Current Affairs

Nothing About Us Without Us: Make America Healthy Again MUST Discuss Vaccine Mandates & Product Liability

IMG_5052Talk about in our wheelhouse. Vaccine mandates and the 1986 act that ended product liability and shielded pharma are two of the most important issues of our time no matter how you vote. 

Sign HERE today.

This petition below is directed at candidate Donald Trump, but make no bones about it, Vice President Harris' campaign will pay attention when the numbers soar. So please don't assume you have to be voting for Trump to sign - your signature says, "THIS MATTERS TO ME," and is NOT an endorsement.

Sign HERE today.

We are a project organized to end the chronic disease epidemics in the United States. Our voting bloc's first priorities are to end the failed 19th century institution of vaccine mandates, and restoring American’s Seventh Amendment right to sue for vaccine injuries.

Sign HERE today.


We are reaching out as members and leaders of the Vaccine Choice community to urge Donald Trump to court our critical voting bloc in specific and substantive ways.

Doing so would ensure these one-issue voters VOTE and choose Trump.

Sign HERE today.

The Vaccine Choice community flocked to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sources now show that 29-43% of Kennedy voters in swing states reject Trump. This translates into hundreds of thousands of lost crucial votes.

How to earn the support of our entire voting bloc? We need to know Trump will position Kennedy as a champion for Vaccine Choice and enact policies that accomplish specific goals.

Two action items within the control of the President:

Deny certain federal funding to any state that does not provide an as-of-right philosophical exemption for current and future vaccines for all citizens in every setting. This would ensure a student's right to an education as well as an employee’s right to work is preserved and protected. Mandates must end; this became clear as a result of the COVID-19 era.

End liability protection for the vaccine industry and restore America’s Seventh Amendment right to a trial by jury, by either advancing Rep. Paul Gosar’s bill, HR 9828, that restores liability, or, direct the head of the CDC to take all steps possible to support the removal of liability protections for vaccine manufacturers.

The above will drive all members of our skeptical community to vote Trump.

Members of the ever-expanding Vaccine Choice movement live in fear of Big Pharma and corrupt government agencies robbing us of the freedom to refuse across the nation. The Biden administration forced many to get COVID shots to keep their jobs or attend school; the Harris administration will take these heavy-handed tactics many steps further. Five states already ban children from school whose parents have religious or personal objections to immunizations. With a Harris White House, the entire country would be fair game for the avarice of the pharmaceutical industry.

We need Trump to make it crystal clear he will protect Vaccine Choice in ALL settings. These actions will earn crucial votes in battleground states.

Without question, Vaccine Choice matters to this election.

Commit to the above actions and Trump will earn the Vaccine Choice voting bloc, lose NO votes, and move the needle towards winning this most crucial election.

Sign HERE today.


No Sugarcoating It's NOT JUST FOOD

Note: There is a growing concern that autism and vaccine injury are being left behind by MAHA. We won't sugarcoat our worry. We've been down this road too many times. Organizations that used to focus on vaccine injury now dance around the subject in a tarantella of terror or ignore it altogether. Not here.

Next week, we  launch our  one and only annual tax deductible fundraiser, it's a matching gift program funded by Rick and Laura Hayes. We rely on  individual donors. We file our taxes on the IRS non-profit postcard for orgs under $50,000. This small size gives us BIG freedom to speak out as loudly as we want.


By Anne Dachel

Both Casey and Calley Means have gotten loads of publicity for their stand on the damaging effects of the toxic food products Americans are eating every day.

They relate our poor diet to the explosion in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and developmental disorders in our children. While almost everyone can agree that ultra-processed food is destroying the health of Americans, many see a serious omission in their work if they’re only talking about changing to healthy food and clean water and not addressing VACCINE DAMAGE, something long associated with serious side effects, including autism.

Despite the main focus on bad food, Casey and Calley directly linked AUTISM to the VACCINE SCHEDULE and the corruption in our federal regulatory agencies on Joe Rogan.

We cannot heal America’s children no matter how much better the food gets until we stop injecting ever-increasing levels of toxic materials into their bodies under the guise of health care.

Oct 15th the Defender published ‘True Corruption’: Agency Capture Responsible for Chronic Disease Epidemic in U.S. It was on the Rogan interview. Here is part of the transcript below.

Despite massive government spending, the chronic disease epidemic in the U.S. is worsening each year and the scientific and medical establishment is unwilling and unable to reverse the trend, according to two leading food safety advocates who appeared last week on “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

Calley Means and Dr. Casey Means, siblings and authors of “Good Energy

: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health,” told Joe Rogan that environmental contamination and the lack of food regulation in the U.S. have contributed to metabolic disruption afflicting many Americans.

“In 2024, [we have] the highest rates in American history of Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmune conditions, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, autism,” Calley said. “Every single chronic disease you can think of is at an all-time high, growing at an increasing rate as we spend more money to treat those conditions.” . . .

Casey pointed out that rates of cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and infertility “are going through the roof.”

She said, “74% of Americans are overweight or obese, 50% now of American adults have Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes,” compared to 1% in 1950.

“One in two Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime … young adult cancers are going up, 79% in the last 10 years,” Casey added. “Autism rates are absolutely astronomical. One in 36 children has autism now in the United States. That was 1 in 50 in the year 2000.” . . .

Casey cited the connection between vaccines and autism as an example. “I bet that one vaccine probably isn’t causing autism, but what about the 20 that they’re getting before 18 months? We don’t look at it in a synergistic way … that’s a big problem.”

For Casey, the liability shield enjoyed by vaccine manufacturers, stemming from the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, has not only protected those companies but also serves as a model that other industries are trying to imitate.   . . .

Healthcare costs are skyrocketing because the medical system “knows how to tell Congress that there’s no cost too high for something when it comes to pharmaceutical interventions,” Calley said. “We’re bankrupting the country with interventions once people get sick.”

He pointed out Pharma is responsible for half of the ads on TV news — not so much to sell products, as to influence the news. Big Pharma “spends five times more on lobbying and public affairs than the oil industry,” while the healthcare industry is “the highest funder of politicians” and “the highest spender on research,” he said.

Pharma also funds regulatory agencies and scientific studies on food and nutrition. “These studies are all funded by the chemical companies, by the food companies, as are university medical and nutrition schools,” Calley said.

“Fundamentally, on the grassroots micro level, these industries have co-opted our institutions of trust,” Calley said, and those who raise questions are punished.

IF the oversight agencies are really working for the industries they supposedly regulate, it makes sense that the CDC, in their biennial announcements of ever more autism among our kids, have NEVER admitted a true increase in the number of affected children. It is always better diagnosing/greater awareness.  

The CDC approves the ever-increasing vaccination schedule, and they are also the agency with a revolving door between themselves and the vaccine makers they oversee.

Product promotion is JOB ONE. Autism is a left as a puzzle we have all the time in the world to figure out.

Thank you, Dr. Means and Calley Means for directly linking our vaccine program to the neurological damage in our children.

Your thoughts?

DenialDenial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future

by Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted | Jul 25, 2017

2 Candidates 3 Wishes

Simple post today. Name your top three issues/wishes in the 2024 election. We're 15 days away from Election Day. The stakes are high. We aren't asking how you will vote, but if you could have 3 guaranteed campaign promises come true from whichever candidate wins, what would they be? Thanks.


Zack Peter Defends Those With Autism

A big thanks to Zack Peter, autism big brother, Generation Rescue mainstay, one of the funniest, most sincere men you'll ever know and fabulous digital creator for speaking out against the Real Housewives of Orange County reveal that one of the stars has autism.  Autism has been disrespected for too long. Below is Zack's video and an excerpt from a photo and link laden article in The Daily Mail UK. You can find Zack on X @justplainzack.  And his Insta here.

Orange County is home to TACA. Should we send Tamra an autism guide?  I know we should thank Zack.


RHOC star Tamra Judge responds after influencer ridicules her 'on the spectrum' diagnosis

Influencer Zack Peter - the former associate director of Jenny McCarthy's controversial autism foundation - slammed Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge following her announcement that she has been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.

The reality TV personality, 57, opened up about her diagnosis during a new episode of her Two T's In a Pod podcast on iHeart, which she hosts alongside former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Teddi Mellencamp.

'Well, I just did my first therapy session, and let's just say I found out something pretty big about myself that I didn't know,' Judge began.

'I am on the spectrum,' Judge claimed, as tears streamed down her face.

However, Judge's diagnosis isn't exactly sitting right with longtime autism advocate Peter, who took to Instagram Tuesday to share his thoughts.  READ MORE HERE.


The Autism Community Finally Has a Voice. Let’s Use It.

Insude voiceWe're very happy to share this article from Louis Conte, Health Freedom Editor for The Kennedy Beacon, on Substack.  Use our voice? Come on, Lou, we're Italian Americans.  We only have an OUTDOOR voice. LOL!  AUTISM MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE ELECTION! THIS INCLUDES VACCINE INJURY. WE NEED TO ABOLISH MANDATES. REPEAL THE 1986 ACT THAT WAS A GIANT GIFT TO PHARMA AND LAUNCHED THE SICKEST GENERATION. WHILE WE'RE AT IT, LET"S SAY ARRIVEDERCI TO FAUCI. See what I mean? Grazie.


The Autism Community Finally Has a Voice. Let's Use It.

By Louis Conte

A sizable portion of this voter block will be families affected by autism. My family is one of them.

Years ago, I informed a politician that I was going to vote for the candidate who protected the needs of my sons with autism, and particularly my most vulnerable child – who has difficulties speaking. He was surprised by my statement and asked why I didn’t care about other issues that were more pivotal to the Democratic Party platform. I responded that I did care about many issues affecting America, but that my passion and mission is to improve the life of my sons with autism.

All that I care about is that when my sons look at me that they see a father who stood up for them.

Over the years, both major political parties have failed to do anything meaningful to improve the lives of people with autism. Even more shocking, as autism rates have continued to rise, nothing has been done to address the causes of autism.

Since 2000, Autism Spectrum Disorder Rates have steadily increased from 1 in 150 children to 1 in 36 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control. As of 2017, it is estimated that over 5 million Americans, or 2.21% of the adult population, have autism.
Autism Rates Kennedy Beacon

Autism Rates Kennedy Beacon
Autism Rates Kennedy Beacon
But try asking questions about why there has been so little progress in uncovering the causes of autism. You’ll get this response: there isn’t enough money to devote to studying autism because it’s genetic. We are then advised that autism was not diagnosed correctly in the past. This explanation implies that diagnosticians from the 1980’s and 1990’s were idiots. They were not.

Thanks for reading The Kennedy Beacon! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

The truth is that there cannot be a genetic epidemic. The increase in autism must be driven by something in the environment. Why not commit the money needed to rigorously investigate an illness affecting so many of our loved ones? What is a good reason why the medical establishment has turned its back on a preventable disorder affecting over five million adults, that impairs them for the rest of their lives.

Years ago, one doctor quietly told me, “If you ask about what causes autism, you piss off the medical establishment. Ask too many questions, and the establishment will get vindictive.”

Those of us who have connected the increase in autism to the increase in mandatory childhood vaccines, and to the very idea of vaccine injuries, have faced withering attacks at the hands of mainstream media. Politicians know this and typically walk away from the issue. One candidate has stuck with us. That is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He has put his heart and soul into advocating for my community, and for that he has been verbally flayed by the establishment.

I have been, too. Several years ago, I was the lead investigator on a paper that discovered that many of the children compensated for vaccine injury by the federal government also had autism. I was attacked; so were my co-authors. Our jobs were threatened, and we were smeared in the mainstream media and on the Internet. But our experiences have been a fraction of what men like Kennedy and Dr. Andrew Wakefield have endured.

As the days tick down toward the election of a lifetime, I ask myself: which of the candidates cares most about vaccine safety? And autism rates spiking? Which would be better for my sons? Now that he is partnered with Kennedy, my answer is former president Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris has not mentioned the word autism in public since she was nominated. She doesn’t present as a woman concerned in the least about America’s chronic disease epidemic. And yet she wants my $5 dollars of support?

Louie, we’re writing to ask you to make a $5 donation to Kamala Harris's campaign.

Why $5? Because, for around the cost of a bag of Doritos (Kamala’s favorite!), you could make a significant difference in this race.

As Kennedy and others supporting Trump continue to inform the American public about the epidemic of chronic disease – and offer ways to solve it – Harris’ approach is to let us eat chips.

She’s still mandating employees be up-to-date with their Covid vaccines, and she seems poised to do precisely nothing for families with autism.

We in the autism community have watched our government refuse to take on the autism epidemic, allowing it to rage and grow.

Now other Americans are beginning to connect the dots, too – from autism to chronic health problems. A rising number of our fellow citizens, whose well-being have taken a nosedive since their Covid-19 jabs, are feeling vulnerable and unsure. Now, for the first time, some are questioning vaccines they were mandated to take. What exactly was injected into their bodies? They want to know more. They want to be sure. They have a right to be sure.

America has long neglected the autism community. But now, five million strong, we have the power to show the political establishment that we matter.

We are millions and we can vote. We must vote.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

It's Starts With Being Honest About What Happened To Our Kids

Honesty is betterWe've been "debunked" more than a fleet of sailors falling out of bed during a squall.

JB Handley has a series running on his Substack named after his book, How To End The Autism Epidemic. The most recent entry says, "It starts with being honest about what has been done to millions of kids." JB is excerpting his book to remind or introduce parents to regressive autism.

The differences of how our kids became autistic soften through the years. Not every child suffered autistic regression. Or vaccine injury. But at some point, everyone is is the same services boat.

JB was the godfather of Age of Autism. He launched Rescue Post mere months before we folded into and became Age of Autism with Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill. We've been honest for close to twenty years, and many had already been shouting from the rooftops for years before we came along. 

Today? We're lucky if a whisper slips under a door, through a social media post, into the ears of a parent wondering what has happened to his or her child. Censorship started many years ago, and has only gotten worse. Much of what we say is now labeled "Misinformation," or its darker twin, "Disinformation." We've been "debunked" more than a fleet of sailors falling out of bed during a squall. None of us has benefited from speaking out. Sure, some of us wrote books, started websites, opened medical practices to new methods. It has all come with a price. Please check out JB's Substack.


How to End the Autism Epidemic

It starts with being honest about what has been done to millions of kids

(Author’s Note: I wrote How to End the Autism Epidemic in 2018. It’s sold 75,000 copies. I’ve updated much of the content from my book and integrated it into the articles on this blog. If you read all the articles here, you’ll get my 20 years of research for free! I hope you enjoy and share. See the Appendix for a compilation.)

LAFAYETTE, California—When we were newlyweds, my wife Lisa and I knew we wanted three or four kids. We planned to have kids every two years and see how we felt after each one. Our first son, Sam, was born in 1999 in Berkeley, California, and by early 2001 a family routine was settling in. We understood what it meant to be parents. Sleepless nights were routine. Our personal hobbies took a back seat. Dates and romance became rare events. Despite the chaos, it felt like the right time to expand the family.

Jamison took longer than expected. When he finally arrived in August 2002, a little more than thirty-three months younger than his big brother and almost a year behind “schedule,” I was overjoyed. Two boys? My sons would always have each other. A lifetime of wrestling matches, shared sports, and being dudes together was imminent. I couldn’t wait to watch and share in the fun. It was a euphoric time.

But on the night following Jamison’s two-month “well baby” visit—during which he received six separate vaccines—his health deteriorated rapidly and never rebounded. He developed eczema all over his body. He didn’t sleep for more than twenty minutes at a time. After a few sleepless nights, I had to move out of the master bedroom and sleep with Sam so I could make it up for work the next day. Lisa endured the crazy nights alone, waking with Jamison every time, trying to feed him back to sleep.

As time went on, Jamison developed dark circles under his eyes. His stomach became distended, and he was really skinny, almost emaciated. He sweated like crazy at night. The eczema persisted. He was constantly leaning on furniture (we later learned he was trying to ease the pain he was feeling in his gut), and he had frequent ear infections. He was always on antibiotics.

Our life, and our family, began to collapse. By late 2003, as Jamison’s health continued to decline, I would call home from business trips to brutal reports from Lisa about Jamison’s health. After one trip I returned home to California to a Post-it note on the kitchen counter from Lisa. “Went to Portland, sorry.” She had fled home to Oregon with the kids to be with her parents.

I remember the moment when our nanny said something. She was nervous. She was only twenty-one years old, a college junior. “I’m worried about Jamison,” she told me. “He’s not playing with things the way he used to.” I disregarded this comment—from the person who spent hours a day with my son—not yet ready to face the fact that something was terribly wrong.   READ MORE HERE.


The real anthony fauciGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Restore The Right To Go To Court for Vaccine Injuries

Kent legalIn America, you can sue soap for being slippery. But you can not sue a vaccine manufacturer. Changing the 1986 act that protected pharmaceutical companies would turbo charge Make America Healthy Again. Rep Paul Gosar in Arizona is working toward that goal.

From our friends at Autism Action Network.

