CDC Whistleblower

Juneteenth, CDC Whistleblower and Same Old Same Old

Google Juneteenth
Has Anyone Censored Autism & Vax Injury More than Google?

"I regret that......"

Ten years ago, Dr. William Thompson became a CDC whistleblower as he admitted that CDC had altered data regarding the rate of autism as it related to the timing of the MMR vaccine for African American males. Imagine how many boys he might have saved from autism, had he not been a slave to his job. Harsh words the day after Juneteenth, a Federal holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in Texas. The graphic is from Google yesterday. Children of color playing. But what of those playing with their lives? Including Google, which has actively suppressed information about vaccine injury. Vaccine Whistleblower Skyhorse Publishing

We ran several posts about Dr. Thompson, and Skyhorse Publishing published "Vaccine Whistleblower"authored by Kevin Barry, with foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Here's what our Founding Editor Dan Olmsted had to say about Thompson's statement and the statement itself is below.

Take Me To Your Protocol, by Dan Olmsted AofA Red Logo Ayumi Yamada
August, 2014 Age of Autism.

I am not a chi square guy. I'm an English major. I am in no position to evaluate the techniques used to calibrate the autism rate in black males, or anybody else, before or after the MMR shot. 

But I can read. And when I read William Thompson's statement about the CDC's study on this topic, I was struck by the way it was constructed: “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding what findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”

It takes a while to parse this paragraph, which sounds kind of bland and bureaucratic. The passive voice – decisions were made, reminiscent of the classic "mistakes were made" – doesn't help. And the data weren't merely collected before the decisions were made; the data were analyzed. One result really stood out, Thompson is telling us, and not in a way that suited their institutional purposes. They changed the protocol and the "statistically significant information" was no more. They wiped it out.

I bet there are reporters who read right over that. He's talking about scientific fraud on the most important health issue affecting America's children, at the agency charged with protecting them, not a gentleman's disagreement over decisions on how to apply chi square. The media coverage, such as it is, has wandered aimlessly along side issues, but the point here seems pretty basic: There was a protocol directing them how to do the study. William Thompson says he and his CDC colleagues didn’t follow it. And he thinks that's a big problem. Big.

So what was the protocol and how was it not followed? Brian Hooker, who re-analyzed the data, talked about it in a video interview with Gary Franchi:

"I have the CDC's original protocol. The CDC's final agreed-upon protocol came out for this particular study on September 5, 2001, and in that particular protocol they said they would consider race among the entire population. They called race a co-variant, and that’s just a term that’s used in statistics for a secondary variable, but they said that race would be used within the entire population.

"So what they’ve done is they’ve deviated from their own protocol, and, according to the whistleblower, the reason why they deviated from that agreed-upon protocol [by adding in a requirement for Georgia birth certificates]  was they saw this astronomical risk in African-Americans, and when they saw that astronomical risk, they looked for any way they could bury that risk, and they reduced the sample size down to what’s called the birth certificate cohort, and that caused the association to no longer be statistically significant."

None of this, you’ll notice, has anything to do with Brian Hooker or Andy Wakefield or "anti-vaxxers" and their relentless and cunning war against humanity. Time Magazine’s question – “Did the CDC cover up the data, as Hooker claims?” – is ridiculous and shows just the kind of misreading of the story, and Thompson's own admissions, that I'm talking about. It should be, did the CDC cover up the data, as CDC Senior Scientist William Thompson, who co-authored the study, claims in a stunning break with his colleagues? In his taped comments, Thompson was much more passionate and personal, something the few news outlets who have covered it, like CNN, should have noted. Believe me, in other circumstances they wouldn't care less whether a public official who said something like this knew he was being taped.

But for now let's just take Thompson at his carefully calibrated word -- his own statement. That's quite enough.

Frank DeStefano, the study’s lead author, has defended the published paper’s approach in an interview with Sharyl Attkisson. Sharyl writes: “The CDC’s DeStefano acknowledges that he and his study co-authors changed their study analysis plan midstream, which resulted in reducing the statistical vaccine-autism link among black boys. But he says they did so for good scientific reason.

‘[Vaccine] exposure around [three years of age] is just not biologically plausible to have a causal association with autism,” DeStefano says. “I mean autism would’ve already started by then…it probably starts in the womb. So I think from a biological argument, it’s implausible this was a causal association.’” It was probably just caught earlier as those kids took part in government programs. He even said, "autism, as you probably are aware, is a condition that really probably has its start while the child is still in the womb." 


We are really probably not aware that autism has its start while the child is still in the womb. Here's a scientist doing a study on whether the timing of the MMR shot can be connected to autism; who works for an agency that says vaccines don't cause autism; who believes autism starts in the womb, and who finds a way to change the one result that suggests otherwise, because he simply doesn't believe it, contrary to his study's own protocol. 

Andy Wakefield told me: 

"It is unacceptable and entirely fraudulent to: 1. develop an agreed upon analysis plan, [a protocol] 2. analyze the data according to that plan and find an effect that strongly supports the age of exposure phenomenon, and then 3. alter the analysis plan after the fact at all and particularly when the  specific intention is to remove the vaccine effect. DeStefano's contention that they were justified in doing so (and leaving black boys at potentially high risk) because they believed that an age of exposure effect is 'not biologically plausible' and that autism starts in the womb, is laughable. The refusal of Pediatrics, thus far, to retract the paper makes the editorial board accessories to the fraud."

Yes, fraud. Lyn Redwood provided me with this: 

"The Office of Research Integrity defines Scientific misconduct as the violation of the standard codes of scholarly conduct and ethical behavior in professional scientific research and Falsification as the manipulation of research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record. 

"A related issue concerns the deliberate suppression, failure to publish, or selective release of the findings of scientific studies. Such cases may not be strictly definable as scientific misconduct as the deliberate falsification of results is not present. However, in such cases the intent may nevertheless be to deliberately deceive. Studies may be suppressed or remain unpublished because the findings are perceived to undermine the commercial, political or other interests of the sponsoring agent or because they fail to support the ideological goals of the researcher."

All of this sounds familiar if you know the CDC's Verstraeten study, which  is the thimerosal version of this MMR study. As Lyn told me:

"This is not the first time they changed their study protocol after seeing associations between vaccines and autism.  They did the exact same thing with the thimerosal VSD study in 1999 when they added additional exclusion criteria that all children in the study must have received two polio vaccines, which took away their control group of unvax children. Only difference is that still didn't take away all the adverse neurological associations so they had to do even more data manipulations! Too bad Thompson wasn't working with Verstraeten and DeStefano back then."

I can’t help thinking of Protocol 007, the pet name Merck vaccine scientists gave to their massive effort to hide the failure of the mumps portion of -- wait for it -- the MMR, a fraud since exposed in an ongoing whistleblower lawsuit. These guys were a bunch of rubes compared to the CDC operation. They were stupid enough to pass around an internal one-page memo – basically, their protocol -- saying the goal was to show the vaccine was 95 percent effective, no matter what. By the time they were done they were using rabbit blood and weakened virus and manual cross-outs of data sheets and dumping big plastic leaf bags of evidence the day before the FDA arrived. And they were juvenile enough to name what they were doing after a secret agent with a license to kill. 

One line from Thompson’s statement being quoted by vaccine injury deniers is this: “Reasonable scientists can and do differ in their interpretation of information.” The English major in me notices that the “reasonable scientists” sentence is five paragraphs away from the "protocol was not followed" sentence. I don’t think he’s talking about that at all. It's just boilerplate along with the sanctity of vaccines as holy oil and cooperating with Congress and being given a nice award by the nice people from whom he still draws a nice paycheck just a few years off from a nice federal pension (but don’t mess with me, I’ve got a famous whistleblower law firm from Ohio and a Congressman from Florida who really doesn't like you, Coleen Boyle).

I'd love to see this protocol (it might be a good thing to release now), and I'd love to see reporters pick up on the powerful evidence already presented -- by Bill Thompson -- about what really happened here.


Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.


AofA August 2014: Below is a snapshot of the statement issued by CDC Whistleblower William Thompson.   Download and read the statement HERE.

If you share on social media, please use hashtag #CDCWhistleblower. Thank you.

Thompson Statement

Protocol 7 Movie Bring Things That Go MUMPS In The Night To The Theatre

Protocol 7 poster"Merck has not essentially denied committing (mumps vaccine) fraud."

So excited to share a new FEATURE length movie from Andy Wakefield. Protocol 7 is a plucked from real life thriller about a whistleblower who exposes problems with the mumps component of the Merck MMR vaccine. The truth is still unfolding in a Pennsylvania court.

Vaccine injury and pharma malfeasance are no longer rated "X" as a topic for public interest. Audiences are aware of the grip pharma has on our government, public health and medical community, because of the Covid lockdown and vaccine mandates that touched everyone.  Moviegoers are READY for Protocol 7. Click HOST A PROTOCOL 7 SCREENING to learn how you can get involved and help promote the movie too. Anne Dachel sat down with the director, one Andrew J. Wakefield, to talk about this film, so many years in the making.


By Anne Dachel

I recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Andrew Wakefield about his latest project, the full length movie, Protocol 7.

Protocol 7 reveals more of the nefarious history of the vaccine industry in America, this time involving the mumps component in Merck’s MMR vaccine.

Here is how Dr. Wakefield explained it. 

The movie itself, Protocol 7, this is my first venture into a full length narrative feature film, unlike documentaries in the past. So it’s a whistleblower story in the genre Erin Brockovich or the Insider.

It’s very exciting. People love an insider story.

It tells the story based on truths of a whistleblower, two whistleblowers in a vaccine lab with reports that they were asked to participate in a fraud, what they considered to be a fraud.

It centered around the efficacy, the protective ability of the mumps vaccine which has been failing for many years. They knew this as early as the late 90s. They still persisted. They had an option either to scrap it, do a recall and make a safer vaccine, BUT potentially lose the American market, lose the market worldwide OR to fake the data. That’s what the whistleblowers reported to me.

So it’s been there for a long time. The story’s been there for a long time. It’s in federal court in Pennsylvania at the moment on appeal.

Continue reading "Protocol 7 Movie Bring Things That Go MUMPS In The Night To The Theatre" »

An Andy Wakefield Film Coming Soon: Protocol 7

Movie filmA new movie is coming soon from Andy Wakefield. See the trailer below. Visit to subscribe to updates.

Based on real-life events, comes the corporate thriller, Protocol 7. Alexis Koprowski, a devoted mother and small-town family lawyer, Adrian Jay, a renegade doctor exiled from the medical profession, and Steve Schilling, a virologist at a prominent vaccine laboratory turned corporate whistleblower, work together to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine. Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”


National Medical Association Members Question CoVax But What About MMR

Black medical doctorWe can't help but wonder if the members of the National Medical Association, a group formed in 1895 by and for Doctors of Color,  are aware of William Thompson's information regarding the CDC and their willful altering of data to mask  the autism rate among African American toddlers based on age at which MMR was administered?  Perhaps this is a good time to reach out to them.

In June, we posted an article about Melinda Gates' announcement that African Americans should be among the first to receive the Covid vaccine, and traced her Southern, white experience in a high school that retained "slave day" as a jovial fundraiser 100 years after slavery was abolished.   Read The One In Which Melinda Gates Bestows COVID Vaccines

"The slave trade became legal for one last time ... as the Senior class members sold themselves along with thirteen brave and courageous teachers," the caption read in the yearbook, titled Acres. Two white students who darkened their skin appear in photos on the page." NBC Dallas on Melinda Gates High School Yearbook from 1979. She was a Freshman that year.


Not trusting the FDA, Black doctors’ group creates panel to vet Covid-19 vaccines

From StatNews

As trust in federal health agencies has withered over the last few months, a group of Black physicians has been working on an antidote: creating their own expert task force to independently vet regulators’ decisions about Covid-19 drugs and vaccines as well as government recommendations for curbing the pandemic.

Organized by the National Medical Association — founded in 1895 as an answer to racist professional societies excluding Black doctors — the committee is meant to safeguard against any unscientific guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.

“It’s necessary to provide a trusted messenger of vetted information to the African American community,” said Leon McDougle, a family physician and president of the NMA. “There is a concern that some of the recent decisions by the Food and Drug Administration have been unduly influenced by politicians.”

Just one of the examples he gave was the agency’s go-ahead to use hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19 even though there was no reliable evidence that it worked, and some indication that it could cause heart damage. The FDA later back-tracked and revoked the authorization.

