Newsweek (Opinion): Don't Blame RFK, Jr. for "crumbling" trust in public health/vaccines
Newsweek (Opinion): Don't Blame RFK, Jr. for "crumbling" trust in public health/vaccines
Mainstream medicine has become too politicized
By Anne Dachel - subscribe to Anne's Substack here.
On December 3rd Newsweek put out an opinion piece that was remarkable. (Newsweek also added this disclaimer at the end: “The views expressed in this article are the writer's own,” in case anyone would think that the editorial board supported this kind of thinking.)
The piece was Medical Establishment, Not RFK, Is To Blame for Declining Public Trust | Opinion, by Hadley Heath Manning.
The greatest threat to vaccine trust in America isn't Robert F. Kennedy J.—it's the medical establishment itself.
Trust in public health is crumbling. While Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of health and human services is seen as the face of the anti-vaccine movement, the real problem is the medical establishment's own willingness to embrace partisan politics over evidence-based science.
While Ms. Manning didn’t say she supported any of Kennedy’s claims, she did say that the medical establishment has brought this on themselves. Mainstream medicine has become too politicized and has lost public trust, according to Manning.
Manning pointed out the fact that 20 medical organizations, including the AAP, support ‘gender affirming care’ for children, despite it being banned in the UK for individuals under the age of 18. She also noted that doctors who disagreed with kids changing their gender were excluded from conferences and their research suppressed in this country.
Manning speculated that IF mainstream medicine is hiding contrary research on sex changes, they might be doing the same when it comes to vaccine safety.
When medical organizations suppress information indicating these practices are not beneficial, and indeed may be harmful, they lose credibility. It's only natural, then, for parents to question whether similar tactics are at play regarding vaccines. . . .
Many excellent doctors take the time to listen to and counsel vaccine-hesitant parents about the recommended vaccine schedule. This is one avenue toward bolstering patient trust, but office visits are short, doctors' time is limited, and each conversation only reaches one patient at a time. Even so, the answer is not another large-scale pro-vaccine PR campaign. Without trust, these messages fall on deaf ears.
The best way to restore trust is to demonstrably change the culture of leading medical associations to make them less political and reopen them to challenge, criticism, and debate.
Open criticism and debate are vital, especially in the sciences, where inquiry is foundational. Rather than calling for censorship or slapping "misinformation" labels on podcasts that question the mainstream medical guidelines, representatives of medical organizations should appear on those very podcasts to correct the record.
In my view, Ms. Manning is incredibly naïve. She doesn’t acknowledge the ever-present elephant in the room when it comes to vaccines. Mainstream medicine has no interest in “open criticism and debate” about vaccines.
There is no debate allowed. Doctors are cannot deviate from the one-size-fits-every-child vaccine schedule. Doing any of Manning’s recommendations regarding vaccines is a sure way for a doctor to end his or her career.
Seriously, evidence-based science is never going to happen the way things are now.
If mainstream medicine wants to prove vaccines are safe and effective, all they need to do is to show us the real science on vaccines.
Robert Kennedy has publicly stated that the government cannot produce the double blind placebo studies that should have been done pre-licensure for every vaccine on the childhood schedule.
They were never done. So much for evidence-based science.
For years, parents in the autism community have called for a simple and independent study comparing the health outcomes of fully vaccinated and never vaccinated kids. With so many parents now not vaccinating their children, the study group is out there.
IF never vaccinated kids have the same rates of autism, ADHD, diabetes, epilepsy and all the rest of the chronic health problems plaguing children today, we would have clear proof that vaccines aren’t damaging children.
This study has never been done.
Ms. Manning doesn’t mention any of the other issues that have eroded parents’ trust in doctors.
Since 1986 the vaccine industry has been protected against lawsuits if a person is injured by a vaccine. Doctors administering vaccines were also given this immunity.
What incentive is there to make truly safe vaccines?
The vaccine industry more than tripled the number of vaccines in the years following 1986. What was the real motivation here, improving the health of children or liability-free profit?
The medical community has shown absolutely no concern about the explosion in autism and other neurological disorders over the past 25 years that directly coincided with the expansion of the vaccine schedule.
Autism now affects three percent of U.S. children and the national rate is sure to increase. Already the autism rate in California is one in every 22 children, one in 14 boys. In Florida, it’s almost one in 20. One third of these children are nonverbal and a third of them experienced regression where they lost learned skills and ended up on the autism spectrum.
Doctors have watched the autism phenomenon explode from one in 250 children in 2002 to the current number with no real concern or explanation except to say that autism is nothing new, we’re just better at diagnosing it today. They blame parents’ bad genes for the disorder.
Kennedy is speaking out about the chronic illnesses making our kids the sickest generation in history. Why isn’t the medical community calling for changes in our food consumption and for safe medicines and vaccines?
There is no real difference between our regulatory agencies and the industries they oversee. Former heads of the FDA, CDC and other agencies routinely retire from their government jobs and take on high-paying positions at Big Pharma or Big Food.
Regulators typically allow industry to do their own safety studies. Many in our federal health agencies have conflict of interest waivers because they’re also working for these same industries.
In truth, Ms. Manning needs to realize that it’s way too late to restore trust in doctors. The corruption is beyond fixing without massive changes in our health care system.
Every aspect of modern medicine is now controlled by corporations that profit off sick people. It extends to the medical schools, medical organizations, medical practices and the press that is supposed to tell us the truth about why we’re so sick.
Is it any wonder that parents worry about what vaccines may do to their children?
Your thoughts?
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I was reading an article last night by Mid Western Doctor;
In the article he mentioned front groups for pharma that pretends they are just home grown mothers.
One was Lydia Greene. She was all for JFKennedy Jr. She tells the story of how she was immersed in antivaxxer culture, surrounded herself with antivaxxer mothers. JFKennedy Jr has her so scared--- Oh for heaven sakes. She has been on every TV show from the US, to Canda and even has an article here from New Zealand.
Here: Here;
A back ground check on who she really was. LOL She was immersed alright but it was not in the antivaxxer's culture.
When I read the article I remember "Every Child by Two" that home grown - CDC funded organization that "Age of Autism" wrote about a few years back.
They have some other names now, mentioned in the article.
But JFKennedy has caused all the mistrust?
Posted by: Benedetta | December 06, 2024 at 10:58 AM
As Gerardo here,here!
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | December 06, 2024 at 05:27 AM
Greetings to all!
Refreshing to see this Newsweek article. Perhaps the size and damage the iceberg has done to our ship is being realized. I pray people are beginning to wake up. Come on sleepy giant you can do it, did it in WW2.
Keep up the great work Ms. Anne, you are are one of our sons and daughters true warrior leaders!
Blessings to all.
Posted by: Gerardo Martinez | December 05, 2024 at 11:38 AM