Madagascar President Accuses WHO of Bribery to Stall COVID-19 Treatment
Moderna Failed to Bring a Single Product to Market in 10 Years; Until Covid

WHO Preaches that the Vaxssiah Will Save Us All

Red white blue vaccineNote: Hi, readers. What do you think of the word, vaxssiah? It occurred to me the other day when I listened to A/NBCBS News (all the news reports blend into one voice) saying over and over that when we have a vaccine, all will be OK. "Wait until there's a vaccine" is now a mantra, a Rosary prayer, the Amidah fervently lulling many to get through another day of quarantine.  Yes. Yes. The Vaxssiah will come down from heaven and rescue us. And those who refuse to accept the Vaxssiah will be heretics destined for hell. On earth....   Hush little Americans, hush now. Mamma will tuck us into a soft, feather bed with a glass of warm milk fresh from Bessie the cow.  Or maybe Kool-aid. Kim


By Anne Dachel

The World Health Organization is out to scare everyone. The shutdown may never end and our only hope is for a vaccine for everyone.

Here is news coverage over the last several days that should have everyone concerned.

WHO's chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, warned that it “could take four to five years to get COVID-19 under control.” 

We have ‘one great hope’ for mankind to fight a virus that ‘may never go away,’ accord to the executive director of WHO Dr. Michael Ryan and that is ‘A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE VACCINE’ for every person on the planet. (Notice that the word SAFE wasn’t included in his dire warning.)

Dr. Ryan: It’s going to be “a long, long time” before we can return to normal. The risks are “still high” everywhere. It’s “public health disaster followed by economic disaster followed by public health disaster.”

COVID 19 could become “just another endemic virus.”

Ryan: “We do have one great hope. If we do find a highly effective vaccine that we can distribute to everyone that needs it in the world we may have a shot at eliminating this virus.

“That vaccine will have to be highly effective, it will have to be made available to everyone and we will have to use it.

Look at how U.S. News and Business Insider cover Dr. Ryan’s remarks. Notice that Business Insider makes “anti-vaxxers” into villains.

May 13, 2020, U.S. News: 'This Virus May Never Go Away,' WHO Says

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could become endemic like HIV, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday, warning against any attempt to predict how long it would keep circulating and calling for a "massive effort" to counter it.

"It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away," WHO emergencies expert Mike Ryan told an online briefing.

"I think it is important we are realistic and I don't think anyone can predict when this disease will disappear," he added. "I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates. This disease may settle into a long problem, or it may not be."

However, he said the world had some control over how it coped with the disease, although this would take a "massive effort" even if a vaccine was found -- a prospect he described as a "massive moonshot". …

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added: "The trajectory is in our hands, and it's everybody's business, and we should all contribute to stop this pandemic."

Ryan said "very significant control" of the virus was required in order to lower the assessment of risk, which he said remained high at the "national, regional and global levels". …

"We need to get into the mindset that it is going to take some time to come out of this pandemic," WHO epidemiologist Maria van Kerkhove told the briefing.

May 13, 2020, Business Insider: WHO: The coronavirus 'may never go away' if clusters of anti-vaxxers oppose a vaccine

  • The World Health Organization on Wednesday said no one "can predict when or if this disease will disappear," but said that a vaccine against the coronavirus is the "one great hope" at eliminating the virus.
  • The WHO's Executive Director of Health Emergencies said that he's "cynical" that the world will muster the "will" to vaccinate against COVID-19, even if and when a vaccine is available.
  • "We have some perfectly effective vaccines on this planet that we have not used effectively for diseases we could eliminate and eradicate, and we haven't done it," the WHO's Mike Ryan said. 
  • In the absence of a vaccine, the WHO's chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, estimated it could take four to five years to get COVID-19 under control. 

…"I don't think anyone can predict when or if this disease will disappear," the WHO's Executive Director of Health Emergencies Mike Ryan said during a press conference on Wednesday.

"We do have one great hope, if we do find a highly effective vaccine that we can distribute to everyone who needs it in the world. We may have a shot at eliminating this virus. But that vaccine will have to be available. It'll have to be highly effective. It will have to be made available to everyone, and we will have to use it."

Ryan's curmudgeonly assessment came just hours after the WHO's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan told the Financial Times that it may take "four to five" years to "control" the coronavirus, adding there is "no crystal ball" to know if things will get better or worse in this outbreak, or whether we'll be able to develop an effective vaccine at all.

