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To the End of the Earth

Senator Susan Collins and Autism Cares Act

Don't careOur Anne Dachel tells the truth about the lack of care in the Autism Cares Act. You can subscribe to her Substack here.

Senator Susan Collins (ME) is 'proud' of reauthorizing the Autism CARES Act--WHY? After two decades, why bother?

Senator Susan Collins

Autism, the developmental disorder that officially affects one in every 36 U.S. children, one in every 22 boys and is expected to continue to get even worse, has no known cause, prevention or cure.

Relatively unknown until the end of the 20th century, autism has become a household word. We have a whole month every April where we joyfully light up famous monuments around the world in blue lights in celebration of autism. By now, we all pretty much assume autism will remain a perpetual puzzle.

The autism puzzle

Health officials at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta dutifully give us updates on the autism rate every couple of years, usually coinciding with the festivities of Autism Acceptance Month in April.

NO ONE at the CDC has ever admitted a true increase in the autism rate. It is always due to greater awareness, better diagnosing by doctors.

NO ONE at the CDC can speculate on when exactly doctors will finally figure out the true autism numbers. (HINT: Since the rate in California is one in 22 and in Florida, it’s almost one in 20, it’s easy to see where this is going.)

NO ONE at the CDC is ever worried about autism. Since I’ve been following everything they put out for the past 20 years, I can say conclusively that no one there has used the word “crisis” when talking about autism. “Serious public health concern” is the strongest language I’ve ever seen when it comes to autism.

NO ONE at the CDC has ever been able to show us a comparable rate of autism among adults, but they’re satisfied that they’re out there.


Just now President Biden signed the reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act.

The bill was sponsored by U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.)

Senator Collins had this to say about the Autism CARES Act on her website: 

“This bill will continue the successful programming across HHS that helps us better understand the causes and the symptoms of the Autism Spectrum Disorder and improve the lives of families affected by it,” said Senator Collins.


There are several stories out about the Autism CARES Act of 2024, and they make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO ME, especially when it comes to Susan Collins.

From the reports, you’d think that we were making great strides in learning about and addressing autism, and that Senator Collins really had something to smile about. 

This law has been around for almost 20 years, and I seriously doubt that anyone in Congress really wants to know what’s behind the explosion in autism. 

Dec 31, 2024, Mariposa CA Sierra Sun Times: U.S. Senator Susan Collins’ Autism CARES Act Signed into Law

The bill will renew and expand federal support for research, services, and training related to autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Autism CARES is the main source of federal funding for autism research, services, training, and monitoring.

“This bill will continue the successful programming across HHS that helps us better understand the causes and the symptoms of the Autism Spectrum Disorder and improve the lives of families affected by it,” said Senator Collins. “I am proud that we have reauthorized this important law, which is critical to expanding research at the NIH, supporting the CDC's effort to increase public awareness and early detection of autism spectrum disorder, and strengthening and expanding the Health Research and Services Administration's workforce training to identify and support children and youth with autism as well as their families.”

Senator Lujan: “Not only does the Autism CARES Act of 2024 renew federal support for autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities, but it also expands critical research and training programs that benefit people with autism and their families. I’m proud to see this bill pass the Senate, and now I am calling on the House for swift passage to continue to drive research and support individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities for years to come.”

“The reauthorization of Autism CARES brings us one step closer to ensuring stronger, more meaningful inclusion for the entirety of the spectrum in research, supports, and services.

They’re proud? Of what?

Both senators declared that they’re ‘PROUD’ of the Autism CARES Act, but their glowing words really have no relationship to the real world. 

IN TRUTH, this is nothing more than autism busywork that creates the façade that people are doing something about autism. 

Actually, no one in charge will ever address what autism is really about.

The Autism CARES Act includes $2 billion for more dead-end research similar to the bogus studies we’ve paid for since 2006 when the official autism rate was one in 166 children, one in 102 boys.

The federal government will happily fund ANYTHING that lays the blame for autism on the parents.

BESIDES THE SEARCH FOR THE ELUSIVE AUTISM GENE, the government has funded studies linking autism to:

Fat moms, drinking moms, smoking moms, old moms, moms who marry old dads, moms who have preemies, moms who have babies too close together, moms who live too close to freeways, moms with low levels of D3, moms who carry Neanderthal DNA, moms with specific fatty acids in cord blood, moms on antidepressants, and moms who expose babies to BPA during pregnancy. (It worked so well blaming the “refrigerator mom” of the 1950s and 60s.)

On December 30th a story in the Portland Press Herald had the headline, U.S. to expand autism research under new law co-sponsored by Maine Sen. Susan Collins

This article dismissed any real increase in autism.

Scientists have concluded that doctors and families are getting better at recognizing when children are showing signs of autism — such as difficulties communicating and disrupted social development — and are therefore better at diagnosing autism compared to decades ago. Whether there's been a true increase in the prevalence of autism is still being researched.

So who’s doing the research to determine “whether there’s been a true increase in the prevalence of autism”?

Members of Congress, along with everyone in our health care agencies have passively watched the explosion in the autism rate and deliberately tried to make it all go away. 

The media has been used to further the cover-up. The one thing that none of these people will address honestly is the claim of a direct link between this increase in the vaccine schedule and the explosion in the autism rate.

A simple study of fully vaccinated and never vaccinated children to compare the rate of autism would settle the controversy in an instance. With so many parents now too scared or too well-informed to vaccinate, the study group is out there.

All of those people so eager to address autism should use some of that $2 billion to fund an independent study exactly like this. All of those convinced that THERE IS NO LINK, should demand this research. However, they are the most vehemently opposed to doing it.

WHY? I can only conclude that it’s because they already know what such a study would show, and no one wants to even consider what such findings would do to the American people.

