The Cruel Summer of 2022

The Explosion in Special Education is Autism

Autism check
Parents & Schools Pay the Bill

Note: We're seeing the result of normalizing autism over the last 25 years. From a diagnosis to a difference.  From awareness and action to acceptance and acquiescence. Autism has been scooted over to something in the sexual category.  The "approved" symbol is a rainbow infinity loop.  The rainbow has one meaning today and it's not Oz. The red, blue, yellow puzzle piece is considered discriminatory. Schools are overwhelmed with special education students, and severely behavioral students. It's not that teachers can't teach all of a sudden. The raw material, the kids, are not of the same neurological status, meaning quality. Tomorrow, it will start to get much worse. It's Covid vaccine day starting at 6 months. I hope we're still here in 6 years when that cohort starts school, the ones who live.


By Anne Dachel



Autism, that perpetual mystery identified by the iconic multicolored puzzle piece is a condition rampant in kids today. We’ve learned to accept and even celebrate the disorder.


With literally THOUSANDS of stories on the decline of children everywhere on my site, LossOfBrainTrust.com, https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/ it’s an undisputable fact that autism or some other form of neurological damage has changed traditional childhood.

(We call this damage by a lot of different names: autism, Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, OCD, speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), social/emotional disorder (SED), severe learning difficulties (SLD), and many more acronyms.)

And it’s getting worse right before our eyes. Something is happening to children’s brains that make them unable to speak in many cases, unable to learn normally and unable to behave as children have always been expected to behave.

We congratulate ourselves for recognizing the sorrowful condition of children and continually call for better detection and earlier intervention, as if those improvements would solve all the problems of dysfunctional children worldwide.

I’m in my sixth year posting stories on LossOfBrainTrust, yet clearly this is a disaster that goes unrecognized, even by the people involved. Officials keep funding more special ed classrooms and even whole schools, but it’s never enough. We’re constantly told that THERE ARE MORE DISABLED CHILDREN without even an attempt at an explanation for why it’s happening.

And kids are increasingly MORE SEVERELY DISABLED. That fact is sometimes noted in news reports, again in passing, but it should scare everyone.

A story I found recently is a good example of what’s happening to children.

Wiscasset, ME: Wiscasset’s special education needs rise

Some Wiscasset students’ high needs for special education may call for the school department to add staff, Special Education Director Ken Spinney said. He told school committee members June 14 in Wiscasset Middle High School’s library and carried on Zoom, they might wonder why he did not speak up in budget season.

“(This has) been creeping over the last few months ... I said one week, ‘Wow, I’m just blown away, in one week, how things can change.’” He expects Wiscasset Elementary School to need a fourth special education teacher. “We need to build (the program) up in order to maintain safe and appropriate programming.”

WES Principal Kathleen Pastore concurred. Students are joining WES with an “increase of unique and challenging needs ... for whatever the reason, but students seem to be coming (with those),” she said.

…“We continue to see an increase in students with severe behaviors and without this type of program, we will likely see an increase in additional adult supports or out of district placements,” he wrote.


Why doesn’t anyone ever speculate on why it’s happening and not just in a town in Maine?

Recently I transcribed an interview by Wayne Rohde with top autism expert, Dr. Walter Zahorodny.

Dr. Zahorodny is from Rutgers and he calculates the New Jersey autism rate for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it is considered the most accurate in the country.

I can’t believe Zahorodny said the following about the increases:

…We could really identify no specific reason why autism prevalence increased, not only in New Jersey, but in every other state in the Network.

And it increased for boys and for girls. It increased for white, black, Hispanic, Asian children. It increased across every state.

In the world of the prevalence estimates of the ADDM Network, we’ve only seen increases.

Throughout that DSM-IV period, only increases. When we shifted to the DSM-5 definition, we also only see increases.

And while the CDC puts the U.S. autism rate at 2.3 percent of children, Zahorodny adds these chilling figures:

San Diego, California, four percent.

Newark, New Jersey, five percent. 

Toms River, New Jersey, seven percent.

One in five towns in New Jersey, in our region, have a rate of five percent or higher….

We have already in Newark and in Toms River eight to 12 percent of boys in the public education system [that] have a lifelong disability or most likely a lifelong disability.

 In Ocean County in 2016, while the overall New Jersey estimate was 3.2 percent, we found that the prevalence of autism was already over five percent in Ocean County. 

What does this mean for the future?

Zahorodny speculating on the eventual outcome:

 I’m not an economist, but do you choose to project five percent or 10 percent as a realistic metric for how many people will need significant, maybe lifetime support?

Eventually five to 10 percent of adults will be disabled with autism and need lifetime care. So the disaster we see unfolding in our schools will increasingly be happening with adult services, only we’ll never be able to afford that ever-increasing cost of care for disabled individuals who aren’t here currently.

I’ve added several dozen new stories to my site this past week, and I’ll have many more by next week. The stories from Great Britain and Ireland show an education system under siege.  

Here are excerpts:


there are not enough special schools for children with severe behavioural and mental health problems …

The school only has space for 80 pupils in primary and secondary due to the complex needs of the children. Pupils travel in from around London and Essex, with some requiring journeys of up to two hours.

