The Human Error Factor Begins: 500 Moderna Vaccines Discarded
Happy New Year 2021

New Year's Eve Autism Style

New year babyHappy New Year's Eve. 2020 can't leave soon enough, though to be honest, I am a bit worried that 2021 could bring even more topsy turvies, and that's saying something. What are your plans for tonight? A bit of bubbly? Watch the ball drop in an empty Times Square? As upside down and inside out as this year has been,  my three beautiful daughters with autism have kept me grounded and firmly tethered to so many of our routines. How about you? We've seen the memes and heard the jokes about autism preparing us all for lock down mode. It's true.  Many of us have spent years and years staying home, altering plans, not visiting family, saying "no" to party invitations and trips here or there because of our kids needs. We're used to sacrifice. We live it. It's part of our love for our children, from tot to teen to twenty and beyond.

In our home, the calendar is a very big deal. One of my daughters is all about the day and date and the countdown to the end of the month.  December 31st is the granddaddy of countdowns - month and YEAR! Let's talk screen time. Is this a dream come true for our kids? We might as well look for the bright side.

I'd like to thank the teachers and day programming staff who have worked so hard to keep my daughters' lives somewhat on track. We're lucky to have a snug little house with good food, better desserts and more noise than most could imagine. Someone one said that my daughters bring "joy and chaos," and while I knew it was not a compliment, I get it.  I'll walk into 2021 with my eyes and ears open. Hopeful as ever, watchful and yes, doubtful too.

Happy New Year, friends and AofA family.



@ Bennedetta

Here's a BOMBSHELL way to exit 2020. You might want to rethink some of your previous comments:

Lin Wood Tweets re Supreme Court Justice Roberts, from today, December 31, 2020:

"My information from reliable source is that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein.

I think we can all agree that Epstein knows pedophilia.

If only Jeffrey Epstein was still alive . . .

Wouldn’t that be something?

Lin Wood
A couple of more questions for Chief Justice John Roberts:

(1) You are recorded discussing Justice Scalia’s successor before date of his sudden death. How did you know Scalia was going to die?

(2) Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee?

A bit more on CJ John Roberts.

I have publicly accused him & Justice Breyer of being profane anti-Trumpers.

I have linked Roberts to illegal adoption, Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia & prior knowledge of Scalia’s death.

Did Roberts skip class on defamation?

Maybe not . . .

I am fully aware of the onslaught of attacks being made against me based on my revelations about Chief Justice John Roberts. Before attacking me, maybe fair-minded people would first ask Roberts to tell the truth.

Or ask Jeffrey Epstein. He is alive."

I never believed Jeffrey was dead.

John Stone

Happy New Year Everyone!

susan welch

Just a quick post to wish everyone at AoA a peaceful and happy new year. Also, may 2021 be the year that mainstream media have absolutely no choice but to report the truth.

We can dream................


Bob Moffit, thanks for the Australia tip.
Happy New Year!


One of my Russian friends posted a card:


That's how I feel.
Happy New Year to all of you at AoA!


Happy New Year!!!

Bob Moffit

At my advanced age staying up to watch ball drop at midnight is a long gone tradition .. so I now celebrate at 12 noon when the ball drops in Australia … this year the 12 hour early good by to 2020 will be especially worth celebrating EARLY .. in my opinion .. 2020 cannot end quickly enough for me.

Maurine Meleck

Happy New Year. Love your post. Maurine

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