A cheery holiday message on this December 23rd.
Remember, tobacco companies fought yellow tooth and nicotine stained nail to protect their lies. You think this isn't happening at this very moment in time? There are Republicans and a sleigh full of Democrats who are bowing to their industry/lobbyist captors and planning to vote against the Make American Healthy movement. You can smell the desperation to protect like a whiff of smoke that lingers in the house long after the smoker has died.
Americans deserve better health. Over the weekend, a local parent asked for recommendations for a psychiatrist to help manage her special needs 5 year old's medications. Her FIVE year old. What have we become? Are we at the tipping point where we start to make changes, re-orient our thinking and even leave sacred cows behind in an effort to save our future? I ho ho hope so.
Destroyed documents: uncovering the science that Imperial Tobacco Canada sought to conceal - PMC
In 1992, British American Tobacco had its Canadian affiliate, Imperial Tobacco Canada, destroy internal research documents that could expose the company to liability or embarrassment. Sixty of these destroyed documents were subsequently uncovered in British American Tobacco’s files.
Imperial Tobacco destroyed documents that included evidence from scientific reviews prepared by British American Tobacco’s researchers, as well as 47 original research studies, 35 of which examined the biological activity and carcinogenicity of tobacco smoke. The documents also describe British American Tobacco research on cigarette modifications and toxic emissions, including the ways in which consumers adapted their smoking behaviour in response to these modifications. The documents also depict a comprehensive research program on the pharmacology of nicotine and the central role of nicotine in smoking behaviour. British American Tobacco scientists noted that “… the present scale of the tobacco industry is largely dependent on the intensity and nature of the pharmacological action of nicotine,” and that “... should nicotine become less attractive to smokers, the future of the tobacco industry would become less secure.”
You can buy Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD for just $1.99 Kindle edition. The Kindle app works on your tablet or smart phone and is free! Hardcover also available and can never be deleted. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!
The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do
This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.
Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
“Whenever I read, listen to, or debate Bobby, I learn something new and change my mind on at least one or two issues, while vehemently disagreeing with many others. Both the agreements and disagreements stimulate my thinking and emotions, even when they make me angry or concerned. Read him and make up your own minds." —Alan Dershowitz
“The Wuhan Cover-Up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.” —Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
Loved the bluegrass groups. My college sponsored an outdoor spring bluegrass festival every year. Nothing better than soaking in the warm spring sunshine sitting on a blanket and grooving to Rocky Top. LOL!
Rocky Top - Southern Raised
These kids are amazing!
30 minutes of Cotton Pickin Kids Christmas music
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | December 24, 2024 at 12:49 PM
Right down the road from us is Berea college and they have a musical group that is the very, very best on their version of "Carol of the Bells"
Give it a listen too if you have the time.
Posted by: Benedetta | December 23, 2024 at 10:49 PM
Southern Raised is a Blue Grass group that does "Carol of the Bells" so very nice.
Enjoy if you have a minute.
And if I order RFK Jr.'s New book will it be a great read, and a page turner?
Posted by: Benedetta | December 23, 2024 at 10:45 PM
Thanks for the movie Emma. I can't believe I missed this Gary Cooper movie.
There are huge varieties of wild types, many are called nicotiana, or flowering tobacco. They are small things still grown in flower gardens. Some of these wild types can produce 10 times the amount of nicotine than domestic tobacco does. I am sure they were cross bred into the huge domestic types.
Another thing; there were found to be a lot of heavy metals in tobacco. A tobacco leaf that can grow so fast, and so huge in one season takes up a lot everything from copper, lead, Mg, what ever is out there. They did some digging into which types of tobacco had the most heavy metals by the way it was cured. This gets into regions of the world where it comes from. Burley from Kentucky is air dried, hanging in vented barns. South Carolina uses gas to heat the air, flue cured they call it - and then there is the oriental tobacco and it is sundried. Oriental has the highest amounts of heavy metals. They said it was because it was grown in soil with low Ph. But then again all tobacco likes sweet soil, or soil on the base side.
