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REDUX: Parental Perspective on Improving Health & Reducing Costs

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President Trump be bold and courageous enough to face down the vaccine profiteers and tell them: “Game over!”  I hope so, because if he isn’t, it is game over for the U.S.

Laura Hayes wrote this in February of 2017, after President Trump first took office. Well worth another look, because in 8 years, our children have not seen any health improvements. Much to the contrary. We are re-running her post below. Everything old is new again. Except us. 8 years is a lifetime of lost time.


By Laura Hayes

A parent’s perspective on how to improve the health of Americans, reduce the amount we spend on healthcare, and keep viable our citizenry and nation

Dear President Trump, Presidential Staff, and Presidential Advisors,

Vaccines are now the leading cause of chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, and premature deaths among infants, toddlers, young children, and virtually all age groups in the U.S.  Vaccine injury is real and it isn’t rare. It also isn’t reported by doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. Rather, it is callously and summarily dismissed and vehemently denied. Therefore, the needed statistics to prove the above statements don’t exist, and that is purposeful. There are many vaccine profiteers who will not allow the truth to surface, lest propaganda-driven public confidence in vaccines be threatened, lest billions in vaccine profits be threatened, and lest trillions in compensation to the vaccine-injured and their families, and to the families of the vaccine-killed, be threatened.

Parents are constantly told by doctors and nurses that their children’s vaccine-induced injuries and deaths are merely “coincidences”, that the vaccines were in no way responsible. Due to this continued denial of what is often blatant and indisputable evidence, including eye witness accounts of immediate and/or temporally-related adverse reactions to one or more vaccines, and due to the denial of scientific facts regarding how and why vaccine injuries and fatalities occur, vaccines are now the leading cause of coincidences in the world.

How different things would be at this point in time if doctors and nurses had acknowledged, admitted, and reported the myriad vaccine-induced injuries and deaths which happened in patients under their care, and which are witnessed virtually non-stop in pediatricians’ offices, emergency rooms, NICUs, and pediatric wards of hospitals. Imagine if these medical professionals had refused to continue administering vaccines due to the harm they were causing, which they were personally witnessing, versus turning a blind and callous eye to it.

Instead of acting ethically and with integrity, by admitting and reporting vaccine-induced injuries and fatalities, and by honoring their oath to “first, do no harm”, which would preclude vaccinating, doctors and nurses have forged on in their ignorance and arrogance, and sometimes in their corruption. They have chosen to focus on the perks, profits, and repeat customers brought by the endless recommendations for vaccinations, and by the subsequent and seemingly-endless fallout from them.

Vaccine injuries are bankrupting families, school districts, and our country.  With 54% of America’s children suffering from a chronic illness, developmental disability, or both, we must ask who will be fit enough to serve in our military to defend our country, fit enough to work full time, fit enough to bear and raise children, and fit enough to stop this vaccine insanity and the other environmental poisonings of our population.

To say that vaccines are safe means that they do not injure or kill recipients, yet, it is readily admitted that they do both.  To say that vaccines are effective means that they provide lifetime immunity to recipients, without harming them in the process, yet, it is readily admitted that they do neither. To say that vaccines are necessary means that our God-given, finely tuned, incredibly complex beyond our understanding, and simply amazing immune systems were not designed to fight off foreign invaders, which is not true, they are…until tampered with, tainted, and destroyed by vaccines.

To say that only a few will be permanently harmed or killed by vaccines (as if that is somehow an acceptable premise when practicing prophylactic medicine on otherwise healthy individuals) is unproven, unscientific, unethical, and defies common sense. What human being should be injected, into a closed system, with: mercury, aluminum, polysorbate 80, MSG, formaldehyde, phenol, antifreeze, DNA from aborted fetuses, DNA from non-human species, viruses and retroviruses of both human and animal origin, food proteins, squalene, and numerous other health-destroying ingredients, including ones that aren’t required to be disclosed? There is not one human being alive for whom it is wise, ethical, or health-inducing to inject these ingredients.

