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The Media and the Really Big Lie about Autism

Vaccine Science = Fraud: How to Fix the Vaccine Mess

Fraud puzzl;eBy Dr. William H. Gaunt, NMD

We will have a rare opportunity to get to the truth about vaccines when RFK Jr becomes the director of HHS (Health and Human Services). Senate hearings to consider Kennedy’s nomination to that position will begin soon. There will be strong opposition. If Kennedy is not confirmed, the rest of this article is null and void and big pharma will be able to continue business as usual.

Rigged Vaccine Science:

“The sad truth is that clinical trials of vaccines have always been and continue to be designed to hide the side effects. They are rigged.” Paul Thomas, MD on page 87 of his new book Vax Facts. More on this book below.

Rock Solid Honest Science Is the Way Forward.

The scientific community will respond to real science. It will take incontrovertible and irrefutable evidence to convince scientists. Once the majority of scientists are convinced that vaccine science is fraudulent, they will support honest testing of vaccines. The truth will then emerge.  

Why Has Vaccine Science Become Dishonest?

Huge amounts of money almost inevitably lead to corruption. The book Science for Sale by David L. Lewis, PhD describes how this happens in many areas. The purpose of fraudulent vaccine science has been to deceive the public into believing that vaccines are safe and effective and that deaths and serious injuries caused by vaccines are rare. That has been an effective marketing message which many people still believe. Honest science will show that “safe and effective” is a blatant lie.  

How to Cheat with Vaccine Science:

The book Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth describes in detail how vaccine scientific fraud is done. The best way to understand this is to read that book. If you click this link: “How to Cheat and Lie with Vaccine Science”, it will bring up my review of the Turtles book at

Regulatory Capture Must Be Destroyed.

The FDA, CDC and other regulatory agencies have been captured by big pharma.  These agencies once functioned to protect the public. They now function to protect and promote pharma companies. Kennedy must completely clean house in these agencies. Competent people who are not compromised by conflicts of interest will need to be installed to return these agencies to their original function: protecting the public from predatory big pharma companies.

Here Is a Big First Step:

A study must be done comparing the health outcomes of thousands of fully vaccinated children to that of thousands of unvaccinated children.  Our prediction: Such a study will show that unvaccinated children are far healthier. The incidence of autism alone will reveal a huge difference between these two groups. Unvaccinated children will be shown to have a near zero rate of autism while the incidence of autism in fully vaccinated children will be near 1 in every 36 children and 1 in every 22 boys (This is the current CDC data for 8-year-olds). Many other health outcomes will be far better in the unvaccinated children: ADHD, asthma, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders, deadly allergies, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, learning disabilities, and much more will be shown to be far more common in vaccinated children.  We are hopeful that this type of study can be done soon after Kennedy takes charge of HHS.

How can such a study be done?

Kennedy will force the CDC to open up the VSD (Vaccine Safety Data-link) which contains the vaccine and health records of millions of Americans. The CDC has been denying access to this data for decades. We won’t know the outcome of this study until it is done but we feel confident that it will show that unvaccinated children are significantly healthier than their fully vaccinated peers. If our prediction is correct, it will mean that it is much safer to get zero vaccines than to get all of the vaccines.

What About the Vaccines on the CDC Schedule?

There are currently 17 vaccines on the CDC Vaccine Schedule. All are given multiple times for a total of around 75 vaccines by the time a fully vaccinated child reaches their 18th birthday. Infants and young children get 6 to 9 vaccines given all at one time at well-child appointments with their pediatrician. Each of these vaccines will need to be evaluated with honest science to determine their risk versus benefit profile. Do any of these vaccines provide more benefit than risk? Surprisingly, we do not know the answer because honest science on all of these vaccines has not been done. Sad but true.

The Covid Vaccines Disaster Is Causing Many Parents to Question All Vaccines.

Information on covid vaccines is heavily censured but the truth about these vaccines is ugly. Many people were killed or seriously injured by covid vaccines. Mandating covid vaccines for infants and children is counter-productive because the vaccines pose far greater risks than the covid virus itself.

Big Pharma Power:

Big pharma is more powerful than most people can imagine. They will try to use that power to prevent the truth from coming out. They will attempt to get senators to vote against Kennedy’s confirmation. It will be a battle. We need to pray for those on the front lines.

Do You Want to Be Well-Informed on This Issue?

There are several wonderful books available. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Turtles All the way down: Vaccine Science and Myth. The authors are anonymous because they want to avoid being crushed for revealing this information.
  • Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak by Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Brian Hooker, PhD. More than 100 studies where the unvaccinated did better than the vaccinated.
  • Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk. This book describes the drastic decline in infectious disease mortality and what caused it (hint: it was not vaccines).
  • Denial by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill. Can information which exposes vaccines as the main cause of autism be ignored and denied forever?
  • How To End The Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley. Honest science can get us there.
  • Vax Facts by Paul Thomas, MD and DeeDee Hoover. This is a new book which covers a wealth of great information including a published study based on Dr. Paul’s thousands of patients over a decade. The conclusion of the study is that his unvaccinated patients were found to be far healthier compared to his partially or fully vaccinated patients. The Oregon Medical Board suspended his license to practice days after this study was published because he was “a threat to public health.”

About the author: Dr. Gaunt is a retired Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. He is a graduate of the University of South Florida. He was a Navy helicopter pilot and later an instructor pilot with the Iranian Navy and the Saudi Arabian Air Force before attending medical school at Bastyr University near Seattle, WA. He graduated with honors in 1983. He has also taught chemistry, biology, and anatomy at high school and college levels. Dr. Gaunt has published more than 25 articles related to vaccines over the last several years. He and his wife have a blended family of eight boys and a girl adopted from China.


Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989



I want to wish Tony Lyons of Skyhorse Publishing congratulations and great work for publishing every book on autism over the years, including my son's Doctor Michael Goldberg. Hoping for JFK to help our effort in the new Trump administration to bring more attention to our neuroimmune affected children/adults with autism. It is time for funding for a long awaited cure for all the affected families!

Angus Files

I pray RFK gets in as the old saying goes, dont judge them on what the politicians say, just on what they do.Let us pray.

Many thanks Dr Gaunt.

Pharma For Prison



Lyons publishing all these books has played a large role in getting us to where we are now.

You can not damage a whole - couple if not three generations of children and not make enemies in places you never imagined would matter.

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