The role of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines raises issues that deserve independent, rigorous and honest science
The Special Education Witches of the Rio Grande Valley

IACC is to Autism as "X" is to COVID

Not give a shit
Note: Here's a report from Safeminds on IACC, which my Dad, would have said "Is as useful as the sleeves on a vest."  Safeminds is far kinder than I am. They use the word "sluggish," while I would say, "willfully constipated because they don't give a sh*t."  Kim


IACC Releases Autism Strategic Plan Update 10 Months Late

Top Federal Autism Committee Hasn’t Met for Over a Year

On August 11, the Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC) of the National Institute of Mental Health announced the release of its 2018-2019 Update to the IACC Strategic Plan For Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, or IACC, is the primary advisory body designated by Congress to address activities related to autism by the Federal Government. It was reauthorized and funded under the Autism CARES Act passed in 2019 and is charged with drafting and updating the autism strategic plan each year.

The 2018-2019 Strategic Plan contains valuable updates to the previous Strategic Plan of 2016-2017, including the need to double the research budget, treat co-occurring mental and physical health conditions, and address racial disparities and housing options. Unfortunately, the updated Plan is almost a year late in being released. The previous plan for 2016-2017 had a publication date of October 2017, while the new report is only now coming out in August 2020, representing a 10 month delay. Strategic Plans are meant to guide future planning and resource allocation, so a delay means the Government has been directionless in prioritizing its autism activities for 2020.

Adding to the sluggishness of the Federal response to autism, the IACC itself has not convened since July of last year, even though it is Congressionally mandated to meet at least twice a year. Historically, it has met quarterly.  Read more here.


go Trump

Seems Goodyear took a bit of a hit this week with a few simple comments by the President.

One could only imagine what the President could do with a Press Conference with Dr. Thompson and a few others in regards to the vaccine industry. I would guess he has not changed his mind on many vaccine issues, and will not be taking a CV19 vaccine.

Sadly vaccine issues have not been a first term issue, but I would think the ship will hit the fan before he leaves office, whenever that may be.

Angus Files

Looking to keep the bad news back for as long as possible and not problem solve but cause obstacles for anyone looking for the truth as us truth seekers on here know so well. The flip side to this positioning is that the Autism news is even worse now than then.

Liability for vaccines to companies who make them would sort out the Pharma constipation over night.

Pharma For Prison


Bob Moffit

"The 2018-2019 Strategic Plan contains valuable updates to the previous Strategic Plan of 2016-2017, including the need to double the research budget, treat co-occurring mental and physical health conditions, and address racial disparities and housing options"

Surely the IACC "addressing racial disparities" … has included the criminal allegations of Dr William Thompson of the CDC … wherein Dr Thompson describes the deliberate destruction of critical research indicating the RISK OF AUTISM is much higher within Black children???

If Dr Thompson's allegations … for which I understand he has ample evidence of … are proven true .. the highest levels of the CDC should be PROSECUTED FOR CRIMINAL DESTRUCTION OF CRITICAL RESEARCH that was funded by US government .. specifically we the PEOPLE .. who are now raising a generation of children where 1 in 35 CHILDREN ARE DIAGNOSED AUTISTIC.

If as I suspect … the IACC has yet to pursue Dr Thompson's serious .. criminal .. allegations it would be a CRIME ITSELF .. and entire IACC board should RESIGN for DERELECTION OF THEIR SWORN DUTIES.

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