Transcript Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Promise for American Children
Note: Last week, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Nicole Shanahan tabled their run for the White House. We've known Robert for many years; he's no Johnny Come Lately on the decline of pediatric health. He IS a lightning rod, politically. Rather than focus on the immense hatred toward him, the worst of it coming from his own family, our focus is on his unwavering fight for our children. His mission is our mission. Like Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Robert does not have a child with autism. Both men have courage and heart, even at their own expense.
Our Anne Dachel is the queen of transcripts. Below is Robert's portion of his announcement that talks about his dedication to pediatric health in the USA. Feel free to let us know if you feel about Kennedy's throwing in with Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump. Or if you think Vice President Harris will craft a better future for children.
We're neutral in that we do not endorse. Kennedy is stalwart. Trump has a lot of baggage and many broken promises. Harris and Walz, himself Dad to a disabled son, may fund programs of value, but what of health choice issues? Discuss nicely. It's going to be a long road to November.
Read and watch video at Anne Dachel's Substack RFK, Jr. made it about the chronic disease disaster facing us, our children
Bobby Kennedy spent the last thirty minutes of his announcement suspending his campaign on the chronic disease crisis in America. His words were genuine and moving. He told us he was putting children first. By suspending his campaign, he would be able to put this catastrophe into the forefront of political arena. News sources that totally ignored him previously, now have to at least acknowledge his presence.
Three great causes drove me to enter this race in the first place. Primarily, and these are the three causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent and now to throw my support to President Trump.
The causes were free speech, the war in Ukraine and the war on our children. . . .
Less than two hours after President Trump narrowly escaped assassination, Calley Means called me on my cell phone, I was in Las Vegas. Calley is arguably the leading advocate for food safety, for soil regeneration and for ending the chronic disease epidemic that is destroying America’s health and ruining our economy.
Calley has exposed the insidious corruption at the FDA and the NIH, the HHS and the USDA that has caused the epidemic.
Calley had been working on and off for my campaign, advising me on those subjects since the beginning. And those subjects have been my primary focus for the last 20 years.
I was delighted when Calley told me that day that he had also been advising President Trump.
He told me President Trump was anxious to talk to me about chronic disease and other subjects, and to explore avenues of cooperation.
He asked if I would take a call from the President. President Trump telephoned me a few minutes later, and I met with him the following day. A few weeks later, I met again with President Trump and his family members and close advisors in Florida.
In a series of long, intense discussions, I was surprised to discover that we are aligned on many key issues. In those meetings, he suggested that we join forces as a Unity Party. We talked about Abraham Lincoln’s team of rivals.
That arrangement would allow us to disagree publicly and privately and furiously, if need be on issues over which we differ, while working together on the existential issues upon which we are in concordance. . . .
We are aligned with each other on other key issues . . .ending the childhood disease epidemic. . . unraveling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies . . .
. . . Vice President Harris decline to meet or even to speak with me.
Suspending my candidacy is a heart-rending for me, but I’m convinced that it’s the best hope for ending the Ukraine War and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is eroding our nations vitality from the inside, and for finally protecting free speech.
I feel a moral obligation to use this opportunity to save millions of American children, above all things.
In case some of you don’t realize how dire the condition is of our children’s health and chronic disease in general, I would urge you to view Tucker Carlson’s interview with Calley Means and his sister, Dr. Casey Means, who is a top graduate of her class at Stanford Medical School
This is an issue that affects all of us far more directly and urgently than any culture war issue and all the other issues that we obsess on and that are tearing apart our country.
This is the most important issue, therefore it has the potential to bring us together. So let me share a little bit about why I feel it is so urgent.
Today two-thirds—we pay, we spend more health care than any country on earth, twice what they pay in Europe, and yet we have the worst health outcomes of any nation in the world.
We’re about seventy-ninth in health outcomes, behind Costa Rica and Nicaragua and Mongolia and other countries.
Nobody has a chronic disease burden like we have, and during the COVID epidemic, we had the highest body count of any country in the world.
We had 16 percent of the COVID deaths, and we only have 4.2 percent of the world’s population.
And CDC says that’s because we are the sickest people on earth. We have the highest chronic disease rate on earth and for the average American who died from COVID had 3.8 chronic diseases.
So these were people who had immune system collapse, who had mitochondrial dysfunction, and no other country has anything like this.
Two-thirds of American adults and children suffer from chronic health issues.
50 years ago, that number was less than one percent. So we’ve gone from one percent to 66 percent.
