CT One Giant Step Closer to Losing Religious Exemption
In Memoriam: Katie Weisman

Spike Protein 101: A Primer from Dr. Larry Palevsky

SARS-CoV-2_spikesThank you to Laura Hayes for transcribing a 12 minute primer on spike protein production and Covid vaccination by Dr. Larry Palevsky.  Dr. Palevsky brings up what can only be called horrifying questions, all unanswered because the powers that be have never asked. By design.  It's "easy" to say that what you have not looked for doesn't exist. Informally called, the blind eye.

By Laura Hayes

I have been wondering if those injected with the new "vaccines" are shedding that which might harm others with whom they come in contact, with the suspicion that they likely are. 
The video below addresses that, and I can't recommend strongly enough that everyone listen to it (only 12 minutes long).
Many of you know who Dr. Larry Palevsky is, and for those who don't, he is a NY pediatrician who has spoken out about the dangers of vaccines since the late 1990s, when a mother in his practice showed him that there was mercury in the vaccines he was administering to the children in his practice. That moment changed his life, and he began to do further research into vaccines. 
This clip that was sent to me today is a portion of an interview with him. I cannot find the full interview, but found this portion so compelling after listening to it 3 times that I decided to transcribe it. I hope you will first listen to it, then use the attached transcript to read any part you would like to reference again. Click on the second video at the link below (first is of a female, second is Dr. Palevsky). It is 12-minutes long, and worth listening to every minute of it.
For those of us who have children who have been harmed and/or killed by "routine" childhood vaccinations, Dr. Palevsky is a trusted and deeply appreciated rare gem among doctors. He speaks out often, and you can do a search of his name to listen to some of his public speeches, including his powerful testimony before the CT legislature in February, 2020:
I hope you will share this information with those you know, as the future fertility, health, longevity, and survival of humans may be hanging in the balance.

Transcript of Dr. Larry Palevsky:

When studies are done on injections that are thought to be vaccines, we sometimes need 7, 10, or even 15 years, to understand what the injection does to the body, and what it does to those around us.

And so, there’s automatically this assumption that when the authorities say these injections are safe, that we actually have adequate data and adequate observational data to understand whether or not these injections are safe. The bottom line is we don’t have enough data to understand their safety.

The other thing is that we are made to believe in the public eye that this is a vaccine against a viral infection. So, the entire world is thinking that this is a vaccine to protect us against SARS-COV2 infection. And when you have a vaccine that is supposed to be effective as a vaccine, you are supposed to have antibody immunity against the SARS-COV2 virus. And that has never been evaluated with these injections as to whether or not we have antibody immunity to a SARS-COV2 virus. Instead, what we have is the genetic information of what is believed to be a piece of the SARS-COV2 virus, and that piece is called the spike protein. And the technology that is being used is a technology to make this injection that has never been used in vaccine science or methodology before with any kind of success.

So, we are essentially taking the genetic instructions that make a synthetic spike protein, believed to be a part of the SARS-COV2 virus, and we are giving those sets of instructions into the body and asking the human body to take the genetic instructions of that spike protein and make more of it in our own machinery. And so this messenger RNA technology, which is what it is called, is delivering the genetic instructions for us to make the spike protein. And the problem is that no study has ever been done to test its safety. But, also, no study has been done to test whether we turn on the production of that spike protein, and ever turn it off.

And so spike protein in the naturally occurring SARS-COV2 viral infection has been shown to cause brain inflammation and neurological damage, heart attacks, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, and interacting with the male and female reproductive systems, along with affecting blood binding to oxygen and blood clotting. And so we know that the natural disease of SARS-COV2, because of the effects of the spike protein, is making people sick with all of these kinds of systemic illnesses. And so now we are taking that spike protein genetic instructions and we are asking our bodies to make more of that spike protein. And so by making more of that spike protein, we are essentially creating the symptoms and the illness of Covid 19, by giving people the potential to have brain damage and neurological damage, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, blood clotting issues, and impairments to male and female reproductive systems. And there is no study to show whether when the body starts manufacturing this synthetic spike protein, whether or not we ever turn off the production of that spike protein. And so that spike protein is known to be pretty damaging to the human tissue.

So we know that spike protein has been found in saliva, we know that it has been found in the anus, and so, we have to ask the question, is it found in the exhalation molecules that come out of our breath? Is it found in the skin when we sweat and we smell, do the spike proteins come out, and if so, does that impact other people with whom we come in contact?

And so what we have been seeing is a massive increase in those who have been given the injection of blood clotting problems, miscarriages, stillborns, infertility, strokes, heart attacks, autoimmune diseases, and death, just to name a few. And that’s in those who have been injected. So, certainly, there should be a suspicion when you see people around the injected people, who have not been injected, getting the typical symptoms of Covid, in addition to miscarriages, bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles, it should raise a very, very strong suspicion.

Now, the spike protein is, we are told, just specific to the SARS-COV2 virus. So, when your body makes the synthetic spike protein, you are supposed to produce an antibody that is supposed to attack the spike protein. Now, we don’t know if that spike protein production keeps going and going and going, and that would make the antibody production keep going and going and going as well. And the thing is that we are finding that the genetic instructions of the spike protein are not specific just to the SARS-COV2 virus. The genetic instructions of the spike protein are also similar to, or the same, as many proteins that exist in the body itself. And so, therefore, if we are going to produce an antibody against the genetic instructions of the spike protein, those antibodies are going to find every bit of protein tissue around the body that matches the genetic instructions of the spike protein. And that antibody to the spike protein genetic instructions is going to produce an attack on any of the proteins and tissues in the body that are similar or the same to the genetic instructions of the spike protein. So that is why you will see autoimmune diseases.

But, many months ago, there was an article that came out in the European literature where there were several proteins in the male and female reproductive systems that were found to have similar genetic instructions to the genetic instructions of the spike protein. And the scientist raised the concern that if we inject the genetic instructions of the spike protein into the body and cause the body to make an antibody against the genetic instructions of the spike protein, we will also cause the body to make an antibody against the male and female reproductive systems because those proteins in the male and female reproductive systems had similar instructions to the spike protein. And he raised a very strong concern about it, because his concern was that it would basically immobilize and take out sperm from being able to fertilize an egg, and that it would also impair the egg itself, and that it would also impair the placenta.

