Yellowstone's Beth Dutton Must Have Saved A Tube of a Cancelled Lipstick
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Anger at RFK, Jr. is FEAR

Anger is fearWashington State Senator Patty Murray from Washington State wrote this on X yesterday.

To confirm a notorious anti-vaxxer like RFK Jr. as Secretary of @HHSGov could seriously cost our country in lives, in health, and in our economy. Let's use our common sense—we cannot let a fringe conspiracy theorist make major public health decisions.

Let's count the public relations, consultant disparage & destroy driven language. Name calling is always in season when it comes to these folks.

1) Notorious
2) Anti-vaxxer
3) Fringe
4) Conspiracy-theorist

I responded as AofA twice:

Senator, our body is our intimate environment. We take care of oceans, rivers, the planet. Looking at the necessity of toxins of all sorts for profit is the ultimate in self-care, protecting our children. Education will soar again. Workplaces will thrive. Military will recruit again. We'll need LESS reliance on health insurance. Trust the process.

You are using the language of fear. Name calling using McKinsey planted epithets. You have been taught by industry to turn away from this topic as if it offends your very soul. What if you are wrong, and you stand in the way of restoring health to our chronically sick children?

Ms. Murray ( I write that with confidence because she has "She/Her" in her X bio) doesn't pay any attention to the food industry that Robert Kennedy, Jr. has already influenced. Nor does she rail against his recommendations on water fluoridation, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup or any other element of our national state of dis-ease.  ONLY THE VACCINES.

She goes further. 

Read more about my recent discussion with doctors and scientists at @UW
about how critical vaccine confidence (our emphasis) is for our families and just how important @NIH research is for our entire country.
Sneetch unvaxed
By confidence, she likely means COMPLIANCE. 

Vaccine apologists are so angry that Americans have LOST confidence in the vaccine program. Some of us decades ago. Others because of the Merck HPV Gardasil push. Some including healthcare professionals because of the flu shot. And an avalanche because of the heavy handed Covid vaccine mandates that rang out from Pennsylvania Avenue to Main Street to our very homes, as families split apart like the Sneetches over stars on their bellies.


Medical pharma killing machineNew from Children's Health Defense publishing. Perfect timing. Order a hardcover or Kindle copy of The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine here.

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Medical and pharmaceutical history is replete with examples of dangerous interventions that have poisoned, injured, or killed. However, events since 2020 have attracted attention as never before to medicine’s potential to be both lethal and malevolent. In The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine, Children’s Health Defense situates current perils in their broader context with the aim of helping readers understand how to protect themselves and their loved ones.



From my very jaded political view--Democrats make a pretty good killing-machine. And yes there are Republicans too. But since the days of Dan Burton, has there ever been a Democrat on the federal level that lended a hand on any of the issues discussed at AoA? Yes, just briefly a Rep from New York who was cowarded to back off autism-vaccine issues. Lacked the courage and knowledge.


so beautifully phrased, Kim.
Robert Kennedy Jr has stated he wants to tell people the truth. (so fringey!)
It is a strong and welcome policy statement.

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