McDougle frames the new task force as a way to address the suspicion that has sprouted up around Covid-19 vaccines. Some worry that, in being developed at “warp speed,” the shots might not be safe or properly tested before they’re approved, and the anxiety is only heightened for those who’ve been alienated by the medical system. That’s part of the reason that certain patients of color are especially wary of taking part in the clinical trials — and those concerns may well persist even if adequate studies are done and a vaccine hits the market.

“I think this will help to increase uptake in the African American community, if members of our task force give it the green light,” McDougle said. But he emphasized that their stamp of approval would come only if data show that the vaccine is, in fact, effective and safe.  Read more: Not trusting the FDA, Black doctors’ group creates panel to vet Covid-19 vaccines

It Was His Dream Job. He Never Thought He'd Be Told to Delete Data on MMR, Autism and African American Toddlers

Dream jobThat's the headline that never ran when CDC scientist William Thompson lamented his role in massaging MMR vaccine data on tape. And never will run as long as pharma controls our public  health and government agencies like CDC and FDA.  But there was a similar headline this week that should make the dumbest bunny in the warren draw a comparison between the fraud of prescription drugs and the fraud of vaccines. Healthcare is no different from Tony Soprano's "no work" jobs on Jersey construction sites. And Tony wore better suits....   Many of us had "dream jobs" too before vaccine induced autism fired us.  Here, NOVARTIS will help you navigate COVID.  Feel safe?


It was his dream job. He never thought he'd be bribing doctors and wearing a wire for the feds. In an exclusive interview, the man behind a $678 million whistleblower settlement says "drastic action" was needed to shake up the pharmaceutical industry.

NBC News By Gretchen Morgenson

When Oswald Bilotta landed his dream job as a sales representative for Novartis Pharmaceuticals in 1999, he thought he'd be doing good for society while doing well for himself and his family.

He had no idea that just over a decade later, he'd be part of a vast federal investigation into kickbacks at Novartis and that he'd be paying cash bribes to doctors while wearing a wire for prosecutors.

On July 1, Ozzie Bilotta's yearslong effort to blow the whistle at Novartis paid off. The Justice Department announced a $678 million settlement with the company over improper inducements it made to doctors to prescribe 10 of the company's drugs, including the anti-hypertension drug Lotrel. The deal represents the biggest whistleblower settlement under the federal anti-kickback law, Bilotta's lawyer said.

"I felt like you needed to take drastic action to turn this system upside down and make it more legit," Bilotta, 57, said in an exclusive interview with NBC News. "The whole system needed to be blown up and pieced together in a fair way — fair for taxpayers and good for patients."

Although the payout Bilotta will get under federal whistleblower laws hasn't been determined, he could receive a pretax sum of $75 million through the settlement, his attorneys said.

In the settlement, Novartis admitted to "certain conduct" alleged by the government and will sharply curtail practices exposed by Bilotta that gave doctors incentives to prescribe its drugs. Novartis derived at least $40 million as a result of the conduct, money that was paid by federal health care programs, the government said.  Read more here.


HPV Vaccine inventor Ian Frazer Backs UK’s “Jabs for the Boys” Lobbyist Group – Conflict of Interest?

Dr. Ian FrazerBy Eileen Iorio

After Peter Doshi’s recent exposé article in the British Medical Journal on how government agencies and vaccine manufacturers use grass roots organizations to push their vaccine agenda, I took a closer look at an upcoming decision about to be made in the UK by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization on whether boys should be vaccinated with the HPV vaccine. A decision is expected next week after the same Committee voted against such an extension to the program in July. Currently the vaccine is given in schools to all 12 year old girls with a high uptake rate of 90%. It is also offered free in certain clinics to men who have sex with men under a special National Health Service pilot program.

 Lobbyist group has been the most vocal in recent years, using its 48-member strong network to push the government to adopt a “gender-neutral” policy for this vaccine by making it available to all boys. A statement from the group recently, outlined the many reasons that the JCVI should add boys to the schedule in a comprehensive policy statement, submitted to the department of health ahead of next week’s decision. They argue, with a slightly threatening undertone, that the current policy “may be in breach” of sexual equality laws.

 According to the website “whois”, the person behind HPVAction is Jamie Rae, a Scottish businessman and philanthropist. Rae has a long history in Scottish politics as a former member of the Scottish National Party. Rae was convicted of fraud in the late 90s and served 15 months in prison on various charges relating to mortgage and benefits fraud. After serving his time, Rae turned his luck around and started up many successful businesses. After developing and overcoming throat cancer in 2010, Rae set up the Throat Cancer Foundation in 2012, to raise awareness for this rare condition and to campaign for the inclusion of males in the HPV vaccination program.  

 The Throat Cancer Foundation (TCF) is a charity but also acts as a lobbying group  and by extension, supports the position of HPVAction as owner of the site and also as TCF is a member. The story begins to get more complicated when two of TCF’s advisory board members have direct conflicts of interest with the vaccine – Co-inventor of the HPV vaccine Ian Frazer, and MERCK/GSK consultant and JCVI advisor Dr. Margaret Stanley, OBE.

 Ian Frazer, a Scottish virologist now an Australian citizen, along with co-inventor, the late Jian Zhou and others, owns rights to the sale of both HPV vaccines in Australia and New Zealand. They also own exclusive rights over the vaccine technology used by Merck and GSK. Expanding the vaccine program to boys would bolster the credibility of his own country’s program and promote this “gender neutral” policy worldwide as so few countries have adopted such an expensive public health measure thus far. In the US, uptake among boys is hovering around 20%. Improving uptake in boys will also offset the dramatic reduction in sales as a result of reducing the dose from three to two in recent years.

 Professor Margaret Stanley, OBE is a British virologist at the University of Cambridge who has been intimately involved in the development of both vaccines with Merck and GSK and served on the special HPV advisory group to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, which recommended that the vaccine program go ahead for girls in 2008. Dr. Stanley has a vested interest in ensuring that boys are included in the program, one which she has invested her entire career in propagating, both with the WHO, the IARC and various other institutions around the world. She has benefited financially from her relationship with both manufacturers as a consultant and as a speaker on behalf of the vaccines.

 The Throat Cancer Foundation states in its policy on ethics that it be transparent in its dealings with partners and sponsors, both public and private, “ensuring that the Throat Cancer Foundation remains independent and autonomous so that there can be no influence – either actual or perceived…” So how does the TCF ensure that their charity is independent and autonomous when two of the HPV vaccine’s heaviest hitters are on its advisory board? At what point is the TCF working for Frazer and Stanley to further their interests?

Rae himself has another company, Nugensis, which has accepted business solution contracts from the NHS and was embroiled in an accusation of cronyism from government ministers in 2015, after Rae made donations to the Scottish National Party before the million pound contract was awarded. The SNP denied all charges of cronyism and no action was taken.

It is difficult to say if the JCVI will be sufficiently influenced by and by extension the Throat Cancer Foundation, backed by direct profiteers of the vaccine and key stakeholders with influence on policy. However, what is clear is that the public is unaware that such an influence – either actual or perceived - exists. It is this semi-transparency which results in public loss of confidence once such conflicts are revealed, causing more damage to the vaccine program.

Eileen Iorio is co-author of the upcoming book, “The HPV Vaccine On Trial, Weighing The Evidence” published by Skyhorse Publishing.


As The Pharma Money Turns: World Mercury Project Looks at CDC Thorsen Schendel Love Affair

By the World Mercury Project Team

The Love Birds:

Poul Thorsen, CDC Grantee, Autism Author and Researcher

Diana Schendel, CDC Epidemiologist, Research Health Scientist, CDC, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (and supervisor to Poul Thorsen)

World Mercury Project (WMP) has reported that Centers for Disease Conrol (CDC) autism research scientist turned whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, disclosed fraud in CDC autism research. Since Thompson’s disclosures, even more CDC whistleblowers beyond the subject of autism have come forward describing ongoing research fraud and misuse of funds at CDC.

Now WMP wants to call your attention to a more recently uncovered scandal: the love notes between Poul Thorsen and Diana Schendel, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

As World Mercury Project (WMP) discussed in our criminal conduct report of Poul Thorsen, Thorsen had an inappropriate relationship with his CDC supervisor, Diana Schendel beginning in 2002. These love notes are an important piece of the autism/vaccine link story. It is highly inappropriate for a CDC supervisor to be intimately involved with a grantee. When CDC managers learned of Schendel’s relationship with Thorsen, the disciplinary response from her supervisor, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, M.D., was equivalent to a hand slap.

Continue reading "As The Pharma Money Turns: World Mercury Project Looks at CDC Thorsen Schendel Love Affair" »

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and World Mercury Project Issue Report Regarding New Evidence of Ongoing Corruption and Scientific Misconduct at CDC

Thorsen mugNOTE: From World Mercury Project, Robert Kennedy's organization.

Kennedy hopes new evidence and a fresh look at criminal misconduct will result in law enforcement action, rigorous and transparent vaccine safety science, and safer vaccines.

Washington, DC – In a new report released today, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his team outlined various criminal acts on the part of employees and consultants for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) whose questionable ethics and scientific fraud have resulted in untrustworthy vaccine safety science.

Among other information, Kennedy has found additional evidence of criminal activity by the CDC consultant, Poul Thorsen, the author and principal coordinator of multiple CDC studies exonerating the mercury-based preservative thimerosal in the development of autism.

The new evidence, recently uncovered by the World Mercury Project, shows that Thorsen and his collaborators did not obtain permission from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct their research, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002 and Pediatrics in 2003. In 2011, The Department of Justice indicted Thorsen on 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering for stealing over $1 million in CDC grant money earmarked for autism research. The product of Thorsen’s work for CDC was a series of fraud-tainted articles on Danish autism rates that, today, form the backbone of the popular orthodoxy that vaccines don’t cause autism.

In 2009, when CDC discovered that Thorsen never applied for the IRB approvals, staff did not report the errors or retract the studies. Rather, FOIA documents show that CDC supervisors ignored the missteps and covered up the illegal activity.

This misconduct undermines the legitimacy of these studies which were used to refute vaccine injury claims in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The studies were also used in the NVICP’s “Omnibus Proceeding” to dismiss 5000 petitions by families who claimed that their children had developed autism from vaccines. These claims, if settled in the claimants’ favor, would have resulted in payouts totaling an estimated $10 billion.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, stated, “World Mercury Project calls upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions to extradite Thorsen back to the U.S. to face prosecution. We also call upon Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Tom Price to retract the Thorsen-affiliated autism research papers that are the fruit of illegally conducted research.”

Paul Offits Defends Flu Vaccine After Miscarriage Study


Note: Dr. Paul Offit, vax injury apologist and champion of tamping down American medical rights, has been ushered in to defend the flu vaccine in pregnant women following the news that the vaccine may be causal in miscarriages. Paul Offit claims to want to protect and save babies.  Offit, "Scarer-in-Chief" for Pharma, author of such gems as "Autism's False Prophets: Bad Offit babyScience, Risky Medicine and the Quest for a Cure" (cue the spooky music) and "How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All" (gee no scare tactics there, move along) writes, The Pregnancy Vaccine Scare That Should Have Never Been Why that CDC study on flu shots during the first trimester should never have been published.

Dr. Offit is telling the CDC that they should never have published a study.  Previous studies found no link. So let's discount one that does. That's science, how?

Last week, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that an influenza vaccine given in the first trimester of pregnancy might have caused miscarriages. News outlets all over America picked up the story.

The CDC’s claim wasn’t trivial. About 50 percent of all pregnant women in the U.S. receive an annual influenza vaccine. Now, some expectant mothers were wondering whether they had done the right thing by getting their flu shots.

These women had no need to worry. For several reasons, this CDC study should have never been published. Why?

• The CDC’s observation was inconsistent. Researchers had studied two influenza-vaccine seasons: 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. The problem of first-trimester spontaneous abortions occurred during the first season but not the second.

From The Daily Beast:

CDC Issues a Gag Order on CDC Employees

Gag_Order_WideBy Ginger Taylor

Axios has obtained an internal message from the CDC's public affairs officer, Jeffrey Lancashire, dated August 31, to all CDC employees.  His directive to them was to stop talking to the media, “even for a simple data-related question.”

CDC cracks down on communications with reporters

The memo reads:

"Effective immediately and until further notice, any and all correspondence with any member of the news media, regardless of the nature of the inquiry, must be cleared through CDC's Atlanta Communications Office. This correspondence includes everything from formal interview requests to the most basic of data requests."