And so the experts around the world did the following…when they heard this scientific concern, the experts around the world said, oh, but the amount of genetic instructions of the proteins in the male and female reproductive systems are so small in similarity to the genetic instructions of the spike protein, that it really shouldn’t make a difference. And, ladies and gentlemen, that is how we got the science that said there should be no concerns about infertility or miscarriages in men and women, respectively. There were no studies, just an opinion, that said the genetic instructions of the proteins on the male and female reproductive systems were such small similarities to the spike protein, that it shouldn’t matter. And, therefore, it didn’t matter. And so what we are seeing in women who get the injection, is a very large, hundreds of percent increase, in miscarriages and stillborns of their babies, all being reported to VAERS.

And now what we are seeing is women who are around others who have been injected are having the same experience, which has to raise the suspicion that not only does that messenger RNA make the body produce spike protein on an ongoing basis, but that spike protein is probably shedding out of the breath, the saliva, the skin, and who knows where else in the body it is being shed from.

Just the last point before you ask me the next question. That is only based on what we think we know is in these injections. But Dr. Tenpenny and I have discussed this on numerous occasions, that there is potential for other mRNA proteins being injected into the body that would cause the body to make all sorts of proteins that we may not be aware of.



Can someone please look into magnets sticking to the injection site. There are several videos on the internet from all over the world representing all ages demonstrating this. I’d like to know if this is a real occurrence or a hoax. I am not an anti vaxer but I am discerning as to what vaccines I feel necessary. I will not take the covid vaccine as I had covid and for me, it was an 8 hour fever and nothing else. I recently had the norovirus and would have gladly had covid again. I am also a healthy 58 year old women who takes 5000 ius of vitamin d per day as well as zinc and Quercetin. Full disclosure, I never get the flu vaccine and to my knowledge, have never had the flu. Why aren’t we talking about early treatment with known therapeutics, h2q, ivermectin, and a recent new treatment leronlimab? Or why aren’t we talking about the demonization of h2q, and ivermectin. Why did we push for a vaccine instead of early treatment? Why did they let thousands die? All of these questions are what leads to the hesitancy of the general population. It didn’t make sense and still doesn’t. Even Merk quit working on the vaccine and said it was better to get the virus and recover. They know those that suffered sars-covid 1 had immunity for 17 years. Why did fauci say immunity only last 3 months with covid 19. I had covid back in December and still test positive for antibodies 5 months out. It isn’t the question of the vaccine and how it works, we should be questioning why the vaccine.


"I have written at length on AofA comments about my personal experiences and what little I know about my father's employment at Borrough's Wellcome during the war. "

I have not read any of your posts about this. That is why I found your "revelation" to be extraordinary. It's not every day that someone claims to have been "gang-stalked" for years. I have been tracking Pirbright and Wellcome for a long time. It was purely a guess that your father was involved with them. I thought it might be Pirbright, though. I totally believe your father would not have know what was gong on. My college prof worked on the biology aspect of the atomic bomb on the Manhattan Project. He was kept in the dark about the ultimate reason for his research. However, over time he figured it out.
We'll conclude our discussion of this. I hope we have cleared the air.

"If there is anything specific you would like to ask me, perhaps you could spell it out."

FYI, I just found this interesting link from 2015:
Check out who sponsored it (last two paragraphs).

Kim Managing Editor

Grace has lived up to her name with this kind response. Sorry, Grace. Commenters sometimes go in directions we can not foresee. Thanks for your participation. Kim

Grace Green

I have written at length on AofA comments about my personal experiences and what little I know about my father's employment at Borrough's Wellcome during the war. I have nothing to add to those statements. I have just looked up Pirbright Institute on Duckduckgo and found this:
If you are researching Pirbright I assume you must have found this document. What I can't understand is, if you have read it, how could you have found my statement that I'm being gang stalked "extraordinary"? And if you are doing such research why wouldn't you have said so at the start of this conversation? For what it's worth I must add that I would stake my life on my father not having known anything about the horrendous unethical practices described in the above document, because I know the kind of man he was, and he would not have continued in their employ had he known. If there is anything specific you would like to ask me, perhaps you could spell it out. Thanks.


@ Grace

I am currently researching the Pirbright Institute and Wellcome Trust and their history of vaccine research, dating back to the Boer Wars. I would be interested in any information you have on that topic.

Ronald N. Kostoff


On the subject of The Highwire. The following is a link to a video that includes discussion on the VAERS system (https://www.bitchute.com/video/PmBZSpc1sNsd/). The key segment starts at 13:00 and runs until 36:00. The main conclusion, based on two computations, is that the statements in our vaccine safety study (based on a major study of a decade ago) about VAERS historically reporting ~1% of actual vaccine adverse events apply to the COVID-19 vaccine adverse events reports in VAERS as well. I would have preferred a more extensive analysis covering more adverse effects, but the two data points alone are compelling.

It should be remembered that, although vaccination started ~four months ago, the average time since vaccination reflected in the database is about two months, given the continual vaccinations occurring during the time frame of interest. These results are applicable to very short term effects; there has not been time for intermediate or long term effects to kick in. We will have to wait until the end of the year until some of these lag effects make themselves known, but as the time between vaccination and adverse effects increases, even less will be reported to VAERS.

Grace Green

Thank you, Donna, for your comment. I wrote a long reply to Emma's demands last night, but my computer wiped it. Second thoughts, I would rather take on an earlier comment of Fish & Chips' (I can't use the name Chopin, because HE would never espouse the attitudes of our friend here.)
F &C, you refer to Dr. Palevsky as an "anti vaxxer" and Health Impact News as an "anti vaxxer" website. I'm wondering what you mean by that term? Firstly, the medical procedure of vaccination is, like all others, a choice, so each one can choose it or decline it. Further, there are facts relating to this procedure which can be considered, discussed and assessed. This would lead one to be either in favour or not of vaccines, or even undecided. I thought what we were doing on this website was discussing the issues we have become aware of relating to this topic. To call someone an "anti vaxxer" is putting the cart before the horse, as they have only become that after assessing the facts. If you have completely new information which you think could convert us into pro-vaxxers then let's hear it. I notice since new information has been posted on the dangers of this vaccine, by Laura and myself, you have fallen silent.


