You Can Call Me Mom But I Don't Always Recommend It
Raspberries, Pesticides and Polio

Latin American Doctors Say "Si" to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Appointment to HHS

Vote yesThank you to Anne Dachel for sharing this letter from Medicos Pela Vida - Doctors For Life for Kennedy's appointment to head up Health and Human Services. Doctors in Brazil and Latin America that is. Meanwhile, American physicians and politicians are spreading as much disinformation as they can about just two topics from the vast realm of health and human services; polio and measles. Senator Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts is rabidly telling Americans, "You'll lose your smile and you'll say hello to polio" on X. The playbook is worn thin, and yet, the scare tactics have worked in the past.


Letter to the Senate: Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Mr. Kennedy’s nomination represents an unparalleled chance to restore the health of the American nation and renews confidence in its healthcare institutions.

To the United States Senators of the 119th Congress:

We, the undersigned physicians, citizens of Brazil and Latin American countries, write to urge you to seize this historic opportunity to address the United States’ chronic disease crisis by confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The stakes could not be higher. The chronic disease epidemic now threatens our nation’s future—undermining human capital, compromising national security, and straining our economy to the breaking point. In the early 1980s, fewer than 13% of U.S. children suffered from a chronic condition. Today, that figure has soared to nearly 60%, and an alarming 77% of young adults are ineligible for military service due to health issues. Chronic disease and mental health now account for 90% of the nation’s $4.3 trillion in annual healthcare expenditures. These trends are not just unsustainable—they are existential.

This letter reflects the collective voice of physicians and medical professionals committed to reversing these devastating trends. We believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. possesses the vision, integrity, and leadership essential for this critical moment in public health. His unwavering commitment to scientific transparency and his determination to address the root causes of illness make him uniquely qualified to lead HHS.

Mr. Kennedy’s nomination represents an unparalleled chance to restore the health of the American nation and renews confidence in its healthcare institutions. He has pledged to return federal health agencies to their tradition of evidence-based science, ensuring accountability and transparency at every level. His commonsense policy priorities—including removing harmful substances from our food, water, and medicines—are grounded in the urgent need to combat the chronic disease epidemic and to Make America Healthy Again.

America stands at a crossroads. The conventional approaches of the past have failed to reverse our declining health outcomes. By confirming Mr. Kennedy, you will empower a leader prepared to tackle these challenges head-on, delivering the bold, systemic reforms our public health system desperately needs.

As Mr. Kennedy has so aptly stated: “Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other.” We urge you to put our children, families, and nation first by confirming Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

With the hope that the improvements and advances in people’s health and the proper value of human beings can extend to other Latin American citizens and the world at large.


Médicos Pela Vida Latino-América

Doctors for Life Latin America

Antonio Jordão de Oliveira Neto
President Medicos Pela Vida / Presidente Médicos Pela Vida

Carlos Nigro
Vice President Medicos Pela Vida / Vice Presidente Médicos Pela Vida

Ana Cristina C. L. Malheiros Ferretti
Cordinator Medicos Pela Vida / Coordenadora Médicos Pela Vida / Coordinadora Medicos Pela Vida

Patricia Callisperis
Latin American Coordinator Medicos Pela Vida / Coordenadora América Latina Médicos Pela Vida / Coordinadora América Latina Medicos Pela Vida

Guery Cordero C.

Juan C. Garberi
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Damián Eduardo Pelizzari

Maurício E. Quiñonez Mendoza

Atilio Rafael Farina
President of the Paraguayan Society of Public Health, of the Paraguayan Circle of Physicians / Presidente da Sociedade Paraguaia de Saúde Pública, do Círculo Paraguaio de Médicos / Presidente de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Salud Pública, del Círculo Paraguayo de Médicos

Taddeo Arnella

Carlos Orozco
Costa Rica

Yanet Valdivia Paredes
Complementary Medicine Coordinator of Essalud Arequipa region / Coordenador de Medicina Complementar da região de Essalud Arequipa / Coordinadora de Medicina Complementaria de Essalud región Arequipa

Posemoscrowte Irrhoscopt Chagua Payano
Former Member of the Health Commission of the Congress / Ex-Membro da Comissão de Saúde do Congresso / Ex Miembro de la Comisión de Salud del Congreso

Mario Esparza Mantilla

Javier Sciuto

Marta Roa de Saltério

Esteban A. Moralez

Guilliermo Arana Ruiz

Ajooru J. Lescano Pomares

Jose T. Castillero V.
Former Minister of Health and Former Director General of Public Health / Ex-Ministro da Saúde e Ex-Diretor Geral da Saúde Pública /Ex Ministro de Salud y Ex Director General de Salud Pública

Cándida Luz Franco Lemus DDS

José V. R. Fernández

Hector Ciavaldini

Raul Pineda Aquino

Reyna de Xalapa

Claudia Maria Cepeda

Maria Teresa Ilari

Maria Victoria Vendrell Cuixart



If the post of MTG meeting with Uno, the rescued beagle, has been blocked, try this:


Forget about the "Scalps and Backs of Aborted Children Grafted onto Rodents," unleash the hounds of Fauciville:
Good for the beagles. What about this?

What are you willing to sacrifice for your vaccines?
RFK Jr.! Cleanup on aisle NIAID!

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