Join the Autism Action Network email list HERE

Follow the Autism Action Network on X/Twitter @AutismActionNet

If you support the work of the Autism Action Network please consider making a DONATION HERE


Pass HR 9828 

Restore the Right to go to 

Court for Vaccine Injuries

One of the great injustices in modern America is the denial of access to the courts for people who have been injured by vaccines. Fortunately, US Representative Paul Gosar (R-Arizona-9), has introduced HR 9828, a bill that would restore our Seventh Amendment right to go to court for vaccine injuries.

Vaccine manufacturers won nearly complete liability protection with the passage of the National Vaccine Childhood Injury Act in 1986. Since then, anyone injured by a vaccine has to apply to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Program, the “vaccine court.”  

Except it is not a court. There is no judge. Plaintiffs' lawyers are paid by the government. Plaintiffs have no right to subpoena. There is no right to discovery, nor the right to compel defendants to produce documents and other evidence. Damages for deaths have been capped at $250,000 since 1986. The “vaccine court” is notorious for the extremely limited number of vaccine injuries that it will recognize and compensate, yet it has still paid out more than $4 billion. In recent years, the majority of successful cases have been for arm injuries to adults caused by the flu shot. 

In the original text of the 1986 law, we still retained the right to go to state Court after completing the federal process. But that door was slammed shut by the Supreme Court in 2011 with the decision in Brusewitz v. Wyeth.  

Since the 1986 act was passed, the value of the US vaccine market grew from less than $100 million to more than $34 billion in 2023

Take Action

Please CLICK HERE to send a message to your member of the US House of Representatives and ask him or her to co-sponsor HR 9828 if they have not already done so. 

Please share the following link to this action alert with friends and family and on social media:

Right now, vaccine companies have literally nothing to lose if they produce dangerous products because none of the institutions that are supposed to protect us from unsafe products function in the United States. The regulatory agencies that are supposed to assure that medical products are safe and effective are completely captured by the industries they claim to regulate. 

Government and employer-enforced mandates coerce people into getting shots regardless of our own assessment of their need, efficacy, or safety. And we cannot go to a real court with the full range of protections created by almost 1000 years of Anglo-American jurisprudence. 

Our rights were further eviscerated with the passage of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005, which gave complete legal immunity to manufacturers, distributors and administrators of products intended to address public health emergencies or security threats. That includes shots for COVID, “pandemic flu,” and monkeypox among others. 

These shots are considered bio-warfare “countermeasures.” Consequently, injuries caused by COVID shots are not under the jurisdiction of the “vaccine court,” but the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). In its 14 years of existence, the CICP has compensated a grand total of 46 injured people with $6.5 million, including 16 COVID shot injuries.

During COVID, we saw a huge increase in the number of people forced to get shots to keep their jobs, remain in school, or to participate in civil society. According to OpenVAERS, more than 1.6 million COVID shot injuries alone have been reported to VAERS. More injuries have been reported since 2020 than in the previous 30 years of VAERS’s existence. But COVID shots are not legally considered “vaccines” by the federal government. 

The Seventh Amendment gives us the right to go to civil court for any injury with a value of more than $20: 

"In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

We can sue Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi or Glaxo for an injury caused by one of their drug products, but we cannot sue for a vaccine injury. These four companies make all the vaccines required to attend school in the United States, and all four of them are serial felons. All of them have paid billions of dollars in fines, penalties and settlements for crimes ranging from racketeering, and bribing doctors, to faking evidence submitted to the regulatory agencies, to killing more than 100,000 people with Merck’s Vioxx.

It is long past the time for the States to end this gross injustice and restore our fundamental human and Constitutional rights and allow us to go to a real court, with real rights.

Join the Autism Action Network email list HERE

Follow the Autism Action Network on X/Twitter @AutismActionNet

If you support the work of the Autism Action Network please consider making a DONATION HERE


New from Skyhorse Publishing. Yes, the former First Lady is controversial. But isn't that appropriate for AofA? Skyhorse has been a "friend of ours" for more than 13 years. Thanks.

MelaniaOrder here: MELANIA

Melania is a compelling and inspirational memoir that offers a glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman who has navigated challenges with grace and determination.

In her memoir, Melania reflects on her Slovenian childhood, the pivotal moments that led her to the world of high fashion in Europe and New York, and the serendipitous meeting with Donald Trump, a chance encounter that forever changed the course of her life. Melania opens up about their courtship, life in the spotlight, and experiencing the joy of motherhood. She shares behind-the-scenes stories from her time in the White House, shedding light on her advocacy work and the causes close to her heart.

Melania offers an unprecedented look into her time as a First Lady who was born outside the United States -- a role she embraced with honor and dedication. It brings readers into her world and presents an in-depth account of a woman who has led a remarkable life on her own terms.
Melania Trump's story is one of resilience and independence, showcasing her strength and unwavering commitment to her true self.



Nightmare In Asheville - Interview With Maureen McDonnell

WeathervaneWhile we don't often discuss the weather, we are focused on disasters, natural and man-made.

Curtis Cost interviewed Maureen McDonnell, Asheville, NC resident about the aftermath of hurricane Helene. Maureen was one of the very FIRST Defeat Autism Now! nurses who helped so manyfamimies. She also was the driving force behind a unique coalition group called Millions Against Medical Mandates. Check out the website. You will not meet a kinder, fiercer, more knowledgeable woman from our community. One might say she is a force of nature. If we hear of individual autism family needs, we'll let you know.  Let's pray Hurricane Milton doesn't add to much insult to injury.

Please click over to Substack to hear this first person, reliable account.


Nightmare In Asheville - Interview With Maureen McDonnell

I had the honor of interviewing Maureen McDonnell, who has been a health freedom activist for many years, and she is the founder of Millions Against Mandates (MAM). Maureen lives in the Asheville, North Carolina area, and in this interview, she shares some of her first-hand experiences after Hurricane Helene devastated the area.

Nightmare In Asheville - Interview With Maureen McDonnell by Curtis Cost

Read on Substack

According to Mrs. McDonnell, the area looked like a war zone. Even though she has lived in that area for 19 years, she had never seen such destruction from a hurricane. In this interview, she explains why some are speculating as to whether or not there was something more going on.


New from Skyhorse Publishing>

MelaniaOrder here: MELANIA

Melania is a compelling and inspirational memoir that offers a glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman who has navigated challenges with grace and determination.

In her memoir, Melania reflects on her Slovenian childhood, the pivotal moments that led her to the world of high fashion in Europe and New York, and the serendipitous meeting with Donald Trump, a chance encounter that forever changed the course of her life. Melania opens up about their courtship, life in the spotlight, and experiencing the joy of motherhood. She shares behind-the-scenes stories from her time in the White House, shedding light on her advocacy work and the causes close to her heart.

Melania offers an unprecedented look into her time as a First Lady who was born outside the United States -- a role she embraced with honor and dedication. It brings readers into her world and presents an in-depth account of a woman who has led a remarkable life on her own terms.
Melania Trump's story is one of resilience and independence, showcasing her strength and unwavering commitment to her true self.



We Tried To Help The Somalis 15 years Before PBS Noticed

Huffpo vaccine
Age of Autism reported on the shocking development of autism in the Minnesota Somali immigrant population 16 years ago. Award winning investigative author David Kirby wrote about the looming problem. When you try to read his report on HuffPo, that photo above is what you get. 

Parents who had no word for the diagnosis in their language were rocked when their children changed. From this we know. PBS reports yet additional increases in the numbers. We tried to warn. We tried to help. A certain subset cut us off at the knees, instead seeing a money grab. A grab which has lead to fraud and thievery. And a generation of children harmed.


By Anne Dachel

PBS: Autism rate one in 16 in MN Somalis, one in 10 Somali boys

"Astonishing" "An alarming increase"

There was an absolutely shocking report from PBS News on the rate of autism among the Somali population in Minnesota. The numbers are staggering, but I can predict that NO OFFICIAL will do anything to address this.

Oct 3, 2024, PBS News: Autism on the Rise

This report should be of immediate concern to everyone at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Here are some of the highlights.

PBS News Hour co-anchor,  Amna Nawaz:

In recent years, the prevalence of autism has risen significantly across all populations in the U.S.

Diagnoses are more common among children of color, but one group, Somali Americans, is seeing an alarming increase.

Fred De Sam Lazaro has this report from Minnesota, home to the largest Somali community in America.

Anisa Hagi-Mohamed, Parent Activist:

I have three children, two girls and a boy. And they have all been diagnosed autistic. Two of my children are verbal. One is partially verbal. And we speak, eat, sleep autism.

Fred De Sam Lazaro:

For Anisa Hagi-Mohamed and husband Duraan Ali (ph), this is one of few outings the family does together in a routine otherwise individually tailored for their 8-, 6-, and 3-year-old children..

On Sundays, the kids get to play in a safe space, set aside just for autistic children. Hagi-Mohamed was a teacher. She has a degree in linguistics, but has devoted her life to advocating for autistic children in the Somali American community.

Fred De Sam Lazaro:

. . .Autism is not widely understood in the Somali community, even though its become alarmingly prevalent.

Jennifer Hall-Lande, Minnesota Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network:

Overall rates in our 4-year-olds of one in 53. And what we were seeing in our Somali 4-year-olds were rates of one in 16.

Fred De Sam Lazaro:

That is astounding, isn't it?

Continue reading "We Tried To Help The Somalis 15 years Before PBS Noticed" »

Age of Autism 2008: Welcome Somalis to America! We Hope You Like The Autism!

Huffpo vaccine

Kent Heckenlively wrote this in July of 2008. Now PBS is taking notice? If you want to read David Kirby's HuffPo on the topic, the screenshot above it what you get. The massive campaign to deny vaccine injury has been decades in the making.

Liberty_2By Kent Heckenlively, Esq.

They come to America in search of a better life.  Their children get autism. 

I wonder if they wish they’d just stayed home.

As reported by Elizabeth Gorman in the Minneapolis Post and David Kirby in the Huffington Post (click HERE), there’s something unusual going on with immigrant Somali children in Minnesota and autism.  It might also be happening with other immigrant groups.

According to Gorman’s article, about 6 percent of Minneapolis’ students are Somali-speaking, but “more than 17 percent of the children in the district’s early childhood special education autism program are Somali speaking.”  (It’s estimated that 15,000 to 40,000 Somalis live in Minnesota, the largest Somali population outside of East Africa.)

Continue reading "Age of Autism 2008: Welcome Somalis to America! We Hope You Like The Autism!" »

Policy Imperatives from Health Freedom Defense Fund

American Freedom"#1: BAN ALL MEDICAL MANDATES"

Thank you to Leslie Manookian for sharing her list of the requirements for true health freedom. Often, vaccination choice, freedom from mandated vaccines and adjacent autism are left out of the conversation. Not here.


Policy Imperatives for Health Freedom

By: Leslie Manookian | President | Health Freedom Defense Fund

As a requirement for discussing and appreciating the imperative of health freedom in the USA, we must first define what is meant by health freedom. A simple definition is: the right of every American to decide what medical interventions to put into or onto one’s body, the right to access and use the medical and healing modalities of one’s choice, the right to maintain one’s health according to one’s conscience, and the right to live free of involuntary medication be it via the food supply, the water supply, or something airborne.

In a free and moral society, health freedom is not simply a convenience, it’s an imperative. In this vein, in the event of injury or illness, all Americans must possess the absolute right to choose what medical interventions and treatments to accept and what medical or healing modalities to utilize in order to address illness or injury; Americans must be free to choose how to maintain their health whether that be through nutrition, supplements, herbs, drugs, or a myriad of healing modalities; Americans must have access to truthful information regarding how the seeds for plants and animal feed and the food in our food supply has been grown or developed, medicated, processed, and packaged; and Americans have the right to exist in a society free of water and airborne medications, insect vectors, and chemicals.

Health freedom can only exist in a free and moral society which values each and every member of that society. This prerequisite thus excludes medical mandates of any kind. It is immoral to force another individual to risk their life for the theoretical benefit of another. Moreover, government does not have the moral authority or power to dictate what medical products any American puts into or on his or her body. If anyone in government does possess that power, then no American is truly free, nor does he or she possess any meaningful right whatsoever – Americans are merely chattel.

In order to create a society based on true health freedom, the following policy shifts should be implemented, as a first step. There are many more changes which should be implemented as well, but these proposals would address some of the most glaring, pernicious anti-liberty and anti-health aspects of our system as it exists today:

  1. Ban all Medical Mandates:

The Declaration of Independence states, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”  Medical mandates are prime facie violations of our founding documents.

Health freedom demands prior voluntary informed consent before a medical treatment or intervention is administered. Medical mandates are thus, by definition, antithetical to voluntary consent and therefore must be prohibited in a free and moral society. No single individual in government knows the medical history of any American, knows what is best for Americans, or has to live with the repercussions of any choices made by Americans, thus, medical mandates are never justified in any circumstance.

  1. Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act:

“The Bayh-Dole Act, formerly known as the Patent and Trademark Act Amendments, is a federal law enacted in 1980 that enables universities, nonprofit research institutions and small businesses to own, patent and commercialize inventions developed under federally funded research programs within their organizations.”

Under this program, government scientists may receive up to $150,000 per year on their patents.

Continue reading "Policy Imperatives from Health Freedom Defense Fund" »

ARI Praises Epidemic Denier in Heartfelt X

IMG_4734When we launched in 2007, ARI, Autism Research Institute was our first sponsor and lead by the steady hand and generous heart of Dr. Bernard Rimland. "Bernie" as he was affectionately known to those close to him, was the pioneer in taking away the stigma of blame from, "Refrigerator Mothers." ARI was the leader in cutting edge treatments for autism, under the Defeat Autism Now umbrella. Their conferences were the Mecca of hope and medical care for our severely affected kids. Defeating autism was our battle cry, not erasing our kids. Seems so long ago. So very long ago.

Yesterday, ARI X'd about the death of Steve Silberman, author of Neurotribes, a book that was integral in promoting "neurodiversity." It was an antidote to Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted's The Age of Autism. Silberman blocked most of us on social media years ago. Looks like we're blocked forever now.

Below is our post from 2015, when the book launched, which features an article from Psychology Today. Whitewashing autism has been catastrophic for research and programs for the more severely affected. This segment of the community has been excluded from the table. And so, we call out ARI for dining off Silberman's "success."


Age of Autism 2015: We excerpted this piece by Amy Lutz from Psychology today.   The push to normalize the serious diagnosis of autism could mean less funding, fewer programs and opportunities for our loved ones on the spectrum.  It certainly disrespects the plight of many of our families.


Few things are more surreal to the parent of a severely autistic child than the neurodiversity rhetoric that recently culminated in Steve Silberman’s book NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity. To call the disorder that has left our children with profound impairments in cognition, communication and behavior a “strange gift,” as Silberman does, is truly mind-boggling.

No one is contesting the achievements of the “scruffy geniuses” Silberman profiles in his book, or denying that they should be celebrated. The question is whether a comprehensive, 480-page account of “The Legacy of Autism” should have devoted more space to those with low-functioning autism than the nine pages listed under this topic in the index.

Here’s what we know about the autistic population in the United States: According to the CDC, 40% are also intellectually disabled. Autism Speaks reports that 30% are nonverbal, and a 2013 study published in the journal Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders found that over half of autistic children suffer from aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior. So this is not a small fraction, although readers might be forgiven for assuming as much after finishing NeuroTribes. As Jennifer Senior noted in her review for The New York Times, “We don’t see autism in some of its more devastating forms.”

But it’s exactly those forms that need to be confronted before concluding “that much of the suffering associated with autism is the result of the ways that autistic people and their families are habitually denied the services they need,” as Silberman does, rather than the result of brutal neurological symptoms that often necessitate a lifetime of care.  Read the full article at Psychology Today.

Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future

by Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted | Jul 25, 2017

A Mere 6,201 Days Ago

Bella GR adToday's dose of gut punch (dye free!) is brought to you by the passage of time. How much time? On September 25, 2007, a mere 6,201 days ago, Generation Rescue ran an ad in USA Today, telling Americans that autism had increased by some 6000%. We wrote: "Click HERE to see the full page ad in USA Today from Generation Rescue. Pick up a copy today!" The URL is long gone. As is Generation Rescue, which disappeared in a shroud of secrecy.

On Sunday, thousands gathered in Washington, DC for the Rescue the Republic gathering. There were some familiar faces from the autism vaccine injury community, people we respect,  and many new faces. We need an army. An army willing to fight on all fronts. Including the autism front. 

The child in the photo is now 24 years of age. She is my daughter. 6000% might as well be 6,000,000%.

Laura Hayes wrote a powerful comment on yesterday's post that we're sharing here, below. Why?  I had a boss teach me a saying, "Don't punish progress." The MAHA movement is progress. At the same time? We will hold all of those feet to the fire so that the pediatric vaccine schedule and mandates are included in the conversation.