I am still viewing this Highwire video and decided to post this link, here (apologies if someone else already has). Del interviews three nurses who all have had horrific/severe neurological reactions to a Covid vaccine.

Del's interview with these nurses starts at approximately the 1 hr., 20 minute marker:



"Grace has been commenting on here for years with truth, integrity and, well, grace. There is no need for her to have anyone 'verify' her accounts of her own personal experience."

If that is true, and you seem to know her, why has she just now revealed this bombshell information to me? I have only been posting here for a fraction of the time you claim to have been. Reread what I wrote. You are mischaracterizing what I said. This is a blind forum and thus has its limitations. I may privately be persuaded that everything she has said is true, but I cannot publicly say that I personally have seen factual proof. I myself make anecdotal claims all the time. You can choose to believe them or not. Her claims, however, involved somewhat threatening circumstances and possibly the British Government. I gave her reasonable advice as to the best way to get her story out. There are many readers that do not post here, and do not have a history of reading her posts. Again, everyone is free to have their own opinion regarding what individuals post.

Kim Managing Editor

Thanks, Donna. No commenter has to provide their bona fides to us.


Donna L.

Grace has been commenting on here for years with truth, integrity and, well, grace. There is no need for her to have anyone 'verify' her accounts of her own personal experience. She has nothing to gain from sharing her own life story.
Calling someone's comments 'plausible but needing verification' is the language of gaslighters and of every medical professional out there perpetuating vaccine injury and vaccine-related death.

Ronald N. Kostoff


"Pfizer document admits and warns of adverse effects transmitted from the injected to those around them:"

I don't think that is what the document is actually stating. For example, at the bottom of p.69, the document states: "An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participant’s care."

That appears to be a definition, as part of a protocol. It is in the sense of 'if such an event occurs, then these are the reporting steps that must be taken'. It doesn't say the event has occurred or even will occur.

Which, of course, raises the real question that no one seems to be asking: why wasn't the transmissibility (or some portion thereof) measured during the clinical trials. That doesn't appear to me to be Rocket Science. Take measurements of the solids, liquids, and gases being exuded by the participants a couple of days before the injection, and then a couple of days after the injection. Analyze these exuded materials to ascertain whether they contain viral material, or other potentially harmful materials that were not present in the initial analysis. That may not tell us how virulent or otherwise harmful these exuded materials are to potential recipients, but at least we would know the potential is there for possible harm.


@Grace Green
You said:
"Saying things like "safety lies in being in Christ Jesus" etc is meaningless to the autistic brain because we don't get metaphor. My religious quest is about discerning the battle between good and evil, natural and synthetic, true and false, in all their manifestations. However, I am very well educated in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and I don't remember reading "do be careful" anywhere, especially relating to witnessing to the truth. I think allegations you have made that I am not speaking the truth about my own experience, when I've given my own name and identifying details, are far worse than me saying Fish and Chips is a troll or a stalker when he is giving a pseudonym. It seems there's protection on here for the trolls but not for the victims."

That is not metaphor, but Truth. What proof can you give in this medium that you are "autistic?"
If you don't "get metaphor," how did you recognize that phrase to be such?

Here is a Biblical example of men confusing metaphor with Truth:

"18 So the Jews answered and said to Him, “What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?”

19 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

20 Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?”

21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this [d]to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said." John 2:18-22

Yes, I did not make myself clear. I should have written "Do be careful to follow the path of Jesus." If we ask in faith, He will guide us in the way we should go.
"“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

King Hezekiah does say he will "walk carefully" after he implored the Lord to heal his sickness, and the Lord did. Isaiah 38:15

"I think allegations you have made that I am not speaking the truth about my own experience, when I've given my own name and identifying details"

I was pointing out the limitations of this medium. You are making assertions that I don't personally have a way of verifying. It is nothing personal. Your story is PLAUSIBLE, but I cannot verify it myself. I don't know you, nor do I have access to the records you refer to. I would suggest that you email Kim with details, and perhaps contact a lawyer such as Robert Kennedy Jr. to tell your story so it can be verified and made public. That is what Judy Mikovits did. I would pray to the Lord for guidance on this.

"It seems there's protection on here for the trolls but not for the victims.""
Trolls often work in groups. Other posters intervene and distract. Happens all the time.

Grace Green

Apologies for returning to this topic, but there is now an article on Health Impact News quoting a document which was written before the clinical trials of the mRNA vaccines, showing that they were expecting the effects to spread to the unvaccinated, and requiring those conducting the trials to report any contact - by skin or inhalation - whether or not it results in an adverse event. They repeatedly refer to pregnant women. It looks to me like they only conducted these trials in order to find out what percentage of the population they needed to inject in order to "get" all of us.
Saying things like "safety lies in being in Christ Jesus" etc is meaningless to the autistic brain because we don't get metaphor. My religious quest is about discerning the battle between good and evil, natural and synthetic, true and false, in all their manifestations. However, I am very well educated in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and I don't remember reading "do be careful" anywhere, especially relating to witnessing to the truth. I think allegations you have made that I am not speaking the truth about my own experience, when I've given my own name and identifying details, are far worse than me saying Fish and Chips is a troll or a stalker when he is giving a pseudonym. It seems there's protection on here for the trolls but not for the victims.

Laura Hayes

Pfizer document admits and warns of adverse effects transmitted from the injected to those around them:


Only 5 minutes long. Worth the watch.



"then it would be a great kindness if you stopped trying to get Grace to give up her personal information on the web."

Why have you mischaracterized my interaction with Grace ?
She volunteered her extraordinary claim. I was making sure I heard it correctly. We wouldn't want someone just making that up and posting it. My other question about Pirbright Village would not have given away any personally identifying information. If nothing else, your behavior might lead one to think she is telling the truth.

Do be careful. The safest place to be is "in Christ Jesus."

Galatians 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.


Thanks for your concern. I'm not afraid to put out any of my details anywhere because, as Andy Wakefield said, a whistleblower is safer if they go public. "They" have made it clear to me that they know where I am, they watch me 24/7 and interfere in my life in any way they can, even to the point of life-threatening actions. What more do I have to fear? I have even had one poster on here saying she knows who I am, and knew my family, without identifying herself other than that she lives in my home town. How menacing is that to me, yet the post was allowed? There are now many websites springing up where the hosts totally get it that we are facing Genocide in the Community, never mind avoiding the cattle trucks. My evidence should be useful to people who don't know what to expect next, but there are still people here who expect support, services and even a cure from the powers that be! I thought it would be helpful if people knew that certain comments might be targeted
at me. I feel it's only fair for me to be open with the community.

