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Karen Kain Continues to Fight for Vaccine Safety After Her Daughter's Death

LorrinKaren Kain's daughter Lorrin was severely injured by a routine childhoo vaccination. She died at age 15. Her mother is a powerful force in the vaccine community. Or should we say, the growing vaccine safety community? Below, she speaks out about the COVID vaccine and the PREP act which removes product liability during a pandemic.


Author: Rebecca Lindstrom
Published: 7:58 PM EDT October 8, 2020
11 Alive

ATLANTA — To build confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine, manufacturers have taken the highly unusual step of sharing their testing methods and pledged to keep politics out of the process. But the federal government is accused of doing the opposite, eroding public trust at a time when it’s needed most.

At issue, is how the government will handle adverse reactions or injuries associated with the vaccine. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plans to use the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

It was created to cover damage caused by treatments for pandemics and security threats such as H1N1 and Ebola. In the past decade, 446 people filed claims, 39 were approved, but only 29 received compensation. That’s because HHS says the other 10 didn’t have any medical expenses to reimburse. In all, $5.7 million has been paid out to vaccine injured through the program.

CICP is considered a compensation program of last resort. It only pays the medical costs or lost wages that were not covered by any other program and it does not pay anything for pain and suffering.

“It is an administrative program controlled strictly by the secretary,” attorney Mike Milmoe explained.  Read more and see video at 11 Alive, Atlanta, Georgia.


Gail Honadle

RFK JR IS RIGHT! He was shamed, smeared because he upset the Progressive and Pharma Apple Cart. Many meds KILL. Cause secondary illnesses that are life long. Some treatments do great damage. Put 3 holes in a ear drum along with steroids' that kill the hearing hairs, you become hard of hearing or Deaf. As a once hearing/speaking adult there are no programs to help you cope or function.


"This program covers injuries associated with any vaccine that has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the routine administration to children or pregnant women and is subject to the 75-cent tax, the funding mechanism for the program."

This statement is amazing for an "in the tank for CDC" Channel 11. Never have I seen them volunteer this detailed info from the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Are they reading AOA?

So heart-wrenching to see what the vaccine did to Karen's daughter Lorrin. I am also amazed that 11 Alive allowed their story on the air. I am at least thankful for a few signs of progress in getting our message out. Thank you Karen for fighting the good fight!


The MSM constantly vilifies Putin and Russia.

But a little news clip you may have missed it that Russia has flatly states that they will NOT indemnify themselves for their human adenovirus vector Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine.

Whoa. Looks like ol' Vladimir is putting his rubles where his mouth is.

Countries the world over are clamoring for the Russian vaccine, because it is a well-tested HUMAN vaccine on a decades old platform. Duterte of the Philippines wants it on a trial.

Why? Why? Oh yeah, billions at stake for Big Pharma that INSISTS on total indemnity.

Better get your plane tickets to Moscow before it's too late....

Angus Files

Thank you Karn and Lorrin for bringing light to this that the pharma gov puppets would prefer to keep in the dark.Lorrin your a star now looking over us ALL, god bless you honey.

Pharma For Prison


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