Apparently, exposing and going after our nation’s toxin-and-poison-filled food supply is a safe and acceptable strategy. Note what isn’t…exposing and going after our nation’s toxin-and-poison-filled vaccine program, which for many then results in a lifetime of toxin-and-poison-filled pharmaceuticals. I see more of the same ahead…talk about and target anything but vaccines. Meanwhile, the Vaccine Holocaust continues in earnest, with more victims every single day. If the topic of concern is ever-worsening health, development, fertility, and longevity, what needs to be be talked about at every speaking opportunity is the urgent need for an immediate moratorium on each and every vaccine, as not one has been studied or approved properly or ethically, either individually, or in the myriad haphazard combinations in which they are routinely administered, and the devastation vaccines leave in their wake is both undeniable and horrific. My 2018 “Why Is This Legal?” presentation covers the many reasons why not even one vaccine should be on the market:  Why are vaccines once again being ignored and left out of the discussion? And let us remember that toxic, poisonous food is not mandated/required to participate in many aspects of society, including school, daycare, college, government assistance, foster care, adoption, military, medicine, and a growing number of occupations, but toxic, poisonous, health-and-life-destroying, sometimes-fatal vaccines are. In addition to a campaign slogan of “Ban Vaccine Mandates, Immediately and Forever!”, I would add: “Moratorium on Vaccines Now!” What better way to protect children and improve health?! How many more children’s lives must be destroyed for the adults in this world to say, “Enough! Stop!” How many more children will there even be who grow up able and capable to both bear and raise children? Toxic, poisonous “foods” are not acceptable, and neither are toxic, poisonous vaccines. It’s that simple. And if these are what our billion and trillion dollar regulatory agencies are rubber-stamping and approving, then we can add to our campaign slogans, “Eliminate Government Regulatory Agencies!”, because very clearly, they are an unacceptable, inexcusable use of our hard-earned tax dollars.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

American Academy of Pediatrics Promotes The Dis-Ease RFK, Jr.'s MAHA Is Trying to Fix

AAP Ohio Orange

This is a "Best of" from Spring 2018. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is trying to help Americans understand that the epidemic of chronic illness and overall poor health in our children is in large part, a phunction of the phoods they eat. Phoods promoted by the FDA, by nutritionists, by marketing campaigns and as you can see below, the American Academy of Pediatrics.

A childhood attached to obesity, developmental delays (even if CDC moves the goal line) asthma inhalers, anti anxiety meds, epipens, glucose monitors & special education is NOT what childhood should be.  We KNOW this. The problem affects every American, Communist to Ultra Conservative.  The solutions are bi-tri-quad-quint-partisan. 

By Kim Rossi

Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana.Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana banana. Knock knock. Who's there? Orange you glad you didn't get this gift basket from Melissa Arnold?  What that's not funny???

Melissa Wervey Arnold is the Chief Executive Officer for the Ohio Chapter of the AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics. She recently posted on the open, public part of her Facebook  page  a photo of a gift basket she made for end of school year, not an AAP gift per se - "orange you glad..." was the theme. Clever, as we all remember the old knock knock joke from childhood. However, every bit of food and drink in the basket was completely contrary to the goal of children's or anyone's health.  An Oompa Loompa would have run away screaming.  There wasn't an orange or a Halo to be found. No carrots. Nothing remotely healthy, at least in the photo. 

The AAP is the organization that represents the physicians responsible for pediatric health and health care. Had Arnold added, "I know it's not the healthiest basket ever, but it's all for fun and we at AAP recommend kids eat these foods sparingly and partake of fruits and veggies," the irony would have been less drastic. From the AAP Ohio site: The number of obese children in the United States as more than tripled since the 1970’s. The Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics’ Parenting at Mealtime and Playtime program combines more than 10 years of proven, successful nutrition and obesity-prevention education into a program aimed at making Ohio children healthier. The Ohio AAP’s obesity-prevention work began in 2007, with Ounce of Prevention, and continued in 2012 with the Pound of Cure Learning Collaborative.

This orange food basket is akin to the head of the American Cancer Society sending out cartons of cigarettes as a gift.  Here's a slew of science that links food dyes and pediatric behavioral problems.

Chronic Illness and Developmental Vulnerability at School Entry

CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of the number or type of conditions, chronic illness in young children is a risk factor for reduced school readiness. These effects were seen for health conditions not traditionally considered detrimental to school readiness, such as chronic otitis media. Thus, the implications of a broader range of chronic health conditions in early childhood on school readiness need to be considered.

AAP Statement on the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans  The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) welcomes the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans released today. For the first time, the guidelines recommend limiting the consumption of added sugars to less than 10 percent of calories per day, and continue to recommend more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins, and less sodium and saturated fat, all of which support a healthy eating pattern for families.

Many in the autism community noticed and commented all over Facebook. Our own Anne Dachel has catalogued thousands of stories of the radical decline of teachability of children and the impact on schools.  Garbage in, garbage out. Food choices matter. However,  Melissa and her friends pooh poohed the cacophony of "Who would feed this to anyone?" and even mocked the NUTRITIONAL topic as the realm of "crazy antivaxxers."  So wrong. So very wrong.  In fact, it's bananas.  Kim

Melissa Arnold Page

Sick, Sicker, Sickest

Quiet-Sick-Zone-779020An estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included... Science Direct 2011

We ran the post below in 2011. Robert Kennedy, Jr. has been vocal about the demise of pediatric health, and he's taking a drubbing for it. How DARE he! The Make America Healthy Again slogan is really about our future as a nation. If he can open hearts, minds and eyes, our society as a whole will benefit.

Generations of sick Americans will not fill tax coffers, will not be able to fight in the forever war of the moment, will not be able to care for their aging parents or their own children, if they can even have children. The cost of chronic sickness is really immeasurable as it affects every aspect of society. Of course, sickness means profit for the insurance, hospital, health"care" and pharmaceutical industries.

Age of Autism - 2011

A recent study (below) states that 54% of American children currently suffer from chronic illness. WHY? When did school nurses become pharmaceutical specialists? When did reading and writing require an Epi-pen? Why does a jar of Skippy need a skull and crossbones for so many kids?  When was Romper Room replaced by Early Intervention? And when did the gee-whiz days of youth come to mean G-tubes for feeding? Our kids are sick.  Pediatrics has failed them miserably despite dozens of "well" visits before school age. What the hell has gone so wrong? We need to demand answers. This report concludes we need more specialists and healthcare access. But what if that's the actual problem?  We need a yellow alert... Come to our Age of Autism presentation on Friday at 1:30 at Autism One to learn more. And stay tuned. You're about to be called into action.

Abstract Read Full Study HERE


Parent/consumer–reported data is valuable and necessary for population-based assessment of many key child health and health care quality measures relevant to both the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) of 2009 and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA).


The aim of this study was to evaluate national and state prevalence of health problems and special health care needs in US children; to estimate health care quality related to adequacy and consistency of insurance coverage, access to specialist, mental health and preventive medical and dental care, developmental screening, and whether children meet criteria for having a medical home, including care coordination and family centeredness; and to assess differences in health and health care quality for children by insurance type, special health care needs status, race/ethnicity, and/or state of residence.


National and state level estimates were derived from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health (N = 91 642; children aged 0–17 years). Variations between children with public versus private sector health insurance, special health care needs, specific conditions, race/ethnicity, and across states were evaluated using multivariate logistic regression and/or standardized statistical tests.


An estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included; 19.2% (14.2 million) have conditions resulting in a special health care need, a 1.6 point increase since 2003. Compared with privately insured children, the prevalence, complexity, and severity of health problems were systematically greater for the 29.1% of all children who are publicly insured children after adjusting for variations in demographic and socioeconomic factors. Forty-five percent of all children in the United States scored positively on a minimal quality composite measure: 1) adequate insurance, 2) preventive care visit, and 3) medical home. A 22.2 point difference existed across states and there were wide variations by health condition (autism, 22.8, to asthma, 39.4). After adjustment for demographic and health status differences, quality of care varied between children with public versus private health insurance on all but the following 3 measures: not receiving needed mental health services, care coordination, and performance on the minimal quality composite. A 4.60 fold (gaps in insurance) to 1.27 fold (preventive dental and medical care visits) difference in quality scores was observed across states. Notable disparities were observed among publicly insured children according to race/ethnicity and across all children by special needs status and household income.


Findings emphasize the importance of health care insurance duration and adequacy, health care access, chronic condition management, and other quality of care goals reflected in the 2009 CHIPRA legislation and the ACA. Despite disparities, similarities for public and privately insured children speak to the pervasive nature of availability, coverage, and access issues for mental health services in the United States, as well as the system-wide problem of care coordination and accessing specialist care for all children. Variations across states in key areas amenable to state policy and program management support cross-state learning and improvement efforts.



Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Laura Hayes Asks "Why Is This Legal" About Our Vaccination Policy

Crying libertyWhy is it legal to mandate even one, much less scores of, invasive medical procedures that include long lists of serious, often permanent, risks, including death, chronic illness, and severe disability? Bear in mind that mandated medicine makes informed consent impossible. Laura Hayes

Yesterday, we directed readers to the positive news from ICAN about the restoration of the Religious Vaccine Exemption in the University of California system. The right to refuse a vaccine has been under attack for many years. In 2024, five states offer nothing but a medical exemption, having banished both religious and philosophical exemptions, effectively denying parent choice for their children. The Biden Harris implemented its own Covid vaccine mandates. No shot, no job.

Back in 2018, Laura Hayes shared video link and transcript for her 2018 presentation called, "Why is this legal," and we're running it here today. You can watch and read. Take an opportunity to snip and share across social media. When I scroll back through the AofA archives, I'm amazed at, and grateful for, the depth and breadth of our content. Laura has written a treasure trove. You can find all of Laura Hayes' work at our Age of Autism Special Reports/Exclusives.

Every day, our job is to further embed that burr under the saddle of politicians and industry.

Dear AoA Readers,

I wanted to share the video link and transcript for the vaccine-related presentation I gave in Utah this past Friday titled, "Why Is This Legal?"

A big shout out to symposium organizer, Kristen Chevrier. She and her Your Health Freedom team planned an informative 2-day event featuring a wonderful and well-spoken array of speakers, for whom video links will soon be available at Your Health Freedom.

As always, I am hoping my presentation will open eyes and ears to the terrible truth about vaccines.

Please share...together, we might just save a child and their family from a lifetime of needless suffering.

Thank you,

Laura Hayes

“Why Is This Legal?” by Laura Hayes, delivered on 11-2-18 in Utah

This evening, I am going to be speaking to you about vaccines, specifically, their inexcusable lack of safety, the toxic and hazardous ingredients contained in them that have no business being injected into any human, and the catastrophic results we continue to witness due to their use. In the time I have, I will only be able to scratch the surface of the harm that vaccines cause, both to the individual recipient, and to subsequent generations, if the recipient is still able to reproduce. I won’t have time to delve into the lack of efficacy or necessity for vaccines, but suffice it to say that their failure rate is high, their “efficacy” is based on measures which are unproven and unreliable, and injecting poisons, toxins, neurotoxins, carcinogens, immune- and nervous-system destroyers, endocrine disruptors, ingredients that have never been clinically approved, and unknown ingredients that are not required to be disclosed, is in no way health-inducing or protective, for any one, at any age. As I like to say, one does not need to be a PhD in biology or chemistry, or an MD, or even academically astute to understand that the practice of vaccination is not founded on any valid science. Common sense, basic science, and parental instincts are more than enough to discern the truth about vaccines. Now, let’s launch into the topic of vaccine safety, an oxymoron if ever there was one.

Not too long ago, in a vaccine-related forum to which I belong, someone proposed that we launch a meme campaign titled, “Why Is This Legal?”. It was in response to yet another teenager becoming paralyzed after receiving Merck's Gardasil vaccine. I find why is this legal to be a compelling question to ask with regard to vaccines, our nation’s vaccine program, and vaccine mandates.

Continue reading "Laura Hayes Asks "Why Is This Legal" About Our Vaccination Policy" »

Informed Consent Action Network Scores Win for University of California Students

Legal updateWe invite you subscribe to the ICAN (Informed Considet Action Network) newsletter to learn about their work. Look at this glorious win for medical freedom. Laws are tools. Useful. They create civilized society and fix problems. Everyone has a hammer in the toolbox. But a hammer can also be a nifty weapon for bashing in heads. I suppose we could call that an "off label use." So too can laws be used to punish, block, subjugate, and worse.


BREAKING NEWS: University of California Allows Religious Exemptions on the Heels of Two Successful ICAN-Backed Lawsuits

ICAN’s attorneys recently scored major wins in lawsuits brought against both UC Davis and UCLA for the UC system’s refusal to grant religious exemptions to students. As a result, the entire University of California (UC) school system has changed its vaccination policy to permit religious exemptions for all 295,000+ of its students!

In January and February 2024, ICAN’s attorneys—led by Aaron Siri, who also happens to be an alumnus of UC Berkeley Law School—filed two successful lawsuits on behalf of students at University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Continue reading "Informed Consent Action Network Scores Win for University of California Students" »

Kennedy Supporter Tells Trump: "Convince Us"

Fool Me Once
Below is an open letter to Donald Trump from John Gilmore, founder of the Autism Action Network.
He voices the concerns of many within the autism vaccine injury community. 2016 was ripe with promises that withered on the vine. Do you need or want to be convinced?

Donald Trump: Convince Us.

In the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the issues of vaccine safety and rights, the chronic disease epidemic, drug industry and regulatory agency corruption, and autism, issues at the core of the mission of the Autism Action Network, were not mentioned by either candidate.

There is no reason to expect Harris to talk about these topics that are now taboo for almost all Democrats. But Trump recently forged an alliance with former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in large part specifically to talk about these issues, and they coined the slogan “Make America Healthy Again” to market them.

Yet there was silence at the debate on Trump’s part as well. He bragged about his disastrous handling of the COVID debacle, even saying he deserves more credit for his efforts to produce ventilators, even though the death rate for COVID patients placed on ventilators was more than 90%.

Granted, the questions asked were selected by ABC talking heads, but both candidates seemed to have no problem pulling in whatever issue they wanted to talk about regardless of the question asked during what may be the only debate before the election.

Neither the Trump nor Harris campaign websites mention these issues. Again, there is no reason to expect anything on Harris’ website, but the absence on Trump’s is troubling.

Continue reading "Kennedy Supporter Tells Trump: "Convince Us"" »


IMG_4398"Our patience is wearing thin." President Biden to the unvaccinated, 3 years ago.

As we approach the 2024 election, where does vaccine freedom fall in your list of candidate requirements? Donald Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. Biden carried the ball down the field.

Do you think we will ever see another mandate, like we did in 2021? It would be nice if each candidate was asked this question during tonight's Presidential debate.


The real anthony fauciGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

JB Handley on Autism & Aluminum

Jb handle substackJB Handley is the godfather of Age of Autism. Before we launched in November of 2007 with Dan Olmsted at the helm, Kim Rossi (then Stagliano) ran a new blog called The Rescue Post. It was JB Handley's brainchild, a way to speak directly to families on topics that even in 2006, few mainstream publications would touch. We shortly thereafter combined forces with Dan and Mark Blaxill to become The Age of Autism.  JB Handley co-founded the now defunct Generation Rescue, and opened America's eyes to the man made autism epidemic.

Bella GR ad
Generation Rescue Ad in USA Today (2005?)

Today, he champions Spelling to Communicate and runs a Substack site. Below are two articles that dovetail with his 2014 book How To End The Autism Epidemic from Skyhorse Publishing. We've published many articles from Professor Chris Exley in the UK, an expert on aluminum.

I'll excerpt JB's two articles, and send you right to his Substack,, it much easier to read and digest over there. Subscribe HERE.

1) Retract Mitkus 2011, end the autism epidemic

Some studies matter more than others, Mitkus 2011 is holding back the dam on the truth about aluminum adjuvant toxicity

ROCKVILLE, Maryland — Ever heard of a “biostitute”? The scientific world is filled with them, scientists willing to publish garbage to protect industry (and captive regulatory agencies) from the truth about the damage their products are causing. When it comes to the autism epidemic, no study has caused more trouble (or deserves to be retracted) more than this one, published in 2011 by Mitkus et al: Updated aluminum pharmacokinetics following infant exposures through diet and vaccination

2) International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?

Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation.

STAFFORDSHIRE, England —Dr. Chris Exley of Keele University in England and his colleagues published a paper that for the first time ever looked at the brain tissue of subjects with autism to determine the level of aluminum (note: they spell “aluminum” as “aluminium” in the United Kingdom) found within their brain tissue. For anyone trying to convince the world that “the science is settled and vaccines don’t cause autism,” the study’s findings are deeply contradictory to that statement.


How to end the autism epidemic coverHow To End The Autism Epidemic

In How to End the Autism Epidemic, Handley confronts and dismantles the most common lies about vaccines and autism. He then lays out, in detail, what the truth actually is: new published science links the aluminium adjuvant used in vaccines to immune activation events in the brains of infants, triggering autism; and there is a clear legal basis for the statement that vaccines cause autism, including previously undisclosed depositions of prominent autism scientists under oath.

Healthy Children Do Not Shoot Their Peers and Teachers

Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.
Healthy children do not shoot their peers and teachers.

1 line for each of the school shootings in 2024. If we do not take a hard look at pediatric health - far beyond the handful of vaccine-targeted diseases and well into every aspect of the life of the WHOLE child, we're doomed to lose more children, their peers and teachers. We need to re-define healthy. Because I'm not sure anyone remembers what it was.