As in so many areas in our sorely-misguided country, wealth and greed have superseded health and ethics. The mythical notion of vaccine-induced “herd immunity” has led to the reality of vaccine-induced “herd susceptibility”. Despite the numbers of vaccine recommendations and vaccine mandates increasing, while exemptions have been further restricted and/or eliminated in the majority of states, all signs show that Americans are not getting healthier. From our abysmal infant mortality rate, to the ever-increasing number of special education students, to the unbelievable use of Rx drugs in the U.S., now beginning in infancy, to the newly-released study showing that for the first time ever, our life expectancy is going down, all signs point to and confirm that what we are doing with regard to health in the U.S. is not working. The health and proper development of our population is in sharp and serious decline. Not only will we no longer be able to compete with other nations due to the damage we are inflicting on our own citizenry via vaccine recommendations and mandates, we will not be able to defend our own country, or sustain ourselves financially with such a sickly and disabled population.

I have been working to end this vaccine holocaust for nearly 20 years.  Unbelievably, despite the efforts of many, the situation has worsened in the past 20 years. The majority of our citizenry is unhealthy, mentally declining and often deficient, dying prematurely, and consuming prescription drugs at a rate never seen before in history. Clearly, vaccines are not improving our health, development, fertility, or longevity.  Nor are they strengthening our nation. Rather, they are weakening it and making it extremely vulnerable.

I propose a 3-pronged approach to improve the health of Americans, reduce the amount we spend on healthcare, and keep viable our citizenry and nation, with my focus being on vaccines (vaccines are but one of many things that have been wrongly approved in our country which are destroying our health, but they are the earliest and most egregious assault, and their elimination should be our number one priority).

  1. Ban vaccine mandates, in all 50 states, in all situations, for all people, including for those in the military. Medical mandates of any sort cannot be allowed or tolerated in a society which calls itself free. Nor can they be allowed or tolerated in a country which is governed by a Constitution guaranteeing parents the right to direct the care and upbringing of their children as they see fit, and which also includes a specific amendment protecting religious freedom. Additionally, the U.S. is a signer to many international codes of ethics which prohibit medical treatments and procedures from being performed without the prior, completely free, and fully informed consent of the individual, or of the child’s parent(s).

  2. Fully restore individual and parental rights with regard to medical decision making, including vaccination decisions. A simple “no thank you” should always suffice when declining or refusing any medical treatment or procedure, without any government interference, coercion, or cost. Families, communities, and our country will thrive when each individual does what is best for himself/herself, and for his/her family. We must strive to have an educated and empowered citizenry, not one misled by propaganda and crippled by tyrannical laws.

  3. Immediately repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and restore liability to its rightful owners, i.e. to those who make and administer vaccines. It would be fascinating to see which vaccines, if any, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists would administer if they were personally liable for the injuries and deaths caused by the vaccines, in both the short and long term.

Additional components which would help speed things along, with the end goal being the complete elimination of vaccines (as not one should ever have been approved or marketed, much less mandated):

  1. For any vaccine administered, the doctor, nurse, or pharmacist must: read through the entire list of contraindications and possible adverse events with the patient/parent prior to administering the vaccine; he must take thorough and detailed individual and family health histories prior to administering any vaccine to identify contraindications; he must evaluate the recipient’s current health status and may not vaccinate anyone who is currently sick, who has been sick in the month prior, who is currently taking medications for illness, who has previously suffered an adverse vaccine reaction, or who has an immediate family member who has suffered an adverse vaccine reaction; he must review with the patient/parent how to identify the possible adverse events that can follow vaccination; he must give the patient/parent the vaccine package insert(s), along with detailed information about how to contact VAERS, and file a report with the VICP, in the event of vaccine-induced injury or death.
  1. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists must be required to provide and receive informed consent prior to administering any vaccination, and they must also be required to admit that the “informed consent” they are offering regarding vaccines is based solely on personal opinion. This is the reality because the needed safety and efficacy studies for vaccines, properly done in accordance with the scientific gold standard of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, have never been done, including for monovalent vaccines, multivalent vaccines, and combinations of vaccines. Additionally, the needed comparison study between the vaccinated and the completely unvaccinated, to determine which group fares better with regard to health, development, fertility, and longevity, has never been done. Medical professionals administering vaccines must admit that the opinions they offer are not based on any valid science, and have been influenced by pharmaceutical companies and government agencies which have been involved in improper, deceptive, and fraudulent vaccine studies, in addition to other crimes.
  1. The monies in the VICP fund are to be distributed immediately and completely to the vaccine injured and their families, including to individuals and families who will be invited to file claims even if the 3-year statute of limitations for filing a claim has passed. This will include families who have children, including children who are now young adults, with diagnoses of: autism, asthma, type 1 diabetes, seizure disorders, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Tourette’s syndrome, life-threatening peanut allergies, life-altering food allergies, tics, speech and language disorders, lupus, leukemia, lymphoma, and all other chronic illnesses and developmental disabilities that result from vaccinations.
  1. The VICP will be immediately and completely dismantled. No longer will vaccine recipients and/or taxpayers pay a 75-cent surtax on each vaccine antigen administered.  Pharmaceutical companies and those administering vaccines will assume any and all liability for vaccine injuries and deaths, not vaccine recipients and taxpayers.

