10 Day FREE Exclusive to Watch The Real Anthony Fauci Movie
Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestselling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.
Starting tomorrow October 18th, The Real Anthony Fauci movie will go live. It will be free to watch until October 27th. You have 10 days to watch the film and invite your family and friends to join you. REGISTER HERE!
Within the first 5 minutes you will know why they don’t want you to see it…
The forced-vaccine campaign and other cruel actions by Dr. Fauci might seem “too big to fail.” But that is up to us.
We can bow down and comply — take the jabs, wear the face coverings, show our digital passports on demand, submit to the tests.
Or we can say no. We have a choice, and it is not too late.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. closes his spellbinding book with the quote, “We’ll see you on the barricades.” Well… the time is now and these are the barricades.
I am unable to access via the link - it comes up as "dangerous" and is blocked.
Posted by: Victoria | October 20, 2022 at 12:38 AM
Your welcome Morag you get the feeling Scotland has been controlled by New World Government for years certainly not Nationalists or Unionist policy which is one step of communism where we work for nothing just food, and own nothing, but we will be happy were told.
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | October 19, 2022 at 05:38 PM
Thanks Angus, re- Mail article.
What a horrific situation of Health and Social Care Instutionalised systematic failure and brutal clinical neglect? for that whole family !.
How in the heck is it possible, that this man was left wearing shoes two sizes too small ?
Was there an accident/incident report completed for his broken arm ?
Or perhaps, just because, the fact checkers assessment, unity uniform ? goose stepping -sling-back jack boots said so ? " You Will Not Own Your Own Shoe Size and Be Happy ?" Ve select ze shoe sizes ?
Wear ze shoes or go barefoot, options?
See https//daily sceptic.org
The Daily Sceptic
News Round-Up 16 October 2022
Article - Court; Facebook "fact-check" label does not mean that the assessment is "Objective fact " - A climate sceptics case against a fact checkers has been dismissed . Reports Reclaim the Net.
States - The court explained its decision by saying that, although called a "fact -check program" what Facebook is actually doing -and has the right to do -is "Reflect a subjective judjement about the accuracy and reliability of assertions made.
Therefore, the use of the term "fact" isn't to say that Facebook is under an obligation to establish actual facts ,and apply its censorship accordingly . Simply because the process by which context is assessed and a label applied is called a "fact-check" does not mean that the assessment itself is an actionable statement of objective fact "
A Panax Prescription Pad, for folk ending up getting left to wear shoe sizes, two sizes, too small !
Capability Scotland Promotional- LA Media YouTube
"When your voice is but a whisper"
Posted by: Morag Lyons | October 18, 2022 at 03:46 AM
i know more than a few parents who complied as we did with the jabs and now spend their days going round hospitals trying to find their kids/adults.
Parents of autistic man, 45, who spent 21 YEARS in a secure hospital claim he was 'neglected', dressed in shoes which were two sizes too small, and didn't even have control of his TV remote
Tony Hickmott's mother Pam, 78, opened up about struggles faced by her son
She slammed the care Tony, 45, who is autistic, was receiving at secure hospital
Her and her husband Roy, 82, told This Morning Tony was 'neglected'
After 21 years, Tony will finally be released on October 31, much to their delight
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | October 17, 2022 at 01:51 PM