The Healthy American Has Questions for Kennedy

Health applePolitical season is in full bloom. Peggy Hall, author of The Healthy American Substack has an article asking questions of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Questions that I think we need to ask the candidates as well. RFK Jr. has brought our issues to the forefront. It's nothing short of astounding. Only a handful of men have risked so much taking on pharma sacred cows. Andrew Wakefield. Dan Olmsted. David Kirby. To name a few. I worry about this new MAHA slogan though. Make America Healthy Again requires that Americans A) acknowledge their deficient health status and B) want to make complicated, difficult and often "heretical" choices rather than rely on quick fixes. MAGA was  easy enough to understand. Most of us (I hope) think the USA is pretty great - despite our foibles. Asking Americans to get healthy? That's a gigantic ask of a stagnant, distracted population many of whom have NEVER known health, including parents of children profoundly less healthy than previous generations.  Chronic disease is the norm. SpongeBob inhalers and pill bottles stored at school, and fear of a PB&J at the lunch table are all taken in stride as America limps along. Let's keep the dialog going and the questions flowing, as we move into Autumn.

We exist for one reason - AUTISTIC CHILDREN (many of whom are now adults.) Hall's article is sharp, and pulls no punches. But I think RFK, Jr. has proven over and over his bona fides to us. Jump in the ring and share your thoughts.

I've excerpted Ms. Hall's Substack and you can link over and comment as you wish.


By Peggy Hall, The Healthy American

My Questions for Kennedy

Let me state from the outset that RFK Jr has definitely raised awareness about vaccine injuries. Parents who might never have known about the link between vaccines and damage to the nervous system, life-long side effects like autism, immune disorders, allergies, learning disabilities and so much more are waking up to these horrors. So Kennedy’s work in raising awareness of vaccine injuries definitely gets a round of applause, wouldn’t you say?

But I believe he doesn’t go far enough. Here are the questions I would ask him:

Why the Focus on Vaccine Safety?

Kennedy talks a lot about "vaccine safety." But why not focus on the harms, dangers, and side effects? Some say this is how he gets around censorship, but I’d like to hear him explain that himself.

Where's the Push to Repeal Heinous Laws?

Kennedy's website gives little attention to repealing the 1986 law that removed liability for pharmaceutical companies. This law created a vaccine court with a mere $250,000 cap for damages—an amount that's woefully inadequate for families affected by vaccine injuries. Why isn’t he fighting to repeal this?

Why Advocate for More Vaccine Testing?

Kennedy has called for expanded safety testing for childhood vaccines. But what does that really mean? Who are the guinea pigs (*cough* children? *cough*), and how reliable are the results from these pharmaceutical companies?

What do you mean by “Restore Confidence in Regulatory Agencies?”

Kennedy talks about "restoring confidence" in agencies like the CDC and FDA. But did we ever have confidence in them to begin with? I never did. And why doesn’t he ever mention that his uncle, JFK, was the one who got the ball rolling with the childhood pin-cushion programs through his initiation of federal government assistance for vaccine programs in public schools?

How Do You Define Democracy, and Why Don’t You Refer to it Correctly as a Constitutional Republic?

Kennedy frequently mentions "democracy" but rarely talks about our constitutional republic. Does he understand the difference? A pure democracy lacks the guardrails that a constitutional republic provides, and those guardrails are crucial to protecting our freedoms. I’ve heard you refer to it as a constitutional democracy, or something similar, but you didn’t refer to it as a constitutional republic—I know that for sure. So, why? Why are you so reluctant to use that phrase? Now, I’m not going to assume you’re using the word “democracy” like a socialist, because socialists love to use that word—it’s kind of a step toward socialism. So, I’m asking you directly: Why do you keep using the word “democracy,” and why don’t you talk about restoring our freedom, our constitutional republic, or our Constitution?   READ MORE AT THE HEALTHY AMERICAN HERE.


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom. Unavoidably Unsafe is not an indictment of vaccines but a call to arms for informed decision-making and transparency in healthcare. Geehr and Barke aim to empower parents, guardians, and healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of childhood immunization responsibly.

In a rapidly evolving medical landscape where uncertainties abound, Unavoidably Unsafe serves as a beacon of clarity and integrity, reaffirming the importance of critical thinking and patient-centered care in safeguarding the health and well-being of future generations.

School Teachers and Administrators: You NEED an National Autism Association Big Red Safety Teacher Tool Kit

BRSTT-Teacher-Toolkit-ImageAs autism has overwhelmed schools from coast to coast, admins, teachers and paraprofessionals need more training and support than ever to keep our children SAFE.  Training is crucial and often, paltry. Long term staff can become complacent, newer staff unaware of the dangers they need to prevent on a daily basis. One mistake can be the difference between life and death.  National Autism Association is the leader in autism safety programs.  Please share this post with your schools administrators and teachers.  Full information from NAA below.  Thank you.


The National Autism Association’s Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkit® is a free-of-charge safety toolkit for educators in need of wandering-prevention tools.

Please review all of the information below before submitting your application.

To apply for an NAA Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkit®, you must:

  • Be a school administrator, teacher or aide working with individuals with an autism diagnosis.
  • Be employed at a school within the U.S. and provide the school address for shipping. (Homeschool programs are not eligible for this toolkit, please apply for a Big Red Safety Box.)
  • Agree to the terms and conditions stated in the application.
  • Apply only once. Multiple requests cannot be processed, limit one toolkit per school.

NAA’s Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkit® includes:

  • Printed educational materials and tools in our BeREDy booklet for teachers
  • Two (2) Door/Window Alarms including batteries
  • Five (5) Laminated Adhesive Stop Sign Visual Prompts for doors and windows

Please note:

  • If you need additional stop signs, alarms, or other safety-related items, they can be purchased separately in our Big Red Safety Shop.
  • All printed materials can be downloaded for free here.
  • NAA Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkit® grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to all qualifying applicants while supplies last. You are not required to make a donation to receive one.

NAA’s Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkits® have a retail value of over $25.00. If you would like to help NAA continue this program, we ask you to please consider Paying it Forward by making an optional donation when requesting your free NAA Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkit®.

Regardless of any tools already in place, if an individual’s medical condition interferes with their ability to recognize danger or stay safe, it is critical to maintain close supervision and security in all settings. For more information and ways to prevent wandering-related incidents, please visit


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom. Unavoidably Unsafe is not an indictment of vaccines but a call to arms for informed decision-making and transparency in healthcare. Geehr and Barke aim to empower parents, guardians, and healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of childhood immunization responsibly.

In a rapidly evolving medical landscape where uncertainties abound, Unavoidably Unsafe serves as a beacon of clarity and integrity, reaffirming the importance of critical thinking and patient-centered care in safeguarding the health and well-being of future generations.

On RFK, Jr. Throwing Support to Donald Trump

AofA Op EdDr. Richard Moskowitz is an elder statemen who has been a valued member of the vaccine injury awareness community and AofA contributor for many years. He was a volunteer physician at Woodstock! (That's a dinner conversation I'd enjoy. Don't eat the brown acid.) A Harvard trained MD, he practiced homeopathy in his Massachusetts family practice for more than 50 years. He wrote Vaccines A Reappraisal for Skyhorse Pubishing in 2017 (one of many published pieces.) I had the pleasure of meeting him in person in 2019, Vaccines Richard Moskowitzbefore Covid hit. He's one of those people who instantly conveys a quiet authority, and kindness. Below are his thoughts on RFK, Jr.'s decision to withdraw from the Presidential race, and support Donald Trump. Spoiler alert: He is NOT happy. As ever, our mission precludes endorsing any candidate. Our readers come from all political persuasions. Thank you to Dr. Moskowitz.  Feel free to comment, and if you disagree, please remain civil. I mean it. Thank you.  Kim

By Richard Moskowitz, MD

I was away last week when RFK Jr. threw his support to Trump, of all people, which felt to me like a shocking betrayal of rock-bottom American values that I and so many others feel most strongly committed to, some of which he still claims to hold dear, like aiding and protecting the most basic needs of ordinary people, and especially the poor, sick, elderly, and disadvantaged, as against the profit-driven agendas of the obscenely rich and the big corporations.

Especially offensive was the fact that not so long ago he was a hero to me and many others, for helping to expose and publicize the dangers of vaccines, and for calling out the drug companies, not only for their greed, for which they were already famous, but also for their fraudulent science, which helped them to take over the CDC, FDA, and NIH, and ultimately control these Federal agencies that were supposed to regulate and restrain them. This too should be a signature issue for the Democrats, as the party of FDR and the New Deal, who created these agencies for precisely that purpose.

He was therefore entirely right to highlight that issue, to take the Democratic Party to task for failing to recognize it, and to be outraged when the Democratic National Committee refused to take it seriously enough to ask the voters about it, dismissed him as a nut case, and sidelined his own political ambitions, just as they had done with Bernie Sanders in 2016, both because and in spite of his winning primary after primary.

Continue reading "On RFK, Jr. Throwing Support to Donald Trump" »

Mark Zuckerberg "The Devil Made Me Do It"

Deal-With-DevilYesterday, news reports shared the letter that Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Meta, wrote in response to Senator Jim Jordan describing his compliance with censorship of Covid information as cajoled by the Biden administration. Millions of Americans are aghast that the First Amendment could be so easily set aside.

For us, it was just another Tuesday. Pass the tacos.

Zuckerberg claims to have collapsed like a cheap lawn chair to the White House's pressure. One can not help but wonder if pillow talk might have played a part. Have you seen the 7 foot tall statue he had commissioned  of his wife Priscilla Chan, a pediatrician by degree and who runs the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative?? No decisions are made in a vacuum.

Here is the letter. Is it a MEA CULPA or a way to stave off a whistleblower or other hammer that might be coming down on Meta and every other platform that has censored speech that is detrimental to certain powerful industries? WHO knows?

Zuckerberg letter 1


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. As seasoned physicians, they acknowledge the revered status vaccines hold in modern medicine while bravely questioning their safety and efficacy.

Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom by addressing critical issues.

Documenting Hope Autism Conference for Autism Families and Medical Providers

Lazy river
Nothing Lazy About AofAers

Save the date and reserve your seat at the Documenting Hope Conference in Orlando, Florida. What a great way to launch the holiday season, with HOPE!

Conferences are so much more than opportunities to learn. They provide a desperately needed connection and build a community that can last long after the goodbyes. Many Age of Autism readers met at the DAN! Conferences of yore. There is a family member track and a medical provider track. You'll see familiar names and newcomers too - all devoted to helping people with autism thrive. Hope

Register for Documenting Hope HERE

November 15-17, 2024 • Orlando, Florida

Documenting Hope Presents 2 events in 1:
Live CME Event for Health Professionals
The Childhood Integrative Healthcare Conference
Adventures In Healing
The Ultimate Field Guide To Restoring Health In Our Children

Join Hundreds of Healthcare Professionals and Parents at Documenting Hope’s Conference at the Upscale Destination Hotel, Omni ChampionsGate in Orlando, Florida.

The only 3-day Conference and Health Expo you need to attend this year


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. As seasoned physicians, they acknowledge the revered status vaccines hold in modern medicine while bravely questioning their safety and efficacy.

Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom by addressing critical issues.

Transcript Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Promise for American Children

Health appleNote: Last week, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Nicole Shanahan tabled their run for the White House. We've known Robert for many years; he's no Johnny Come Lately on the decline of pediatric health. He IS a lightning rod, politically. Rather than focus on the immense hatred toward him, the worst of it coming from his own family, our focus is on his unwavering fight for our children. His mission is our mission. Like Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Robert does not have a child with autism. Both men have courage and heart, even at their own expense. 

Our Anne Dachel is the queen of transcripts. Below is Robert's portion of his announcement that talks about his dedication to pediatric health in the USA.  Feel free to let us know if you feel about Kennedy's throwing in with Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump. Or if you think Vice President Harris will craft a better future for children.

We're neutral in that we do not endorse.  Kennedy is stalwart. Trump has a lot of baggage and many broken promises. Harris and Walz, himself Dad to a disabled son, may fund programs of value, but what of health choice issues? Discuss nicely. It's going to be a long road to November.


Read and watch video at Anne Dachel's Substack RFK, Jr. made it about the chronic disease disaster facing us, our children

Bobby Kennedy spent the last thirty minutes of his announcement suspending his campaign on the chronic disease crisis in America. His words were genuine and moving. He told us he was putting children first. By suspending his campaign, he would be able to put this catastrophe into the forefront of political arena. News sources that totally ignored him previously, now have to at least acknowledge his presence.


Three great causes drove me to enter this race in the first place. Primarily, and these are the three causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent and now to throw my support to President Trump.

The causes were free speech, the war in Ukraine and the war on our children. . . .

Less than two hours after President Trump narrowly escaped assassination, Calley Means called me on my cell phone, I was in Las Vegas. Calley is arguably the leading advocate for food safety, for soil regeneration and for ending the chronic disease epidemic that is destroying America’s health and ruining our economy. 

Calley has exposed the insidious corruption at the FDA and the NIH, the HHS and the USDA that has caused the epidemic.

Calley had been working on and off for my campaign, advising me on those subjects since the beginning. And those subjects have been my primary focus for the last 20 years.

I was delighted when Calley told me that day that he had also been advising President Trump.

He told me President Trump was anxious to talk to me about chronic disease and other subjects, and to explore avenues of cooperation.

He asked if I would take a call from the President. President Trump telephoned me a few minutes later, and I met with him the following day. A few weeks later, I met again with President Trump and his family members and close advisors in Florida.

In a series of long, intense discussions, I was surprised to discover that we are aligned on many key issues. In those meetings, he suggested that we join forces as a Unity Party. We talked about Abraham  Lincoln’s team of rivals.

That arrangement would allow us to disagree publicly and privately and furiously, if need be on issues over which we differ, while working together on the existential issues upon which we are in concordance. . . .

We are aligned with each other on other key issues .  . .ending the childhood disease epidemic. . . unraveling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies . . .

. . . Vice President Harris decline to meet or even to speak with me.

Suspending my candidacy is a heart-rending for me, but I’m convinced that it’s the best hope for ending the Ukraine War and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is eroding our nations vitality from the inside, and for finally protecting free speech.

I feel a moral obligation to use this opportunity to save millions of American children, above all things.

In case some of you don’t realize how dire the condition is of our children’s health and chronic disease in general, I would urge you to view Tucker Carlson’s interview with Calley Means and his sister, Dr. Casey Means, who is a top graduate of her class at Stanford Medical School

This is an issue that affects all of us far more directly and urgently than any culture war issue and all the other issues that we obsess on and that are tearing apart our country. 

This is the most important issue, therefore it has the potential to bring us together. So let me share a little bit about why I feel it is so urgent.

Today two-thirds—we pay, we spend more health care than any country on earth, twice what they pay in Europe, and yet we have the worst health outcomes of any nation in the world.

We’re about seventy-ninth in health outcomes, behind Costa Rica and Nicaragua and Mongolia and other countries.

Nobody has a chronic disease burden like we have, and during the COVID epidemic, we had the highest body count of any country in the world.

We had 16 percent of the COVID deaths, and we only have 4.2 percent of the world’s population.

And CDC says that’s because we are the sickest people on earth. We have the highest chronic disease rate on earth and for the average American who died from COVID had 3.8 chronic diseases.

So these were people who had immune system collapse, who had mitochondrial dysfunction, and no other country has anything like this.

Two-thirds of American adults and children suffer from chronic health issues.

50 years ago, that number was less than one percent. So we’ve gone from one percent to 66 percent.

In America, 74 percent of Americans now are overweight or obese, and 50 percent of our children.

120 years ago, when somebody was obese, they were sent to the circus. There were case reports done about them. Obesity was almost unknown.

In Japan, childhood obesity rate is three percent, compared to 50 percent here. 

Half of Americans have pre-diabetes or Type II diabetes. When my uncles was President and I was a boy, juvenile diabetes was effectively nonexistent.

A typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes during his entire career, 40 or 50 year career.

Today one out of ever three kids who walks through his office door is diabetic or pre diabetic.

And the mitochondrial disorder that causes diabetes is also causing Alzheimer’s, which is now classified as diabetes, and it’s costing this country more than our military budget every year.

There’s been an explosion of neurological illness that I never saw as kid, ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, Tourette’s syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, Aspegers, autism.

In the year 2000, rate was one in 1,500. Now autism rates in kids are one in 36, according to CDC  nationally.

Nobody’s talking about this.

One in every 22 kids in California has autism.  and this is a crisis: that 77% of our kids cannot or are too disabled to serve in the United States military. What is happening to our country, and why isn't this in the headlines every single day?

There's nobody else in the world that is experiencing this. This is only happening in America. About 18%, and by the way, you know, there has been no change in diagnosis, which the industry sometimes likes to say, there has been no change in screening. This is a change in incidence.

In my generation of 70-year-old men, the odds and rates [of autism] are about one in 10,000. In my kids’ generation, one in 34.

I'll repeat: in California, 1 in 22. Why are we letting this happen? Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? These are the most precious assets that we have in this country. How can we let this happen to them?

About 18% of American teens now have fatty liver disease. That's like one out of every five. That disease, when I was a kid, only affected late-stage alcoholics who were elderly. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the old. Young adult cancers are up 79%.

One in four American women is on antidepressant medication, 40% of teen teens have a mental health diagnosis, and 15% of high schoolers are on Adderall, and half a million children on SSRIs.

