Board Games and Autism
Board game enthusiasts are more prevalent in those with ASD, they found: in a survey of 1,603 players, 7 percent were autistic, though autistic people account for approximately 1 percent of the population as a whole.
Do your kids love board games? Mine play under duress for the most part, if at all. The pieces often make a nice sound as they skitter across the floor. I will say that they kicked butt at Concentration style memory matching games. If board games can bring our kids closer to others and offer them a chance to socialize and use their skills, break out the Parker Brothers and let's go!
Strange Link Between Board Games and Autism
Anecdotal evidence suggests those with autism tend to enjoy board games more than most, and now two new studies identify some reasons why this might be the case.
The team behind the research, from the University of Plymouth and Edge Hill University in the UK, conducted five separate analyses to examine how popular board games are in people with autism spectrum disorder ( ASD), and the kind of experience they offer.
Board game enthusiasts are more prevalent in those with ASD, they found: in a survey of 1,603 players, 7 percent were autistic, though autistic people account for approximately 1 percent of the population as a whole.
In further interviews with people with ASD, the researchers found that these games help relieve social anxiety, which is experienced at higher rates in those who have autism than in the general population. There's a rigid structure to proceedings, with less need to make small talk.
"We know that board games are a safe and valuable hobby to many people with autism,"says psychologist Gray Atherton, from the University of Plymouth. "What this research established was why that's the case, and we really want to use the findings to conduct future work."
The games played included Codenames (a team-based game involving words and clue-giving), Dixit (a clue-giving game involving pictures), and social deception games such as One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Spyfall (where the idea is to try and conceal your identity from the other players).
The rules and structure involved are "both stimulating and comforting" for players, the authors report, based on interviews with hobbyist board gamers with an autism diagnosis. The researchers suggest it's more evidence of how autistic people immerse themselves in interests that provide a sense of achievement and predictability.
"Board games may represent an area of both challenge and strength for autistic individuals," the authors write in one published paper.
The researchers also looked at small groups of autistic people as they played board games over single sessions or years of play, discovering benefits in terms of building independence and confidence among the players, as well as helping to forge social relationships – something that can be difficult for those with ASD.
"Everyone with autism is unique, and we want to ensure any interventions could be adapted as needed for those who might benefit," says Atherton.
In future, the researchers would like to investigate in more detail the boost in wellbeing that board games can provide for those with autism: they're structured and predictable, and help strengthen social bonds through well-defined frameworks.
"We're also using our research to support adapting existing games for people with autism to make their gameplay even more accessible and enjoyable," says first author, psychologist Liam Cross from the University of Plymouth.
"It's a popular hobby, and we're pleased to have been able to shed more light on its importance for so many people."
The research has been published in theAmerican Journal of Play and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
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This is for "The Board Games "article. It was said that the. creator of Pokemon had Autism. I personally encourage all kids with ASD or even ADHD to go to a gaming store which can be found in most cities and states. There, they will teach you Pokemon, Magic, and Yu Gi Oh. These are card games. Once you learn them, you can quickly enter weekly tournaments at these stores. Prizes are free packs of cards or free entry into the tournaments which are usually around $5.00. The greatest benefit is that kids play with Real Live Kids...Often social skills are enhanced. I have visited many such stores where it appears that around half the kids one alphabet label or another while having fun.
Posted by: Shell | August 06, 2024 at 01:36 PM
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Posted by: High Tea At Aunty Morag's | August 06, 2024 at 10:53 AM
One of mine was obsessed with the board game Monopoly. He was good at math and insisted being the banker. It seems that GOOGLE still likes to play adult Monopoly.....
Masters of the Universe Take an L: Google Found to Hold an Illegal Monopoly in Antitrust Case
"Google was found to have violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act, which outlaws monopolies, Judge Mehta added.
The tech giant was accused of violating Section 2 of the Sherman Act “by unlawfully maintaining its monopoly in three product markets by entering into exclusive agreements to secure default distribution on nearly all desktop and mobile devices in the United States.”"
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 05, 2024 at 06:44 PM
I still love board games. Josh, never. And my cats get confused.
Posted by: mauine Meleck | August 05, 2024 at 04:55 PM
Video games, I need say no more for those in the know.
Posted by: Benedetta | August 05, 2024 at 10:18 AM