Axios tried to contact Mr. Lancashire to find out more about the policy; however, he has not responded.

Why is even basic data being treated like state secrets?

It's almost like the CDC has something to hide.






Kennedy And De Niro Offer $100K Challenge to Press

A Letter From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro to American Journalists

On the occasion of our announcement of the World Mercury Project's $100K challenge, we want to address America's reporters, journalists, columnists, editors, network anchors, on-air doctors and news division producers.

We especially want to reach out to those of you who have made a point of assuring the public about the safety of the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal. It's our hope that this challenge will elevate this important debate beyond name calling and prompt a genuine examination of the relevant science. The American public is entitled to an honest, probing and vigorous discussion about this critical public health issue—a debate based on facts, not rooted in fear, or on blind faith in regulators and the pharmaceutical industry.

We are both pro-vaccine. We need to say this at the outset to contravene the reflexive public relations ploy of labeling every vaccine safety advocate "anti-vaccine." As the British Medical Journal pointed out last week, that epithet is a derogatory attack designed to marginalize vaccine safety advocates and derail reasoned debate:

"It stigmatizes the mere act of even asking an open question about what is known and unknown about the safety of vaccines."

Both of us had all of our children vaccinated and we support policies that promote vaccine coverage. We want vaccines that are as safe as possible, robust transparent science and vigorous oversight by independent regulators who are free from corrupting conflicts-of-interest. Read the full $100K challenge letter from Robert Kennedy and Robert De Niro at EcoWatch here.

Rolf Hazlehurst Sues CDC to Allow MMR Science Whistleblower to Testify in Case of Autistic Son

Breaking newsParent of autistic teen sues CDC to allow vaccine whistleblower testimony  Sharyl

Sharyl Attkisson reports:

The father of an autistic child has filed a federal lawsuit against the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in his son’s medical malpractice case. Rolf Hazlehurst is attempting to force CDC to let a vaccine whistleblower scientist, Dr. William Thompson, testify in the case of 17-year old Yates Hazlehurst. Dr. Thompson, a senior scientist at CDC has told Congress that he and his CDC colleagues manipulated data and destroyed evidence to downplay a link their study discovered between autism and vaccines in African American boys. CDC had earlier blocked Dr. Thompson from testifying.

Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: “Families are Under No Obligation to Put Their Children at Risk By Participating in the Corrupt Current US National Immunization Program”

Hopkins journal
NOTE: Congratulations and thank you to Ginger Taylor for her tireless work!


The Johns Hopkins Journal, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, has published their issue entitled, "Narrative Symposium: To Vaccinate or Not? Parents' Stories."

The journal description of this edition: "This narrative symposium, "To Vaccinate or Not? Parents' Stories", is comprised of personal stories from 12 parents on their decisions about whether or not to vaccinate their children. They offer a first-hand look at the debated issues of vaccination. As the narrative symposium editors said, "The goal of this symposium is to aid in a more constructive conversation between pro-vaccination/anti-vaccination groups."

Included in the narratives is a letter from Health Choice Executive Leadership Team member, Ginger Taylor.  Her letter is reprinted here with permission from Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.

Families are under no obligation to put their children at risk by participating in the corrupt current US National Immunization Program

Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, vol. 6 no. 3, 2016, pp. 181-185. Project MUSE,

My name is Ginger Taylor, and I hold an MS in Clinical Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. I am the mother of a 14–year–old vaccine injured child with an autism diagnosis, and our family no longer participates in the vastly corrupt and broken US National Immunization Program. Because of my experiences, I have become a state and national leader on vaccine safety and vaccine choice issues, co–founding The Canary Party, and The Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice.

Continue reading "Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: “Families are Under No Obligation to Put Their Children at Risk By Participating in the Corrupt Current US National Immunization Program”" »

Lost Arts Radio Presents James Grundvig, Lou Conte and Kevin Barry on VaxXed

Great interview by Richard Sacks with three men you likely know, all of whom are Skyhorse Publishing authors. From the Lost Arts Radio YouTube channel description of the program:

What do James Grundvig, investigative journalist and author of the CDC expose' "Master Manipulator", Kevin Barry, author of "Vaccine Whistleblower", former federal attorney and president of the personal freedom website, and Lou Conte, author of the novel "The Autism War" and co-author of "Vaccine Injuries", have in common? Unfortunately the answer is autistic, vaccine damaged sons, though they also share other concerns in common about the future of our country and the world. Recently, as you are not supposed to know, the movie VAXXED ( has broken through concerted efforts at censoring its message, and has been waking up millions of Americans and others to the fact that a formerly trusted government agency, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, lied over a period of at least ten years, to keep hidden the truth that vaccines cause autism. Even today, the coverup continues. And of course, the question that arises simultaneously is, what else is CDC hiding? And what about other government agencies we trusted to tell the truth? Clearly CDC works for the vaccine and drug companies, not for the American people.

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In Which Dr. Paul Offit Declines Vaxxed Invitation for Interview at NYU Sponsored Event

NOTE:   This is Dr. Paul Offit of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia having a bite to eat before he presented at Confronting Vaccine Resistance, a seminar at NYU.   There was a demonstration at the event, and the Vaxxed bus was there.  

Mark Blaxill of Age of Autism (and others) have written copiously about Dr. Offit. Below is the last Angry doctorinstallment of his series "Voting Himself rich," to give you a primer on Dr. Offit.

Offit Cashes In: Closing the Books on the Vaccine Profits of a Merck-Made Millionaire
By Mark Blaxill

“Cash in: To withdraw from a venture by or as if by settling one’s account.”

Paul Offit would like the world to see him as a champion of children’s health and a disinterested observer of controversial issues in autism and vaccine safety. In the view of many in the autism community, he is the worst kind of partisan: a Merck-made millionaire, a determined propagandist for expanding the medical industry’s vaccine profit pool and an active opponent of the need to stop the autism epidemic in its tracks. I will confess my own bias up front: like many autism parents, I hope and trust that history will bestow the fullest possible measure of shame on Offit, a man who so richly deserves it.

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Preliminary Injunction Hearing on SB 277 in San Diego Federal Court on Friday, August 12th

UPDATE:  Josh Coleman is LiveBlogging at FB Live:  Josh Coleman is live blogging this:

SAN DIEGO, CA—The Hon. Dana M. Sabraw, federal district judge in San Diego, will entertain oral arguments on Education 4 All’s (E4A) Motion for Preliminary Injunction to halt SB277, at1:30 p.m. on August 12th.  E4A’s challenge to California’s repeal of all religious and conscientious exemptions to mandated vaccination is the only item on Judge Sabraw’s docket on Fridayafternoon, and the court will hear from the plaintiffs, the state departments of Health and Education, and from attorneys representing the Santa Barbara County public health office. 

With many California school districts returning to campus for the fall term, this Friday’s time sensitive hearing is critical for those children whose vaccination status will cause them to suffer exclusion from public and private schools under the new law.

Twenty-one individual and non-profit organization plaintiffs filed suit against various defendants including the California Departments of Health and Education, alleging that SB 277 is unconstitutional.  The lawsuit relies on the fundamental right to education under the California Constitution, the rights of parents and children under the United States Constitution, and cites numerous violations of state and federal law, including statutes that protect disabled children. 

Thousands of California students should learn after the hearing whether they may return to school in the next few weeks, or be permanently barred from receiving public or private education.

WHAT:           Preliminary Injunction Hearing

WHEN:           Friday, August 12th at 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: Courtroom 13A, 333West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101

                         #                                  #                                  #                                             

About Education 4 All: The Education 4 All (E4A) Foundation, founded in June 2016, seeks to redeem California’s promise of equal education for all children.

Dirty Deeds Often Require Dirty People: Book Review of Master Manipulator by James Ottar Grundvig

Master Manipulator COVERNOTE: We excerpted this review of "Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC” from Epoch Times. Read the full review here.

By Lou Conte

Dirty deeds often require dirty people.

For the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Poul Thorsen, the subject of James Grundvig’s just-released book, “Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC” (Introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.), was the right man at the right time.

In the late 1990s, the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Division, led by Dr. Coleen Boyle, was facing a growing public realization that autism was reaching epidemic levels. Many parents and some scientists suspected vaccines were the culprit in triggering the catastrophe. They pointed the finger at the increasing levels of Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used in many vaccines. In a stunning failure of oversight, no government regulatory agency caught the fact that mercury exposure in childhood vaccines vastly exceeded safety limits.

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Utah Autism Whistleblower Lawsuit Will Go to Trial After Federal Judge Denies a Majority of Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss

Utah Court banner
By Mark Blaxill

In a development sure to put the integrity of the CDC’s autism surveillance estimates in the spotlight, a Federal District Court Judge for the District of Utah issued a ruling Friday that effectively guarantees a Utah autism whistleblower her day in court.  Judge Jill N. Parrish denied a majority of motions by Dr. William McMahon of the University of Utah to dismiss allegations by Dr. Judith Pinborough Zimmerman that McMahon and his colleagues acted improperly in retaliating against her for raising concerns over their research misconduct, violated university policies by terminating her contract without proper review, and impugned her reputation in the process.

Dr. Zimmerman filed her lawsuit against Dr. McMahon nearly two years ago, in a complaint that describes a heated dispute between the two scientists over the proper handling of confidential health and education records as well as the accuracy of the data records used in measuring Utah’s autism prevalence as part of the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) autism surveillance project, the Autism and Development Disabilities (ADDM) Network. Since 2002, Zimmerman had been the Director of Utah’s ADDM Network site, the Utah Registry of Autism and Developmental Disabilities (URADD). She joined the University of Utah in 2005, bringing the URADD grant with her. She was removed from her URADD and university positions in 2013.

Zimmerman’s lawsuit alleges that McMahon and colleagues violated federal records privacy restrictions in efforts to carry out lucrative additional research projects; these were privacy restrictions that she had carefully negotiated with the Utah Departments of Health and Education in order to bring URADD into compliance with federal law and protect autism families from unwanted use of their personal and family information. When Zimmerman expressed her concerns over privacy and data quality issues to University authorities, McMahon summarily fired her, locked her out of her office and placed himself in charge of URADD. Since Zimmerman’s dismissal, McMahon has become the PI of the URADD and watches over Utah’s contributions to the CDC’s ADDM reports.

In addition to raising issues of research integrity and privacy, Zimmerman’s allegations have broad implications for the integrity of CDC’s autism surveillance estimates. Court documents reveal that Zimmerman was concerned that errors in Utah’s autism data were finding their way into CDC estimates beginning with the 2010 ADDM report, which provided estimates of autism rates among children born in 2002. If uncorrected, these errors might have continued in the 2012 report released earlier this year, measuring autism rates in children born in 2004.

Utah’s autism rates carry unusual importance in part because Utah’s reported autism rate in the 2008 ADDM report was the highest of all participating sites. In that report, Utah’s rate of 1 in 47 children born with autism in 2000 was the highest rate ever recorded in the United States; it was also an increase of 155% over Utah’s 1994 birth group, which at the time was the third highest rate in the country. Since reaching a peak in the 2000 birth group, Utah’s autism rates have plummeted while most other states have shown continued increases in the last two ADDM reports.

MB UTah chart

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INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism

Type WriterBy Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

About ten months ago I started writing a new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, which would utilize the CDC whistleblower story as a way to review the corruption in science regarding vaccines and autism.  I knew Andy Wakefield was working on his documentary, and when I interviewed him for this book he mentioned it, but in my wildest dreams I never imagined VAXXED would explode onto the scene the way it has.  I have been writing furiously to make sure that story is included as well.

In the meantime, I got a powerhouse agent, Johanna Maaghoul of the Waterside Literary Agency, the world's #1 agency for New York Times non-fiction bestsellers.  Johanna has been taking the book around to publishing companies, getting some positive interest, but they are absolutely terrified of the subject.  Publishing companies like to sell books, so that's where you come in.  I want you to read the chapter outline and if this is a book you would like to buy, leave a comment to that effect.  How's that for simple?  That way when my agent is talking to a publisher she can say something like, "Five hundred and seventy two people said they would buy this book immediately!"  Thanks in advance for your comments.