So what's causing this suffering? I'll name two culprits. First and the worst is ultra-processed food. About 70% of American children's diet is ultra-processed. That means industrial manufactured in factories. These foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils.

Laboratory scientists who have formed many of them formerly worked for the cigarette industry, which purchased all the big food companies in the 1970s and ‘80s, deployed thousands of scientists to figure out chemicals, new chemicals, to make the food more addictive. And these ingredients didn't exist 100 years ago.

Humans aren't biologically adapted to eat them. A hundred of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but are ubiquitous in American processed foods. The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food, our medicine, and our environment. Pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies.

This assault on our children's cells and hormones is unrelenting. And to name just one problem, many of these chemicals increase estrogen. Because young children are ingesting so many of these hormone disruptors, America's puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13, which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900.

Our country has the earliest puberty rates of any continent on the earth, and no, this isn't because of better nutrition. This is not normal. Breast cancer is also estrogen-driven, and it now strikes one in eight women. We are mass-poisoning all of our children and our adults.

Considering the grievous human cause of this tragic epidemic of chronic disease, it seems almost crass to mention the damage it does to our economy. But I'll say it is crippling the nation's finances. When my uncle was president, our country spent zero dollars on chronic disease. Today, government healthcare spending is almost all for chronic disease, and it's double the military budget, and it is the fastest-growing budget item in the federal budget.

Chronic disease costs more to the economy as a whole, costs at least $4 trillion—five times our military budget. And that's a 20% drag on everything we do and everything we aspire to.

Poor and minority communities suffer disproportionately. People who worry about DEI or about, you know, bigotry of any kind, this dwarfs anything. We are poisoning the poor. We are systematically poisoning minorities across this country. Industry lobbyists have made sure that most of the food stamp lunch program, about 70% of food stamps, and about 70% or 77% of school lunches are processed foods.

There's no vegetables. There's nothing that you would wanna eat. We are just poisoning the poor citizens, and that's why they have the highest chronic disease burden of anybody, any demographic in our country, and the highest in the world. The same food industry lobbied to make sure that nearly all agricultural subsidies are owed to commodity crops that are the feedstock of the processed food industry.

These policies are destroying small farms, and they're destroying our soils. We give, we give about, I think, eight times as much in subsidies to tobacco than we do to fruits and vegetables. It makes no sense. If we want a healthy country, the good news is that we can change all this.

We can change it very, very quickly. America can get healthy again. To do that, we need to do three things. First, we need to root out the corruption in our health agencies. Second, we need to change incentives in our healthcare system. And third, we need to inspire Americans to get healthy again.

Eighty percent of NIH grants go to people who have conflicts of interest. These are the people virtually everybody who sits — you know who Joe Biden just appointed a new panel to NIH to decide food recommendations.

And they're all people who are from the industry. They're all people who are from the processed food companies. They're deciding what Americans, you know, hear is healthy. And the recommendations on the food pyramid, and what goes to our school lunch programs, which would go to the, you know, the program, the SNAP program, the food stamp programs, they're all corrupted and conflicted individuals.

These agencies, the FDA, USDA, and CDC — all of them are controlled by giant for-profit corporations. Seventy-five percent of the FDA's funding doesn't come from taxpayers. It comes from pharma. And pharma executives and consultants and lobbyists cycle in and out of these agencies. With President Trump's backing, I'm gonna change that.

We're gonna staff these agencies with honest scientists and doctors who are free from industry funding. We're gonna make sure the decisions of consumers, doctors, and patients are informed by unbiased science. A sick child is the best thing for the pharmaceutical industry. When American children or adults get sick with a chronic condition, they’re put on medication for their entire life.

Imagine what will happen when Medicare starts paying for Ozempic, which costs $1,500 a month—and it's being recommended for children as young as 6—all for a condition, obesity, that is completely preventable and barely even existed 100 years ago. And 74% of Americans are obese.

The cost if all of them took their Ozempic prescription is $3 trillion a year. This is a drug that is made by Novo Nordisk, the biggest company in Europe. It’s a Danish company, and the Danish government does not recommend it. It recommends change in diet to treat obesity and exercise. And in our country, the recommendation now is for Ozempic to children at age 6.

Novo Nordisk is the biggest company in Europe, and virtually its entire value is based upon its projections of what it's gonna sell, of the Ozempic it's gonna sell to America. And we have — the food lobbyists have a bill in front of Congress today that is backed by the White House, backed by Vice President Harris and President Biden, to to allow this to happen.

This $3 trillion cost is gonna bankrupt our country. For a fraction of that amount, we could buy organic food for every American family, three meals a day, and eliminate diabetes altogether. We're gonna bring healthy food back to school lunches. We're gonna stop subsidizing the worst foods with our agricultural subsidies.

We're gonna get toxic chemicals out of our food. We're gonna reform the entire food system. And for that, we need new leadership in Washington because, unfortunately, both the Democrats and the Republican parties are in cahoots with the Big Food producers, Big Pharma and Big Ag, which are among the DNC's major donors. Vice President Harris has expressed no interest in addressing this issue. Four more years of Democratic rule will complete the consolidation of corporate and the neocon power, and our children will be the ones who suffer most.

I got involved with chronic disease 20 years ago, not because I chose to or wanted to. It was essentially thrust upon me. It was an issue that should have been central to the environmental movement. I was a central leader at that time, but it was widely ignored by all the institutions, including the NGOs, who should have been protecting our kids against toxins. It was an orphaned issue, and I had a weakness for orphans.

I watched generations of children get sicker and sicker. I had 11 siblings, and I have seven kids myself. I was conscious of what was happening in their classrooms and to their friends, and I watched these sick kids, these damaged kids — in that generation, almost all of them are damaged. And nobody in power seemed to care or to even notice.

For 19 years, I prayed every morning that God would put me in a position to end this calamity. The chronic disease crisis was one of the primary reasons for my running for president, along with ending the censorship and the Ukraine war. It's the reason I've made the heart-wrenching decision to suspend my campaign and to support President Trump.

This decision is agonizing for me because of the difficulties it causes my wife and my children and my friends. But I have the certainty that this is what I'm meant to do, and that certainty gives me internal peace even in storms. If I'm given the chance to fix the chronic disease crisis and reform our food production, I promise that within two years, we will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically.

We will make Americans healthy again. Within four years, America will be a healthy country. We will be stronger, more resilient, more optimistic, and happier. I won't fail in doing this. Ultimately, the future, however it happens, is in God's hands and in the hands of the American voters and those of President Trump. If President Trump is elected and honors his word, the vast burden of chronic disease that now demoralizes and bankrupts the country will disappear. This is a spiritual journey for me.

I reached my decision through deep prayer, through a hard-nosed logic, and I asked myself, “What choices must I make to maximize my chances to save America's children and restore national health?” I felt that if I refused this opportunity, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror, knowing that I could have saved lives of countless children and reversed this country's chronic disease epidemic.

I'm 70 years old. I may have a decade to be effective. I can't imagine that a President Harris would allow me or anyone to solve these dire problems. After eight years of President Harris, any opportunity for me to fix the problem will be out of my reach forever.

President Trump has told me that he wants this to be his legacy. I'm choosing to believe that this time he will follow through. His son, his biggest donors, his closest friends all support this objective. My joining the Trump campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for my wife and children but worthwhile if there's even a small chance of saving these kids.

Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other. That's why I launched my campaign to unify America.

My dad and uncle made such an enduring mark on the character of our nation, not so much because of any particular policies that they promoted, but because they were able to inspire profound love for our country and to fortify our sense of ourselves as a national community held together by ideals.

They were able to put their love into the intentions and hearts of ordinary Americans and to unify a national populist movement of Americans, blacks and whites, Hispanics, urban and rural Americans. They inspired affection and love and high hopes and a culture of kindness that continue to radiate among Americans in their memory.

That's the spirit on which I ran my campaign and that I intend to bring into the campaign of President Trump. Instead of vitriol and polarization, I will appeal to the values that unite us, the goals that we could achieve if only we weren't at each other's throats. The most unifying theme for all Americans is that we all love our children.

If we all unite around that issue now, we can finally give them the protection, the health, and the future that they deserve. Thank you all very much.



Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Why We Continue to Fight

Its never overNote: We're into the swing of the Presidential politics season. Louis Conte, a name many of you will know, wrote the piece below for The Kennedy Beacon on Substack. Feel free to send us any and all content from any of the candidates that you think is important to our readers.


Why We Continue to Fight – Even as We Are Attacked, Marginalized, Censored, and Vilified

By Louis Conte, Medical Freedom Reporter, The Kennedy Beacon

I have often told people that I should not be here. I should not be a writer. I should not be involved in political commentary.

But the reason I am here is because I have triplet boys, now twenty-four. Two have autism.

If it had not been for autism, I doubt that I would be here. I might have never known Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Autism changes everything. Whatever I thought my family’s future was going to be like went out the window. Caring for my sons, figuring out a future for them and trying to navigate our lives became a never-ending mission. My wife, Andrea, became a ‘warrior mom,’ fighting and advocating for boys. There were endless meetings with special education committees, setting up speech and therapy appointments. It never ends. Andrea continues to make sure that my sons have a meaningful, good life.

As our lives unfolded, I studied the science involved in autism and came to the awful conclusion that my son’s autism was triggered by vaccines and environmental toxins.

In 2009, I started an investigation into the ‘Vaccine Court’, also known as the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Mary Holland, Robert Krakow, Lisa Colin and I produced a research paper –  Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program –  that demonstrated that, despite the denial that autism is caused by vaccines, the federal government had been compensating children in the NVICP with vaccine-induced brain damage for years.

Many of the children had conditions that matched an autism diagnosis; many had, in fact, been diagnosed with autism. The government kept this information – that children with autism have been compensated by the vaccine injury court – from the public. Government health agencies continue to deny, contrary to the government’s own legal findings, that vaccines do not trigger autism. 

Kennedy supported our work. He knew we had uncovered essential information that the public needed to know.

This may stun you, but the pharmaceutical industry and the government were not happy with us. All of the authors of Unanswered Questions were attacked in various ways. The media buried the study.

But our work was supported by parents who had children with autism. The ‘warrior moms’ respected our work. One mother, Katie Weisman, who had triplet boys with autism said, “Thank you for getting the truth out there. The truth gives us hope.”

Katie passed away from cancer a few years ago. Before she passed, Katie worked tirelessly with Kennedy and all the other team members on The Real Anthony Fauci.

In his interview with Joe Rogan, Kennedy talked about the ‘warrior moms’ who influenced his decision to involve himself in the autism/vaccine controversy. “I just felt that someone should listen to them,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy will tell you that this may not have been a good career decision, but he listened anyway.

And Kennedy has fought for us ever since. When other political leaders walked away, Kennedy stood with us and advocated for real science to be done about the vaccine/autism controversy. He realized the connections between this controversy and the other chronic diseases that are wrecking the health of Americans. 

He also understands the ongoing suffering of those who have Covid vaccine injuries. He has taken on captured federal agencies and Big Pharma. For this he has been attacked, marginalized, censored, and vilified.

Kennedy chose Nicole Shanahan, an autism warrior mom, to be his vice-presidential candidate. In an  interview with Tom Bilyeu on his “Impact Theory” podcast, Shanahan gave an honest appraisal of where things stand with the campaign. At times, she was almost in tears when she spoke about how underhanded the Democratic Party has been. This interview may be tough to hear, but we made a promise to always let you know where things stand. In her assessment, another Democratic administration would be far worse for the health of all Americans, especially children, than another Trump administration. 

The Democrats are that bad.

As Kennedy reported yesterday, the Democratic Party and their agents have dragged him into dozens of court proceedings to knock him off the ballot. The party that used to fight for voter’s rights is now spending millions to suppress the rights of those who want Kennedy on their state’s ballots. The DNC-aligned media has cheered them on. 

Democracy is crumbling before our eyes. And yet that word and idea, ‘democracy,’ is what the Democrats want us to believe they are saving. 

The Democratic Convention is an unwatchable exercise in mass-marketing and public manipulation, devoid of meaningful content. 

For me, it is important to note that the 2024 Democratic Party platform does not take on the chronic disease epidemic. It says nothing about the vaccine injured. It makes no mention of autism.

Only Kennedy has taken on these issues.

Kennedy recently posted on X: “After a recent rally, I spent time backstage with Katie, a director on our campaign, and her son Dusty, a 26-year-old non-verbal autistic young adult and incredibly special human being. Members of the autism community like Dusty, who enrich our lives in so many ways, and parents like Katie, who tirelessly advocate and sacrifice so much for their kids, inspire me every day to do what I do.”

This is why we fight. 


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Did the US Government Pay $370,000 Death Benefit for a Covid Vaccine?

Krispy kreme vaccineAfter President Trump christened Operation Warp Speed,  CDC granted the vaccine emergency use authorization. Under the EUA, when (not if) there is an injury, plaintiffs must go through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, or CICP. This is akin to asking your abuser for medical care and then to hear your case in court. A sweeter deal than even Krispy Kreme could imagine.

Thank you to Wayne Rohde for letting us share his Substack Did CICP pay a death benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine?


By Wayne Rohde
Subscribe to The Vaccine Court Substack today.

When President Trump Christened Operation Warp Speed, the vaccine was granted emergency use authorization, which took away what limited product liability vaccines have here in the USA. When there is an injury, plaintiffs must go through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, or CICP. This is akin to asking your abuser for medical care and then to hear your case in court.

HRSA did it before with SmallPox vaccine causing myocarditis.

Wayne Rohde, August 19, 2024

This past week, HRSA published the August 2024 statistics for injury claims in the CICP. Only 1 additional compensable award since the July data was published. And it was a very large award.

The petition filed alleged the COVID-19 vaccine caused myocarditis. It was the dollar amount that was alarming. $370,376.00.

Wayne graphic

The average compensable cases for COVID-19 vaccines prior to this award was around $4,000.00.

This award may just be unreimbursed medical expenses. It also could be something else. A possible death benefit payout. First for the COVID era.

Why do I suspect this new award includes a death benefit. One, the dollar amount is much larger. It is in line with the current death benefit amount. Two, HRSA has done this before.

Back in early 2023, I sent a FOIA request to HRSA asking for the payout details of the top 5 awards prior to COVID. Years 2010 - 2019. The dollar amounts ranged from $323,000.00 to approximately $2.3 Million.

I received a response back in May of 2024 with an outline. See below.

Wayne FOIA

The CICP did award a death benefit from a SmallPox vaccine alleging myocarditis.

The recent award of $370,376.00 was from a petition alleging a COVID-19 vaccine causing myocarditis.

Why the confusion of awarding for myocarditis when the vaccine injury resulted in the death of an individual? Maybe myocarditis was the medical condition AT THE TIME of the initial petition filing. Death may have occurred later and petitioner’s estate updated the record.

Upon learning about the large amount for a COVID-19 vaccine causing myocarditis and the petitioner being compensated for $370,376, I immediately fired off a FOIA request to HRSA asking for the same breakouts as previous FOIA request.

It might take some time to learn. HRSA might even ignore the FOIA request.

The Public has a right to know. Federal tax dollars are funding the CICP, straight from the general fund of the US Federal Government.

So we will continue to be searching for the truth of the damage caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.

Keep Learning, Keep Challenging yourself and always, always question authority.


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom by addressing critical issues such as:

The proliferation of childhood vaccines and their impact on public health
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its implications for vaccine safety
The symbiotic relationship between pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies
The shortcomings of Emergency Use Authorization and its implications for vaccine safety
The presence of potentially harmful additives in vaccine formulations
A fresh look at possible links between vaccines and autism
Cautionary considerations regarding mRNA vaccines and their suitability for children
Practical guidance for evaluating the risks and benefits of vaccines for individual children
The significance of proper informed consent and patient advocacy in vaccination decisions

Unavoidably Unsafe is not an indictment of vaccines but a call to arms for informed decision-making and transparency in healthcare. Geehr and Barke aim to empower parents, guardians, and healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of childhood immunization responsibly.

In a rapidly evolving medical landscape where uncertainties abound, Unavoidably Unsafe serves as a beacon of clarity and integrity, reaffirming the importance of critical thinking and patient-centered care in safeguarding the health and well-being of future generations.

The Healthy American's Peggy Hall Interviews Laura Hayes about Vaccines, Mandates & So Called Safety

No-is-a-complete-sentence.-It-does-not-require-justification-or-explanationAs Augusts winds to a close, kids are going back to school, and thousands of families across the country are wondering what to do about school vaccination requirements. Five states have only the medical exemption, Maine, Connecticut, New York, West Virginia and California. Obtaining a medical exemption is a difficult road, many doctors are afraid to grant them, for fear of having to face their licensing board. Others are just unwilling. The remaining states have religious and/or philosophical exemptions (see the NVIC US Map.)  These laws change into adulthood, where it's not school that bans participation, but government mandates (soft or hard) and individual businesses from rock stars to Broadway theatres. Even family members can enforce mandates, as we found out during the Lockdown. The Democratic Convention is running in Chicago this week. Kamala Harris has been elevated to candidate, while the sitting President, Joe Biden, has shrunk into the background. Donald Trump is running for a third time, hoping for a charm, or a spell or a hex or something. And Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running as an Independent candidate. His message squelched in all mainstream media.   At AofA, we have readers from all walks of life. Vaccination is a major topic for most of our readers. Will any candidate really support choice? Prevent mandates and open segregation? We have a history with former President Trump, who promised us the moon and delivered Operation Warp speed. We have a deeper history with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, his having spoken more than a decade ago at Autism One, taking on Dr. Paul Offit, getting behind World Mercury Project, and then launching Children's Health Defense. I'm not sure Harris has ever uttered the word autism.