The costs of vaccine-related illnesses, disabilities, and deaths cannot be accurately calculated because they are so numerous and extensive, they are not always immediate, they continue to manifest over a person’s lifetime, and because such injuries and deaths are not properly, if at all, admitted, acknowledged, or reported. 

Until we face the fact that vaccines are not safe, not effective, not needed, and highly-damaging, our nation will remain in a state of steady and ever-increasing decline. Health and productivity will continue to dramatically decrease, while healthcare, education, and dependent-citizens’ costs will escalate to such a point that no amount of taxation will suffice.  Our nation’s tax base, which is presently collected from a staggeringly-low percentage of the population, will continue to decrease, and the number of those dependent on the government will increase.  Our current trend is not sustainable. 

Will President Trump be bold and courageous enough to face down the vaccine profiteers and tell them: “Game over!”  

I hope so, because if he isn’t, it is game over for the U.S.


Laura Hayes

Stanford, 1987, BA in Human Biology

Parent of 3 vaccine-injured children, now young adults, one of whom was severely and permanently disabled by his “routine” childhood vaccinations, and is now dependent on others and the government for the remainder of his life.



The Highwire interviews Dr. Robert Malone about Stargate:

Episode 408: STARGATE TO HELL?


Looks like someone got a hot stock tip just before Trump's inauguration and Stargate announcement.....

"Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband traded $38 million worth of stock in the weeks prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration."

"Paul Pelosi even purchased stock in a relatively unknown Chicago, Illinois-based healthcare company, Tempus AI, that uses artificial intelligence to process clinical and molecular data.

He bought $100,000 worth of call options in Tempus AI on January 14, and since then, the AI company’s stock price has soared."

What is Tempus AI?

"Tempus provides AI-enabled precision medicine solutions to physicians to deliver personalized patient care and in parallel facilitates discovery, development and delivery of optimal therapeutics. The goal is for each patient to benefit from the treatment of others who came before by providing physicians with tools that learn as the company gathers more data."
Continual guinea pig status?

An AI-powered pipeline for personalized cancer vaccines

Laura Hayes

Excellent additions, greyone!

Benedetta, it was Stephanie Seneff who made the 1 in 2 prediction.


I would appreciate banning of marketing these products to children (no elmo nudging, no superman flying off the couch), and banning "vaccine delivery systems" that do not provide options for consent, such as in food, aerosols, mosquitos etc


In light of the Stargate Project, this is an important story:

OpenAI Whistleblower Suchir Balaji Death: Elon Musk Wants FBI Probe

Laura Hayes

President Trump could/should also add to vaccine-related EOs:

Immediate moratorium on each and every vaccine until further notice. Let the vaccine makers bring forth uncompromised, definitive proof that their vaccines are safe (no harm caused), effective (no failures of their claims), and needed (humans can’t survive without them), both individually, and in the myriad haphazard combinations in which they are routinely administered. Additionally, they must address all documented adverse reactions to their products.

Immediate removal of all Covid injections from the market (same stipulations as stated above).

If a crib maker must halt production of its product/issue a recall after a report of harm or death to a child, and often chooses to do so of its own volition due to product liability, it stands to reason that vaccine makers should be held to the same standards.

Laura Hayes

Below are the comments that Jeff Childers wrote yesterday on his “Coffee and Covid” blog with regard to Trump’s executive orders specific to DEI. We need the same bold, assertive, and aggressive executive orders with regard to vaccines, including the 7 items I spelled out above in my letter, and with the addition of criminal penalties and personal/corporate/institutional fines for anyone who violates the orders.

“Trump’s orders weren’t gentle. They weren’t polite, compromising, or a mere shift in policy; they were a battering ram aimed directly at DEI’s institutional infrastructure. Trump isn’t doing the work—the system is being forced to purge itself, violently and suddenly, of deeply embedded practices that many people sadly concluded were untouchable.