Chapter Outline

Chapter One: The Call – Dr. Brian Hooker, a university biology professor was working in his office when he got a call from a senior Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist, Dr. William Thompson. The two worked together years earlier when parent groups were clamoring for the CDC to conduct research into vaccines and autism. Thompson reveals that the CDC found such evidence, but covered it up. Thompson had retained these documents and eventually turned them over to Congressman William Posey. The most explosive of these allegations is that earlier administration of the MMR vaccine is causing a 3.36-fold increase in autism among African-American males. With Thompson’s guidance, Hooker publishes this information in the summer of 2014.

Chapter Two: The Insanely Good Soul of Dr. Andrew Wakefield – British researcher, Dr. Andrew Wakefield first published his findings suggesting the MMR vaccine was linked to autism in The Lancet in 1997, even going so far as to share these results with the CDC prior to publication. In the ensuing years, Wakefield was subjected to unbelievable persecution and his name was vilified throughout the world. Hooker brings the Thompson documents to Wakefield’s attention. Hooker also initiates contact between Thompson and Wakefield, with Thompson apologizing for participating in the cover-up of research that would have vindicated Wakefield’s research. Wakefield accepts Thompson’s apology.

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March Against Monsanto Founder Tami Canal with Del Bigtree of VaXxed

Del at Chaffetz
NOTE: Thanks to attendee Levi Quackenboss for blogging about this meeting at the Quackenboss site:

I wasn’t going to write this blog until next week but my flight landed and clearly all of you are standing by to hear how today went, so I am sitting down the minute I walked into my house to update you.

This is going to be quick and dirty because it’s late and I haven’t slept after flying into and out of DC today and yesterday.  The background is that a few months ago I approached Tami Canal, the founder of March Against Monsanto (MAM), to strike a deal: if I gave her the link to watch Vaxxed before just about anyone else in the country, she would write a review of it and promote it on Facebook. Because of an incoming link to my blog earlier in the year I realized her position on vaccines for the first time– and the fact that the anti-GMO group isn’t united with the vaccine freedom group boggled my mind.  We’ve got to get it together. Long story short, she accepted.  Vaxxed lit a fire in her and I put her in contact with people who advocate on the federal level.  As kismet would have it, Tami is a constituent of Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who is the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR)– the committee charged with investigating the CDC Whistleblower hot potato. Because MAM has over a million followers, she was able to get a meeting with her Congressman and a half dozen of us convened in Representative Chaffetz’s office this afternoon without him knowing who was coming. Surprise! We brought Del Bigtree, one of the producers of Vaxxed, with us.  Read more at Levi's site:

Here's a video of Del Bigtree of VaXxed with March Against Monsanto founder Tami Canal.  Del speaks about the disconnect among many liberals and progressives:  they can see the duplicity, lying and corporate greed in Monsanto and our food supply and American health but have not opened their eyes to the parallel world of pharma, government interference and vaccine injury. Below is a video from Facebook live of Del at Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz's office to call for a subpeona of Dr. William Thompson and hearings on the CDC whistle blower.  Thank you to Del, as ever.

EMAIL TODAY ~ [email protected]

Please email them, The Oversight & Government Reform Committee (OGR), to subpoena Dr. William Thompson

Justin Kanew Interviews Brian Deer on "Get it Got It Good" (2 of 4)

Screen Shot 2016-05-31 at 11.21.28 AM

By justin Kanew

As a quick reminder, this is the 2nd of 4 interviews. The first was with Del Bigtree, producer of Vaxxed, which you can listen to here if you haven't yet.

In this next one I wanted to talk to someone who feels differently about the controversial topic of vaccines and autism than Del does, so it seemed there would be no more diametrically opposed viewpoint than that of Brian Deer. 

I know I don't have to tell most of you Brian is the investigative journalist who accused VAXXED director Doctor Wakefield of fraud in a series of Sunday Times articles and initiated the investigation that got Wakefield's medical license revoked in England years ago. He's the source of much controversy and many strong feelings, and Brian himself has strong feelings about Wakefield, so I wanted to hear directly from him what his thoughts were about the topic and why.

So here's that interview:


I'd also like to address the fact that in the comments section I've seen people wonder if I'm some sort of "plant" sent from high above to hurt the case against vaccines, which I assure you I will swear on a stack of any kind of holy book you may read I'm not. 

I've also seen people question how this interview happened. It's simple really- Brian's email is public on his website, I emailed him, and he responded (see photo at the top of this post.)

I'm not sure if that will help put those concerns to bed, but if not I think you'll find the episode shows we are anything but in league together. I look forward to hearing more from you about it.

I should also say that in the 2 days since the first interview posted, I've found myself the target of ire from both sides. Anti-vaxxers are angry that my wife and I still plan to try to find a safe way to vaccinate our baby girl, while pro-vaxxers are angry that by doing these interviews I'm giving a platform to the makers of Vaxxed and like-minded anti-vaxxers.

It's been heated, but it's ok. I can take it. I'm a big boy. I knew this was a contentious comment, and I expected to hear a lot of

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Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? Or Did the CDC’s Proxies Do It for them? Columbia University’s Dilemma

Vaxxed Error
By Wayne Rohde and Lou Conte

Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? Or Did the CDC’s Proxies Do It for them? Columbia University’s Dilemma

Report 5

Please read Reports 1, 2, 3 and 4 here.

Many readers may not know Columbia University’s President, Lee C. Bollinger. However, if one explores the issues around censorship as Wayne Rohde and I have over the past several weeks, Bollinger’s name quickly emerges.

Bollinger, a First Amendment scholar, is a brilliant man and a champion of free speech. Please take a look at his biography on the Columbia University website  As the biography notes, “his most recent book, Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century (Inalienable Rights), has placed Bollinger at the center of public discussion about the importance of global free speech to continued social progress.”

Bollinger has been willing to allow free speech, even when controversy ensues. In 2007 he allowed then Iranian President Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia. The decision rankled many. Ahmadinejad did say some controversial and some would say offensive things (there are clips of the speech on YouTube if anyone wishes to see it).

In 2012, Bollinger “established the Columbia Global Freedom of Expression and Information Project, a new initiative joining international experts and activists with the University’s faculty and students to survey, document and strengthen free expression. He has named Agnès Callamard, a distinguished human rights advocate who was director of the organization ARTICLE 19, as executive director of the Project.”

The project has brought together many influential leaders on freedom of speech and freedom of the press like Callamard and Amal Clooney.

According to Bollinger, “Looking around the world today and seeing the pervasiveness of censorship in so many forms and societies, none of us should be under any illusions about the challenges we face in establishing international norms for a truly free press… Doing so requires that we both understand the facts on the ground and succeed in creating a global framework for protecting speech and expression. These are steps that have become inseparable from progress on human rights and continued worldwide economic growth.” [i]

Bollinger’s vision of freedom and opposition to censorship stands in stark contrast to the conduct of one of his professors, Dr. Ian Lipkin, professor of epidemiology and Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

From the Columbia University Public Health Now webpage:

On April 4, 2016, the Wall Street Journal ran an important op-ed from Ian Lipkin, Director of the Mailman School’s Center for Infection and Immunity. Lipkin and Mailman School Board of Overseers member Perri Peltz  (MPH ’84) worked diligently behind the scenes to persuade organizers of the Tribeca Film Festival that the fraudulent science of Andrew Wakefield’s documentary “Vaxxed” had no place at the prestigious festival. When Lipkin learned that a private distributor had arranged a week of screenings at New York's Angelica Film Center, he went to work immediately on a piece that reminds us of the importance of scientific evidence in our ongoing work to understand and treat autism. [ii]

Lipkin writes in his April 3 Wall Street Journal Op Ed: “I am among those Mr. De Niro consulted. In a 45-minute phone conversation with him, I recommended that the festival withdraw the film from the “documentary” category and not screen it.”

Wayne Rohde and I have been writing a series on the censorship of Andrew Wakefield’s film, Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe. The film has been pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival, the Houston (Texas) Worldfest Film Festival and from screenings in Arizona at Harkins theatres after that company received pressure from pediatricians.

In our previous articles, we reported that Alison Singer, the President of the Autism Science Foundation, proudly declared in a March Guardian article that she and other members of the Immunization Action Coalition’s (IAC) Listserv were instrumental in having Vaxxed removed from the Tribeca Film Festival.

Singer told the Guardian, “Four or five years ago we weren’t as well organized and people didn’t realize the importance of responding quickly and strongly,” said Alison Singer, the president of the Autism Science Foundation and a member of the IAC listserv…Today, we know that we have to respond to every incident however large or small, because if you leave any of these discredited theories unchallenged, it allows people to think that there’s something still to be discussed.”

According to Singer, the IAC Listserv is a public relations response squad that snuffs out and counters public statements of those the Listserv decides are “anti-vaccine.”

However, in our last report, the IAC denied that they were responsible for the calls that lead to the Tribeca decision, essentially leaving Alison Singer ‘holding the bag.’

Alison Singer has not responded to our requests for information about the incident.

Thanks to the Columbia University website, another member of Alison Singer’s Listserv have now been revealed: Dr. Ian Lipkin. 

We have information about other Listserv members from sources and we are constructing a list. For now, we are talking about Singer and Lipkin.

As the Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, Lipkin helped bring millions of dollars of CDC and federal health funding he brings to Columbia. [iii]  Lipkin also the Co-Chair of the CDC’s National Bio-surveillance Advisory Subcommittee.  [iv]  

It is also important to note that Lipkin’s name surfaces in the legally recorded conversations between Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. William Thompson that serve as a critical component of Vaxxed. Lipkin likely knew about this as the Thompson/Hooker transcripts are public thanks to Kevin Barry’s book, Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism research Fraud at the CDC. [v]  

Lipkin points out in his editorial that he was involved in research that exonerated the MMR vaccine. While Lipkin feels that his work was the final word, Thompson, who had some oversight responsibility at the CDC for Lipkin’s work told Brian Hooker something very different.

Dr. Thompson: “It was the worst study ever.”

What follows is an excerpt of the Thompson transcripts regarding Ian Lipkin and his MMR research from pages 103 and 104 of Vaccine Whistleblower:

Dr. Thompson: Where they went and did the biopsies. This Larry Pickering, Ian Lipkin . . .

Dr. Hooker: Oh yeah. I know all about this.

Dr. Thompson: Okay. Did you and I talk about this study?

Dr. Hooker: Ah, no. You and I have never . . . I’ve talked to Ian Lipkin about it. In fact, he and I . . .

Dr. Thompson: Okay.

Dr. Hooker: . . . are not speaking right now, because basically he doesn’t like me very much. Okay?

Continue reading "Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? Or Did the CDC’s Proxies Do It for them? Columbia University’s Dilemma" »

Six Lethal Sins of CDC A Toxic Legacy of Lies Part 2: VACCINES

Grundvig part 2By James O. Grundvig 

Read Part 1 Six Lethal Sins of CSC A Toxic Legacy of Lies here.


While Dr. Coleen Boyle and CDC were looking for a quick exit from the Agent Orange Studies by 1986, US Congress handed the keys to product paradise to the vaccine manufacturers, insulating them from harm and liability for bad, defective, and often ineffective vaccines.

Congress created the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that year. It was supposed to serve two virtuous goals.[1] The first, fully shield the vaccine makers from liability. That guaranteed the billion dollar multinational corporations could not be sued for any unsafe, harmful or deadly vaccine they brought to the market. The second—and righteous aspect—the Act created a path for injured children to bypass the U.S. court system to plead their case in front of “special masters” in National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), or “Vaccine Court.”

In the former, the no liability shield gave Big Pharma carte blanche to make vaccines as cheap and easy for rapid distribution, lightly testing their efficacy. It also gave them Wall Street incentive to make dozens of new vaccines for any type of diseases, whether boys had a cervix or not to protect from cancer, and whether the HPV vaccine, contrary to WebMD, works in protecting children from most of the 200 types of human papillomavirus (HPV), when it shields only eight (8%) percent of those strains. In the latter, big government’s good intentions would one day be steamrolled by the reality of hundreds of thousands of the children being injured by vaccines that would bankrupt Vaccine Court before it reached its 20th anniversary.

In 1992, CDC recruited an anthropologist conducting epidemiology studies on children cancer clusters from the well contamination sites in Woburn, Massachusetts, north of Boston. The PhD Diana Schendel moved to Atlanta and worked under Coleen Boyle at CDC for the rest of the decade. Dr. Schendel became an integral part in executing Boyle’s deceptive technique of no association between toxins in vaccines and injured children, hiring rogue scientists in Denmark to prove it.


