Best of: The Catastrophic Cost of Complying
Student with Autism Charged with Felony

We Need to Swim Down

Remember this scene from Finding Nemo? Nemo tells his anxious Dad, "I CAN DO THIS!" But his Dad, who has lived his entire life in fear, say, "NO YOU CAN'T!" And then he considers the option of not trying, of not trusting  his son, who has learned many lessons on his journey. He considers the consequences of his fear - letting Dory get swept up in the net and killed. He sets aside his fear and starts barking orders to listen to his son. Pixar is smart. And not just because of the cool hopping lamp intro that our kids like to watch so much.  Many of us feel that we are in the net. And certainly our children are in the net. SWIM DOWN.



I heard the Rand Paul thing on the radio this week. I agree with him, but it's not clear exactly what form resistance will take when it comes to children. I am fine with taking harassment or even being charged for exercising my own civil liberties, but it is hard for me to let my kid be the tip of the spear, so to speak. We've been homeschooling for several years, and although we had planned to stop, that plan changed because "regular school" has become a privilege contingent on the whims of bureaucrats. We uprooted our family and moved several states away to get to a place where outdoor sports don't require healthy children to cover their faces, and parents aren't banned from spectating.

My daughter is very good at saying politely, "No, thank you" to "recommendations" in public spaces. We've walked out of churches that wouldn't let us stay if we didn't comply. What if the "recommendations" come from cops? She and I have studied the civil rights protests in the 1960s in Alabama, and she has seen the photos of children younger than she is, being arrested for marching peacefully. I guess if it comes to that, we're ready. I just wish with all my heart that folks who have less to lose will stand up, too.

Angus Files

She should be given a medal 8k lives saved from destruction..

Suspected saline switch sparks Covid-19 vaccine stir in Germany

Pharma For Prison


Gary Ogden

Benedetta: Thanks! Your state has one fine senator and one moron.


A great visual!

It worked because they all swam TOGETHER.
Their united force was greater than the rope.


It is time to resist.

Rand Paul Video for sure this time. Well maybe.


Rand Paul. Emotional plea to resist.

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