In America, 74 percent of Americans now are overweight or obese, and 50 percent of our children.
120 years ago, when somebody was obese, they were sent to the circus. There were case reports done about them. Obesity was almost unknown.
In Japan, childhood obesity rate is three percent, compared to 50 percent here.
Half of Americans have pre-diabetes or Type II diabetes. When my uncles was President and I was a boy, juvenile diabetes was effectively nonexistent.
A typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes during his entire career, 40 or 50 year career.
Today one out of ever three kids who walks through his office door is diabetic or pre diabetic.
And the mitochondrial disorder that causes diabetes is also causing Alzheimer’s, which is now classified as diabetes, and it’s costing this country more than our military budget every year.
There’s been an explosion of neurological illness that I never saw as kid, ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, Tourette’s syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, Aspegers, autism.
In the year 2000, rate was one in 1,500. Now autism rates in kids are one in 36, according to CDC nationally.
Nobody’s talking about this.
One in every 22 kids in California has autism. and this is a crisis: that 77% of our kids cannot or are too disabled to serve in the United States military. What is happening to our country, and why isn't this in the headlines every single day?
There's nobody else in the world that is experiencing this. This is only happening in America. About 18%, and by the way, you know, there has been no change in diagnosis, which the industry sometimes likes to say, there has been no change in screening. This is a change in incidence.
In my generation of 70-year-old men, the odds and rates [of autism] are about one in 10,000. In my kids’ generation, one in 34.
I'll repeat: in California, 1 in 22. Why are we letting this happen? Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? These are the most precious assets that we have in this country. How can we let this happen to them?
About 18% of American teens now have fatty liver disease. That's like one out of every five. That disease, when I was a kid, only affected late-stage alcoholics who were elderly. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the old. Young adult cancers are up 79%.
One in four American women is on antidepressant medication, 40% of teen teens have a mental health diagnosis, and 15% of high schoolers are on Adderall, and half a million children on SSRIs.
So what's causing this suffering? I'll name two culprits. First and the worst is ultra-processed food. About 70% of American children's diet is ultra-processed. That means industrial manufactured in factories. These foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils.
Laboratory scientists who have formed many of them formerly worked for the cigarette industry, which purchased all the big food companies in the 1970s and ‘80s, deployed thousands of scientists to figure out chemicals, new chemicals, to make the food more addictive. And these ingredients didn't exist 100 years ago.
Humans aren't biologically adapted to eat them. A hundred of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but are ubiquitous in American processed foods. The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food, our medicine, and our environment. Pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies.
This assault on our children's cells and hormones is unrelenting. And to name just one problem, many of these chemicals increase estrogen. Because young children are ingesting so many of these hormone disruptors, America's puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13, which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900.
Our country has the earliest puberty rates of any continent on the earth, and no, this isn't because of better nutrition. This is not normal. Breast cancer is also estrogen-driven, and it now strikes one in eight women. We are mass-poisoning all of our children and our adults.
Considering the grievous human cause of this tragic epidemic of chronic disease, it seems almost crass to mention the damage it does to our economy. But I'll say it is crippling the nation's finances. When my uncle was president, our country spent zero dollars on chronic disease. Today, government healthcare spending is almost all for chronic disease, and it's double the military budget, and it is the fastest-growing budget item in the federal budget.
Chronic disease costs more to the economy as a whole, costs at least $4 trillion—five times our military budget. And that's a 20% drag on everything we do and everything we aspire to.
Poor and minority communities suffer disproportionately. People who worry about DEI or about, you know, bigotry of any kind, this dwarfs anything. We are poisoning the poor. We are systematically poisoning minorities across this country. Industry lobbyists have made sure that most of the food stamp lunch program, about 70% of food stamps, and about 70% or 77% of school lunches are processed foods.
There's no vegetables. There's nothing that you would wanna eat. We are just poisoning the poor citizens, and that's why they have the highest chronic disease burden of anybody, any demographic in our country, and the highest in the world. The same food industry lobbied to make sure that nearly all agricultural subsidies are owed to commodity crops that are the feedstock of the processed food industry.
These policies are destroying small farms, and they're destroying our soils. We give, we give about, I think, eight times as much in subsidies to tobacco than we do to fruits and vegetables. It makes no sense. If we want a healthy country, the good news is that we can change all this.
We can change it very, very quickly. America can get healthy again. To do that, we need to do three things. First, we need to root out the corruption in our health agencies. Second, we need to change incentives in our healthcare system. And third, we need to inspire Americans to get healthy again.
