No Means No Even with an Experimental Pandemic Jab
Below is s an extremely important article from Children's Health Defense. How many friends and family have told you they "had" to get the Covid jab to "keep their job." The jabs are experimental, and recipients are clinical trial participants. Their use is for emergency purposes during a pandemic, they are not FDA approved. They were made faster and more "successfully" than any previous vaccines, even during the H1N1 flu pandemic, for which the vaccines were a catastrophe. No means no. We should not have to submit to a medical procedure to make another person feel "safer or better. Haste makes waste. Measure twice cut once. Vaccinate in haste, repent in leisure.
Employees of the second-largest school district in the U.S. filed suit last week to prevent the district from mandating COVID-19 vaccines as a condition of employment.
California Educators for Medical Freedom, with assistance from the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), filed a federal lawsuit March 17 against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
In a press release, HFDF said LAUSD’s vaccine mandate violates federal law and basic human rights by requiring employees to take an experimental vaccine in order to remain employed.
All COVID vaccines available in the U.S. — Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — are approved under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). By the FDA’s own definition, that makes the vaccines “experimental” until or unless the FDA licenses them.
School employees alleged in their complaint that the statute granting the FDA power to authorize a medical product for emergency use, 21 U.S.C. § Section 360bbb-3, requires that the person being administered the unapproved product be advised of the benefits and risks, and of his or her right to refuse the product.
The FDA issued a Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers and a Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers for each of the three vaccines approved for emergency use. The fact sheets state, among other things, that a provider must communicate information to the recipient prior to administering the vaccine — including that the recipient has the option to accept or refuse the vaccine. Read more at The Defender.
On the documentary "Focus on Fauci" in the end Robert Kennedy Jr informs us all that there is not way to touch Fauci. He is above the law, and in the public position, with way too much power to be fired.
Onward to this past week.
Sharyl Attkisson has always been on our side. She has done segment upon segment about vaccine injuires. She alone says that vaccine injury archives on the internet have been deleted and shut down. She had kept informed and appalled about the whole subject.
So six or seven or eight years ago, she discovers some one is in control of her computer at home. Spying on her.
You all know the story, right? She has never let it go.
She found recently that it was the FBI, that it was Rod Jay Rosenstein, and guess what??????
She can't sue him either. Another federal employee above the law.
Posted by: benedetta | March 24, 2021 at 05:54 PM
Love this!!!
No means no
A lot of our kids have had car accident injuries!!!!
A ton of the population
We are not doing it again to ourselves or our children
We see too many injured!!!
Posted by: Patrick | March 23, 2021 at 08:30 PM