The genius in Trump’s orders was in its bare-knuckled aggression. They didn’t nibble around the edges or cautiously test the waters; they are kicking down the DEI door and setting the woke house on fire. Institutions that leaned heavily on DEI to shield their mediocrity or dress up their faux ideological conformity are now scrambling to protect themselves, not out of principle, but out of sheer self-preservation.

The speed and scope of the reaction to the orders could achieve in mere months what it might have taken decades of lawsuits and debates to accomplish. The DEI regime is being forced to confront its own contradictions, and whether you view it as a restoration of fairness and merit, or as an overdue reckoning of justice, it’s undeniably bold.

While Trump just effortlessly unleashed a package of executive orders that were institutional dynamite and change everything…”

Greg Hill

Laura, I especially love that quip, "vaccines are now the leading cause of coincidences in the world."

I hope and pray that things will be different this time around. Even if the government doesn't wake up (I'll be amazed if it ever does) at least a lot more of "We the People" are doing so, including a number of used-to-be conventional allopathic doctors like Pierre Kory, a founding member of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), who says that if he had it to do all over again today he wouldn't let his own kids receive a single dose of any vaccine.

Ultimately if things ever do get totally turned around it's not going to be the government that does it. It's going to be caused by folks like us choosing to switch over to doctors like Pierre Kory (still in practice) or Paul Thomas (now retired). The FLCCC has recently changed its name to the Independent Medical Alliance (IMA) and is no longer primarily focused on Covid in particular. Their Substack page is at They now have a page on their independent website at where we can find an IMA-affiliated medical practice near where we live. (That's IMA affiliated​, not approved​. They simply allow doctors who want to be on the list to put themselves there without being independently checked for the compatibility of their practice with the IMA's mission.)


The new Trojan Horse? AI created mRNA cancer vaccines? Giant data centers/computers?

Breaking: What is Stargate? Trump announces $500 billion for AI that cures diseases!

What is Stargate? President Trump announces $500 billion investment in AI Infrastructure project

The Stargate Project - The $500 Billion AI Agenda

The Biggest AI Project Ever "STARGATE" by OpenAI, SoftBank & Trump SHOCKED AMERICA!

Meanwhile, L.A. burns:
LA Burns: 30,000 Americans 'Flee' As New Wildfires Consume Hughes | Watch Shocking Drone Video

Angus Files

Thanks Laura brilliant observation and honesty thanks, I believe the CDC is under a news blackout,oh!

Pharma For Prison


Ted Kuntz

Laura Hayes continues to speak honestly and powerfully about the tragedy of the vaccine ideology. I pray for the day when this abhorrent violation of the sanctity of the human body is ended. We will never have healthy children as long as known toxins and poisons are permitted to be injected into our babies under the guise of promoting health.


Laura this is one of your best articles.

This statement:

" The costs of vaccine-related illnesses, disabilities, and deaths cannot be accurately calculated because they are so numerous and extensive, they are not always immediate, they continue to manifest over a person’s lifetime, and because such injuries and deaths are not properly, if at all, admitted, acknowledged, or reported"

Back in the late 1970s when they introduced the swine flu vaccine that harmed a lot of people, my best friend's uncle had Guillian Barre syndrome. She is a nurse and lost the use of her leg twice from a flu shot not obvious since there is time between the shot and her leg trouble.. She said just the other day that he got better, but not completely like he was before, and as he aged things became worse for him.

This year she put her food down. My cousin also a nurse and in spite of me has never refused a vaccine has eosinophiles asthma. Her meds are no longer working, and I think after all these years I got through to her. She said, so the flu shots are slowly killing me.

Yeah, you don't give the eosinophiles a chance to calm down till you hit your immune system again.

So trusting we have been with the medical profession. No other job, profession could have gotten away with all of this.

Will my cousin have the courage to stop the flu shots? She said to me but everybody takes them.

Good Lord. Even if she stops them as Laura said, they will continue to manifest.


What year was it that Mark Blaxill predicted by looking at the graphs of autism that it would be 1 out of 2 had autism?

Was that 1 out of 2 the eight year olds? This delay in diagnosis is confusing, on purpose I suppose cause nothing could got so wrong, consistently for so long and be an accident.

Does that mean, if there is 1 out of 36 (is that the right number ) for eight year old right now that have autism then; can it be predicted from the percentage leaps each time just how many 2 year olds right now have autism?

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