Eighty percent of NIH grants go to people who have conflicts of interest. These are the people virtually everybody who sits — you know who Joe Biden just appointed a new panel to NIH to decide food recommendations.
And they're all people who are from the industry. They're all people who are from the processed food companies. They're deciding what Americans, you know, hear is healthy. And the recommendations on the food pyramid, and what goes to our school lunch programs, which would go to the, you know, the program, the SNAP program, the food stamp programs, they're all corrupted and conflicted individuals.
These agencies, the FDA, USDA, and CDC — all of them are controlled by giant for-profit corporations. Seventy-five percent of the FDA's funding doesn't come from taxpayers. It comes from pharma. And pharma executives and consultants and lobbyists cycle in and out of these agencies. With President Trump's backing, I'm gonna change that.
We're gonna staff these agencies with honest scientists and doctors who are free from industry funding. We're gonna make sure the decisions of consumers, doctors, and patients are informed by unbiased science. A sick child is the best thing for the pharmaceutical industry. When American children or adults get sick with a chronic condition, they’re put on medication for their entire life.
Imagine what will happen when Medicare starts paying for Ozempic, which costs $1,500 a month—and it's being recommended for children as young as 6—all for a condition, obesity, that is completely preventable and barely even existed 100 years ago. And 74% of Americans are obese.
The cost if all of them took their Ozempic prescription is $3 trillion a year. This is a drug that is made by Novo Nordisk, the biggest company in Europe. It’s a Danish company, and the Danish government does not recommend it. It recommends change in diet to treat obesity and exercise. And in our country, the recommendation now is for Ozempic to children at age 6.
Novo Nordisk is the biggest company in Europe, and virtually its entire value is based upon its projections of what it's gonna sell, of the Ozempic it's gonna sell to America. And we have — the food lobbyists have a bill in front of Congress today that is backed by the White House, backed by Vice President Harris and President Biden, to to allow this to happen.
This $3 trillion cost is gonna bankrupt our country. For a fraction of that amount, we could buy organic food for every American family, three meals a day, and eliminate diabetes altogether. We're gonna bring healthy food back to school lunches. We're gonna stop subsidizing the worst foods with our agricultural subsidies.
We're gonna get toxic chemicals out of our food. We're gonna reform the entire food system. And for that, we need new leadership in Washington because, unfortunately, both the Democrats and the Republican parties are in cahoots with the Big Food producers, Big Pharma and Big Ag, which are among the DNC's major donors. Vice President Harris has expressed no interest in addressing this issue. Four more years of Democratic rule will complete the consolidation of corporate and the neocon power, and our children will be the ones who suffer most.
I got involved with chronic disease 20 years ago, not because I chose to or wanted to. It was essentially thrust upon me. It was an issue that should have been central to the environmental movement. I was a central leader at that time, but it was widely ignored by all the institutions, including the NGOs, who should have been protecting our kids against toxins. It was an orphaned issue, and I had a weakness for orphans.
I watched generations of children get sicker and sicker. I had 11 siblings, and I have seven kids myself. I was conscious of what was happening in their classrooms and to their friends, and I watched these sick kids, these damaged kids — in that generation, almost all of them are damaged. And nobody in power seemed to care or to even notice.
For 19 years, I prayed every morning that God would put me in a position to end this calamity. The chronic disease crisis was one of the primary reasons for my running for president, along with ending the censorship and the Ukraine war. It's the reason I've made the heart-wrenching decision to suspend my campaign and to support President Trump.
This decision is agonizing for me because of the difficulties it causes my wife and my children and my friends. But I have the certainty that this is what I'm meant to do, and that certainty gives me internal peace even in storms. If I'm given the chance to fix the chronic disease crisis and reform our food production, I promise that within two years, we will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically.
We will make Americans healthy again. Within four years, America will be a healthy country. We will be stronger, more resilient, more optimistic, and happier. I won't fail in doing this. Ultimately, the future, however it happens, is in God's hands and in the hands of the American voters and those of President Trump. If President Trump is elected and honors his word, the vast burden of chronic disease that now demoralizes and bankrupts the country will disappear. This is a spiritual journey for me.
I reached my decision through deep prayer, through a hard-nosed logic, and I asked myself, “What choices must I make to maximize my chances to save America's children and restore national health?” I felt that if I refused this opportunity, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror, knowing that I could have saved lives of countless children and reversed this country's chronic disease epidemic.
