The Going Out Edit - Autism Edition
Pupils Causing Significant Budgets Issues or "Special Education is Wiping Us Out"

UK Protects Healthcare Industry

160778C8-4371-4CE9-851D-C5029D3C1EE6Important news from across the Atlantic in the UK, this after dropping many Covid restrictions. The healthcare industry is far more than Covid, despite what we've lived with for going on 2 years. Why does the for profit USA health system persist with firings, while universal healthcare UK decides to retain the workforce needed to provide care?


U-turn on mandatory Covid vaccinations for NHS and social care workers Sajid Javid set to scrap requirements after warnings that jabs policy could lead to shortage of 80.000 workers

Mandatory Covid jabs for NHS and social care workers are set to be scrapped, The Telegraph can reveal, after warnings of crippling staff shortages if the plan went ahead.

Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, will on Monday meet fellow ministers on the Covid-Operations Cabinet committee to rubber stamp the decision on the about-turn.

Multiple government sources said ministers are expected to end the requirement because the omicron Covid variant, now dominant in the UK, is milder than previous strains.

The move comes after warnings that almost 80,000 healthcare workers would be forced out of their jobs because they had declined to take two doses of a Covid vaccine.  Read more at U-turn on mandatory Covid vaccinations for NHS and social care workers Sajid Javid set to scrap requirements after warnings that jabs policy could lead to shortage of 80.000 workers.


False Scientists

Congratulations to Britain for the headway they’re making.
@Jeanette, indeed what’s next? In Canada the situation is exploding. Mass protests. Our media is bought and paid for, unfortunately. Thank God for Tucker Carlson, Stew Peters, Etc. Citizens have had it with the lies. We pay so much into healthcare for awful results—25/26 countries in number of acute care hospital beds per population for one example. Politicians have lied and it’s obvious there is an agenda going on and not a good one. My feeling is that the rats are starting to jump ship. Hopefully they will rat on each other and more revelations will come out on the ‘wonderful’ vaccine.

Morag Lyons

https//>article watch-sajid javid
Watch Savid Javid confronted by unjabbed NHS doctor -The ...
7 Jan 2022
King's College Hospital London . Major teaching hospital ?
5 NHS professional nurses, at the nurses station ,giggle like ackward? 12 year olds?
If they are unwilling or unable to speak up about their own personal health and safety risk assessments,
re any medical intervention /mandated injection ?, will their competency ,judgement , capacity , for a basic health and safety risk assessment for the patients on their wards present with the same ,hopeless. hapless. helpless, useless , giggling gagged response presentation ?
I see nothing !
1 hear nothing !
I know nothing!
I say nothing !
The Very Best of Sergeant Schultz Youtube From Hogan's Heroes .

Dr Steve James ! I'd sacrifice my job over vaccine mandates YouTube UnHeard 3 weeks ago .
Excellent discussion , does not say if 70 % covid non-vax patients had come into hospital with covid , or [HAI] Hospital Aquired Infection ?

Hans Litten

The London resistance has been truly epic.
They tried beating us and intimidation, it didnt work.
The tried smearing us , censoring us , ignoring us , and nothing works , its just massif every single time. They have even tried to dilute us by engineering local protests in small towns.
No matter what they do London is seismic every single time.
The Police are even highly sympathetic in significant numbers.
There is only one message on sale here, its genocide, and its the only way to wake the sheepeople up. The Police officers go into shock when you tell them.
I have been to quite a few of protests including Berlin , and nothing has the force of London.
They backed down on the NHS before it exploded into the many millions (they knew what was coming - I knew it was coming).
Those Nurses uniforms tossed over the barriers at Downing Street was a killer.

I have great hope in this story :


Tomorrow Pfizer will ask the FDA to approve the covid 19 vaccine for six months to 5 years old. Here it comes. It has been a steady march toward this and now tomorrow it will arrive.

Benedetta Stilwell

What many are telling us that seems to be always right - it will be about another big to fail money collapse and we have to bail 'em out, but we might not can. There is some sniffing around for just a 600 dollar money exchange and the talk of hiring additional 80,000 IRS agents.

Angus Files

Another 80 k anti vaxxers welcome! along with the 10k truckers yup!were not alone.

Not for a minute does anyone think the pharma killers have given up.They will be back.Whilst they go through the motions of retreat they will be regrouping , meantime they are pushing the children to have untested lethal vaccines.

Pharma For Prison



Here in the US we persecute doctors saving lives and keeping people healthy.

God bless America!

Jeannette Bishop

The pullback makes me nervous. What next? or what more?!? But understanding the demonstrations in the UK were far greater than reported by corporate media here, does it make sense there in terms of the pushback? Do the claims of high consumption of drugs capable of euthanizing seniors in care facilities weigh in here? Are they worried about a general decrease in all vaccine uptake if they push more? They seem so determined to keep the childhood assault locked in if they can't expand it!

Some suspect the U.S. spike vaccine uptake numbers are inflated, so I worry they'll focus some new crack-down-justifying "event" here. But with a whistleblower report of 40% increase in life insurance claims here for something like ages 18-64 as of the third quarter of last year (when 10% is the expected increase for a once in 200 years disaster) and rising numbers of miscarriages, stillbirths, cancers, neurological problems...maybe some want to sit back now, far back perhaps, and watch the effects of their handiwork?!

Anyway, I pray the prosecutions of true criminal actions upon those truly responsible does not stop!


Medical Psychiatric and Social services staff should be vaccinated against many contagious diseases not just covid-19 because they work with developmentally disabled and people with physical and so called mental illnesses whom are very prone to serious illness and death from those contagious diseases. I admit many Covid related restrictions are absurd but stilll.

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