Below is a two part interview on Peggy Hall's Healthy American Substack, with Laura Hayes, whom you know as an Age of Autism benefactress and highly valued contributor. She is a woman of deep faith, and shares her thoughts about the current choices we face. I encourage you to subscribe to the Healthy American Substack, from Peggy Hall.  You can read for free.  KIM


"I CAVED! I COMPLIED! And MY SON PAID the PRICE!" (Laura Hayes Interview, Part 1 & 2)

By Peggy Hall

Friends, today I’ve got something really important for you—a two part, eye-opening interview (links below) with a dedicated Healthy American who’s been in the trenches, fighting to educate us all about the dangers of these so-called ‘cocktails,’ especially when it comes to our children. She’s going to share her personal journey, the battles she’s faced, and how she’s tackled the frustrations with the mainstream, medical merry-go-round head-on.

Laura Hayes is a fierce advocate for health freedom and most crucially, parental rights—issues that are especially close to our hearts as fellow Californians. Our state has become ground zero in the fight against government overreach, where the line between parental authority and state control is constantly under siege. Laura has long been a vocal opponent of these pin-cushion requirements and she has been fighting against these so-called “vaccine mandates” that infringe on our individual liberty and right of no consent.

You can dive deeper into Laura’s work at Age of Autism:


We also discussed the confusion surrounding RFK Jr. A lot of people think he’s anti-vaccine, but he’s made it clear—he’s fiercely pro-vaccine, just pushing for more testing on these poisons — “safety testing.” Imagine the parents who line up to roll the dice for “science” and for money. Imagine taking your healthy, precious baby and putting them into a trial, all for money, to see whether these injections will cause harm.

People like RFK Jr. are missing the core questions here. It’s not about making these poisons “safe,” and certainly not about testing them on innocent children and animals only to discover later that, surprise (!), they’re not safe after all… The real question is, why is this even being promoted in the first place? Why are practices that would be illegal outside of a medical setting not only allowed but actively encouraged?

This is the crux of the issue, and I’ve been clear about this from the start: I don’t care if these cocktails were filled with chocolate syrup and could keep me alive and kicking until I’m 120 years old without so much as a sniffle, I still have the absolute right to decide what medical interventions I accept or reject, period.

Laura and I are on the same page: even if these ‘cocktails’ were thoroughly tested and approved (which they haven’t been), we still have the absolute right to say NO.

The fact that these cocktails are harmful, poisonous, and damaging just adds insult to injury—injuries already being inflicted on our bodies, minds, and spirits.

For people of faith, you understand, just as I do, that this is a deeper battle—a battle for the soul. There’s a real attempt here to separate us from God, but let’s be clear: no one with a strong sense of faith and a firm line they refuse to cross will ever be torn away from that divine connection.

This is one interview you will want to watch, and it’s packed with insights you can share with other concerned parents who want to keep their children healthy and safe. 

(Part 1 has over 225 comments as of Sunday evening. Go into YouTube to add your thoughts)

Part 2 has over 100 comments as of Sunday evening.

Oregon First Responder Rescues Autistic Boy from Mud Flats

NAA Wandering Red GraphicAnother story of bravery and lifesaving rescue. Amen. God bless first responders, and a quick thinking family who acted immediately once they noticed their son missing. None of us has eyes 360o around our heads.  We have to use the restroom. Maybe we work from home. Other children need attention. The doorbell rings. There are a 1000 little and big distractions a day that can lead to tragedy. Imagine how the family must feel? Many of us know first hand.

Please share the info and link from NAA on wandering risks and precautions.


10-year-old boy with autism rescued from mud flats at Oregon beach

YAQUINA BAY, Ore. (KATU) — Crews located and rescued a 10-year-old boy who has autism in Yaquina Bay after a two-hour search.

According to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office, officers received a concerning call from the boy's family. They reported noticing their son was missing within three minutes and had looked for him briefly before call for help.

Multiple agencies including the City of Newport Police Department and Newport Fire Department worked together to find the boy.

Officials say after about two hours after the boy went missing an Oregon Coast Aquarium employee noticed a boyplaying in the mud flats approximately 300 feet off Southeast 30th St in the Yaquina Bay and reported it to management staff who reported it to Law Enforcement.

City of Newport Police and Fire responded to the area of SE 30th St with Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office personnel and located the missing boy playing in the water.

Deputies said multiple rescuers swam into the mud flats to retrieve the boy and reunite him with his family.


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. As seasoned physicians, they acknowledge the revered status vaccines hold in modern medicine while bravely questioning their safety and efficacy.

From the historical triumphs of polio eradication to the complexities of modern immunization schedules, Geehr and Barke unravel the layers of vaccine development and regulation. They shed light on the unintended consequences of vaccine mandates and the erosion of informed consent in the face of mounting pharmaceutical influence.

Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom by addressing critical issues such as:

The proliferation of childhood vaccines and their impact on public health
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its implications for vaccine safety
The symbiotic relationship between pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies
The shortcomings of Emergency Use Authorization and its implications for vaccine safety
The presence of potentially harmful additives in vaccine formulations
A fresh look at possible links between vaccines and autism
Cautionary considerations regarding mRNA vaccines and their suitability for children
Practical guidance for evaluating the risks and benefits of vaccines for individual children
The significance of proper informed consent and patient advocacy in vaccination decisions

Unavoidably Unsafe is not an indictment of vaccines but a call to arms for informed decision-making and transparency in healthcare. Geehr and Barke aim to empower parents, guardians, and healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of childhood immunization responsibly.

In a rapidly evolving medical landscape where uncertainties abound, Unavoidably Unsafe serves as a beacon of clarity and integrity, reaffirming the importance of critical thinking and patient-centered care in safeguarding the health and well-being of future generations.

Unavoidably Unsafe: Physicians' Candid Look at Pediatric Vaccinations

Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered

Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

An unavoidably unsafe product isn't necessarily dangerous by design. It's a product that manufacturers cannot make safe for its intended and ordinary use. Source: FindLaw

We are pleased to share a new book from ICAN/Skyhorse Publishing. As is ever the case, it will not please everyone. It is not an ice cream sundae. It will enrage many who will try to censor it. Many will call it codswallop (hey, how often does anyone get to use that gem of word?) And some of our readers will say that it doesn't go far enough. So be it. Read it. Share it. Shelve it in your local Little Free Library if you can afford an extra copy. Here's the synopsis, and we're ready for a strong volley of disputes by the second paragraph. Fire away. Every book that brings the masses closer to opening their eyes and realizing that ICAN roll down their sleeves in a display of bodily autonomy is a win.... in our book.


In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. As seasoned physicians, they acknowledge the revered status vaccines hold in modern medicine while bravely questioning their safety and efficacy.

From the historical triumphs of polio eradication to the complexities of modern immunization schedules, Geehr and Barke unravel the layers of vaccine development and regulation. They shed light on the unintended consequences of vaccine mandates and the erosion of informed consent in the face of mounting pharmaceutical influence.

Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom by addressing critical issues such as:

The proliferation of childhood vaccines and their impact on public health
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its implications for vaccine safety
The symbiotic relationship between pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies
The shortcomings of Emergency Use Authorization and its implications for vaccine safety
The presence of potentially harmful additives in vaccine formulations
A fresh look at possible links between vaccines and autism
Cautionary considerations regarding mRNA vaccines and their suitability for children
Practical guidance for evaluating the risks and benefits of vaccines for individual children
The significance

Buy Unavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered here.

Parents Need HELP

Go Talk Help - CopyJudge not lest ye be judged, or something like that. Let it be known that we ALL have a breaking point. We may be nowhere near it, not even once in our journey. Some may teeter on the brink for long periods of time. Others cross the line and do the unthinkable. The thing is, we just don't know. Families, parents, Moms perhaps more than Dads because of our caretaker role with or without a spouse, are cracking. And that means danger and even death for our kids. It's not just autism. Severe mental health breakdowns are taking a toll too. What has happened to childhood, to children? Last week, I read this plea on social media:

Hi everyone,  I am looking for a residential placement for my 15 year old daughter.  She has a history of self harm, suicidal ideations, depression and emotional disregulation. Looking for CT or within reasonable driving distance.  If anyone has experience with this please let me know.  Thank you.

I admire that parent's forthright information, and request for help. Not that there will be much concrete assistance. Then there was this story from San Antonio, Texas, of a Mom who locked her daughter in a dumpster enclosure, leaving her there. The article says she had contacted CPS about relinquishing rights. And looks like she did. It's better than killing the child, faint praise.

SAN ANTONIO — Police said a 15-year-old autistic girl was left behind near a dumpster by her mother in June.

Natalie Munno was arrested on this accusation Sunday and booked into the Bexar County Jail.

An affidavit details how on June 13 Munno is seen on a coffee shops' surveillance footage getting her daughter out of the back passenger seat of her car and walking her through the metal doors near a dumpster.

A coffee shop owner would find her and call authorities. When SAPD arrived they said the 15-year-old was erratic.

It’s alleged in the affidavit that Munno went back home to Bandera and that’s when the girl’s grandmother asked where the teen was. She then called Bandera County deputies and filed a missing persons report.

When deputies went to the house, Munno allegedly told them she got ahold of CPS, and met someone named Sarah at a Costco to relinquish her rights to her daughter.

Days later, an amber alert was briefly issued before deputies realized, the girl had been found already by San Antonio Police.

The affidavit claims Natalie knew her child could not take care of herself.

On Sunday she was arrested and booked into the Bexar County jail. She’s facing a charge of child endangerment and abandonment without the intent to return.


Unavoidably Unsafe coverUnavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered
Authors: Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke

In Unavoidably Unsafe, Dr. Edward Geehr and Dr. Jeffrey Barke confront the prevailing beliefs surrounding childhood vaccines with unflinching scrutiny and bold insight. As seasoned physicians, they acknowledge the revered status vaccines hold in modern medicine while bravely questioning their safety and efficacy.

From the historical triumphs of polio eradication to the complexities of modern immunization schedules, Geehr and Barke unravel the layers of vaccine development and regulation. They shed light on the unintended consequences of vaccine mandates and the erosion of informed consent in the face of mounting pharmaceutical influence.

Drawing on decades of clinical experience and exhaustive research, the authors challenge conventional wisdom by addressing critical issues such as:

The proliferation of childhood vaccines and their impact on public health
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its implications for vaccine safety
The symbiotic relationship between pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies
The shortcomings of Emergency Use Authorization and its implications for vaccine safety
The presence of potentially harmful additives in vaccine formulations
A fresh look at possible links between vaccines and autism
Cautionary considerations regarding mRNA vaccines and their suitability for children
Practical guidance for evaluating the risks and benefits of vaccines for individual children
The significance of proper informed consent and patient advocacy in vaccination decisions

Unavoidably Unsafe is not an indictment of vaccines but a call to arms for informed decision-making and transparency in healthcare. Geehr and Barke aim to empower parents, guardians, and healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of childhood immunization responsibly.

In a rapidly evolving medical landscape where uncertainties abound, Unavoidably Unsafe serves as a beacon of clarity and integrity, reaffirming the importance of critical thinking and patient-centered care in safeguarding the health and well-being of future generations.

Colin Farrell's Story Rings True

Parental rightsNote: We're excerpting this article from People Magazine. No one is spared the heartache of worrying about their disabled children, including actor Colin Farrell. The photos and video in the article will look very familiar to our readers. A loving parent, proud of every small gain and thinking about the future. One difference that caught my eye? "Live in caretaker." That's a luxury for the wealthy. I like how Farrell pointed out the cliff young adults face when Federally mandated services end at age 22. That's something I'd like to see the next administration address - adult services.


Colin Farrell Starts Foundation in Honor of Son with Angelman Syndrome as He Opens Up About Their Life (Exclusive)

“Once your child turns 21, they’re kind of on their own,” Farrell says. “All the safeguards that are put in place, special ed classes, that all goes away, so you’re left with a young adult who should be an integrated part of our modern society and more often than not is left behind.”

The Colin Farrell Foundation will provide support for adult children who have an intellectual disability through advocacy, education and innovative program

By Julie Jordan

Julie Jordan is an Editor at Large for PEOPLE. She has been with the brand for 25 years, writing cover stories and features and managing special issues including the Beautiful Issue and Sexiest Man Alive. 

Published on August 7, 2024 08:00AM EDT

Colin Farrell's house is filled with a bustle and din that’s far from the actor’s comfort zone.

As photography and video teams scurry about the hillside home in Los Angeles, Farrell, 48, is keeping tabs on his son James, 20, who has Angelman syndrome, a rare neurogenetic disorder. James, who is nonverbal, is sitting in the backyard playing catch with his live-in caregiver. He makes eye contact with a journalist standing nearby and immediately throws the miniature basketball in her direction to include her in his game.

James’ eyes light up when he spots Farrell, but it’s nothing in comparison with the noticeable swell in his dad’s chest when those around them respond so sweetly to his son. “I want the world to be kind to James,” the actor tells PEOPLE. “I want the world to treat him with kindness and respect.”  Continue reading: Colin Farrell Starts Foundation in Honor of Son with Angelman Syndrome as He Opens Up About Their Life (Exclusive)


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

A Little Thought Goes A Long Way



Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Children's Health Defense on Parental Consent Case in Maine

Seal-of-Maine-1Back to school shouldn't mean parents have to worry about clandestine medical procedures for their children. Children's Health Defense reports on a critical case in Maine:

Family of Teen Vaccinated Without Consent at School Asks Maine Supreme Court to Hear Case

J.H., a minor, was given a dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at Miller School in Waldoboro, Maine. The parents sued the school clinic and pediatrician, in a lawsuit challenging the liability shield given to medical practitioners under the PREP Act.

A Maine family has appealed the dismissal of a lawsuit alleging a clinic set up at a school gave their son a COVID-19 vaccine in November 2021 without the parents’ consent.

J.H., a minor, was given a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Nov. 12, 2021, at Miller School in Waldoboro, Maine.

The lawsuit — against Lincoln Medical Partners, MaineHealth and Dr. Andrew Russ, a pediatrician — challenges the liability shield given to medical practitioners under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act).

J.H.’s parents, Siara Harrington and Jeremiah Hogan, who said they did not consent to their son’s vaccination, sued the defendants in May 2023 in Lincoln County Superior Court.

The defendants filed a motion to dismiss in August 2023, arguing they were immune under the PREP Act. In April, the Maine Superior Court granted the defendants’ motion.

The family appealed the dismissal to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court on Aug. 1, arguing that the PREP Act does not protect medical practitioners from liability in cases involving non-consensual medical interventions and that the PREP Act does not reconcile with laws governing drugs administered under emergency use authorization (EUA).

The appeal references the Project Bioshield Act of 2004, which states that, for products issued under EUA, people must be informed of the “option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.”

Yet, under the PREP Act, immunity applies to anyone who has “a casual relationship with the administration … of a covered countermeasure,” including “the design, development, clinical testing or investigation, manufacture, labeling, distribution, formulation, packaging, marketing, promotion, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, licensing, or use of such countermeasure.”  Read more of this article at Children's Health Defense.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Board Games and Autism

The-game-of-lifeBoard game enthusiasts are more prevalent in those with ASD, they found: in a survey of 1,603 players, 7 percent were autistic, though autistic people account for approximately 1 percent of the population as a whole.

Do your kids love board games? Mine play under duress for the most part, if at all. The pieces often make a nice sound as they skitter across the floor. I will say that they kicked butt at Concentration style memory matching games.  If board games can bring our kids closer to others and offer them a chance to socialize and use their skills, break out the Parker Brothers and let's go!


Strange Link Between Board Games and Autism

Anecdotal evidence suggests those with autism tend to enjoy board games more than most, and now two new studies identify some reasons why this might be the case.

The team behind the research, from the University of Plymouth and Edge Hill University in the UK, conducted five separate analyses to examine how popular board games are in people with autism spectrum disorder ( ASD), and the kind of experience they offer.

Board game enthusiasts are more prevalent in those with ASD, they found: in a survey of 1,603 players, 7 percent were autistic, though autistic people account for approximately 1 percent of the population as a whole.

In further interviews with people with ASD, the researchers found that these games help relieve social anxiety, which is experienced at higher rates in those who have autism than in the general population. There's a rigid structure to proceedings, with less need to make small talk.

"We know that board games are a safe and valuable hobby to many people with autism,"says psychologist Gray Atherton, from the University of Plymouth. "What this research established was why that's the case, and we really want to use the findings to conduct future work."

The games played included Codenames (a team-based game involving words and clue-giving), Dixit (a clue-giving game involving pictures), and social deception games such as One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Spyfall (where the idea is to try and conceal your identity from the other players).