I'm 70 years old. I may have a decade to be effective. I can't imagine that a President Harris would allow me or anyone to solve these dire problems. After eight years of President Harris, any opportunity for me to fix the problem will be out of my reach forever.
President Trump has told me that he wants this to be his legacy. I'm choosing to believe that this time he will follow through. His son, his biggest donors, his closest friends all support this objective. My joining the Trump campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for my wife and children but worthwhile if there's even a small chance of saving these kids.
Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other. That's why I launched my campaign to unify America.
My dad and uncle made such an enduring mark on the character of our nation, not so much because of any particular policies that they promoted, but because they were able to inspire profound love for our country and to fortify our sense of ourselves as a national community held together by ideals.
They were able to put their love into the intentions and hearts of ordinary Americans and to unify a national populist movement of Americans, blacks and whites, Hispanics, urban and rural Americans. They inspired affection and love and high hopes and a culture of kindness that continue to radiate among Americans in their memory.
That's the spirit on which I ran my campaign and that I intend to bring into the campaign of President Trump. Instead of vitriol and polarization, I will appeal to the values that unite us, the goals that we could achieve if only we weren't at each other's throats. The most unifying theme for all Americans is that we all love our children.
If we all unite around that issue now, we can finally give them the protection, the health, and the future that they deserve. Thank you all very much.
###Get to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.
Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.
Too bad we didn't listen to Jefferson:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies, If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power of currency shall be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson
Well, here we are:
All The Printed Money Went To The Rich!
Economic warfare on the middle class.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | September 01, 2024 at 04:32 PM
Voting machine's who counts the votes.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 31, 2024 at 04:22 PM
Covid jab backlash!
Group Suing Governments RE: Vaccine Injuries (Canada)
"Alberta lawyers are suing the provincial and federal governments, alleging "unlawful, negligent, inadequate, improper, unfair, and deceptive relation to the warning, marketing, promotion, and distribution of the Covid Vaccines."
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 31, 2024 at 03:03 PM
Harris/Bidenomics is doing the work of the WEF....
Americans Can't AFFORD This
We are well on our way to owning nothing.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 31, 2024 at 11:01 AM
Excellent analysis of Harris' first interview as Presidential candidate:
Not one word about OUR interest- Children's health, good food, and no vaccines.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 30, 2024 at 01:05 PM
Charlotte Iserbyt warned us in 2008:
"As schools increasingly substitute computer learning for traditional
textbook learning, as illustrated in the article regarding Florida’s former
governor Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education meeting in
San Francisco and Mary Thompson’s reactions, the following quote from
Dustin Heuston of Utah’s World Institute for Computer-Assisted Teaching
(WICAT) from “Discussion: Developing the Potential of an Amazing Tool”
in Schooling and Technology (Vol. 3, Planning for the Future: A Collaborative
Model, an Interpretive Report on Creative Partnerships in Technology—An
Open Forum, Southeastern Regional Council for Educational Improvement:
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1984) becomes more and more
relevant—if not plain scary:
"We’ve been absolutely staggered by realizing that the computer has the
capability to act as if it were ten of the top psychologists working with one
student… you’ve seen the tip of the iceberg. Won’t it be wonderful when the
child in the smallest county in the most distant area or in the most confused
urban setting can have the equivalent of the finest school in the world on
that terminal and no one can get between that child and that curriculum?
We have great moments coming in the history of education."
The following quote from an article in the New York Times, October 12,
2011, written by Matt Ritchtel of Los Altos, California entitled “A Silicon Valley School that Doesn’t Compute” is a classic example of how an elite, over
the past one hundred years (see Rockefeller-Gates entry, 1913), has wanted
one thing for their children and something entirely different for the children
of the underprivileged and the middle class in our nation:
"The chief technology officer of eBay sends his children to a nine-classroom
school here. So do employees of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple,
Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard.
But the school’s chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech: pens
and paper, knitting needles, and, occasionally, mud. Not a computer to be
found. No screens at all. They are not allowed in the classroom, and the
school even frowns on their use at home.
Schools nationwide have rushed to supply their classrooms with computers, and many policy makers say it is foolish to do otherwise. But the
contrarian point of view can be found at the epicenter of the tech economy,
where some parents and educators have a message: computers and schools
don’t mix."
This is the Waldorf School of peninsula [sic], one of around 160 Waldorf
schools in the country that subscribe to a teaching philosophy focused on
physical activity and learning through creative, hands-on tasks. Those who
endorse this approach say computers inhibit creative thinking, movement,
human interaction and attention spans."
