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Autism Action Month A Mother Shares Reality

How Do Vaccines Cause Autism .org: The Science Behind the Phenomenon

Science post imageBy Ginger Taylor

The question of whether or not vaccines cause autism was answered by 2008, when the research caught up with real world events, and Hannah Poling was awarded compensation for her vaccine induced autism in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. By then, the question was no longer "Do vaccines cause autism," but "How do vaccines cause autism?"

And now there is a site with the research that demonstrates HOW vaccines can cause autism. HowDoVaccinesCauseAutism.org

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 23-01-06 How Do Vaccines Cause Autism – The Body of Research Supporting Vaccine Autism Causation


The research includes more than 200 citations, is posted by the date it was published, is organized into the categories in which each paper should reside, includes a menu by vaccine and major category, and links to the journal article itself (sometimes the full paper, if it is available to the public).

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 10-33-41 January 1943 – How Do Vaccines Cause AutismThe research linking vaccines to autism goes back to 1943, to the first paper on autism published at Johns Hopkins in 1943.

Want to read research that supports vaccine - autism causation before anyone heard the name "Andrew Wakefield"?

You have quite a few options, and there will be more to come. 

Did you know that autism was linked to autoimmunity by 1971 and documented in a paper called, Autism and autoimmune disease: A family study? Does your doctor who shouts "WAKEFIELD!" while disallowing your child to be properly medically evaluated for inflammation know that?  Do you need him to see it, and 27 more papers on autism and Autoimmunity? Or Inflammation in autism? Or more than forty papers that demonstrate the process by which vaccines cause Inflammation and the role that inflammation plays in autism?

Mitochondrial dysfunction?

Oxidative stress?


Perhaps your mother in law is furious with you that you won't give your daughter the HPV vaccine after watching your son regress into autism. Now you can give her the science on the disaster that is injected Aluminum for her to read for herself and discuss with you in a scholarly manner instead of a fear based frenzy.

It could be that you are a member of the Covid Cohort that came into the health freedom movement when your vaccinated friends started dying, are waking up to the deception coming from the vaccine sector and want to read the research for yourself.

Or conceivably you are a doctor who participated in the Covid 19 vaccine push, only to watch young men die of heart conditions, and are finally ready to face what other horrors you were fooled into imposing on the families who trusted you.  Perchance you want to make sure that the US National Vaccine Plan has not been lying to you for your whole career.  You might want to start reading about autism and Neuroinflammation, and begin to try to rescue your suffering autism patients whose brains are on fire. 

Or learn why sometimes when you vaccinate an infant they become floppy, and end up with "autism" years later.

Are you a journalist who has defended the vaccine schedule (nearly) to the death, and wants to check himself since the Covid fraud has been exposed? Could it be time to review the more than 70 papers that examine the relationship between Mercury and autism?

Maybe it is time to make sure you have the WHOLE picture on MMR.

Or you might be "just a mom" who is trying to figure out what happened to her toddler since his 18 month shots, because he is not OK.

If you want to search for things that are not on any of the menus, like how many of these citations are affiliated with Harvard, just search "Harvard" to see that there are eighteen.

If you want to know if there is anything in this literature randomly on Diabetes, you can find out that it is mentioned in papers on autism and autoimmunity.

Is it not wonderful that we can stop relying on the failed "expert" system, and read research that demonstrates how vaccines are linked to autism, with the relevant portions highlighted, so we can each begin to understand this complicated topic for ourselves?!

And finally, maybe you, or someone you love, could spend just an hour looking around on HowDoVaccinesCauseAutism.org, and then review the claims of the American Academy of Pediatrics for their veracity:Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 11-20-15 Vaccine Safety Examine the Evidence
Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 22-29-53 Vaccine Safety Examine the Evidence

Contemplate that the most honest thing that AAP may have ever written is the disclaimer that the list of research on which they are basing their safety claims is "not an exhaustive list."

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 11-13-56 Vaccine Safety Examine the Evidence


UnderestimatedUnderestimated: An Autism Miracle
BY JB Handley and Jamison Handley

In Underestimated: An Autism Miracle, Generation Rescue’s cofounder J.B. Handley and his teenage son Jamison tell the remarkable story of Jamison’s journey to find a method of communication that allowed him to show the world that he was a brilliant, wise, generous, and complex individual who had been misunderstood and underestimated by everyone in his life.

Environmental Causes of AutismThe Environmental And Genetic Causes of Autism

By James Lyons-Weiler, PhD

The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism delves deep into the full body of past and current research to reveal how genetic predispositions and environmental factors can combine to produce the conditions autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

While most autism researchers focus on either environmental or genetic causes of autism, Lyons-Weiler’s opus demonstrates that to fully understand the condition and to finally put its rate on the decrease, it is essential to pay attention to the science showing how the two classes of factors interact.





Not a good look.....

“Upon my inauguration, I will direct the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] to convene — and it’s going to happen quickly — to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression, and even violence,” Trump told the annual convention of the National Rifle Association." https://www.breitbart.com/health/2023/04/15/trump-promises-safety-investigation-of-transgender-drug-therapies/

It is impossible to expect the FDA would convene an "independent outside panel to investigate".

What we really want investigated is whether childhood vaccines/Covid jabs are causing gender dysphoria (are the numbers actually rising?) and a VACCINATED VS. UNVACCINATED study using data HHS already has. Why is the autism rate now 1/35 (likely higher) when it was 1/10,000 before 1986 - the year the Federal government granted liability protection to vaccine manufacturers via the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
Did Trump make a deal to stay out of jail? He won't go against pharma.

Becky Estepp

Thank you for this amazing repository of studies linking vaccines to many cases of autism. I can only imagine how long you worked on us. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.



Safeminds ironic and gut-wrenching "about" page says ASD victims can lead "healthy and fulfilling lives" which is a major lie (except for the recovered/mildest of cases): https://safeminds.org/about/

"Those with autism can lead safe, healthy, productive and fulfilling lives." With never-ending chronic health conditions/pains/sensory hell on earth? Inability to safely live alone or work? Incontinence/diapers? G.I. issues? Is that "healthy and fulfilling" to you? No amount of corporate ASD clinic therapy nor voting is fixing this.

And shortly before that, THIS is what is seen: "As parents, we ask the tough questions. What if my child with autism and epilepsy wanders, and can’t take his medicine? Will he have a seizure somewhere with no help? What if my nonverbal child with autism has stomach pain, and she can’t tell me? How will I know? Will I have a doctor who knows how to treat her? How can I help my child with autism express himself to a therapist so that he can find appropriate therapy to address his mental health needs?"

Angus Files

Superb Ginger many thanks.I shall direct people to it, very useful.

Pharma For Prison



It's easy to believe - for many - these Ronald-Reagan/1986 and beyond funded witches brews don't cause something that's been rebranded as sugarcoated, sweet, talent-filled "neurodiversity" and grossly/massively underdiagnosed (or the 1 in 36 is a major undercount).


What will happen to these poor children later in life? Strapped to psych ward beds with buttocks injections and restraints? https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/research-17-of-autistic-preschoolers-expelled-from-day-care

If's "nothing is wrong" if autism's just a "brain difference" why are desperate parents running out of ASD therapy clinic spaces for their kids? https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/austin-tx-9-mo-wait-for-sped-assessment-backlog-of-1-800-students

susan welch

Well done, Ginger. A faantastic resource which I do hope will be seen by thousands of young parents as well, of course, by many doctors and health professionals. It will also be useful when confronted with 'It has been proved that vaccines don't cause autism'.

Thank you so much for all your hard work. Good to hear from you again.


Ginger Taylor, you are f*#king brilliant! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

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