In response to the crisis, the Department for Education has announced it is investing billions in creating more special schools and alternative provisions.

Proposals for a 250-place special needs school took a step forward this week after West Northants Council (WNC) published more details for academies who might bid to run it.

“The pressure for SEND places is intense.

“As they are, mainstream schools simply do not have the capacity to take on more SEND pupils and the private sector in the county has also reached its limit.”

One primary school in Nottinghamshire reported that some children arrived at school unable to say their own names and that 50% of their pupils in reception and nursery were not toilet trained.

Education systems across Britain are "failing on every measure" and 60% of parents don't believe schools prepare pupils for work, according to The Times Education Commission.

Parents have welcomed a decision to build a new school for pupils with special educational needs but said it was long overdue. West Northamptonshire Council has agreed to build a state school costing £20m [$24M] at Tiffield for 250 pupils.

The authority currently spends £11m [$13M] per year to send 174 children to independent schools.

The data, sourced by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), shows how councils across England are continuing to grapple with a black hole in funding for the rising numbers of children who need extra help.

TBIJ’s investigation has found the special needs deficit across England has reached at least £1.3bn [$1.6B]— an increase of around £450m [$546M] in the last year alone.

With a projected overall deficit of £51.8m [$62.9M] – including a forecast increase of around £20m [$24M] in the last year – Norfolk is among the worst affected authorities in England. Only Kent, Surrey, Devon and Hampshire have bigger deficits.

Nansa chief executive Mr Smith said the investigation’s findings: "Unfortunately highlight what we see on a daily basis; the demand for SEND provision in Norfolk far exceeds the support available”....

“There are some exceptional examples of SEND provision across our county, but most must tackle increasingly difficult waiting lists....

...Across the schools surveyed, 95,991 pupils identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND), making up 18% of all pupils - higher than last year.

The first of a new wave of up to 60 special and alternative provision free schools across England will also begin opening from September 2025, creating approximately 4,500 new places across the country, and boosting choice for parents.

…the SEND system is broken.”



“We need a mental health professional in every GP practice as well as face-to-face services in every primary and secondary school. These are real solutions that can be put in place rather than the First Minister offering warm words but little action, year after year.

Mr Sarwar recounted that an eight-year-old boy diagnosed with autism 10 months ago has been waiting to see a psychiatrist while his condition has become worse.

“We have invested £40 million [$49M] to improve CAMHS and to clear all backlogs by March 2023.”

The minister said the Scottish Government has already provided an additional £15m [$18M]  . . .


Many children in Cork still have no school place for special education around the city, but the Department said that at least 30 pupils will be offered a place at the Rochestown school initially.

The Department, along with the National Council of Special Education is also working to provide further support and expansions at three other Cork schools.

Carrigaline Community Special School which opened in 2021 is to see 16 extra places for the coming school year, and St. Killian’s Special School in Mayfield is to see an additional 18 places for September.

Parents of special needs children "have their backs to the wall and are accepting inappropriate school places" the Dáil has been told.

The Dáil debated a Sinn Féin private members bill on Tuesday which called on the Government to "publish the data on the true number of children without an appropriate school place for September", as well as guaranteeing that a previously-proposed "segregationist" special education centre plan would not go ahead.

Cork South-Central TD Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire told the Dáil that it was "disgraceful" that the Government was looking to use emergency measures to find spaces for at least 267 children who do not have appropriate places in schools.

"This year, the Department of Education will spend in excess of €2bn [$2.7B], or over 25% of the department’s budget, on providing additional teaching and care supports for children with special educational needs," the counter-motion stated.

Ms Tully was speaking as her party put forward a motion calling on the Government to introduce emergency measures to ensure all children have an appropriate school place this September.

She said there were hundreds of children with additional learning needs either without a school placement or in inappropriate school placement.

“In reality, that number is significantly higher. That does not include the thousands of children whose parents, desperate and feeling that they have had no other choice, have accepted an inappropriate place for their child,” the Cork South-Central TD said.

Tommy is 13 years old and is waiting 1.5 years for therapies since his Autism diagnosis.

Invisible queues exist where some children are waiting for the most essential therapies for up to and beyond three years.



Good luck, Benedetta.

Angus Files

And for the ones who do attend achievements are very low..4 years ago.

Almost one in five children left education at 18 last year without basic qualifications

The report also finds that:

Attainment gaps between Special Educational Needs and non-SEN pupils by age 19 have risen from 26% in 2015 to 33% in 2018, making SEN students the worst affected.


Pharma For Prison



SPECIAL REPORT - Inside The Quiet Rooms (N.J. schools are locking kids in padded rooms. Are they breaking the law?), published 6/19/22: https://www.nj.com/education/2022/06/inside-the-quiet-rooms.html


Julie; I just went back to look at Vaxxed again.
She shows a graph.
It was not really dramatic, or makes the point like this other documentary did.
It had a list
Year, and autism prevalence. It was more- everything. I guess because there was more years and numbers of those with autism that the mere graph on Vaxxed.

I want to find that again so bad, but I don't have the brain to remember where I saw it at.

