a parent reports a suspected vaccine injury?

Their answer...

The doctor has no duty to the patient.

Well that is their implied answer. What they really did was just make up an excuse to close the complaint and not answer the question at all. But in their refusal to answer the complaint that a physician had failed in their duty to investigate a vaccine injury claim, they establish the standard of care.

The standard of care for reported vaccine injury is... medical negligence. (also blame the mother, but that is just SOP with autism moms now isn't it.)

Thus again proving my assertion, Mainstream Medicine does not take vaccine safety seriously.

That is the short story. Here is the long version.

Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: “Families are Under No Obligation to Put Their Children at Risk By Participating in the Corrupt Current US National Immunization Program”

Hopkins journal
NOTE: Congratulations and thank you to Ginger Taylor for her tireless work!


The Johns Hopkins Journal, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, has published their issue entitled, "Narrative Symposium: To Vaccinate or Not? Parents' Stories."

The journal description of this edition: "This narrative symposium, "To Vaccinate or Not? Parents' Stories", is comprised of personal stories from 12 parents on their decisions about whether or not to vaccinate their children. They offer a first-hand look at the debated issues of vaccination. As the narrative symposium editors said, "The goal of this symposium is to aid in a more constructive conversation between pro-vaccination/anti-vaccination groups."

Included in the narratives is a letter from Health Choice Executive Leadership Team member, Ginger Taylor.  Her letter is reprinted here with permission from Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.

Families are under no obligation to put their children at risk by participating in the corrupt current US National Immunization Program

Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, vol. 6 no. 3, 2016, pp. 181-185. Project MUSE,

My name is Ginger Taylor, and I hold an MS in Clinical Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. I am the mother of a 14–year–old vaccine injured child with an autism diagnosis, and our family no longer participates in the vastly corrupt and broken US National Immunization Program. Because of my experiences, I have become a state and national leader on vaccine safety and vaccine choice issues, co–founding The Canary Party, and The Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice.

Continue reading "Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: “Families are Under No Obligation to Put Their Children at Risk By Participating in the Corrupt Current US National Immunization Program”" »

CDC Investigates Itself on #CDCwhistleblower Fraud Charges and Then Declines to Share Results with Congress

Cotton by Ginger Taylor

After the blockbuster revelations that Dr. William Thompson had come forward and admitted that CDC was withholding information that they found linking vaccines to autism, Congressman Bill Posey took the lead in investigating the matter. After many months of sorting through documents given to him by Thompson, Posey took to the floor of the House of Representatives last summer to confirm that there was ample evidence that fraud was taking place and called for formal Congressional hearings.

Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz, the new head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, had reportedly committed to Rep. Posey that he would hold hearings, however those reports were followed by others suggesting that key members of Congress were coming intense under pressure from vaccine interests not to hold hearings, and instead to allow CDC to investigate themselves.

Indeed, CDC spokesperson Tom Skinner released the following statement to Forbes Magazine, announcing that the agency will investigate themselves for the fraud charges that have been levied against them:

"CDC is aware that employee Dr. William Thompson has raised concerns regarding an article he co-authored that was published in 2004 in Pediatrics. Consistent with CDC’s existing policies and procedures, the agency, through its Office of the Associate Director for Science (ADS), and in coordination with the HHS Office of Research Integrity, is reviewing these concerns. The agency will provide further information once the review is completed."

Months after Rep. Chaffetz had reportedly committed to hold hearings, no hearings have been publicly discussed. Further, activists in the black community report that the ORG's ranking member, Rep. Elijah Cummings, initially committed to them that he would look into the Thompson disclosure, but recanted his commitment to them within days of making it.

On Monday, Rep. Posey took to his facebook page to share that he had learned that CDC had completed their investigation of their potential fraud, and had prepared a video response. He contacted them to request a copy, but CDC has declined to produce it for the Congressman.

Congressman Bill Posey's post to facebook:

"ARROGANT, PETULANT & DEFIANT - I was informed by an insider they did an investigation, prepared a response and produced a video as a result of the July 29th video I posted below. I simply asked to see..."


