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Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates

UnyieldingThis thoughtful comment from Laura Hayes deserves top billing. Covid mandates opened many eyes. But we will continue to remind anyone and everyone that the autism community is the OG for vaccine warnings. Thanks, Laura.

Is the author saying that the mandates for the many other vaccines required by and forced on the members of our military, meaning all except those for anthrax and “Covid”, are acceptable and Constitutional? The title of the book implies that the mandates for the other vaccines, for the “approved” vaccines, are legal…and that may, very tragically, be the case. But even if so, it can not, and should not, be argued that they are acceptable or Constitutional.

It cannot be stated often enough, medical mandates, including those for vaccines, violate our God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed right to bodily sovereignty. Additionally, you cannot have vaccine mandates in a free and ethical society, nor can there be informed consent, the foundation of ethical medicine, in the presence of mandates.

If you don’t have the right to determine what you permit, or don’t permit, into your own body, and that of your child, what meaningful rights do you have? What a sad, sad irony that those who “fight for freedom” are denied the freedom to exercise and enjoy this most basic of human rights for themselves.

Another sad, sad irony is that the very vaccines that have left many of the service men and women’s siblings unable to serve, and unable to bear children, and unable to live independently, and unable to work, and dead in their cribs are the very same ones that are “legal” to mandate for their service in the military. “Legal vaccine mandates”…talk about an oxymoron in a country that calls itself “the land of the free”.

I find the title of this book very off-putting, as it implies that the mandates for vaccines other than anthrax and “Covid” are legal…and worse, acceptable, as the title also implies they are not fought against. If anyone has read this book, and can further elaborate on the contents, please do.

From Children's Health Defense:

The 2021 experimental COVID vaccine mandates gave us all a taste of the mistreatment previously reserved for our nation’s warriors.

CHD’s compelling new book, “Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates,” written by retired U.S. Air Force fighter pilot Colonel Thomas “Buzz” Rempfer, retraces the history of the military’s illegal mandate of an unapproved anthrax vaccine and then, later, the unapproved COVID vaccines.

Buzz Rempfer’s impeccable credentials and multiple decades of professional dissent provide a valuable example of how persistent engagement against such abuses of power can make a difference. Rempfer took on the brass time and again, ultimately winning federal rulings used to reverse countless dishonorable discharges and punitive actions on the part of military leaders.

Controversial illegal medical mandates have impacted the military for decades, but it was not until the COVID era that the American people experienced similar overreach and abuse. While anthrax vaccine disputes impacted a tiny slice of our citizenry, the lessons we didn’t learn from that experience enabled illegal COVID mandates to wreak havoc on a large segment of Americans.

Buzz’s analysis stands as a unique treatise on the failures of national leaders to heed the ethical, operational, psychological and risk assessment factors at the core of these enduring clashes.

Future generations will be left to sort out the aftermath, but in the meantime, Col. Rempfer’s “Unyielding” attempts to ensure the lessons are not lost.

“Unyielding” is available now — get your copy today!

In truth,

The Children’s Health Defense Team
Order your copy here today.



Well the first video said that Carter gave anthrax to Iraq because of Iran over running our embassy and taking hostages. I had heard rumors, but at the time blew it off as just silly. Whew.
Never dismiss rumors, I guess.


Thank you Laura for the two suggestions on videos to watch.

I have read the book, "Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers--and Why GI's Are Only the First Victims " by Gary Matsumoto many years ago.

That is how I knew that the adjuvant they used was an oil. Something like olive oil that sounds so safe.
It turns out that they knew from the past that some of the worse adjuvants they could use were oil based, that caused such immense suffering for the lab animals that it had been banned. The army thought they could find a type of oil that would be better, squalene. Remember that one?

Fast forward, years later and I see in Dr. Malones writings that the covid 19 has forms of lipids in it as well. Well nanolipids concerned Dr. Malone more than anything else.

Lipids, oils, fats, squalene, then let us get into PUFAs and - never mind, let's not.

Laura Hayes


Thank you for the link you posted. I will try to have a listen to it.

Reading your comment, I was reminded of a documentary about the anthrax vaccine killing tens of thousands of soldiers, and no doubt injuring even more. I have watched it 2 or 3 times, and have shared it here on AoA in the past. Here it is:

“Vaccine Syndrome”

While looking for that film, I stumbled upon a Gary Null documentary, which covers the same topic. I have yet to watch it, but I have found his films to be well done and impactful:

“Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own”

I appreciate your comments here on AoA, Benedetta….thank you for your many thoughtful posts over the years :)


Bruce Ivins was the scientist that committed suicide in his role of mailing anthrax, right before the FBI report that said he was innocent. I had forgotten his name. Looks more and more like he was a murder victim.


I found an interview of Buzz did on the "Guardian of Warriors".


You might listen to it, and see if it answers any of your questions you have about "mandated" any vaccine is against Constitutional stuff. History wise, they only went back 25 years to the Anthrax scare and not further back to and even before 1986. They talk about laws that were out right broken.

At the end of the interview Buzz says that for those that refused the covid 19 vaccine as well as the anthrax, that the military then started piling on additional charges to try to make it look like they were just trouble makers. They suddenly became more serious about people taking the flu vaccine. When it had been no big deal if military personal refused the flu shot. Might be some vague thinking about any mandated vaccine there?