Grace Green

I have successfully defended myself in the UK to the point of no-one being allowed any longer to take me to court. You can decline to publish my comments if you wish, but I will not deny what I have experienced.


Grace Gree

Yes, I'm aware of that place, but being slightly autistic I find it very difficult to follow, and remember, all this stuff. I can only speak to what I know.


Hi All, I am not quite sure what is going on here.
Grace, please don't give out any personal identifying information on this site; everyone can read it, and privacy in these times is invaluable.
Emmaphiladelphia, if as you have previously shown, you are coming form a place of deep concern about potential vaccine injury, (and, as we can tell from your own name, you also understand the importance of personal privacy on the web), then it would be a great kindness if you stopped trying to get Grace to give up her personal information on the web.
Kim has been good enough to allow all opinions and all speakers here, and to give us the privacy to discuss our thoughts. A kindness for all of us.
I certainly don't blame Frederic for keeping his privacy also. And yes, none of us know who any of us really are, what jobs or degrees we hold, but at a most basic level, we are all human beings, and particularly in this day and age, need to be as kind to each other as we can.


@Grace Green

A well crafted answer.

"my father was a government scientist during ww2, working on vaccines"
Are you familiar with Pirbright Village?

Kim Managing Editor

Commenters are allowed privacy. Dr Chopin included. No accusations or speculation needed. Thanks. Kim


Hi Emma,
I'd be more than happy to verify who I am. Our persecution has taken many forms, and is very well documented. We have even been to court in various parts of the UK whenever we've been given the chance, totaling more than fifty hearings, and although sometimes we've been led to believe we've lost the case there have never been any consequences. I have even recently been awarded a state pension which I was told I didn't qualify for, just to shut me up! Until very recently we didn't know the reason for the attacks, but then I discovered I'm vaccine injured, my father was a government scientist during ww2, working on vaccines, and the whole family suffered a reaction to the same vaccine in 1953, which I presume he must have reported. Serious whistleblower potential! The only concrete clue I had until recently was a stranger telling me I must have been sexually abused (which I wasn't). It's common for parents of autistic children to be accused of child abuse if they say their childs conditon started after a vaccine. If I were to make the false accusation they suggest, it would let vaccines off the hook. All the rest is intimidation. The case of Dr. Judy Mikovits is an exact parallel. There's certainly no reason to suppose FC isn't a gang stalker - we don't even know his name!


@Ronald N. Kostoff:

" I'm starting to believe the reason VB doesn't get banned from social media is that he doesn't question the content and mode of operation of the vaccines, only the timing of their deployment and how that impacts the pandemic dynamics."

Absolutely - this is most definitely the case.

Look - I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech, thought, expression; thus, if someone is a firm believer in vaccines, as Dr. Bosshche is, more power to him. I'm not a believer in vaccines, but that is my own personal opinion.

But having said that, I really do admire Dr. Bossche. He has literally put his career on the line to come out with this.

The very end of his video (the one I've linked to, below) is what brought me to tears. Dr. Bossche states that he truly feels had had a moral obligation to speak his truth as to what he sees is going to be the outcome with this mass vaccination program. Then he states that although he is not a religious man, he is praying for a miracle.

This was, I feel, his best endeavor yet to try to get the world to LISTEN to him. But as he states, it seems to be the human folly to ONLY learn our lessons the hard way.

I truly admire this man, even though I completely disagree w/him on most other levels.

Thank you, Ronald, for that link. I will be watching it soon.

Best, Kim


@Grace Green

"In my opinion FC is only worth replying to if you think your point may be of help to another reader."

That's exactly why I do. Forcing his/her ilk to defend their position using actual debate skills exposes them every time. Left unanswered, their unproven assertions may be believed by those not inclined to investigate for themselves. Based on their speech pattern, this person appears to be British - unless they are faking that.

"I myself am a retired piano teacher, and I have been subjected to at least sixty years of gang stalking of myself and subsequently my sons also. "

That is a remarkable statement. Could you please elaborate? Are you saying that "Frederick Chopin" is a gang stalker? Don't forget, nothing gets posted without Kim's permission. You also have to have a verified email. You might even get a call from someone to verify who you are.

Ronald N. Kostoff


Here is the latest interview of Vanden Bossche with Brett Weinstein.


As good as it gets! I'm starting to believe the reason VB doesn't get banned from social media is that he doesn't question the content and mode of operation of the vaccines, only the timing of their deployment and how that impacts the pandemic dynamics. The ones who get banned tend not to address the timing, but rather the content and potential adverse effects from the vaccine(s). If the public is led to believe the vaccine content is the problem, then both political parties can be held responsible if the worst-case scenario comes to pass, whereas if the public is led to believe the timing is the problem, then the political party most responsible for the deployment schedule can be held responsible if the worst-case scenario comes to pass. The latter may work if the adverse event projections prove unfounded, but if the worst-case scenario comes to pass, and especially if it is serious enough to increase all-cause mortality, both parties will be held responsible for deploying the wrong vaccine at the wrong time.

Grace Green

On the subject of "Frederic Chopin", the important thing to remember is that some one who gives a pseudonym cannot be traced, so we know not who he really is, whether he has any qualifications, or for whom he may be working. I have realistic suspicions that he is not medically qualified. Indeed, I was suspicious from his first post here, because of his choice of pseudonym. I myself am a retired piano teacher, and I have been subjected to at least sixty years of gang stalking of myself and subsequently my sons also. I believe the choice of pen name was intended to draw my attention. The attacks we have experienced are now mimicked by what is being done to the whole of society world wide. (Dr. Judy Mikovits recently said something to the effect that sufferers of ME have been in lockdown for 40 years!). In my opinion FC is only worth replying to if you think your point may be of help to another reader. But please don't allow him to upset you - we are all winning the argument, and there are thousands of eminent doctors, scientists, lawyers and journalists, all using their own names in spite of threats to their safety, fighting alongside us.