I had not realized that responses like these were possible to government agencies with oversight and investigative powers, and after reading the Dena Morris response, I have been inspired to use her letter as a template in to address a matter in my own life:

November 4th, 2015

Ginger Taylor
123 The Way Life Should Be Way
Rocky Coast Of, Maine

12th Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue
Northwest, Washington, D.C.

Dear Internal Revenue Service,

Thank you for your letter regarding your 2014 statement and your request for certain documents and materials. The Taylor Family (Team Taylor) was aware that certain concerns had been raised regarding a 2014 paperwork filing authored by Team Taylor members. Team Taylor takes any concerns about the integrity of our paperwork filings very seriously and is committed to reviewing such concerns consistent with applicable federal regulations and our team's existing policies and procedures. However, Team Taylor is not in a position at this time to comment on any ongoing review.

We value your commitment to public funding, and appreciate your support for providing the public with revenue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Chander Taylor our son injured by your sister agency's policies and disclosures, after he gets home from school.


Ginger Taylor
Executive Director, Team Taylor, Maine Office

I will let you know if it pays off.

To: Rob Ring, Subject: Vaccine Autism Research


By Ginger Taylor

So, yesterday I posted an email I had written to Dr. Tom Insel, head of IACC. You can read it Ring AShere.  I asked if someone could please send me Autism Speaks' Rob Ring's email. And someone kindly obliged. Here's the email I sent to Rob Ring.  Both of the emails are a response to the post Katie Wright ran on Thursday regarding the complete and total and seemingly purposeful disregard both Ring and Insel have for meaningful autism research.

Subject: Vaccine Autism Research
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 16:36:37 -0400
From: Ginger Taylor
To: Rob Ring

Mr. Ring,

As you might understand, it is quite frustrating for parents who are reading the research on autism, and who see its links to vaccines over and over again, to hear Autism Speaks claim there are no links between the two. 
I am sure that in the cloistered circle in which you operate, the line that vaccines are not linked to autism works just fine, as everyone's paycheck depends on toting that line.  However, you need to understand, out here in the real world, where we actually live, that claim is absurd.  Because parents can read.  You sound silly.

So I am sending you a list I have complied of research papers that show the links between vaccines and autism, and the mechanisms by which it is happening.  The document of the 101 abstracts is attached, and I keep a current list online here:

Now you can finally get started on THE most promising lines of inquiry on ways to prevent and treat most cases of autism!

But let's be honest, you won't.  If you wanted to, you would have done so a long time ago.

In fact I have it on good authority that you don't even bother responding to emails of this nature, even from struggling parents, because you care so little about making any difference in the actual live of families struggling with these complex and burdensome medical issues.  Because again, talking about the real research does not further your cause.  I mean Pfizer's cause.

So I feel perfectly comfortable in sending you grandstanding emails like this, that call you out on being a phony who does not even remotely begin to fulfill Autism Speak's mission statement, because I have the utmost confidence that you will simply continue to ignore me, the research,  the Thorsen scandal, the Thompson scandal, the Merck MMR Mumps scandal, Verstraeten's first draft, Boyle's emails, DeStefano's admission that no one has ever looked to see if vaccines can cause autism in individual cases, #GarbageCan, #VAXwhistleblower, Unanswered Questions, Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, the willful ignorance of the entire medical establishment of vaccine induced encephalopathy, as well as the reports on VICP by Stanford Law, American University Law, The Associated Press, and the US GAO.

Because when the research list reaches 200, or 300, or 400 citations, you still will ignore it.  Until the day that it is no longer simply our children's health and functioning on the line, but your paycheck and your career.

But do get in touch if you decide to change your mind and stop looking like the CEO of a Tobacco company trying to deny that their products cause cancer 40 years after we knew they did.


