Hesitancy Is A Survival Instinct
We invite you to subscribe to the Vibrant Life newsletter by Jennifer Margulis, PhD over on Substack. Below is an excerpt from a smart article on the benefits of vaccine hesitancy, a term derided in the media. Name another product where we should just jump in without thought?
By Nicole Johnson
Special to Vibrant Life
- tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.
The concern about “vaccine hesitancy” is everywhere: it’s populating mainstream media headlines and it’s all over Facebook, Instagram, and other social sites.
One popular “tweetiatrician” sarcastically thanked public health agencies for making his job that much more difficult, as today’s parents, concerned that the COVID-19 vaccines are not safe, are more reluctant than ever to follow his advice about childhood vaccines.
Vaccine Safety Concerns
Indeed, a new study in Pediatrics found that during the pandemic, there was a 72% increase in the percentage of parents who agreed that vaccines were associated with illness or death (from 18.3% to 31.5%).
The study also found that the percentage of parents who agreed that vaccines caused harmful side effects increased by 6 percentage points: from 26.7% to 32.8%.
A recent article quoted the authors of the study insisting that “Pediatricians should therefore ask hesitant parents about their particular concerns and be prepared to address safety concerns.”
Yes! They absolutely should.
I see the rise in parents’ awareness of vaccine safety concerns, vaccine injuries, and death caused by vaccines as good thing.
Pediatricians rely on vaccines for their bread and butter. They have a professional obligation to be knowledgeable enough to discuss every vaccine ingredient, every vaccine safety concern, every vaccine counterindication, and every vaccine safety concern with parents.
I Wish I’d Known Better
I am a lawyer. My husband is a doctor. Our son was damaged by vaccines.
If only.
If only we had hesitated.
If only we’d asked more questions.
If only we hadn’t let our pediatrician scare us into following his orders and bully us into ignoring the fact that our son was less able to speak, less able to make eye contact, and more rigid about routine after every single doctor visit.
Hannah Poling’s Parents Also Didn’t Hesitate
Hannah Poling’s parents went through almost the same thing. Only their daughter will need care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the rest of her life. Dr. John Poling is a neurologist. His wife is a nurse and a lawyer.
The Polings were compensated to the tune of over $1.5 million, as reported by CBS News, after a no-fault court (paid for by taxpayer money) determined that her severe autism was the result of vaccines.
Isn’t Thoughtful Consideration Always Good?
Doctors in the past always understood that parents know their children best.
When something goes wrong, it’s the parent—not the doctor—who is left picking up the pieces.
So when it comes to medical interventions, it seems doctors should embrace parents thoughtfully considering the risks and benefits of any treatment.
But in today’s world, in blatant opposition to the medical profession’s ethical guidelines, many pediatricians will “fire” parents who don’t follow the CDC’s recommended schedule.
Fewer Vaccines Means Fewer Vaccine-Injured Children
As the parent of a vaccine-injured child, I am cheering over the news that more parents are taking vaccine safety more seriously.
When parents agree to doing fewer vaccines—or no vaccines at all—there are fewer vaccine injuries.
What about infectious diseases, though?
No one wants contagious diseases to come roaring back.
And we’ve been told—relentlessly—that if parents say, “No, thank you,” to vaccines, or even if they space them out and follow a less aggressive schedule, we’re all going to die from the measles. Or polio. Or chickenpox.
Some Points to Consider:
- Rubella has been eradicated from the United States, according to the CDC. Their announcement, made on March 21, 2005, has since been scrubbed from the internet (but is available via the Wayback Machine). Since this disease does is no longer considered a major health threat in America, and has not been for nearly twenty years, vaccinating against rubella is no longer necessary.
- The mumps portion of the MMR vaccine is ineffective. Two industry insiders came forward to blow the whistle on Merck, the company that makes the MMR vaccine. These senior scientists alleged that Merck knowingly promoted and continue to promote a vaccine that does not work. This lawsuit with Merck has been dragged out for years. As one journalist put it in 2014, Merck has a lot of explaining to do. But by now everyone, even the bought media, knows that the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine is ineffective. Since the mumps vaccine does not work, saying, “No, thank you,” to getting it is a science-forward, evidence-based decision.
- There are benefits—yes benefits—to getting certain childhood illnesses. At least eight different peer-reviewed studies have shown that women who gets mumps in childhood are less likely to get ovarian cancer as adults. In addition, a Japanese study found that getting measles and mumps as a child was protective against dying from heart disease in adulthood. Humans also benefit from fevers. This might be a hard sell but it’s true: We absolutely don’t want any child to die from an infectious disease, but we need to remember that getting sick is not actually a bad thing.
- Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease. Tetanus is non-infectious (usually acquired via animal feces or contaminated soil). Human Papilloma Virus is also sexually transmitted. Any parent who hesitates and chooses not to do the hepatitis B vaccine, the HPV vaccine, or tetanus vaccines puts no one but their own child at risk.
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So Many Legitimate Reasons to Hesitate About Vaccines
About the Author:
Nicole Johnson, Esq., is an attorney licensed in Georgia, Missouri, and Alabama. A children’s health advocate, she is also the co-director the Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice. Support independent journalism, vaccine choice, and medical freedom by becoming a paid subscriber to Vibrant Life.
Shocking documentary about the video game industry and the frontal lobe - connections to ASD and its features? https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/The-Frontal-Lobe---What-the-Video-Gaming-Industry-Doesn't-Want-You-to-Know:8
Posted by: Anonymous | December 10, 2022 at 08:45 PM
Leftist BS about ASD truther websites, from "Thinking" person's guide to the most debilitating widespread childhood and adulthood disability ever: https://thinkingautismguide.com/useful-autism-organizations
From their very own website: "Autism organizations we DO NOT recommend" and at the very top of this list is "Age of Autism: Anti-vaccine, pseudoscience-embracing, cure-oriented parent organization that consistently spreads insupportable and dehumanizing information about autism and autistic people."
From the same peanutheads that are hosting M0TB nanobot clot shot clinics and certificates (of vaccination with artificial intelligence, funded by DJT, RD and Elon Muskrat) and Drag Queens/Drag Kings on Ice. The same peanutheads that want children and teens writing erotic, effeminate sexual/diversity stories rather than explorer/superhero stories. Rather than writing things inspired by Adventures of TinTin or Super Sentai Series (hard to find in USA, mostly overshadowed by atheist PR) they're writing and shamelessly consuming erotic diversity/"Gender Queer"-like pedophilia stories because it's being normalized by the Neurodiversity movement and its sponsors (WEF/UN).
Posted by: Anonymous | December 10, 2022 at 03:12 PM