In 1991, a Swedish scientist sent a brief—Difficult to Substitute Mercury as a Preservative in Bacterial Vaccines—to the Danish health authority, which in turn forward it to the “most successful vaccineologist in history” Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman. His report called out the problems with the mercury-based preservative thimerosal to the director of the National Institute of Health (NIH).[2]

Not wasting time, Denmark banned thimerosal from all of its vaccines in 1992. Did the United States follow suit? No. The “most successful vaccineologist” figured it was best (“cheapest”) to leave it in. Why did he recommend that? Part of it was his clear conflict of interest: Dr. Hilleman was a lead scientist at Merck, a giant vaccine manufacturer. He was the inventor of Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) triple shot vaccine, which launched to widespread use in 1978, with Merck owning the patent.[3] Maurice Hilleman had more than one dog in the fight. . . he had three.

Fast-forward to 2012: The United Nations (UN) proposed a global ban on mercury in all consumer products in a treaty, including thimerosal in vaccines. But the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) would have none of that. AAP joined the World Health Organization (WHO) to fight the ban. In effect, those health organizations forced the UN to give thimerosal an exemption from that ban, which was carried out in dental fillings and cosmetics. Another opportunity to do the right thing for infants and children slipped away to fast, cheap, and easy.

Dr. Louis Z. Cooper, past president of AAP, stated, “As many as 84 million children globally are dependent on vaccines whose safe distribution requires availability of thimerosal as a preservative.”[4] Yes, Western health organizations experiment on the poor over and again.

Dr. Michael Brady, chair of the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, added: “However, the portion of mercury in the environment that is resulting from thimerosal in vaccines is infinitesimally small. And its current use has allowed us to safely provide vaccines to millions of children around the world.”[5]

Yes, “infinitesimally small” for the environment. But what about a tiny fetus? A newborn baby is acres smaller than the much greater environment. By dismissing the world ban on thimerosal in 2013, vaccine makers’ bottom line of fast, cheap, and easy was protected once again well into the future. Were the AAP and WHO nuts? No, they were shielding the golden cash cow of vaccines.

In between 1992 and 2012, many more opportunities were missed to permanently remove thimerosal from vaccines. In the summer of 1999, two manufacturers—Merck and GlaxoSmith-Kline—wrote letters to the CDC stating they could make the switch and still make a ton of money. But the powers at CDC, including Coleen Boyle, had other ideas. With a nudge from the FDA, CDC “recommended” the passive, voluntary removal thimerosal from vaccines instead. That meant mercury would be phased out after nurses and pediatricians used the stockpiles over the next couple of years. The self-policing of thimerosal didn’t last long. After 2003, thimerosal came all the way back injected into the flu vaccine, and again in 2009 in the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic.[6]

In collusion, Vaccine Court and CDC took advantage of the “removal of thimerosal” from vaccines, giving a short statute of limitations of three years to file a claim, as James Grundvig did with his son in 2005—within the timeline of his autism diagnosis. He was one of the lucky 5,400 children that would one day have their cases heard before the special masters and be compensated for harm.

The true colors of the CDC came out in 2000-2004 when it hired mercenary scientists from Denmark to cook data, after the backtesting of datasets in the Danish Health Registries, when its own peer-reviewed literature failed to produce the desired results. The Dane, a CDC visiting foreign scientist named Dr. Poul Thorsen, was paid to have his “research team” at a Danish university falsify and manipulate the data, omitting entire cohorts and years. In a page from Coleen Boyle, Thorsen’s then girlfriend CDC’s Diana Schendel took the no association playbook to the next level, showing no links between either the MMR vaccine or thimerosal in vaccines and tie it to the skyrocketing rise of autism incidence rates.

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Justin Kanew Interviews Del Bigtree of VaXxed The Movie

VaxxedBy Justin Kanew

Let me say right up front that my wife and I have a 2-month old daughter, and we ARE vaccinating her, and that my #1 goal here is to learn as much as possible about how to care for her health, because if anything happened to her I honestly don't know what I would do.

Until recently - like most people - I assumed vaccines were 100% safe, and I thought anyone who thought otherwise was dangerous and selfish, putting everyone else at risk. I thought this because I was told this, by many people, many times. 

"The science is in." 

"Vaccines are 100% safe." 

Lather, rinse, repeat. 

The first chink in the armor was a conversation with a friend of mine whose grandson, he said, was developing normally, got the MMR shot at 15 months, dropped into a fever that night, regressed suddenly, and has had severe autism ever since. 

His story seemed far-fetched, but my friend is no storyteller, and I soon learned he was not alone in this experience. 

Now to be clear, we're no strangers to the autism spectrum conversation- one of my best friends has Aspergers, and my wife is a BCBA who works with kids on the spectrum every single day... but digging deeper and hearing the many eerily similar stories of autism-related vaccine injuries from parent after parent was a new experience for us, and made me wonder where my self-assuredness about vaccine safety had come from-- and, most importantly, why it seemed to be something nobody was allowed to talk about.

My wife getting pregnant brought this all into sharper focus. Soon we would have to make these difficult decisions ourselves. 

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VaXxed The Movie Facts

CdcpoliticsAs you share information about vaccine safety and the connection to autism, your friends and family will likely recite what they have heard over and over in the media, "but, THAT doctor's study was "debunked."  Here is a bolus dose of clarification about who is Dr. Andrew Wakfield from the VaXXed The Movie website :

Find a showing here.


Since the release of the 1998 paper in The Lancet, which suggested the possibility of a link between a novel form of bowel disease, autism, and the MMR vaccine, one of the report’s co-authors, Dr. Andrew Wakefield has been the subject of great controversy and defamation. Here, Wakefield addresses the allegations of fraud, conflict of interest, and medical misconduct that have been leveled against him.

Visit the VaXxed site to see the following video clips:

1. Dr. Wakefield's Medical Background

Wakefield shares his medical background as a gastroenterologist and how he became involved in research related to autism.

2. The Link Between Autism and The MMR Vaccine - 1:24

The link between the MMR and inflammatory bowel disease was first brought to the attention of Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues by the parents of sick children. Wakefield explains how human disease syndromes are normally identified and then studied and how that related to their study on MMR and the age of exposure. Jump to section.

3. MMR Vaccine Safety - 3:28

Wakefield explains how safety studies on vaccines including the MMR, were largely inadequate. Testing for single vaccines was better. Jump to section.

Continue reading "VaXxed The Movie Facts" »

Joshua Coleman Videotapes Dr. Richard Pan Bolting Down Stairs Away from VaXxed Producer

Steve Harvey Pan
NOTE:  Thank you to Joshua Coleman for sharing this video from Senator Richard Pan's office in Sacramento California.  Dr. Pan is the sponsor of SB277, a California law passed that denied vaccination exemption rights to millions of Californian children and their families.  When confronted by the VaXxed team to discuss the impact of his bill, he flew down a staircase faster than Peter Pan himself can fly.   Dr. Pan has claimed he was not running, but like Steve Harvey declaring Miss Colombia the winner of Miss Universe, when in fact, Miss Philippines had won, public statements can't always be taken as fact.

We had at least 3 of Pan's constituents with us. We stood in Pan's office very quietly and calmly with Pan run 2cameras put away. (although I snuck a little bit of footage with my cell phone in his office) His secretary said he wasn't in.

Then, Katie Mills saw him quietly sneaking out a side door and literally start RUNNING down the hall.

Del walked outside and asked if he could talk to him and Pan yelled back that he was "late for a meeting" and then Pan ran as fast as he could down the hall, two flights of stairs, another hallway pass the security at the Sergeant At Arms area where we could go and immediately started walking when he was in his safe place.

Pan is online doing damage control saying he was walking to the AAPI Heritage Month Ceremony (which wasn't the same direction he was going)

What a day!

I'm Joshua Coleman videographer and photographer.  I have a vaccine injured child who is paralyzed by vaccine induced transverse myelitis.  I testified at a senate hearing against AB1117,  spoke at several rallies against SB277 and have shot and produced over 60 videos informing people about the dangers of vaccines.

Circumcision and Autism: A Recent Danish Study

Where's Poul 3 A GamondesNOTE: Thank you to Dr. Y for allowing us to exceprt Master Manipulatorthis post. Read more at Vaccination News.   A new book from Skyhorse Publishing delves into the Thorsen scandal - buy Master Manipulator Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC by James Grundvig from Skyhorse Publishing today before the copies disappear... like a certain researcher.

Edward Yazbak M.D.

For a period of time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had a love-fest with Danish Researchers who agreed to produce needed evidence that in spite of parental reports, MMR vaccination and Thimerosal containing vaccines played no role whatsoever in the increased prevalence in autism and autistic spectral disorders (ASD).

In 2005, I published “The CDC finances, writes and helps publish Danish research”, a discussion of five Danish studies.

Those five Danish studies (DS) were:

DS 1: Madsen KM, Hviid A, Vestergaard M, Schendel D, Wohlfahrt J, Thorsen P, Olsen J, Melbye M. A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism. N Engl J Med. 2002 Nov 7;347(19):1477-82 PMID: 12421889

DS 2: Madsen KM, Lauritsen MB, Pedersen CB, Thorsen P, Plesner AM, Andersen PH, Mortensen PB. Thimerosal and the occurrence of autism: negative ecological evidence from Danish population-based data. Pediatrics. 2003 Sep;112(3 Pt 1):604-6. PMID: 12949291

DS 3: Hviid A, Stellfeld M, Wohlfahrt J, Melbye M. Association between thimerosal-containing vaccine and autism. JAMA. 2003 Oct 1;290(13):1763-6. PMID: 14519711

DS 4: Lauritsen MB, Pedersen CB, Mortensen PB. The incidence and prevalence of pervasive developmental disorders: a Danish population-based study. Psychol Med. 2004 Oct;34(7):1339-46.PMID 15697060

DS5: Larsson HJ, Eaton WW, Madsen KM, Vestergaard M, Olesen AV, Agerbo E, Schendel D, Thorsen P, Mortensen PB. Risk factors for autism: perinatal factors, parental psychiatric history, and socioeconomic status. Am J Epidemiol. 2005 May 15;161(10):916-25; discussion 926-8. PMID:15870155

Studies 1 and 5 were funded by the CDC and co-authored by Diana Schendel PhD, at the time a CDC (NCBDDD) epidemiologist.

Poul Thorsen MD, PhD co-authored DS1, DS2 and DS5.

Thorsen did very well for himself as a CDC Principal Investigator and Liaison between the United States and Denmark in autism-related matters for years. He served on the Faculties of two US universities and incredibly, even on the DSM-V Committee.

Dr. Thorsen’s most notable achievement was the embezzlement of a couple of million dollars from the research funds he had access to. His multiple Federal indictments and the fact that he was featured for a long while on the Most Wanted Fugitives List of the Office of the Inspector General, HHS did not seem to affect his serene post-CDC life or his continued employment in Denmark.

Continue reading "Circumcision and Autism: A Recent Danish Study" »

Del Bigtree of VaXxed Tries to Ask SB277 Sponsor Dr. Richard Pan Questions #PanRan

Pan VaXxed Pan dollars



"I gotta hand it to him. Pan is fast!"  Del Bigtree.

Dr. Richard Pan, sponsor of California vaccine exemption removal law SB277 ran away from VaXxed Del Bigtreeproducer Del Bigtree when Bigtree tried to ask him questions about vaccination safety and the CDC Whistleblower. 

Pan ran...   Here's a video from Bigtree - and few others we added to showcase the absurdity of a pharmatrician like Dr. Richard Pan being so utterly unable to stand up and speak out for his "passion" for pediatric health when confronted.  A bit about Dr. Pan and SB277:

SACRAMENTO –Dr. Richard Pan, a pediatrician and Senator representing Sacramento, Senator Ben Allen, the former Board President of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District and Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalaz who represents San Diego have introduced Senate Bill 277 to repeal the personal belief exemption that currently allows parents to opt their child out of vaccines in our schools. 

“It is our duty and responsibility to protect all children who attend schools in California,” said Dr. Richard Pan, a State Senator representing Sacramento who has been working legislatively to get vaccination rates up while in the State Assembly. “SB 277 was introduced because parents are speaking up and letting us know that current laws are not enough to protect their children. As a pediatrician I have personally witnessed the suffering caused by diseases that are preventable, and I am very grateful to all those parents who are speaking up as a result of the recent measles outbreak.”

By the way, Dr. Pan is into the ban - check this out.  He's a Blockasaurus.... Have you been Doc Blocked? 