Even getting a vaccine on the market, Ryan agreed, is still a "massive moonshot."

"This virus may never go away," he said.

Without a vaccine, it could take four to five years to control the COVID-19 outbreak

Most people in the world have not yet been exposed to COVID-19, which means the world is still in a very vulnerable spot. …

In the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who directs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, where scientists are at work developing a COVID-19 vaccine, told members of the US Senate on Tuesday that a vaccine will certainly not be ready by the time university students head back to class this fall.

"Even at the top speed we're going, we don't see a vaccine playing in the ability of individuals to get back to school this term," Fauci said. 

"Forgive me if I'm cynical, but we have some perfectly effective vaccines on this planet that we have not used effectively"…

Only about half (53%) of US adults aged 35-44 said definitively that "Yes, I would get vaccinated" against COVID-19, if a vaccine were to become available, according to a Morning Consult poll taken earlier this month.

Likewise, the percentage of US adults who feel "very comfortable" with vaccinations is declining, and the share of people who say they're "not at all comfortable" with vaccines is on the rise, even since January, in the midst of this devastating pandemic, according to a CivicScience survey.

Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.


Margaret Jaeger, Grandma Peg

Hasn't Anyone reporting read the definitive 'news' on flu vaccines..? THEY DONT WORK, EVER. Because fli viruses are so common, and so adaptive, that with each person they..pass thru...they're changed, mutated into an altered virus germ so that last year's vaccines aren't any longer even effective against them. Covid-19 is doing the same thing...mutating by each person it passes thru. It is changing its own DNA...and maybe that DNA of its receivers too.??
We have Now effective therapeutic old tried and tested vaccine meds that Cure Covid-19. Obviously they can also be used as preventatives. Yet..Those are..Rejected by vaccine developers. Why..? Another flu vaccine will Not work on the next models of flu,,well known science fact. So Why are they trying to make..Everyone in This world...stay isolated until They ...whoever They are...have an Effective vaccine ready to inoculate every person on this planet..? We're going to have to chance it to prevent a total collapse of this current ...society...and treat each and every case on day One of testing with those EFFECTIVE covid flu KILLERS.! Without tagged markers in them.....
As for the terminology...yes...every desperate person learns to hope and pray for a ..miracle cure, like a Messianic instant cure..and the person delivering such will, undoubtedly,,be called..,OUR MESSIAH.....scary all right.

Angus Files

Laura Ingraham

More kids dying from flu this year but no school closures because of the flu...

Ingraham: The kids aren't alright

Pharma For Prison


Angus Files

Below being the case I assume he wont be taking free advice either from Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, aka Dr. Tedros, who tried to make Robert Mugabe a goodwill ambassador.Lets not forget along with all his other crimes to humanity abortion drugs laced into vaccines etc.Vaccine by gunpoint is all they know.

Trump continues freeze on WHO funding, says could become permanent.

Pharma For Prison


go Trump

With the “promising results” so far of some of the coronavirus vaccines, I would suppose it is NOW about time to take the vaccine testers to the hospitals where they can meet up with, and take a few deep breaths from a few CV patients. This would begin to determine if the damn vaccine actually WORKS.

Oh, I forgot, the NEVER actually do that.

Anita Donnelly

It’s the 21st century
When are we going to
“Think outside the Vax”
About —wait for it—treatments in addition to vaccines or instead of them.
What a concept. One that is as old as penicillin at least. Luciky that penicillin was not discovered in Madagascar?

Anita Donnelly

Gee maybe if the population knew that if anything did go wrong with a Vax the media and govt Would immediately address it rather than slamming those who noticed it or attempted to treat it or prevent using it there would be less fear of vaccines and more trust.
They brought this on themselves.
And they might want “antivaxxers”’in order to have a scapegoat if the vaccine is not effective or is dangerous—both highly likely.