A tobacco leaf is very special in that it can easily take up DNA and then produce proteins that that these incorporated DNA calls for.
There have been a lot of research stretching back as far as the 1980s to get the tobacco plant produce pharma meds. It would be easier to grow tobacco in the fields that produce a large amount of some protein than it would be to try to grow vats of yeast to make proteins. Or so the thought is.
I see they are still involved in this research even today. Here is one article from 2014.
Posted by: Benedetta | December 23, 2024 at 10:30 PM
It wouldn't be Christmas without Pentatonix iconic harmonies:
Carol of the Bells – Pentatonix
Tobacco was one of the British American colonies' earliest cash crops, dating back to the late 1600's-early 1700's. It was the founding fortune for some of America's Founding Fathers. I have always wondered if there were records of cancer deaths from these early smokers using unfiltered pipes. The early colonists' knowledge of this addictive plant came from native Americans who seemed to have reserved its use to the ceremonial. To be profitable, the early planters relied on slave labor to plant and harvest the leaf on an industrial scale. Years later, the American Civil War disrupted the the original tobacco plantation system. Lives and fortunes were lost, but the tobacco industry was not over.
Enter the Dukes of North Carolina. Here is an excerpt from an article on the history of the Duke family tobacco empire:
"Founded by Washington Duke in 1890, the American Tobacco Company dominated the tobacco industry from its home base in Durham, North Carolina. After Duke was released from prison during the Civil War, he traveled 137 miles to his home in Durham, where he found Bright Leaf Tobacco still growing on his family farm. With the help of family members and friends, Duke’s tobacco hobby grew from a measly log cabin to a series of large factories that became known as “Duke & Sons.” Duke merged with four rival tobacco companies to become president of The American Tobacco Company.
American Tobacco eventually acquired Lucky Strike and some 200 other rival firms to become the biggest tobacco company in the world. With Pall Mall and Tareyton also to its name — and promotion from Frank Sinatra — American Tobacco was king. The company renamed itself American Brands in 1986 and now goes by Fortune Brands."
A relative of mine, Foster Fitz-Simons, published BRIGHT LEAF, a novel about the Duke family tobacco empire. It was made into a Hollywood film also called "Bright Leaf."
Bright Leaf 1950 with Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall and Patricia Neal
All this brings me back to the question of the cancer connection with tobacco. Smoking seemed safe enough from its earliest use. What changed in the late 20th century to cause a rise in lung cancer rate, unheard of before? Better diagnosis? Longevity? Increased frequency of use? Could there be another connection, like with Dan's investigation of polio, that some other exposure combined with smoking results in lung cancer? This is something I have considered in the past. What great change occurred during/after WW2? Atomic bomb testing. It seems that British scientists also noticed a connection with radioactive fallout and a rise in American cancer rates:
Cancer mortality in the USA and atmospheric nuclear weapons test fallout ratio. Identifying the principal origin of the global cancer epidemic
"The ratio was calculated for 10-year groups for deaths in 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009 and 2019. Cancer mortality ratio effects increased with age. In the oldest 10-year group studied, 55-64, in 2019 the Excess Risk for those born in 1955-64 was 52% greater in the high fallout regions ERR =1.52; 95% CI 1.48, 1.57; p <0.00000000. For the 45-54 group in 2019 ERR = 1.42; 95% CI 1.35, 1.50; p < 0.00000000. For the 34-45 ERR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.15, 1.40; p<0.000001. Arguably the results identify the main cause of the cancer epidemic which began in the 1980s."
Add to that the now admitted carcinogenic SV-40 polio vaccine contamination. What is the result of the interaction of tobacco smoke with radioactive/viral contaminants? I doubt that study has been done. Who financially, politically benefited from the take down of the Duke empire? That might be worth another novel.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | December 23, 2024 at 01:16 PM