Ginger Taylor, MS
Autism Mom
Adventures In Autism
Vaccine Epidemic

To: Tom Insel, Subject: Vaccine Autism Research

By Ginger Taylor

Subject: Vaccine Autism Research
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 14:18:33 -0400
From: Ginger Taylor 
To: Tom Insel 
Dr. Insel,

For the last several years you seem to have failed to be able to find any research that links vaccines and autism.  I have complied a list of the research that you have missed and I am sending it to you so you can get started on furthering research on these specific lines of inquiry, and on drafting reasonable safety measures to prevent further cases of vaccine induced autism.  The list currently has 101 citations.

I have also posted a copy online, in case that format is more easily accessible to you.

I am available for any questions you have on these matters. 

Hey... does anyone have Rob Ring's so I can send him the list too?  I want to help him get started on the real work.

On Vaccines, Why are Doctors and Legislators Allowing Themselves to Be Used?

HannahBy Ginger Taylor

So here is the basic problem. (Settle in, kids. And send this to your pediatrician and doctor friends if you are ready to call a spade a spade.)

The vaccine program is a disaster, kids are getting hurt, docs don't have to know anything about vaccines and we are left by ourselves to clean up the damage. Readers here know this well. Here is how it breaks down.

You got your one percent vaccine corruption, then you got your ninety nine percent ignorance and most of that is now willful ignorance.

(Seriously, the Polings went on CNN SEVEN YEARS AGO.  To not know about the vaccine encephalopathy=autism discussion as a practicing pediatrician is willful ignorance.)

There are a hand full of corrupt bastards at the top of the vaccine industry (in both the public and private sectors, and the boundarylessness of the “public/private partnership") who have behaved very badly. They have lied about vaccine safety, they have covered up vaccine autism links, they have published phony research, and they have failed to tell the public about true vaccine risks. They are responsible for grievous harm to an entire generation of American Children.

But the thing is, they are actually a very small number of people. We talk about how vastly corrupt the vaccine program is, and it is vastly corrupt, but only the vaccine program “One Percenters” are actually generating the fraud. The rest of them are just propping it up by towing the “you must have 70 doses of 14 vaccines or the world will end,” line.

They are doing it because they are paid to do it, or because they take orders so they can keep working, or because they have been sold a line of bullshit that they are saving the world from “anti-vaxxers” who want to bring back disease, or because they simply don't want to get attacked for going against the flow. But the thing is, no matter why they are doing it, what they are actually doing is shielding Gerberding and DeStefano and Boyle and Yeargin-Allsopp and Insel and Thorsen and Insert RICO Eligible Name Here, from being put under oath and being cross examined under threat of perjury.


The Vaccine One Percenters can't answer our questions... won't answer our questions... won't answer for their behavior... so they keep throwing people in between us and them to delay the inevitable. This most commonly now takes the form of, “Vaccines are safe. If you have questions, ask your pediatrician.” But of course when we ask our pediatricians the real questions, their answers are some version of:

1. I have no idea what you are talking about.

2. Well my choice is to vaccinate, so yours should be too.

Continue reading "On Vaccines, Why are Doctors and Legislators Allowing Themselves to Be Used?" »

Thank You Dr. Richard Pan and Friends of SB277

We are here!By Ginger Taylor

(Note: SB277 passed the health committee 12-6 yesterday and moves forward.) For years and even decades a small group of us have been slaving away, day after day, to get the word out that the vaccine program is now a huge problem and that our kids have been victims of "the greater good." For years we have been calling out from the bottom of the large chasm that we have fallen into for others not to come this way, to stay of the dangerous path that we didn't know better than to follow. But it has been hard work as we have so few resources and become so removed from the mainstream because of our children's vaccine injuries, so only those very close to us could hear our cries.

But this year, you came through for us. Not since Evan McCarthy and Hannah Poling have we had such a huge advancement in our work and progress in getting out our message. Because you have made such boldly corrupt moves, and told such bold face lies, and made the most absurd arguments, we now have families in all parts of the American experience coming out of the woodwork to join us! And they have megaphones that we didn't have!

