Autism Research Review International Call for Post-Mortem Brains
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I Love My Son, But I'm Scared of Him

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By Anne Dachel

I just posted a story from Ireland on Loss of Brain Trust

It was an interview from a radio station in Donegal. The parents of a family with four young adults with autism talked about the utter lack of support once autistic children leave school.

Sept 13, 2024, OceanFM: Mountcharles family with four autistic young adults say supports are completely inadequate

Patrick and Maria Brogan of Mountcharles in Donegal are the parents of four autistic young adults – Marty, Cassie, Daniel and Patrick. They’ve expressed their absolute frustration at the lack of supports and facilities in place for them, and say they’re considered merely as ‘add-ons’ in the eyes of the State

In the course of 12 minute interview was this shocking exchange between the father, Patrick Brogan, and the OceanFM host.

Epidemic increases

Patrick: It’s estimated that 23 percent of the child population, at the present  moment, has a diagnosis of autism, ADD, ADHD, and the Belfast Trust has the prevalence and school age children with autism and Aspergers. And they estimate it to be one in 14.

One in 14 is two out of every big class and every national school in the county of Donegal.

There’s something badly wrong. Autism was not there, and the numbers—

Why so much autism?

OceanFM: Was it not there, or did we just not hear about it?

Patrick: Well, they changed the diagnosis 20 years ago, and the diagnoses have only gone up. So if they changed it to make it a broader range, well that should have compensated for the numbers, but the numbers have only gone up.

So there’s something wrong. I don’t know what’s causing it. It’s gone up at a steady rate. Let it be Wi-Fi signal, let it be food, let it be the water, phone signals, chemicals. 


I don’t know what’s causing it, but we as parents find it impossible to ask questions.

OceanFM: That’s one of your main frustrations, that you can’t ask questions.

What do you mean by that? Ask questions of whom? And what questions?

Patrick: Through the years, because of having the epilepsy with the children and all that, I’ve been in different hospitals at different times, and I often have conversations with different doctors, different consultants.

And four or five them told me, they can’t talk about it. If they do, they’re going to be struck off.

What’s that about? Why would they say something like that at the end of the day?   . . .


Of course this is part of the massive cover-up and denial that has been swirling around autism for two decades, and it’s not just in Ireland. We’ve all been steadily brainwashed to believe that every stunning increase in the autism rate is thanks to better diagnosing by doctors and no real increase at all.

Eventually, of course, everything will collapse. The Brogan family with four autistic children who have seizures and can’t talk are the future for Ireland, and the cost will be enormous.

I’ve found truly heartbreaking stories about autism in Ireland. These three stand out.

Sept 2023, ‘We are broken, we are tired’ – Stark report outlines how families of children with special needs are left to fend for themselves

AD Ireland Family

Sept 2023, ‘I love my son but I’m scared of him… we are prisoners in our own home’ – mother of severely autistic boy (9) who needs urgent care

AD Son and Mom

Aug 2023, Mother of son with autism fears what will happen when she dies

AD Mom holding son

And of course, this isn’t just about IRELAND. It’s happening everywhere.

Numbers far exceeding the one in 36 we officially hear from the CDC raise absolutely no concern.

One in 21 in Ireland One in 13 boys

One in 20 in Northern Ireland One in 12 boys

One in 25 in Australia One in 15 boys

One in 23 in Scotland One in 14 boys

One in 22 in California One in 13 boys

One in 29 in British Columbia One in 18 boys

Nearly one in 20 in Florida

The brief radio interview from Donegal, Ireland revealed what’s really going on. It’s all about the cover-up. No one is allowed to question the narrative. The obvious reason is that those in charge already know the truth, something too horrible to even consider.

We must pretend nothing is really wrong. We have no other choice, no matter how bad things get. Everything is at stake here.

Please share your thoughts.


Real Anthony Fauci Number 1 memeGet to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.



Parents. Please know that you can keep your child in school in the US until age 21. Just don’t accept a diploma. This buys 2 more years for kids with Autism


Anne is right that everything is at stake!

The lack of supports and infrastructure for those with deep needs is terrifying, because I fear we at the verge of a time when the lack of real solutions leads to even further degradation, suffering, and human rights abuses. Will people be left to wither in institutions where the workers are there because they can't do other work and they hate and abuse those who depend on them? Will people who need anti-seizure meds and are not verbal be left homeless on the street to succumb like Portland drug addicts who usually have just a six-month life expectancy once they live on the streets?

Everything is at stake because this is our future, so much hurt and need and no one has answers and we're not allowed to talk about the cause.


I can not imagine how the Brogan family in Donegal, Ireland can possibly cope with 4 young adults who have autism and epilepsy! I have an adult son with autism and epilepsy and I can barely cope with the demands of caring for him. People who have not experienced this terrible situation have no idea what parents have to deal with day in and day out, year, after year with no end in sight. Overdiagnosis is a cover-up that insists on ignoring the tragedy of so many affected people and their children. What should be happening is RESEARCH into the many causes of the HUGE increases we have been seeing since my son was diagnosed in 1990. Instead we are all left to suffer and pray for the day that somehow a miracle cure or cures will be found to save what is now several generations of people on the autism spectrum. The time is NOW and we can not wait forever for the answers!


In addition to my last post, I want to say I know there is a spectrum of injury, of autism spectrum disorder. And that autistic people are intelligent and are dealing with inflammation and autoimmunity. I know that even some severely affected people can write or spell with assistance. And I know Bill trolls us but it gets old.


Bill, whatever is wrong with you is not even close to what is wrong with my son. The fact that you can write complete sentences shows you don't have the same injury as he does. And the fact that you are HAPPY to see someone injured like my son is evil. I rarely respond to your BS and I rarely will in the future. You like to disparage parents of people with autism every chance you get. And that's fine. It's a free country, but we don't buy what you're selling.

Angus Files

I know several families where the Autistic child is or can be scary,some have to be saved from themselves self hitting etc by way of wearing motorcycle helmets alleviating some of the self harm.Its hard thing to imagine if you dont experience it first hand.So sorry for the folks in the story above.

Thanks Anne.

Pharma For Prison



“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

9And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. John 3:19-20

The doctors do not fear God, but man. They foolishly trust in their gold and silver to deliver them in the day of Judgement.


Over diagnose autism and make big bucks on Medicaid/Medicare and National Health Service fraud. Applied Behavioral Analysis is big bucks so are speech and occupational therapy due to lax medical billing laws and oversight.
I am a person diagnosed with autism as a child in 2001. I have met few real autistics. I a happy when I see real rare autistics regardless of if disabled or not.
I hope Ireland cracks down on the fraud and over diagnosis of autism and ADHD and Schizophrenia.

Andrew Foss

You say this:

So there’s something wrong. I don’t know what’s causing it. It’s gone up at a steady rate. Let it be Wi-Fi signal, let it be food, let it be the water, phone signals, chemicals.


. . . and then go on to say that Doctors are not allowed to talk about it. And your list leaves out the obvious one we all say when the cameras are not rolling. This is sick.

My 17 yo turns 18 next month and we are already doing battle with Social Security. His future is uncertain because we are living with the "I love my son but I'm scared" life.

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