Hans Litten


This guy knew an awful lot about computing but didnt take the time or make the effort to look deeply into the murky world of vaccination :

Freddie its actually incredible how ego driven some people are about their own infallibilty.
Their false belief in how intelligent they are. Freddie you have been on here a longtime, so you have no excuse whatsoever. You know and can feel the palpable intelligence you are meeting here.
In a game of poker Freddie, if you cannot spot the fool at that table, then its You !
Vaccinocide is real Freddie and you are one of two things, either complicit or not up to speed.


The next day he tweeted his displeasure that the J&J and AstraZeneca shots had been halted due to fatal blood clots, expressing his belief that people would die as a result of the shots being halted, and that one was more likely to die by being struck from lightning than from a rare side effect from a COVID injection.

April 26, 2021
The New York Post is reporting that 42-year-old Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky has died shortly after receiving an experimental COVID injection.

Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky has died at the age of 42 — leaving his niece to battle speculation that he was killed by complications resulting from a recent COVID-19 vaccination.

The tech genius’s niece, Sarah, confirmed the news over the weekend, citing diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious diabetic complication, as a cause of death. At the same time, she sought to quash reports that Kaminsky’s passing was related to the coronavirus vaccine that Kaminsky tweeted about receiving on April 12.

“While his passing was sudden and unexpected for us, Dan struggled for years with diabetes and was even recently hospitalized because of it,” according to the niece, whose message was posted in a tweet on Sunday.

“I think Dan would laugh at the idea of conspiracy theorists promoting anti-vax propaganda through his death,” she added. “But as his family, it hurts us to see his death being used to spread lies about a vaccine that he had full faith in.”

Mr. Kaminsky’s tweets on Twitter prior to his death made it very obvious that he was “pro-vaccine” and pro-COVID shots.

He was proud to receive an experimental COVID shot in San Francisco from Kaiser Permanente on April 12, 2021.

The next day he tweeted his displeasure that the J&J and AstraZeneca shots had been halted due to fatal blood clots, expressing his belief that people would die as a result of the shots being halted, and that one was more likely to die by being struck from lightning than from a rare side effect from a COVID injection.

According to the NY Post:

Kaminsky is perhaps best known for his work on the Domain Name System, which is a database where internet domain names are located and translated into internet protocol addresses. In 2008, Kaminsky revealed a fundamental security flaw in the DNS at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, which led to widespread changes.

Kaminsky, who also worked as an adviser to a number of Fortune 500 companies on security, was so trusted for his skills that he was selected in 2010 as one of seven people who could “reboot the web” in the event of a catastrophic internet meltdown.

Less than two weeks after being injected with a COVID shot, he’s dead. His faith in the safety of the injection apparently did not save him.


I honestly didn't know where to place this link, but I think this is as good a place as any. I have been subscribed to Dr. Bossche's YouTube channel and just viewed what is apparently going to be his last statement on this Covid vaccine issue.

Have to say, I'm in tears at the moment.

I hope everyone will watch this (it's not too long - just around 45 mins.):


@ (Dr.) Fredrick Chopin

I don't use Google. I have found that those who post making assertions and NEVER back them up with links to the data are usually hired hands....
A medical doctor using the moniker "Frederick Chopin" questioning Dr. Fleming's credentials?
My list are all the previously asked questions you couldn't answer. Some expert you are!

BTW, did you get a card like this to PROVE you got the REAL Covid 19 vax?

I think Orac is calling for you to come home.

Frederic Chopin

Now you're gish galloping. Let's try to stick with one or 2 things at a time. But I will say the Fleming dude on YouTube is not exactly a role model for physicians. You should Google him.


@ (Dr.) Fredrick Chopin
"I'm not claiming the spike protein sheds after vaccination"

You have not refuted Dr. Palevsky's claims either. Just asserting it does not happen doesn't make it so.
"The "less than 1 case per 16 million" is referring to cases of paralysis (not seizures) reported after the Pfizer vaccine and is explained in the video you linked - you should watch it." (BTW, YOU DELIBERATELY MISCONSTRUED MY COMMENT. I was stating the known COMORBIDITY (epilepsy) and the fact that she had had Covid 19 and likely already had antibodies to it. These two conditions could have impact on the performance of the Covid 19 injection. She was not a healthy "normal" candidate.)

REALLY? Is that your answer to my questions?:
"Can any incident reported to VAERS be used as evidence to make a monetary claim for vaccine damages for either EUA's or in the "Taxable Vaccine" vaccine court?"

""Even one dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines produces lots of spike proteins."

So why do we need 2 doses - soon to be 3? And if it becomes a Taxable Vaccine, once a year?
At what spike protein load would one expect to see shedding? Please cite the studies."

"To use your argument, I don't see any evidence that you actually had the mRNA vax and not a saline placebo." What biological evidence do you have to prove that you had the real Covid 19 vaccine?

"Do you think Trump got the real deal? He would have already had immunity from his bout and recovery from Covid. He never did a public jab to promote it, even though Operation Warp Speed was created under his watch. As I recall, Trump wanted doctors and health care workers to be the first Guinea pigs. There was great protest, and many refused it "because Trump." It was Trump's personal doctor that got him the monoclonal antibody treatment while he was at the VA with Covid 19. Trump claimed that this is what saved him. Did his private doctor also administer his vaccine at the White House?"

"Even one dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines produces lots of spike proteins." Cite your source. How much is "lots"? Actually I find this worrisome. Where is the evidence that the body QUITS making these foreign synthetic proteins once the immune system discovers them?

"If I were an ACIP panelist, I would vote for the first listed option under slide "Policy options for Janssen Policy Recommendations":

" - Recommend against use for all persons."

See live streamed meeting now:
Live: Emergency meeting held to discuss Johnson & Johnson vaccine


"He seems to be questioning whether the mRNA vaccines actually code for SARS-COV-2 spike proteins, and why does he say the spike proteins generated are "synthetic"?"
Let this expert explain it to you. Two hours of this researcher's vast knowledge on SARScov2 and Covid 19. I promise you it is in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ0MYmKY8_U

Frederic Chopin

I'm not claiming the spike protein sheds after vaccination - Palevsky is You should read the transcript which is what this whole article is about.
The "less than 1 case per 16 million" is referring to cases of paralysis (not seizures) reported after the Pfizer vaccine and is explained in the video you linked - you should watch it.