Blocked by pan

Continue reading "Del Bigtree of VaXxed Tries to Ask SB277 Sponsor Dr. Richard Pan Questions #PanRan" »

CDC Whistleblower to Extend MMR Vaccine Fraud

30 piecesEditor's Note: Age of Autism has co-signed this statement with several other organizations:

According to multiple reliable sources, CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will soon publish a reworking of data from a controversial study first published in 2004. If true, this is of major concern. For over a decade, officials have cited this disputable study to claim no connection between the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism and to deny compensation to parents of MMR vaccine-injured children.

Dr. Thompson has admitted in taped phone conversations and in a statement through his lawyer, that he and other authors of the study, which include senior officials at CDC, manipulated the data and violated study protocol to conceal their findings linking the MMR vaccine to autism.  In what can only be described as scientific fraud, Dr. Thompson is now poised to publish “a rework” of the data in a blatant attempt to exonerate the MMR vaccine.

This rework comes on the heels of the just-released documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, which exposes the CDC’s fraud, deceit, and obstruction of justice regarding the MMR vaccine. Vaxxed has received global media attention and is waking up Americans coast to coast to the criminal activity at the CDC. It is suspicious that Thompson and the CDC have now decided, 20 months since Thompson first blew the whistle of fraud and malfeasance at CDC, to take action by publishing a rework of the data.

Continue reading "CDC Whistleblower to Extend MMR Vaccine Fraud" »

Censorship in the Documentary World on Full Measure With Sharyl Attkisson

SharylFull Measure is a weekly Sunday news program focusing on investigative, Vaxxed Errororiginal and accountability reporting. The host is Sharyl Attkisson, five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is backed by a team of award winning journalists. Viewer guide is here.



When a controversial film is pulled from a prestigious festival some claim censorship. Full Measure talks with some filmmakers about who controls what you see, or don't see, in theatres.

Continue reading "Censorship in the Documentary World on Full Measure With Sharyl Attkisson" »

VAXXED in San Francisco

VaxxedBy Kent Heckenlively, Esq.

On Saturday, April 30, the official end of the most amazing Autism Awareness Month in memory, I went to the Opera Plaza Cinemas in San Francisco to watch VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, directed by Andy Wakefield, produced by Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey.

Whenever I go to one of these events I have mixed emotions.  More than anything I want the world to know about the cesspool of scientific corruption regarding vaccines and autism at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as revealed by Dr. William Thompson.  On the other hand, what they have done is so horrific, that to be reminded of it so vividly depresses me about human nature.  I know that we have all been horribly abused by the scientific community, the medical profession, and that this has given license to those we hold most dear in our life to doubt what we say about what happened to our children.

And yet the truth endures.  You can not kill it.  And the truth is healing, even if it opens up old wounds.

As I sat in my seat, watching the movie unfold, I felt like I had a front row seat to a boxing match, and I was somebody who knew his way around a ring.  I was familiar with most of the facts, but to see them deployed at strategic places in the film where they would have the greatest impact, like a devastating series of punches, was extremely satisfying.  If you are trying to get friends or family members to go and see the film, I think you should tell them it plays like an extended 60 Minutes story, and that is one of the highest compliments I can give to any documentary.  It is calm, methodical, and powerful.

Continue reading "VAXXED in San Francisco" »

Did The CDC Censor Vaxxed? Watergate Rising Report 4

Vaxxed Error
Read Part 3,   Part 2 and Part 1 here.

By Louis Conte and Wayne Rohde. 

A continued series.  Please read Reports 1, 2 and 3 here

President Richard M. Nixon speaking to his aide, Charles Colson:

“We’ve got a counter-government here and we’ve got to fight it. I don’t give a damn how it’s done. Do whatever has to be done to stop those leaks.… I don’t want to be told why it can’t be done.”

Our pursuit of the identities of mysterious members of the Immunization Action Coalition Listserv continues.
From: Wayne Rohde

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 11:27 AM
To: Admin (At the Immunization Action Coalition)
Subject: IAC List Serv in The Guardian article

Dr. Wexler,

After reading in The Guardian from March 29, 2016, I am very intrigued about the existence of the below mentioned IAC coordinated List Serv. Alison Singer, of the Autism Science Foundation, and a close associate of yours, stated the following in an interview with the Guardian:

“At the center of the network was a listserv group email list of more than 100 prominent individuals and science research bodies run out of the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) based in St Paul, Minnesota. The listserv acts as an early warning system that sounds the alarm whenever the potent conspiracy theory that autism can be caused by vaccination surfaces. Through the listserv, conference calls were quickly organized among top scientists across the country to discuss how to respond to the news that what was seen as a scurrilous and misleading film was to be given a high-profile airing. Leading figures in the documentary world were also enlisted to add their objections to the showing of Vaxxed, the film directed by the disgraced former British doctor Andrew Wakefield, who was struck off from medical practice in 2010 for serious professional misconduct.

Continue reading "Did The CDC Censor Vaxxed? Watergate Rising Report 4" »

Voices on VaXxed: All the Heroes

VaxxedBy Dara Berger

I attended a private screening of Vaxxed last week at the Soho House in NYC that was presented by Safeminds.  It was an incredibly intimate setting which made seeing this film on such a personal subject that much more comfortable.  The main focus of the screening was to invite the press so that they could 1.  not condemn a movie they have not seen and 2.  get it right on reporting what the movie is actually about.  The two medical producers that came from NBC left after about 20 minutes which was of course both rude and unprofessional.  Why even bother?

I already knew all the facts in the film and even heard some of the recordings from William Thompson AKA the whistleblower.  What I did not expect was to have my respect for Andrew Wakefield deepen even more.  He is giving a voice to the voiceless just as Robert De Niro did on the today show both last and this week. Andrew Wakefield could have walked away from this and nobody would have blamed him.  Everyone knows what happens to a doctor that sticks their neck out and questions vaccines.  They are threatened, ridiculed and even killed.  Yes even the ones that just study it are murdered.  But he didn’t.  He painfully compiled all the information and succinctly put it together in this film with the help of some wonderful people.  It is because of him that the voiceless have been given a louder voice in recent weeks.  

Robert De Niro gave us parents a voice too!  He said what we are all dying to say to the masses.  Shame on the Media.  You are all just as complicit as the CDC that hid the data and produced a fraudulent study.  You are all just as complicit as the Pharmaceutical companies that have known for decades that their products can induce illness, injure and kill children.  You are all just as complicit as a president and congress that ignores hundreds of thousands of parents that say their child was injured alongside the explosion in the numbers of autism.  Congress has had the whistleblower papers for a long time and done absolutely nothing.  

Continue reading "Voices on VaXxed: All the Heroes" »

The Pro-Vax Injury Misogyny Campaign Meets Robert De Niro

DENiro therapistFrom the UK's DailyMail - rather a shocker!  But a delight to read.  It's a lot more difficult to disparage and embarrass and discount Robert DeNiro than a beautiful blonde female.  He throws a real monkeywrench into the misogynistic media plan.  KS

Why De Niro is backing the MMR doctor hounded out of Britain: Actor believes triple jab risks are being covered up by pharmaceutical giants after his son 'developed autism overnight' when he had vaccination 

  • Robert De Niro's 18-year-old son Elliot suffers from autism disorder
  • His Tribeca Film Festival in New York provoked controversy by featuring a new 'anti-vaccination' documentary called Vaxxed
  • Film star revealed that he and his wife believe their son developed autism overnight after receiving an unidentified vaccination jab 
  • British doctor Andrew Wakefield claimed he had found evidence the MMR triple vaccine caused irritable bowel syndrome and autism in children 

Robert De Niro is widely reckoned to be the world's trickiest celebrity to interview. He will sit looking morose and mumble monosyllabic answers. Any question about his private life will be met with the sort of thinly veiled menace he provides so perfectly in his film roles.

But there is one subject, as painfully private and sensitive as one can imagine, on which he has been more than happy to talk in recent days — about how his 18-year-old son, Elliot, suffers from autism.

Although the 72-year-old has previously hinted about raising a son with special needs with his wife, Grace Hightower, it wasn't until recently that he opened up, after his Tribeca Film Festival in New York provoked controversy by featuring a new 'anti-vaccination' documentary called Vaxxed.

In two interviews with NBC's Today show, De Niro, the festival's co-founder, explained why he had first asked for the film to be included but then said it would not be shown following protests...

Read more:
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Vaccine Injury: How More Than 5000 Children Were Hurt...Again

Vax NEwsThank you to our friends at Vaccination News for allowing us to excerpt this post from Dr. Yazbak.

F. Edward Yazbak M.D.

  • The selection of only THREE out of over 5,000 vaccine injury compensation cases to prove or rule out causality seems irrational. Yet this is exactly what happened in the Farce called the US Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP).
  • The case of Michelle Cedillo was filed in 1998 and scheduled to be “the first of three test cases” to be heard in the Vaccine Court in early June 2007.
  • The outcome of the case was unquestionably crucial to the OAP and the whole Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
  • Attorneys for the Petitioner were prepared to present evidence that Thimerosal, a mercury compound in the pediatric vaccines administered to Michelle during the first year of life and the MMR vaccination that she received shortly after that, had contributed to her autistic regression and her many other health issues.
  • The assigned Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys had lined up several experts to counter the petitioner’s Thimerosal allegations but … three months before the case was to be heard, they had not found anyone able to question the reliability of the special test that implicated the MMR vaccination that Michelle received.
  • For Michelle who never had measles, the result of her Real Time (RT) PCR Test appeared to be prima facie evidence that her MMR vaccination was etiologically related to her gastro-intestinal findings and her documented autistic regression.
  • To prevail, the DOJ Attorneys had to find fault with the test and the laboratory where it was performed, in order to avoid a flood of MMR vaccine related autism cases. 
  • I will present evidence that a free-lance British reporter inserted himself into the case and later boasted that he had recommended a British scientist who had inspected the Laboratory of Dr. John O’Leary where Michelle’s test had been performed and who had testified about his inspection in a British Court.
  • A “real” US Court hearing the Cedillo case would have rejected that expert who surfaced too late, had been paid obscene fees by manufacturers of the MMR vaccine, and had no supporting documents of his inspection because they were all sealed in London.
  • Furthermore, that expert was repeatedly seen talking with the reporter while the hearings were going on. He also discussed the case and his testimony in an interview as soon as he returned to London.   
  • Even though the issues that this British Expert brought up were not relevant to the case, his testimony seemed enough to influence the Special Masters who decided that Michelle’s GI findings were not MMR related, when indeed they were.
  • In their decision, the Special Masters mentioned that they were aware of a CDC-sponsored, AAP-funded US study that demonstrated that the results of RT CPR testing performed at a Harvard University Laboratory, a CDC Laboratory and Dr. O’Leary’s Laboratory “were consistent across the three laboratory sites”, namely that each of the three laboratories accurately identified every positive or negative result.


April has been for sometime our National Autism Awareness Month.

This year, the CDC decided to set the week of April 16-23, 2016 as the National Infant Immunization Week to coincide with the “World Immunization Week”.

Read the full post at Vaccination News.

Duty to Warn Bad Science or Willful Ignorance at the CDC

Lighthouse failureDuty to Warn Bad Science? or Willful Ignorance at the CDC:
And Why it has Lost its Trustworthiness When it Comes to Vaccine Policy

 By Gary G. Kohls, MD

Despite the fact that I am a physician, I have long been suspicious of the influence of giant multinational medical corporate cartels that are best referred to as Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Medicine, Big Insurance, Big Food, Big Agrichemical, etc. Most clear-headed observers of these industries (that meet the psychiatrist’s DSM definition of sociopathic entities) are justifiably concerned about the inordinate influence that they have over the mainstream media and most of our political parties, legislators and presidents.

These mega-corporations and their cunning multibillionaire owners (the 0.01%) are the paymasters of every politician and political party that thinks that they has to have millions of dollars in their campaign coffers in order to keep their political offices safe. Those paymasters, as is the case with all their other “investments”, expect a handsome long-term return on those investments. Those entities with excess luxury wealth are very serious when it comes to their money. That is why they can be so ruthless when it comes to getting what they want from their stable of politicians, lawyers and the publishers and editors of their newspapers and their television and radio stations.