We now have soccer moms, and crunchy moms, and NASCAR dads, and political power players, and outspoken black leaders, and Hollywood beautiful people, and smart physicians, and rebel libertarians, and that dude at the grocery store that I have been going to for 9 years, and never spoken to more than, "Do you guys have any more lemon yerba mate tea in the back?" who said to me last week, "Hey... thanks for doing all the stuff on vaccines you have been doing. I had not felt good about them for a while..."

And today I just heard a mom with a perfectly healthy child tell the California Legislature, with a big loud megaphone, in front of at least a thousand other moms, "We are awake now, and we are never going back."

And I cried.

I am so, so tired. So broke. So empty. And you have sent me so many reinforcements. From the bottom of my heart thank you. Thank you.

Thank you to California Senator Dr. Richard Pan for telling such easily fact check-able lies about vaccines that people know you are a fraud and say things like, "That guy is a pediatrician?"

Thank you to Oregon Senator Dr. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward for being so arrogant and elitist that you actually admitted in a committee hearing, on camera that you think you should have medical choice for your baby and the peasants beneath you should not.

Thank you to Senator Jeff Tarte of North Carolina for being so mean and nasty that it was clear to everyone that you don't actually give a crap about families, and that your bill had nothing to do with the actual well being of children.

Thank you to Representative Ralph Tucker of my own town of Brunswick, Maine for offering nothing but fear based arguments, completely free of facts, so everyone could see that your bill was not even remotely relevant to reality.

Continue reading "Thank You Dr. Richard Pan and Friends of SB277" »

Maine Doctors Testify That They Are Unqualified To Vaccinate Patients

 AliceBy Ginger Taylor

So I wrote this bill...

Last summer a reporter I had never heard of from the Portland Press Herald called me about vaccine stuff. I started with my standard, “First of all I am not anti-vaccine. I vaccinated my children and one of them got hurt...” thing. Then he interviewed me for an hour and I got to discuss all the corruption problems at length. Seemed like an OK interview. But as is the reality of our world, the hack, Joe Lawlor, turned out to be a poor man's Mnookin, and “Ginger Taylor, an anti-vaccineadvocate from Brunswick...” Cut to two weeks later and look who is sitting on a dais with Paul Offit at the National Press Club being held out as an example of exactly how to journalize right on vaccination. After writing ONE story on vaccination. (Lawler is the new Offiteer on the beat... will he soar like Seth “I hate my mother' Mnookin to teach science journalism at MIT or become he head of a media strategy group serving Eli Lilly and GSK like Trine “Cupcake” Tsouderos ... stay tuned and find out.)

There have been half a dozen propaganda pieces by Lawlor since then, all working to get people excited about the HUGE new opportunity we have to get rid of measles in Maine by restricting vaccine exemptions. Well, I mean, there hasn't been a measles case in Maine in 18 years, so we are not so much trying to get rid of Measles as much as we hope that removing the rights of parents will help us achieve negative measles in Maine. That way if we still get a few cases of measles, we can still have no measles. You have to stay hyper vigilant, you know. Measles is only a tea cup ride away.

So we had a bit of a heads up that this was coming, but we didn't know it would be national and move through the country like a blitzkrieg. But with Posey announcing the #CDCwhistleblower investigation, clearly we should have expected it.

In December I was reading yet another one of Lawlor's propaganda pieces and thought, “Where's the consumer protection?!” Then ran to my desk and whipped out a bill that I thought would give Mainer's a fighting chance of protecting and helping their vaccine injured and vulnerable kids, will full awareness that I didn't have a clue as to how to write a bill or what the hell I was doing, other than trying to fill the gaps that tens of thousands of our children had fallen into. And keep falling into every day.

Then I began step two... begging the few legislators I knew from the Ron Paul Wars of 2012 to introduce it. Lucky me, I found five of them, and they found someone else. I love Rep. Beth O'Connor, and I am not ashamed to say it.


Continue reading "Maine Doctors Testify That They Are Unqualified To Vaccinate Patients" »

Vaccination Mandate Legislation: The One Where We Find Out Who We Really Are

Rubber meets the roadBy Ginger Taylor

Things have changed over the last few months.  The attack on parents who are calling out the corruption in the vaccine program, and on those refusing to ignore their intellect and their conscience when making vaccine decisions, has become shrill and is now in the process of becoming codified into law. 

