Sen. Chris Murphy Says RFK, Jr. "Wants to Kill Our Kids"
Note: I live in Connecticut. We lost our school's religious vaccine exemption a few years ago, and have only a medical exemption that's nearly impossible to to get. That said, we have decent budgets for people with autism AND IQ (testable) under 70. For those with IQ that tests over 70? Or those who do not need IQ testing? We are as much as wasteland as any state in the Union. And lack of adult services, employment and housing is a huge problem. We have a crisis.
Our Senator Chris Murphy said something unconscionable during an interview. He said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to kill children - referring to Kennedy's discussion of vaccines. Nothing could be further from the truth. But Yale has a strong influence here in Connecticut, as does the pharmaceutical industry. I think Murphy cares about the Nutmeg state's kids. But he is powerfully influenced by industry too. Massachusetts (our neighbor) Senator Elizabeth Warren has been positively RABID about Kennedy, proclaiming that he wants polio to return at every opportunity. Again. Untrue. Funny, these politicians ONLY focus on Kennedy's vaccination stance, never his myriad other changes in terms of food, water, health. Just the vaccines.
By Anne Dachel
Sen. Chris Murphy Needs to Start Caring about the Children of Connecticut
During an interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky on the Ingraham Angle on January 6th, Laura Ingraham included a 20 second clip of Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy that blatantly lied about the aims of HHS nominee, Robert Kennedy, Jr.
Murphy put on a histrionic display of fear over what Kennedy wants to do. It was right out of the Sen. Elizabeth Warren playbook where she announced RFK is “welcoming a return to polio.”
Sen. Murphy said,
Why are we giving RFK, Jr. a pass?
Okay, he wants to ban pharmaceutical advertising. That’s nice.
He also wants to kill our kids by withdrawing vaccines from our schools and taking fluoride out of our drinking water.
Of course any normal person listening to Kennedy’s plans to eliminate the “corporate capture” of our regulatory agencies knows Warren and Murphy are just making up their own narrative.
Why not demand independent double blind studies for vaccines, like any other pharmaceutical product?
Why not end the pharmaceutical ads on TV that give drug companies control over what we’re told about that industry?
Why not end the total liability protection that the vaccine makers have enjoyed since 1986?
Why not conduct a study of fully vaccinated and never vaccinated children to compare health outcomes?
Actually I have a wake up call for Senator Chris Murphy.
It’s time you started to care a little about what’s happening to children in your start of Connecticut.
Maybe Kennedy’s ideas of looking into the effects of toxic food and untested vaccines would benefit your state.
Here are just a few examples of how things are rapidly going downhill in Connecticut.
On Dec 21, 2024, the Stamford (CT) Advocate published an article entitled, Stamford schools worried over $5M jump in out-of-district special education costs
The schools in Stamford have a $2.2M special education deficit this year which will reach $4.9M next year. The reason for this is "unclear,”
The cost to pay for special education students in Stamford to attend out-of-district educational facilities has ballooned this school year, and local officials are worried the trend will continue. . . .
But looking toward next year, school officials are projecting an out-of-district budget increase of about $4.9 million to the operating budget.
Things will continue to get worse.
During the board meeting, Fealey said he doesn't expect the trend to change. One way the district can predict future needs for students is through its expanding Pre-K program.
“We can see, in a way, a pipeline of students with needs, which we couldn’t see before, and the needs do not look like they are abating," he said.
Superintendent Tamu Lucero said Stamford is not alone in dealing with the rising cost of paying for transportation and tuition for special education students with severe disabilities.
Scary news for Connecticut
Back in 2020, I wrote this piece featured on Children’s Health Defense, Connecticut: “The Growing Needs of Students”
It was about a story in the Southering Observer While school populations decline, special needs are on the rise which covered a local school board meeting.
While the overall student population in Connecticut is declining, special education numbers continue to climb—especially in the preschool population, and autism is the elephant in the room.
‘Our data has indicated that preschool [sped] enrollment is increasing. It has also indicated that our programs are nearing or are at capacity.’
“…that prevalence rate is increasing, too. Essentially, the number of students needing to be placed in special education programs is on the rise—especially students with autism spectrum disorder.”
‘Since 2013, the number of students with autism spectrum disorder has increased by 36.6%.’
‘The issues that students have to come to us with have become more complex over the years.’
“We have more than half of our children with chronic inflamed conditions, and we’ve never allowed ourselves to ask the question: If the vaccines cause inflammation acutely, do they continue to create inflammation chronically?
“We have one in 5 with neurodevelopmental disabilities, one in 10 with ADD/ADHD, one in 35 with autism, one in 11 with asthma, and one in 20 under the age of five with seizures.”
