Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Livestream October 9 in Philadelphia
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. To Run as Independent

Lack of Adult Services in PECS

B5BCA72B-8458-4F52-9C3C-446D6E18658DMy daughters have access to a day program. They each have a budget. But the staffing shortage is so severe that they are often unable to attend. The scattershot schedule wreaks havoc on them. Me? Forget about it. I rarely have a day where all three daughters are in program. Yesterday, one daughter was called out at 7:00am and called back in at 7:30am! We function. We survive. But it's not ideal by any stretch of the imagination. I was proud that my youngest was able to use her ProLoQuo to share her feelings with me. What do you have for your adult kids on the spectrum?



Wuhan bioweapons cover

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense) 

“Gain-of-function” experiments are often conducted to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible pathogens for the stated purpose of developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans. More insidious is the “dual use” nature of this research, specifically directed toward bioweapons development. The Wuhan Cover-Up pulls back the curtain on how the US government's increase in biosecurity spending after the 2001 terror attacks set in motion a plan to transform the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, into a de facto Defense Department agency.

Vax Unvax DebutJoin us in congratulating Dr. Brian Hooker and Robert Kennedy, Jr. and the Children's Health Defense imprint on the huge news that Vax Unvax Let The Science Speak was #11 on the New York Times non-fiction best sellers list this week.  This is important because it tells those who feel they shouldn't question science, "Hey, it's OK to read, and learn and make your own decisions."  It's currently 124 on ALL of Amazon books.  Buy a copy HERE



Emma Philadelphia I need a sponsor called the California Regional Center to pay for these day and work programs you should look them up an understand the bureaucracy I the largest state.


"I have been kicked out of day programs and sheltered workshops as a "client" for sticking up for my rights."

Bill, are you able to sign up for these programs as an independent adult, or do you have to have a sponsor? Tho oldest in the AGE of Autism wave would be 37.


Do you readers at Age of Autism care about those with so called "high functioning autism"! I was kicked out of a sheltered workshop a few weeks ago for yelling at my "supervisor" for the supervisor taking credit for a wallet that I found and returned in the United Cerebral Palsy thrift store. I have been kicked out of day programs and sheltered workshops as a "client" for sticking up for my rights.


Gayle, I had another idea.

Hire your son to do cleaning chores around YOUR house. Pay him with money or special treats/outings that he enjoys. This will teach him that work has its reward. Continue with his academics. You could work with him on some of these subjects yourself. It sounds like he is very intelligent and craves the mental stimulation. Every day ask Jesus for wisdom and inspiration to help your son and YOU! God bless!


Dear Emma-Thank you so much for understanding how my son feels after doing three years of grunt work in a very unsafe environment, plus he has been doing free manual labor jobs for 10 years. The program directors don't understand how he and some of the other young men in the program feel. The staff member is doing the same academics that she did during the Covid lockdown and they are educational and fun activities involving math, reading comprehension, science, geography, astronomy, matching picture grids and he loves it as do the other guys. Thank you also for your suggestions about how to go about solving my problem of getting more time for myself and I will try to do those things. My son enjoys shopping with me in stores and at the supermarket and is very helpful with bagging the groceries and loading them in the car. Again, thanks so much and best wishes to you and yours.



It sounds like your son is tired of three years of free grunt work in a dangerous environment. Who wouldn't be? What is the staff member doing with him during the Zoom call that he likes? Do more of it. If he is content during these sessions, couldn't you hire a "sitter" to be at the house with him during this time so you could get out for an hour or so? Could the tutor that comes to the house supervise him for a short outing, even if it is on your backyard patio? Get creative. Is there anything your son enjoys doing with you that you also like? Do that. It's better than feeling trapped at home. Be your own solution.


Kim, I sympathize with your situation with your adult daughters lack of adequate services. I have an adult son with autism who was in a day hab program until Covid struck and then for three years they provided a Zoom content for the program. My son got used to Zoom and liked it much better than going out and volunteering to fold pizza boxes, clean windows, stack shelves, and clean low income apartment buildings full of drug addicts. He cleaned those buildings for three years until the staff admitted that they never felt safe going to those places and it was bad for everyone. The directors of the program at the time said there was nothing wrong with them, but the staff held firm and they stopped going there. Now my son prefers doing Zoom with one of the staff members who is doing it after day program hours. He also has a tutor coming to the house a few days a week in the afternoon. He is happy, but it is hard on me because he is still home just as much as during the Covid Zoom sessions. I miss the freedom I had when he went to the day program for a few hours, but he refuses to go back to day hab as he is tired of it after ten years and prefers what he is doing now. I don't know how this will all work out as time goes by and I am just taking it one step at a time and praying for the strength to keep going.

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