The Healthy American's Peggy Hall Interviews Laura Hayes about Vaccines, Mandates & So Called Safety
As Augusts winds to a close, kids are going back to school, and thousands of families across the country are wondering what to do about school vaccination requirements. Five states have only the medical exemption, Maine, Connecticut, New York, West Virginia and California. Obtaining a medical exemption is a difficult road, many doctors are afraid to grant them, for fear of having to face their licensing board. Others are just unwilling. The remaining states have religious and/or philosophical exemptions (see the NVIC US Map.) These laws change into adulthood, where it's not school that bans participation, but government mandates (soft or hard) and individual businesses from rock stars to Broadway theatres. Even family members can enforce mandates, as we found out during the Lockdown. The Democratic Convention is running in Chicago this week. Kamala Harris has been elevated to candidate, while the sitting President, Joe Biden, has shrunk into the background. Donald Trump is running for a third time, hoping for a charm, or a spell or a hex or something. And Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running as an Independent candidate. His message squelched in all mainstream media. At AofA, we have readers from all walks of life. Vaccination is a major topic for most of our readers. Will any candidate really support choice? Prevent mandates and open segregation? We have a history with former President Trump, who promised us the moon and delivered Operation Warp speed. We have a deeper history with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, his having spoken more than a decade ago at Autism One, taking on Dr. Paul Offit, getting behind World Mercury Project, and then launching Children's Health Defense. I'm not sure Harris has ever uttered the word autism.
Below is a two part interview on Peggy Hall's Healthy American Substack, with Laura Hayes, whom you know as an Age of Autism benefactress and highly valued contributor. She is a woman of deep faith, and shares her thoughts about the current choices we face. I encourage you to subscribe to the Healthy American Substack, from Peggy Hall. You can read for free. KIM
"I CAVED! I COMPLIED! And MY SON PAID the PRICE!" (Laura Hayes Interview, Part 1 & 2)
By Peggy Hall
Friends, today I’ve got something really important for you—a two part, eye-opening interview (links below) with a dedicated Healthy American who’s been in the trenches, fighting to educate us all about the dangers of these so-called ‘cocktails,’ especially when it comes to our children. She’s going to share her personal journey, the battles she’s faced, and how she’s tackled the frustrations with the mainstream, medical merry-go-round head-on.
Laura Hayes is a fierce advocate for health freedom and most crucially, parental rights—issues that are especially close to our hearts as fellow Californians. Our state has become ground zero in the fight against government overreach, where the line between parental authority and state control is constantly under siege. Laura has long been a vocal opponent of these pin-cushion requirements and she has been fighting against these so-called “vaccine mandates” that infringe on our individual liberty and right of no consent.
You can dive deeper into Laura’s work at Age of Autism:
We also discussed the confusion surrounding RFK Jr. A lot of people think he’s anti-vaccine, but he’s made it clear—he’s fiercely pro-vaccine, just pushing for more testing on these poisons — “safety testing.” Imagine the parents who line up to roll the dice for “science” and for money. Imagine taking your healthy, precious baby and putting them into a trial, all for money, to see whether these injections will cause harm.
People like RFK Jr. are missing the core questions here. It’s not about making these poisons “safe,” and certainly not about testing them on innocent children and animals only to discover later that, surprise (!), they’re not safe after all… The real question is, why is this even being promoted in the first place? Why are practices that would be illegal outside of a medical setting not only allowed but actively encouraged?
This is the crux of the issue, and I’ve been clear about this from the start: I don’t care if these cocktails were filled with chocolate syrup and could keep me alive and kicking until I’m 120 years old without so much as a sniffle, I still have the absolute right to decide what medical interventions I accept or reject, period.
Laura and I are on the same page: even if these ‘cocktails’ were thoroughly tested and approved (which they haven’t been), we still have the absolute right to say NO.
The fact that these cocktails are harmful, poisonous, and damaging just adds insult to injury—injuries already being inflicted on our bodies, minds, and spirits.
For people of faith, you understand, just as I do, that this is a deeper battle—a battle for the soul. There’s a real attempt here to separate us from God, but let’s be clear: no one with a strong sense of faith and a firm line they refuse to cross will ever be torn away from that divine connection.
This is one interview you will want to watch, and it’s packed with insights you can share with other concerned parents who want to keep their children healthy and safe.
(Part 1 has over 225 comments as of Sunday evening. Go into YouTube to add your thoughts)
Part 2 has over 100 comments as of Sunday evening.
The Exquisite Look on Melania's Face as Trump Says Fauci's Safety Is Fauci's Problem, Not Taxpayers'
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | February 02, 2025 at 10:56 PM
Dear Laura,
My name is Caroline Chang. I was just on the webinar with you and Peggy. My daughter was killed from a vaccine injury. She was injured by a vaccine she was mandated to take to attend college. She struggled with her vaccine injury for 19 years and passed away in 2022. I would love to connect with you. I have been speaking out at rallies and have created a website to help inform parents. Please reach out to me at my email address below. Thank you,
Posted by: Caroline Chang | February 01, 2025 at 09:03 PM
Dear Dad-Chris,
You made my day! Reaching parents, parents-to-be, and all people, as we are all targets for vaccination, is why I do what I do…and it is always such a joy to learn that someone had the ears to hear…praise the Lord!
You and your wife might also be interested to watch my other comprehensive presentation, given in 2016, which is different than, and complementary to, my “Why Is This Legal?” presentation. Link here:
May God bless and protect you and your family. Should you have vaccine-related, parental rights, and/or health freedom questions, now or in the future, consider posting them on Age of Autism in a comments section, and you will likely receive timely and helpful responses :)
Posted by: Laura Hayes | August 27, 2024 at 12:01 PM
Dear Laura - recently saw your interviews with Peggy Hall (she’s also awesome!) and subsequently watched your video “Why is this Legal?” on Rumble. Wow!! Thank you.
We’re a Dad and Mom to a newborn in crazy California - and your information and insight was Godsent! Very grateful. You’re saving lives.
Keep speaking…it’s working! 🙏🏼
Posted by: Dad - Chris | August 26, 2024 at 04:31 PM
Thank you, AoA readers, for your kind comments…they are truly and deeply appreciated!
Posted by: Laura Hayes | August 21, 2024 at 10:20 AM
Excellent interview, Laura.
Thank you for never compromising.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 20, 2024 at 06:01 PM
Just catching up on my AoA readings. Great Work Ms. Hayes and thank you for the host who runs the show! Such refreshing lights. Keep up the great work!
G. Martinez
Blessings to all!
Posted by: Gerardo Martinez | August 20, 2024 at 11:41 AM
Now also available on Rumble
Posted by: Greg Hill | August 19, 2024 at 08:25 PM
Well done Laura for thumping the drum so loud and clear as you do.So tragic all the vaccine damaged and dead kids lost to corporate ideology.
Thank you.
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | August 19, 2024 at 04:57 PM
These are two excellent interviews, Peggy Hall with Laura Hayes.
Thank God for these women of Faith with such great intelligence and moxie. As always, LOTS of good information from Laura. Worth sharing with expecting/new Moms.
Thank you Peggy and Laura. Onward!
Posted by: Kathy Sincere | August 19, 2024 at 01:33 PM