Facebook To Ban False Covid Claims: Define False
Remember the Van's sneaker photo that swept the world a couple of years ago? Is the sneaker green or pink? Some folks absolutely saw a green sneaker. Others definitely saw a pink sneaker. Because we are all different. We don't see everything exactly the same way. So what's FALSE information about a Covid vaccine and who makes that designation?
By the way, I tried to set up a fundraiser on Facebook for Giving Tuesday - with a match from Facebook. Age of Autism, an IRS designated non-profit, was removed from Facebooks list of chooseable charities.
Back in the day - late 80s when I knew that I had been lied to about vaccines, and I had damaged my kids -- yeah I was censored. Every one around me gas - lighted me, that I did not see what I saw.
Such things fester, and grow inside by the way. Censorship makes a person sick at heart and as time goes by much more fierce than if they had talked it out.
That is my thoughts on this whole censor stuff.
The truth either way will come out in the end, sooner, and much more gently if talked out. But if censored, when it comes forth, it comes out like an explosion of angry .
Posted by: Benedetta | December 04, 2020 at 11:06 AM
Look into the "founders" of Facebook and Google. Where are they from? What is their allegiance?
I have never used Facebook and I quit using Google as my search engine several years ago.
Posted by: Emmaphiladelphia | December 04, 2020 at 10:43 AM
Falsebook or is it Phalsebook. A Ph too far?
Posted by: michael | December 04, 2020 at 09:41 AM
We have become Orwell's "Animal Farm" … where all information is equal .. except some information is more equal than other … isn't it great to be Animal Farmer Mr Jones of Manor Farm .. now recognized as Mr Zuckerberg of Facebook Farm?
Posted by: Bob Moffit | December 04, 2020 at 08:39 AM