Oh, The Memories
Unstoppable, Unrelenting Autism

Aluminum Is Good?

Nyt aluminumThe New York Times ran a science article with this headline as a defensive move against the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as Secretary of HHS: Yes, Some Vaccines Contain Aluminum. That's A Good Thing.

I saw it and commented on X: Of course, just like mercury wasn't a problem in vaccines. It keeps vaccines CLEAN. And is still used in production and bolus dose in some vaccines. Aluminum in vaccines might make the response happen. Like jumping off a building makes you FLY... temporarily...

My goodness, this is like watching men in leather helmets execute the old Statue of Liberty play on a muddy, turf football field. New York Times' desperate assignment to prevent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from being confirmed has gone deeeeeeep into the gaslighting. Aluminum is a miracle in vaccines! It makes them work better! Puts your immune system into the mood for super duper activation!

Hut! Hut Yikes....

We see through this gaslighting because this is precisely the argument used about mercury in vaccines, Statue of liberty playuntil it was quietly removed without fanfare and worse, without product recall. Thimerosal is a preservative. Aluminum is an adjuvant. Both are toxic to humans. And indefensible.

To read more about aluminum, we invite the author/journalist Teddy Rosenbluth "I adhere to our Ethical Journalism Handbook. I base on my reporting on peer-reviewed studies and interviews with experts and strive to produce stories that are fair and precise." to interview Dr. Chris Exley and visit his Substack. He is an expert in aluminium toxicity. And was treated similarly to Dr. Andy Wakefield when he began to question its use in vaccinations.

If you are so inclined you can .contact your Senator and Rep to ask him/her to confirm RFK, Jr.

US Senator Contact
US Representative Contact




Worth a watch:

Bobby Kennedy Goes To Washington! Can He Tame The PHARMA Giant & STOP mRNA Expansion?

Never forget what they did to us: Amazing Polly warned us
The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand
37852 Views - 5 years ago


Coincidence or threat?

How did Marburg get to Tanzania?

Who is protecting Americans from Marburg right now?
The U.S. had a playbook — now undermined — for responding to biological threats
"On Saturday, Jan. 11, as we entered the final week of the Biden-Harris administration, I got a call about a suspected Marburg outbreak in Tanzania. Marburg virus disease is like its close cousin Ebola, but worse. It can have a mortality rate as high as 80% and, unlike at least one strain of Ebola, we do not have an approved vaccine or treatment for Marburg."

What they don't say is that the virus first appeared in a bio-lab in Marburg Germany in the 1960's. It seems they were experimenting with haemorrhagic fever viruses. An 80% death rate means it can't spread easily. A few years later, there is a closely genetically related first-time Ebola outbreak in Africa. Ebola has a lower death rate and higher spread rate:

Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fever viruses: major scientific advances, but a relatively minor public health threat for Africa
" Ebola and Marburg viruses are the only members of the Filoviridae family (order Mononegavirales), a group of viruses characterized by a linear, non-segmented, single-strand negative RNA genome. They are among the most virulent pathogens for humans and great apes, causing acute haemorrhagic fever and death within a matter of days. Since their discovery 50 years ago, filoviruses have caused only a few outbreaks, with 2317 clinical cases and 1671 confirmed deaths, which is negligible compared with the devastation caused by malnutrition and other infectious diseases prevalent in Africa (malaria, cholera, AIDS, dengue, tuberculosis …). Yet considerable human and financial resourses have been devoted to research on these viruses during the past two decades, partly because of their potential use as bioweapons. As a result, our understanding of the ecology, host interactions, and control of these viruses has improved considerably."

© 2011 The Authors. Clinical Microbiology and Infection © 2011 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Let's not forget what happened in Tanzania during the Covid years:

John Magufuli: Tanzania's president dies aged 61 after Covid rumours
"When Covid-19 arrived in Tanzania, Mr Magufuli called on people to go to churches and mosques to pray. "Coronavirus, which is a devil, cannot survive in the body of Christ... It will burn instantly," he said.

He declared Tanzania "Covid-19 free" last June, saying the virus had been eradicated by three days of national prayer.

He also mocked the efficacy of masks, expressed doubts about testing, and teased neighbouring countries which imposed health measures to curb the virus.

"Countries in Africa will be coming here to buy food in the years to come… they will be suffering because of shutting down their economy," he said, according to the Associated Press.

Tanzania has not published details of its coronavirus cases since May, and the government has refused to purchase vaccines.

On Monday, police said they had arrested four people on suspicion of spreading rumours on social media that the president was ill."



Title of the above article is
"More than two-thirds of Congress cashed a pharma campaign check in 2020, new STAT analysis shows"

And that is the real problem to be faced.


So hard to find the connection to Pence, I had to look, like for six seconds



How is Pence tied up with the big Pharma stuff?


I dont know if Virginia Senator Tim Kaine has met the aluminum alzheimers hypothesis, but he is on the HELP committee
Sadly, he will predictably vote for the party over progressing American health.


ms rosenbluth:
alzheimers , hello!

did she quote Dr Offit saying you can give 100 vaccines at one sitting, or has that fallen out of fashion with health reporters for some unknown reason?

Laura Hayes

Points 2-5 in my “Why Is This Legal?” presentation below expose and refute the non-stop lies about the safety of injected mercury and aluminum in vaccines:


Never forget this simple truth: Liars lie. Pharmaceutical companies, government regulators, government agents, legislators, medical doctors, those deemed experts, PR firms, government-funded researchers/institutions, and mainstream media have long and sordid histories of fraud, corruption, cover-ups, bribery, blackmail, and creating/spreading/socializing propaganda…all forms of lying. Which leads us back to the simple truth: Liars lie.


Frenc scientist Romain Kroum Gherardi "s work on Al effects on fascia is still in the records at NIH


Chris Shaws work/video of aluminum effects on rats sone in communist Canada and is fresh in my memory.

Spanish study "Granulomas Following Subcutaneous Injection With Aluminum Adjuvant-Containing Products in Sheep" is still around. Which my cousin has in various places in her body after having booster on top of her other boosters with m RNA

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