How does Elon Musk educate his 12 children?
One day, will we just use Neuralink?
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 28, 2024 at 01:36 PM
COVID-24 Election variant has been released....
All this on Biden-Harris' watch:
Schools NOW CLOSED (Alabama and Tennessee) | Curfews in Massachusetts!
"Covid surge causes schools to close, bring back pandemic era measures." Will the new school model be AI distance learning? You may all be home schoolers soon.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 27, 2024 at 06:17 PM
Angela Warner,
We live in such divisive times, that it is important to recognize the difference between news reporting and agenda-based media sources. If you are only getting your news from legacy news companies, you will find that ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC tend to report talking points from the left and FOX tends to report talking points from the right. CNN tends to report mostly left talking points, with an occasional middle of the road slant. PLEASE, look to alternative news programs to get a more balanced view of reality. Maybe look at one from the left, one from the right to actually get a truer picture of reality. But, please look at more independent pod casters and definitely include Del Bigtree's in that list.
I am suggesting this because some of what you are suggesting is based on pure fearmongering. Trump cannot do away with IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), any more than he can do away with the constitution. THEY ARE SETTLED LAW!!! We have three branches of government. The president would have to blow up congress and the supreme court to destroy IDEA. This is the same reason why Biden trying to add trans people to Title IX is now being contested in the courts. Presidents don't write laws!!!
I trust that RFK JR. believes the best way to address the systematic poisoning of our children is to partner with Donald Trump.
Posted by: Jeanne J | August 27, 2024 at 03:06 PM
"I’ve been a long time reader of Age of Autism and at one point wrote for AoA."
Angela Warner- I am not familiar with your name. Could you give us some links to your AOA posts?
What evidence do you have for your claim against RFK and his nanny? (He is no longer running for President)
Your reference to Project 2025 is straight out of the DNC talking points. Please post a link to this document. What is the proof that Trump will follow it?
The Department of Education is relatively new and was a political payback for the teachers' union vote to get Jimmy Carter in office. It has become corrupt to the core, and I would shed no tears at its demise. A friend of mine was a Reagan appointee to that department (his campaign promise was to get rid of it) and she was fired because she was exposing the Communist infiltration through UNESCO to the Dept. of Ed. policies. She left with a trunk load of documented evidence which she later published. Read them for yourself:
And please explain to me why the local public schools are now paying for the sins of Big Pharma? I never looked to government or public school for help with my injured children. I looked to Jesus Christ. I was able to private/ home school them and help them to become high functioning independent adults. As a family of six living on one income, their medical bills, including private speech therapy and vision therapy, were paid out of pocket. So, I find your claims to be personally insulting. If you are economically oppressed right now, you can thank Biden-Harris, our CURRENT governing authorities who have not lifted a finger to protect our children from more pharma harm.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 27, 2024 at 11:21 AM
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former government scientist who was both lauded and criticized for his work on Covid-19, was recently hospitalized with a case of West Nile virus and is recovering at home, according to a spokeswoman for the doctor.
We all know on here that the Pharma have being messing mosquito's for decades.Did one bite him?who knows..Trump and RFK great move for all you guys in America fingers crossed for you all.
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | August 27, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Angela Warner;
Thak your time and read.
She just recently came forward.
Out of the wood work, like this other one did with Trump claiming she meet him in some dressing room store and he was just a mad man.
You got to try not to be gullible now a days and read more than a few sources and not from all mocking bird media either.
Posted by: Benedetta | August 27, 2024 at 09:44 AM
Rats jumping ship?
"After 14 years on the board of Moderna, the biotech that became a household name after developing an mRNA vaccine for Covid-19, chemical engineer Robert Langer, Sc.D., is retiring from the company’s board."
"Stephen Berenson, managing partner at Flagship Pioneering, is also stepping down from the board, while David Rubenstein, co-founder and co-chairman of The Carlyle Group, is joining effective August 5. Moderna was incubated within Flagship’s innovation branch, Flagship Labs, before launching in 2010."
More on Rubenstein/Carlyle Group:
According to on 1/30/20
Merck was a lead investor in a Series H - Moderna Therapeutics funding round on May 3, 2018.
"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and KENILWORTH N.J. May 3, 2018 — Moderna Therapeutics and Merck (NYSE:MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today announced an expansion of their 2016 collaboration to develop and commercialize novel personalized messenger RNA (mRNA) cancer vaccines to now include shared antigen mRNA cancer vaccines including mRNA-5671, Moderna’s mRNA KRAS cancer vaccine.