The Public Private Partnership of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Corporations are now trying to bar children from school (and in some cases adults from their places of employment) if they do not agree to inject a cadre of vaccines that are classified by law as “unavoidably unsafe.”  And this is being done in the absence of any serious threat to public health. 

The measures have already failed in Oregon, Washington, Maryland, North Carolina, New Mexico, Illinois and Texas, but are still under consideration in California, Vermont and Maine.  In California and Vermont, legislators and lobbyists have taken to using some dirty tricks to ram these bills through the legislatures despite the outcry of very angry parents and disability rights activists.  In Vermont, parents were barred from even testifying on a bill that would throw children out of both public and private school (even special needs children) who are so much as missing one Hepatitis B vaccine.  Some Vermont Senators actually took the position on the floor of the Senate that their state didn't have an obligation to educate these children (or allow them enter a private school), and those families who wanted their children educated would have to sue the state.

It has presented a fork in the road to many who have not had to make a hard choice in this issue so far.

Over the last few months, in conversations with those new to the fight to prevent vaccine injury and get proper care for those who have been hurt, and those in positions to speak with authority on vaccine choice and vaccine safety, there has been a running question. 

“What will happen to me if I speak out?”

They are afraid of repercussions.  They see what happens to the social lives, public perceptions and careers of those who have spoken boldly on vaccine corruption and stood up for vaccine choice, and they are afraid.  They don't want to get Wakefielded. 

And who can blame them.  Because the answer to that question can range from, “Nothing bad will happen to you, and you will start to hear many thanks from people for speaking out on their behalf,” to, “The mainstream media will call you an anti-vaccine nut job, your relatives will disown you, your boss will fire you and you will loose your house.”

For random parents, it is usually closer to the former, but for professionals with a large platform to speak from and an audience to influence, it can be closer to the later.

But in thinking about how to answer people, a few things have occurred to me.

Our generation has sat in a comfortable place in history, and often judged quite harshly those who didn't stand up for the injured and oppressed minorities of only a generation or two ago.

Continue reading "Vaccination Mandate Legislation: The One Where We Find Out Who We Really Are" »

On Wednesday Keep One Eye On California and One Eye On Vermont

Center: Senate Health and Welfare Committee Chair, Sen. Claire Ayer, D-Addison.  A short debate on the Vermont Senate floor ensued over the amendment, which the parents seemed to be winning, so a recess was called, followed by mayhem and dirty politics to push the bill back into committee and to take up two hours of testimony, which will largely be led by the AAP.

By Ginger Taylor

Last Wednesday, April 15th, all eyes concerned with vaccine choice rights were on the hearings in the California Legislature as they heard debate on a bill to remove the philosophical vaccine exemption in that state. The parents opposing the bill were winning the debate, and because the vote would have likely resulted in the death of the bill, the chair pushed the vote back one week to this coming Wednesday, so that the bill's sponsors would have more time to convince the committee members to vote for the bill.

In stark contrast, last Wednesday, April 15th few eyes concerned with vaccine choice rights were on the hearings in the Vermont Legislature as they heard debate on a bill to remove the philosophical vaccine exemption in that state. The parents opposing the bill were winning the debate, and because the vote would have likely resulted in the death of the bill, the chair pushed the vote back one week to this coming Wednesday, so that the bill's sponsors would have more time to convince the committee members to vote for the bill.

Continue reading "On Wednesday Keep One Eye On California and One Eye On Vermont" »

Maine National Town Hall Debate on Vaccines

Ginger Main Debate

By Ginger Taylor

Last week in Maine an unprecedented event occurred. A mainstream media outlet hosted an extended, live debate on vaccines, invited a balanced panel and a balanced audience, let the audience questions drive the debate, and in no way biased or edited the final product. This bold media outlet, CBS affiliate WGME in Portland, Maine, along with their media partner the Bangor Daily News, hosted this as a part of a national Town Hall event series.