My consciousness concerning the innate corruption in the vaccine industry was sharply raised when my father (in the totally bogus 1976 Swine Flu that NEVER materialized!) had the peripheral nerves to his hands poisoned by the neurotoxic mercury-containing Swine Flu vaccine. The small muscles that had been previously innervated by both of his radial nerves became permanently paralyzed. Within days the poisonous heavy metal in that vaccine caused a classical Guillain-Barre syndrome that he never recovered from. He never did regain his mastery of what was his lifelong love - fishing

In a now frequently repeated scenario (the latest ones being the Ebola virus “pandemic” and now the equally  bogus Zika virus/microcephaly epidemic), the vaccine industry’s lobbyists are successfully capitalizing on what is very likely an iatrogenic illness (physician or medicine-caused disease).  And the public health agencies (all indoctrinated into believing the med school myths that all vaccines are safe and effective) are  scaring the wits out of us with plausible, but unproven theories about another vaccine-preventable epidemic.

Then, with the constant stream of propaganda from the once respected Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) shaping the beliefs of an easily freaked-out populace, president and legislature, the vaccine industry presents a blueprint for fast-tracking through the regulatory process a new, potentially dangerous, and likely untested vaccine that will be easily marketed to blindly pro-vaccine clinics and blindly pro-vaccine physicians to be given to every scared-out-of-their-wits patient in hearing range whose insurance will cover the unaffordable costs.

This is American capitalism, folks, and what is happening before our eyes is the old, tried and true strategy to siphon off a few billion dollars from us taxpayers and at the same time jack up the stock price of the corporation.

In retrospect, by the way, my father’s pro-vaccine 1970s internist was not unlike the current crop of doctors. He had been indoctrinated in med school with the notion that all vaccines are safe and effective, despite the fact that vaccines have never had to go through the rigorous science that most drugs have to do to get approval. He was totally in the dark about what had caused the Guillain-Barre syndrome (he said it was the virus).

Continue reading "Duty to Warn Bad Science or Willful Ignorance at the CDC" »

Dr. Brian Hooker Speaks Out on Developments Concerning CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson

Pieces of silverNOTE:  From Jefferey Jaxen's blog:

The unexpected piece of information was conveyed by Dr. Brian Hooker during the Manhattan panel regarding recent developments concerning Dr. William Thompson — also known as the CDC whistleblower and focused on in the movie Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe. Dr. Hooker stated:

One of the things I asked Dr. Thompson to do in September 2014 was to leave the CDC and bring this all to light so he could come forward, go public, talk to congress, talk to the press directly — he choose not to. Dr. Thompson has been handled and will most likely submit a revised version of his analysis and try to absolve the MMR vaccine in early May 2016. This is typical of what we’ve seen at the CDC. The CDC analyzes data and when they see an effect they don’t like, they reanalyze data and the effect goes away. The CDC has done this historically from Agent Orange to Thimerosal and now to MMR vaccine. I did not want this to come but certainly anticipated that while he was in the CDC it would come. In exchange for what Dr. Thompson is doing — and believe this [info] is a little bit shaky — I believe he will get his own autism research foundation. And so there has been some very, very dubious activities that went on because he stayed in the CDC. He also got a major cash reward from the CDC for maintaining his employment he said, until he qualifies for retirement. But there are a lot of things that happened since the last conversation I had with Dr. Thompson which was in September 2014. And I do want to warn you and I do want to anticipate this. But again, it’s the same thing we’ve heard and we’ve seen from an agency that’s been completely captured but the pharmaceutical industry. And it’s [CDC] there not to tell the truth but in order to manipulate the public. In order to do what they think the best thing to do is for society.

The Tribeca Incident and the Framing of VaXed: MovieMaker Op-Ed

By Phillipe Diaz

When the call came from the heads of the Tribeca Film Festival, specifically Jane Rosenthal and Paula Weinstein, to let my head of distribution, Rich Castro, and me know that they had decided to “de-select” our film Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, I didn’t want to believe it.

I couldn’t understand how it could even be possible—when the selection had been confirmed publicly by Tribeca co-founder Robert De Niro himself the day before.

Being the distributor of the film and having received all the paperwork confirming the selection, I was in total disbelief, as I had personally advised the filmmakers to submit the film to Tribeca.

The conversation became very heated when I asked the festival executives for the reasons. The answer I received was that they had “issues” with the content of the film. I said, “Fine—let us know what issues you are having and we will give you all the back-up documentation and set you up with the filmmakers so that you can get any clarification you need.” But I got no specific answers.


It was clear that the actual content of the film (a documentary by Andrew Wakefield about Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who believes that crucial information was omitted in a 2004 report on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella [MMR] vaccine and its link to autism) was not the full cause of the festival’s change of heart. They had already indicated in a previous conversation that their sponsor had issues with the film—specifically, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. It became even more heated when I asked Rosenthal and Weinstein, both highly accomplished professionals, if they realized the responsibility they were assuming and the message it would send to the filmmaking world at large. They were effectively telling the festival’s sponsors that it was perfectly OK to censor a film they didn’t like. They were also telling filmmakers around the world that they should only make movies that corporate powers and sponsors alike will approve of, otherwise they will have little chance to ever have their movies seen. I told them they were setting a huge precedent, but it was clear that they could not have cared less.

Read the full Op-ED HERE.

Huffington Post Deletes Top Blogger's Post Due to Verboten Topic

Banned from huffpoExcerpted from TRUTH

Lance Simmens, author, whistleblower, political veteran,  fracking activist,  and more, went to see Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe at one of the California screenings, and was moved, enraged, awakened. He wrote a column for The Huffington Post about it, and it went up, as per the usual protocol–he has been a contributor for 8 years and written almost 200 articles without incident.

Shortly thereafter, without warning or explanation, the piece was taken down, and his account was blocked.

The Truth Barrier reached out to Simmens via an email interview:

TTB:  Give us if you would, a brief history of your writing for Huff Po. How many years, how many pieces, what topics…

LS: I have been writing on Huffington Post for nearly eight years and during that time they have published something close to 180 articles. I am a political writer and have written articles over the years about events as they unfold, which is the nice feature of blogging. I have a decidedly liberal bent to my politics but have striven to write thoughtful, provocative pieces that try to define a rationale and logic to the policy prescriptions being offered.

TTB:  What happened exactly when you posted your review of VAXXED to HuffPo?

LS:  I saw a premier of VAXXED the other evening and was so moved by the presentation and discussion that followed that I felt compelled to write a piece asking that we at least begin a serious national dialogue on the allegations contained in the documentary. I also drew attention to the spate of events that have unfolded over the past several years, where there has been a massive governmental failure to do its essential job which is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. I sent it to Huffington Post as I normally do–I have an account there–and they published the article. About a half hour later as I was sending it out to my network I was alerted by some folks that when they went to access it it was not coming up. It turns out that they pulled down the original piece and when I tried to rewrite it I was alerted that permission was denied to my account. I have made at least a half dozen attempts to reach someone at HuffPo to alert them that there was a malfunction and over the course of the last two days have not received one response. I even went so far as to email Arianna herself.

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Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? (They Didn't Censor Robert DeNiro)


Vaxxed Error
Read Part 2 and Part 1 here.

By Wayne Rohde and Louis Conte

It’s been one heck of an Autism Awareness Month.

Robert De Niro appeared on the Today Show Wednesday morning to talk about the Tribeca Film Festival. When the discussion turned to the controversy over the decision to pull the film, Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, De Niro said that he felt that the film should be seen. And then he said much more.

Almost immediately, pro-vaccine not-for-profit groups such as Voices for Vaccines tweeted a post telling main stream media outlet NBC News to get their act together and not to allow these interviews to be conducted.

V4V screenshot

To which Wayne Rohde responded with a question.

There was no return response.

“What’s going on?” sort of sounds like “How can this be happening?”

As the tweet reveals, the expectation of network compliance with not discussing autism and vaccines is fairly obvious. NBC was not doing what was expected of them. One can only wonder what the rest of the day was like down at NBC News.

As one would expect, main stream media outlets unleashed a torrent a “De Niro is wrong”. One that struck me as ironic was this one by Maggie Fox of Today called “De Niro Says ‘Find the Truth’ But Scientists Already did”.

What Ms. Fox doesn’t represent in her article is that scientists at the CDC did find the truth.

Then they threw the truth in the garbage.

In August of 2014, one of the scientists and co-authors of the 2004 Pediatrics study, Dr. William Thompson, stepped forward in and released this statement through his whistle-blower attorney:

CDC data showed that the MMR vaccine was associated with autism in the original data of a study ultimately published by the CDC Vaccine Safety Division staff in 2004 in the journal Pediatrics. However, that data was manipulated to bury the connection between the vaccine and autism in African American children. Some of the data regarding a subset of children with “Isolated Autism” – children with autism who didn’t have other health complications - was so damning that the researchers got together and dumped it in the garbage. Congressman William Posey reported this on the floor of Congress in 2015.

Ms. Fox states that the “independent Institute of Medicine (IOM)” reviewed the science and determined that science has proven that vaccines don’t cause autism.

According to documents released by William Thompson and the statements he made to Dr. Brian Hooker in four legally taped conversations, the IOM was lied to. The IOM reviewed and considered the fraudulent science that the CDC Vaccine Safety Division gave them in coming to their decision about autism and the MMR vaccine. The CDC even removed Thompson from presenting the study to the IOM to make sure that the conflicted scientist didn’t reveal what he knew. 

Vaxxed reveals a CDC where data is manipulated and destroyed, where employees who try to do the right thing are ostracized and where science is a tool of policy interests.

Even worse, Vaxed alleges that the CDC scientists obstructed justice in a federal judicial proceeding.

At the time the study was published, the Secretary of Health and Human Services was being sued by thousands of families alleging that the MMR vaccine caused autism in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP) held in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The federal department that runs the CDC was on the hook for billions of dollars in compensation awards to victims of vaccine injuries. When the Special Masters dismissed thousands of cases in the OAP, their rulings relied heavily on the same fraudulent study.

What Dr. William Thompson is alleging is nothing short of a cover-up of a criminal conspiracy that may have resulted in a shocking amount of harm to children and the nation. If true, none of the science produced by the CDC can be trusted.

That is what Vaxxed is about.

This is why Robert De Niro feels everyone should see Vaxxed and also see the film

Trace Amounts, which is about the mercury based vaccines preservative, Thimerosal. De Niro feels that people should see these films and discuss them openly.

Robert De Niro spoke about what his wife feels happened to his son. Like so many other families, De Niro’s son is reported to have regressed after vaccination. Thousands of families report these horrible regressions.

Science has avoided studying parental reports of vaccine induced regression, typically claiming that parents simply missed early signs of autism in their children. Instead, the scientific community has conducted epidemiological studies.

Despite what the press often reports, there has never been a study of health outcomes comparing vaccinated and un-vaccinated people.

Continue reading "Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? (They Didn't Censor Robert DeNiro) " »

Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism

Ben-swann-fullFrom Truth In Media. Please visit the site for the video.

Ben Swann is an investigative journalist working tirelessly to dissolve the left/right paradigm prevalent in most mainstream media narratives. As a news reporter and anchor in the earlier days of his career, he has gained a wealth of experience while earning two Emmy Awards and two Edward R. Murrow awards. In addition to heading the Truth In Media Project, Ben is the prime anchor at WGCL-TV in Atlanta, GA. He can be seen anchoring live at 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6 p.m., and 11 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. A stream is available at

The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.

For over two years, Truth In Media has explored the allegations of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who came forward in 2014, hired a whistleblower attorney, and claimed that important data regarding a study on vaccines and autism was eliminated.

Thompson’s claims have led to a divide among Americans, with some believing that Thompson’s allegations are credible and should be investigated further, and others convinced that the documents Thompson handed over mean absolutely nothing. In December 2015, Ben Swann was the first journalist to obtain the documents from Congressman Bill Posey.

In this episode, Swann further examines not only Thompson’s claims, but also the documents related to the study, with the assistance of doctors, journalists, authors and former CDC specialists who joined Swann in discussing every document that was handed over.

Refusing to Acknowledge CDC Whistleblower Validity

Star CommenterThank you to David Foster, AofA contributor, for allowing us to post his comment made on a blog entry at the Orac-penned ScienceBlogs "Respectful Insolence."  

Ben Swann returns, and this time he’s got the CDC whistleblower documents.

(Orac:) When it comes to blogging, sometime’s it’s feast or famine. Some days there are more topics and stories that I’d like to blog about than I could ever get to, given that I generally only do one post per weekday, while other days I seriously think about skipping a day because there’s just nothing out there that interests me. This is one of the former kinds of days. Seriously, there was an embarrassment of riches last night, so much so that I had a hard time making up my mind what story to write about. The one that I ultimately chose only just edged out the second place choice, and then only at the last minute and then only because it is a followup to a post I did about about a month ago. I might well get to the runner up tomorrow, but for now it’s time to revisit a story I’ve done a lot of blogging about because it’s come up again.