Moderna developed mRNA-5671 starting in 2017. The two companies will now advance jointly mRNA-5671 in human studies, and plan to conduct combination studies with additional immuno-oncology therapies."
"December 13, 2022
mRNA-4157/V940, in combination with KEYTRUDA, demonstrated a statistically significant and clinically meaningful reduction in the risk of disease recurrence or death compared to KEYTRUDA monotherapy in stage III/IV melanoma patients with high risk of recurrence following complete resection
Results are the first demonstration of efficacy for an investigational mRNA cancer treatment in a randomized clinical trial"
"Serious treatment-related adverse events occurred in 14.4% of patients who received the combination arm of mRNA-4157/V940 and KEYTRUDA versus 10% with KEYTRUDA alone.
The companies plan to discuss the results with regulatory authorities and initiate a Phase 3 study in melanoma patients in 2023.
In October of this year, the companies announced that Merck had exercised its option to jointly develop and commercialize mRNA-4157/V940. Merck and Moderna will share costs and any profits equally under this worldwide collaboration."
Was someone anticipating turbo cancer?
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 26, 2024 at 06:51 PM
RFK Jr. has some real inconsistencies and flip flopping on numerous issues including vaccines. His own family has disowned him. He’s a rapist - you are aware he raped his nanny, yes? Last, I’ll just say that if y’all think the Trump/Vance ticket is going to solve the nations challenges, you need to educate yourself and read Project 2025, written by all of Trump’s cronies! One of the first things he intends to do is do away with the Department of Education! I find it astonishing that ANYONE would find that idea to be something to vote for! What kind of education will your children with special needs, including autism, receive then? None. You’ll be forced to homeschool or pay through your teeth for private school, which btw, are under no obligation to comply with FAPE or IDEA. Beyond that, Trump intends to turn America into a dictatorship. How does that help your kids? How does that help anyone but him and of course his friends. Seriously, y’all need to look at the big picture and stop with the one issue voting, especially now when our democracy is on the line!
I’ve been a long time reader of Age of Autism and at one point wrote for AoA. I’m saddened by what I’m seeing here. One issue voting is dangerous and that’s exactly what’s being promoted.
Posted by: Angela Warner | August 26, 2024 at 05:12 PM
CMS mandates forced sooo many healthcare providers into retirement. Biden/Harris, and the supreme court that thoughtlessly concurred, now own the inability to book an apptment with a new primary care until next spring.
Out with the old... and then what? Doh!
Benedetta, that was a great speech when RFK Jr took it to the streets that day, after the mike was cut.
He is an outstanding orator.
Posted by: greyone | August 26, 2024 at 04:11 PM
Vote, but put your faith in God.
Personally, life was better under Trump than under Biden/Harris.
Even with Covid, we did not have to worry about mandatory vaccines. Under Biden, my husband was threatened with job loss if he did not get the jab, even though he worked remotely. Because our state still has religious exemptions, he was able to get a waiver because he was able to produce a News Week article confirming that aborted fetal tissue was used in the development of the jab. HR was surprised. One of my sons had to quit his job to avoid the jab. The next week, the court ruled that Biden's mandates could not stand. My son was blessed to find a better job with better pay with a company that never tried to force vaccines on its employees. My mother-in-law was totally brainwashed and took the jab and booster (encouraged by her daughter). Afterwards, she lost her appetite and slowly deteriorated. The doctors gave her every test which came back negative. She died within the year. Coincidence. Her son and his wife took the jab and the wife had an immediate severe reaction. She recovered somewhat, but is still in poor health. Her husband now has turbo cancer. Will I vote for Harris? H*ll No!
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 26, 2024 at 12:50 PM
It was the best speech since the Gettysburg address, that good.
It was better than his uncle John's speech about don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
And Robert F Kennedy Jr was able to do what he set out to do, and that is to give his voice a platform, so they can't cut off his mike in a church up in New York. The whole nation heard it. Now let those that think, it is the fate of just genetics that we have an epidemic of diabetes. Let alone autism.
Posted by: Benedetta | August 26, 2024 at 09:45 AM
Some people may not like President Trump, but a vote isn’t a valentine - you aren't confessing your love for the candidate. It's a chess move for the world you want to live in ! I trust RFK Jr.’s decision and believe our best option for a free country is to vote for Trump/Vance 🇺🇸
Posted by: Julianne | August 26, 2024 at 09:15 AM