Again the link :

Things that stood out in the interview:

Buzz's fight with mandated military vaccines came about 25 years earlier with the anthrax vaccine.
Suprise: There was a lot of strong arming the military personal to take the anthrax vaccine way before the anthrax scare after 911, or for that matter before 911. Way before!!! Did I say way before? Yes, I did.

Buzz pointed out that in the book by Robert F Kennedy Jr, "The Real Anthony Fauci", that Rumsfield had put a lot of money into some biomedical company about to go under before the anthrax scare. That company turned around all of it money woes, and did very well, after it started making the anthrax vaccine, and after Rumsfield put money into it.

A group of Military men such as Buzz before 911, and the anthrax scares had met with majority leader Daschle, whom wrote a letter of complaint to the military on their behalf. Senator Daschle was also in the process of taking other measures to see to it that the soldiers did not have to take the anthrax vaccine. Senator Daschle soon after was targeted by letters containing anthrax being mailed to his office. Coincidence? This was brought to FBI's attention by Buzz at that time. OF course there was nothing done about it.

25 years later "Guardians of Warriors" points out that the Covid 19 vaccine, that General Austin too, has his own biomedical company . Another replay of a successful crime.

I would like to digress a big here; The Midwestern Doctor's article this week was about how the same crimes get repeated over and over again as with Fauci: The HIV virus treated with dangerous/expensive ATZ drugs while lesser drugs would do, which was a crime repeated with hydroxychloroquine, and Covid 19.
Also the federal government scientist that was accused and committed suicide did so just a little before a FBI report came out with evidence that showed he had nothing to do with it.

I think Dr. Malone had written about the same thing a week ago, as well along the same line as criminals repeat their crimes if they get away with it. Murder apparently is included in those crimes.

So no one was held accountable 25 years ago for broken laws of mandated anthrax vaccines, and they don't think anyone will be held accountable this time around either. Certainly not murder.

Buzz goes on to say that Senator Daschle told Buzz years ago, that he was not opposed to the Patriot Act, it is just that he did not have time to read it before it was passed. I think the same could be said about a lot of bills. Buzz says that our Congress is passing stuff that is getting us into trouble.

At present Buzz says that Congress is trying to take some of the public pressure off with a few Congressional hearings, and a few Band-Aids like changing the dishonorable discharges when it is requested, not automatic.

Many of us here have set through many of a Congressional Hearing thinking, Buddy, this time something will come of it. How many now? Has anyone counted starting with Barbarba Fischer's hearings, back in the 80s?

Gerardo Martinez

Very good points made by Ms Hayes and feeling alone. One only has to examine the thousands of injury/death cases in the u.s. vaccine injury court postings to know that many injuries and deaths have been caused by vaccines. As far as posting online, yes most censor you pretty quickly even if you can provide truthful facts. Very sad.


Sorry, my eyes have crossed this morning from reading other places.

I see it is Feeling Alone; that I meant to post to.
You are not alone.


Laura; they have done this for years and you know it. It does feel like we are isolated, and not just on line, but within my church, my family, my place of employment, my community. That is how this has gotten way out of hand because of the fraud taught to the general population, with 1 out of 36 children of eight years old have brain injuries.

However; we think it might be greater than 30 percent did not get the covid vaccine. Maybe we won't reach 1 out of 15?


Perhaps this is only tangentially related to the subject of this post, but is anyone on here aware of online spaces where users are free to post about autism, vaccines, mercury, etc. without fear of censorship? My usual haunts (reddit) clamp down on this type of discussion really hard, even when not outright banning them, and it sometimes feels like I'm the only one in the world thinking and worrying about these things, especially as a parent.

Laura Hayes

Is the author saying that the mandates for the many other vaccines required by and forced on the members of our military, meaning all except those for anthrax and “Covid”, are acceptable and Constitutional? The title of the book implies that the mandates for the other vaccines, for the “approved” vaccines, are legal…and that may, very tragically, be the case. But even if so, it can not, and should not, be argued that they are acceptable or Constitutional.

It cannot be stated often enough, medical mandates, including those for vaccines, violate our God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed right to bodily sovereignty. Additionally, you cannot have vaccine mandates in a free and ethical society, nor can there be informed consent, the foundation of ethical medicine, in the presence of mandates.

If you don’t have the right to determine what you permit, or don’t permit, into your own body, and that of your child, what meaningful rights do you have? What a sad, sad irony that those who “fight for freedom” are denied the freedom to exercise and enjoy this most basic of human rights for themselves.

Another sad, sad irony is that the very vaccines that have left many of the service men and women’s siblings unable to serve, and unable to bear children, and unable to live independently, and unable to work, and dead in their cribs are the very same ones that are “legal” to mandate for their service in the military. “Legal vaccine mandates”…talk about an oxymoron in a country that calls itself “the land of the free”.

I find the title of this book very off-putting, as it implies that the mandates for vaccines other than anthrax and “Covid” are legal…and worse, acceptable, as the title also implies they are not fought against. If anyone has read this book, and can further elaborate on the contents, please do.

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