The panelists were former pediatrician and current Medical Director for MaineCare Kevin Flanigan, MD, MBA, former pediatrician and Vice President for Clinical Affairs for the University of New England Dora Anne Mills M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P., authority on the anthrax vaccine Meryl Nass, M.D., and myself, Ginger Taylor, MS, BA, AM (autism mom). Turns out there is a good reason that public health officials and vaccine program defenders don't participate in fair, open, unedited, extended debates with critics of the vaccine program... they have dramatically different outcomes than the biased, prepackaged media pieces we are used to seeing.

Public health loses control of the narrative quickly. WGME has placed the entire debate on their web site and on YouTube. We at the Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice encourage you to take an evening to watch this unique debate, and to share it widely with those who are interested in more in depth discussions on vaccine matters.

In preparation for this article, I contacted my fellow panelists to tell them that we would be writing a follow up to the event and asked them to send any citations that might apply to the topics that they discussed so that those interested could continue to research the material.

Below the videos you will find each of their notes. Currently there are five vaccine bills in the Maine Legislature. Two that restrict and remove vaccine exemption rights, one that adds more vaccines to the list of those mandated for school entry, one that prevents discrimination against those who are unvaccinated, and another, written by me, to create a vaccine safety office at the Maine CDC to prevent vaccine injury, and to get vaccine injuries properly assessed, diagnosed, treated and compensated via the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. These bills will be heard in the Joint Committee on Health and Human Services on May 11th. We will be holding an all day advocacy push that day which includes a scheduled visit from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who will be educating legislators on what he has learned about vaccine safety after investigating parental vaccine injury claims.

We encourage Mainers who want to retain their right to vaccinate as they choose, and who want to work to prevent vaccine injury, to join our mailing list on, join our group on Facebook at Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice, and to join us in Augusta on May 11th as we educate the legislators on what is really going on in the vaccine program and why parental rights must be respected. 

On behalf of myself, The Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice, The Canary Party,, and the thousands of families we represent, we thank CBS 13/WGME and the Bangor Daily News for holding such an unbiased and in depth town hall discussion on vaccines. We hope that this will be a shining example of how mainstream media can restore their reputation with the public on this topic, and that it will be the first of many such events in the US.

Continue reading "Maine National Town Hall Debate on Vaccines" »

Senator Doctor Crosses Over Into Crazy PANts Conspiracy Theorist

Dr Pan
By Ginger Taylor

Over the last few years we have gotten to know Dr. Richard Pan, California State Senator and Big Med operative (to the tune of $182,000 in campaign donations), as he has not only has worked to force everyone in his state into becoming customers of his donors and a corrupt vaccine program, but treated individual parents trying to earnestly advocate for their vaccine injured children like... well like crap.

While in 2012, he claimed he wanted to pass his bill not to remove parental choice, but to merely make sure families are educated on vaccination, he now has thrown that out the window and has a new bill to remove choice all together. Let's go to the video of this thoughtful legislator and solid citizen:

Not super consistent, is he.  "NO CHOICE FOR YOU!"  I guess we should have called, "no take backs." during the hearings in 2012.  Our fault I guess.  

I would encourage you to challenge him on twitter about this change of heart, but if you do, you will be immediately blocked by him. He only wants to hear what he wants to hear, and if you don't like his stance, you are not allowed to see his tweets any more.  "NO TWEETS FOR YOU!"

For those of you who have already been blocked, I present to you, Dr. Pan, officially jumping the shark:

Yes, folks... Crazy PANts believes that William Thompson's admission of taking part in the hiding of vaccine autism links from the public along with his research team at CDC is... somehow... a fraud perpetrated by Andy Wakefield. 

Continue reading "Senator Doctor Crosses Over Into Crazy PANts Conspiracy Theorist" »

Did Pharma Financial Interests Contribute to Decision to Pull Plug on National Children's Study?

Bill-gates_reutBy Ginger Taylor

So here's the thing. Just as CDC has the CDC Foundation, a private non-profit that supports its work, NIH has the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health.