Laura Hayes

For some worthwhile preaching, listen to this pastor from Hawaii:

Tim Lundeen

Hopefully this will pan out:

"STI-1499 Antibody has demonstrated in preclinical experiments (full results will be submitted to a peer-reviewed publication shortly):

"- 100% inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection of healthy cells after four days incubation

"- Specific binding to S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and complete blockade of its interaction with ACE2 receptor"

it will be mandated

Everyone knows what's coming. Just like the recent MMR mandates in NY and other states there will be some Covid 19 vaccine by the end of the year or very early next year and it will be mandated in schools, day programs, residential programs and so on. They will require this new vaccine in order to stay in the program. There is no way the government will allow anyone out of this if they want to participate in any sort of group setting or program. The writing is on the wall. What will everyone do? Many will comply no doubt as a great number of parents will not take their child or adult out of these programs/schools and big pharma will have won again. I fear for a whole new wave of medical issues and new autism diagnoses due to this rushed vaccine. We know the known vaccines are dangerous enough, can you imagine how harmful this one will be having been rushed through the phases and filled with all sorts of crap? I'd rather never participate in anything than subject myself or my child to this world wide experimental poison. No program is worth the further cost of health.


I recently stumbled across an interview video of Dr. Zach Bush. He blew my mind in a VERY GOOD way.... I urge you all to check it out.... &please, AoA, look into getting him on here @AoA....


"Vaxssiah" has the advantage of being shorter. I like it. But what about "vaxxxssiah", or "vaxmessiah"/ "vaxxxmessiah"? Hmmm... i say the BEST IS "VAXMESSIAH"....
That's my final answer....

Gary Ogden

I like it, Kim. Keep it, I say. The Umpteenth Coming. Thanks, Anne. As the narrative crumbles, and everyone has become thoroughly pissed off with this stupidity, the media/pharma/government voices become ever more shrill as they invent "facts" out of thin air.

Angus Files

VAXSSIAH is up there with FIRE FAUCI that and OBAMAGATE from Trump.

So much on Fauci I dont have enough time to read it all but ` a picture speaks a thousand words` so leave it at that..

Pharma For Prison


Bob Moffit

"...... the percentage of US adults who feel "very comfortable" with vaccinations is declining, and the share of people who say they're "not at all comfortable" with vaccines is on the rise, even since January, in the midst of this devastating pandemic, according to a CivicScience survey."

FEAR … FEAR … FEAR … it is the ONLY way to SELL vaccines to a widespread and growing population throughout the world that has lost faith, confidence and trust in governmental public health bureaucracies .. WHO, CDC, NIH, HHS, on and on .. that "science" can manufacture a SAFE AND EFFICIENT "one size fits all vaccine" .. as to date the majority of Supreme Court Justices determination that ALL vaccines are UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE remains uncontested … this common sense observation is further evidenced by advanced warning "inserts" of adverse reactions .. ranging from life-long, life-altering, including DEATH … that accompany EVERY VACCINE RECOMMENDED AND APPROVED TODAY. NONE ARE DECLARED ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR VALID REASON .. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "SAFE ONE SIZE FITS ALL VACCINE". PERIOD!!!!

The response to covid should be SAFE AND EFFECTIVE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS .. not a potentially dangerous PREVENTIVE VACCINE that will be as UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE as all other vaccines .. maybe even more so through "enhanced immune response" .. making vaccine exposure more dangerous than the virus would normally be.


Jenny Allan

Check the language:-'may' and 'could' feature in every statement.
How about sacking all these 'experts' and instead employ Madam Zulieka with her crystal ball. She may not be any more accurate-but she's cheaper!

"We have ‘one great hope’ for mankind to fight a virus that ‘may never go away,’ accord to the executive director of WHO
WHO's chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, warned that it “could take four to five years to get COVID-19 under control.”
COVID 19 could become “just another endemic virus.”
If we do find a highly effective vaccine that we can distribute to everyone that needs it in the world we may have a shot at eliminating this virus.
this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away," WHO emergencies expert Mike Ryan
WHO's chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, estimated it could take four to five years to get COVID-19 under control.
"This virus may never go away," he said.
Without a vaccine, it could take four to five years to control the COVID-19 outbreak
WHO: The coronavirus 'may never go away' if clusters of anti-vaxxers oppose a vaccine."


Who is funding the pestilence pulpit preachers?
In tae the hands of the plandemic philanthropic Philistines with it! Would happily sell their own grannies for a bawbee, a half a sixpence, or a squinty thrupenny bit .>6 books -i-r
6 books I recommend for TED 2015
Bill Gates -Gates Notes
Bill Gates How to lie with statistics - Youtube

Holly Johnson -Americanos [official video] YouTube

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