The rules and structure involved are "both stimulating and comforting" for players, the authors report, based on interviews with hobbyist board gamers with an autism diagnosis. The researchers suggest it's more evidence of how autistic people immerse themselves in interests that provide a sense of achievement and predictability.

"Board games may represent an area of both challenge and strength for autistic individuals," the authors write in one published paper.

The researchers also looked at small groups of autistic people as they played board games over single sessions or years of play, discovering benefits in terms of building independence and confidence among the players, as well as helping to forge social relationships – something that can be difficult for those with ASD.

"Everyone with autism is unique, and we want to ensure any interventions could be adapted as needed for those who might benefit," says Atherton.

In future, the researchers would like to investigate in more detail the boost in wellbeing that board games can provide for those with autism: they're structured and predictable, and help strengthen social bonds through well-defined frameworks.

"We're also using our research to support adapting existing games for people with autism to make their gameplay even more accessible and enjoyable," says first author, psychologist Liam Cross from the University of Plymouth.

"It's a popular hobby, and we're pleased to have been able to shed more light on its importance for so many people."

The research has been published in theAmerican Journal of Play and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Sinking In Pictures

IMG_3595By Kim Rossi

Headline is a play on Temple Grandin's Thinking In Pictures book from many years ago. I'm here to make a confession. Bless me readers, for I have been a terrible autism Mom. See that photo above? I'll save you the effort of zooming in. It's thousands of tiny screen shots from Sesame Street, Blues Clues, Spot the Dog, Between the Lions, Arthur and other early 2000s children's television shows. Oh, and a goodly dose of the Sony Wonder CD-Rom Sesame Street series. THOUSANDS. IMG_3600

More than a decade ago, my oldest daughter got that red birthday card. We taped it to a piece of paper. And so it began. She asked me (in her way) to take a screen shot of a YouTube video. I did. And she wanted it on a piece of paper. I thought it would help her get AWAY from the computer if the photo was in her hands. I decided to SHRINK the picture so she could have more than one on a page.

It became an obsession.  The papers grew in number. Her day program laminated them to protect them. We cheered. I grabbed a plastic bag to cover them when it rained. PROTECT THE PAPERS!!! She carried them everywhere. Slept with them carefully laid out across her bed. The only bedmates she would ever have, her old friends from childhood.

Ultimately, the papers became her prison. She couldn't leave the house without them. She couldn't walk on the beach. Go through a store. Take part in daily activities. They were omnipresent in her life.

About six months ago, the prison grew even smaller. She'd beg for ONE MORE PICTURE before she would leave the house. Transitions regressed to a teary nightmare. She'd demand TAPE! TAPE! all day long, to reposition one errant photo.  The papers became raggedy tributes to Scotch tape and mania. She'd wake at night, I'd hear her bed move, "Where is it? Where is it? Under the bed." if a single photo fell off.

I had do do something to help her.  Because I was  the problem. I'd let the papers take over her life. They bought me a few minutes of peace. They let me ignore her when I needed to. I used them as much as she did. Like a Mom whose child wanted a pacifier long after toddlerhood. We had a symbiotic sickness.

So, two weeks ago, I bit the bullet. I THREW AWAY HER PAPERS. That picture is from my driveway. From there, I drove to the town dump It broke my heart.  But? It did NOT break hers! She had a few days of struggle. Her sleep fell apart. She whined and cried.  Her day program helped considerably. And she has been doing pretty well overall. I'm so proud of her.  She's talking more. Bothering her sister to interact. And she's now, "hands free!"

We can get so bogged down in our routine, that we forget that our kids, no matter their age, need to grow forward. And often, we're the ones holding them back. It's a sharp lesson. It hurts a little, but not even as much as a paper cut.

Kim Rossi is Managing Editor for Age of Autism.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

Autism's Epidemic of Drowning

WeepOur children are drowning in an ocean of tears. Below is a sampling of the deaths since June, alone. PLEASE support National Autism Association's campaigns to educate about wandering and drowning. The whitewashing and gaslighting of autism's harsh realities have caused ennui, and so the public has moved onto its next media darling. And our children die with nary a drop of care.

Drowned Zayan

June 24, 2024
Missing 6-year-old boy with autism found dead after overnight search led to Westford lake, police say

Shortly after midnight, authorities found the child, identified as Zayan Mayanja, in the water of Nabnasset Lake behind a home on Lake Shore Drive.


Drown aisha 12

June 27, 2024

Missing 12-year-old girl with autism drowned in lake near her home, Fulshear police say



Drowned MAryland

July 28, 2024

Autistic child found dead in Maryland pond after 26-hour search

More than 100 police officers, firefighters and volunteers in and around Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg were searching Sunday for a missing nonverbal 6-year-old.

Drowned Ava Massachusetts

July 12, 2024

Sutton community devastated by death of 4-year-old girl: ‘There are no words'

4-year-old Eva went missing Thursday afternoon in Sutton and was found unresponsive in a neighbor's swimming pool

June 10, 2024

5-year-old with autism drowns at East Texas lake

June 6, 2024

5-year-old boy with autism dies days after being pulled from Delray Beach swimming pool

The 5-year-old boy wandered away from home while under the care of a relative and is the third child to drown in Palm Beach County this year.

July 1, 2024

6-year-old child dies after drowning in Hillsborough County, deputies say

Deputies responded to reports of a missing child and found the 6-year-old in a body of water.

Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates (United States Military)

UnyieldingThis weekend, while the world was agog and aghast at the Olympics 0pening ceremonies (Blasphemy? Art? A petite misunderstanding?) the wheels and palms were quietly greased for an emergency use authorization for an as yet unna-MODERNA-ed bird flu  vaccine.

(Precision Vaccinations News)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently published an amendment to a 2013 emergency declaration under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that broadens the scope of the agency's assistance in facilitating certain medical countermeasures in response to a public health emergency, such as a pandemic.

The new declaration enables the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to extend the expiration date of certain medical products and allow HHS to issue an emergency use authorization for unapproved drugs, devices, or products, among other actions, including vaccines.

As of July 18, 2024, the amendment now applies to pandemic influenza A viruses and others with pandemic potential, such as the current H5N1 strain of avian influenza (bird flu, cow flu).

Previously, the declaration specifically covered just the H7N9 strain.

Louis Conte interviewed Skyhorse Publishing author Tom Rempfer for his new book Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates. A mandate over Bird Flu will no be accepted as easily as Covid. Once pricked, after all. We've excerpted it below from The Kennedy Beacon Substack. From the site:

[Unyielding is published by Skyhorse, whose president is Tony Lyons, who also co-chairs American Values 2024 (AV24), the super PAC currently supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for president. AV24 funds The Kennedy Beacon.]

Tom Rempfer Stresses the Military’s Vital Role in Resisting Vaccine Mandates

By Louis Conte, Medical Freedom Reporter, The Kennedy Beacon

I recently had the privilege of interviewing retired US Air Force Colonel Thomas Rempfer, author of Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates, published by Skyhorse.

Rempfer provides an important history lesson on the issue of illegal medical mandates – a lesson about which most Americans are completely unaware.

It is a history we need to learn.

Our military service members have been required to submit to illegal medical mandates for decades. Most civilians did not become aware of the implications of experimental vaccine mandates until the COVID vaccine was authorized by the Trump administration and forced upon Americans by the Biden administration.

Colonel Tom “Buzz” Rempfer’s memoir draws our attention to the long, tortured history of the anthrax vaccine, which was mandated for military service members. The vaccine was linked to severe adverse reactions and to Gulf War Syndrome. The military was eventually served with court rulings condemning premeditated illegal experimentation with the anthrax vaccine on our nation’s troops.

Rempfer refers to independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as an “integrity system hero.” He details Kennedy’s leadership with Children’s Health Defense in bringing a citizen petition against the Food and Drug Administration to address the illegal mandates.

According to Rempfer, Ross Perot was helpful early in his struggle with the government. He told me, “Kennedy picked up the ball in this fight just like the last important independent candidate [Perot]. Men like him are important to restoring balance and holding the government to standards of conduct.” 

Rempfer pulls the curtain back on the history of the anthrax vaccine scandal.

How many of us know that the FBI ultimately found that the motive for the anthrax-letter lab leaks in 2001 was to “rejuvenate” the “failing” anthrax vaccine? The anthrax powder mailed to Senator Tom Daschle – who was investigating the anthrax vaccine – was proven to have come from Fort Detrick.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology was not the first “lab leak” to trigger a national crisis.

The government had intended to discontinue the anthrax vaccine, but the 2001 anthrax scare prevented the plug from being pulled. Two decades later, the suspected Wuhan lab leak resulted in a push for COVID vaccines.

Rempfer identifies the pattern of “fear bombing” the public. He describes “bio-incidents resulting from reckless biodefense enterprises” – something Kennedy has spoken about.

Under the federal COVID vaccine mandate, military personnel were again subjected to enforced vaccination and 8,000 service members who refused were separated from service.

Rempfer calls upon the federal government to correct the military records of service members who declined the vaccine and who suffered career-ending consequences for standing up for their principles. There are many soldiers, aviators, and sailors who have been maligned, unfairly discharged, or demoted. “People were jailed for refusing an illegal mandate,” Rempfer says. “These service members deserve to have their records corrected.” He and I agree that restoring the service records is important to “having their honor restored.”

Colonel Rempfer’s Unyielding lays out the truth of what was done to our military, in an effort to ensure that the lessons are not lost.

Cartoon Diagnosis Assignation Under the Sea

IMG_3582Infuriating. SpongeBob Squarepants' creator Tom Kenny says SpongeBob is autistic. Ha ha ha! Funny, right? Lovable, kind, chatty, pineapple dwelling, snail pet loving SpongeBob is autistic. According to Kenny,  It's his superpower!

Chances are SpongeBob would have long ago wandered away from his pineapple and suffocated to death on the dry shore. Just like 15 - FIFTEEN - truly autistic children have wandered and drowned since JUNE. June was just last month. This diagnosis appropriation MUST stop. It is harmful. It denies the truly effective services, supports, funding. It quells employment coaching. It negates housing options. It tells parents who are hanging on by a thread that they do not matter. It makes teachers think they should be so much better at their jobs because autism is a superpower, not a classroom full of behaviors and worries and never ending challenges.  It's pure gaslighting. But hey, we've just lived through how many months of "The President is in a fine fettle and fit as a fiddle - oops - maybe not. Here's someone else."

NEURODIVERGENT is the N word to us. It's an insult. It means nothing. We're ALL neurodivergent. We have different personalities, we think and act differently.  It's a made up word for a made up agenda. AND IT MUST STOP. 

It KILLS.  I am not kidding. Or should I use Presidential parlance, "It's no joke, man."? Parents who have reached the end of their rope HAVE and WILL murder their children, because of the nonsensical "autism is a superpower" mantras.  We've seen it already. NO ONE GIVES A SH*T about reality. This is my comment on Twitter/X to the nonsense.


DenialDan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill's book Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future Hardcover debuted SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY if you can believe the coincidence. It's more important than ever, and I think we need a follow up book that jumps right down the rabbit hole that has married autism and trans issues - the new darling.

July 25, 2017

by Mark Blaxill (Author), Dan Olmsted (Author)

Authors Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted believe autism is new, that the real rate is rising dramatically, and that those affected are injured and disabled, not merely “neurodiverse.” They call the refusal to acknowledge this reality Autism Epidemic Denial. This epidemic denial blocks the urgent need to confront and stop the epidemic and endangers our kids, our country, and our future.

The key to stopping the epidemic, they say, is to stop lying about its history and start asking "who profits?" People who deny that autism is new have self-interested motives, such as ending research that might pinpoint responsibility—and, most threateningly, liability for this man-made epidemic.

Using ground-breaking research, the authors definitively debunk best-selling claims that autism is nothing new—and nothing to worry about.

CHD: Remembering Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey: An ‘Eloquent Advocate for Truth and Children’s Health’

Sheila EaleyWe're compelled to share this beautiful tribute to Sheila Ealey from Children's Health Defense. Their post includes a touching video - you can click into their site to watch it. Hug your family. Pray for health. Plan for the worst case scenario as best you can.  I'm using a product called the NOK BOX - which stands for "next of kin." It's just a file holder for documents, but every folder is ALREADY LABELED to you can organize and put your papers, your life really, in one box. It's even fireproof. Check it out. And do join us in praying for Sheila's family.  To assist Sheila’s family with memorial expenses, please visit the GiveSendGo page established by her longtime friend and colleague, Marcella Piper-Terry.


Remembering Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey: An ‘Eloquent Advocate for Truth and Children’s Health’

Children’s Health Defense joins the medical freedom movement in mourning the passing of one of its most passionate and beloved advocates, Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey.

“Stand with us as Christians, stand with us as agnostics, atheists — but stand on behalf of our children.” — Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey, May 2016, Compton, California

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) joins the medical freedom movement in mourning the passing of one of its most passionate and beloved advocates, Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey.

Sheila was known worldwide to parents of children with autism for her fierce dedication to exposing the truth behind the devastating effects of a decades-long vaccine program promoted as “safe and effective” that in actuality, was neither.

“Sheila was the embodiment of the Warrior Mom,” said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD founder and chairman on leave. “The task of caring for her injured son consumed her life. Yet she somehow managed to find equivalent energies to fight for justice for the vaccine-injured and protect other families from injury.”

Continue reading "CHD: Remembering Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey: An ‘Eloquent Advocate for Truth and Children’s Health’" »

Keep Asking Every Candidate

IMG_3543Big changes. Or are there? Will vaccination choice without segregation, public shaming, shunning, expulsion or punishment be part of the national conversation? Ask every single candidate. Go further if you would like. And while we're at it?  I told Elmo to stop doling out medical advice from CDC. Sunny day, sweeping the lies away.



Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.

$1,171 Awarded for a Lifetime for Vaccine Induced Myocarditis?

Claim deniedWayne Rohde wrote this article for his Substack "Vaccine Court." We invite you to subscribe. HRSA stands for Health Resources and Services Adminstration. CICP is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. These are the folks who are charged with compensating Americans injured or killed by a Covid vaccine, which was licensed under pandemic emergency authorization.


HRSA wanting to grind CICP to a halt

July statistics released July 16th

Wayne A Rohde

HRSA just released the July petition filings in the CICP for all injuries from COVID-19 related countermeasures including the very controversial, dangerous vaccines.

Total claims filed related to COVID are now 13,309, an increase of only 162 petitions from last reporting period.

Also included in the report are the number of decisions rendered. 10,402 petitions are pending review or in review. That is a 100 petition decrease.

Decisions now total 2,907 which saw an increase of 262 petitions. Of that figure, HRSA announces that 1 petition was deemed compensable from last reporting period. Only 1. That is an increase o f 1. So the wealthiest country in the world has only “compensated” 13 petitions for injuries since 2021.

The new compensated petition was awarded a check for $1,171.00 for a lifelong medical condition of myocarditis.

HRSA was really busy this past month denying another 261 petitions, pushing their total of denials up to 2,855. Most of the denials consisted of “176 missed filing deadline”. Total for the program for wretched statute of limitations of 1 year from dated of administration of countermeasure now stands at 1,827.

Continue reading "$1,171 Awarded for a Lifetime for Vaccine Induced Myocarditis?" »

RFK Jr. on vaccines: "We need oversight, safeguards" "This is the only product that you can't sue"

Kennedy Dr PhilBy Anne Dachel

Govt "is too corrupt to trust them on these issues"

More of the remarkable and frank discussion on Kennedy’s vision of his presidency.

He dismissed that idea that he’s anti-vaccine and revealed the liability-free status of the vaccine makers who have no incentive to produce a safe product.

Part two (see part one here.)

Kennedy was asked if education is “on the brink of  catastrophic collapse”?

Kennedy:  I think it’s already collapsed.

The outcomes that you just inventoried is evidence of an utter collapse of the system. We can fix the system, but you need to be able to do something disruptive.

Kennedy was asked about taxes, and he said he wouldn’t raise taxes. He was adamant that we can’t continue spending and adding trillions more to the national debt.

Kennedy pointed out that the chronic disease epidemic is costing us $4.3 trillion

We have to end that. We have to or we’re dead. It’s 4.3. It’s five times our military budget. We’ve gone from six percent of GDP to healthcare to about 18 percent. Six percent when my uncle was President, 18 percent today, and it’s growing exponentially.

Continue reading "RFK Jr. on vaccines: "We need oversight, safeguards" "This is the only product that you can't sue"" »

The Golden Rule

IMG_3419How can a truck remind you of the lessons you learned in Kindergarten, in these chaotic political days?

I was driving yesterday and stopped at light behind this home heating oil fuel truck. I smiled as I read, "As a rule, buy Joe's fuel."

The girls and I used to live in a house with oil heat, which is common here in New England. Back in 2017, when money was particularly tight (worse than your pants after Thanksgiving dinner) I had Joe's Fuel make a COD delivery. The young driver had been to my house many times before, always said "hi" to my daughters hovering in the doorway, and knew I was buying as little as possible at each visit. It was just days after my divorce had been finalized, and I shared that with him. He took the cash payment, removed a $50 bill and handed it back to me. "Use it for your girls."

That's what we need today. So, "As a rule, remember to BE Joe's Fuel."   Kim


They tried to kill a presidentThe book below from Skyhorse was published a decade ago and is sadly back in circulation.

