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Father’s Day 2024

Happy Father's Day TypewriterBy Cathy Jameson

My husband, my Dad and my husband’s stepdad.  When I think of Father’s Day, these are the men who immediately come to my mind.  Always giving, they have been so supportive. Other close family members have been incredible to us as well, including the uncles. My kids know to reach out to them should their dad not be available. Thankfully, their dad is available even though his travel schedule takes him away periodically from our home.  

Because that travel schedule can be intense and unpredictable sometimes, there are other men folk who have been incredibly generous with their time. We haven’t had too many emergencies that we needed to call in those very close friends, but I cannot express how grateful I am for their and their family’s presence in our lives.  Just to have them on speed dial is comforting. 

Beyond the immediate family and that circle of friends, we also have spiritual support from others, to include our parish priests.One of the priests at our parish will ask me how Ronan is doing and is genuinely interested in listening to whatever is going on with my son. He’s been to the house a few times, for a meal, to bless the house, to celebrate a graduation. One night, one of my favorite nights, was when we played a few rounds of UNO. We Jamesons are cutthroat, competitive sort of people, so there was no holding back of the Draw Two cards, the Skips and the Draw Four cards. We laughed so hard at night, Father included.

On this Father’s Day, my husband is not going to get much of a break or get the day all to himself. He will do what he does best and that’s take care of me and the kids. I am resting, recovering, convalescing from a very recent shoulder surgery. I’ll be leaning greatly upon my husband and my kids, and later this week on those local friends who were aware of the surgery. Those very close friends had sent offers of dinners and to help take care of things that I certainly will not be able to for the time being. I’ve shared before, I really love being the helper, not to helpee.  

I promise not to overdo it and will lean on the strongest person I know. 

To my husband, to the Dads, the Papas, the Grandpas, the stepdads and the uncles, and to your closest friends who have stepped in and who love your child unconditionally, may they be blessed. May others see their good and strive to be like themalso. 

Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.


Gerardo Martinez

Happy father's day to all the dad's out there. None of us asked for this, but by grace and love we do what we do for our special needs children ❤️. Ms Jameson, 🙏 prayers for a speedy recovery. Glad you have a great support system. Blessings to all.


Beautiful post Cathy.

Here's one of my favorite father appreciation songs by music artist Adam Young who is also "on the spectrum."

Owl City - Not All Heroes Wear Capes

I am praying for your shoulder to heal perfectly, Cathy. Let it be a time of rest and allow others to share your burdens.


Love without end Amen.
The secret of the world.


Happy Father's Day to my wonderful and devoted husband to my two sons, one with autism. I could never have survived autism without you! Happy Father's Day to my dad in Heaven and miss you so much. Happy Father's Day to all the Age of Autism dads. Kathy, I hope you have a quick recovery from your recent shoulder surgery too.

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