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Simon & Schuster Presents "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom" by Professor Christopher Exley

Imagine-you-are-an-aluminum-atom-9781510762534_lgWe are so pleased to see that publishing giant Simon & Schuster has announced Christopher Exley's book "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom!"  Please click here and pre-order a copy from your favorite bookseller.  If you use Amazon, consider marking Age of Autism as your SMILE charity. Thank you.

From S&S:

Join "Mr. Aluminum," a scientist who has made the study of aluminum his life's work, on a journey of discovery, reflection, and the science of aluminum.

Professor Christopher Exley is a firm believer that science is only useful when it is properly communicated. Scientific papers are difficult vehicles for the wider communication of science and thus he has always endeavored to tell the story of his scientific research as widely as possible through myriad blogs, presentations, and interviews. Through a series of easy-reading entries written for non-scientists, Exley will educate readers about his lifelong scientific passion: aluminum. In scientific circles, aluminum—in relation to human health specifically—has gone the way of the dinosaurs (though, unlike dinosaurs, there has not yet been a popular revival!). Yet aluminum is also the greatest untold story of science.

But why do we all need to know a little bit more about aluminum? Do we need a self-help guide for living in what Exley has coined "The Aluminum Age"? What is it about aluminum that makes it different? What about iron, copper, or any of the so-called "heavy metals," like mercury, cadmium, or lead? Why must we pay particular attention to aluminum? Because its bio-geochemistry, its natural history, raises two red flags immediately and simultaneously.

These two danger signals are easily missed by all of us and easily dismissed by those whose interests are conflicted by aluminum’s omnipresence in human life and consequently, are purposely blind to its danger signals. First, aluminum, in all of its myriad forms, is super abundant; it is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) of the Earth’s crust. Second, aluminum is super reactive; it is both chemically and biologically reactive. However, these two red flags identify a paradox, as the abundant and biologically reactive aluminum has no biological function either in any organism today nor in any extinct biota from the evolutionary past. This means in practical terms that when we encounter aluminum in our everyday lives, our bodies only see aluminum as an impostor, something foreign, and something for which we have not been prepared through biochemical evolution. This in turn means that all of our encounters with aluminium are adventitious, random, and chaotic. And potentially dangerous.

Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With "Mr. Aluminum" examines the science of aluminum and human health and makes them understandable to all. Within the science you will find personal recollections of events, as well as opinions and reflections upon how the politics of aluminum have influenced and interfered with doing and reporting the science. It is at once both a personal recollection of Exley's life in aluminum research and a guide on the dangers of the constant exposure to aluminum we as humans face during this "Aluminum Age." It will inform, it will provide the means to question the science, and it will, if the reader is prepared to participate, answer those frequently asked questions on aluminum and human health.


Grace Green

Angus - absolutely!

Angus Files

Grace thank you,lost my faith with the heed un`s in the SNP needs a clear out and a return of Salmond.

Could be a sixpence in an orange for many this year and if your lucky the slice of Christmas cake with the sixpence in it-much prefer the book though.Pretty please Santa can I have the book..(hope shes watching) ho ho ho!

Pharma For Prison


Grace Green

You could be in luck, as Queen Nicola has declared that Santa is a key worker and will be able to deliver everyone's presents. She didn't say how parents would explain to their children that they couldn't afford to pay Santa because of loosing their jobs.


I look forward to reading his book. I have great respect for his work and ethics.

elaine dow

I wonder if the aluminum is the cause of the language delay, which is rising, movement disorders (gait), I know of so many having MS now. When I was young, I knew one person with MS, she was the longest living person with it in the State of Maryland. My cousin has it and lives in a copper mining town, Butte, Montana. I know if Crohn's is left unchecked, it can co-incide with MS or arthritis.

Hans Litten

One of the worlds greatest scientists ever. Saluting Professor Exley


I do no longer wonder why cream cheese is kept inside an aluminum wrapper. It has to be aluminum, not paper, or plastic.

Angus Files

A book I look forward to reading when Santa gets my list from up the chimney..never thought of being an atom interesting I guess humans were all like atoms coming together and making things,making things happen, as one were nothing but together were something else..

Thanks Professor Exley

Pharma For Prison


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