Hans Litten


Frederick, dear chap, this is an interesting article, given the Gardasil vaccination came online in 2005
And the brilliant Gayle De Long analysis (criminally and fradulenting force retracted by Orac).
Orac of the cancer fraud criminal clinic (cancer diagnosises for the cash).

From 2009 through 2020, there were 6.6 million fewer births (-12.5%) in the US (regardless legal/illegal status of the parents) than the Census projected there would be, in both it's 2000 and 2008 projections. Given the flat childbearing female population, soaring average age at first marriage, and collapsing fertility rates, I'm projecting nearly 15 million fewer births (-30%) over the next decade than the '00/'08 Census projections.

and then there is this article :

Laura Hayes


Thank you for the link to the full piece...much appreciated.

Here is one from last week that is worth the watch, too:



@ (Dr.) Frederick Chopin

"Less than 1 case per 16 million Pfizer doses per VAERS"
Can any incident reported to VAERS be used as evidence to make a monetary claim for vaccine damages for either EUA's or in the "Taxable Vaccine" vaccine court?

If the incidence rate is high, it is always dismissed since VAERS has a disclaimer on the sight that the reporting is voluntary and not necessarily verified.
What is the paralysis incidence rate according to the Vaccine Safety Data Link used by the EIS? That's the real info. But they won't let us see that- unless you know the study exists and make a FOIA for it. But be ready to wait 10 years for a redacted copy. LOL!

BTW, how many with epilepsy AND a previous case of Covid 19 have taken a Covid 19 vaccine? THAT is your control group. NOT the entire group.

What is the current risk of Covid 19 DEATH for her sex and age group? The LIE is pretending there is equal risk for all individuals. The overwhelming risk group is 70+ with comorbidities. In my opinion, 40 and under should not be recommended for vaccination. Better that they get a mild version, recover and contribute to NATURAL herd immunity.


@ (Dr.) Frederick Chopin
"I have no idea what you’re trying to say here."

Is that because you went to medical school?
Why do you not cite your source when it CONTRADICTS THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA? Are you a pharma insider with access to secret statistics?

"Even one dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines produces lots of spike proteins."

So why do we need 2 doses - soon to be 3? And if it becomes a Taxable Vaccine, once a year?
At what spike protein load would one expect to see shedding? Please cite the studies.

Frederic Chopin

Less than 1 case per 16 million Pfizer doses per VAERS if you actually watch the video, no more than the background rate.


Epileptic female (looks under 40) who had had Covid 19 claims she became paralyzed after her Pfizer jab:


How many times can you say RARE?
MSM admits we have NO reliable tracking for adverse events, even though this is AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE. So on what basis is this event deemed to be RARE?


Laura You can find the full video here: https://odysee.com/@CriticallyThinking:3/Critically-Thinking-with-Dr.-T-and-Dr.-P---Episode-44:9

Frederic Chopin

50.4% of adults in the US (not everyone in the US) have received at least one dose of a SARS-COV-2 vaccine. About 4.6% of those were J&J. Even one dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines produces lots of spike proteins. I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.



"Half of US adults have been vaccinated so practically everyone is around the vaccinated."

"More than 40% of the U.S. population has received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, and 26% is fully vaccinated." https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/22/covid-19-cases-deaths-vaccinations-daily-update.html

If there is "shedding," one would think it would be from only the 26%. Which vaccines are these female mishaps linked to? How many of the "40%" were J&J one shot vaccines? The two 2 shot versions must be having slow sales. How many didn't go back for dose #2? Why?

Frederic Chopin

Palevsky isn't talking about shedding of SARS-COV-2 by vaccinated people, just the spike protein. You should read the transcript.


I think Grace is right in that the jury is still out. We just don't know everything about medicine. Nobody does.

For example, before 1997 they didn't know about prions...the Nobel was awarded to Prusiner in that year. His work is really cool.


Grace Green

So, if you catch a virus naturally from someone who has the disease that's a bad thing", but if you catch it from someone who's just been vaccinated that's "a good thing"? What a pity you pro-vaccine physicians couldn't see it the other way round, then we could have avoided all the deaths and misery caused directly by a totally unnecessary lockdown!

Frederic Chopin

The evidence presented here for mRNA shedding has been an illogical hypothesis from an anti vaccine pediatrician, and you're now adding anecdotes from a different anti vaccine website. I wish there WAS shedding so we could reach herd immunity numbers.

Grace Green

I hope the Eds. won't mind if I refer readers to the website "Health Impact News" where there are many anecdotal narratives of people suffering reproductive and menstrual cycle problems sometimes of a seriously alarming nature, following contact with a vaccinated person. "Chopin's" excuse that he has seen no evidence is because he hasn't been looking!


@ (Dr.) Frederick Chopin

If I were an ACIP panelist, I would vote for the first listed option under slide "Policy options for Janssen Policy Recommendations":

" - Recommend against use for all persons."

See live streamed meeting now:
Live: Emergency meeting held to discuss Johnson & Johnson vaccine

CHANGE MY MIND. (ACIP panelists didn't)

Frederic Chopin

Half of US adults have been vaccinated so practically everyone is around the vaccinated. It's pretty clear why he didn't go into his theory's details.


You told us before that you were some kind of paper pusher in the hospital? At least that was my impression from what you said you did.

At any rate; I sure hope this mRNA shedding is not true, but if it is found in the salvia it is possible?

I do wonder when Dr. Larry Palevsky says those around the vaccinated are also having miscarriages?
He did not go into details of what has happened.


@Frederick Chopin

Donald Trump: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘a Great Thing,’ but ‘Nobody Should Be Forced’ to Get It

"Trump confirmed he got his first shot in January before leaving the White House and his second shot in Florida.

“Not even a bit of arm soreness,” he said...."
"He said first lady Melania was also vaccinated."

Do you think Trump got the real deal? He would have already had immunity from his bout and recovery from Covid. He never did a public jab to promote it, even though Operation Warp Speed was created under his watch. As I recall, Trump wanted doctors and health care workers to be the first Guinea pigs. There was great protest, and many refused it "because Trump." It was Trump's personal doctor that got him the monoclonal antibody treatment while he was at the VA with Covid 19. Trump claimed that this is what saved him. Did his private doctor also administer his vaccine at the White House?

