American Childhood is a Minefield of Chronic Sickness
We've been crying out for 18 years about the growing catastrophe of kids' health. Autism was what we called it. But our kids had so many comorbidities. This week, Children's Health Defense tackles this scandalous topic. We are a nation of sick children. Sick children grow into sick adults. Those who survive. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is the only candidate talking about our future. Our children. Well, not mine. Autism took my daughters out of the reproductive pool. Maybe your kids too. Look at these stats. Pediatricians should be run out of town on a rail. They have failed 100%.
54% of US Youth are Chronically Ill* America's children are facing unprecedented epidemics! We are in a crisis
4 in 10 kid with Depression
1 in 5 kids with Obesity
1 in 5 kid with Suicidal Thoughts
1 in 6 kids with Developmental Disorders
1 in 10 kids with Anxiety
1 in 10 kids with ADHD
1 in 12 kids with Asthma
1 in 13 kids with Food Allergies
1 in 36 kids with Autism
1 in 285 kids with Cancer by Age 20
Chronic Health Conditions Among Children
Overview: A national study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2010, zeroed in on the deterioration in children’s health over time. From 1988 to 2006, there was a doubling of the prevalence of four types of chronic conditions (obesity, asthma, behavior/learning problems and “other” physical conditions), which rose from 12.8% to 26.6% of American children and youth.
A 2011 Academic Pediatrics study “estimated 43% of U.S. children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity or being at risk for developmental delays are included.” Pediatric autoimmune conditions are also on the rise. Autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies have doubled since that time, with autism now one in 30 children in some regions in the U.S.
“In 2020–21, the number of students ages 3–21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was 7.2 million, or 15 percent of all public school students. Among students receiving special education services, the most common category of disability was specific learning disabilities (33 percent).”
Mounting evidence indicates environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides as the principal culprits, while studies link vaccines and toxic vaccine ingredients to a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including seizures, neurodevelopmental disorders and infant death. As the medical, public health, and government circles remain silent on the social and economic fallout from these toxic exposures, American children have never been so sick.
* 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health
Read more at Children's Health Defense.
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)
“Gain-of-function” experiments are often conducted to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible pathogens for the stated purpose of developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans. More insidious is the “dual use” nature of this research, specifically directed toward bioweapons development. The Wuhan Cover-Up pulls back the curtain on how the US government's increase in biosecurity spending after the 2001 terror attacks set in motion a plan to transform the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, into a de facto Defense Department agency.
More Dead in Ohio.....
Ohio Passes Issue 1 to Allow Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth
"AP indicated that “the largest donations” supporting the pro-abortion “yes” campaign came from outside of Ohio. This included “three gifts totaling $5.3 million from the progressive Sixteen Thirty Fund, based in Washington, D.C.”
The Sixteen Thirty Fund is largely bankrolled by Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire.
According to the AP, the organization behind the “yes” campaign
received $3.5 million from the New York-based Open Society Policy Center, a lobbying group associated with the billionaire philanthropist George Soros, and $2 million from the American Civil Liberties Union, also based in New York. Billionaires Michael Bloomberg of New York and Abigail Wexner, the Ohio-based wife of retired Limited Brands founder Les Wexner, each gave $1 million."
Well, there goes the Covid vaccine "religious exemption" for the use of humanized mice in the trials. Stock tip: long, humanized mice.
Let's not forget how upset the 60's hippies were over just FOUR DEAD IN OHIO :
Ohio - Neil Young
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | November 08, 2023 at 07:13 PM
Kathrine Lunduke So measles is still out there to be caught easily?
The vaccine has not reduced it's circulation at all then.
Posted by: Benedetta | November 08, 2023 at 07:29 AM
Kathrine Lunduke,
Thank you for your informative comment. As I have often said, if you have been vaccinated, you have been vaccine injured.
So thrilled to read that you did not vaccinate any of your 3 children! It is always such an encouragement to read that some parents have had the ears to hear, the eyes to see, the mind to comprehend, the heart to care, and the will to do what needs to be done. Well done, Kathrine!