How many of you remember Ben Swann? Well, he’s back. Regular readers might remember that Swann is the clueless, conspiracy-minded “investigative reporter” who anchors the evening news for WGCL-CBS46 in Atlanta. The location is important, because it’ means he’s the local news anchor for a major CBS affiliate who did a highly credulous story about the the “#CDCtruth” rally in October...


Foster's comment:

Do you ever notice that Orac can never simply provide the facts and let the reader draw their own conclusions? Why is that Orac? Do you have that little faith in your readership? (You should.) Every sentence is filled with ad hominem attacks and vitriol, and you always seem to leave out details which are not consistent with the conclusion you wish your readers to draw.

Its fascinating to watch how Orac and everyone else here is so willing to put the cart before the horse. Apparently the credibility of Dr. William Thompson, a senior epidemiologist and research scientist at the CDC, is dubious enough that these kinds of serious claims do not warrant any sort of investigation. We wouldn't want to learn that everything we've been spouting about for years might not be true, now would we?

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Ben Swann on Vaccine Safety and the Release of the #CDCwhistleblower Documents

Note: Ben Swann began reporting on the problems in the vaccine program two years ago, and today on Age of Autism he discloses that Congressman Bill Posey has released to him the CDC documents turned over to Congress by Dr. William Thompson concerning the cover up of the links between the MMR and autism.  Swann discusses Vaccine safety, vaccine choice, potential corruption at CDC and his plans for the #CDCwhistleblower documents in a video interview with Age of Autism Media Editor, Anne Dachel.

By Anne Dachel

A month ago vaccine safety advocates and members of the autism community witnessed some astonishing news coverage on CBS 46 in Atlanta.  On the segment Reality Check, reporter Ben Swann presented a piece called, CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed.  


The story focused on the October protest held at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the claim being made about an agency whistleblower.  For the ordinary viewer turning on the local news this report must have seemed a little unsettling.

Ben Swann: "Just days ago over a hundred protesters gathered outside of the CDC right here in Atlanta, demanding transparency when it comes to vaccines. . . .

"Those protesters... say that the information being provided to the public about vaccines is not completely honest, and all of it hinges on one man...a scientist you probably never heard of.   That scientist's name is Dr. William Thompson, and it was on August 27, 2014 that Dr. Thompson made an admission that got very little media coverage but it was a major statement...." 

Swann went on to quote Thompson regarding the findings of a 2004 MMR study published in Pediatrics.  Thompson said that the agency concealed data showing African American males were at increased risk for autism if they received the MMR vaccine before 36 months of age.  Viewers were told about thousands of CDC documents that were now in the hands of U.S. Rep. Bill Posey. 

"Congressman Posey brought this information to the floor of Congress and what he read there was nothing short of stunning, that authors of the study not only hid the actual findings, but attempted to destroy evidence. ..."

Swann cautioned his audience that just because someone raises questions about vaccine safety, doesn't mean they are anti-vaccine.  He then talked about the risks involved with vaccination and the compensation that's been paid to victims. 

All of this was astonishing to those of us who follow the vaccine/autism controversy in the news.  Reporters simply don't do this kind of thing.  This was real investigative journalism.  Swann raised serious questions about government oversight. 

I was able to talk with Ben Swann about his story and about what he's learned.  He are his comments on Skype.

I asked Ben how he became involved in the issue of vaccine safety.


Continue reading "Ben Swann on Vaccine Safety and the Release of the #CDCwhistleblower Documents" »

CDC Investigates Itself on #CDCwhistleblower Fraud Charges and Then Declines to Share Results with Congress

Cotton by Ginger Taylor

After the blockbuster revelations that Dr. William Thompson had come forward and admitted that CDC was withholding information that they found linking vaccines to autism, Congressman Bill Posey took the lead in investigating the matter. After many months of sorting through documents given to him by Thompson, Posey took to the floor of the House of Representatives last summer to confirm that there was ample evidence that fraud was taking place and called for formal Congressional hearings.

Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz, the new head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, had reportedly committed to Rep. Posey that he would hold hearings, however those reports were followed by others suggesting that key members of Congress were coming intense under pressure from vaccine interests not to hold hearings, and instead to allow CDC to investigate themselves.

Indeed, CDC spokesperson Tom Skinner released the following statement to Forbes Magazine, announcing that the agency will investigate themselves for the fraud charges that have been levied against them:

"CDC is aware that employee Dr. William Thompson has raised concerns regarding an article he co-authored that was published in 2004 in Pediatrics. Consistent with CDC’s existing policies and procedures, the agency, through its Office of the Associate Director for Science (ADS), and in coordination with the HHS Office of Research Integrity, is reviewing these concerns. The agency will provide further information once the review is completed."

Months after Rep. Chaffetz had reportedly committed to hold hearings, no hearings have been publicly discussed. Further, activists in the black community report that the ORG's ranking member, Rep. Elijah Cummings, initially committed to them that he would look into the Thompson disclosure, but recanted his commitment to them within days of making it.

On Monday, Rep. Posey took to his facebook page to share that he had learned that CDC had completed their investigation of their potential fraud, and had prepared a video response. He contacted them to request a copy, but CDC has declined to produce it for the Congressman.

Congressman Bill Posey's post to facebook:

"ARROGANT, PETULANT & DEFIANT - I was informed by an insider they did an investigation, prepared a response and produced a video as a result of the July 29th video I posted below. I simply asked to see..."


I had not realized that responses like these were possible to government agencies with oversight and investigative powers, and after reading the Dena Morris response, I have been inspired to use her letter as a template in to address a matter in my own life:

November 4th, 2015

Ginger Taylor
123 The Way Life Should Be Way
Rocky Coast Of, Maine

12th Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue
Northwest, Washington, D.C.

Dear Internal Revenue Service,

Thank you for your letter regarding your 2014 statement and your request for certain documents and materials. The Taylor Family (Team Taylor) was aware that certain concerns had been raised regarding a 2014 paperwork filing authored by Team Taylor members. Team Taylor takes any concerns about the integrity of our paperwork filings very seriously and is committed to reviewing such concerns consistent with applicable federal regulations and our team's existing policies and procedures. However, Team Taylor is not in a position at this time to comment on any ongoing review.

We value your commitment to public funding, and appreciate your support for providing the public with revenue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Chander Taylor our son injured by your sister agency's policies and disclosures, after he gets home from school.


Ginger Taylor
Executive Director, Team Taylor, Maine Office

I will let you know if it pays off.

Reality Check׃ CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed

Cdc truthBy Anne Dachel

Finally, we are seeing legitimate, thorough reporting on the vaccine controversy by someone in the mainstream press, on an actual news program that people in Atlanta could see on their local station. 

I'm talking about the Oct 29, 2015 story, Reality Check׃ CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed the amazing coverage of the whistleblower at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on CBS46, hosted by Ben Swann. 

In the segment, Swann proved he is an honest investigative reporter, willing to take on the most heated controversy in pediatric medicine.  In the four and a half minute coverage, Swann said things that we would never expect to hear from a reporter:

"Just days ago, over a hundred protesters gathered outside the CDC right here in Atlanta demanding transparency when it comes to vaccines.  So are these people conspiracy theorists or do they have a good reason  to be here? I promise, this is a reality check you won't see anywhere else.

"It is an incredibly controversial subject, to say the least, but those protesters outside the CDC here in Atlanta say that the information being provided to the public about vaccines is not completely honest.  And all of it hinges on one man. . . a scientist you probably never heard of.  That scientist's name is Dr. William Thompson, and it was on August 27 of 2014 that Dr. Thompson made an admission that got very little media coverage, but it was a major statement.  That statement read in part, 'I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal, Pediatrics.

"'The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. 

"'Decisions were made regarding the findings of the report at the data collected and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.'"

Swann explained that Thompson came forward after he was secretly recorded by Dr. Brian Hooker and that he has turned "as much as a hundred thousand documents" over to Congress. 

Swann called Rep Bill Posey's announcement made in the House of Representatives "nothing short of stunning." 

"Authors of the study not only hid the actual findings, but attempted to destroy evidence. . . .  Quoting from Dr. Thompson, 'The authors of the study decided not to disclose to the public that African American boys under 36 months were more susceptible to developing autism or autism-like symptoms from the MMR vaccine.  . . .'

"Not only did the CDC hide that information, but the authors of that study threw that information into a trash can and destroyed it."

Swann asked why anyone who questions any aspect of the vaccine program is immediately labeled, anti-vaccine.  He told people to consider that "all vaccines, in all quantities for all people, are not safe.  Every year, hundreds of children are injured by vaccines here in the United States."  He added that over $3 billion have been paid out for vaccine injuries. 

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Barbara Loe Fisher Speaks at Vaccine Rally in Atlanta Bringing People Together From All Walks of Life

BLF Rally30 years after Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC demanded vaccine safety from CDC, following her son's severe reaction to DPT, she and many others rallied this weekend in Atlanta to demand safety, un-doctored science, and an END to forced vaccination.

 View a 12 minute video below. The embed code is from FB - it should work on AofA. Thanks. And sincere thanks to Barbara and A. Omar Muhammad for the video.
Press Conference Against CDC in Atlanta GA

Press Conference Against CDC in Atlanta GA . Coverage by A. Omar Muhammad of A-1 Video Production

Posted by A Omar Muhammad on Friday, October 23, 2015

Levi Quackenboss Says, "Thanks for #TeamVax, CDC!"

ThanksfornothingWe've excerpted this post from Levi Quackenboss' blog with permission.

CDC have you done lost your mind?  What were the big brains in Atlanta thinking when they decided that the largest public health organization in the nation needed to stoop to meme-speak?

Let’s take a look at the meme that my tax dollars paid for. You’ve got your racially ambiguous doting mother with her tiny baby boy who’s clearly already had one round of vaccines because his bulging forehead circumference is in the 99th percentile.  It’s nice to see vaccine-injured babies represented.

So, you’re saying that vaccinating leads to a “safe” and “healthy” baby, is that right?  Liability-free and unavoidably unsafe vaccines given in greater quantity than any other time in history and directly correlating with the largest pediatric chronic illness crises our country has ever seen are safe and healthy?  This is the best you can do?  I wish you luck, I really do, but just like every other pressure tactic to emerge in recent years, my guess is that you’re doomed to fail.  Someone at Emory University is going to get a $10 million grant to do a study that announces your poorly designed and visually unappealing government memes caused vaccination rates to drop even further.

Let me break it down for you.  You are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  As far as 95% of America knows, you are infallible.  Why do you need an ad campaign if you’re infallible?  You don’t.  When was the last time you saw a Rolls Royce commercial?  Never.  They don’t advertise.   They don’t have to. They’re infallible.

So why are you advertising?

Read the full post at Levi's blog.

One Lie Two Many: From Vietnam to Vaccines, the CDC is Exposed for a Second Time in the New Book Vaccine Whistleblower

Dr William ThompsonBy James O. Grundvig

It appears that the only thing dirtier than the ingredients found in vaccines is the science behind vaccine safety.

In the new book, Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing the Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, attorney Kevin Barry has provided context to a series of tapes that were recorded last summer by Brian Hooker, PE, PhD, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) senior epidemiologist Dr. William Thompson.

Had someone not blown the whistle on the CDC whistleblower last August 2014, Thompson would have divulged a lot more. Needless to say, when he was outed last August, with the most powerful Vaccine Whistleblower Skyhorse Publishingpeople in the media and government away on vacation, by the time Labor Day came around the story had lost its lift.

Being outed prematurely forced Dr. Thompson to hire a law firm that specializes in protecting whistleblowers against retaliation.

Press Release on Dr. William Thompson

After Dr. Thompson introduced himself in the August 27, 2014, presser, he stated:

“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”

Today, outed for a second time with the book being published by Skyhorse Publishing (disclosure: my publisher for 3 upcoming books) without Thompson’s permission, the “raw” tapes, which had been transcribed, evolved into a coherent narrative on some of the darker elements of the “science of justification,” allegedly perpetrated by the agency that is tasked with the health, wellbeing and prevention of diseases of Americans.

Sobering Numbers

Since 2000, parents of autistic children have suspected that the United States’ childhood immunology program has run amok with as many as three times the number of vaccines given to U.S. children than any other nation in the world.

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