Hans Litten

Posted by: Frederic Chopin | April 23, 2021 at 08:14 AM

I don't think we agree on the definition of "legend".

Colon Boil, Destefano, Gerberding, Offit,Orac,Fauci, Hotez, Plotkin, Orenstein etc

Some think they are mass murderers , infamous, these names will go down in history.
Their pictures will be shown in books and their families villified ?
Alot of these chaps do not have secret NZ bunkers to run to. So I fear for them.

The Plandemic is their last throw of the dice ? And its going wrong isnt it ?
You should see the pictures being shared all over social media .
People are learning the absolute devastating power of vaccines which they had no idea was possible, J&J & AZ have already flat out failed . Pfizer & Moderna arent going to make it thru either,


@ Frederic Chopin

What's not to like about Dr. Palevsky?
COVID-19 EXPOSED PART 2 (free access, no sign in)

"I don't live in Poland or Mexico"
Oh, you don't need to. Remember the 80 caught in Taiwan for making fake Covid 19 saline vaccines? The article said they were shipped to different countries, and they didn't specify which brand they were labeled as. My theory is that there are many in high places who don't want the real deal, but they must appear to have taken it. Vaccine passport, no problem. Aren't there still ongoing clinical trials? Are they using saline placebos for those?

I guess you don't challenge, "Molecular mimicry between proteins is a well documented event.

If you want to fit in somewhere on a "vaccine" blog, I suggest David "Orac" Gorski's blog. Or do you already share "intel" there?

Frederic Chopin

I don't think we agree on the definition of "legend".
I got the Moderna vaccine not Pfizer. And I don't live in Poland or Mexico. And I am a medical doctor and am embarrassed people like Palevsky have medical licenses.

Hans Litten

Freddie, what are your thoughts on those big names who are ringing the mass vaccinocide alarm bells ?
Quotes go smthg like this "everyone vaccinated will certainly be gone within 3 years".
I dont know about you but it makes my blood run cold. Sleepless nights bigtime.
And I am not even vaccinated.
God knows how worried those that have succumbed to the "hard sell" must be ?
You know we all wish you well. And your family. I think you are ripe for conversion.

They are going into India bigtime with this. 1.4bn people.
Apparently the plandemic is raging out of control today , source the BBC

TTAC is running again right now (better than ever).
Ty Bollinger & wife Charlene, legends.
Hang Sin Lee legend
Mikovits legend
Tennpenny legend

So many heroes!

Michael S.

Many people have speculated prior to this of extremely serious effects of the RnA vaccine shedding. It has a major potential health impact to mankind, to put it bluntly. No wonder Mr. Chopin made an appearance on this thread - It sort of validates the seriousness of this topic.

Is there a monitor program in place yet? How long after the shot(s) will the person be at a maximum shedding level? How long after shedding is it contagious? These are really important questions that need to be addressed very soon.


@Frederic Chopin

"This fellow" is a medical doctor.
You said, "I haven’t seen any evidence the vaccines shed mRNA "
Are you a medical doctor? Exactly where have you been looking for evidence? What would that evidence look like?

The theory is plausible:

Molecular mimicry: Structural camouflage of proteins and nucleic acids

"Molecular mimicry between proteins is a well documented event, where bacteria, viruses or parasites evade the immune response, agonists and antagonists bind to receptors, or when an autoimmune response is initiated because a pathogen shares sequence similarities with native proteins,."

To use your argument, I don't see any evidence that you actually had the mRNA vax and not a saline placebo.

'Pfizer has identified counterfeit versions of its COVID-19 vaccine in Mexico and Poland,' company said


I was watching the TV when it landed and he stepped out.
He said one large step for a man, a small step for mankind. He got it all messed up and at the time I did not blame him. After all he just stepped on the moon!!!!

Do I get the money?

Donna L.

Are you trying to imply that a manufactured 'vaccine' for a manufactured virus, injected into the body through a manufactured syringe, suddenly -- presto change-o -- becomes 100% all natural once it's inside the human body?

angus files

Great read and watch thanks Laura and Dr. Palevsky.

Carry on regardless!!!

AstraZeneca vaccine: Reports of blood clots double in weeks –but 'benefits outweigh risks'
REPORTS of blood clots from the AstraZeneca jab have doubled in two weeks, new data has revealed.

The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency's (MHRA) weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting revealed reports of rare blood clot cases increased from 79 to 168 and deaths from 19 by April 5th to 32 by April 14th. Of the reports of 168 cases, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST or blood clots in the brain) was reported in 77 cases, and 91 cases had other major thromboembolic events with concurrent thrombocytopenia.

The reporting revealed of the CVST cases, the average age of a person getting a clot was 47 whilst for the other major thromboembolic events the average age is 55.

Overall, rare blood clots occurred in 93 women and 75 men aged between 18 and 93 and one case was reported after a second dose of the vaccine, the regulator said



Pharma For Prison


Frederic Chopin

Yeah I haven’t seen any evidence the vaccines shed mRNA despite this fellow’s hypothesis.


Senator Rand Paul mentioned an interesting misdirection of Autism research money when pointing out the many ways the National Science Foundation (NSF) wastes money. $700,000 for Autism research got sub-granted, to a study for to to decide whether Neil Armstrong said “A small step for man” or “A small step for a man”. https://youtu.be/75f1kDR3pmQ?t=73

[Uhm and drat. My spell checker doesn’t seem to recognises many of the words in what was to be, my next paragraph, so my thoughts about the NSF will have to remain un-posted]


Senator Rand Paul mentioned an interesting misdirection of Autism research money when pointing out the many ways the National Science Foundation (NSF) wastes money. $700,000 for Autism research got sub-granted, to a study for to to decide whether Neil Armstrong said “A small step for man” or “A small step for a man”. https://youtu.be/75f1kDR3pmQ?t=73

[Uhm and drat. My spell checker doesn’t seem to recognises many of the words in what was to be, my next paragraph, so my thoughts about the NSF will have to remain un-posted]


Bob; I am buying into the theory that Fascism, eugenics, population reduction is upon us again.