Posted by: Laura Hayes | November 07, 2023 at 05:27 PM
Kathrine Lunduke: Your kids are so very lucky to have parents like you and your husband who woke up in time to save them from the devastation to Americans' health being wrought by the Big Pharma-controlled medical-military-industrial establishment (MMIE), not just to children but across the board to every age group, and not just by vaccines and pseudo-vaccine gene therapies but also by toxic chemicals called "medications" and what is called "best practice" by federal agencies, state medical boards and NGOs like the American Medical Association whose primary objective is to keep people sick and needing never-ending "treatments."
I got lucky myself after the MMIE came within a hair's breadth of killing me a dozen years ago. Thank God for the internet, where I learned what was really going on and how to take proper care of myself through changes in my diet and lifestyle and taking myself off of all of the prescription meds I was told I would have to take for the rest of my life if I wanted to live very long. Today I won't take so much as a stinking baby aspirin. I'm now 74 years old, healthier than I was at the age of 30, and feeling like in just a few more years my life will probably be getting close to half over.
It was in the course of doing my own research that I discovered Age of Autism and all of the wonderful information available in the Special Reports section. I have come to believe that the future of our country and indeed of the entire world depends on getting a majority of people awakened to the truth about what is really going on, probably depending primarily on the internet for the dissemination of accurate information. Towards that end I'm currently in the early planning stages of creating a new website called "Let's Heal Ourselves," which I hope to get launched sometime next year. Anyone who would like to join me in getting that started can contact me at [email protected]
Posted by: Greg Hill | November 07, 2023 at 04:48 PM
I chose not to vaccinate my three kids after hearing the personal stories of brave parents like you.
My kids have had measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, 5th disease, scarlet fever, covid, and every flu and cold.
None of my kids has a single chronic disease. They don't even get ear infections. They all score at least three years ahead on all academic subjects. They star in ballet and flag football. They make friends easily. They fall asleep as soon as the lights go out, giggle in their sleep, and wake with the sun. They have many times the physical stamina of their peers and can happily play back-to-back soccer games, while being in the game most of the time. Then run around the playground afterwards.
What I have learned is to keep babies isolated for the first month, be careful with taking them out until six months, then just let them get everything while continuing to breastfeed. It's natural for a kid to be more often sick than not until about seven or eight years old, when the unvaccinated immune system matures. Then the kid will naturally get sick less and less.
By about nine, an unvaccinated kid will almost never have an illness that lasts longer than three days, even if it's measles, and she'll recover easily.
By around puberty, the unvaccinated child will really stop getting ill from the normal microorganisms in our world. His immune system has grown up and learned through its struggles, the same way he went from counting fingers to mastering algebra.
My husband and I were fully vaccinated as kids and find our immune systems have stayed at the toddler stage. As we watch our kids grow strong and stop getting sick much at all, we're always sick like a two-year-old. Despite our MMRs, we got mumps and measles with horrible complications our children didn't get.
Despite the MMR, including a top-up MMR when I was ten, I went partially blind for a time with measles and got acute pancreatitis with mumps. My kids were barely symptomatic and breezed through it.
My husband and I were obviously spared the truly terrible effects of vaccination, but I can't help but be jealous of my kids who know a robust health and imperviousness to disease that I'll never experience in my own body.
Posted by: Kathrine Lunduke | November 07, 2023 at 11:21 AM
This would provide the answer to the Washington Post’s article on declining birth rate. There are fewer millennial moms that are able to have children because they have been affected (or a sibling was affected).
Posted by: L Land | November 07, 2023 at 11:07 AM
The threshold for disability and medical condition is getting more and more liberal. Thank you, Biden and Trump and both parties. I am sick of this as a person who has a rare life-threatening genetic tumor disease. No IEP no SSDI unless your condition is serious and prefer genetic or congenital.
Posted by: Bill | November 07, 2023 at 10:13 AM
Terrifying and getting worse. And yes, RFK, Jr., the only candidate who cares and who has cared for a long time. Every person has some anxiety(part of being human) so I would probably change the 1 in 10 with anxiety to extreme anxiety or something like that.
Posted by: Maurine E. Meleck | November 07, 2023 at 07:53 AM
“Pediatricians should be run out of town on a rail. They have failed 100%.”
Well said, Kim. Dr. Larry Palevsky of NY would be one of the extremely rare exceptions.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | November 07, 2023 at 07:12 AM