Hunting The President

In American history, four U.S. Presidents have been murdered at the hands of an assassin. In each case the assassinations changed the course of American history.

But most historians have overlooked or downplayed the many threats modern presidents have faced, and survived. Author Mel Ayton sets the record straight in his new book Hunting the President: Threats, Plots and Assassination Attempts—From FDR to Obama, telling the sensational story of largely forgotten—or never-before revealed—malicious attempts to slay America’s leaders.

Supported by court records, newspaper archives, government reports, FBI files, and transcripts of interviews from presidential libraries, Hunting the President reveals:

How an armed, would-be assassin stalked President Roosevelt and spent ten days waiting across the street from the White House for his chance to shoot him
How the Secret Service foiled a plot by a Cuban immigrant who told coworkers he was going to shoot LBJ from a window overlooking the president’s motorcade route
How a deranged man broke into Reagan’s California home and attempted to strangle the former president before he was subdued by Secret Service agents.
In early 1992 a mentally deranged man stalking Bush turned up at the wrong presidential venue for his planned assassination attempt
The relationships presidents held with their protectors and the effect it had on the Secret Service’s mission

Hunting the President opens the vault of stories about how many of our recent Presidents have come within a hair’s breadth of assassination, leaving America’s fate in the balance. Most of these stories have remained buried—until now. Includes glossy photo signature of historic pictures and documents

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses Corporate Capture with Dr. Phil

God bless americaNote: On Saturday, former President Trump survived an assassination attempt by a 20 year old male described by peers as loner who was endlessly bullied in school. For a moment, I had a flashback to Adam Lanza, who murdered 26 school kids and staff a mere 14 miles up the road from me in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. As the story unfolds, we are mindful that our language matters. All of us at Age of Autism have weathered barbs and arrows over the years, and maybe we've tossed a few ourselves. When rhetoric causes active harm, it's time to ask hard questions. And I hope our nation will. Anne Dachel transcribed an interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. whom we are proud to call a friend and supporter. Few know the intimate agony of an assassination like he. Pray for his safety. For for the United States of America.


RFK Jr. reveals the "corporate capture" of our regulatory agencies, media and political parties 


After listening to the facts that Robert Kennedy, Jr. reveals about our regulators there is only one conclusion: THERE IS NO OVERSIGHT.

Our federal health agencies have been bought by the industries they’re supposed regulate.

RFK Jr. Part one

| Part 1 | Ep. 228 | Phil in the Blanks Podcast

Dr. Phil: As we enter the heart of the 2024 presidential race, RFK Jr. aims to do what no third party candidate has ever done: win the presidency.

Will we have another Kennedy in the White House, or will he tip the scales towards either former President Trump or President Biden?

This is a pivotal moment in American politics, reminiscent of those rare occasions when a third party candidate shook up the status quo. . . .

Tonight I’ll dive into where RFK Jr. stands in one of the highest stakes elections of our lifetime.  . . .

Could he be the wildcard no one saw coming?

Dr. Phil asked Kennedy why he wants to be President.

Kennedy:  . . .I saw something happening to my country that I couldn’t really imagine. I saw this huge division that’s so toxic now and so poisonous. . . .

I don’t think we’ve seen anything like this since the American Civil War, and it’s all amplified by the social media algorithms that are pushing us further and further into our positions into these kinds of tribal positions.

But the origin of it is, I believe, the capture of our political parties by corporate interests, and the corruption that’s come from that, and the political parties are fueling that fire.

I think this presidential campaign will cost about $15 billion, and that money is coming from these big corporations and this new kind of oligarchy of billionaires, and when donate the money, they expect something in return.

It’s transformed the political parties away from democracy. Their function is to advance the mercantile interests of the corporations that are funding them.

Dr. Phil: Is that true on both sides, Democrat and Republican?

Kennedy:  . . . They’re both owned by interests that are not necessarily America’s interests.

And I felt I was in a unique position to talk about this because I’ve spent my entire career, 40 years suing agencies and large polluters and the agencies that they’ve now captured.

I’ve sued almost all of them. I’ve sued EPA as much as any other attorney. I’ve sued CDC, NIH, FDA, the public health agencies, the FCC, the USDA. And when you do this litigation, yu get a PhD in corporate capture and how to unravel it.

I also had a clarity of vision about what this country is supposed to look like, and I feel I’m in a unique position to see how far it departed from those values.

Dr. Phil asked Kennedy about his chances of winning and Kennedy is confident he can. 


Kennedy: . . . There’s an entire national press out there that is very opposed to me.

I would say to people is just listen to what I’m saying rather than other people’s characterizations of me, and that’s the most I can do.

I know that what I’m doing right now is what I’m supposed to be doing. So I feel comfortable in my soul with that decision, and I’m working aw shard as I can to make sure, to save this country.

Ultimately, it’s in God’s hands.

I have to work as hard as I can, and the slings and arrows that I take from people outside need to be irrelevant to me. . . .

Dr. Phil asked Kennedy if he has a perception problem, and Kennedy agreed he does.


Kennedy: . . . Let me give you an example: the connection between atrazine, which is a chemical that is in about 63 percent of America’s water supply.

There has been an increase in gender dysphoria in this country, and we should be looking at reasons for that.

There’s been a series of studies including one by a very famous scientist called Tyler Hayes at the University of Berkley, published in the National Academy of Sciences journal, in which he took  about 100 frogs, it may have 70, and subjected them to atrazine at the levels that the EPA considered safe.

They were all male frogs, and 70 percent of those frogs became chemically castrated. Ten percent of the male frogs turned female and began producing fertile eggs.

I’ve been working on endocrine disruptors which are a class of chemicals like PCBs that I’ve been working on for 40 years that affect sexual development.

It’s not a theory. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s well-documented. So what I said in that case is, I don’t know if it’s affecting gender dysphoria. I don’t know if atrazine is, but isn’t it something that we ought to study? . . .

Kennedy went on to connect mass shootings in the U.S. to the new class of drugs, SSRIs and benzos that have a black box warning about suicidal and homicidal behavior.


I have a perception problem particularly in the mainstream media. . . .

Dr. Phil noted that people aren’t getting to hear what Kennedy has to say.

You need to listen to what he has to say before you make up your mind.


I have a big conversion rate when people actually listen to me.  . . .

The mainstream media, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS, won’t allow me on to do a live interview. Most of them won’t even allow a taped interview.

I’ve only done one live interview on CNN, but otherwise they won’t let me on to do that.

Dr. Phil asked him why that is. “What are they afraid of?”

Kennedy: I think there is a political alignment now with the media. They’re overtly either Democrat or Republican, and I think the Democratic oriented networks, they feel like I’m going to be a threat to President Biden if I’m even allowed on the air.

And there’s other more complex motives. One is they get so much of their revenue from pharmaceutical interests.

Roger Ailes, he was very supportive of me. He was the founder of Fox News, and I came to him in 2014 with a documentary that I helped create about mercury in vaccines. I showed it to him and he was completely persuaded by this documentary, but he said, I can’t let you get on to talk about it because we get 70 percent of our revenues in the evening news shows come from the pharmaceutical companies.

I think all the networks are under that kind of pressure.

The unholy alliance between the drug companies and our federal regulatory agencies

Dr. Phil: Let me ask you this about Big Pharma, and this is about vaccines.

You say that the government regulators have been bought off by Big Pharma. . . .

You said agency employees are actually getting royalties, getting payments on vaccines and drugs that they approve.

Is that true?

Kennedy: Yes, there’s a couple of things happening. With FDA, about 50 percent of FDA’s budget comes from regulated industries, so mainly the pharmaceutical industries.

You have agency capture on steroids.

The principal objective of FDA today is to serve the mercantile interest of pharmaceutical companies, and that’s why you see FDA not only approving all of these drugs that shouldn’t be approved, but they are also out to destroy things that are actually shown to be good for you, that do not make profits for the pharmaceutical companies.

Then talking about NIH

Kennedy: In 1980, we passed a law called the Bayh-Dole Act. The Bayh-Dole Act, for the first time, allowed individual scientists and NIH as the agency to collect royalties on drugs on which they had done research.

It really transformed, that law really transformed NIH.

When I was growing up, NIH was only 15 minutes from my home. . . . I wanted to be a scientist when I was a kid, so I went to NIH all the time to look at the rats and look through the microscopes etc.

It was the premier scientific agency in the world. Nobody in the world had anything like that, and they would look to America for science, particularly for medical research, biomedical research. 

After the Bayh-Dole Act, NIH began slowly migrating from a scientific research agency to a drug development incubator.

In 2016 . . . there were about 220 new drugs approved by FDA, and 100 percent of them came out of NIH.

For example, the Moderna vaccine. NIH owns half of that vaccine, 50 percent. So the billions of dollars that the vaccine makes, half of that goes to NIH, the agency, but there’s also individuals, at least four, maybe six, who work for NIH who are the high level deputies under Anthony Fauci, who get to collect $150,000 a year forever, not just for their lives, but their children, as long as that mRNA technology is on the market, they’re going to be making money from it. That is a conflict.

Dr. Phil responded by asking Kennedy if NIH was getting a “kickback, a bribe.”

Is this not a clear conflict of interest? . . .

Why are you the only one talking about this?

Kennedy: If you talk about this kind of thing, you get censored on YouTube. You will not be allowed on the mainstream media to talk about these issues.

It used to be that you could, but nowadays, you cannot.

Dr. Phil: If there’s some rational reason for it, why would they try to censor and hide it?

Kennedy: I think it was an idealistic reason. It was 1980, right? It was the tie in the Reagan Revolution. If you put privatized incentives into the government agencies, they would function better and more efficiently.

Dr. Phil asked about alternative treatments.

Kennedy: The whole approval of the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer vaccines during COVID required them to suppress any other therapeutic drugs that may have been effective against COVID, and a lot believe, including myself, that there were therapeutics that were very, very effective against COVID, like Ivermectin, like hydroxychloroquine. In fact there were many, many others.

They were deliberately suppressed because the government wanted to issue these emergency use authorizations, and it would have been illegal if they acknowledged that there was an existing drug that was approved for any purpose that was effective against COVID.

Dr. Phil called this another conflict of interest.

Kennedy: We had 16 percent of the COVID deaths in the United States, and we only have 4.2 percent of the world’s population.

We literally did worse than any country in the world, at least by that data point. 

And I think one of the reasons was the systematic suppression of things that could have helped patients in hospitals all over the country. . . .

Everybody was directed down one path, and it was the path that was being dictated from above.

Dr. Phil summarized the mismanagement of the COVID pandemic and what was forced on the American people. He questioned the motives of the people in charge.

He asked Kennedy about the COVID vaccine.

Kennedy: Well, it was the deadliest in terms of how many deaths were reported to the VAERS database.

Now you don’t know causation. I took the vaccine, and the next day I had a heart attack or a stroke or myocarditis, you can’t say for sure that that injury was attributable to that correlation   . . . but when you see this huge uptick within, I think, the first year of the release of the COVID vaccine, there were more reports to COVID sic of deaths and injuries than all vaccines put together for the previous almost 36 years.

In that sense, yes, it was the deadliest vaccine ever.

Part of that is that it was mandated for so many people.

“Corporate capture”

Dr. Phil asked Kennedy how he would handle the corporate capture of our federal agencies.

Kennedy: I think each agency, you have to address because they all have unique structures.

Part of the problem is policy and structure and part of it is personnel.

If there’re perverse incentive like at FDA where 50 percent of the budget comes from pharma or NIH where regulators are getting paid to make sure drugs get on the market.

Congress actually had hearings on it, and Anthony Fauci testified at those hearings because he was making money on some of these drugs that he had developed.

So you have a scientist who is supposed to be looking for problems in that drug, that’s what his job is as a regulator. Find the problems to make sure you’re protecting the public.

But if he’s paying for his mortgage, and he’s paying for his children’s education, he’s paying for his boat, he’s paying for his alimony from that $150,000 a year, you could expect and you could predict that he’s going to be less vigilant about finding problems.

That’s what we call a perverse incentive

The people who tend to get promoted are people who are willing to carry water for the industry.

The regulators become sock puppets of the industry, and when people get to the end of their careers for a government agency, they go to work for the industry they regulated.

So right before they leave they tend to do a lot of favors for those industries, and they’re senior management, and that example, that bad example tends to percolate downward throughout their whole division. . . .

These are all swamp creatures, and it amplifies that corporate capture that we see. . . .

I understand the perverse incentives that need to be changed right away in order to change agency culture and get them doing what they’re supposed to be doing which is serving the public interest and protecting public health.

We’re now the unhealthiest country in the world.

We have the highest chromic disease burden in the world.

When my uncle was President, six percent of Americans had chronic disease. Today almost 60 percent do, and nobody’s doing anything about this.

Nobody’s talking about the autism rates in my generation, depending on which study, one in 2,500 or one in 10,000,

In my kids’ generation is one every 34 kids, one in every 22 boys.

So Congress said to EPA, tell us what year the autism epidemic began?

EPA came back and said it’s a red line, 1989, so something happened in 1989.

So something happened in 1989. We know this epidemic is not happening because of genes. Genes don’t cause epidemics, as you know. You need an environmental toxin.

So why aren’t we looking for what toxin it was that hit every demographic? It became ubiquitous in `1989, and those are the studies that I’m going to get them to do as President.

Finally Dr. Phil asked Kennedy about election integrity.

Kennedy said we could fix the problem. Republicans and Democrats need to work together to solve this. Kennedy wants a free government issued photo ID for voting and paper ballots along with a low threshold for recounts.

So why isn’t “corporate capture” the biggest issue in our presidential race? How much worse does the corruption at the highest levels of government have to get before we see something change? The regulators and the media are in the pay of industry, and their job is to lie to us.

Health care has become sick care in this country and many people want it to continue. There is so much money to be made.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

The real anthony fauciReal Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.





Protocol 7: When The Truth Can Only Be Explained By Fiction

Protocol 7 screeningsDear Readers, did you know that Andy Wakefield has produced a full length feature film about a vaccine whistleblower? It's called Protocol 7. As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction." And after years of documentaries covering a wide range of autism and vaccine topics, we now have a fictional tale plucked from what SHOULD have been the headlines, but was buried.  Our Anne Dachel interviewed Andy in May (see our post including the video interview below.)  You can host a screening in your local theatre.  And the site runs a list of all of the showings.

BEST OF ALL - the Protocol 7 website has an "at a glance" Know The Risks page that you can forward to friends and family with a succinct, graphic synopsis of the pediatric vaccination schedule. As a rule, we are an - ahem - overly wordy group. So the graphic presentation is fabulous. Share!


Age of Autism, May 23, 2024

Protocol 7 Movie Bring Things That Go MUMPS In The Night To The Theatre

Protocol 7 poster"Merck has not essentially denied committing (mumps vaccine) fraud."

So excited to share a new FEATURE length movie from Andy Wakefield. Protocol 7 is a plucked from real life thriller about a whistleblower who exposes problems with the mumps component of the Merck MMR vaccine. The truth is still unfolding in a Pennsylvania court.

Vaccine injury and pharma malfeasance are no longer rated "X" as a topic for public interest. Audiences are aware of the grip pharma has on our government, public health and medical community, because of the Covid lockdown and vaccine mandates that touched everyone.  Moviegoers are READY for Protocol 7. Click HOST A PROTOCOL 7 SCREENING to learn how you can get involved and help promote the movie too. Anne Dachel sat down with the director, one Andrew J. Wakefield, to talk about this film, so many years in the making.


By Anne Dachel

I recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Andrew Wakefield about his latest project, the full length movie, Protocol 7.

Protocol 7 reveals more of the nefarious history of the vaccine industry in America, this time involving the mumps component in Merck’s MMR vaccine.

Here is how Dr. Wakefield explained it. 

The movie itself, Protocol 7, this is my first venture into a full length narrative feature film, unlike documentaries in the past. So it’s a whistleblower story in the genre Erin Brockovich or the Insider.

It’s very exciting. People love an insider story.

It tells the story based on truths of a whistleblower, two whistleblowers in a vaccine lab with reports that they were asked to participate in a fraud, what they considered to be a fraud.

It centered around the efficacy, the protective ability of the mumps vaccine which has been failing for many years. They knew this as early as the late 90s. They still persisted. They had an option either to scrap it, do a recall and make a safer vaccine, BUT potentially lose the American market, lose the market worldwide OR to fake the data. That’s what the whistleblowers reported to me.

So it’s been there for a long time. The story’s been there for a long time. It’s in federal court in Pennsylvania at the moment on appeal.

Continue reading "Protocol 7: When The Truth Can Only Be Explained By Fiction" »

Free to Be You And Me on Independence Day

Autism July 4Everything old is new again. Free to Be You and Me was an album and TV special from 50 years ago that sought to bring people together and educate about "women's lib" and social roles. Celebrities teamed up with Marlo Thomas to create a classic. On this Independence Day 2024, we invite you to listen or watch. At AofA we desperately want our children to be free. We want to be free to publish and read books of our choosing. We want to be free to go to school, work, get a donut and cup of Joe. For many of our loved ones, they will never have full freedom because of their autism. But we will never stop hoping and loving and working for a better life for ALL.