Also in 2020, I wrote this article about a hearing in Connecticut: Dr. Larry Palevsky February Presentation to CT Assembly on the Nightmare in Connecticut
On February 19, 2020 there was hearing by the Connecticut Assembly on vaccine safety. There should have been a packed chamber and lots of press coverage because what one expert testified to was shocking. Sadly, most of the seats were empty, but we need to consider what was said.
Larry Palevsky, MD answered questions for 28 minutes. He described the appalling lack of studies when it comes to vaccine safety, especially involving the use of aluminum in vaccines and its damaging impact on the brain.
“We have never studied whether the aluminum we’re giving in vaccines gets into the brain, and we’ve never measured whether it stays in the brain, and what it does if it does stay in the brain.”
“We have more than half of our children with chronic inflamed conditions, and we’ve never allowed ourselves to ask the question: If the vaccines cause inflammation acutely, do they continue to create inflammation chronically?
“We have one in 5 with neurodevelopmental disabilities, one in 10 with ADD/ADHD, one in 35 with autism, one in 11 with asthma, and one in 20 under the age of five with seizures.”
Going further back, in 2020 I also wrote about a piece originally published in 2014 in the Connecticut Mirror with the simple title, Nightmare in Connecticut .
Back on February 10, 2014, The Connecticut Mirror published the grim story,
For CT adults with developmental disabilities, housing help unlikely until parents die.
This is piece told the public the plain truth: As long as parents were still alive, there would be no adult services for state residents with autism. Funding had not kept up with the explosion in autism.
The erosion of state funding for people with developmental disabilities has left many parents worried about what will happen to their children when they die or become unable to take care of them.
One 70 year old mother was quoted saying,
“We are told that our loved ones will stay home until we die. They’re welcome to stay home forever. We’re not trying to get rid of our beloved children, adult children included. But there is that fact of mortality.”
Six years ago the parents were already told that there were too many children with autism to automatically offer adult services for everyone who aged out of school. Of course in 2014 the autism rate was one in every 68 children compared to one in 54 children currently. As more children are recognized with autism costs for accommodating their needs also increases.
This brings us to 2020
On August 1, 2020, The CT Journal Record published the stunning story, The system is going to explode’ — Adults with autism struggle to find support in Connecticut.
“The autism prevalence rate is just going up and up and up, and even if it stays the same (at around 1 in 54 children currently), in 15 to 18 years, those kids are going to be phasing out of the school system …
We already have waitlists, so how are they supposed to take on more capacity without political will, without money, and without resources. I just don’t know. It’s exploding, and it’s very scary.”
The reported stated that there are a1ready 1,600 people on the waiting list for adult services, but …
The current waitlist doesn’t even truly represent the number of people in need, advocates argue.
Senator Murphy should stop the exaggerated display of outrage and concentrate on what’s behind the decline in the health of children in his state. Kennedy might have some valuable ideas to share.
"adults are suffering from a neuroimmune dysfunction syndrome that can be cured with immune medications that are not currently authorized for use in autistic populations."
Gayle, you have posted about this many times before. What does Dr. Goldberg believe to be the source/cause of this "neuroimmune dysfunction" and why are these "cures" not authorized? Who, then, is currently authorized to use them?
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | January 14, 2025 at 02:14 PM
Podcast: Carl Teichrib - Burning Man is a Warning
Start with 2:13:37, including 2:21:40 and go to end.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | January 14, 2025 at 02:08 PM
Will RFK Jr. be used to get FDA approval for new psychedelic based drugs?
These drugs are already being targeted for use by vaccine injured/autistic children/adults as I have recently posted about as well as PTSD sufferers:
"I didn’t understand RFK Jr.’s appeal until I started taking ketamine
The psychedelic saved my life. RFK Jr. wants to make drugs like it available legally if he becomes Trump’s health secretary."
"Shortly before the actor Matthew Perry died, partially from the effects of ketamine, the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about the use of compounded versions of the drug. It’s clear that ketamine has strong potential for addiction and a host of other issues for some people. I’ve been able to use it safely, but not everyone can."
"There have also been broader attempts to decriminalize psychedelic drugs for recreational use at different levels of government. The results of these changes have been panned by law enforcement, and in some cases, state laws decriminalizing drugs have been overturned. Still, advocates of decriminalization have a potentially valuable ally in health and human services secretary nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
In a 2022 interview, Kennedy acknowledged using the drugs in question. “I used psychedelics when I was a kid, but I didn’t use them therapeutically,” he said.
In another interview, which Kennedy posted to his official YouTube channel early in the spring, the soon-to-be top health care official in the United States said, “My mind is open to the idea that, you know, there may be things that I don’t know about and that people ought to have the freedom and the liberty to experiment with these things.”"