Here is something that should be of interest to Senator Collins. On December 30th this was in the Harpswell Anchor: School officials respond to ‘ballooning’ special education enrollment./

Nearly one in four students in this district have special needs.

Across Maine School Administrative District 75, nearly 25% of students were enrolled in special education services during the 2023-24 school year, up from 21% five years earlier. MSAD 75 covers Harpswell, Topsham, Bowdoin and Bowdoinham.

Not a real increase, just like autism

Maine and the nation have seen a similar rise in special education enrollment, with experts attributing much of the long-term trend to improved identification practices and increased awareness of developmental and learning disabilities. . . .

A 2023 study published by the National Institutes of Health found that excessive screen time — defined as more than two hours per day for young children — was associated with “behavioral and conduct problems, developmental delay, speech disorders, learning disability, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).”

Actually this is typical for Maine.

Mar 3, 2020, Lewiston, ME: 21 percent of students are sped.

In 2019 Rumford, ME announced that they had over 25 percent of students with special needs.

Mar 29, 2018, Rockland, ME 21 percent of students with special needs. 

Apparently the increases in special education numbers AND the autism rate can continue indefinitely and Collins, Lujan and everyone else on Capitol Hill can be expected to keep reauthorizing the Autism CARES Act, since they all care so much.

I wonder what the rate will be the next time they vote on this.



Vax Unvax Book CoverYou can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free!  Hardcover also available and can never be deleted.  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do

This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.

Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

Wuhan bioweapons coverThe Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz

“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989



There is a large collection of studies linking steroid use to autism on pubmed.
Mothers with asthma and steroid use would be a good example.

The Epoch Times had an article about it in their paper linking autism to steroid use in mothers. It was a pretty big study, well it included a lot of people's data in the study.

What was not addressed was the illnesses that would require a young woman of child bearing age to have to take a steroid to begin with.

Not the rise of auto immune diseases to begin with
Not that inflammation is high in these young women from vaccinating them as children.
and that is how the IACC behaved from the very beginning.

Under new leadership will they turn this around and do what they are suppose to?
It has been used as a weapon to keep the "Vaccine causes autism people" in check.

But this same weapon if under the right leadership could turn this weapon on the likes of Plotkin, Fauci, well let me get out Kennedy Jr's books to get that long list of names of people that sold out America, and the human race.


Susan Collins is now starting her fifth term. She is Maine's longest serving senator.

Two more terms and she will catch up with Mitch McConnell.

Why is the longest serving senators given head positions, and heads up important committees?
We got to get rid of these kind of career politicians. Sure experience is great, but it also means they have been around long enough to be bought and paid for.

And that is Susan Collins. We all have watched her and we know she is a swamp creature. Her only thing has been, that she was a weaker (being a republican instead of a democrat0. Now the tables are turned and she will become something terrible.

Dr. William Gaunt

The Calvary may be coming soon. If RFK Jr is confirmed as the Director of Health and Human Services, big changes will follow. Vaccines will finally be revealed as the main cause of autism. I am optimistic at this point. If you are a praying person, pray for RFK Jr and for the senators to see through the big pharma lies. Blessings.


Here we go again after all these years of NOTHING to help us families with autism children and many, including my son who is now an adult, who are still suffering every day, year after year with the same old NOTHING response. When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s no one ever heard the word autism and certainly no one could have missed seeing a child in school who was affected by this very obvious dysfunction. No speech, self-stimming and spinning around, violent meltdowns, sometimes(like my son) epilepsy, gut and bowel problems, lack of ability for self care, wandering and drowning, head banging, noise sensitivity, lack of interest in other people, obsession with objects, some with violent behaviors they can not control and this could never be missed by anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.
We can not wait forever for the real research by biopharmaceuticals and medical teams at universities to get the funding for this as we all are petrified at the fact that we may not live to see the day when we hear the words-the cure for the neuro- immune damaged people with autism has finally been found. I hope and pray that something will change for all of us in the coming year.


It is as if legislators see the world through a lens dominated by donors and their academic functionaries.
Aaron Kheriarty wrote this pertinent piece about the Managerialists:

Maurine E. Meleck

Susan Collin’s Notebook
the “Autism Cares Act” has been around
since the autism numbers increase was found
in fact, since a sum of money being spent
one has to wonder where it all went
because it’s done nothing to lower the rise
the reason to re-establish must be a disguise
to pretend that officials really do care
that autism families are in total despair
now 1 in 20 and the affected still growing
better diagnosing the Cares Act is showing
the government spends zero to find the cause
for 35 years they’re still taking a pause
but there lies a reason for the total delay
lack of vak-scene safety has been on display
by those that want to nail the true reason
and not focus on nonsense every new season
so Collins has added this note to her book
let’s renew the cares act with that devious look
I’ll be more popular while we increase SPEDs
then make people think we’re using our heads.
Maurine Meleck-1/2/25

Gerardo Martinez

Yup! So true nothing to see here. About 40 years ago we were just missing all those peanut allergies and children with incredible messy bm problems. Oh language up to 15 months then huge regression, loss of language and social skills. Yup the college educated medical and educational folks were just missing it. Sad. I pray that in 2025 there is real change on the way! Happy New Year 🎊 to all!

Andrew Foss

Thoughts? My first thought is that any of these political pawns daring to create or vote on this Bill need first spend an afternoon with my son. Just for yucks and giggles of course. It is obvious that they either have no clue what "support for the families" actually means, or they truly believe the lies they tell. Would love to see some of that "support" in my pocket.

When the only "study" that the government can point to regarding autism tells them UNEQUIVOCALLY that Autism is NOT caused by vaxxines, we know how much value that this Bill will offer.

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