Will EmeraMed Smell as Sweet?
By Kim Rossi
As per usual, the headline is a bit of a play on words. There was an old perfume called Emeraude, back when fragrance smelled like flowers and spices not cotton candy and Matcha tea. In 2009, Dr. Boyd Haley quietly introduced us to OSR#1 - an antioxidant that he, Chairman of the University of Kentucky Chemistry department, created and offered to us in the autism community. Of course, once something WORKED to clear heavy metals from the body, it had to be instantly reviled and removed by the pharma apologists who PUT the heavy metals into our children. Dr.Haley has a NEW COMPANY based in Ireland, named EmeraMed - like the Emerald Island, I assume. Not the Emerald City, run by the mighty Oz. And I am hoping hard that I will be able to use the product once again for my daughters.
Discover the Future of Health
EmeraMed Ltd is a biotechnology firm developing the lipophilic, blood-brain-barrier passing, antioxidant Emeramide.
Emeramide also chelates free iron as well as many heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, which would otherwise create free radicals. Emeramide thereby helps restore normal function to the mitochondria and improve overall health.
Many of us met Dr. Haley, with his gentle Southern drawl, at autism conferences like Autism One. He was a featured speaker at the 2008 Green Our Vaccines rally in Washington, DC where he said, "To the media you are a huge part of the problem." His product OSR#1 was the first and only product to make a profound difference for my daughters. In fact, one day, then 11 year old Gianna came downstairs with her SHOES TIED for the very first time, a skill I attribute to the pathways opened by OSR.
My older daughters were in the mercury generation - hundreds of micrograms injected into them as infants in the 1990s. How hard did the government Public Health and media go after Dr. Haley? Like a freight train. They went after me as well. Below is an article written by a former food critic turned
"science" reporter named Trine Tsouderos. I used to call her "The Angry Cupcake." She did me dirty in a FRONT PAGE article in Chicago. Here's some of the verbiage. Note, my married name was Stagliano. But I chelated that successfully too. (Wink wink.)
Note that Tsouderos called OSR "an industrial chemical." Had she ever looked into FLUORIDE and its genesis as a miracle in our water systems? Think of Robert Kennedy, Jr. and look at the push back, because of the source.
Industrial chemical OSR#1 used as autism treatment
By Trine Tsouderos
An industrial chemical developed to help separate heavy metals from polluted soil and mining drainage is being sold as a dietary supplement by a luminary in the world of alternative autism treatments.
The supplement, called OSR#1, is described on the company website as an antioxidant not meant to treat any disease. But the site lists pharmacies and doctors who sell it to parents of children with autism, and the compound has been promoted to parents on popular autism websites.
“I sprinkle the powder into Bella’s morning juice and onto Mia and Gianna’s gluten free waffle breakfast sandwich,” wrote Kim Stagliano, managing editor of the Age of Autism blog and mother of three girls on the autism spectrum, in an enthusiastic post last spring. “We’ve seen some nice ‘Wows!’ from OSR.”
A search of medical journals unearthed no papers published about OSR#1, though the compound’s industrial uses for toxic cleanup have been explored in publications such as the Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Boyd Haley, who is president of the Lexington, Ky.-based company that produces the OSR#1 supplement, acknowledged its industrial origins but calls his product “a food” that is “totally without toxicity.” He said he has been taking the supplement for nearly three years.
“Look, I put myself on the line,” he said. “I have taken 250 milligrams per day, on the average.”
Federal law requires manufacturers to explain why a new dietary ingredient reasonably can be expected to be safe. The Food and Drug Administration told the Chicago Tribune that Haley had not submitted sufficient information.
In an interview, Haley said that the compound had been tested on rats and that a food safety study was conducted on 10 people. Asked to provide documentation of the studies, he stopped communicating with the Tribune.
Experts expressed dismay upon hearing children were consuming a chemical not evaluated in formal clinical trials for safety, as would be required for a drug prescribed by doctors.
Ellen Silbergeld, an expert in environmental health and a researcher studying mercury and autism at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, said she found the sale of the chemical as a supplement for children “appalling.”
Antioxidant expert Dr. L. Jackson Roberts, a pharmacologist at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, said, “I would worry a lot about giving anything to a small child that hasn’t been scrutinized for both safety and efficacy by the FDA.”
OSR#1 supplements are one of many risky, unproven therapies given to children with autism by doctors who say they can successfully treat the disorder, which has no cure and very few proven treatment options. Last year, Chicago Tribune reporters examined alternative treatments for autism and uncovered a trail of junk science and false hopes.
Haley, a retired professor at the University of Kentucky who once was chairman of the chemistry department, has spoken at autism conferences promoting alternative therapies. His fiery presentations connect autism and the mercury preservative that was once a common part of childhood vaccines, a proposed link that numerous scientific studies have failed to confirm.
“We need to get mad,” he told an audience of hundreds at a national autism conference in Chicago last year.
One of the most prominent autism groups, Generation Rescue, once named him to its Hall of Fame, citing his “clear, thoughtful, feisty testimony and writings” about mercury.
On the Age of Autism blog, parents have hailed him as a hero for his new supplement, which Haley said “easily 1,000 people” have taken.
“Boyd Haley should be ‘Man of the Year,’ ” wrote one reader of the blog.
Stagliano, the Age of Autism website’s managing editor, declined to comment. Read more here.
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In a strange way, we can thank the overreach of the Covid 19 pandemic for opening the hearts (so many damaged by myocarditis) and minds of the American public who really hadn't given much thought to the autism epidemic. That's about as grim as thanking cancer for long sought weight loss, but here we are. Your purchase from our link supports Age of Autism. Available in hardcover and on the free Kindle app.Donate - Thank You
Nope, I still see folks offering it. I won't touch any MLM "medicine." Not sure if it's still MLM. Now, Tupperware? Fine. Kim
Posted by: Kim | December 03, 2024 at 07:46 AM
Did they ever ban zeolites?
So many people were so sure they were the best things ever. I looked them up to see what they were.
You got to be kidding. Even now if you google them, it is kind of glowing what it brings up.
The world has been turned upside down for a very long time.
Posted by: Benedetta | December 02, 2024 at 11:58 PM
Thank you for posting this important information I will definitely look into it for my son. About 12 years ago the school nurse was giving our son such a hard time over probiotics even though he had a doctor's prescription for them now it seems every time you turn on the TV there is a pro probiotics commercial amazing!
Posted by: Gerardo Martinez | December 02, 2024 at 10:59 AM
We will be looking as well Kim thanks for the information.I hope Dr Hayley keeps going love his videos.
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | December 02, 2024 at 10:49 AM
i wonder if it would be a treatment for hemachromatosis, reducing iron
Posted by: greyone | December 02, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Sounds like it will be good for removing lead and cadmium, in addition to mercury.
I wonder if it affects aluminum?
Posted by: greyone | December 02, 2024 at 09:54 AM
Thank you for letting AoA readers know about Dr. Haley’s new company, Kim.
For those wanting some specifics on both the past and continued use of mercury in vaccines, read point #3 from my 2018 “Why Is This Legal?” presentation:
Posted by: Laura Hayes | December 02, 2024 at 07:34 AM