Dan Olmsted: Six Bad Ideas that Triggered The Autism Epidemic
Senator Susan Collins and Autism Cares Act




Looks like Trump is pushing the Globalist Bilderberger plan to merge Mexico-U.S.-Canada (Greenland?) into a North American (monetary) Union, just like they did to form the EU. China is busy working on the Belt and Road to connect the far East. My first encounter with Alex Jones was him ranting about the "Amero" as a new Glabalist currency for the "NAU" on his conspiracy show, Prison Planet. It must have been around 2005. In 2007, Jones produced a documentary, which included this information, called "Endgame." Watch the whole video if you have time. Go to 53:39 to hear the specifics:

More on the NAU and the Amero:
Biden's "no border" policy certainly set the stage for this. If this is established, the cheap labor "migrants" can't be sent back. Part of the Globalists' strategy to rule the world is to divide it into 3 major economic trading zones. Jones' video goes into this history.

On another note, Trump wants to get rid of the U.S. Department of Education. This would also get rid of the special ed funding sent to the local schools. Vaccine injured/autistic school children would have to depend exclusively on State and local funds. Many are still reeling from Covid lockdowns and disappearing small businesses. This could be a major blow to autism families.


Trudeau is resigning; Either that or Canada can become the 51st state. Well at least they would have a better constitution to protect them next time.
The rats for now are scuffling back into the dark corners, but they are still around.
I don't think I will ever get over Trudeau freezing bank accounts, putting pressure on Pay Pal till they said they would take all the donated money and put it into a different charity account than those that gave the money intended.

Did that hurt Pay Pal? It should have shut that company down.


More good news for 2025....

The Africans are on to Bill Gates:
Bill Gates Chased Out by Brits Shouting for His Arrest


Happy New Year AOA friends!

Remembering Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR, in 2025.
Could Covid have happened without PCR?
Could Fauci have lied and covered up if Mullis was still alive?

Let's look at his dates:
"Kary B. Mullis, a biochemist who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering a way to analyze DNA easily and cheaply and thus pave the way for major advances in medical diagnostics, molecular biology and forensic science, died on Aug. 7 (2019) at his home in Newport Beach, Calif. He was 74.

The cause was heart and respiratory failure brought on by pneumonia, his wife, Nancy Cosgrove Mullis, said."

Usually someone with pneumonia isn't sent home to die. It almost sounds like he had Covid. The early cases reported from China were considered to be a new kind of pneumonia. Was Covid circulating as early as August? According to this researcher, it was:

"“So there’s so many different crazy facets of this story … The recent development just two weeks ago, there’s an article published in The Sun which shows that senior intelligence officials had informed senior Pentagon officials that the disease had been spreading in China in early October 2019,” he said, noting that this is not the same timeline the public was offered.

“If you look at what the U.S. government had been told, telling us, what Dr. Anthony Fauci had been telling us, Dr. Birx and all these corrupt individuals, was that this disease started spreading on the planet in December 2019,” he said, explaining that the timeline is simply not true.

Huff said he used to work in the “classified space of developing intelligence tools for infectious diseases, specifically.” If one looks at the proper chain of command and how long it would take that information to work through the proper channels to be validated, “it really looks like the disease started spreading in late August, early September, 2019.”"
Exclusive — Dr. Andrew Huff: Coronavirus Timeline ‘Giant Scandal to Subvert’ Trump

Mullis was no fan of Dr. Fauci and had called him out publicly in the past. Mullis said that PCR could not be used to diagnose a disease. PCR was used extensively by HHS to diagnose Covid during the "pandemic". If Mullis was still alive, would he have protested its use?
There were others during that time who did:

"Even though Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that any positive test result obtained at more than 35 cycles is “just dead nucleotides” and likely not infectious, many states use PCR tests that do not max out until 40 cycles or more. The predominant diagnostic test for coronavirus in Maine runs to 45 cycles.

Fauci’s statement, as well as data from New York, Nevada and Massachusetts, analyzed by the New York Times earlier this year have cast doubt on the need for such sensitive PCR testing for COVID-19. The CDC itself notes that while patients are no longer infectious after 10 days from symptom onset, viral fragments may remain in the respiratory tract up to three months later. These leftover viral particles may be caught with a swab and amplified to a degree through PCR to trigger a false positive result.

Even the inventor of PCR, Dr. Cary Mullis, said that “you can find almost anything in anybody” using the test. Dr. Mullis passed away in September 2019, and maintained the accuracy of his invention, but he asserted that inference of its results had been misused. In a public forum on the AIDS epidemic, he expounds on this belief, noting that “[PCR] allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything, make it measurable, and then talk about it in meetings and things as if it is important.”"
PCR tests and the prickly partnership between science and state
November 18, 2020

Kary Mullis (Doctor) FULL INTERVIEW - Inventor of PCR Test

Must see interview with Catherine Austin Fitts:
Trump Admin: Fight Between Freedom & Deep State Control
She thinks RFK Jr. will be approved for HHS Secretary.


Thanks for all you do! Happy New Year!


Happy New Year 2025 to everyone! Thank you Kim for doing everything you can to make Age of Autism the great place for information and support for us all. Let's hope 2025 if finally the year that brings us the research and solution and CURE for our autism affected children and adults. God Bless them-every one!

Angus Files

To all friends on here a very Happy New Year lets make it the best non vaccine year ever,whooha!.

Thanks Kim for your continued hard work and support.

Pharma For Prison


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