It was just a couple of weeks ago too.
I though it might be on the infertility one. I guess I will go back and look at that documentary.


HENRY KISSINGER: "I like Joe Biden"

The Globalist's agenda is Biden's agenda.
And what is Henry Kissinger's agenda?

Exposing the Global Population Control Agenda
"The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control
The United States National Security Council is the highest decision-making body regarding foreign policy in the United States. On December 10, 1974, it completed a top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200, also called The Kissinger Report, since Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State at the time it was written."

"The subject of NSSM-200 is “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” This document, published shortly after the first major international population conference in Bucharest, was the result of collaboration among the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Departments of State, Defense and Agriculture.

NSSM-200 was made public when it was declassified and was transferred to the U.S. National Archives in 1990.

Although the United States government has issued hundreds of policy papers dealing with various aspects of American national security since 1974, The Kissinger Report continues to be the foundational document on U.S. government population control. It therefore continues to represent official United States policy on government population control and, in fact, is still posted on the USAID website.

NSSM-200 is critically important to pro-life workers all over the world, because it completely exposes the unsavory and unethical motivations and methods of the population control movement. We can use this valuable document to lay bare the strategies used by unscrupulous governments and “aid” agencies that are used to bend developing nations to their wills. Their rote denials will be useless in the face of this evidence."

This is what we are fighting.


Benedetta, I am pretty sure Stephanie Seneff used those figure when she spoke in one of the Vaxxed movies. I think she had looked at the trajectory to work out the figures.


“San Diego, California, four percent.
Newark, New Jersey, five percent.
Toms River, New Jersey, seven percent.
One in five towns in New Jersey, in our region, have a rate of five percent or higher….
We have already in Newark and in Toms River eight to 12 percent of boys in the public education system [that] have a lifelong disability or most likely a lifelong disability.
In Ocean County in 2016, while the overall New Jersey estimate was 3.2 percent, we found that the prevalence of autism was already over five percent in Ocean County.”

Anne, imagine if the above figures included the other damage you mention. The figures would be off the chart. (We call this damage by a lot of different names: autism, Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, OCD, speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), social/emotional disorder (SED), severe learning difficulties (SLD), and many more acronyms.)

“I can’t believe Zahorodny said the following about the increases:
…We could really identify no specific reason why autism prevalence increased, not only in New Jersey, but in every other state in the Network.
And it increased for boys and for girls. It increased for white, black, Hispanic, Asian children. It increased across every state.
In the world of the prevalence estimates of the ADDM Network, we’ve only seen increases.
Throughout that DSM-IV period, only increases. When we shifted to the DSM-5 definition, we also only see increases.”

Dr Zahorodny should resign. He is either not an expert or he is a liar. He either knows or ought to know what is going on. It is unforgivable for a person in his position to be so ignorant. It would not be credible for him to not have heard or heard of parents’ claims that the damage was done through vaccination. At the very least, he should be demanding that the government carry out a vaxxed/unvaxxed study. It would be definitive.

England “Across the schools surveyed, 95,991 pupils identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND), making up 18% of all pupils - higher than last year.”

About 15 years ago, the government in England asked Jim Rose, a former director of inspections at Ofsted to carry out what was later dubbed the Rose Review; a review into the teaching of early reading. The review undertook wide ranging consultations with various stakeholders, carried out research and inspections and visited a large range of settings. The review appears to have taken around a year. It was thorough, and a National Curriculum for England was consequently put in place with one of the best curriculum guides I have ever seen for the early teaching of reading (and I’m not even English so I have no bias here). The problem of failing standards of reading is miniscule compared to the problems outlined by Anne. Why are we not seeing any reviews? How can they not identify and investigate solutions to a problem like this when they can investigate the problems of ineffective teaching of reading as well as implement solutions? We need to demand that this be investigated. We should not pander to so called “experts” who identify that we have a problem but are unwilling to call out what the problem is caused by. It just encourages them to do more of the same; be paid to speak the obvious, that autism is increasing. These so-called experts should be sounding the alarms and calling for investigations. They are not doing their jobs. To not make demands and sound the alarms is criminal. Maybe they should rope Jim Rose in to do the investigation into the rise in numbers of autism, including Anne’s list of all conditions that just have different names for autism. Someone must do it.

I wonder if it is part of the WEF plan to destroy society as we know it so ‘they’ can put in the controls they want. That would at least explain the lack of curiosity and the lack of effort to try to work towards a solution. No one is doing anything about a catastrophic problem. Good for you, Anne for trying to get it out there.


Ant this puzzle on a person's checks,
On the license plates; are getting extra money from us all.
I know, I know -- I got one of those stupid license plate on one of my cars. Where does that money go?
Why to the government that really is behind the reason of the rise to begin with.


Some weeks ago, I saw on some documentary; the listing of years and the rise of autism.

Where did I see that?
Anyone know?
Then at the very end it said by 2032 it would reach 1 out of every two kids.

I know this but seeing all the rise.

I would like to make some flyers to distribute around the area
I think that puzzle for autism with the last puzzle piece labeled vaccines, rather small up in the corner would be a just a bit more added information that would make a nice flyer.

That ia about all I can do.

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