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Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve 2023 from Age of Autism

Santa WishesHappy Christmas Eve, 2023 dear friends. We hope Santa is good to you in every way. XOX


Twas the night before Christmas, to our readers we say

Thank you kindly for logging on every day.

Your comments were written with keen thought and care

In hopes that we'd publish them and not put them "there."

CHD and thee, the science expose

Fauci’s world of pharma and how it all goes

And Kim in her office (so close to the stove)

Baked up post after post, and some cookies with clove

The stories keep coming - vaccines that did shatter

We ask every day, "Will our voices soon matter?"

Parents who tell us their toddlers did crash

As doctors and media continue to bash

The stories are true, oh this much we know

To special ed and Dayhab our children will go

The push back from pharma has become very clear

We ask you what is it that they have to fear?

They know that they broke so many hearts

With a needle they said was "to do your part"

They say we are looking for someone to blame

Where is their conscience, their care and their shame?

Saint Fauci, then Trump, now Biden! “Vax thrice!”

Media chastises, "Just roll the dice!"

To the CDC command! You must heed our call!

Now vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate all!

As leaves before the wild hurricane fly

Some will take sick. Some will die.

So then every day, we and our friends

We will not sleep until the epidemic ends

With Skyhorse and all those who stand our ground

Our goal is the same:  Choice all around

Skyhorse titles

Cause Unknown The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022

By Ed Dowd, from Skyhorse Publishing. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic.





Bible Evidence Unearthed at Nineveh!

This foreshadows the coming of Christ- the reason for the season.


Merry Christmas to all the AOA readers and writers. We have an adult son who is also our own Peter Pan and remains enchanted with Christmas just like he always did as a child. God Bless our special adults who we love more than anything in the world. We would ask Santa for the gift of a cure for our son's autism in the New Year.


Merry Christmas to all!

Jesus, the One who understands our suffering.
Pentatonix - Mary, Did You Know?

Angus Files

Merry Christmas all from us and our very own Peter Pan who never gets mentally older and never tires of Christmas the excitement is there the same as a toddler.We all know what we wish for Christmas.

Pharma For Prison


Maurine E. Meleck

Happy Holidays to all the AOA readers and writers.

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