The Defender On Another Increase in Autism Rates
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

The Defender: In New Autism Report, CDC Again Fails to Address Root Causes

WhyAofA Editor-At-Large Mark Blaxill has updated his prevalence slides to reflect the 2023 announcement. The 11 slides are at the end of this post.

In New Autism Report, CDC Again Fails to Address Root Causes

One wonders how high autism spectrum disorder prevalence will climb before public policy moves beyond its current focus on equity toward addressing the root causes of the condition.

By Cynthia Nevison, Ph.D.

The newly released Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network report finds that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prevalence in the U.S. has increased to 2.8%, or 1 in 36 U.S. children born in 2012 — up from 1 in 44 from the previous report for children born in 2010.

Prevalence among 8-year-old boys was 4.3% nationwide and as high as 6.9% in California.

The policy focus of the new report is centered not around the increasing ASD rates, but rather around a social justice narrative in which disability issues take a back seat to the equity implications.

While the ADDM reports of the 2000s declared rising rates of ASD an “urgent public health concern,” the most recent reports have abandoned that messaging.

The new report’s primary public health action recommendation is to develop “enhanced infrastructure to provide equitable diagnostic, treatment, and support services for all children with ASD.”

The CDC also released the Early Identification ADDM Report, focused on 4-year-olds, which found 7.2% of boys in California (represented by San Diego) born in 2016 already were diagnosed with ASD by age 4.

The race-specific prevalence of the boys was not explicitly stated, but one can back-calculate that it was about 8% for both Blacks and Hispanics.

As the 2016 birth cohort ages and is fully diagnosed, a substantially higher prevalence can be expected, likely exceeding 10% for Black and Hispanic boys in California. (ASD rates exceeding 10% already have been reported for boys in some school districts in New Jersey.)

The new Early Identification ADDM Report emphasizes the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the evaluation and identification of children with ASD.

Indeed, the report’s main public health action recommendation is that communities “consider strategies to mitigate these disruptions due to public health emergencies in the future.”

By “future emergencies,” this sentence presumably refers to the next pandemic. The report does not consider ASD rates of 8% among 4-year-old Black and Hispanic boys in California to be a public health emergency.

Yet one of the most notable features of both new ADDM reports is the rapid rise in ASD prevalence among racial minorities relative to white children, who historically have had the highest prevalence.

For example, in 2004, the mean Hispanic to white ASD ratio was 0.67 nationwide for children born in 2004.

In the new reports, the mean Hispanic to white ASD ratio is 1.3 for 8-year-olds and 1.8 for 4-year-olds. The mean U.S. Black to white ASD ratio is 1.2 for 8 year-olds and 1.6 for 4-year-olds. READ MORE AT THE DEFENDER.Slide1









Cause unknownCause Unknown 

By Edward Dowd
Follow Ed Dowd on Twitter for in depth coverage of the problems facing the banking & capital markets today. @DowdEdward

The book begins with a close look at the actual human reality behind the statistics, and when you see the people who are represented by the dry term Excess Mortality, it’s difficult to accept so many unexpected sudden deaths of young athletes, known to be the healthiest among us. Similarly, when lots of healthy teenagers and young adults die in their sleep without obvious reason, collapse and die on a family outing, or fall down dead while playing sports, that all by itself raises an immediate public health concern. Or at least it used to.

Ask yourself if you recall seeing these kinds of things occurring during your own life—in junior high? In high school? In college? How many times in your life did you hear of a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance? Your own life experience and intuition will tell you that what you’re about to see is not normal.

Or at least it wasn’t normal before 2021.

War On IvermectinThe War on Ivermectin

By Dr. Pierre Kory
Follow Dr. Kory on Twitter here. Support is so important.

Big Pharma and health agencies cry "Don't take ivermectin!" A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite?

Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. The drug has been derided and declared useless. Doctors have earnestly recorded pleas asking those afflicted with COVID-19 not to take the drug. But why? 

The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory, the co-founder of an expert group of physicians’, and his plight to alert the world of his group's identification of ivermectin as a highly-effective, life-saving, widely available generic medicine with an obvious ability to end the global pandemic. In this book, Dr. Kory details all the personal attacks, professional setbacks, and concerted, corrupt, and highly effective actions which influenced the world’s major health agencies and medical journals to dismiss and deny it’s efficacy.



True ASD prevalence might be 5 in 7 children/more than 85% of the young U.S. population but it's all just "quirky differences" without serious life-threatening comorbid disorders... according to "neurodiversity". The author of "NeuroTribes" is a disgrace to chronically ill/unemployable ASD adults.

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