Autism After 22 The Secret
I saw this cartoon and had to share it with readers. As the epidemic that began in the early 1990s ages into adulthood, the trajectory of media coverage has yet to catch up. Indeed, it was thwarted by the rise of the form of neurodiversity that whitewashes away the negative aspects of autism. Has your child aged out into adulthood and what's the current life and future like? It's a mountain of work - again - for most of us. And what about adults with autism? For the severely affected, there's a bleak outlook. For those who differently affected, including those who can work - there's challenge after challenge. There is no "easy" version, just different flavors of worry. Where to begin?
Your reflections touch on a critical and often under-discussed aspect of autism: the transition to adulthood and the realities it brings. While public awareness and acceptance of autism have grown, the focus tends to remain on children, leaving adults with autism—and their families—largely out of the conversation. This creates a disconnect between the portrayal of autism in media and the lived experiences of individuals and caregivers.
For families, the challenges don't fade with age—they evolve. Access to services, independent living options, employment opportunities, and long-term care are persistent concerns. For those on the more severely affected end of the spectrum, the future can feel particularly daunting due to the need for lifelong support and the uncertainty of what happens when parental caregivers are no longer able to provide it.
Posted by: spotify stats com | December 14, 2024 at 12:32 AM
Welll they will still let us have
The stuff that cured Trump Why no. Jan of this year they - the powerful that dictates to all the health care workers said no casue it is not for that there omicron variety.
Alsways telling us why not as we lay dying.
Posted by: Benedetta | September 03, 2022 at 02:23 PM
Thanks for the update Benedetta.
Has everyone recovered? Did the Ivermectin help? These are perilous times. We must walk by faith. I had not heard about the good doctor. I know they were going after him. Leave no good deed unpunished.....
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | September 03, 2022 at 02:13 PM
Every one is getting here in this area. It is rampant!
It hurt every place that I have exercise and move in lifting my Mother. That would be my biceps, my hips, my legs and Ohhhhh my back. I heard that if it hurts your back it is Omicron.
We every last one of us had secondary infections. My daughter had an ear infection. I and my Mother had pink eye. I think those might be all the same and then my hubby and son had strep.
My whole cheek at the bottom of my eye swelled up the size of a baseball.
I have ivermectin by the way. I used it too. Life on a farm, but I never thought that the United States medical establishment would put me in this position. Well they did.
I have a 92 year old frail woman, what was I suppose to do. The ER won't even look at her. I took her to the ER to get some antibiotics for the pinkeye. After waiting in the lobby for two hours she was begging me to let her lay down on the floor, and then she started to throw up. So we left.
The health care really is struggling with the number of cases around here.
I wonder since we all go secondary infections, if Fauci didn't give an AIDS virus wings, and this covid reduced our immune system.
I heard that DR. McCullan lost his medical license. They the establishment are going to play hard ball right till the point we put their heads on those spikes? I guess so.
Posted by: Benedetta | September 02, 2022 at 11:06 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Bennedetta.
Is the omicron strain still circulating? Some think that those with the leaky vaccine can spread it or shed it. Is it still impossible to get the Hydroxy or Ivermectin protocol? We need Divine protection:
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 28, 2022 at 05:23 PM
I wonder how many of California's homeless have autism/vaccine injury?
A very informative discussion:
How California Normalized Homelessness and Created a Crisis | Vern Pierson
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 28, 2022 at 04:32 PM
Does FLCCC still take patients?
Has anyone gone to them for help with medications?
I see they are have a lot of tird contacts outside their organization. How do you pick one?
Posted by: Bendetta | August 28, 2022 at 10:34 AM
The picture for this post sums it all up, for sure.
I have no words anymore. Just sheer disgust for this country.
Posted by: Donna L. | August 26, 2022 at 05:42 PM
WEF's latest buzzwords:
"Technologically augmented society"
Can you say "chipped?"
Looks like they want kids with ADHD to be the guinea pigs for their brain chips.
This will be their solution! They mention kids with autism as well.
Laughably, they claim their blog article has been subjected to misinformation.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 26, 2022 at 02:06 AM
My son too was 1986.
He has strep again.
He also has covid.
He was running a fever of 101 last night.
He has a covid test kit at home and he tested positive.
His work place; a grocery store where he is a stocker with no insurance, and they make sure he works one hour under, so they don't have to give it to him; these guys insisted he go to urgent care and get them some kind of verification to allow him to miss. I mean really.
Oh well.
So he went and I guess it is a good thing he did cause he has strep too.
Give us all a prayer the next few days that all will be well.
His sister says if he gets it, we all will get it, cause he is the super spreader of the family.
