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The Kennedy Hearing: Perspective from Senator Ron Johnson

EmotionsAnne Dachel shares Senator Ron Johnson's discussion of Robert Kennedy, Jr. on News Nation as Kennedy sits for his HHS hearings yesterday and today. Emotions are running high on social media. It's difficult not to give in to the scrum. Tempting. Exasperating. Follow us on X for how we are reacting and hopefully, educating.

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NEWS NATION: RFK Jr. will focus on science not profit: Sen. Ron Johnson

Anchor: Let’s talk about these hearings this week. We anticipate there will be some interesting back and forth to say the least.

You predicted that R.F.K. Jr. will sail through his confirmation hearing, yet he has zero medical training. What makes you so confident he’ll get confirmed?

Senator Johnson: First of all, I’ve gotten to know Bobby. He’s very intelligent. He’s a good person. He is going to base his opinions on science. I also know a lot of the lies that have been told about him, as well as the concerns expressed by my colleagues when I did an unofficial check.

Those conversations all pretty much went the same way: There’s a lot that Bobby Kennedy’s doing that I love, but—

There were about three or four common concerns people had, and I know exactly how he’s going to answer those concerns. I think he can alleviate those concerns.

So again, I’ve got a great of confidence in him, his ability to convince senators. I’ve talked to some who were literally blown away by how knowledgeable he was. They didn’t know much about him, but after their hour long meeting with him, I think they’re definitely going to support him.

Again, we’ll see what happens. I know there are a lot of outside groups that are going to be opposed to him because if we actually do determine the cause of some of these chronic illnesses, potentially autism, some multi-billion business models may be disrupted.

These individuals and these big companies are really in it for themselves. They’re not interested in protecting the American public if it’s going to disrupt their multi-billion dollar business model. That’s what we need government to do. I think that’s exactly what Bobby Kennedy is focused on, the science, returning integrity to it.

It’s been corrupted by people buying science buying science and buying the result they want. That has to change.

Anchor: I’m glad you brought up autism because I do feel like, Senator, that’s the biggest BUT, that’s the biggest question that people have, is what he has said in the past.

We don’t know what causes autism. How will he reconcile the pushback from the medical community, and does he in fact believe that vaccines may be responsible?

Johnson: We don’t know because we haven’t even been allowed to ask the question.

I just recently saw a podcast where a researcher finally revealed to me, it was a study in 1970 that put the rate of autism at one in 10,000. I’d never seen that before, but that’s where that came from, 1970.

So now, according to the CDC’s own data, we’re up to one in 33, one in 36, somewhere along that line.

By the way, we actually changed, a number of years ago, the definition to narrow the definition of autism—not to expand it. We wanted to narrow the definition so we would be recording fewer of them, and yet, the rates of autism have continued to skyrocket.

We have to get to the bottom of this.

We also have to get to the bottom of what is causing this explosion in chronic illness as well.

If it’s something in the environment, if it’s something in our food, if it’s something in our pharmaceuticals and our vaccines, we need to know that.

As one witness in my event I held in September, America’s Health and Nutrition, Second Opinion, stated, ‘They don’t know the root cause because it will disrupt those models.’

The American public wants to know. We want this research. We want science with integrity, not a guy like Anthony Fauci telling us he’s the science when we know he’s, from my standpoint, a thoroughly corrupt individual as well.

The American people, I think they’re wising up to know they’ve been lied to. The science has been corrupted. The support for what Bobby Kennedy wants to do in terms of understanding the root cause of chronic illness, the root cause of autism, the American people to know as well.

I hope my colleagues recognize this is what the American people want as well, someone who is going to doggedly pursue the truth.

Anchor: Science has also proved though Senator that vaccines, like the polio vaccine work. How do you expect him to answer questions about that vaccine in particular?

Johnson: He will follow the science. To say science has proven this; there are alternate studies, alternate explanations. From my standpoint, I want everybody at the table. I want science to be skeptical. To say something like scientific consensus is a very unscientific term. The way science progresses is people being skeptical, trying to disprove what is generally the scientific consensus, coming up with a better theory that explains the unexplainable.

Again, until we can explain what has caused autism, I think everything has to be on the table, everything has to be investigated.



Sen. Cassidy Told RFK Jr. This Study Proves Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism — Here’s What’s Wrong With the Study


Today I am grieving the loss of my brother-in-law.

He and his wife took the Covid jab. She had a bad reaction right away and has never fully recovered. Less than 2 years later, my brother-in-law (who was a healthy 62) was diagnosed with stage 4 "turbo" cancer. He took some injection treatment that would supposedly give him another 10 years, but he only lasted two.
Godspeed Mr. Kennedy.
Toxic waste clean-up on aisle HHS!


Ron Johnson did a Great Job!
He hit every point and did it well.

They keep using the word consensus: like that is a great argument?
Good parents have been warning about consensus since the dawn of time, when their kids whine that everybody else is doing it, The response is "If everybody was jumping off a cliff would you jump too?

Maybe they think the public are too stupid to know what that word means?

mauine Meleck

I was so angry with some of those Senators yesterday that I am about to carry a sign with me for the rest of my life that says, "Vaccines can and do cause autism." It will be more noticable than the shirt I wear with the same.

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