"Foundation for the National Institutes Of Health Established by the United States Congress to support the mission of the NIH—improving health through scientific discovery in the search for cures—the Foundation for NIH is a leader in identifying and addressing complex scientific and health issues. The foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization that raises private-sector funds for a broad portfolio of unique programs that complement and enhance NIH priorities and activities.

Dr. Francis CollinsMission Statement: To support the NIH in its mission to improve health, by forming and facilitating public-private partnerships for biomedical research, education and training."

Francis Collins, head of NIH, is a non-voting member of their board.

So who funds the foundation that supports NIH? From their 2011 tax filing:

Merck - $15,051,035
Pfizer - $53,800,710
Eli Lilly - $9,452,484
Novartis - $11,435,208
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – a staggering $278,541,858

So I have to ask. With these vaccine interests, funding them to the tune of 386 million dollars per year, is it any surprise that the National Child Study did not include data on the overall health outcomes of vaccinated children?

I think it is fair to ask, since the study was designed to look at the impact of chemicals on children's health, did the data being collected present a picture that might be harmful to the bottom line of these pharmaceutical interests? And, did early study results have have any impact on the decision to pull the plug? And, will the raw data that was collected be open for us to view and process?

HT: Jennifer Stella of the Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice for the bringing to light the FNIH 990.

Ginger Taylor is the Media Director for

Age of Autism Age of Authors

Vaccines 2.0Managing Editors Note:  I've heard of some very popular boy band called "One Direction." I couldn't  hum a single bar of their music. No idea what they look like. But I like their name because it reminds me of the Age of Autism team. We move in ONE DIRECTION. Forward. While many around us dwell in negatives, in the past, in what's "wrong" with our community and pontificate on and write some seriously nasty gaaaaah-bage as my Mom would say in Boston, our team has been "busy, busy, busy" writing books.  Actual books that can never be rescinded, removed or retracted. Old school. BOOKS. The volume of volumes is dare I say? Voluminous!  (Humor me, it's the end of a long weekend.....) 

Special congrats to our Editor Dan Olmsted and Editor at Large Mark Blaxill on the February debut of Vaccines 2.0: The Careful Parents' Guide to Making Safe Vaccination Choices for Your Family. 

We hope that you will buy one or two, perhaps more, of these books. Yes, money is tight. But I can promise you that each and every book will help you as you work with your  loved ones with autism, as you discuss the needs of our community with medical providers and politicians and will give you hope that we will all move in ONE DIRECTION. Forward. Like a train.

Vaccines 2.0: by Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted The Careful Parent's Guide to Making Safe Vaccination Choices for Your Family

Plague by Kent Heckenlively and Dr. Judy Mikovits - One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases

The Big Autism Cover Up by Anne Dachel -  How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public

Vaccine Injuries by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons - Reveals the truth behind the controversial issue of vaccine-related injuries.

The Autism War - a Novel by Louis Conte - Tony Colletti, a good suburban cop and father of a child with autism, finds himself drawn into the controversy over the apparent but rarely acknowledged connection between childhood vaccines and autism. His quest to uncover the truth forces him to risk all he holds dear while confronting corrupt government officials, the powerful pharmaceutical industry, and disturbing elements of his own past.

The Vaccine Court by Wayne Rohde - The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Finding Lina by Helena Hjalmarsson - A Mother's Journey from Autism to Hope

Saving Ben: by Dan Burns A Father's Story of Autism

The Thinking Moms'  Revolution - Autism beyond the Spectrum: Inspiring True Stories from Parents Fighting to Rescue Their Children

 Compiled by Helen Conroy, Helen Conroy, Lisa Joyce Goes
Foreword by Robert W. Sears
Compiled by Lisa Joyce Goes
Foreword by Robert W. Sears
All I Can Handle I'm No Mother Teresa by Kim Stagliano

Callous Disregard  by Dr. Andrew Wakefield - Autism and Vaccines--The Truth Behind a Tragedy