Posted by: Benedetta | August 25, 2022 at 10:27 PM
Pasadena treating autism like a cause for celebration:
The photo of a happy boy giving a hi-5 just creates smokescreens obscuring the restraints, GI diseases and gut problems, screaming and seizures, injections, terror and pain autistics suffer from.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 25, 2022 at 07:16 PM
This article and picture really hit home. Disturbing, but necessary. My teenage son absconded for 5 hours this past June. The police found him about 5 miles from our home. Unharmed, mostly-dehydrated and a small piece of glass in his foot were his injuries-it could have been so much worse. The fact that it happened at night made it all that more surprising that nothing happened to him. I remember checking local bodies of water, retention pounds any body of water near our home- a nightmare. Those in charge know what is going on and the damage they are imposing on those vulnerable to vaccine injury-Shame and Hell on them!
Posted by: Jerry Martinez | August 25, 2022 at 07:12 PM
My son was born in 1986 and is now 36 years old, making him part of the first wave of the autism epidemic. I am heartbroken that after all these years there still is no cure for his condition. We have a doctor, Michael Goldberg, who says our children/adults are suffering from a "neuroimmune dysfunction syndrome" that is an illness with the chance to be cured using medications known as "immune modulators." He has written a book called "The Myth of Autism," published by Skyhorse Publishing. Please read the book. The CDC, NIH, FDA have been aware of the huge increases of autism cases now at 1 in 30, but they have still not approved any drugs like this or others that could save our children from this terrible illness/disease process. We have waited far too long and are aging ourselves while we wait and hope that somehow we will get the chance to try these meds that are the answer to the autism crisis. There is still hope that it will happen, but the anxiety of waiting is becoming unbearable. We need new meds NOW!
Posted by: Gayle | August 25, 2022 at 08:19 AM
The Age of Autism began after 1986. The first wave of children is just turning 35-36, so I don't know how they can get those statistics. I would not be surprised, though, if they have shorter life spans. I would like to know what the statistics are for this current age group.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 24, 2022 at 10:12 PM
To help autistic adults live longer, we need much more organic gardening communities. Instead of buying 1000's of overpriced sensory toys from C-country who wants terrible war on us.
This website carries so many wonderful, nutritious, rare veggie varieties to fight against obesity and chronic illnesses common in ASD people:
Beautiful Japanese seeds:
Grow nutritious fruits to benefit ASD peoples:
Posted by: Anonymous | August 24, 2022 at 04:13 PM
Dear friends, I just read somewhere that autistic adults live on average to 36 - 39 years old.
Do you know anything about that?
Is it possible to buck this trend?
Posted by: Irena | August 24, 2022 at 03:14 PM
I remember when there was a good deal of controversy because Reagan wouldn’t even say the word AIDS when so many people were struggling. Perhaps there should be a march and activists could throw puzzle pieces over the White House gate?
Posted by: annie | August 24, 2022 at 11:09 AM
My father worked with his church to build a retirement home on church property. He coordinated with the architects and contractors to get the building built. This was then spun off into its own 501c3 and church vestry members were on the board of directors. The church would fundraise to support the center and help keep the individual rent cost down. The place is wildly popular with a wait list to get in. The design of my mother's Memory Care facility could work well for severe autistic adults. Perhaps churches could purchase the facilities since covid wiped out a large percentage of their clientel. If they made them a "no vaccine" facility, one could hire some of the healthcare workers who quit/were fired when they refused the jab. Aging parents could live in a facility with their child. We have to think outside the box.My father worked with his church to build a retirement home on church property. He coordinated with the architects and contractors to get the building built. This was then spun off into its own 501c3 and church vestry members were on the board of directors. The church would fundraise to support the center and help keep the individual rent cost down. The place is wildly popular with a wait list to get in. The design of my mother's Memory Care facility could work well for severe autistic adults. Perhaps churches could purchase the facilities since covid wiped out a large percentage of their clientel. If they made them a "no vaccine" facility, one could hire some of the healthcare workers who quit/were fired when they refused the jab. Aging parents could live in a facility with their child. We have to think outside the box.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | August 24, 2022 at 10:53 AM
Most important toolkit for person centered support needs.
http/ .uk
HSA Person -Centered /Personalisation/Training /Consultancy .
Fund raising Bank Book required so families can access their own Care -Plan Co -ordination , because without it , remember and understand that Health and Social Care service provision are under no
obligation ,what -so-ever ! to provide any type of support for an un-assessed need. Standards of basic care are now worse than they were in the 1970.s much worse !
The patients locked in secure hospitals for decades -BBC News 15 August 2022
BBC Disclosure; Locked in the hospital .
Documentary to watch with reporter Lucy Adams - Makes utterly pitiful viewing .
A Care -Plan Co-ordination implosion from start to finish .
You need to get your Care -Plans sorted and settled as soon as you can .
Life Story Books ,Find out more about them as well !
Posted by: Morag Lyons | August 24, 2022 at 06:39 AM