A Christian researcher warns against these types of mind altering drugs and the long history behind their use and the current attempt to create a modern "Techno-Babylon", including Musk's Technocracy, which I have been posting about. The current Burning Man events have become a central point for this movement. If you don't have time to watch the whole interview, skip to 2:13:37 and watch to end (especially starting at 2:21:40.) This man really connects the dots, and his research confirms much of my own research. We've both been at it for years:
Podcast: Carl Teichrib - Burning Man is a Warning
Notice that the public attacks against RFK Jr. are targeted around vaccines (which he says he supports, if proven safe), while the more fringe propaganda outlets support FDA approval of psychedelics. I predict that if confirmed as HHS secretary, RFK Jr. will not be successful in the vaccine area (unless those removed are replaced with mRNA based new ones deemed "safe"), but he will get FDA approval for the "new" drugs. Pharma will still make its billions while the questionable old drugs/vaccines are pushed to the side. The vaccine injured/autistics will still be targeted. Larger numbers will be under the sway of mind control drugs, just as Bertrand Russell predicted.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | January 14, 2025 at 02:01 PM
My son Alexander has autism spectrum and epilepsy and he is now an adult, being diagnosed at four years old. My son's former doctor, Michael Goldberg wrote a book called "The Myth of Autism," published by Tony Lyons of Skyhorse publishing. The book explains that our children/adults are suffering from a neuroimmune dysfunction syndrome that can be cured with immune medications that are not currently authorized for use in autistic populations. We can't wait any longer for the access to these vital drugs to cure our children/adults of this tragic condition!
Posted by: Gayle | January 14, 2025 at 10:37 AM
I have posted this article on his X account as a response to his RFK lies and was heartened to see that all the responses I read were (politely) against him. Some pointing out about the vaccine/autism link.
Thank you, again, Anne for your wonderful work.
Posted by: susan welch | January 13, 2025 at 04:29 PM
the invincibility of Ms Dachels statistics is in distinct contrast to the crudity and intellectual negligence of these senators statements.
may graciousness and civility return to these individuals for the senate hearings of RFK Jr, who chose to not look away from the issues that have caused many to endure so much in this countrys recent decades.
Posted by: greyone | January 13, 2025 at 03:24 PM
RFK bravo!!
"Having been called a liar by Anthony Fauci for saying that "not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested", RFK Jr. sued Fauci.
After a year of stonewalling, Fauci's lawyers admitted that RFK Jr. had been right all along.
"There's no downstream liability, there's no front-end safety testing... and there's no marketing and advertising costs, because the federal government is ordering 78 million school kids to take that vaccine every year."
"What better product could you have? And so there was a gold rush to add all these new vaccines to the schedule... because if you get onto that schedule, it's a billion dollars a year for your company."
"So we got all of these new vaccines , 72 shots, 16 vaccines... And that year, 1989, we saw an explosion in chronic disease in American children... ADHD, sleep disorders, language delays, ASD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, ticks, narcolepsy."
"Autism went from one in 10,000 in my generation... to one in every 34 kids today."
Thanks Anne
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | January 13, 2025 at 12:59 PM
Petition that may be of interest, regarding prosecuting the many hospital crimes committed during “Covid”:
Posted by: Laura Hayes | January 13, 2025 at 11:53 AM
Is the people of your state going to let him get away with that comment about fluoride out of the water?
You got science on your side.
This is so hard. there is bound to be a template on how to get these guys turned around and out the door?
Posted by: Benedetta | January 13, 2025 at 10:12 AM
If not for the adjuvants in the vaccines making us allergic to that wonderful bread, along with bits of animals in the vaccines that we do eat, it would not be a food issue either. So he is right to focus on Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s vaccine issue.
He is another sell out, and if he is not that, then he is so ignorant of the issues facing and ignorance is not evil, but to not be open minded is. . You are being to kind to him.
Elizabeth Warner is a swamp creature that should have never got into the position she is in. The people of her state are going to have to organize and get it together. I know how it is Mitch McConnel was all pitiful, and sweet in the beginning. Walking the streets of tiny Mt. Vernon, talking to my Mother and others to get our vote, but as the years go by they get a machine in place. A machine that keep other candidates out, and who knows what kind of election vote counting really goes on.
Posted by: Benedetta | January 13, 2025 at 10:09 AM
Thanks Anne for your courageous and awesome work! A true warrior you are! 💪.
These news clips are designed by the evil powers to be, their targets the Americans who pay five seconds to the news and move on to the next reality show or sporting event. Sad! Blessings to all!
Posted by: Gerardo Martinez | January 13, 2025 at 06:47 AM