The Scary Autism Numbers That Never Scare
Note: While making holiday events inclusive IS a good thing, what we REALLY need is programming and housing for onslaught of autistic adults. Society has opened independent, assisted living, dementia and Alzheimer's living quarters. We WILL need a version for autism - staffed by very large, very strong men mostly. Surely someone will monetize the misery?
By Anne Dachel
On October 23rd there was a nice human interest piece about making Halloween “autism-friendly.” The coverage was from PHL17.
The news anchor interviewed the principal of an autism academy in Woodbury, NJ, and in the course her of talk about ways to ‘limit sensory triggers’ on Halloween, she noted that educators are now seeing ‘one in 10 individuals’ who have autism.
There was no follow-up. The news anchor merely noted that “It’s super wide spread.”
Officially only 3 percent of U.S. children have autism. In California and Florida however, it’s already around 5 percent.
So in New Jersey, 10 percent of children have autism. I guess no number is too much when it comes to autism.
The coverage was from PHL17: Ways to Make Halloween Autism-Friendly
Principal Jennifer Amoroso: Currently within the field of education, we have about one in 10 individuals who’s actually diagnosed with autism. The Durand Academy serves all individuals on the autism spectrum or individuals who can be serviced by applied behavior analysis.
Anchor: So it’s super wide spread. So a lot of kids could be out trick or treating who have autism, so we want to make sure everyone is able to give them the best night and make it all possible for them.
…Your first tip is to be on the lookout for teal or blue pumpkins while trick or treating. …
Back in 2022 Wayne Rohde interviewed Dr. Walter Zahorodny, one of the CDC’s top experts on the U.S. autism rate, and he said this about the autism numbers:
Newark, New Jersey, five percent.
Toms River, New Jersey, seven percent.
One in five towns in New Jersey, in our region, have a rate of five percent or higher….
We have already in Newark and in Toms River eight to 12 percent of boys in the public education system [that] have a lifelong disability or most likely a lifelong disability.
In Ocean County in 2016, while the overall New Jersey estimate was 3.2 percent, we found that the prevalence of autism was already over five percent in Ocean County.
I’m not an economist, but do you choose to project five percent or 10 percent as a realistic metric for how many people will need significant, maybe lifetime support?
According to Amoroso, we’re already there.
Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
“Gain-of-function” experiments are often conducted to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible pathogens for the stated purpose of developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans. More insidious is the “dual use” nature of this research, specifically directed toward bioweapons development. The Wuhan Cover-Up pulls back the curtain on how the US government's increase in biosecurity spending after the 2001 terror attacks set in motion a plan to transform the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, into a de facto Defense Department agency.
Bill, Will, WIlliam:
I see you have nothing but disdain for fundamental Christianity. As I read your typed jab, I can just feel the unjustified venom pouring from your finger tips.
Fundamental Christain; I, nor anyone else really knows what that is suppose to mean? My guess is probably another made up label to stick on to some loose group of people that you might disagree with politically. Some one that don't live on the coasts of the east or west, but in the middle, and rural at that! A word to sling, to help other people assume they know all they need to know about a bunch of people they don't know, but yeah they hate them, and you know they are all under educated with one tooth in their head at that.
However: dear Bill, you are slinging your pig slop around just a bit too late. ;Yeap, you are too late to that party. The party started 25 years ago by an ER doctor during a terrifying, grand mal seizure event. I never mentioned God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, but I did mention vaccine, brain swelling as a baby and now here we are at 14 years of age, soon to start driving, and immune problems.
At the time I only lived 75 miles away from where I was raised. Yes, where I then lived also had the same accent except for one thing. I continued to pronounce (i)s, long and soft. Yes the doctor caught that, but remained blind to the medical aspect of the patient in front of him. Yes, I could have changed that one part of the way I spoke, but I choose not to. But that doctor insulted me that I came from a place up in the mountains, that are all stupid snake worshippers you know, so what do we know about medicine.
Well he was right in a way. I was a snake worshipper, of the twin snakes on a rod, and I had allowed the sacrifice of my children by their fangs (vaccines), and in that ER I had just insulted the priest, who clumsy put me in my place.
It made the nurse mad, she gasped, and tried to be extra kind to us.
You were diagnosed by a psychiatrist a legitimate medical doctor ,not a dubious psychologist. Why you rich little, entitled, urban snob.
Posted by: Benedetta | November 11, 2023 at 09:44 AM
Benedetta I knew someone who volunteered with ALUT. I do not know if they are perfect, but their model is a place to start. You, Mrs. Benedetta being almost certainly a Christian fundamentalist why does not your church start a non-proteolyzing ministry related to disabilities. Such a ministry can have trained and vetted volunteers that do something of benefit for those with autism or any disability. Clean and cook for the disabled person, teach the disabled person life skills, provide affordable housing etc. Since it is almost certainly you being a Christian fundamentalist do not you love Israel!? Then learn some advice from Israel about disability care and education issues.
Bendetta for your information I was diagnosed as a child in 2001 with autism. I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist a legitimate medical doctor not a dubious psychologist. I have other disabilities more serious than my autism, so autism is a secondary diagnosis.
Posted by: Will | November 10, 2023 at 10:18 AM
Bill "actual autism"
Would that be some one like yourself that can write understandable paragraphs, and bring information no one here has ever heard of? Your sure in the know about an ALUT model from a foreign and small country?
Posted by: Benedetta | November 09, 2023 at 08:39 AM
I am getting so tired of autism being over diagnosed. Every minor developmental delay or mild "mental illness" is called "autism". Liberals can now throw Native Americans under the bus but making "disabled" people a minority with the liberal diagnostic criteria of autism or any disability. The did just that area made a minority out of women, LGBT, Jewish, Muslims, poor people. Conservatives do not care either way about persecuted minorities or legitimately disabled people.
I think the ALUT model for autism could help those with actual autism. ALUT is an Israeli disability provider that often trains local and international volunteers to work with those with autism in some way that benefits the individual. Most volunteers are Sherut Leumi but many are not and are foreigners on an extended tourist visa. The volunteers are not paid but do get some food and housing plus visa sponsorship and health insurance if needed. The volunteers are vetted and often given Advanced first aid training offered by Magen David Adom a Red Cross like group.
Posted by: Bill | November 06, 2023 at 10:04 AM