What Is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program?
Dr. Tom Frieden urged Americans to get their bivalent Covid vaccine and booster yesterday on Twitter. I kindly let him and his followers know about Wayne Rohde's 15 week class starting this week through IPAK-EDU on the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. This is the program that absolves corporations whose products harm Americans during a Pandemic. You can take the course both live and in a recorded version.
IPAK-EDU on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program used for emergency authorized biologics.
In this course, students will learn the structure, function and defects of the programs in the US created by Congress to award compensation to adults and children potentially and actually harmed or killed by vaccines. We will review a variety of important topics, review case histories. This course is for parents and lawyers new to US vaccine injury compensation programs.
Read the course description and register here.
Taught by Wayne Rohde, author of Vaccine Court, this class is available through The Online private University, IPAK-EDU. Many of us KNOW what these programs are - but we don't know the details of their inception and execution. The knowledge can boost your conversations with, trolls, BOTS, family and friends - just THINK of the Thanksgiving table arguments you can start! You might just get the whole pumpkin pie to yourself. XOX
Read More and Register HERE.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program & Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
15-week, 1 hour course, both live and on demand
- reading list will be provided 2 weeks prior to each week’s topic of discussion.
- Q&A will be reserved for the last 15 minutes of each class
- Weekly topics can be changed, added or removed by class suggestion.
Email: [email protected]
Course Objectives
- Understanding of Terms and Acronyms within Program.
- Basic understanding of legal recourse of injury prior to NVICP.
- Why did Congress pass NCVIA of 1986 and components of the Act?
- Early years of the NVICP and amendments to the Act.
- 1995 & 1997 – radical changes to the Program.
- Understanding of Congressional hearings.
- US Supreme Court rulings including Bruesewitz, Cloer and Whitecotton
- Courts use of Omnibus proceedings. Not just Autism.
- Mechanisms to add vaccines to the Program.
- What is the Advisory Commission for Childhood Vaccines (ACCV).
- Special Masters, DOJ attorneys, HHS, HRSA and the Federal Courts.
- The Vaccine Injury Trust Fund.
- Understanding of Table Injuries vs non-Table Injuries.
- How to prove causation.
- When did adult vaccines become part of the Program?
- How to access court decisions, appeals and opinions.
- Petitioner attorneys, fees and medical experts
- Compensation
- Data from court decisions
- The CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program & COVID
- Basic review of The PREP Act and Public Health Emergency declarations
Week 1 – General Overview of the NVICP, the purpose and what did the Act establish. Brief review of why Congress passed the NCVIA.
Week 2 – Components of the Program. Who is the defendant? Who administers the Program? What is a Special Master? Are you really suing anyone?
Week 3 – The PREP Act, The CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program and adding COVID-19 vaccine injuries to a compensation program.
Week 4 – The CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program - continued
Week 5 - VAERS, (Dr. Jessica Rose)
Week 6 – Filing a petition in NVICP, the pathway thru the Program and the adjudication of each case to final decision including appeals (Robert Krakow)
Week 7 – The Trust Fund, the failure to publicize the Program
Week 8 – Vaccine Injury Table and how it is revised, Year 1995 & 1997 and the fallout of Sec’y of HHS actions
Week 9 – Omnibus Autism Proceedings and other omnibus rulings
Week 10 – Rolf Hazlehurst, father of Yates. 2nd petition in OAP & Nick Kottenstette, father to child who was compensated in NVICP.
Week 11 – Medical experts in the NVICP (Dr. Theresa Deisher)
Week 12 – US Supreme Court rulings (Mary Holland)
Week 13 – Why SIDS, POI, Epilepsy, POTS and other medical conditions are not compensated
Week 14 – The effort to remove SIRVA and Sec 17 from the Program. Reforms Needed. To repeal the Act or to reform.
Week 15 – Review of the NVICP and the CICP
This vapid woman is bad enough on a regular day, but when I read this I truly threw up in my mouth a bit!
Diary of a Mom
19 hrs ·
I just got my Covid booster and they didn’t give me a lollipop or a sticker or even ask if I might want something from the toy chest, damn it.
So I got myself these because I was a very good girl. Also, Yay Science!
Sadly there are endless supplies of the brainwashed, big mouthed individuals such as this and thousands of equally clueless followers that will be a never ending source for big pharma. Many times these are the parents who look at autism as a gift and label it as just cute and quirky.
Posted by: J | September 13, 2022 at 08:15 AM
I don’t think Friedan cares too much about the law.
Posted by: annie | September 12, 2022 at 12:10 PM