Pfizer, Moderna et al Covid Products are Medical Devices Not "Vaccines"
Letter to the NYT Editor After RFK Jrs Niece Gets Platform Denied to Him

Khamenei Don't Like It. Vax the Casbah!

KhameneiAmerica has had quite a week.


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has prohibited the import of any Covid vaccines from the US and UK, questioning their efficacy and suggesting developers might be willing to “test” their drugs on foreign nations.

The announcement came in a televised speech on Friday, with the Supreme Leader going as far as to suggest that London and Washington might be seeking to “contaminate” other countries with their anti-coronavirus solutions.

Imports of US and British vaccines into the country are forbidden ... They’re completely untrustworthy. It’s not unlikely they would want to contaminate other nations.

Khamenei did not miss the opportunity to take further swipes at Iran’s arch-rival, stating that the soaring numbers of coronavirus infections in the US are the best proof why its medical products should not be trusted.  Read more here at RT News.


Gary Ogden

Benedetta: Devin Nunes is actually a Congress critter rather than a senator. My district. He's a good one, with a lovely family. When he was chair of the Intelligence Committee (now Ranking Member), they uncovered the roots of the Russian Collusion Hoax weaponizing the intelligence apparatus to try to destroy Trump, and made six criminal referrals to DOJ, who swept them under the carpet. The ringleader was Barack Obama, who began the process before he left office. Read "The Plot against the President," by Lee Smith, for the details. I voted for Obama twice. Never again will I vote for anyone lacking in character. The only Democrat I can think of worth voting for for president is Tulsi Gabbard, and the only Republican Kentucky's own Rep. Thomas Massie.


Life has really turned upside down in the US if Russian Television is the source of trustworthy news.
And yet...


I saw Senator Nunes this morning on a morning show. He represents California's 22nd congressional district, which is located in the San Joaquin Valley. I love his office background. He has tons of green John Deere tractor collection.

He said that there was some new report and information in about the Wuhan lab that they will all be meeting about.
How much can really be done about it all?
I don't know.
But Fauci is head of allergy and infectious diseases, -- Allergy and he has failed really horrible if you think just alone about diabetes, let alone MS.

David Martin said that the federal government gave Fauci at the very beginning 191 billion -- with a B to help in the HIV research in under three years, in the beginning. That he held back then -information on medicines that could relieve some of the suffering that was known to work. Not a cure, nothing seems to cure it.


Cia; Your link talks about cases, but not the deaths. Although serious cases there were full hospitals for a time. - but how are they now? I read and skipped a lot. I have become too tired to read in depth like I use to do. My attention span is terrible. Sorry.

Anyway; what ever form that the Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamene announced this from has been banned.

Cia have you been able to watch "Focus on Fauci" with Robert Kennedy Jr, David Martin, and Judy M.

I think it is worth your time. See it before it goes down maybe.



Here’s a link to the Graeme Wood article:

I don’t know how much of the population has had Covid.


I bet the Iranian and Chinese made vaccine is more effective. Many countries possibly Iran use non profits and government owned agencies to Make and Distribute the vaccine.



It was unimaginably, indescribably bad. It is believed that hundreds of thousands died in Iran of it. Graeme Wood had a really interesting article in The Atlantic in March on how estimates of mortality could be made based on verifiable sources independent of government announcements.


Iran all came down with covid right at the very beginning of it's spread. SO, they now have herd immunity and no need for a vaccine.

Does anyone know how they faired with the covid? How many died at that time; I mean was it bad, or not too bad?

Gary Ogden

Gerardo Martinez: Indeed. The Emergency Use Authorization these vaccines received requires that there be no other effective treatment available. But there are at least three which I know of. So the entire basis of their use is a fraud. A FRAUD. The swamp gets deeper and murkier.

Science is pure.

Rarely can a man have had such little idea how right he is.

This is a more appropriate song to give him the recognition he deserves:

Gerardo Martinez

Good Morning to all! Never thought I would say this, but Ayatollah Ali Khamenei- You ROCK!!!! Way to go and God Bless you!! Spineless Western Leaders$$$, PLEASE take note, this is a dangerous Vaccine. There are effective medical treatments for COVID 19. We are being played. Free people of the world keep up the good fight!
Blessings to all!

angus files

He`s right we are censored we have just been living with it for so long you get used to it.If they can wipe the sitting President of America Trump from open speech and his lawyers and anyone reposting anything Trump, we are living in the Age Of Censorship.

Just been switching over to Mojeek search engine no Google.

Pharma For Prison


Jenny Allan

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has voiced what many of us in the 'Western world' are censored from saying, in the mainstream press & media and social internet forums. However, the Ayatollah, might be mistaken if he fondly imagines the Russian Sputnik Vaccine, (very similar to the AstraZeneca/ Oxford Covid-19 vaccine), will be any more effective or potentially less harmful than the others, developed in the US, UK and Europe.

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