Geesh Can't even be around some one that is vaccinated cause they are shedding this mRNA.

as in;

"And now what we are seeing is women who are around others who have been injected are having the same experience, which has to raise the suspicion that not only does that messenger RNA make the body produce spike protein on an ongoing basis, but that spike protein is probably shedding out of the breath, the saliva, the skin, and who knows where else in the body it is being shed from."

Bob Moffit

Just curious … an item from today's NY Post .. "OK when pregnant, CDC says"

A federal study boosted evidence for pregnant women to get Covid-19 vaccine.
"...more than 4,000 pregnant women who received either the Moderna or Pfizer
vaccines between December and February and enrolled in a vaccine-safety registry.

Of the women in the registry, about 13% (412) reported miscarriages, 9% (390) premature
births, 2% birth defects and less than 1% still births"
Admittedly math has always been a mystery to me .. but .. by my uncertain calculation
this study found approximately 25% .. 1 in 4 … of 1000 pregnant women suffered serious birth complication after being vaccinated. Is it just me .. or does that sound SAFE to
you? Indeed … was there a control group of pregnant women who were not vaccinated compared
to the group that were? If so .. how did the control group compare?

In addition … hopefully … monitoring of the "vaxxed" children will continue for at least
a full year to ascertain if they suffer an increased risk of SIDS …



Codes of the Covid 19 spike.

Well if it does, will the body mistake it for some things in the reproduction organs, or geesh any organ including the brain.

He also is talking about contamination too though.

This is mighty small stuff that they were working on. Every vaccine has stuffed in "stuff" that they did not intend. No matter how clean, or meticulous

Contaminations of vaccines examples are plenty.

Like: Peanut allergy book talked about emulsifying oils put in vaccines and other medicine, but always some oils did not get emulsified; those whole proteins made the body develop a severe allergy to things like peanuts or cotton oil.

Best example was Of course Sabin's polio vaccine that had that really slow growing microbe that grew after the allotted time they had it set it up to see what would grow. SV 40 (monkey virus 40) named 40 cause there were 39 others before it was found.

Suspected too is Koprowski working over in Africa on his polio virus and that whole big book "The River" written by Hooper saying that Koprowski experimented with apes and infected the native people of that area with a monkey virus - that well was AIDS. That started the African AIDS epidemic.

Which takes me back some30 years ago to a rather strange part of a Documentary on KET about AIDS . They were interviewing all the CDC biggies, and strangely they discussed for a while about how Hep B was rampant in the gay community from them having sex in such filthy places; so they were doing a vaccine campaign with the "NEW" Hep B vaccine and then and only then did they start in talking about how AIDS, was spread by this beautiful, handsome, sexy air plane steward having sex all over the United States and spreading it all over the United States to gay guys. Sometimes if you listen carefully, and long enough to people; they will tell you ; of their sins.

And TB is an interesting microbe that grows mighty slow. Research has shown that TB is probably making bio weapons. They are Little pieces of protein that - basically are working like prions (mRNA) yeah, like mRNA in lipid sheaths. It may not be the only one that does this. On a side note, did you know that a person never gets rid of TB once it gets inside your lungs? That the antibiotic only allows our body to encapsulate it, and then it just sits there, hoping that some day it will escape it prison. I wonder if it can still releases bio weapons mRNA/prions?

AND --- Judy Mikovits made a very good case about Ebola virus being very likely a vaccine contamination of monkey viruses. I think she is right.

There are a bunch of people working on nature that has more secrets that are more complex than a web of life in a rain forest. No big deal really; except they are injected huge populations with this stuff that is way beyond human understanding. At least at this time.

Frederic Chopin

He seems to be questioning whether the mRNA vaccines actually code for SARS-COV-2 spike proteins, and why does he say the spike proteins generated are "synthetic"?

Laura Hayes

With regard to the additional link of Dr. Palevsky, which I posted below in an earlier comment, he states what I often state...which pertains to every vaccine on the market...and which also pertains to the new "Covid" injections:

We do not know what all is in the vials being injected into people.

And that is because we (including those who administer them) are not told, and the manufacturers are not required to be forthright and honest.

Below is an excerpt from my 2018 "Why Is This Legal?" presentation, which can be read or watched in full here on AoA: https://www.ageofautism.com/2018/11/why-is-this-legal-presentation-on-vaccines-by-laura-hayes.html

"Why is it legal to inject ingredients that are not required to be disclosed on vaccine package insert ingredients lists, under the guise of “trade secrets”/“intellectual property”, or when deemed by the profiting pharmaceutical company to be “inactive” or “generally recognized as safe”? Yes, you heard that correctly. The FDA permits vaccine makers to self-certify that vaccine ingredients are inactive or safe, without having to submit any documentation, and they can claim that other undisclosed ingredients are protected under the categories of trade secrets and intellectual property. Undisclosed ingredients being injected into our children? Unacceptable, unethical, and inexcusably dangerous. Why is this legal?"

Laura Hayes


You ask an excellent question...how long will those receiving the "Covid" injections be shedding?

Reminds me of this section from my 2016 "Vaccines: What Is There to Be 'Pro' About?" presentation, which can be read or watched in full here on AoA: https://www.ageofautism.com/2016/12/vaccines-what-is-there-to-be-pro-about-laura-hayes-to-weston-a-price-foundation-conference.html

"If vaccines are safe and effective, why do those who have received live-virus vaccines, such as the chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, shingles, nasal flu, rotavirus, yellow fever, and possibly other vaccines, shed and spread the diseases for which they were vaccinated to others, for up to 6 weeks, perhaps for much longer? And since viral shedding by vaccine recipients of live-virus vaccines is a known and documented fact, why then are recipients of live-virus vaccines not required to self-quarantine, at home, until blood, saliva, and urine tests conclusively confirm that they are no longer capable of shedding and spreading the diseases for which they were vaccinated?"


So then for how long do we need to avoid the vaxxed while this mark of the beast - sorry, spike protein shedding - is going on? A month? Six months? A year? For the rest of their lives?

Since some of these virtue signalers claim to be so concerned with doing their part for “the greater good”, I propose that these guinea pigs prove their virtue by now quarantining themselves indefinitely. It’s the least they can do of course for the good of society, right?

As for my family, we’ll stay in the unvaxxed “control group”. As well as pray for the courage of the early Christian martyrs ...

Laura Hayes

More from Dr. Larry Palevsky:


Please listen and share!

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