Who Wears (Not so) Short Shorts?
Update: When Mia came home from program, she was wearing pants. Her staff said she arrived at program and immediately grabbed a pair of blue jeans out of her locker. She fooled me! I love it.
Last Friday, the weather report called for temps in the high 80s here in Connecticut. I laid out clothes for Gianna, shorts and a T-shirt. Easy peasy. I helped Bella get dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. Lemon squeezey. I approached the bed with pair of shorts in my hands for Mia. Cue the JAWS music. Mia dreads the seasonal clothing switch. She wears the pants in this family - every day! To my delight, she put the short on without a fuss. Like the debt ceiling vote, I had to make a concession. I brought out a lightweight SWEATshirt, instead of a T-shirt. "Big shirt," she said. "Yes, Mia, big shirt with shorts today."
I know that our families with teen and adult sons often have to help them shave. That must be a very difficult task. Then I picture myself shaving six legs and six underarms! I kneel down, lean into the shower, get drenched and somehow the job gets done. These are the things we do for our "kids" that few think about. The day in, day out acts of love and kindness to help them. I've been doing this a long, long time. How long? This Nair commercial ran the year I graduated from Boston College, and my oldest is closing in on 29. Back in the day, Flicker was our razor of choice. Ladies, you can smell the ad, right? Lord, Nair stunk to high heaven! What seasonal changes affect YOUR kids?
When my son was about eight years old, I used to watch him sleep for a while after putting the others to bed. He smelled of what seemed to be ammonia.
Posted by: Kate C | June 12, 2023 at 09:18 AM
We have an issue where our HFA son smells odd no matter what he does, how well he washes. It only happens some times. But when it does its so hard. He doesn't smell it and neither do I . Only his step dad. And strangers.
I would like to see this article:
10 things your Typical teen does for themselves that parents have to do for Profoundly Autistic
100 thins your typical child does that your typical teen does for themselves that parents have to do for mildly autistic
I have the latter type, and never thought about things like--how do you shave their legs. OMG. There is thing after thing that people have no idea about. Even for my mild son. The trials you have with menstruation. Etc etc. You are heroes and heroines ! But I worry for you that you never get enough of a break.
Posted by: Anita Donnelly | June 12, 2023 at 06:36 AM
Thanks for the tips Bill.
Posted by: Kate C | June 07, 2023 at 02:11 PM
Decision making by themselves for themselves take that to the bank all day every day. Well done Kim you work so hard for your girls.
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | June 06, 2023 at 06:08 PM
If your daughter does not like the texture of clothes maybe try real cotton clothes instead of polyester. I bought some house/night shorts from target that are 100% cotton along with under wear and sock that are also 100% cotton. These types of clothes are more comfortable than other materials just read the label to see what is used to make the clothes. I am well aware autism makes a person have sensitivity to certain things clothes included.
Posted by: Bill | June 06, 2023 at 10:24 AM