Life Is Bowl of Cherries Except For Autistic Adults
Free to Be You And Me on Independence Day

Summer Funny!


Isn't this a side splitter? Let's create our own version. I'll start!

You only get to trim 30 toenails & 30 fingernails every week. Or maybe every three weeks.

You only get to attend 1000 IEP meetings.

You only have to worry when you are awake, dozing off, fully asleep or just waking up.

You only get to tuck them in, kiss them, look at their smile and maybe hear them echo, "I love you," 365 nights a year.

You only get to make sure they are safe, appreciated, loved and cherished forever.

Hey... maybe we're the lucky ones? Ain't life funny?

It's not easy to find joy in our everyday lives. But we must. And I'm always proud of my autism family for the superhuman efforts I see. Please remember, our work IS draining and difficult. If you find yourself nearing the end of your rope, reach out to someone who GETS IT. Not someone who will compare you to Mother Teresa and skedaddle away feeling they've done something. You can always reach out to ME at [email protected]. XOX  Kim


Get to know The Real Anthony Fauci in this #1 best seller from Skyhorse Publishing.

The real anthony fauciReal Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that his unprecedented quarantine of the healthy would kill far more people than COVID, obliterate the global economy, plunge millions into poverty and bankruptcy, and grievously wound constitutional democracy globally.


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